ill Ifl Y has veb joiinsr W. SLEDGE lOl'METOlt. -A. TEWSFP'EK, FOB THE PEOPLE TEEMSH1'511 I'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1896. NO. 4G. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CONSUMPTION 80 ritONuL'NI Kit 13 7 H SEVERE COUCH At Night & Spitting Blood Given Over by the Doctors ! LIFE SAVED BY AYERS CHERRY PECTORAL "Seven years ngn, my Hie KX, a seven attack (if In ii k trouble wliifli the physicians pronouni-cil citii-iiiiiiiilon. Tlie cough win extremely distressim:. especially at night, ami was ficiiieniiy attended wllh tin- spmiug o Momi. The doctors belnu unable to help hrr. I Induced her to try Ayei's Clicrry 1'iv toral, and was surprised nl t ! ureal relief It gave. Iti'forn uslm; imp whole bottle, she was cured, so tluit mm tin' is quite strong ami hcaliliy. Tlirit this medicine s.'ived my wire's life. lt-ivt ii"t the least doubt." K. Mourns, Mom phis, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I Received Highost Awards AT THE WORLD'S O: O: til FAIR o: us BSSmmSiSm &S.S flf. j? ?,P 0 0 0 0 0 ,9 jolSly. WILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND I'HO- togrnphcr ami dealer in FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. OI,D PICTURECOl'YING ASl'IXIALTY Flint eliuis work guaranteed. octlOly. 176 Main Ht., Norfolk Vo. TA5TELES5 HILL mm IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts., Not. 10,1851. Paris Medicine Co., St. uniii, Mo. Uotltlamon: We Mia last yoar, WK1 bntttoi of 3IUIVK8 TABTKl.KsK C1IIU, TONIC and hat bought three aruni already thla your. In all oar ox partenca of. 14 year. In tho drua- business, have buyer told an article that gave ti.-h uulveraal aalua !MUVH M UU XgulO. uura mil,, Aasnr.CAiia C SOLD AND WARRANTED BY Dr.A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C. -pi FINE GROCERIES II amily CHEAP GROCERIES. 8 Little Till ANYTHING THAT'S WORTH DOING IS WORTH NoIXO WELL. oung people uro apt to bo impatient forgetting that "trifles make up tlie Hum nl' life," just iin in building, singlu ,ri('k Lid one at a time, uiiu upon another, combine Id make the towering and solid wall. Hero is a lit t lo story, which illus trates lliu importance ol' little tiling: A young man, liavinjf exhausted his puiiiinotiy in obtaining n professional ed ucation, settled himself in a town al ready filled with successful law yers, lo practlje law. One day one of the"0 old lawyers asked him how, un der such circumstances, ho expected to make a living. "I hopo I may get a little practice," was the. modest reply, "It will be very little," said the law yer. "Then I will do that little well," an swered the young man decidedly. He carried out his determination. The little things well dune brought larger ones and in time he became one of the most distinguished jurists of his State. Again, a certain old bishop, who was fund of finding odd characters in out of the way places, was visiting in a quiet neighborhood, One day, in a walk with a friend, lie came across a cnns-roads settlement of a few houses. Among them was a snug little shoo shop, kept by an old man. Interested in the old cobbler, the bbh op stopped for a chut. "My fiiend," he said, "I would not think so small a business as mending shoes would pay so well." "Ah," said the gentleman with hi'n, "old Cato has the monopoly of shoe meuding in this region. No else gets a job." "How is that, (.'alo?" u.-ked the bish. op. "Just so," repliid Cato. "It is only little palclus put on with little stitches or tiny pegs. Hut when I lake u stitch it is a sliieh, an ) when I drive a peg it ho'ds." Little things well d 'in ! Chris tiau Her.. Id. DON'T THROW IT AWAY. FRUITS & CONFECTIONERIES. COMK AX1) SKK. Come one, come all, both hinto anil small, Examine my etock, More huvi'ii! at all. Fnr mvatai'lr ia ram nletp anil tiriet'S low. To compete with the products the farmers grow, I thank my kind friends for the patronage of the past And assure them all I'll be true lo the last. Anit ffiitirantM Ibpin in everv resllfi't The goods purthascd from nie they'll never regret, Therefore come all, both larnc and small, J'or I will doul honestly with you, all, J)o nut delay, eomo light wuy--And make your purchases to day. J. U .H'DRINS. dec 13 ly. rKOFESSlOXAL VARUS. igovY akiVa lston, Attorney-at-Law "If the Lord he with us, why then is all this hel'.illen us." (Judges 0:i;i) There are too many people who stop believing tlie llible whenever things be- g'u to happen that lire n t plea-ant to the flesh Too many who conclude thai Gol has I'ir-.ikeii them, because the shop shuts down unil they are thrown out f employment. Too many who gi t into the desert of unbelief and piay for death und r the juniper tnw of a rebell lolls .-pirn, when the hank breaks ami they I, se their money. Too many who are ready to turn away lrom Chri-a whenever theie is likely to be a scarcity of loaves and fishes. Wo should ucver look at things id' sight and sense to learn God's uttitible toward us, for it is our privilege to believe that he will never leave it forsike us. Tho coodiiion of peilect peace is pirl'ect trust. Just as surely us we slop walkiug by faith, und begin to depend on reason fir comfort, trouble will come, an 1 we shall Had our selves groping in the dnkness of per hxiiy and doubt Evirv doubt of God's gii.idnc.-s and 1 resell -e wi;h us, is a lying mes-en.'er wh i w mid pei-uade us that we are bankrupt I he thing lor us to do in all such eases, is to worship God and keep trusting in him. To bcliete that lie is still our sun und shield, no matter how dark und desolate things may look. So long as we know nursdvo to be true and loyal followers of Christ, wo ought lo find rest and peace in Iii promise to be a ways with n. i AD V KliTlSKM KNTS. H ALIFAX. N. I . Will If, UKM . Bl'LI.IS, WlLTtB 1. DiNIIL rjLLBH DANIEL, M ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WSI.DOK, N. C. NarUoelntUeoourtiof ttalifaiandNiuUiamp. I watidin IheHupremeand Federal courla. Col niauen day. ort,,. at Halifax. N.c.ouii every Mod- jan i JU. X. T. HOSS, D E U T I S T Weldon, N. C. l?Offloe over Erary A rierce'i store. DR. W. J.WARD.&- Sirifioa Dentist, EMFIELD, N. C. MLOffloeorer Hurison'iDrug Stora. deoSOly, Curlinn Eyelashes. THEY ARK AH (IO0D AS A TALISMAN liEfAl'SE NOBODY CAN RESIST THEM. Quickly tan Potatoes. AMI'.THOD BY WHICH IT IS CLAIMED SIX CHOI'S OF l'OTATOES A YEAR CAN BE GROWN. If wishes could only be anwsered and ti girl had but one, other things being 'I'lul, I should advise her to plead for yelushes beautiful, long, curling ones. There is nothing in (he world so servicea ble as a pair of effective eyelashes. They make any kind of an eye pretty. If one's orbs are not a pleasing color, ull one has to do is to drop the curtains, look down not up; inwanl, not out. Let the cyc- -hes lie along the check, and if they arc the right kind one looks charming:. And the lovely part of it is, for those blessed, that they cannot bo counterfeit ed. They arc never false, If you are not born with them, sighiog for them is of uo use. Nor can art supply the do licieuey. She hides her head in shame at her utter lack of skill, for they must bo indigenous you can't sow, glue nor pin them on. Every now and then some one starts up with un idea ubout making short, thin eyelashes grow to bo the desired kind, and every new scheme has its fol lowers. Hut it is all hopelessly futile. i girl can of course she doesu't pad to help out shortcomings in her form. She may borrow other people's hair, and she may lay iu a stock of complexion that will lust her a year that is, if she should want to do such things, but she can't button or hook on that desirable silky friugo to the eye which would en hance her charms immeasurably. The latest theory on this subject aunehed is that if the lashes are trimmed every two weeks the result will be a very thick growth. Hut it is a deep luid plot ol some fortunate one to deprive her sisters ol' the lit t lo they have. One girl I know tri'd it. She took a very sharp pair of embroidery scissors and neat ly trimmed the lashes of her left eye en she cxamiiud her work in the mirror und was very much surprised at the result. The left eve appeared much nailer than the rivilit and tho row of tile black stubs lelt very (pieer, to say nothing of how they looked. And th eomnienis u excited ana the questions she bad to auswei! As bad as when mini gets his hair cut. "What is the matter with your eye?" some one would ask. "Looks as ll you were going lo have u sty." It took long lime before that eye matched the other, and there was not the slightest dill'irence us regards the growth after it did come out. Clearly that is a scheu which deserves to be exposed. It is always the way. A gill who has everything has the eyelashes thrown in, and age may wither her, but they arc ltnperisiiaiite. A pretty little woman, one who can give "butterfly kisses" beau tifully, complains that sho cannot wear veil with any comfort beeau: her eyelashes get tnu"led in the meshes and annoy her dreadfully." Poor thing! She has tol l the story lo every one she kuows, but nolle of the girls sympathizes with her lvieh one one tried to muk her own do the same thing. Philadcl phia Times. FOLKS AX1) ANtlEhiS. The secret of the new method of po tato growing is to grow tho potatoes bo fore planting and dig the potatoes limited. Sprout the potatoes und raiso little potatoes from the sprouts to plant. To obttiin these results tho discoverer of tho new method constructed u sprouting house with double wal's filled in with sinnlu.t and sawdust overlieud, und double doors. The seed potatoes are put into old barrels und small boxes to keep them warm and make them sprout. The room is kept warm by means of a charcoal fire in a bake oven. Tho pota toes will begin to grow, nad in four to six weeks they will be the size of peas. The discoverer tells how he plants in the following language. "I now knock the barrels or boxes to pieces, und I find a muss of roots and sprouts and myraids of new potatoes. Tho numerous roots hold tho whole mass together, and I load it on handburrow and have two men carry it down the row while I break off a handful of the mass and drop it on the bank in the furrow already prepared, as stated. Count the little potatoes on the stems until you can form an idea of how much a handful you must breuk off. Your htind should not contuin more than forty nor less than twenty. I plant in a water furrow, but leave a narrow balk in the bottom and upon this 1 drop the seed every eighteen indies. 1 art ol the seed lulls on one side of the bulk and p.irt on the other, so I have really u double hill. I cover with two furrows. The seed I use is generally the size of English peas, though they run from the size of a bird's eye, to that of a marble. Of these I drop from twenty to sixty in each hill, and if there is enough rain every one will mako a fine potato, It never takes more thun seventy five potatoes grown in this way to make bushel, und often sixty will do it) but it takes manure to grow them. After rains, I put on liquid manure already in d soil. The manure governs the yield It is claimed by the new method, po tatoes can be grown in from four lo ix weeks, while thu old requires from three to four mouths. By the new mcthi six crops can be raised annually. 01 course the ground is heavily fertilized. The Horticultural Gleaner. PROGRESS. People who ifet the frren'.t dcjiu-i i commit ami rcai -n-joyment out of tiff, are tit 1 lilt milKf I IH" 1I1MM !!., pi ilu it . nin;,.K- (Miicfc pr:c . I'lu-ii and ; go-! '.m'c;,- r.t U'rttl sucn i uiiiiv to admit ami ifrit? nukf u-f of ili. isr Klinel XiVjU aiH' 'm'i""vc'' I'l'ucts 'f tlMf-V wlmli K-t vUVf tlK Hbli!?f f$5f nvvdn of tin ir pliysiral 11 ami protrvt ssive people NBJf Itn-fAj re louiul to einplov NAVY l, the most ruined ami vJw- pell'cvl lax Hive lo ! K-V- t iil.ile and tone up llo' stomach, liver, and s bowels, when in tie. il f suclean agent hence ihc ureal pimulm ity of Dr. Pierce s ricasant 1'elltta. Tin se aic Blade from the purest, most refined ami concentrated venctahle extracts, and from forty-two to folly -four arc contiiin.d in each vial, which la sold al the same price as Ihe cheaper made and more pills found ill Ihe market. In curative vir tuea there is nocoinpaiison to be made be tween them and thu im'.iuatv pills, as any one may rasilv Iwuu by sending for a five ample, Hour In swell doses I of the 1 el lets, which will be sent on rcct ipt of name nd address on postsl cato. ONCrjUSKOTMRY AKK ALWAYS IN FAVOR. The relicts cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, diuinesa. coslivcm ss. or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coaled totiBite, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belching. " heart burn," nam and distress after taiiug. ami kindred dcramre. menu of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up in glass vials therefore always fresh and reliable. On 'f11 a a laiallve, lq Mildly mlh.rtic. As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve distresa from overeating, they are ini enualed, They are liny, sugnr-com, d any child will readily take tlicm. Accent no substitute lhat may be recom mended to be "just as good " It mav btttrt (or tkt dnltr, because of paying him a better profit, but hr is not the one who nrrds help. Address for free sample, " D.SPKNSARV MK1.1CAI, ASSO CIATION, 66J Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. W hen some one suggested to Father Taylor the famous pastor of the Boston S am Hi's Hethel in his last sickness, .iial the angels were about him, the dy ni man replied, "I don't want angels, I want folks. Folks are better than anue's." The saving was irreverent. On the contrary, i was marked by a pro found iusilit into the facts of life Folks i lie people with whom we live wilh ull their faults and limitations, with their weakness and passions, am, afur a'l, better companions for us than ungels. They do us more good, und we do them more good than il they wro angels. It is "folks" who make this world the bright and beautiful place it is, and it is "folks" who turn the glory of the morning und the si 0'. or of ihe u'ht into gloom Nineleuths of our iMppinesn resides in t'o.ks. and u siuinlo human lil'o lived good terms with lelatives und neighbors enjoying their esteem, is the happiest life that we knew anything about. V doubt if there is any joy that over comes into a human heart mole clear and suti fying than that which comes from help ing "folks," and beariug with thetu loving them. Il is uot irreverent te say that the chief power of Christianity re sides in the fact that our Lord became one with "folks " We (alk about th power of incuination, but tho "incama lion" means, in familiar phrase, that the Son of God became like "folks." "II took not on him the nature of angels, but be took on him the seed of Abraham " Father Taylor was right For us, at any rate, "folks ro better, than angels." tiohmau. THEOTHK.t WAY UUUXU. "I suppose," he said, "You are pretty good in getting round the men? "No," replied the girl, as she glanced at her stylish liko waist in the glass "But the njen arc pretty good, id getting round mo." He Was Eiperiencei AND HAD LEARNED THE ADVAN- TAfiESOE BEING STRICTLY NONCOMMITTAL. From The Detroit Free l'ress. "Pretty cold, isn't it?" hi said us he swung himself uboard a Michigan avenue cur and got a rest for bis back against the railing of the platform. The remark was addressed to a man who bud boarded the cur two blocks ubove, and who didn't seem to hear it. The other mado no reply. "Is this cold enough for you?" shouted thu man after a half minute, and evident ly believing the other to be deaf. Still there was no reply. The car sped ulong for a block and then the man who had spoken determined to secure a response. Ho pulled at tho other's arm and raised his voice still higher and illed. "I say, it's a cold morning 1" j "Speaking to mc?" quietly asked the silent man as he slowly turned. "Yes, of course." "Well, I'm not deaf." "Oh, I thought you were. I said it wus a cold morning." "Yes." "And you didn't answer." "I never do." "Don't you thiuk it's cold?" persisted the talker, who was getting mad about it. "Twenty years ago." replied tho other after taking thirty seconds to blow his nose and wipe off his chin, "twenty years ago, when I was in Chicago, a man asked me the fame question you did when you first got on the car, and I promptly re plied that it was pretty cold." "Yes." He at once turned on mc und called me a liar, and in the fight which resulted he blinded my left eye and knocked out seven of my teeth, while I broke two of bis ribs and knocked his chin off his jaws, sir 1 It may be a cold morning this may bo summer or winter. I utterly and emphatically refuse to express an opinion." "Hut can't" "No, sir no, sir 1 I refuse to tulk about the weather teetotully refuse 1 1 refuse to tulk on any subject. I'm mum It you want to hear yoursell gab, go ahead, but please address your remarks to tho door or the conductor " YU SAY AND DO NOT. In the ancient cathedral of Lubeck in Germany, there is till old slab with the the following inscription: "Thus speakelh Christ our Lord to us: Yo call me .Master, and obey mc not; Ye cull me Light, and sec me not; Ye cull me Way, nnd walk me not; Ye call tne Life, und desire mo not; Ye call me Wise, and follow mc not; Yc call me Fair, and love me not; Ye cull me liieh, and ask mc not; Ye cull me Eternal, und seek mo not; Y'e cull me Gracious, und trust me not: Ye cull me Noble, and servo me not; Ye call me Mighty, and honor roe not. Ye call tne Just, und fear me nut; If I c uidemn you, Manic me not;" A FEW TONGUE TWISTERS. Most of you probably are tho posses sors of a limber tougue; but if you want some g iod exercise tor it just try to repeat these sentence rapidly several times in succession. You can also derive a great deal of fun getting your friends to do the siune: Six liith thistle sticks. Flesh ol freshly fried fish. Two toads totally tired, tried to trot lo Tedbnry. The s-u c -use-ill, but suflioeth us Give (i rimes Jim's great gilt gig whip Strict, stroug Stephen Slringor sn ired slickly silky snakes. She stood at the door of Mrs. Smith's fl-li sauce shop welcoming him in, Swm swim over the sea; swim s.vju swim; swan swam back again well swam swan. A haddock, a badpoek, a black spot ted haddock, a black sp it on the black back of a bl.iek spotted haddock. Susan shiuoth shoos and socks, souks ami shoes shiueth Susin. She ccascth shining shoes and socks, f,r socks and shoes shock Su-an. You know tho tonnue twister Peicr Piper, but there are many other jingles which aie balder. One of tho simplest au l best or worst, "mixed biscuits. Try saying that rapidly, and if you succeed, say Ibis, a sentence, winch Lmdoners frequently havo to use. "Stop at the shop, at the top ul Sloane street. Hcfote you try anything else for the blood take Simmons Liver Regulator. It is the best blood medicine because it the best liver remedy, If your liver active and at work the blood will be the best. Simmons Liver Regulator is the best Spring medicine "I loll my friends if they want to enjoy health and happi ness (hoy ought to take Simmons Liver Regulator.'VMn R W. Smith, Mcin tosh Bluff, Ala. Tie Almighty Dollar. IT CANNOT BRING l'EACE TO THE MINI), AND A SOLACE TO THE BOSOM. What a despot, what a tyrant, what on idol. People nre swayed by it, ruined by it, and are made to bow down to it in fondest und most willing worship. And, as the Orange Observer says, it makes people mean und corrupt and dishonest. It makes them client nnd lie und swindle nnd steal and rob and murder. It de stroys the noblest impulses of the human heart, and plants in their place the noxious weeds of that deadly avarice that endangers the soul and threatens it with everlasting ruin and destruction. It turns sister against brother, futhcr against son, wife against husband. It sows weeds of discord and briars of estrangement where flowers of concord and kindest feelings once bloomed in richest luxuriance and sweetest beauty. And yet with all of its power and with all of its influence it cannot bring peace to the mind, and a solace to the bosom; und neither can it purchase tho blessed hopo of blissful immortality. When death comes and the grave ipens its sodded arms to receive into its pulseless embrace the lifeless form, then its power is ull gone, und its memory becomes a curse to those who once had been its worshippers. It will be a curse, for its false glitter und useless valuo have so ruined thu heart, that it will shut out those richer and grander and sublimer scenes which will burst upon the en raptured vision of those who have purchased by faith and obedience birth right to the fadeless crown of eternal glory so gloriously and so radiantly studded with jewels of everlust ing peace und rest. HOW TO JSREATUE. 'I tell you my brethren," cried the rector, "the devil does not si iy at bom.', he's tit work he is abroad '' I know what's coining," whispered the head warden lo bis wife. "He's s;o ing to put in u bid to be allowed lo go abroad with him " Sho You must uk father for his consent. Ho Ho won't give it to inc. Sho Why not? lie lies too close, lie never gave anything toan)body in his life. Detroit Free Press. SOME NEW SAWS. Gossip is the social mosquito. Judge. Horse sense is never fouud going ward a racetrack. Puck. to- The tin k -d truth requires no dressing Youkers Stuteuiau. Great minds run in the same channel in considering themselves great. The Jury, Life is a tiresome journey, and whi n a man airivcs at the end he is all out of breath. When a man sets out to pay all others in their own coin ho mustn't overlook tho devil. To Date. The little trouble in the world that not due to love, seems to be due to friend ship Atchison Globe. It's not the coat that makes tho man, but it's the necktie that makes the gcu tlcman. Boston Home Journal, i ne man who takes a miud'c course is pretty sure to get the substantial part of the dinner of life. Truth. 1 he man that is born to bo hanged win never be drowned, but it is best not to venture too far beyond Jour depth young man, fur all that. RICHES AND HAPPINESS. W1KK OHSKKVATIONH OF TUB RAM 8 IKUIN CONIKKNlNlt Til EM, No man cm be made rich whose hap piness depends on money. hat a mistake tn thiuk we can be come rich by keeping all we get. Bowing down to a golden calf would so "i transform n angel into beast. It was Jo'is l.tith in God that made him rich, not his sheep and cattle. If some men would giv-i up more and lay uo less, how s ion they would be rich The in in who seeks fiist ihe kingdom of G d will not have to havo a big income lo be happy. Tc ..:i: , ,, ,, .. i piuug up uonurs is an tnnt a man lives fir, his ml shrinks wilh every dollar he makes It is not wlui wj give to God, but what we ke-p from him tint flow becoming lich. Nj greater mistake oan be made thun to make the accumulation of riches the first business of life. Job was richer without his possessions than with them, because the losajof them brought him nearer to God. keeps "She's to let mo know at the end of a week if she would accept me." "It must be a terriblu suspense." "Rather! I don't koow whether to break off my other engagements or not." DOOMED. "Emily, if William today asks you to marry him, you must tell him to steak to me." "Yes, mamma. But if he does not?" "Then tell him I want to speak to him." Cultivate the hubit of breathing through the nose nnd taking deep breaths If this habit were universal, there h little doubt (but pulmonary affections would be decreased one half. An En glish pliy.-ieian calls attention to this fact, lhat deep and forced respirations will keep the entire body iu a glow iu the coldest weather, no matter how thinly one may tie cluil. lie was Inmsell nult trozen to death one Ulglit, and began taking deep breaths and keeping the uir iu his luugs as Ion ' as possible. The result win that he was thoroughly comfortable iu a few minutes. I'he deep respirations, he says, slimu late tho blood currents by direct muscu lar exertion, and cause tho entire system to become pervaded wilh the rapidly generated heat. Popular Science News THEY MET. Jliss Biwyer, who is poor, was in (reduced at a lunch party to Miss Taylor, who is rich, and was coldly re ceived. Miss Sawyer is blight and knows her antecedents and Miss Taylor'i also. She was unabashed, and spoke cheerily: I am so glad to meet you. I've often wanted to. It's so lunny my name is Sawyer and my grandfather wus a tuilor and your name is Taylor and your grundlather was u sawyer. Miue used to make clothes for yours, and yours used to saw wood for mine." SOMETHING NEW. 'A new thing, Indies and gentlemen the very latest novelty 1 shouted the fakir on Fourteenth street. "Here's a needle you d .n't have to thread !" 1 stopped along with a dozen others and bought a paper for five cents. Five minutes later, after examining my pur chase, I returned tu the fakir to say 'These needles you sold me huvo eyes ! "That's the reason you don't have to thread 'em, and jest where the novelty comes in !" he replied as he moved towards Filth avenue. NO INSULT INTENDED. HE UNDERSTOOD HIM. A CLOSE FATHER. ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 reguiator7 A PREDICAM EXT. MISUNDERSTOOD. Dallas Merchant I have no time to talk to you. 1 have 40 things running through my head. Drummer You have? Let me show you some samples of our new finetooth combs. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE IsSlMMONS LIVLR RkGULATOR. Don't forget to take it. Now is the time you need it most lo wake up your Live!. A sluKnisli Liver brings on Malaria, hever and Ague, Rheumatism, and many oilier ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don't forget the word RlIGUl.ATOR. It is SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR you want. The word REG ULATOR distinguishes it from all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS LlVbk REGULATOR is a Regulator of the Liver, keens it properly at work, that your system may he kept in good condition. t ug tne blwu take aimmuNS LlVKR REGULATOR, it is the best blood puriher and corrector. Iry it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. You wont find it on any other medicine, and there is no other l.tver remedy ine simmuiNS livkk REUULATOR-the Kingof Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. J. U. Zeilin At Co., Philadelphia, Pa. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Cures in 1 to i dam Im mediate in effect; (imok to enre. Can be carried in root nnckot. all comiiletA in ona email package, ttaut by mail, prepaid, plain package, on receipt or pnoa. 91 per box. For sale by W. M. COHEN, Druggist, 5-9-1 y Weldon, N. C PIGEON MILK PETERSBURG DIRECTORY SAME THING. "We don't speak any more." "Did you have a falling out?" "No; but our wives did." "Am so glad you had the doctor: ho relieve you?" "Y'es; of ?-(). Teacher: "What wus Joan if maid of?" Bright pupil "Mude dust." did Arc of SASH, BLINDS, and DOORS. CHIMNEY PIPE, For sale at BOTTOM PRICES BY PLUMMER & WHEELER, I'ETERSBTRU, VA. ml t l ly. HliliAlilTHIllEll. T. li. I'NDEKHILL CURRIER UNDERHILL, Willie "I knew you were coming tonight Castictou "Why, Willie. "Sister hus been asleep all the afternoon. "Have another cigar, uncle." "No, thank you, dear." "There are plenty nl them." "Yes: but there's only one of me." Elsie My husband is very bard to please. Louise He must have changed considerably since he married you. Will you bo my wife, Fraulein Paula, and make me happy? I am sorry, doc tor, but I should not be happy myself. Dr. Pills Who was the most success ful of all the girls who were studying medicine with you? Dr. Squills Miss Kctchem; she got married. Willie I know sister would bo glad to go skating with you. Ktngway What makes you think so.' cho Bays she has been dying all winter to have you break the ice. "You are tho only doctor who advises me to stay at home. All tho others say I ought to go to a winter resort." "I suppose they have all the patients they wnnt." Ardent Lover "If you could sec my heurt,Uelinda,you would know how fondly " 1'p-to-dato Girl (producing cam era) "I intend to sec it, Hiram. Sit still, please." He Oh, dear! I wish I could gel hold of some good biscuits like mother used to make for me! She And I wish I could get some good clothes like father used to buy for me. Kuiily (playing house") Now, I'll be mamma, and you'll be papa, and little cation BOSTON ONE PRICE Clothing House, Wholcwlcand Retail Dealers In FIXE CLOTHING. Gentlemen'! Furnishing Qooda, Hats, Caw, Trunks, Etc. Cor. Sycamore and Bank Sts ., Petersburg, V, my 'Ja iy. W. E. ARMSTRONG & COi " Z4 Wholesale ami retail DRUGGISTS, 225 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. S9L.AU mail orders receive prompt per sonal attention. my 23 1 r. E. H. PRITCHETT&CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co. 'a BOOK STORE. STANDARD PATTERNS. FASHTOW SHEETS FREE. Give ns a call. my 23 if Ben and Bessie will bo our babies Willie (after a moment, anxiously) Am t it about time tn whip the children ALLIANCE EXCHANCE, Sells o n commission Tohamn. Vhui Corn, Cotton, Peanut, Hogs, Poultry, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and keep on hand General Merchanilite. W will buy on order anything a farmer may need. Guanos a specialty. Let us hear from you. Hogsheads furnished on appli J. C SMITH, Agent, my 23 ly Petersburg, Va NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Miiv I lake von anait for a little while?" said Mr. WilHes to Miss Dins more. "Do you wish to insult me, sir?" de manded the proud beauty. "Insult you, Miss Dinsmore? Nothing was further from my thoughts." "Then why do you use language which implies that I am put together in an artificial manner? You may take me to a more retired part of the ballroom, if that is what you mean." Town Topics. KOROVUR KltTY YEAKH Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of POWDER HUDSON'S mm mm. 17 Main at., Noifolk,Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN S DINIHb ROOM. ALL MEALS 85 CENTS. SUKrASSlXQ COFFEE A SPECIALTX J. R. HUDSON, ProprieWr. The Heat of Everything in Season. Oct 10 lyr. Absolutely Pure cream ot tartar baking powder. w.v,. u.ij J.l. Ujf UJllllUUB Ull- f mothers for children, while teething, with I Highest of all in leavening strength. perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 ocnis a bottle. Besuroandaskfor"Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Do you believe in luck? I should tay so; snow list night blew off my neighbor'! walk and drifted to the full length of mine! Latest U. S. Government Food Report. KOTAL BAKI.NO FOWDKR CO., 108 Wall St.,N Y. 114 ii..' :nil 1 - ! " mm pETERSIITHICO.,-e "THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES," Importers, wholesale and retail dealers tn ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC POULTRY AND GARDEN FENCE And siftk ft ipw til Home, Oftttl and Hop FtuM( Yfcrtl, Cr.vrry, tnd Omr Lot Fonrini Bpceultji ru lh rrrtffct. CkUlogut Pn. ' ft La HUihLLAMkiajKg, ATlaAATJu Q- DRY - GOODS, No. fit-Main a tree t, Norfolk. v-

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