I IjfiE JOHN W. SLEDGE, proprietor. VOL. XXX. -A. U E "W SP APER IF O IR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1896. TTCIRIMIS: uo f,,':" ANMI'V IN advam" NO. 48. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ASTHMA, Distressing Cough, SOEE JOINTS -AM) MUSCLES. Despaired OF RELIEF. Ct'KKII ItY Ayer's Cherry Pectoral "Some time nlncn, I li.ul a severe, u attack of asthma, nceoinpniilcil with a 1 distressing cough anil a sen of the Joints ami muscles. I consulted o physicians and tried various rcinedlt's, j hut without Retting any relief, until I Ji ii(-31aiicm in till rrtiiK wrn af,raiU. O Finally, I took Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, O and in a very short lime, was entirely cured. I can, therefore, cordially ami o confidently commend this nicdlcluo to O all." J. Itii.n-.l.l.s, Victoria, Texas. "My wife li.nl a very troublesome Jj cough. She used Ayer's Cherry I'ecio. ol I'M and procured Immediate relief." O: O. II. roumiH, lluinilueys. (la. i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral! Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S 2! n FAIR o o ppooppoooooogoooooc-opoo jc 13 ly. WILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND I'HO- togrnphor and dcnlel in FRAMES, EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. OLD PICTURECOPYING A SPECIALTY Fiist class work guaranteed. octlOly. 176 Main at., Norfolk Va. TASTELESS chill TONIC 18 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Galatta, Ills., Not. 18, 193. Parte Medlolne Co., 81. LouU, Mo. Gentlemen: We aotd last year, 6110 bottle of SROVB'S TAHTKI.KMS CH1U, TONJO and bete iKinght three Rroii already this yea In ail oar ei erieoee of 14 yenra. to the drug bualneaa. have never told an article that gave audi ualvenai sails, taeUou as juur Toalo. You truly, AJMICCABS 400, SOLD AND WARBANTED BY Dr.A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C. FINE GROCERIES 1 M any lirocene CHEAP GROCERIES. 8 FRUITS & CONFECTIONERIES. COME AND SEE. Come one, conie all, both large and email, Kxamine my stock, before nuyi-ig ai an. For mv stock is comoleteaml priees low, To compete with the product the farmers grow, I thank my kind friends for the patronage of the past And assure them all I'll be true to the last And Guarantee them in every respect The goods purchased from me the) Ml nevci regret, Therefore come all, both large an I small, for I will deal honestly with you nil, Do not delay, come light away And make your purchases to day. J. h. JUDKIN'3. dec 13 ly. . . PROFESSIONAL CARPS. TIIESrxONI) COMISli OF CUBIST. The Bible Outline of a Sermon on the SmuiJ Coining of Christ. By Rev. D. II. Tuttle. To the one who loves and believes iu our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the Holy scriptures teach no doctrine more comforting than that Ho is coming again coming lor I hose that love His ppeatiog," that whore he is tliero they may bo also. Among men there are iversitics of opinions us to this precious ootrino. The tcachiog of the scriptures clear. Then, to ihe Bible 0 Chrislian, put your question and get God's answer. And. 1. Is Christ coining again? This question is answered by Matt. 25 31; John 11:1, 2, 3, and Titus 2:13,14. These Scriptures leach the manner nod purpose of (lis coming; also that Christians will bo "looking for that blessed hope and the ulurious anneariiiL'." o r i - - - n nd. How will Ho come; in spirit or in person? This question is answered by cts 1:11: " This same Jesus shall bo come in like mauncr as ve hare seen Ilitn go." 1 Thess, 4.16,17; "The Lord Himself shall doceod,'' etc Rev. 1:7; Every eye shall see Him," etc Why the "wai'ing" name in this Scripture if the entire world is all convened at Christ's second coming? "Wailing" moans woe to the wicked. A spiritual coming of Christ would ba gradual; a personal eoniiDg would be sudden as a thief in the night. Christ's second coniiug is sudden, See Luke 12:30, 40; 2 Peter 10. 3 What are some of the sigos of the time near the icon J ejmin; of Christ? This siuie question was asked of Jesus by his disc-inks in Matt. 24 3. Jesus aoswerod theui: (1) Sign-See Malt, 2 1:0, 7 and 24. (2) Sign-Sue Matt. 11:12, 13. (3) Sign-See Mitt. 24:14. (4) Sign-See Matt 21:37 to 31). (5) Paul's Sign (lj-"A falling away," and the devii "showin ' hiiuself ili.it In God. The uuos iou of ihe churches uw is "Ho to leach Uiu uiussesf Why this unless there is a fuliiug away.' The devil in niouey shape is w taliinpcd the olmroh.es to au alarming extent, ud is controlling iu many places the ffiirs and faith of the church. Paul's (2) Sign, was that of "perilous irucs . lim. J: 17. Had Paul lived to day he could not have wiiitcu a more vivid or life like description of our times. Peter's Sign "Last days scoffers," Peter 3:3, 4. Amid the very fulfilling f the sigus scoffers will ask, "Where is the promise of his coiniug?" This is now being doue. 4. How does God expects to fiud His people? (1) Like the wise virgins Matt. 25:1 14; (2) Like men that wait lor their Lord Luke 12:35:37; (3) Unblamable in honilioess." 1 Thess. 12, 12; (4) "Blameless." 1 Thess 5: 3; (5) " Be found of Him in peace, without spot and blameless " 3 Peter 11;14. God grant thai wo may be so found iu that day. 5, The doom of the wicked when Christ comes the second lime See foolUh virgins." Matt J3 T, "J, 11, 12 .... ... T , ,.11" ,.. TL and 4! to -to; LiUko i-i , -m; - mes 2:7. God forbil that we slull be found these when the Lord fljmos. "Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh. Ho that testified! these things, satih, surely I oome quickly. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. iv-v. a.&v. Gray ;:owus ate being ordered for spring wi ar. ppOWAltl) ALSTON, Attorney-at-Law Hl-lf AX, fit C. oct 14 ly. JAM.Se. M. MULL8N, U L L B M M WA1.TH B. OAMIIL DINIILi ATTORNEYS A.T LAW, Wkldom, X. C. Prarttenln theAniirtanf Hallffcl AndNorUltm t in and In the Supreme and FedereJ oourW. Ool- M,ilnn.rt.A. In allnavtair Nnrth (Carolina. racnomce at ualiBX, a. uoiwu:rj dF. au 7 ly T. KOSS, tt. T. '1 DJ331TTIST Wsldon, N. C, MftOfflce qver Bm,ry d) Pierce'sstore. 10-19-ly. T)R, W.J. WARD.fc SirnBOii Bentist," ENFIELD, N. C. IssVOfflos over Harrison's Drug Store, d,soMly, ON GROWING OLD. Not Everyloiy Knows How to Do with Much Grace. ADVERTISEMENTS. Growing old is not a pleasant cxperi onco, wo aro obliged to confess. It comes lite a shook to us when wo first wake up to the reality. We wonder how long it may have been since others have noticed and commented upon it. When somo friend invites us to "a grandmother's tea," with the apology, "I knew you had grandchildren," wo are aroused to the consciousness that pethaps wo do not seo ourselves us others sec us. Wo are constrained to tuko our bearings by ootn paring and contrasting our feelings and our experiences with our younger ffiends. We rebel inwardly, even though we should "die and mako no sign," when we see ourselves set aside and younger ones taking our places. We know there is a great deal said about furrows on beau tiful brows, wrinkled hands that have done life's duties well, and all that. It may sound very well, and all that. It may sound well on paper, but the actual facts are cold and hard ones, for We know that something 6weet Followed youth with flying feet, And it never comes again. We are told that gray hairs and wrink les count for nothing so long as the heart is young and as long as wc keep in touch and sympathy with youth and life's inter ests and occurrences. But few and far between are the voyagers on the ooean of time who have sailed through unruffled seas. For tho many the billows have been high, the waters deep and the cur rents swift, and even if after storm oomes cilm the market is weather beaten and the journey has left its impress. When we fiud our minds continually running backward instead of forward in anticipation of pleasures that never come wo may safely conclude that wo have reached the hilltop and henceforth the journey lies down hill. One of the hardest things in life is to submit to the inevitable and to learn to let go. Of it is through a discipline that is heart breaking that we do learn how. All our lives we have seen the children of others grow up and go out into the world and have thought of it as one of those "inevitables," but when our own ladings spread their wings and take glit from the parent nest ah, then we know! We never had realized that some lay ours would no longer need or want our help, that they were strooger even than us. We can only cover our longing and our loneliness with a cheerful exterior nd feel hopeful that they may still be able to sing though we may never hear them. Then, too, we see our cherished delu sions one after another vanish into the air. Once be believed tbey were facts, but as they no longer comfort or amuse us, we are constrained to believe that they were only fanoies or creatures of our imagination. What was truth yes terday is falsehood tomorrow. As we move onward every day's experience and revelation shatter our faith in something ur Berne one. All along the way there aro milestones that mark betrayals and disappointments, and other stones, teo, underneath which are dear friends and ompanions, who in the beginning started with us cheerfully and oonfident ly. They have wearied with "the march f life" and laid them down to rest But our experience is only the common one. we had our roaes and our May aud iu the natural order of tliiogs sooner or later must enter upon December. J y made us glad; let sorrow find us true: i il blessed our roses; he will bless our rue. Very lew people are awaie of the medicinal qualities of grapes; but these they possess. The pulp is nutritrious, and the juice contaios sugar, tannic acid, bitartrato of potassium, turtrato of cal cium, comuoD talt and sulphate of potas sium, Without doubt, the woman who cultivates the habit of eating a great deal of ffuit is the gainer of health and appearance. The grape fruit, or shad dock, so called from its discoverer, Lieut. Shaddock, or, to mention its soft Chi nese name, pumelo, is highly prized hy those who live in malarial localities. It is a charming rival to quinine and bonsct, and is driving them from the field. She who cats her grape fruit with a spoon from the natural cup, or relishes it served as a salad, may gladden her heart with the reflection that she is not only pleas iog her palate, but benefiting her health Like oranges and lemons, the grape fruit has great medicinal virtues. If you are of a bilious temperament, eat grape fruit; if fever threatens, eat grape fruit, but iu this latter case do so only at the advice of a physician, as there may be certain tendencies which the grape fruit would only aggravate. Tho complaint is ofteo made that this fruit is extremely bitter and unpleasant. It is only the whit' inner rind which is so, and this should be carefully removed. Scientific Ameri can. mm DO YOU EXPECT To Become a Mother? n, then permit us to iv that Dr. Pieree'a favorite pieacrip lion in indeed, a true "Mother's Friend," roa IT MAEK Childbirth Easy by preparing; the avslrm for pnrturi. Uua, tUus auditing Mature and s!io;tcnir:i Labor. MIC painilll ouirai wi i-hiimuiuu la robbed of H terrors, and the clangns ih.reof oreatlv leasened. to both mother and child. The period of confinement ia also greatly shortened, the mother aUengthened and built tin, and an abundant accretion of nmir ahuieiU tor me conn promoted. Send ai centa for a great Family Doctor Book (looo pagea, prom-eiy giving all particular. auiti peusary Medical Aasociation, Buffalo, N- V, PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH. Mri. Feed Hunt, of Oltnville, N. Y., . . " i read ahout Dr. Fierce' Fa- Torite Prescription being so good for a wo- nian with cnua, ao i got two bottles last September, ana ue ceniber ijth. J had I twelve pound baby girl. When I was Mil. HCXT At Any Cost. FRUIT AS A MEDICINE. More Virtue in a Basket of Berries Than in a Whole Drug Store. MEN NEEDED. Men whose Feet Are on The Everlasting Rock. A Native of InJia Whose Touch is Dreaded ty the Natives. Notes of New Fashions. An exchange says, the great want of this age is meul Men who are not for sale. Men who are sound from center to circumference, true to the heart's core, Men who fear the Lord and hate covet- ousness. Men whose conscience are as the needle to the pole. Men who will stand by the right, if the heavens totter and the earth reels. Men who can tell the truth, and look tho wholo world and the devil right in the eye. Men who neither brag nor run. Men who neither swagger nor flinch. Men who have courage without whist ling for it. Men in whom the current of everlasting fire ruos still, and deep, and strong. Men careful of God's honor aod careless of men's applause. Men too large for certain limits, and too strong for certain bands. Men who will not fail or be discouraged till judgment be set on earth." Men who know their message and tell it. Men who know their place and fill it. Men who know their duty and do it. Men who will not lie Men who are not too lazy to work nor two proud to be poor. Men who are willing to eat what they have paid for. Men who kuow whom they have believed Mm whose feet are on the everlasting K.u-k. Men who aresifong with divine strenoih. uise with the wis on which c hijc.Ii from aoove, and loving with ihe love of Christ men of God! Shot silks have lost none of their pres tige. Spider-web brocades are new and strik tng. White duck suits are made with the belted coat. Very pointed toes are seen on the new Oxfords. All shades of green will be in vogue for the spring. The spring neckties are in the most pronounced plaids. Most women take kindly to the skirt with decorated seams. llibbons figure largely as a trimming on all imported costumes. Rose pink and torquoise blue figure largely in the summer organdies. Linen homespuns will be made inlo cool and serviceable outing dresses. Black satin duchesse skirts will con tinue to be in style throughout the summer. Black serge tailor gowns are being or dered by some of our best dressed women Turbans will be the first military forms to be seen on the streets after Easter. House gowns of cottop crepe make hostess look picturesque at a trifling expense. u nite satin sashes on linen gowns will be distinctively elegant when some summer days arrive. Some of the new silks look as though an ink bottle had been overturned on cream days arrive. Certain rich shade) of green velvet will combine with nearly as many diner ent colors as black velvet. Gigantie sailor collars of mousselioede soio and Valenciennes lace are among the spring importations. The white serge gown has its blouse coofiued at the waist with a white leath er belt fastened with a gold buckle. The ribbon collar is Dot made, but tied each time it is worn. It starts in the back, crosses in front, goes to the back again, and ties in a careless, inedi urn sized bow. New Y rk Evu.ii Telegram, "In lim matter of perfume," said orist, "I have learned the importance of what seems a trivial thing by catering to the tastes of brides. When a woman is going to be married she is strung up to a high pitch of nervous excitement, and an extra whiff of perfume will some. limes cause ber to faint. 'Don't put in any flower with an odor,' is frequency the iusiruclioti I get for a bridal bouquet. This is the cause of the great dem n.d for orchids, expensive as they are, f. r bride's fl ineis Kvea the subtle, hatdiy noticeable ii-rfuuie of the lillies of the valley, which are charming for a shnwi bouquet, iB objected to by some In Paiis orchids, and orchids alone, are used for a bride's bouquet, but such bouquet as they make over there, dupli cated here, would cost over $100 We generally manage to put in a little spray of orange blossoms in every bride's bou quet, unless expressly desired not to do so, but the chief place in which orange blossoms aro used now is in the newspa per accounts of weddings. The reporters conclude that brides ought to wear or ange flowers, if they don't. Bride roses, white and scentless, are popular for bri dal flowers, but lillies of the valley, un obtrusive and delicate, slipping out of their little green sheaths, with a few orchids grouped with them to give the whole form and character, are in exquia- ite taste." confined awn not tick in any fay- I did not suffer any pain, and when the, child was bomlwalk ed into another room tnd went to bed. I keep your Eitractof Smart-Weed on hand all the tints. M very told weather 1 rnnm ley cold but I did not take any cold, and never had any a Her pain or any oinev ym. H waa all due to Ood and Dr. Pierce'a Fa vorite Prescription and Compound BMrt of Smart-Weed. Thia ! the eighth. vmg child and the largeat of them all. I auf. fered evey thing that Seek could .uffer witk, ihe other babies. 1 alwaya had a doctor ind then he could not help me very much, but thia time my mother and my huabaud wey alont with W. My baby was lv Mven day. old when I got p and dreaaad In wrath an tears E lilh Howlett had ime to bed. She had been tucked in .lice, given a drink twice, kissed g iighi thr u limes; but the spuik of re let i u si ill burned in her childish sou ''Ma.uiua, " she cried. "till to Sleep. I'. lllh. her mil her sain sternly; "I shall not ooine there again " 1 want a driuk, mamma," Edilf pleaded. "You've had two driua already; now go to sleep." There was a brief eileuoe, and then Kdith cried again: ' Mamma, come and kiss me good night." "You've beca ksed good night, dear, and t shall not come in again; so go Iv sleep at once like a good girl." There was aoolher pause, while the lonely child cudgeled her brain for a new expedient . "Mamma," Bhe cried, t last, ''please come in; I'm so, hungry." "You oaonot ha,ve anything to eat to night, and if I oome in there again," the mother said, with rising color, "it will be lo give you a good, syanking " There waa a Ipngei pause, and, just as it began to look as if the evening's battle were over. tU oWloU w heard again. "Mamma," she pleaded, "I'm so lone ly in here. Please oome in and spank mel" Harper's Magazine, The Paris Exhibition of 1900. The maenltudu of the labor involved in the preparation for the Pnri Exhibi- iiin of 11)00 may be judged trum the fact that already tho French people are ictively engaged iu tho preliminay work ol ntganiiilloD, although the opening day of their great euu-rprUe is near')' five years distant. It is esiiojated that tho preparaiion of the grounds, erection of the buildings, and general maiutcnauce of this Kxbibiiion will absorb a round sum of 820,000,000, An Excellent Authority. Mrs Shear's (in a jeweler's shop bny- m:; diamonds I wish my husband were here. Jeweler Is he an authority ud dia monds, uiadi.uif Mrs. Shears Not exactly; he is an editor and knows paste whenever he sees it. VOH OVEH FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for ohildren, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 oeots a bottle. Bo sure and ask for " M rs. Wins, low's Soothing Syrup," and take sh oth er, kind. Brides and Flowers. Why She Consented- "THE BURNING TREE.' Much DISCONTENTED WOMEN. Women May Cease to te Women, Hut They Can Never l.earn to te Men. There has lately been added to tho collection of plants at the botanic gar dens at Madras, India, a specimen of a strange tree, writes un East India cor espondent to London. It is in size scarcely more than a bush, but other in dividuals of its t-pecics are kuown to have attained, in their habitation in the Himalayas, Buriuah and the Malacca peninsula, the dimensions of a large tri e, from fifty to seventy live feet in height. The Madras specimen is surrounded by a strong railing, which bears the sign, Dangerous; all peisous are forbidden lo touch the leaves or brauches of this tree." It is therefore a forbidden tree iu the midst of ihe gardcu, but no one is tempt ed to touch it, for it's known to be a burning tree." This name is a misno mer, for the tree slings rather than bums. Beneath the leaves there are stings comparable to those of nettles, which, when touched, pierce the skin and secrete a fluid which certainly has a burning effect Tho sting leaves no outwatd sign, but the sensation of pain exists sometimes for months, and is especially keen i n damp days, or when the place which has been wounded is plunged in water. Tho natives in the part of Burmah where this tree crows urn iu such terror of it that they fly wheu ibey perceivn the peculiar odor which if exhales II they happen to touch it they fall on the ground aud roll over and over on the earth with shrieks. Dogs touched by it yelp and run, biling and tearing the part of the body which has beeu touched. A horse which had been in contact with a burning tree ran like a niad thin. biting everything and everybody that it could reach. A missionary at Matidalay who investigated a leaf of the plant with his forefinger suffered nn-my for seven weeks, and for teu months felt occasions pains in his fiimcr. HE WAS IN. An Agent For Ink Eradicator Locates Customer. II: "What a Bplendid woman Bhe is?" "I am glad to think you have got such a wife." 'Such a wife I Why, man, you have no idea of her generosity I When I was poor she refused to marry me because she was afraid of being a burden upon me; but the moment I came into my fortune she consented at onco. What do you think of that for kindness?" Only By Marn'age. A uirl heard her father criticised rel; Hcrnss a dinner table. The oirc'es-critic paused tor a moment to say: "I hope he it no relation of yours, Mies L ?" And, as quick as thought, she replied. wi h the utmost nonchalance: "Onl) a ooaueoii m of my mother's by m image What She Said He was a little man, with a slubby gray mustache, and Ins shiny I'rince Albert coat was builoned tiizhtlv to his throat. He wore no gloves, aud h hands, one of which gra-qiend the handle of a smalt black satchel, were red with the cold. The bookk iepr wa hard at work mi his trial balanee. and did nor. notice lb gentle opening and closing of the stroe door. He was unaware of tho presence of his visitor until the little man asked "Pardon me, but is Mr. Bilkins, your cashier, in?" The bookkpeeper lorsiok hn figures long enough to say, " Mr. Bilkins is in all right anything I can do for jou?" "Oh, no, the business U purely person al, thank you. I presume he is engaged I shall wait." And the little man san softly into a chair near the radiator, rest ins: the satchel on his knee. The book keeper resumed his task. Twenty minutes p issed. The trial balance had '-eouis out' isfactorily and the bookkeeper whisilcd cheerily to himself as ho prepared to t; place the books. "Pardon in ', said tho little man rising from the chair, "but I sold M Bilkins a bottle of my Imperial Iu Eradicator a few months ngo, and, as li seemed to like i, I thought I would cn and see if he need d u fresh supply, t'a you tell me when ho will b at liberty?' The bookke. 'per threw the last bo into the vault, aud alter slammiu oor shut, turnil nn l rem irkcd, "Cer tainly 1 think it i- six years onl he's pardoned before his sentence: pircs." Truth. No Hope. Jiui-oi-Smiih rs is disoouraged about his love a ft it i r VJinsmi What has happened? "He was in ihe aot of proposing last night when ihe girl's father and mother earn-' io " "What did Smithersdo?" "Stopped short, ol ei'tirse." "Whitdi I th'i girl "bhe said: 'What were you saying, Jlr Smithers? Wake u,i your liver but be sure you take Simmons Liver Regulator to do it with It will do it every time, and do it so well that you'll fee) wonderfully re freshed and strengthened. It is Sim mons Liver Regulator that does it, Thei is oily one Simmons Livi.T Regu latot, aad yoi'U ksow it by the Red 7i e the package. Take nothing else, and you'll be sure la gel all the good health promised. He "So they were married sat home, eh? What did you think of the aorvioe?' She "Not much; it waa Balked 'iter ling,' but I'm tore it wag-flat." ih ADVERTISEMENTS. SIMMONS'X (North Auieric-ui lieview.) At (he Chicago fair, und at other con vocations, it has beeu proved that the strongest minded women, though famil iar with plal forms, aud deep in the "dis al school" of political economy, when came to disputing, were no more phi losophical than the simplest housewife Tears and hysteria came just as naturally them, as if the whole world wagged impulse oulj ; yet a public meeting in doll feeling and tears superseded rea sou and urguincnt, would in uo event inspire either coulideuce or respect. Wo men may cease to be women, but they can never learn to be men, und femiuine softness and grace can never do the work the virile virtues of men. Very for tunately this class of discontented women ave not yet been able to endanger ex- iog conditions by combinations ana- ogous to trades unions; nor is it likely :y ever will; because it is doubtful if women, under auy circumstances, could combine at all Certain qualities are necessary fir combination, and these ualities uru represented iu women by their opposite.-,. Considering ilis-niniouted women of all kinds individually, il is evident that they must tie dull women. They tee only the dull side of things, and natur- Jly fall into a monotonous way of ex pressing themselves. They have also the bit of couiplainiiiiiig, a habit which . , 1,1 . u. ll't etc. run aireiigm, loneauu aeTeiopmwui Riven quickens only the lower intellect Yt Here to every urimn or portion of the body. Improve . , ,. , t,,rtl mentimmediatelyeeenfromtliefirBtbox. Thoua- 19 IIICIG U lUlOt: -.,l.-."uir,iii. u Regulator THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE IsSlMMONS 1.IVI1R RKtiUI.ATOR. Don't forget to take it. Now is the time you need it most to wake up your Livet. A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fever ami Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter tho constitution and wreck health. Don't forget the word Rhgulator. it i Simmons Liver Regulator vo.: want. The word Reg ulator disU'.i tiiislivs it from all other remedies. And, 1-csidcs this, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it prop:riy at work, that your system may I'e kept in good condition. POR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. It is the best blood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RBD Z on every p:i:!;age. You wont find it on anv other wuicinc, and there is no other Liver r.iai-Cy like SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR -the Ki:v;of Liver Remedies. Be sure you e.ct it. J. H. Zeiii:i A- Co., t'liilkuYIphia, Pa. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC HERVIHETIS: reeUirc Loft Manhood. Cares weuknfleMu, Nervous Dubility and all the evile from early or later ez eesaca. the reeulte of overwork, worry, eiokneea. etc. Full strength, tone aud development given more discontented creature than a good walch d ig? lie is forever looking for some infriug meut of his rights; and an appnachiug step, or a dis tant bark, drives him into a fury of pro test. Discontent! d women aro always egotists; they view everything to them selves, and have therefore the defective sympathies that b -long to low urgauiza lions. They never wiu o mfi I -nee, fir their discont'd' br;ds distrust and doubt, and however clever y may nat uraily be, an r i -iv -,!' n il i's I rain of liking an 1 ' --ii.il..'-. - u- s lb ir judgment, and i V i io l-i iie in people onl tliiugi V -r tiii- r ms ,n, it is almost a hopeless effort to show theui how little people generally cure about their grievance.-; for ibey have thought about themselves o long and so much that they caunot conceive of any other subject interesting the rest of the world. ands of letters of praise on fi le in our office. Can carried in veet pouter. Dent by man to any ' Iresaonreoeiptof price. One month'e treat-,-nt in each box. Price $1.00, 6 boxes, $5.00, with VTritten Guarantee to refund money if notomed. tieud to us for the Genuiue. Circulars Free, For sale by W. M. COHEN, Druggist, 5 9-ly Weldon, N. C PETERSBURG DIRECTORY' HARDWARE, SASH, Bl.IVDS. and DOOHS. MM MATERIALS (UClMBElf PUMPS, For sule by- PLUMIvltR & WHEELER, I'ETERSBTKO, VA. nij- fcl ly. KIltiAK Ul HlilEH. T.B.U.NDEKH1LL CURRIER & UNDERHILL, BOSTON ONE PRICE Why Is It? That when you put youk hand in your pocket for a uiekle and find a quarter you are disappoiuted 1 That, when you owe your grocer a small bill, you trade and pay sash at his competitor's ? That you wear your old coat without flinching, provided you have a better one at home ? That the weather gets cold so early in the autumn if you have a new sealskin sack ? - Clothing House, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In FINE CLOTHING. Geutlcmen'B Furnishing Good, Hati, Caps, Trunks, Etc. Cur. Sycamore and Bank Sts., my :s ly. Petersburg, Vi, w, lhat you say you "used to play a I good game," when you oan't make a sitrple carom at billiards? That you use half a dozen towels on the sleeping car when one is sufficient at home ? That you tell an utter strangtr facts you wouldn't whisper to your dearest I friend ? That you grapple with and overcome a present trouble and misfortune when yon worry over a theoretical one in the luture I E. ARMSTRONG & CO;! Wholesale and retail DRUGGISTS, 225 Sycamore Bt., Petersburg, Va. I&.A11 mail orders receive prompt per sonal attention. my 23 ly. Agent 'Sir, do ou nee I any type writer supplie-?" Mctchaut "Yes; send iini about four pounds of candy." Muggins "D i you think ihe north p ile will ever be found ?" lluggios "I didn't know it was lost " Doctor "What you need, young man is change. Patient "Then there's no hope for me, doctor. It will take a'l my change to pay jour bill." The Agent's Joke Agent "Anything iu my line to day, Bit? I travel in fishing hooks." Shopkeeper (savagily) "No; you don't catch me with any of your hooks Agent "And you seeiu in a biting mood, too. Good day, sit!" N KW AUV EuTlSKM KNTS. tfSfWflB "How married life docs change one." "From what I have observed I should say it chaogce Iwo." Teacher "Suppose you wero a king, Tommy, what would you do?" Tommy "I'd never wash my face any uiore " "How does Jibson stand prosperity since he came into his fortune?" Oh, he stands it all right, but it's pretty hard on his friends," "Whioh would you rather do Jarlcy, kiss a girl on her lips or on !er eyes?" "Ber ejee, of course. You have to do it twice to cover the ground." ill . mm E. H. PRITCHETT it CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co. 'a BOOK STORE. STANDARD PATTERNS, FASHION 8HEETS FREE. Give ns a call. my 23 ly ALLIANCE EXCHANGE, Sells o ii commission Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Peanut, Hogs, Poultry, and nil kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and keep ou hand General Merchandise. We will buy on order anything a farmer may need. Guanos a specialty. Let us hear torn you. Hogsheads furnished on appli cation. J. C SMITH, Agent, my 23 ly Petersburg, Va POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all io leavening strength. Latest U. S. Qovernment Food Report. Rotal Baking Powder Co., 108 Wall fit..N Y. HUDSON'S eii mm, 187 Main St., Noifolk.Va, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN S DlfllXd ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS. SURPASSING COFFEE A SPECIALTY J. E. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Best of Everything io Season. Oct 10 lyr. pETERSffllTHiCQ.,- "THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES," Importers, wholesale and retail - dealers io FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC X A CABLED FIELD AKD HQ3 FEXCE. DRY - GOODS, nhlMi Pnnltrv FmiM t Wirn VtmM Board: Yard. I ' Vi A 5 '3. Cabled Poultry Penoej Wire Penee Beard; Yard, cemetery ana urave u Fencing en wtirn rost a Specially. We Pu ike rrsltrht. Catalogue VrM K. L. titthl&UIUUilUl, AlUXla, a. No. 144 Main street, Norfolk. V 1-27 1 !:,T' " ' '" "' 1 1 -LL'nfa ' " .:.r?"'m""'-' nam tT TT !