1 i rill ih JOHlsT W. SLEDaE, proprietor. VOL. XXX. A. NEWSPAPER IF O IR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1896. TEPJVCS:-1-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 52. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Neuralgia ATTACKS THE EYES Makes J Hit LI li HT Unbearable. PERMANENTLY CURED I ' f ;v I'MNO ...yer's Pills My !lll.!;in,l WIS Slll.W'I't 111 wvfif . M;.i.l.s ( iwtmlsM ivhi.-h cniiseil liim "j f'-'t i' :iM .111,1 Mi(,.illi;. 'Villi pllllis oj "' ' '' ''"lll.v his ini'i, mill lit- M " ' '" ' m.-ln fc ai'ark.-nwl mom. oj i.:r t .;,, ;i. ,,.,-5 o !' I!. 1 r.v..i!i:',.;i.:,.,. - k-il till-Ill, " ' ' ' '' !i li'ral. TI1.7v.Ty Si ;,n '''''I '''' 1 tnlinv.i-.l I y l.t llim- O: 1 : 1 .'s-r.-. I J e -tr.-ni li In urmthe l ' !"-'' ' i'i Mk I'liil uoi.M not 5 1 ' it'inut Hi. in for ton 1.110s ihi ir o .01! " Mn. V. V. I Ml: -,t. liliitv.Tix. S "I ii ivo i:. ! Ay. r's Tills in my family 0: f ir I 'll; yi'uri. .in. I n mini 1 lii-m us tin' OJ v. ry Ivst.-. I',,, !,. si.tmi)t Hancock, : Uikofliy. ria. J AVER'S PILLS s Received Highest Awards Si AT THE WORLD'S FAIR j ?. jo o ft o o oooooi IMCKHD LP DINNIiRS. je 13 ly. WILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND I'HO- tographer anil dealer in FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. OLDPICTURECOl'YINQASI'I-CIALTY Fiist class work guaranteed. octlOly. 178 Main st., Norfolk Va. TASTELESS GIrulllL TOM IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. O alatia. Ills.. Not. 16, 1893. Parts Medlclno Co., tst, Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold lnrt year, 000 bottlea of 3HOVK S TASTBLKhS CilILL TONIC and have bought three gn already this yonr. In all oar ei pehenre o( 14 years, la the drug biifttnemi, have Detpr suld an article that gave ucB ualrentiU eati taoUoa M yuux Toula. Yuun truly. AU-NJC.CAW 40 SOLD AND WARRANTED HY Dr. A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C. F FINE GROCERIES Grocerie CHEAP GROCERIES. S FRUITS & CONFECTIONERIES. COME AND SEE. Come one, come all, both largo and small, Examine my stock. More liuvinn at all. For niv stock is complete anil prices low, To compete with the products the farmers grow, I thank my kind friends for the patronage of the past And assure them nil I'll be true to the last. And Guarantee them in every respect The goods purchased from me they'll never regret, Therefore come all, both largo and small, For I will deal honestly with you all, I)o not delay, come tight away And make your purchiisi to day, J. L. JUI1KINS. dec VI ly. fROFESalOSAL CARDS. OWARD ALSTON, H Attorney-at-Law A Bride Gives Her Experience of This De ciJeJIy Trying OrJeal. Every woman who has kept house has had more or less "picked up" dinner. Thero comes a day when you aro un usually busy. The forenoon slips away before you know it, and you resolve on a picked up dinner. What is there in the house? You make a mental inventory of the contents of your larder. A plate of cold roast, a slioo or two of corned beef, a dish of cold aked beans, some toast, a few cookies, a good supply of bread and butter. Well, you guess, with a cup of coffee and some 1 pickles, you can make out. There is no- ody but yourself and Charles, and sure- ly thero will bo enough for only two. And Charles has so often told you that he could live on your smiles for a week. The dear bov I Of course you haven't been married long, or you would not "take any stock" in any such nonsense as that. For no man, bo he ever so loving and loyal, but would at dinner timo prefer some good roast beef and vegetables, with a pudding and other fixings, to all the female smiles in the world. When your table is set, it does look a ittle meager, and you aro glad that it rains slightly, fur there will not be likely to be anybody in. You lay the cold meat around, thcu, on the plate, so as to make all tho show possible, and look upon tho discovery of five doughnuts in the jar as a godsend, and you add a glass of jelly and sit down to wait for Charles. Directly you hear his step, and oh, horrors! There is another step to be heard, too. Perhaps it is the iceman. You seize on tho blessed idea and peep through the blinds. No, it is a stranger, tall and dignified, with a tall hat and a silk umbrella. You grow cold all over. Company to a picked up dinnerl You rush up tho back stairs to put on a clean collar, and brush out your crimps nd lake off your sweeping cap, and all the time you aro thus engaged you can hear George calling you: "Sarah Jam ! Sarah Jane! where are you?" Flushed aud hot, you go to be sentcd to 'my particular friend and lege chum, Mr So-so " The very mao that Charles has you so much about, as being so extremely fastidious and such a lover of good living! Mr. So so is bland and smiling. De ighted to see Charles' wife. Had ex peeled to see a prodigy. Was not dis appointed. The half was never told, etc. Willi many misgivings you lead the way tu the dining room. Mr. So-su's nose goes up as he surveys tho board Charles' face grows black as a thunder cloud. .Mr. so so undines com meat, he doesn't euro for the beans, he thinks he will not take any doughnuts. He had a late breakfast not any of the jelly thank you. And ho goes away after dinner with out asking you to play, when before din ncr it was spoken of and he had ex pressed himself charmed to be at last ble to hear the playing of one of whose artistic talcuts he had heard sj muoh Now, is thiro any m.ro mortifying situation for a housekeeper to be placed in I I leave it tor the ladies to answer They all know it is, but the men do uot, and they can never be made to under stand it either. It is one of the things which the masculine nature, despite its boasted astuteness and acuteness, can ever be brought to comprehend. Phil adelpliia Times. IIAMPAX, N. C. oollt ly. J4HKS M. HeLLIH, WALTIt I. D1H11I. fJLLIK DARIIL, M ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WKI.DON, N. C. Pwtlce In theooiirtiof Hnllfki midNorthamp l innndln theHnpremeftnri Federal court.. CoU Vtioni mane in allpHrtaof North Carolina. Brunch ootoe at Hallfai, N. C.,npen eiery Hon day. J ' IT D 11. T. T. KOSS, D E IT T I S T Weldon, N. C. I-Offlce over Emry & Pierce's store. 10-19-ly, DR. W.J. WARD.fc -SiiriTfinn Mist. ENFIELD, N. C. .Office over Harrison's Drug Store, dee SO ly. pre-c.l- told ADVERTISEMENTS. I'll Jill TRYING TO GF.T KID OF HELL. le Beaufort Herald Suggests that the Whole Matter le Left to a Senatorial Committee. Penilence and Forgiveness Should tuth k Heartfelt. That able and astuto lawyer of Wil mington, Col. A. M. Waddell, is in a controversy with Rev. Dr. Yates, of Durham, and the subject matter of the dispute is whether or not there is an immortality for the wicked. The Col onel insists that there is no inherent im mortality in man and that he only poss esses it as a gift of God, when ho is regenerated. Tho Doctor supports the old time orthodox view that man is by nature immortal. The debato is being conducted with a groat deal of ability and courtesy and is "good reading for Sunday." And now one Mr. C. F. Von llcrmon enters the list and comes to the relief of the Colonel. The gist of his argument seems to be that eternal pun ishment is useless. It will be in order now for every little theologian in the land to enter into the contest aud fire his little squib, and when all the fuss and fusilado is over we will be not one whit the wiser as to the actual facts in the case. If there is a hell it will blaze on just as fiercely and if not the orthodox will still go on teacbiog and believing in it. We suggest that the matter be referred to a Senatorial committee composed of Ben. Tillman, Dave Hill and old man Hoar for settlement, for they have suc ceeded in "raising hell" to an extent in Congress that ought to make them com petent authority on all questions of fire and brimstone. And we modestly suggest that all communications on the subject he scut to that committee instead of the general public If Col, Waddell finds himself in straits in his efforts to make out his case he might call in Col. Inger soll who is well posted in such matters, and from the tenor of some recent utter ances in Washington in which he seemed consumed with a yearning desire to set men free frum the delusions of orthodoxy, we are inclined tu think that Bub would lake the case for a very sir all retainer. Anyhow, we would like to have the matter settled, for like the Dutchman who said that if his wife were going to die he wished she would hurry matters up as he "didn't like do uncertainty of gs," the unsettled state of the ques tion is giving us great concern. Should the two doughty Colonels succeed in getting the cise decided in their favor how iu the world will justice ever be done to our delinquent subscribers? AN EVEN THING. A Due in a Dark Rooi Both men proved to le Cowards, LEAVES ITS MARK vcrr o.i of the painful Irrrfiilariliea nd wtakntssea mat prty tipon womtn Thcr fal the face, waste (lie (inure, rum the temper, wither you up, make you old before your time, r.et well : That'a the war to look well Cure the disorders and ailments that beset you, with Dr. Pierces favorite rreacrip- tion. It regulates and promotes all the proper fiinclmas, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousneaa, hi lugs reiicamng sleep, and reatorea health and strength. It's l powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparling vigor and atreugth to the entire aystem. Ura. Issi t!i .irn or Kim Owl. Hufale Co.. good health ttianka to Dr. Pierce l Farorite Pre. criptiou and 'Golden Medical DiscoTery.' I ia under uoclore' care for two yeara with womb fliteaae, and gradually waMtue; in atrengin ail the lime, t waa ao weak that 1 could lit up In bed nulv a fear momenta, for tweyaara. IcoiAoieucnt taking fir. Merce'e Fa vorite Preacrlr't'oa) and hla Ooldeu Medical Pi Covery.' and by Ike time 1 naa lateu one-nan aoa en iKMtlea I waa up and !oine wherever I pleaaed, tit h.v h.d mood health Mat. UiaiCB. ,d been tery atrong ever alnce-hat waa two yeara and a half ago." A great Family Doctor Book of tooopagea, Bailed on receipt of Ji cents In itampa foi poatagetnd wrapping only. Address, World's Oisprnsasv Mkdical Associa tion, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. It has been said that all men are cow ards in the dark, and there is doubtless some truth in the statement. A corns. pondent of the St. Louis Globe-Demociat cites an instance in illustration. Two officers ol the British aimy in India had a difficulty which resulted in a duel. The colonel, tho challenged party, was an old campaigner who had his laurels in the Crimea and was a most gallant soldier The choico of weapons being his, he named pistols, and elected that the aff iir should occur in a dark room. We secured a room 20 feet square, says the narrator of the incident, closed every crevice that would admit light, placed our men in corners diagonally op posite, and withdrew. Each man was provided with three charges, and when these were exhausted we rushed in to gather up (he mutilated tCOJUI'iS. E tch man stood erect and soldierlike in his coiner, untouched; but directly behind the officer who had given the ohallenge were three bullet holes made by the colonel's pistol. "How is tin.-,' said a grizzled major "Had you been standing here when those shots were fired, you would have been killed." The culprit was forced to admit that ho had dropped to one knee, "You aro a eow.ir I ir, nn 1 unfit f. the company of soldiers and gi ntlcmeu!' oricd the tunjur. "Hold on, major!" said the colonel "It is stand off. While he was on his knees in one corner, I was on my stom ach in the other." WILLING TO KISK IT. Jaok Scientists are agreed that kiss ing is an alarming source of disease. Jess Ye e; cr the doctor says I'm entirely too healthy to be interesting Tuck. HAW SUGAR. She stuod on t weighing machine; be had dropped a peuny Id and the indica tor pointed to 225. "Lovely," she gurgled, "I've cainel 18 pounds in the last two weeks." "Sweetey," he chirruped, "I dcvc loved you bo much before. And the machine broke down. To Date. Toaohor What was Joan of Arc maid of? Bright pupil Made of dust, FORGIVENESS. The duty of forgiving the penitent is preached from every pulpit, and to some extent men and women go through the form of forgiving, but unless this is done heartily and completely it is nothing more than a sham and pretense. To forgive and yet to keep the wrong ever in remembrance and to advert to it re proachfully day after day is to utter words of pardon only with tho lips. Penitence and forgiveness should both be heartfelt. The penitent who only seeks to escape punishment aud has no iutention or even thought of leading a better life does not deserve to bo for given, but tho real penitent, no matter what his offense, may well claim mercy of man and God. When wrong has been done inadvertently, thoughtlessly, or un der the stress of temptation, real peni tence is a guarautee of greater watchful ness and strength in the future. It is an old saying of people who nev er really forgive, "I will forgive, but I cannot forget " That is true even of those who really forgive, for no one can at will efface from his memory a rooted wrong, but the remembrance may be kept to one's self, linked, perhaps, with the repentance of tho sinner and the promise of forgiveness. Thus kept, the remembrance of a wrong done does no harm, but it is far otherwiso when the remembrance makes of forgiveness a mere word without active meaning, when, for example, reproaches continue long after repentance and forgiveness have blotted out the fault. When the pardon is absolute the relations of the parties thereto should be the same as be fore the offense was committed. Each may have in mind the occurrence, but he should make no sign It is a breach of faith for one who has declared a pardon to recall it again and again. These principles apply with specia force to tho dealings of a parent or guar dian with his child. The latter's offenses we may assume, are not very grave, but care should be taken to impress upon his youthful mind the necessity for real re- peutance. II this is not done ho may learn that nothing tunro is necessary than to say that ho is sorry to have his offenses condoned. Go the other hand the parent should be careful to make his forgiveness real; uot to accept an excuse or apology and then revert to the original offense. Continual scolding sours the temper of the solder and of those whom they address. In dealing with children there should be no nagging. Offenses should be disposed of once and for all by punishment, forgiveoess, or both, and then should be dismissed. A child may thus be taught to repent sincerely an experience which makes him stronger to resist future temptations when he has also been taught that the forgiveoess which fulluws repentance is real and ab solute. Why is it that, notwithstanding the or.-hip accorded to woman in tho ab stract, she generally manages to look bsurd under conditions wherein men try to keep their dignity? Is it stereotyped convention which hampers our judg ments, or are these thinns really facts? ''or instance, there is nothing remarkable in an old gentleman crossing a street or even walking in a gnle of wind, but place n elderly woman, somewhat portly, in the same situation, and the result is a caricature. Her petticoats outline her shape absurdly, a vast expanse of stock ing fills a doubtful gap, and her feet seem to struggle helplessly. Few women can enter a carriage, mount the steps of a coach or hurry into hansom gracefully, while the spectacle of a woman getting into a boat is far from pleasing. A stout lady on a bicycle gives fair cause for ridicule, and yet fat people dance far more lightly and uoyantly than tbiu people. The slimmeBt girl cannot run prettily, and as for football, we have seen tho results. But, to leave the sphere of athletics, a owager in a low dress is lar lrum pleasing, while tho multiplicity of objects carried by a woman when out shopping seems to hamper and render her move ments awkward. She has none of the convenient pockets affected by men, she is always seeking for her pocket hand kerchief or struggling to extract her purse from the black folds of her gown, or burdened with an umbrella, a parcel a satchel or with her dress itself. On a journey she is hot and flustered and in a hurry and cumbered with many cares, while a man drops easily into his seat, unfolds his paper and smokes or thinks, impervious to fate. A woman is only really graceful when she is at rest, roll ing a carriage or sitting in a drawing room or else dancing, when she has til genius for it London Graphic. AN UNDERGROUND CITY. THE YOUNG MAN'S ON'ORTUMITY. lenty of Opportunities ht they are Liki the Ore Hidden In the Mine, they must le jug for. W as there ever a better opportunity for a young man than to day, whether he has money of not? Wo think not, Young men ate often heard to say there is no chance for them and it's no use to try. When a young fellow uses euch wolds as these it is pretty apt to be true that there is no chance for him. But he wrongly places the responsibility upon (he world. It is not tho world that is at fault, but himself. There ire few op portuoities fur tho man who can do nothing, but thero is every chance for the one who has fitted himself for some thing. The man who has prepared him self to do well the work of any par lieu lur field can always find work to d i. Does any one know i good farmer who is not getting along well? Docs any one know of a first class mechanic who c not n nil work to uur Uoes any one know of it first-class salesman who mi not find employment? Docs any know of good worker in any particular field who cannot find plenty for his hands to do? Besides that there are huu lred of ptople who have not learned any trad or made any special preparation for particular work, still if they are men ol pluck and euergy they can, and tin, fin plenty to d ). When they can't find it they make it. The trouble is tint too many act upon tho falso the .ry that tho world owes such debt. If it docs it has repudiated it sod will never pay it. There are plenty of opportunities but they are lik the ore hidden away in (he mine, th must be dug for. Wake up your liver but be sure you take Simmons Liver Regulator t do with It will do it every time, and do so well (hit you'll feel wonderfully re freshed and strengthened. It is Simmons Liver Regulator that does it. There only one Simmons Liver Regulator, and you'll know it by the Red Z on the pack ago. Take nothing else, tod you'll be ore to get all th good health promised- WHEN WOMAN IS NOT GRACEFUL. ondilions Under Which She Manages to Look Absurd. COULD NOT BE BLUFFED. Yet the Pretty Mountain Maid Got the Better of the Congressman. RUSSIANS DISCOVER A TOWN UID the imwEt.s or the earth. THE DRUMMER. A True Pen Picture of This Peculiar Animal. I lie Ilussians have made a singulur discovery in Central Asia. Iu Turkes tan, on the right bank of the Amou Dam, is a chain of rocky hills near the Bokharan town of Karki, and a number of large caves, which upon examination were found to lead to an underground city, built apparently long before tho Christian era. In Popular Science News we find tho following description of this singularly city: According to effigies, inscriptions and designs upon tho gold and silver money unearthed from among the ruins, the existence of the (own dates back to some two centuries beforo the birth of Christ. The underground Bokharan city is a little over a mile Ions, and is composed of an enormous labyrinth of corridors, streets and squares, surrounded by houses and other buildings two or three stories high. The edifices contain all kinds of domestic utensils, pots, urns, vases and the like. In sotiu of the streets falls of earth and rock have obstructed the passages, but generally the visitors cud walk about without so much as lowering his head. The high degree of civilization attained by the inhabitants of the tity is shown by the fact that I hey built in several stories, by the symmetry of tho streets and squares, and by the beauty of the baked clay and metal untensils, and of the ornaments aud coins which have been found. It is supposed that long centimes aco this city, so carefully concealed in the bowels of the earth, provided an entire popiilaiiiiit wiih a refuse from the incur-iuus of n imailic savages and rob-bets A somewhat gay and gallant member of the house, unusually handsome, even for a member, was telling a small group of listeners, of which a Stitr reporter was one, some of bis campaigli experiences, "On one trip in the mountains," he said, after narrating S"veral good ones, "I was tiding along a road up a pic turesque valley with a campaign com panion, when wo met a buxom pink cheeked, good looking country girl on foot. As I spoke to her after the custom of the country, she stopped us." "Have you seed anything of a red headed, freckled faced feller down the crick?" she inquired. We have met three or four men in the last hour," I replied, "and one of them was red headed. How old was he?" "Bout my age, I reckon." "So young as that?" I asked with all my courtliness. That ain't so powerful young," she said without the slightest apparent comprehension of my compliment. He's 21 and so'm I." "The man we met with the red head was twice that old. He couldn't have been the one you were looking for could he?" "I reckon not. The man I'm lookin' fcr and me wuz to git married yistiddy, an1 when the time come he wazo't thar. Pap started up the road fer him with a gun this mornin' an I come this way." "This made it interesting and I at once felt it to be my duty to offer my assistance. "Tell me his name," I said, "and I'll make inquiries along the road." "Sim Johnson, and I d give a ten acre farm to git holt uv him." "Her anger heightened her color and put such a brightness in her eyes that sho was positively handsome and I just couldn't help trying another delicate compliment on her. "You must excuse me," I smiled and bowed and sent fourth my softest glances, "but with such a pretty girl as you arc after me I'd like to be Sim Johnson." "This time it was a ten strike." "Wall," she responded, as sho looked me over critically, not to say admiringly ' I huiu't no objections " "It was the only time I ever Uiddown before a bluff," continued the member, "but that one knocked mc flat and never did know how 1 got away. Washington Post. MONEY 18 CHARACTER. ADVERTISEMENTS. OF THE HOUR. li ihliy "py, what does tho paper mean by the women of the hour? Mr. Ferry I guess it means the w uuan who says she will be tendy to start in 13 minutes. An hour is about as near us she comes to it, usually. QUESTION OF PROPRIETY. "Papn says we mustn't see each other any more," she said, sorrowfully. "Oil, well, if he thinks it roper for us to meet in the dark I'm just as well satisfied, he replied I 'lilt (IVI.lt KM TV YHAKS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for DinrrhuM. It will relievo tho poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part nf tho world. 23 conts botlle. Hesure und usk for ".Mrs. Wins low's Soothinu Syrup," and tako no oth er kind. Mrs Musious "Did you have much trouble in loirning to sing so beautiful ly?" Miss Frankly "Yes; especially with the neighbors." Whs hath woe? Who hath conten tions? Who hath babblings? Verily, he who goeth forth upon the road to travel. Ho goeth forth in the morning with a light heart aod a starched collar, and returneth at eventide with soiled raiment and a blister on his heel. lie goeth forth like a muring lion, seeking whom he may devour; but lof every man he meets smiteth him. Ho goeth to the place where they do enter tain strangers, and what lie ordereth of the servant he bringcth lot, and that which he doth not order is set before him. And when eventide has fallen he saycth unto the keeper of the house: "Behold, I would be wakened at the fifth hour of the morning, that I may depart to another country." And to, before it is yet light, he knocketh loudly against the door and sayeth, "Arise," in a loud vuice, "that thou mayest depart upon thy train." And be that would arise awaketb m haste, and putteth his light foot into his left shoe, and be girdcth himself quickly, and behold, he weareth his clothes hind side before so great is his haste thereof. And the collar that should bo girt about bis neck is recoiled in the upper story of his hat. And when he arriveth at tho place from whence he would depart, he findeth that it is only the third hour of the morning, and he lcaneth against a tele graph pole, and in his heart he rcvileth the keeper of the bouse wherein he slept. Or perchance he asketh to be wakened at the sixth hour of the morning, and to, the servant man knocketh not until the eighth hour and when he raileth the hired man lookcth at him with a lock of scorn. He goeth forth to ride upon the rail way. Then comet h in a beautiful maiden, arrayed like the lilies, and behold Bhe taketh a seat afar off; but tho dowdy woman with five children and a wart on her nose taketh the seat near him. Verily, man that is bom of woman is of few days and variegated rations. To day he hath much that is good and tomorrow the food is as the withered grass, yet not so cleanly. Where he sleepcth if there is much water, he bath no towel but if the water be gone, be hath of towels five in number aod piece of soap. Verily, he hath cause to murmur an exceeding great murmur. Ex. SIMMONSX R E G U L ATO Fjj The use a man makes of his money, as well as the ways he takes to get it, urnishes a very close test of what ho is. His account book is a better index to his life than his private journal. The con version which docs not unloose tho purso strings of the covetous, and close more firmly those of the spendthrift, is a sham and a failure, in no way will a man disclose high character more effectually than by thorough trustworthiness in the management of the funds confided to his care cither by God or his fellow men. There are no better rules for the right use of money than John Wesley's: "Get all you can, save all you can, give all you can." Some other good rules that should be committed to heart by every young man, are the following: "Never borrow where there is a chance that you may not be able to repay; never lend what you aro not prepared to give ; never guarao too for another what you canoot fulfill if the other should fuil. Save more thaB you spend. Lay by something every year if it be but a dollar. If you cannot increase your means, then diminish your wants" He who adheres to theso rules will inevitably acquire a competence, will taste joys of financial independence DIDN'T WANT A DIVORCE. An Atchison man recently caught three diffetent men kissing his wife: whereupon lie went to a lawyer. "You have very good grounds for di vorce," the lawyer said. "1 don t want a divoroe, the citizen replied, "I want to get an injunction to make them quit ill" ONE ON MA. "Pa," said Johnnie Chaffie, "what does the teacher mean by saying that I must have inherited my bad temper?" "She means, Johnnie, that you are your mother own boy. A DUTIFUL HOPE. "Dear father, we ire ill well ind happy. The baby his grown ever so much and has i great deil more sense than he used to have. Hoping the same of you, I remain your daughter, Molly." London Tit-Bits. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE IsSimmons Liver NtouuTOR. Don't forget to take it. Now is the time you need it most to wake up your Livet. A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don't forget the word Regulator, it is Simmons Liver Regulator vu want. The word reg ulator disti'a ;uishcs it from all other remedies. And, beskles this, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system mav be kept in good condition. FOR THl- BLOOD take SIMMONS Liver regulator, it is the best blood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. You wont find it on any othc medicine, and there is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS LIVER REGUL ATOR-the Kiiiof Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. J. H. Zuiliu & Co., Philadelphia, Pat, PIGEON MILK mall package. B THC GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Cnres in 1 to 4 di. Im mediate in effect: nuiok to tare. Can be carried in yeet Docket, all comDlete in one malt package. Bent by mail, prepaid, plaii package, on receipt ot price. $1 per bo& For sale by W. M. COHEN, Druggist, 5-9-ly Weldon, N. C PETERSBURG DIRECTORY- HARDWARE, SASH, BLINDS, and DOORS. CUCUMBER PUMPS, For sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, PETERSBURG, VA. my 13 ly. EDtlAR CURRIER. HEAVENLY SHOPPING. Mrs. Blossom "I dreamed last night I was in Heaven." Mr. Blossom "What was it like?" Mrs. BloBsom "An immense dry goods store, and I didn't have to do any thing but shop. And, oh, Joe, you should have seen the bargain counter 1 Why, they had goods marked at 98 cents that would have cost a dollar here." THE WRONG COUNTER. loung Lady Is this the hose coun ter? New Clerk No, miss; this is the stock iog counter; you'll find the hose downstairs among the lawn mowers and things. HE WANTS A CHANGE. Mrs. De Lisle had been to the hair dresser. "I see that Pompadour rolls are coming in again," she remarked to Mr. De Lisle the next morning at breakfast. "Think heaven for that 1" retorted her husband. "Do get the recipe for our cook, for the rolls she gives us are regular jaw breakers I "Maine, what is classical music?" "Ob, don't you know? It's the kind you have to like whether you like it or not. W. E. ARMSTRONG & CO Wholesale and retail DRUGGISTS, 225 Sycamore st, Petersburg, V. MlAU mail orders receive prompt per sonal attention. my 23 1 v. E. H. PRITCHETT CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co.'s BOOK STORE. 8TANDARD PATTERNS. FASHIOM SHEETS FREE. NEW ADVKHT1SEMENTS. "How was the bride given away?" "By her complexion." Chicago Reoord. "Have those people in the other flit been married long?" "I think not be tike nips on her best silk pillows." Chicago Reoord. x POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tirtar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latrtt U. o. uovernmtnl rood Report KOTAL iSAKINO rOWDBR UO., ins Will 8t.,N Y. CABLED FIELD AKD KQ3 FEMCL CKblxl Poaltrr PniMl Win fmm BoarS Vara, IManMry win unn u r wm .mm ran v. w. rmy bbm ar.ai, uaaaaafa J L MHi nilaltlll, AMatmTlA. T. B.UNDERHILl. CURRIER tV UNDERHILL. BOSTON ONE PRICE othin? House Wholesale and Retail Dealenln FINE CLOTHING. Gentlemen'! Furniihing Goodi, Bata, Capa, Trunks, Etc. Cor. Sycamore and Bank 8ta., Pettnburf, V, my 23 ly. Give us a call. my 23 ly ALLIANCE EXCHANCE, Bells o n commission Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Hogs, Poultry, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and keep on hand General Merchandise. Wo will buy ou order anything a farmer may need. Uuanos a specialty. Let us hear from yon. Hogsheads furnished on apali cation. J. C SMITH, iiteni. n7 23 If PsUnhuru, T HUDSON'8 lllTnffftff rrtinnitvaatt 187 Main St., Noifolk.Va. UDIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DININh ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS. svBPAssma coffee a specuitt J. H. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Best of Everything in Season. Oct 10 lyr. pETERSBIITHCO.,-wi "THE LEADERS OF LOWPRICaa," Importers, wholesale and retail . dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY -GOODS, j No, 144 lia stoati. K-wyk. T. mutt . ' i.i. L.

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