JOHN W". SLEZDG-E, ruoi'iUKTOR. VOL. XXXI. A. ITIE'WSIP.A.IFIEIR- FOE THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, ATOIL 23, 1896. TEIR-IMIS: J'111 anm m in advance. NO. 1. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AVER'S THE ONLY sarsaparilla ADMITTED READ RULE XV. "Article! J mlV A any way dan- o V tensive, alio o patent modi- o trums, and empirical preparations, whose o iuijredierits are concealed, will o not be admitted to the Expo- anion." o Why was Ayer'a Sarsaparllla ailinlt- o hi'.? DecausBlllsnotapatcntiiii'iliiiue, o n't a nostrum, nor a secret im-iiaration, 9 not dangerous, not an experiment, ami o! Iier.iuse It is all that a family medicine fltlmtlri h. O At the WORLD'S FAIR Chicago, 1893. -Why not get the BestP 0 0 00000800000000000000 ll: IT WAS (il NTINi;. Bit the Denomination Made the Bishop a Little Doubtful. jo 13 ly. w: ILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND PHO- tographer and dealer in FRAMES, EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. OLD lTCTURECOl'YING A SPECIALTY First class work guaranteed, octldly. 178 Main at., Norfolk Va. AWr--'jUkA' A , r.1 It TASTELESS MILL mic 13 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS, WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. GAL ATI A, It LS., Nov. W, 1893. PfcTluMfldlclnofo.. HI. liOuU. Mil. Gentlemen:-We Bold lnM yuar, (WW bottloa of SHOVE'S TASTKI-KH CliILL TONIC and have bought threu gross alreiidy tills year. In nil our ex pennnre of U years, in tlio drug biuln. have puvnf tola nu article tuutgjive men uulvtimuli iuUuu MM juut Tunic Yuurs truly. SOLD AND WARRANTED BV Dr. A.S.Harrison, KNFIKLD, N. 0. Judkin'sQrocery WELDON, X. C For tine groceries, it will pay to call On J. Ij. Juilkins, leader of them all, The finest goods in Weldon you will see At Jiulktn's (irocery. Imported and domestic, goods here yon will find, Canned' goods and delicacies of every kind It matters not what your needs may ue Visit Judkins' Grocery. For choice teas and coffee Juilkilis is re nowned None finer in the country can lie found Try their special brands of blended tea At Judkins' Grocery. None in Wcldon with Judkins can com' wte Or show a stock of fine goods as complete. The great one price you may see At Judkins' Grocery. At Judkins' store "do not foruet Frill weights and measures you cm nlwuyi got And your town orders delivered free From Judkins' Grocery, dec 13 ly. NIGHT OF TUMOR. Recently a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church returned from a lour of the south and made his headquarters at oue of the big hotels up town. To those who called upon him at the hotel he told a funny story ubout experienco among the negroes of tho South. lie went down with a party to onu of the fashionable resorts alone; tho const. One Sunday he was tol I of a service that was to bo held at a colored church several miles inland. It was suggested that the party attend these services, and accordingly carnages were ordered and the drive was tuadc. Tho rest of the story is best told in bis owu language. lie said: When wo arrived at the church, we found that it was to be a sort of special service to raise nioiioy to pay offa church :bt. I'hey had recently erected a new church, and it was only partly paid for. The local bishop had been summoned, and a great effort was being made to get the nioucy. When wo had taken our seats, a colored brother came arouud and asked us if we would not go to the front, but we declined. "In tho course of his remarks the bish op dwelt upon the good work that had been dono in the name of the Redeemer and called upon every one present to con tribute something toward paying off the great debt that the church had assumed in building a new houso of worship. 11c said that tho debt was 8142 35, and that it must be met. His eloquent plea reached our hearts, and wc made up a little purse among ourselves and raised $100, The money was handed to me, and I, when the plate was passed around, laid u crisp 8100 bill on the plule. While the money was being counted a song service was held. It was plainly evident 0 nothing unusual was going on, and (lure was a subdued air of excitement, amon those counting tho money. Finally the bishop stepped lo the front nod raised bis id The music e -used at once. II began to speak very gravely, uud imag ined our astenishnicnt when he said : " ' Brethren, wc have met wilh remark le success in our efforts today. W hive received enough money lo pay oil the debt and a surplus of 81 1 12 thai H, providing the bill which the gentleman from tho north gave us is genuine.' " New Vork Tribune. AI'LACrTOSU.LT. He Felt a Scorpion on his Leg ani Suffered Awny I'nlil he Found it was Only a Corn Piaster. Mr. Blossom had probably been asleep three hours, when he suddenly awoke with a feeling that something foreign was adhering to his leg, just above his knee. Ilo made no move to place his hand on tho fpot lor fear it might prove to be a poisouous insect. Tho inoro he concentrated his mind on the spot of op pression, the tuoro he felt convinced that there was a poisonous insect of a large size resting on his leg, waiting fur him to miiko a move, when it weuld strike him with its poisonous fangs, nnd proba bly poison him to death. He bad read in the paper only a few days before where a mun had brought home a scor pion in a bunch of bananas, and the nar row escape ono member of the family had from being poisoned. He remembered he bad himself that evening brought home some bananas for his better half, and would have wagered that he had brought home a poisonous insect with them. The more he thought, tho more he was con vinced and ho perspired freely. What should he do woko his wife? No; she was a woman and would probably faint He might take a hap hazard shot at 'lie annoying spot on the leg, and, might perhaps, kill the insect. Then ho hap pened to think if he hit the insect ho would also hit his leg. What could he do? Ah, happy thought I lie doubled up his fist and drew it closo to his face; and then with all his strength he dashed it downward and struck leg directly over the spot of annoyance with a blow that would have felled an ox. As it was it vcrv near broke his leg. The jar of the blow, of courso, awoke Mr9. Blossom, who yelled, "For Heaven's sake, Joe, whbt is the matter is the house on fire?" "No!" yelled back Joe, who had jumped from the bed as soon as the blow had been delivered, and who was now stumbling about t ho dark room in senrcli of a mulch. Ive been bit by a rattlesnake or some thing. Where are the matches? D mat eliair'. no ejaculated in the same breulh, as he stubbed bis toe against the rocking chair, and as the chair rocked Weary Passenger Intrudes Ipon a Bevy of Beautiful liirls. What Causes the Hard Times? Judge Hubbard, of lowu, says it is the existence of corporations. Gjorge Gould says it is tho hostility to corporations. The farmer says it is tho low price of wheat. The silver men say it is tho aeti in of Wall street. Tho Wall street men say it is tho ao lion of tho silver men. The manufacturer says it is the fear o: free trade. The consumer says it is tho tariff The debtor says it is tho creditor. The Democrats say it is the llepubli cans. The Republican say it is the Demo orats. Tko Populists say it is both. The Prohibitionists say it is whiskey. The preacher says it is tho devil. Now, what have you got to say aloul it. Conductor and Driver. ADVKKTlrsKM KNTS. prOWAItn ALSTON, Attorney-at-Law HALIl- act t ly- U It L I N M WU.T.B I. B4S1I1, 0 A H I K U ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wki-don, N. C. Practice In thooourtaof ttiiiir&i audNorthamp" i hi ana 1 n the Huuromt- and Ktiileral oourts. Col. Vlloni made In of North Crohn.. Hr.uch offlue t U.llrai, N. C.,open every Mon df. 1" 7 T JJK. T. T. noss, DENTIST Weldon, 1. C. gflgfOlllce overEinry & Pierce's store. llMO-ly. D"1TW. J- WARD.fc -.NMP.uII ENFIELD, N. C. l.Ouloeover Harrison's Drug Store. , deo 20 ly. A Gentle correct iv Is what ymi nerd when yon liver btcoim-i inactive. It'; n hat vim m l when you Lin Dr. Pierce'. Plt.saut Pfllt-tn tllfv re fief ftPW tl violctici .ml the eiipmir turn come with the ordinal lill. The best Ulediciii aulhniities iiKte. tun in H'lnilaliiiu the bowel lllilcl luothcidt .re pref erable, for every de raniiciiii'ill of the liver, iittiitiaeh and bowel. thc-e liny, sugar coaled Hill, ire most elltilivt Thev no about thcll wmk in .11 vn.v and uantal way, .nil Iheil rood lasts. Oiiep iiwil tlicv lire tilWRytn fw lu-inir composed of Hie v-iccst, conceit ti.led vi'K.'ible. ti.cls, llii-y co-n niuch more than other .s found in the niAiket, vet from furl to forty four ie put up In each ealeil .lass vial, sold through dniKilata, at the piice of the Cheaper made pilla. " Pleasant PelleU" cure biliousness, sick ind bilious headache, dullness, costive neaa. or cotlatinaliou. I appetite, coated tomriie, indigestion, ordy pepsia, wiuuy oeicniiiKs, uciv-uniii, pain and dia re., after eating, and kindred deranirenieiita of the liver, stomach .nd bowela. Put up in aealed rrlass vials, there fore always fresh and reliable. Wlicthet i a laxative, or in larger doses, aa a gently cling but searching ealhaillc, llitse kittle "Pellets" aie iniequaled. Aa a "dln.isrpiU," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To leliave the diatresa .tiling from over-eating, noth ing equals out of theae Utile "Pellet.:" They .re tiny, Sugar-coated, anti-bilious (ranlilea. Any cnua reauny ut.c.-, mu., ft back and one uf tho rockers dumped up and down his shins he ejaculated another "d n." ' Where are thoso matches?" he yelled "A man can't find anything in this house expecting rocking chairs, and tuey arc alwuys light under his feet." Ilo bad hardly finished ibis last sentence when there was a crash, and Mr. Blossom was heard to say, somewhat emphatically, "D n it!" "Joe Blossom, what under the sun are you trying to do? fairly yelled Mrs, Blossom from the bed. "Trying to pull the houso down in search of a match," sarcastically replied Mr. Blossom." "Why don't you look in the match tfe?" "Because no one was ever able to find a match iu a match safe when it was wanted." "Feel on the top of the bureau." "There's nothing on the bureau. Did not you hear me pull everything onto th floor?" "Well, feel on tho floor, then." "I am. Ah! here's one at last." As he spoko ho scratched the match and lit the gas, as. Mrs. Blossom said: "Now, for gooduess sake, tell me what is the trouble. " 'Trouble enough. I've been bitten by a tarantula or some other poisonou insect; hut I guess I've killed him." It was sometime belore Mr. isiossotn could gather up enough courage to luok at the spot where the mangled remaios of the poisonous insect was supposed I be. With all of Mrs. Blossom's coaxing be wou'd not look for tho bile, until he had drank half a bottle of whiskey When at last they did look, Mrs. Rl som laughed outright, while Mr. Blossom multi-red: "Well, I'll be hanged " There ccrtaiuly w is something sdh ing to .Mr. Blossoms leg, hut it was mil spider, scorpion or any other poisonous insect. I he obj -ct ot their scrutiny wu a corn plaster which Mrs H worn ono ol her tons when she roiired lor th nighl, but which in some way became dclaelu-d and adhered to Mr. Blossom I I'M) LUCK FOLLOWS II Kit A certain officer, high in authority in the ranks of tho Fourth Battalion, tells a very good story on himself in relation to an experience which actuall befell him while traveling some time ago on the Queen and Cresent rimd. His business called him to Ahibumu, and, arrived ut lis destination, found it necessary In go into the interior iu order to attend to mutters requiring bis attention, lie returned to the station very late, nnd it was fully 12 o'clock before the taiiu bound for the cily pulled iu. Tired out he boarded I he Mann sleeping car, mid was told by the porter thut there were no icrths Knowing tho conductor, he aroused that individual, but was met by the same reply to his demands. "But I must have ono," Buid the mili tary man. "I am tired sut and have got to bunk somewhere. See what you can do, old man, there's a good fellow." "Well, replied the conductor," "111 tell you what I can do. In Seclion B (here is a rzcntleinan and his wife who are seriously ill, but the left upper berth is empty. Now, it' you will slip into the berth without making any noise and get out before they awake, why . you may have the ctance. But whatever you do, don't make a noise." The military man jumped at the chance, and leaving his shoes in the passage, got into the berth successfully and went to sleep. He awoko and saw the light peeping between the curtains, and was astonished to hear a chatter ol' girlish voices. Peeping from his berth he was still more astonished to find the section occupied by a trio of young dam sels, who, unconscious of the presence of a horrid man, wero making a hurried toilet. Being a bashful man, he hid his bead under a pillow, when he was hornhod to hear the Dorter knock at the door and pass in his shoes. "You made a mistake, said one of the iris; "There is no man in here." "Vas, dere is, miss," the factotum an swered; "he's in the top berth." There was silence for a moment, then chorus of horrified shrieks and a stampede on the part of the young ladies fur the toilet room iu the other end of tho ext. Seizing the opportunity, he slipped from the sect io i and made his escape. New Orleans Tiuies-Dcuioerat Accent no substitute Unit may he reeom- a to be lust as goon." n may oe bellir for Iht oVufc-r, because of paying in in . better V'vH, but he is not the one Who nctcis help. , . A free sample (4 to 7 doses) oil trial, is ni.iled to any address, post-paid, 011 receipt of name and .ddreaa on poat.l card. Addresa Woran's Dispensary Medical Association, BurTaio, N. Y. sun cue HIM. How a Young Wife Stopped Her Ilustand from Drinking. A young wife had just settled in her new home. All seemed fair and promis ing, but ouc night her husband came home very lale and staggered iuto the house. His wife, greatly shucked, told him he was ill, uud lo lie dow at once. Ho did so. His face was reddish purple, his breuthiug heavy, and altogether he was 11 pitiable lo'iking object, inusiaru plasters were applied to his hands and feet. When the doctor ciunc, felt his pulse, examined him, and found that he was diuud ho suid: "lie will bu ull right in the morning." But the wife insisted that he was very ill, and severe remedies must be used. "You must shave his head and apply blisters," she urged, "or I shall send for some one who will." II is head was accordingly, shaved closely and blisters applied. All night he lay iu a druukcu sleep, notwithstand ing the blisters. About daylight he awoke to a most uncomfortable consciousness of blisters agonies. "What does this mean?" he said putting his hand to bis bandaged head. "Lie still; you mustu't stir," said the wife- "You have been very ill." "I am not ill." "Oh, yes you are; you have bruin fever. We have worked hard with you all night." "I should think you hud !' groaned the victim. "What's the niiitlcr Willi my feet?" "They are blistered." "I am better now. Take off the blisters; do," hu pleaded, pilcoiisly. He wus most uncomfortable; his head covered with sours, and bis hands nnd feet still worse. "My dear," he. said, groaning, "if should set sick iu this way again, do not lie ularmed or send fur a doctor, and above ull, do not blister me nguin." "Oh, indeed, I will. All that saved you was the blisters; and if you should have another spell 1 should be more frightened than ever, for the tendency, am sure, is to apoplexy; ond from the next attack you will be likely to die unless the severest measures are used." From that day he has never h auother attack oi'driuk Dover Journal Annals of Hygiene. 110 PLANTS IT.l'L? asked A l ace on the Thinh of a Young liirl. ss Trivvet, Pale and Breathless, the Question. the most remarkable human niuiis- Just as young Mr. Dollcy was about trosify that ever saw the libt ol day bid good night to Miss Trivvet, the upon the American continent is littl asliglit iu the hall burning low, he drew Kstauislao Arichi, a seven year old Mi x her to him and stole a kiss And at lean "in, who resides with her losler that moment Mr. Trivvet emerged from parents near the hide village of Mon-li; the library door and cutno forward. "Oh, in the Slulo of Auuuscallctitus. The first dear," suid the muiden iu a gaspy whisper, thut was known of the existence of tbi am afraid nana saw vou. Her tear rarest ol all huniaii hetiiL-s was Khen a , i 1 leenened into a certainty as her father Mexican rui-.-r ma-le the lolluwin'.' brief - pproached und suid to Mr. Pulley, statement Young man, I want to fpeak to you 111 " itliiu the past lew days there the library for a minuto or two." been brought from Churn to Morelia a Mr. Pulley followed Mr. Tiivvet little girl who has a second fuc sheepishly, and the door closed behind right hip, between the hip joint and tli thoin. The girl, pale and breathless, knee. If you compress ibe cheeks of anxiety pictured ull over her countenance, this quetrly situulcd luce it opens Us bid behind the drawing rooui portiere, eyes. The face has a mouth containing that she might have a word with Mr. three pearly teeth, but the nose is entirely Dolley in case her futher should allow wanting. tho young man to go to the door unat- Six months after the publication .of tended. 'he above a physician of Morelia sue Her oca were fmul on the closed cecded iu L'atbci'iiiL' t lie following fuels -j - 1 library door, visible to her retreat behind relative to this ipieer case : the curtoin, and she tried to divine what When she had been in the world about was passing therein. Would Mr. Dolley two years an inflammation of the whole be forbidden to come to the house again? region of the right thigh set iD, which Would her papa forbid her to think of finally developed into un enormous tumer- him? She had heard of such orders issuing ous cyst. Then, by degrees, there ap from parental authority, and already she peared an eye, an eyebrow, one nostril of was debating how she and he could evade the nose, curly lashes, and, finally, the them. Whatever was transpiring, it other brow, took a long time. Surely it would not Next appeared one row of four teeth, require four or five minuter to dismiss an and then tho "bangs" began to grow objectionable lover. Perhaps Mr. Dolley rapidly and fringe the forehead. 1 akeu was bravely defending himself. Nay, it all in all, it is one of tho most singular might be that he had bearded her father freaks in the human family that have in his den and boldly asked her hand in been reported during this century marriage. The door opened. Mr. Dolley The freak has been described in the emerged alone. Aa he passed the draw- papers of both Vera Cruz and Mexico room door Miss Trivvet came from city, the account creating considerable behind the protiere. "Oh, Harry what comment among the medical Irateruity ot did papa say?" "He asked tne to lend him both places. St. Louis Kepubhcan 85." LOVE FUR THE FLAG. iiow Confederates sensed an Insult Stars and Stripes. Observations and Experiences of a Woman Who llelieves They Do. A Wa,' ' ly recently engaged quiet, rcspectttUic gir of (j t look after her 18 months ,J DaDy . . 1.. .1 .1 .... soon as ue saw niu uursc m-. child was frightened iuto cunvulsious; the irl was asked to go into another room, whei ie master of the house was entertaining b. a docn guests. On her entering the room a standard lamp on the table bltin-d up to tho ceiling, three largo oil paintings fell down from tho wall and a large barometer flew across the room and was smashed The girl was not alarmed and admitted that such accidents happened frequently when she was present. She is a pale, slight girl, who suffers from insomnia. Dr. Oohorowlei, the psychol- j ogist, is investigating the case, At the grand army encampment in Cleveland General Leggett related an in cident which wus vouched for to him as authentic. It is so remarkable that, coming from almost auybody elso than the general, it would hardly be believed. During the war a squad of Confederate soldiers under command of u captain captured a number of United Boldicrs, und with them an American flag. The Confederate officer was delighted with tho capture of the flag, and to show his contempt for it drugged it behind him through the dut and dirt as ho marched into General Stonewall Jackson's camp with his prisoners. A Confederate sol dit-r, scciug the stars and stripes trailing in the dust, raised his musket, took aim at the Confederate officer, nnd in lun gunge more forcible than polite told him to lift that flui: out of the dust or he would blow his brains out. 1 he orlicer saw "shoot in the man s eye and lifted the flag out of the dirt, but took the namo of the private soldier who bad "insulted" him, and reported the incident to General Jackson. The general usked what he had done to excite the wrath of the private, and the captain told him that he was drugging the stars and stripes through the dirt, "He did not shoot you?" said tho general. "No," suid the officer, "he did not shoot me." The general made some rcuiurk which indicated that hu would not have dealt harshly with the man had he d ine so, nd suid to the officer, "That soldier a born under the stars and stripes, und his father was, uud he still retains a respect and 11 IT el ion lor it, and un officer of 0111 army who has no higher appreciation of the senlimcnls of our people than U;U jppenr to have is not lit to be nn uty staff." And he dismissed the officer Goucrul IiCggutt remarked that this showed that there wus in the Confederate army a strong undercurrent of ulfeclion for the old stars and stripes, und he added that a prominent officer of the Confederate army once made the r-murk that the mistake the Confederates made was in adopting a new flag; that they I'ight to have stuck to the stars and li lies uud insisted that that was their flK -Sandusky (0.) Register. Mam ia "What do you mean by taking II ,t piece of eake? When you asked fi it didn't I say no?" Tommy "Y01 did; but lust night I hcurd papa say tha when a woman Bays no she JwayaWaas jc." Truth. "It seems incomprehensible to me how people can believe that plants do not feel said a woman whose hobby is her gar den. "They not noly feel, but th have their moods and apparent reasoning powers. Take roses, for instunce. Th' are wonderfully intelligent, 11 tho term may be used. They actually sulk if tin find what they do not wish to cling to in their path and refuse to grow and then rush past it as if they had made up their miuds to it uud wished to huve it over. "I watched a creeper which had grown to a certain height on a string wich was attached to the side of a shingled house with a nail. When the vine reaehi the sido uf lliu house it hesitated, several uf the branches threw themselves hue and appeared to protest and swayed helplessly in tho wind. Finally younger brunch arrived on the scene of action. It actually appeared to grasp the situation and after a day or two apparent hesitation it completely changed its tactics, aud iu place ot the tendrils that hud clung lo the cords it threw suckers like the foot of a fly und mude new start upward. The funny part of it was that the others literally followed its example, although apparently they not huve ibe sense to think of the plan themselves, ull but 1110 or two who could not bring themselves to change their habits and su remained stunted forever "I hud uunU-cr experience with a vine lust year that was curious. It was German ivy, and when I planted it in hanging basket in tho veriiuda it was ull appearance 11 healthy, happy little plant wilh nu liiolbid tcudeneiiS what ever Hot it suddenly dovoloped in tl strangest way II shot out one, long green, thick, creepy stem without 11 singl leaf and grew along the rafters of the veranda in and out like horrid green headless worm. It grew so fat that seemed uncanny, and you will laugh to hear that I became actually nervous about it. When it had attained the extraordinary growth of 12 or more feet. WHAT DID PAPA SAY? A Pi a UAF I PI AK. A PYKRTISKMKXTS. jjjL.tJ a-, msfr 7b- REGULATOR - -iKVy,, v-i-t. 1 ( THE B53T SPRING MEDICINE IsSlMMl )NS I I V I I' U (ll'l Alt iK, Don't direct to Like it. Now is the time you nccj it tno-,1 to wake up your l.lvti. A sluggish l.iver lim-,s .11 Malaria, Fever mj Ague, Klii'iiiii.iHs'ii, ,'1110 many other ills wlikli sl.itt,-r lite loitstitiitlon and wrcJ; 1 11 ,iH ! 1 . I ) Hit lorget the word I Allil'. it 1: MM WINS I.IVkH i'KU'l.Ali il o 1 w. in'.. I Ik- word KfcCi" LLATi iU di-tbuuidh-s it Irum all other rem.-J.cs. ,Vi.l, resides tins, SIMMONS LIV'I-.U I'lilil.l.AI'i il is a Hcgul.itor ut the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system 111,1V in l-iejit in good condition. i-OR tut: m.oou take nimmons l.ivrp fi:ii:i..vii u. It is the best blood purilicr .111 1 luiToitor. 'I ry it and note tile diMeienec. for the lLD L on cverv package. You wont find it on inv other incdi.ati-.-, aiu tin-re is no oilier Liver ret: Jv like SIMMONS . LIVER HbtjI'l.Aii ik - the Kingol Liver Remedies. Be sure you get It. i. 11. Zcilin .V Co., I'lilln.leliililil, Pn. MIND TELEGRAPHY. An Awakening That was a Premonition of a Friend's Need. ram f8 Vats JAPANESE CURE XT-.. rnn.,la-n T Mm r me. nr. RPi'j'osITdHTF.H, rniulH of OititmnTH Jloitix of Omtimmt. A in-vr fniltim Ctirn for Vim ol e?vry nature ftmi ilfcrfw. It mulit.ii un npration wltB the Itnifii or injortiurn of curt .l hi i?ifi. wmrh w rt, i. r... tit num. nnd nften 1 KHiiry. Why enaur xnm am rune o iwiob We guai "i i m only bjr fur bMwfllt i Dattiful mid BfiM BiiltinK Id dtith, iiitiii terrible diseiien f to cure any cstst. rj ceiveJ. 1 a boi, C f -r tf. Seritbr mkil. JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT. 25c. a Box. CONSTIPATION&r thfl iirPHt MVFH nnd HTOMAClf lir-Ol'LATOK uxj HLOlll) ITKlUKH. .finui!. mlM mid ikMMnt to tufaii-eripociully udul-ted lor cbtidreu umi. WJ Dora For sale by W. M. COIIKN, Druggist, 5-SI-ty Wcldon, N. C. Be sure to get Simmons Liver Regu lator for your Spring Medicine. It's tb old reliable that did the old folks t much good. Don't let anyone persuado you to tako anything else instead. You can always tell Simmons Liver Regulator by the Red Z on the package. Don't forget the word Regulator Simmons Liver Regulator better than anythii g else, and sure to do you good. Relic "You know Jack Giddiboy, (f course; don't you think bo is just, out of sight?" Sadie "Indeed be is! a very personification of the old saying, 'out of sight out of mind.' " Uotton Courier. PETERSBURG DIRECTORY HARDWARE, BAKU, liLINTiS, and DOOItS. 1 Ins story, related a short tune ago by an old signal service man, had enough of the occult and inexplicable in it to make it worthy of a place at a fagot parly on New Year's eve or Halloween and enchanted the interest cf one who kuew personally both the relator nnd the person whose unhappy end formed the base of the tale. "Some years ago," suid the weather man, "I wus stationed at Cheyenne, Wy., in charge of the weather bureau station. Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been My sleeping room was adioiuing the -a wr over utty years ny mi nions or office. One night about 1 o'clock I woke up from sound sleep wilh a sud- 8ofteBS lhe , a.,..s al pain cures den stuit, as if a swill horsemuu had wind colic, and is the best remedy lor ridden up and called me in a voice that Diarrhoea. It will relievo the poor little was familiur. suncrer nuiueuiareiy. omu uy uruggisis ,,..,, . ... , , in every part 01 tne worm. ..) ccnis a "I felt that I was imperatively needed , , , . .... somewhere; that something was wrong, . Soothing Syrup," and take no oth- and all i could do served rather to in- er kind crease than lessen the impression. I trin.1 lo loll mvQ..lf to alenn hot it was Lou'lSC "UoW do '0U C01UC OU with nn nap Than T wont into thn oflW nnd that leap year proposal.' hiuuia "1 looked nl the insirn.n.-nis. nndin-r tb.-iu don't know yet. Harry is still examin l ()lt l i;lt 1--II-TY VUAltH all right. I went back to my room, lit the gas and read till 4 o'clock, when I dozed away in spite of a disap pointed feeling that remained in my mind, and the incident had made such an impressiou on me that it was upper most in thought when I woke up. I took my morning observation and went over to the hotel to breakfast. ing my letters of receommendution." Judge. Rcrt "I can't think of marriage just yet; you know I in not neb, Angelina "What difference docs that make?'' Rert "None, providing you are." Roxbury Gazello. Dolly "L hear Mary Antimie wus a great belle ut the dauce the other even ing. She told ni" she danced every W. E. ARMSTRONG oY CO Wholesale and retail DRUGGISTS, JJ." Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. VjU-All mail orders receive prompt p- uial attention. niv231y. "A party of strangers from Denver dauce." Polly "Oh, yes. Marry's just the girl to be dance. out sat at my (able, and one ot them had a Denver paper. During breakfast he mentioned in tho course of conversation that a weather bureau man from the east had died at Denver in a hotel during the night before. Ho handed mo the paper run out." and then reading tho item I understood at once the uncanny incident of ihe night before. My belief in mind teleg raphy has been strengthened by it "The man who had died at Denver was an old friend whom I had not seen for some months, having formerly been stationed in the same town with him 1 lie Jispitteti Biita Unit lie had taken a trip westward, had reached his hotel and had fallen down unconscious and died soon after. I was flnnly convinced that be had como west to pay tne a visit at Clifjctjne and by mi-ttikc he took th- wrong cur, so thut instead uf switch ing off at the junction and going to Cheyenne be was tuken direct to Denver. I learned aficrward that at the exact hour when he was taken sick in the Denver hotel I had been awakened at Cheyenne, many miles away, with the feeling that assistance was needed. The poor fellow in his hour of suffering had a belle jt cup-year Charles Harduppe "What do you mean by seuding my clothes homj C. O, D ? Didn't I have ruunig uccouut with you?" Kustel Made "Yes. Rut it all How does tliis slender shoot of green Bring joy to all the town, For when the daffodils come up The price of coal goes down. Washington Star. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I resolved lo destroy it, and when I cut i turne(i instinctively to me, the only friend off the thick succulent stem and threw the long, curious development writhing upon the floor I felt us if I had killed a monster. What the life was in that creature I cannot tell, but it was ccrtninly not natural.'' New York Tribune. Spruits "Miss Elder is much oldir than I thought." Hunker "Impossi ble!" Spruits "Well, I usked her if she had read Aesop's Fables, and she said she road them when they first came out." Home Journal. he could think of in the viciuity, and his mind in its last moments called for aid. I am convinced that if ho had oome to Cheyenne as he intended and found mo he would have lived longer. ' Milwaukee Sentinel. Hoax "Tiinley went to Alaska prospecting for gold, and found lead instead." Joax "Ah! In large quuoti ties, I suppose, and valuable." Hoax " No; in small quantities, and fatal," Philadelphia Record. Mi POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder, Highest of all in leavening strength. Lutfst U. S. (lovrrnment rood Report, KOYAL UAKlNll 1'OWtlRR CO., 10B Wall St..N Y. CLCI'MISER TUMI'S, For sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, rETKItSllt ltil, VA. my Jil ly. in. . tii -rt! limit. T.U.UNDKKIIILL CURRIER & UNDERHILL, BOSTON OSE 1-hlCE oth House Whiilt'MiloHiid Retail Dealer In FINE CLOTHING. (ieiillcinen's Furnishing Goods, Hata, Cii-s, Trunks, Kte. Sycamore and Bank SU., my .':i I v. rctereburg, V E. H. PRITCHETT&CO. riCTKHSHUIiti, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co.'s BOOK STORE STAS'DAHD PATTERXS. FASH1. SHEETS FREE. Give us n call. my 231; ALLIANCE EXCHANGE, Sells o n i-ommission Tobacco, Wh. Corn, Cotton, IVauuts, Hogs, Poultry, t ill kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, i pon hiinil General Merchandise. will buy mi order anythiug a farmer 1- need. Glomus a specialty. I-t us I fioni you. Hogsheads furnished on cation. J. C SMITH. A cent tny l:i ly Petersburg, HUDSON'S- 187 Main st., Not folk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DIN! ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS SVBFASSIXG COFFEE A SPECIAL J. U. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Best of Everything In .Season. Oct 10 lyr. pETER SMITH MO. STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD. A RartrlflM Hone and CattlA FtMin PuMnd Poultn and Garden Fnorr; Cabled Field and Hog Fenoa, Yurd, OeniPtory d (Jrave Lot Penotnn on Siet) ro8t ana ivautia npnciaiijr. w Tmj IM rrciajUtV ViHUWiN euu vM-iuiuatmia iron, ft. L WLLUBKUUlia, ATLAUTA, tU. "THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICE! Importon, wholesale and retail dealers iu FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOOD No. 144 Main street, Norfolk. V Je-WlT '