JOHN" "W. SLED&E, pnorniKTOH. VOL. XXXI -A. FEWSPAPEB FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. CM TilUllSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1896. TEIIMIS: 1j:k anntm in advance NO. 20. N KW A OV KUTISKM KNTS. k. Fashioned t'nmi muul rrtih.-irtir f pills1"lilu(-i1ilis,"eili. omi-1 or oi h. r im-iai rial pti-pnratintis, Miiuld not In hsi d in tin st- ii.iv nf t-nlijjlit- 4V kW'JJ 11,11 im "llV11 Sl " ". r' W j u lien it is mi tasv to 1 F in ylahs vu!s. at nnv ' ' stoit- wlu-tf tmdi J mil's ate krpt. i'r iM' trc was first to A: -'line a I.ittU' l'ill to tin- Ami-nYati p. o- Man v b iv.' d them. Imt tn'iic . ,.. .,.p?.'u:linl his " 1'W-av.uit IVJ1.-U " in In s r.tlt, t value, for all laxative and Cii'.i; nUc jiiiT J scs. Ome I sod, tlicy arc Always in Favor. i-t N-ttnn.- a liltli now ami then, with 1 1- vie. eh -insiim laxative, the rt by rciiuiv-ii;- tnliti'j iiiatu-r from tin- slmtuuhand ,. i t"iiniir up and invigorating the liver Br. i .jitii kciiitijf its tardy aitiun and you tl. K v ti. move the canst; of a multitude of d1 . in i iiif diseust 'si, sueh as headaches, in C. .! or dyspepsia, biliousness, pim p:. - Mi'U lie- t-niptioim, boils, constipa ti i' pile', fistula and maladies too numcr o;. t() nu ntion. If pi-nple would p:iy more attention to pTMpetly rcifittatinir tin; action of their ..-v N.' tluy would have less frequent oiv.iMoi to call lbr their doctor's ner vi - tu sutlue attacks of dangerous dis- Tint, of all known auenH to accoinplish tV-. iiinpnse. I r. Pierce's Pleasant IV 1 lets an uiH'iualed. is plnven by the fact tint one- used, tlu y are always in favur. Their s . mdary effect i- to keep the bowels open aii i regular, not to fmtlicr constipate, as is tlii witli other pills. Hence, their great )';. iii, irity, with sullevers from habitual C -tipatii'ti, pjle'i uml indigestion. '! v aljsolutely cure sick headache, bili-(it;-t s, (ou-tipation. coated tniiiiue. poor a: ; : t:te. dv-pi-pHa ami kindred drr.niKe i;; oftiw stomach, liver ami bowels. A flee sample of tile "Pellets." t to 7 ri.i'f- ttuti. is mailed to any addles, pud. on tectipt of name and address 01; !"'-!. d card. Vi-in- for free sample. WnKi.rVs Dm. l! -uv Ml mc.-r. Association, No. 603 li.uii Stiet 1, liuif.ilo, X. V. AN OPAL CANNOT WW LOST. Apparent Vcrilulioii nf a Virtue (llainuJ .'untie Alltel l iiiucky (icin. w ILLIAM FREEMAN, l'Ol!TJiAIT AKTIST AND 1MIO- toKiapher mid dealer in FRAMES, EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. Ol.IMMCTrittXOPYlNO ASlM't'IAMY Kitst class work Uiuatitced. net 10 ly. 17(1 Main st.. Norfolk V11 A wealthy broker of West I'liilailelpliiii liail a rutin r singular i'Xivriciivu the uiIht ihiy. Ho nml hU fiimily lmve liad in tlk'ir uwi'sMHt) fur u nuinlicr of years sunn! very liamlNiinii iiial., lut the siiM-r.-i it ion wlin-li was furuicrly enter LMiici-ruii) tin hlnnc Itiinji unlucky prcVi-Til 1 ! linn making' uv 11I tlic p'tns I.:it yi'iir 1 10 ('ink a trip to Kumpi Wliili' in li iuiliii h ! m4 11I tin.1 Iiiiiiso ul'11 iiiuiiial I'lit'inl 11 dealer in preei us Moues, who huil iut funic from (iraeias a Pius, mill liad brought baek some line f;enis. Inslcail of putting any faith in the popular superstition this gentleman bc- lieveil in the opal very thoroughly and attributed to it virtues which no other (?cm possessed. Anion); the tiling which he said about it was that the opal wan attached to its owner by invisible cords and that it was impossible to lose it, thoueh it mijihl be mislaid. The Phila- 'phia broker on his return to l'hila Iphia chose the finest opal in his cob -'lion, had it set in u rinir, surrounded by small diamonds, and at Christinas presented it to his wile. It was truly a icauty, and she woie it with conscious pride. One day on returning from a day's outing she received quite a shock the opal was gone. Search proved vain. No trace of the stone could she discover. Nut only on account ol its value, but because she knew how highly her bus- band prized the stone, she hated to in form him of lur loss. At last she felt obliged to do so, when greatly to her astouishment, be drew from his vest pocket n liny package and presented it to her. I'poD opening it what was her delight whi n she recognized her lost opal. More aslotii.-hing still. In r husband affirmed that while be was walking down Chestnut street 11 day or two bef uu be felt something under the sole of his shoe, wliieh iipuii inveslialiou proved to be the oiial lie ba l last sun sbio.- inenng liiioti Ids wiles hngi r. lucre was no d.nibt about it beieg the lost one for the j Wei r who had set it reoegniz ' it al-o. Philadelphia Tiuiis. DON'T (JIVi: IIICANOY. TASTELESS ES JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts C AI.ATIA, IM.S., NOV. 10, lt'SS, Mertlelno Co.. si. Umiih. il.'ii,.ii: Wd cotil lu.H year, OX) lxtMPB nf lioVK S TATKIj nilU TtMC timt hnvo 1 i .lit iiirt'u yruss utrv.'nty this yenr. In nil rnir ev 1 .tu iii-t' tit II yeira, hi tlio ilniK tmttint"!, hnvo n i r t-'M 1111 urtielif ihut giive em-Ii riuiverhalati .tKiivU us yyur TvUlc. ivurs truly, Ali.Ntl'.CAUR iC SUM) AND W'AUHANTKI) 11Y- Dr. A.S.Harrison, KNTIKLP, N ( r Jadkin s Grocer? WKMHIX, X. C Tor line groceries, it will pay to call "a J. I, .ludkins, leader ol ihem all, Tile liiu'st goods in Weldon you will see At Judkin's (irocery. Import)' 1 and domestic goods heio you will lio.l, t'.mni'd g,Mnls and deliea)'i)'s )tl" every kind ll 111 alters not what your needs may lie Visit Jiidkins' Grocery. For choice teas and cofl'ee Judklns is re uowneil Niiiu linei in tin- country can he lound Try ihi-ir spc-ial lirands of li!)'iided tea At .ludkins' t irocery. None in Weldon with Jodkins can com- pcl)- Or show a slock of line gooils us complete. one price you in ay see At Judkios' (irocery. At .ludkins' store do not lorget I mi ttcihii, mid mritsoifi, io)) u.ti,..)ys And ymir town orders il)'liv)r)')l free From Jiulkins' lirocory. dec. lit ly. rilUFKSSlOSA 1. ('A HQS. JAKS M. HCI.I.RS, Mullen & The moral i Ifeet of early acquaintance with scientific truth is illustrated by little storv which the liev. Dr. Plumb tills in (he lioston Tianseript: A millionaire 1. rower, a senator in i 0 her Slate, said to Mrs. 1 1 mil, 'I sli vote lor your lull. 1 have sold out my brewery ami am clean from t ho whole business Let mo toll you what occurred at ni) table. A guest was taken dai. g roii.-ly ill at dinner insensible ami tl ore was a call lor brandy to restore him My little boy at once exelaiiind 'No, that is iust what he don't need! It will tiiraKzothe turves and muscles of the blood vc-sols, so i hoy will not send b the blood to the he.irt. ' "When the liquor was poured out ti give the man, the lad insisted on pushing it back. "' You will kill him, he has too uiue blood iu bis bead already. " 11, w did v. u know all that?' his father afterward a.-led. '"Why, ii is iu ujy physiology school. It seems the text books, pre pared by such men as Piofessor Nwi l Martin, F. U.S., of Johns Hopkins I ui versity, hud succeeded in giving the lull some definite iuforiuatiuu which was proving useful. "Senator," said Mrs Hunt, "arc y sorry your buy h arned dial at l 'i Madam," the man replied, rai-i his bund, "I would nut take fivet'ious dollars for I ho assurance this gives thai my boy will never be a drunkard." i-yim:i hit onci:. WA1.TKR I. DANIEL DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. t-.Hi tteehi theemmsof HaltrniandNortham o ihiiu in the .Supreme auit Keileral eourti. Col e 'li'iiminaile in HlloHrtsor NurLh Carolfna. :aiieh office aL Halifax. N. C.oneii every Mon 'tr. Jan 7 ly JJIt. T. T. nos, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. S3f"OITice over F.inry & Tierce's store. 10-19-ly. T)R W.J WARD.c Siirp(i! Dentist, ENFIELD, N. C. ttUOIBceoTer Harrison's Drug Store, dec 20 ly. Dou't be afruid. Come right in my wife's out. Havo a little Boiuotlii Here's a nice quality of old " "(iood heavens, man, you've Rot th . .IT, ..,.1,1 wronu bottle : liooii ai tnai luoei Don't you see it's marked 'Poison I "Oh, that's all rigid. That saves from tho hired girl. My owu invention vou know. Clever, isu't it? Never failed but once." "How was that?" "Hired girl couldn't read. FOUOY i:k kih v yuaks Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over hltv years by millions mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child softens the gums, allays all puin, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every purl of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Besureandaskfor"Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. IH1YTS I III' lil 111 I. WHS. Rules l ur Those Who Arc Abut In l'.ntcr or Have Jusl I'.ntcrcJ Society. It is a good thing to have suine rules with which to work out life's problems, and here are some that have been picked up and tested by a contributor to the Washington Star and found to bo good: Always take it for granted that every one means well by you unless you have proof to the contrary. The average per son in society bus a good naturod, or at least tl cynical, sort of tolerance and liking for you. Very few actually hate you or want to spite you. When you find out that there is some one who docs, don't liscuss it or quarrel ubout it if it can be avoided. Just drop the person from your as completely as posible, and, above all, never descend to abuse him or her. It will hurt you worse lhan it will your enemy. iNever treasure up a gnev ance; it will grow out of all proportion with nursing. Don't snub other women und girls just ecause there is a man around. This is the most fragrant fault of girls who has it learned relative value. The man will not like you any better fur ignoring a ;irl friend and earnestly devoting yoursell to In in. A great many debutuutcs think their success depends upon the men. It a sad mistake. It is the married women ind your girl comrades who can give you good time, or not, in the end. Very few women dislike you because of your successes. It is because ol your Haunting them. Never ignore older married men. They will not forgive it, and they wield u mighty power. Don't wonder whut construction will be put on everything you say, the way you hold your head and the way you laugh. Dou't wander what people are thiuk- ing of your pose, and your gown, and your hands and the position of your feet. Ton to one they don't even fee, und if they do arc not bothering their headsabout you, This is not kind. but it is eminently true. A very young girl's worst fault is r self consciousness. It may bo the consciousness of her shortcomings, but that is even more vexing than an npprc- iation of her virtues. Don't be wondering what you will say next. A pause is uotlimg deadly, ll you do not make it so. Probably by the lime you have finished saving what you ive in mind a new tojiowill be sug gosted Iryiug to say something any thing to fill in a hiatus is the most pt tent cause of that mistake c ininouly known as putting your foot in it Don't frequent tete-a-tete corners, On ly experienced and much older girls can o that with impunity. Don't giggle, but, on the other hand nn't look as if you wore at a w ilding ot a funeral. I'se your eyes to say what it dotsn't happen to be practical to say with your tongue. If you happen to be left strauded for , ,, , i- one dance, novel sit all alone on oue sine of the wall to be pitied, (let up and over to some uroup of matrons, und don't fancy that the whole room is watching your transit. It is much too busy talking and dancing. Here, again, dou't think of yourself. There is nothing so wii lol edusa would be wallflower, bhe cant possibly look us though she liked it, and there is not the least use in trying lo mile it efl. Above all things, never discuss an affair where you were a failure. Never admit that you were a failure. Keep iniel about it if vou can't eulhuse. It doesn't do to explain the causes. I:,IM ll'S ttT.IIHir.ST SPOT. IllunJ CurJling WiinierlanJ of Super stitious Mountains. HAD HIS NT TAT. WITH 1 1 1 M . The C.entifeje Was Harmless, But The Straimcr DiJn't Know It, MAN Slli: WOULD MAKUY, First clerk "She's a married lady," Second clerk "How do you know?" "Sho ordered two hammocks." OASTOIIIA. lmtlt Ufutoit. . ft It n 1 never hear a young girl say young girls are loud of saying," observed an old lady on the summer boarding house piai.i, "wh it sort of man sh will in irry, and what sort only, that I do not think of certain speeches to which I have listened from pretty lips before this. A school friend of mine so held 'ew Jersey ill d'tesiuiion that she lore iu map from her neonr.qihy. She u ei to suv that nothing would induce her lo marry a man who w is u will iwcr, wore a wig, or lived in New ,liry And the man of her choice) was guilty ol all these three eiiormiies. I Use ! to talk over my future with two cousins, would not marry a business man, I said, Kate would not think of a clergyman, or Carrie of a farmer. And we married respectively, a business man, a clergy man and farmer. It is all like a smart vounff American 'help' in my granduiolh n't kitchen, who was wont to declaim in ii children on the scorn in which she held all men. always winding up her dc nunciation of the sex by: 'No, I wouldn marrv any man that walks on two logs And she didn't. She married a one-leg ged man," New York Sun. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. TBI f.5-limlli IfMtun Hut TttfrH. The most uncanny spot on the face of the earth is, very likely, within the boun daries of the Superstition mountains in Arizona. The name was given this range of volcanic lock by the Indians, and never was name more appropriate. Of course, the educated man of today knows that all of the strange and weinl phenomena to be seen there tire the re sult of natural causes and can lie easily explained, but the poor Indian who knows not lliese can hardly be blamed for having a wholesome fear for any part of the range. The stories the Indians toll of the Su perstition mountains would take months to repeat, but the idea of all of them seems to be to impress the fact that the Arch Fiend who presides over the domain as a Hatred ot the red man and is con stantly laying traps to destroy him. All who enter the realms of horror do so at risk of never eoming back, aud all who do come back have new tales to add the already long list. The most tcrri i things told of are the swinging stones that turn out from the walls of a canyon and crush the passerby. Then there arc aces where the ghosts dance; trees that reach out their branches and entangle all who come near them. There are caverns d with witches and devils und awful birds that make the strangest sounds. Wild animals by the thousunds come ght out of the solid rocks. Pishes with L'gs come Iroiu the lakes and drown all within their reach. Fire aud smoke uud horrible groans and howls fill the air on all sides. To see tho weird aspect of this uncan ny region it is best to select that time of the month when the moon is full. The most interesting portion is in a canyon that opens on the north side of the rauge and if an cxplnrer will manage to get about ten miles into this during the day time and, after selecting a quiet spot, wait ir the moon to rise, he can have an ex- :;ricuce he will never forgot. Hut dou't go unless your nerves are strong. In most parts ol the world silence comes with the night. Just l tic reverse seems to be the case in ihe Superstition mountains. Or is ibis imagination? But suddenly the ail is rent with the most uneaithly shrieks that ever fell on moilnl ears. Agaiu und again it comes and rolls and echoes through the canyons Iting weirder with eich reverberation Theory is taken up on all sides until the mountain seems like pandeuiouiiim Hut nerve yourself and pass on. Keep to the bottom ofaheeinvon und you v:il iu no danger of a fall. Silcnco will eome agaiu, und you wills ion see a cone ibaped mountain rising before you. Ap prjueh closer and a castle as perfect n: any on the bunks of the Khine will appear erched oil its summit. When near soft, mulllod sound of footsteps will be heard. What is it? Hy looking care fully a procession of panthers can b n walking around ihe cone shapi i: mountain as ll guarding the cistle on its summit. Hound uud rouud ' they go, looking neither to right nor left, and though eon siderable noise is made, tliey will not notice it. Many old hunters say that is possible lor a man lo walk right across the line uud tho panthers will uot ill tack him. Further up the canyon arc numerous ulehes, into which the moonlight falls. One of them has a sort ot overliangin ledge and beneath it appeals a crowd ol men. Surely they are talking. 1 tlioir aims appear lo move, their Heads turn t Diui side to side. Some have o while clothes aud others appear to be o liflerent colors. A peculiar sound Ilk the murmur of voices fills the air. By climbing a small canyon to the left the most startling sight in the mountain can be seen. Surely it is nut of tlii world. The canyon suddenly toriui nates in a gulch that crosses it from side to side. At first sight it is only an abyss of inky blackness. Listen! A peculiar rumbling sound can be heard, and from the profound depth a while robed figure will appear. Then allot hoi and another, until there is a whole pro cession of ghosts passing over the brink Many id lliein will wave their arms, as if ln-cl.ui.iiig tl.e observer. Whili this is going on clouds will appear to float in from the sides, and perhups thun der will be heard iu the diitaneo. lint ihe procession moves on and passes up a canyon, aud filially disappears over a cliff. Sileuce will follow, and tho act will be repeated. This canyon caunot be traversed further, but by turning baek and entering a small valley on the other side three giants can be seen in confer ence. They are sitting close to a tree, and their uttitudes show them to be in lerested iu what oue of them is saying. Fuilher up the canyon there is a large cliff and behind it at intervals can be seen flashes of light. Thunder follows and tho earth beneath your feet will shake. Possibly one of the flashes may throw you to the ground, and you can hear the hissing of servants near by. If you happen to be in tho right place y can hear a grinding sound and a cliff will swing outward. Hut it won't fall, 8 the next shake will swine it back. Dozens of experiences liko those just related are likely to lielull the night ex ploter in the Superstition mountains, so that when da light comes be will feel as if he has boon to the infernal re gions or with Alice in Wonderful. San l'rauciseo tall. A M VI 11.1' (ll: l.lll CATION. Honors were lietueen the Merchant anJ Parmer. 'he Hawaiian islands are almost as well off as Ireland. Sl. Patrick drove all the venomous insects anil reptile out of the greeu isle, hut the llawuiiatis claim that the reptiles und insects left on Mr. Dole's domain ure ill lio sense ol'lhe Word poisonous. 1'eople who have particular ling with vcniiinoiis insects imported from the islands make the sumo claim. A local fruit iuipuitor said yesterday: Vciy frequently wo receive consignments of bananas and pineapples packed in di ied grass uud h aves. In taking the fruit from I he boxes it is not uncommon to fiud a big centipede crawling along Ihe stalk between the bananas, doing his best lo get used to the California climate. "'Tuesday afternoon I was opening a box of 1 ananas und pushed my hand through the straw to get at the stalk. felt around for a few seconds and thought I could feel something moving around on the back of my hand. I hud often heard of the presence of centipedes in fruits shipment, so I carefully with drew my hand, so as to make us little commotion as possidle. Imagine my sur prise and alarm to see u five-inch centi pede slowly crawling up my arm. I was about to strike it whtn a fruit packer, standing near by, warned me to make no attempt to get rid of it, but to let it crawl up at its leisure. I had forgotten the fact that they wore not poisonous, and I kuLiw I got us white as a sheet, believing every moment that it would sink its claws into mo and send its powerful poison through my blood. "I looked at it with fear and trembling, but did not dare to move a muscle. It lifted its head and seemeed perfectly satis Bed to remain where it was, I could hardly restraiu myself from making a uick motion and shaking it off, but my companion warned nie again to keep quiet. All I could feel was a tickling sensation The tickling increased, and I was almost ready lo faint with suppressed excitement, 'inally the centipede looked up at my sleeve and slowly made lor it, moving all the legs in unison. The sensation by ibis time was unbearable, and I feared I would unable to remain calm until the ihing got entirely i It. My tlesh sec ed lo brink away as the horiible creature pri- ceeded, but in a few more seeonds, every one of which seemed no hour, it had set tled itself comfortably on the fabric of my clothing, and with a motion quicker thau o.s ever known lo make before I routed it with a stick and sat down perspiring from head to foot It was the uio.-t thrilling experience I ever figured iu and it made mesick the rest of the day. My companion began to laugh as though he would die of merriment, butlsaw noth ing particularly humorous in the situation. "'You are crazy,' he said, 'lo get frightened over a little thing like that. Do you not know that Hawaiian island centipedes ure nut poisonous? I told you to keep quiet just to see how long jour nerve would last. If the thing had sunk every iluw he had into your flesh it would have only caused a little swelling and noth ing more. 1 have had several of them strike me, and 1 apply a little ammonia or salt water uud cure it up in half an hour." I was silting on a keg of nails in a West Virginia mountain store, watching a native dickering with the merchant over a trade of a basket of eggs for a calico dross. After some lime a bargiiiu was closed, ihe native walked out with dress in a bundle under bis arm, and 1 followed him. "It isn't any business of mine," I said "but I was watching that trade ami wns surprised to see you let the eggs go for that dress." "What let?" lie asked in astonish nicut us he mounted his hoise. How many eggs did you have ?" "Basketful." "How many dozen?" "Dunno. Can't count." "That's where you miss the advantage of education. With knowledge you might have got two dresses for those vrrsn- "Bul I didn't want two dresses, mil ter," he argued. "Perhaps not, but that was no reason why you should have paid two piices for one Tho merchaut got the advantage of his education. lie knew what he was about." He looked at nie for a minute, as if he felt really sorry for me. Then he gasped and pulled his horse over close to me, 'I reckon," he half whispered, casling furlive glances toward the store, "his eddieatiou ain't so much uiore'n mine iz you thiuk it is. lie don't know how many uv them aigs is spiled and I do-" And he rode away before I could argue further. 'Wf Kmg Kthel last my at was night V" eiigagc- TOO MUCH KKST. "What in the world broke llurke down? He used to be the picture of health." "He recuperated too long at the seashore." DAUtillTKKS OF A WIDOW. 'i don't want to marry him, but I feel ai if 1 ought to for iiinther's sake." "Why?" "She will have so much better chance herself." om: vi hw. "Don't you fiud the children troubb- souie, Mrs. Tugby?" "No our dear babes are all right, but the neighbors youngsters worry me nearly to death. " TUK K I'.AL KHAHOX. SOMi; CONUNDRUMS. Why docs a duck put its head under the water? Fur divers roa-on. Why does it take its head out of the water? For sun-dry reasons. Why dom it come out altogether? To make a little run up on the bank. A I, WAYS WITH Til KM. She "I wish wo were rich enough to have s one of the luxuries our friend: enjoy a yacht, for instance." lie 'Oh, uever mind! Wc alwajs have the lug of war." STKOMi AND W'HAK POINTS "Dubby tolls mo that he can carry im mouse sums in Ins head. "I e. haps so but he never cirnos over fifty cents iu his pocket " m'kinm:ys i.kttkk. My letter of acceptance, 'Twill sot the world aflame. My managers will write it it, Aud 1 will sign my name. POSTPONED. "Are you g ling to make an ocean voy ago this year, Mrs Deroiida?" "No, I ihink not, as I heard my hus band sav that his plans were nil at sea now." liride at the wedding to best man: Why is marriage often a failure?" Best man "Hecjustlhc bride docs not marry the best man." NO TIM K NOH LOVK LOST. Mrs. (Quiverful ( skrn'iyj in in the parlor (blushing l "Only merit ring, mamma." "Sometimes," said t'ncle Klien, "to man puts on or hie.' lace an' sa)S he's discouraged when he's simply tnu lazy tor try ugain." He 'it's reported around that wc are engaged." She "Well, you know it's a mistake." lie "Yes; I called lo see if 1 couldn't rectify it." Manic 'i hope you didn't let that Mr, lluggins nit his arms ubout you ?" Mabel "Why ? Is lli'Trt anything the matter with his arm? " "Money am offou like some days," says Brother Watkins. "dew in de mauuiu' an' mist at night." " Doctor, my wife has insomnia lies awake most of the night. What shall I do for her?" "Get home earlier." If I could gratify a wish, My wealth would be untold, The bags my trousers till possess I'd have filled up with gold ADVKHTISKMKNTS. N E W A D V KK'liS K M K N TS POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Ldtnt. u. IS. Unvrrnmcnt rood Kepiirt. Royal Hakinii Powdek Co., 106 Wall St. N Y- He "You said you would lose no time in considering my proposal." She 'Well, I haveu't lost any and I wou t. CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE. riAA i)iiitw rn Wirn Fence Board: Yard. Cemetery Biid Orave Lot Fencing on Hteel 1'ont a Specialty. Wf Pny tkio Freight. Catalogue Free It. L., AllAAfllA, UA. V. M. HAIiLlSTOX & CO., Wholtwule ami ICetnil Dralernin CAKPKTS, STOVKS, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HAHLIhTON&CO., No. 211 N. Sycamore St., Pelerslrarg, Va. Ill'Jfi Iv. M KKK ASSUMPTION. Mrs. liriimpey "Why do nearly the people cry at weddings?" liiuinpey "Because most of have been married themselves." all them TAK UN ON A ,11' MP. He "Don't you think people are very silly in the honeymoon?" She "Oh. 1 1) i.i is sudden; but I can tell you belter after our honeymoon." Tl. fia-llmll. Ilftatu. CABTOniA. "The doctor has forbidden me to drink any more champaign." "Probably until after you have paid his bill." She "I'Acnhodv says vou married me mil v for inv money." lie "But I didn't, dour I know you look it, dear, bill I didu'l." Arthur "Are you sure she lovci you?" Jack "Yes. When I told her I had no money to marry on she asked me if I couldn't borrow smiie " Mr 1 oplcigh "What would you ihink il I were to tell you that 1 had boon dying by inches for you for years' Miss Wanterwcd I should think it it was very sudden." When in the brassy skies above No hope nor help I see, I gladly seek the girl I love She's always cool to me. OUT OF OKA It. First Jorseyite "I'm afraid my lawn mower is ruined." "Sec md Jerseyiie " Why?" "A mosquito got caught in it " 1 :-tel ... f rLjui' .:'!. ys?.. it-SM t,m.... rm..n mm. K the rei overct -Iii'.. billnilS tUf. vti tuns ol fever fiui', tlit' mercurial ni twiitiii, h'-iw il.- 1 1" utcftl health, i In irfi.i sj.n kh and K""d i) I" ;. they will tell , l.y (.kitiH Simmons I.IV1K Kri. I l.AI"H. The ChcHpcit, l'lirpit nml Itt-xt Fjimlly .M.ilii iii.- in ll. k Uorlill Fur HVI'1' ISI A, i uv II'VI'ION, J f,,, mike. I - IiH. H K II . h HI', I ..Ii. . Ucvrei. lion ut nrit'i. s' M K V I ' M i it. Hi .irtlmrn, en i h. iinnt.ili'il t r i j . . I i w.ut.mtui nm in o.main .mjc i.irij It -I .Mi i i uv, u .ni inim-tal Milium. but ib PURELY VEGETABLE, ntaiiMii): iln-sr- N.iuh'Tii ;ml Herln whirh an -wise l'iu idi'in e lias jil.n t-il ill ouHUit-s wliert wr I 'isi-iisi s miM uim.iil. It u ill cur1 all JliM'iiNt'H '!tiirl by Hi-rit iitr ineiit of th ,ivr nixl Itiiui-U. Hi.: M I J M I iv.:r I'.'intiiaint an- a hiuei or bml i.iMi' in th- iii-.mlt ; I'.un iti the k, NiJet or 'IlL-ii riuM.ikcii tut kh'-'Uisiatiiin : Sour fetoniach ;'. ui A ;)' tit' , li.iwols alternately toHtiveami l.ix. Mfiul.n In. . Ijm hi Memory, with a painful scriNition t-t li.tvjtij; tailed to ..! snmftttiruj whi. li au-Jil ( liavu Wvu tlniic ; lhility; Low Hpirilft; ;i ihn k, yi'llw iii.jn,iraiii - "t trie Skin aod yes ; a dry (..mili, olieti mistaken lur I 'iisinntioD. S'-metimcs f th"- vymtt.nis attend tht seu&e, at nihcrs vtry low ; I i:! ill- l.ivi'K, ihe largest ur.m in tli' limly, is i;i ln;ra,l (lie muI l the disease, and il' in it K''i!i"'"'l i tim', K"'" MiHcring, wretch-cdm-si ..n. 1 IU A I II nuK-. Ihe fullnwitiK hik:iily-e-u-'nii:l persons attest to th I Mmmiins l.iu u Ki iii 1-ahir : lien. w. a. Holt, Pres. Ca. s. W. K. Ii. C. ; Rev. J. K. Feldtr. Vrry,( ia.; Col. K. K. Sparks, Albany, (ia,, C Master ti, i-.h. j. .Client) liil.ll.u.,i .a.; J. A. Units. ISainlinUg:, a.; Kcv. J. W. ISuikc, Maion.lia.; Viwil I'uweril Supt. (la. S. W . K. K. ; Hun, Alexander H.Stc(hen, We have tested us uniieti iitrsunaliv. and know that fur I ', HiIk.umu--, and '1 hiohbing Mead ilIic, it is thf hi-si mctln iiK- the u nrld ever u. We have tried furty other remedies hefure Sim mi ms Livr Ketiulatur. and mme of them t!,ive us mure th.m terar porary relief; the keiilatiT imi unly relieved, but curt J US," k.U. Ttil.lU.HAI'H AM MliSbHNl.BK, MaCON,Oa. MANl'I'Al TI.'KKll ONLY BY J. II. ZLILIN St CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Carrien J Pure Whiskies! If be 4 a; 11.IKI i:i.iki lo.lll) C. H. HALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Dry Goods, Notions, Boots" SHOKS, GROCERIES, Etc. A (tent lor STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES. Cn tiirnisli any vart of any kind ot machine at short notice. Bend postal cant tor slip illustrating parts to machine you have and w ill name price for piece needed. I carry a lull line Coffins & Burial Cases. Give me a trial when in tiling. ncid of my 1 any- ly. rones W, T, PARKER, , HEAI.EIl IN , Heavy AND Fancy Farm Implements. 2-i VorXI) SACKS OF SALT FOR 81.10 PKIi SACK. BfljUC'orreet nrii-uH and polite ntlentiou to all. aui; 1 ly. i T&.vixrji urn in CAVEATS. TRADE Hindi. DESIGN PATtNTS, COPVRtOHTS. mtnJ fiirinritrniathmatci fr,' wrlb' to Ht'NN a i u., ;;t HitiiAUWAV, Nkw V.. nit. !.li'st hUD'Alt for KITIirillK iHt'IltN 111 AllHTll'fc l vi ry iiat. ni tak. limit ! u- U l-P'tulit lu funi the (luhllc lij a ii. tuv tivi ti (n-uufcliurgu lu Um f ncuiific tncnatt Lnri'fst Ion of ntiT M-lcntlfli rrur In tM Win Si l. i;iii-,iratt-d. N lllti'lhk'i-rA limn hliimld I ii wlthuut It. WfH'klv, tt;t M u J't-ur; fl.Mls nioiill.'K. MI!N . UO.. l'l iiLi-MUii:., :;! li.Miblwuy, Nvw Vorkl'lty. HUDSON'S Ask your ilcalfi- lor tbi'j. Itraml.i. linau'i thrni, m ite in. 1 pillnii "i yttiu-H old, 1 " M " 1 " 1 ' 1 case lti qiinrtM, years olil, 1 " " ' H " " 1 " " " 111 " " l'uitlii'il nml bottled ut distillery in the above KlyU' luukuce for ftiniily use and medicinal puriiosou. R. MONARCH BQTT1ING CO. OweiiNboro, ky. Send money with order to avoid delay, mar l Gin. 1h7 MaiiiKt., Noil'olk, Viu LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S OlNINd Id l( M. ALT. M F.A l-S 25 CKNTS. SI1!1'ASI.(I vm:K A UI'ECIAI.TV J. It. lU'lKfclX, rniiaietiir. The llcxt nf Kverythiiy; in Seaaon oct 10 lyr. M, COIIKN.SON A CO,, PETEltfiBURO, VA. Wholesale Tk. fu- llBll. tfutun. ll N Kbkh Thk Nekvks 1'pon pun rich bloid aud you neeJ nut fear nervous prostration. Nerves are weak when they aro improperly and insufficiently nour ished, l'uro blutiil is their proper food, and pure blooJ conies by Inking Hand's Sns.iuii In, which is I litis I he greatest and beat neive tnuie. It also builds up the whole ysteui Id od's l'i'ls sre tlio favorite family lalhurtic, easy to take, easy to operate. DAY TO ACENTS! Anvone who wauta lo tret rich and who has a little enterprise can secure JilO aduy in tho Ilisli Washer luiaineJM It is btioiiniig now. Kverylrady wanta a Climax nowadays. One aRcut cleared $20 every day lor a year; a gocd chenec; bt Dish Washer made; no soliciting; Dish Washers sold at home; a permanent posi tion in town, city or country. One million to be sold. A wide-awake hustler can clear (15 to $20 a day easy; washes and dries in two minutes. CLIMAX M'F'G CO., 60 Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio. DRY GOODS and ustotioits. Mamilivcturersof SVtirta, Drawers and over alls. Price guaranteed autllustall North em umrketa Orders receive prompt per mial Mintina. dot S ly. C. H. B. HOWERTON, 4 HALIFAX, N. C. Table tiiplied wltli Uie very best the market can arTord. Wfc.I.ivery Stable in iwinmctioo