Is jfi l1 3B JOHN W. SLEDGE, ruoi'RiKTOii. VOL. XXXI A. 1TEWSPAPEE IF O IR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1896. TEKIMIS: 1-r,,) I,;u ANNUM IN ADVANCK NO. 21. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE STUDY 'of the action of medicines, or vtRcU W compouuiU, upon ihc stomach, and tests in many hundreds of cams, lon ty j cniivinctrd Doctor K V . riticf, i Tilt I LoiwimnK i'ny.iciitii to tlit Invalid' Ilott l mid Surjr;. Mil luHiltule, Hit Halo, N. Y., nil cai-i of I inhumation, Dyspepsia mid Liver Coin j.lmit could be enrol prrttmnrtitly if the riKht tn-ntment were (liven. In mippnrt of in', he I if f tlmt he had tlitroverrd hii nUrra. live struct which he called "(mlileti Meil tnl Oitcovery," that would cure these (lis. eisftt, he collecttd from all parts of the ci'imlry the evidence of those who had u-nl hit medicine, and he has asked the i iblic to invettitfate fur themselves, as he w inld bt (flad to furnish the iianies and tiMreHHCt of thousands of people who have M-d Pr.Pierce'sColden Medical Discovery. All intfreited in the above should fiend for a c:v;tl Portor Book of looo pages, trcHttliR rs iKiiisiivety of Dyspepsia, Chronic Piarrhea, ",ivit Complaint,' Biliousness, Constipation mill Piles, published by the World's Dispensary MtiHinl Asaociation, Buffalo, N. Y., and mailed mi receipt of ai cents in one-cent tit a nips to enver postage and wrapping onlv. This book yUo contains the photographs and testimony of ni;iny persons who have suffered from diseases ui the digestive organs. INDIOG5TIONI SEVERE PAIN IN ATOM ACM. Thomas Flbtciirr, of Clifton Station, Fair fax Co., Va., writes: i mucrrti ne irrn ble tortures for ten years with what your Dr. Pierci-'H Common Seuse Medk-al Advia er describes; as ' Gas trala;ia' (pain in stom ach). I employed our home-doctor took W doKcn bottles of snrsa parilla with no bene fit ; then I took one half dozen bottles of a celery compound with out any brnefit : tl n eiiiht Wiles of i -u tonic, vet I was no 1 -t- ter ; this wss In 1 then took sii bottles. which made a new man of me. I nut now fifty two vears old nnd for the past five years I havt worked very hard on my farm. It is iuiuossiljlc fur me to say luo inuth for the ' Gulden Medical "Discovery.' ' AIllCYLI.F. WITH WINIiS. A MI S1CAI. MOUNTAIN. A l:lyine Machine Attachment F.natlcs the It is Located in Nevada and was Discovered Wheelman to Mount in the Air. h I'rostectors for (ioll. l-!',l ' K W TTTILLIAM FREEMAN, ' PORTRAIT AUT1ST AND l'Ill togrnphcr and dealer in FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplier, etc. OI.I) l'ICTURECOI'YING ASl'KCI AI.TY Fiist elans work guarantied. ni l 10 ly. 170 Main at., Norfolk Va mmi I tS FAT hOimr?3 If the wheel Isn't fast enough for, why, In the old mining district of Truckoc, fly. Nov., in the only musical mountain in It seems on though tlio old fairy legend the United Stales. It was located by a of the seven league boots would come party of prospectors in lS(i4 true before this century ends. The (piest lor gold hud led these et 1 he bicycle has multiplied many Inld plorors to the loot of the mountain, the speed possible in personal locomotion, where they pitched their tents, and for Ihslaueo has been divided by 1 00. some time had cause to believe them Hut that isn't enough. No week selves in a wonderland of sound, if not passes but there appear some new de- of gold. Each evening a little after vice, intfiided to lighten the labor and dusk, when all was still, thero proceeded accelerate the speed of tho wheel. from the big mountain soft, mysterious The latest of these is a bicycle flying straius, like the tinkling of tiny bells, machine. Experiment has jmt been silver bells, that seemed to make the made with this wonderful machine, and whole atmosphere quiver as they floated the results, the inventor says, make ordi- over the camp, nnd were wafted far away nary cycling seem as ancient and clumsy until lost in tho distance, :nly to bo fol a jolting journey in tho wagons of our lowed by a fresh gust of sweet tones, grand fathers. As the magic music was only beard The man who has devised thlsineredi- under cover of the night, it was conclu blc machine is Charles Sigors, a young ded that it must proceed from some machinist. There is no joke about it. other source than the wind, and certain He considers the bicycle flying machiue of the campers, finding it more interest an altogether practical proposition, aud ing than prospecting, gave most of their has tiled application for patents to pro- time to investigating the mystery. Mean tccl it. The living uiachioc attachment is to be fastened to the handle bar of the bicy cle. The wings will be of canvas, stretched over aluminum frames They will be eight feet long and about lour while several camping parties appeared. and among them a company of l'lutc Indians The latter seemed familiar with ttic musical wonder and called the "singing mountain." It was at length ascertained by the feet in width. They will bo rectangular searchers that the face of tho mountain in shape and one will bo fastened on was covered with thin flakes of hard, either side of the air cylinder, which will ciystulliue rock. There wore immense be in the centre, beds of these flakes, and it became ar In the cylinder lies the secret of the parent that the mystic music was pro- success ol tho device. It will bo four duced by the uniting and blending of feet in length, with a diameter of fificen the myriads of bell-Uko tinklings caused inches. It will be constructed of alumi- by tho huge drifis of slayty debris that num and some alloy of sufficient resist- continually glided, glacier-like, down the ance to allow ihe hundred pounds prcs- steep slope. That it was heard after sure of compressed air to the square dark was unquestionably owing to the inch. peaceful quiet of the hour. Before the wheelman starts out the Notwithstanding this rational solution air will be pumped in, and the inventor of the mystery, the Indians, and indeed declares thai when the cyliuder is filled many of tho white campers, continued to the buoyancy will counteract the weight believe that the magic concord o( sweet of the apparatus, and render the propul- sounds proceeded from some supernatural sion of the wheel perfectly easy. power within the mountain. CAMPAIGN 1MIONOGKAIMIS. OltUilNAL. OBSERVATIONS. TASTELESS CHILL TONIC n IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Gal ati a, Ills., Not. 10, 1993. Paris Medicine Co., Ht. Luuls, Ho. (lentlemen: We sold last year, WO bottlna of 3ROVK S TASTKIjKKS CHILL TONIC and bnve XtUKtit three urosB already this year. In all oar ei perii'iice .f 14 yenrs. tn the dnia boKlnens, have oeTi'r sold an art trie that save such universal aollsi MMva at jour Toole lours inilr. AilN&V, CaUH CO SOLD AND WARRANTED 11V Dr.A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C. Min's Grocery WEI.DON, N. C For line groceries, it will pay to call DnJ. 1, luilkins, lender of them all, The finest goods in Wcldon you will see At Judkiu's Owcery. Imported and domestic goods here you wilt hrnl, Canned goods mid delicacies of every kiuil H matters not what your needs may be Visit Jildkins' Grocery. For choice tens aud coflee Judkins U re nowned None liner in tho country can be found Try their special brands of hleuded ton At Judkins' tirocery. N'uiic in Wcldon with Judkins can com-Dete allow a stock of Hue good its complete, " hitch one price you may sea At .Imlkins' ir,-ry. At Judkins' store do not forget Full weight!) and measures yon can always net And your town orders delivered free From Judkius' Grocery, dec 111 ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Some time ago it was decided to make One rent paid is worth a dozen in your bicycles a part of the coming political pants. Tllll OLD MAN. Its Significance as Attlied to the Head of the Business House. Were I tho head of a largo corncetn or the responsible executive officer of a great corporation, whether my ago were 27 or 72, I should want all of my em ployees or subordinates to call 1110 "The Old Man." Not, of course, to my face or when they were addressing mo, but among themselves or when they spoke of mo to their friends. "His Majesty,""IIis Hoyal Highness," "His Eicellency" and the like all indi cate that the persons to whom they are applied possess power, but in this com mercially democratic ago and country the one appellation of undisputed autoc racy is "Tho Old Man." Applied to the bead of a coucorn it frequently indicates love, gonerally respect and always complete submission to au thority. It is as free from any sugges tion of ago as is "reverend " It is never given when there is a question of au thority or a smoldering rebellion against it. When "Tho Old Man" says a thing, IILHOIC TM-IATMF.NT. a Dislocated Jaw was I'ut Hack Into its Jack. While talking In his sleep Henry Floeke, a builder, residing in (hone Park, I.. I., dislocated his jaw. Mr. Plockc's habit of talking in his sleep has made him the butt of a good deal ol joking. He went to bed us usual, but he had not slept lung when ho began talk ing. This awoko his wife, who listen ed for about ten minutes. Suddenly I'loke's nocturnal monologue slopped. Ho began gasping. Mrs Floke was frightened, and she shook her husband into wakefulness. 'Why, what's the matter, Henry?" she asked. Her husband tried to speak, but in Tain, llisjaw was immovable. He mo tioned to his wife that ho could not speak, and she endeavored to force his mouth shut. She could not move it. Fearing her husband was suffering from lockjaw, she sent for Dr. McDonald. "Do you want mo to replace your jaw in my own way?" asked tho doctor. Mr. Floko motioned iu the uflirma- A WDNDI.KITT. l IKli THAT lil'KNS I'UIUiVr.Hj You Cannot Stamp It Out Nor Smother It I'ntil It lias Dune Its Work. that settles it; there are no questions to tivo. Dr. McDonald stepped in front of be asked; there is do comment to be Floeke. Without warning the doctor made. When "Tho Old Man" docs struck Floeke a terrific blow on tho left something, or fails to do something, there side of the jaw. Flokc showed a dispo is no criticism to be indulged in. sition to strike back. "The Old Man" is tho one person! "You told me to do it my own way," bout the establishment who is absolute- said the physician. "You observe that ly his own master, whoso coming in and yonr ability to speak is restored. going out aro unhampered, whose on- The blow had knocked Flock's dislo- couraging word carries real weight, and oated jawbone into its proper position, whose reprimand indicates real danger, to and except fur a little soreness he was whom "sir" is a right and not a courtesy, none the worso. Dr. McDonald explained Long live "The Old Man!" And that Floke's jaw was liable to disloca when, through his half closed private I lion at anytime unless ho broke him- office door, ho hears the loys term him I s.df of the habit of talking in hi? sleep. thus kindly, let him congratulate himself that loyalty is in his service and that he has attained tho acme of dignity.-Truth. -New York Times. CHILIAN WOMEN. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Their Loveliness Sail to te I'neiualed on the Hemisphere. Warning Notes Calling the Wicked to Ri pentance. campaign. .uw an even more novel proposition has been put forward that of phonographs, which shall grind ou) campaign lacta and arguments. In sune sectious of the country this plan has al ready been adopted by the local mauagers, and is working like a charm. The scheme is to scatter phonographs over the country, putting one in the prin cipal square of each town. The men who are pushiog the project sty that phonograph cylinders would m ike excellent campaign thunder and Faith and energy can pull genius from its shell. He who sows dis -cord may reap a cord for his neck. The crank is a man whose miud is off ou a furlough. The melancholy days have come for campaign lyiog and profanity. An awkward hotel waiter plays the deuce with the tray. To hug u girl and give offence shows would take the placo of printed pamphlets want of tact or want of sense. to a great extent, l'eople would listen If you wish to telephone to God, speak to a political phonograph becauso of the thruU!;n a itte eM novelty of the thing. Tho machines .... could be lo.ded from headquarters with ml,B rlB,i8 au0VB u, campaign songs, both patriotic and comic, lae a'lomy 01 me0 UU1UH ,"l"u' and wiili short speeches talked into the Always take the word of a tramp. He machines by the candidates and the most would not uven labor under a mistake, noted speakers of both sides. In this Lif woulJ bf) how)i if ay every voter throughout tho union ,j nut indu, : (ault fiuJi The most striking features of the Chilia cities Valparaiso and Santiago are those of its women. (Yrtaiuly nowhere else in A happy Christian is always a usclul 1 South America, il jn all tho western hemisphorc, is there to be found so largo a proportion of pretty women in a tola population. The Spaniards say the very uir theie conduces to a perfect development of form and feature, However that may be, it is a fact that the proportion of beautiful women to I e seen in the cities mentioned is rcniarka ble. The pure blood of tho German, French aud English has mingled with tho Indo-Spanish and the result is a race with the graces and beauties uf each, be the and It is a waste uf time to watch a lijpt-rrit. It is much safer to have the devil's war than his peace. Believing light lias everything to do with feeling right. Doing good will pay better in the end than digging gold. Whenever you make a mistake, make it teach you something. I'eonle who wrrv for.ret that God is side which the far famed beauty of r- still at the head of things. Indo-Spanish women seems . tame It is as unpopular to be the true child I uf God to-day as it ever was. insipid. With their beauty they havo ease and grace of movement, and walk with the long, If you would be a good reaper, keep swinging, virile stride of tho Knglish girl. close to the Lord ot tho harvest. Htramro to suv. tho modern Chilian The man who is willing to only have beauty has little love for tho Spainards little religiou might as well not have and resents the imputation that the is WLTIB 1. DAN1II DANIEL, ". HULI.IN, j U L L K H ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wbldoh, N. C. rinicelnt!ieooiirtiof HllfniidNorthamp. onaudln the8upremna Federal oourU. Col. v'uonimadt In allparuof North Carolina, .much office at Halifax. N. Cooen oven lion Jan 7 ly J) It. T. T. UOSSj, could at his leisure listen to the voices of Bryan and .McKiuh y, and the great orators who are talking for silver or for gold Ouly a small fraction of the men that will vote iu Novuibcr havo ever beard or I and yet people are continually caliiu; senn tho treat leaders, and the phono-1 "new graph it ia thought would make a very satisfactory substitute. QUAMFIKI) FOU ON1C. "I wouldn't havo uary office on tin top side cr this airth," said tho deaion as he whittled a big piece out of the piue box by the grocery store. "Not guverner?" "No." "Nor Congress?" No, sir." "Nor President?" "Well, on second thoughts, 1 uiou! tuko President, for ef thar'a a man liviu' kin beat me ketehiu' eat fish or killin ducki I haiu t set eyes on him yit Atlanta Constitution. S1IK 11U IT. Young husband "Where in thunder is that dIuk hat of mine?1 loune wife "Xou know mat you said it needed ironing? "Yes." 'Well, dear, I ironed it." THE 8TINO OF UIC1IES. "I hear Jimson baa married a rich a snug little neat Corporations may have no souls, but the majority of them aro "well heeled " The moon has been around for years it If there is any one who should be wrapped in slumber," it is the man who snores. Thero is more honesty in the wag of t dog s tail than in tho snake ol many a mail's hand. The proverb says, "Laugh and grow fat." What a saving of oorn it would bo if hogs could laugh. Orange (Va.) Observer. SIMXMNO IJEli. any. Be careful where you step, and the man who follows you will not stumble so much. Showers of blessings can always be had by bringing the last tithe into the store house, Thero are aome preaohers who never DB1TTIST Weldon, N. C. W0ffie over Emry A Pierce'satore. 10-19-ly. I)R W.J. WARD.& 'SuiiBOii Dentist, ENFIELD, N. C. ISVOffict over Harrison's Drug Store, dec 0 ly. wife and stepped into -r u:. " Ol UtB UHU, "Yes; a hornets' nest." I'OHOVIiR FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of Mn,gi mothers for ohildren, while teething, witn Derfoot success. It soothes the child, She- Brooks I say, Smithera can you spe bliud pig ? Hmithers Of course.. "Well, let me hear you." "B-l-i-n-d-p-i-g." "No, that's wrong." "Well, let me hear you spell it." "R-l-n-d-p-g." "You left the two i's out." "Yes, if I put the the two i's in it would not be blind, would it r THINK It Ovkh. Havo you ever heard of a medicine with audi a record of ourra Hood's Sareaparilla? Don't you know that Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier, has proved, over and over again, that it has power to cure even after all other remodiea fail? If you have impure blood you may take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. Hood's Pills assist digostion. an "lndo-1'.spanol lint they are pleased immensely, any and all of them, when referred to as the "Yankees of South America," On the promenades or when shopping, riding and atteuding to ordinary social duties, they ore aitired quite as fashion ab'y as their sisters further north. While attending church services, how seem to tako any interest in the subject ,hy invariably dress in black and J I i: i .i I... . i? i. r...i.: of religion. If you would have God with you when the storm comes pray before it clouds up. The pleasures of sin are pleasures ouly discard the latest 1'reneh fashions in millinery fur a mautua, which has a be witching effect when worn by one of these glorious senoritns. The mantua is the common head dress of tho poorer classes, The brunette is the more common while we forget that the wages of sin is type of beauty, though a magnificent type death. I of blonde is not uncommon. The bru have Dctcs have clear, olive skius, their eyes If we knew what our enemies suffered, our enmity would often died sudden death. The devil never thinks it worth while to answer back when a stingy man talks in church. The man who wants to do better than big and black, are lovely beyond descrip lion. In both Valparaiso and Santiago wo men act as conductors on the street cars. The curs are double-decked, and the con ductor, who wears a smart uniform, has a seat ou the rear platform. There she ho has duiio may look to Christ and say sii, uui culled the faius of tho pttteu that ho will do it. Mansions are being prepared in heaven ouly for those who are candidates for their ownership. Many troubles aro like docs. Hun from them and they will follow you, Turn against thorn and they will fly. During the whole time Christ was on earth onlv two oeople nave enough to attract his atteution, and they wore both women. gers as they get on, and she rings the register, with which all the cars are fitted liihout leuving her seat. She is affable. polite, even tempered and accommodating to every one but the male flirt. N, 1 World. HAUOAIN lAY. NOT TO HE TRIFLED WITH. "Dearest." He stopped reading his paper long enough to ask what his wife might want. " When they mark tho dollar down to 53 cents, will it bo every day, or only on Fridays?" Won t you protect me, sir softens the gums, allays all pain, cures Ttis jn,,),,. f0now has been following at fiftppn minutes I" He Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little r sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists u- JM- " yo preler me. in every part of the world. 25 cents a OABTOllIA, DOlllO. nu Bure mu w i tm iw - . low i Booming oyrup, nu " I (uiiS,, (I kind. I "That whiskey' fifteen years old," EXCHANGE OF MELODY. whispered the bartender, "Lookey here," answered bis rural cus tomer, "don't try to git funny with me You kin iist pour that thar stuff back "Doesn't it vex you when that girl next door plays the piano all day?" "Oh, no I just tie a cow bell to our inter th' bottle an I II go whar I km git hammock and swing in it alter she has suthiu' fresh." gone to bed " WW Kitly "Harry wonttakeno for an Shaw "What would you rooommend r ... 1 I fttl :. I It uli- answer, rvale "now uo you anowr ror msuu i, u oiuu uai Kitty" Because I shan't give it to something to tire you," Shaw "But I Uim." Odds and Ends. I c an 't afford to take vacation. 1 ruth. There is a fire that never dies out un til combustion quenches it, and that no substance will quench. It is in this World, too, ami the llauie comes from a compound made by a Washington iuveii tor. This strange lire is of the consistency of paste mid is harmless while in a quiet state. The friction caused by rubbing it against a hard surface will nut the flames, which will burn with a blue light and un iutenso heat till the com pound is completely destroyed by com bustinn. Water has no effect on il; it can tie niailn into halls and thrown any where and it will burn with a slow but fierce combustion, which makes it unlike any known fire Dyuamile and gunpowder require a park to ignite llieiu, and powder pro duces an explosion, not a regular fire. o ignite this compound there is just tho slight 1 net mil ot rubbing it against some ordiuary subslance. There is no explosion or rapid spreading of flames but a strange pasty substance composed of living fire, which cannot be stumped out or killed in any known way. John Floyd, the discoverer, has been fur several years delving in all surts of chemicals, as his numerous inventions re quire constant study. One day he wished to make a certain substance with which to experiment, and tor that purpose placed in a liquid some waste substances which he thought would, when dissolved produce the wished for compound. Hut he found the material he wanted before the liquid was dissolved, so let the jar containing tho solution on tho shelf for several weeks, thinking no rnoro about it. rinully ho thought ut using tho jar and when lifting it down from the shelf some of the liquid spilt on the floor. Mr. Floyd thought nothing about the matter, till he noticed a sensation of heat about his f oot, aud uu looking dowu found that the soft paste which hud fallen out uf the bottle had become a mass of soft, flicker ing flames, emitting an intense heat. Hi pnt his foot on the spot, stumping it out, us he thought, and turned to his work. hen he turned around again he saw that instead of goiug out the fire paste was steadily bur.iiog; that his rubbin; it had only smeared it over the floor and it was eating into the wood every moment lie then threw seve ml buckets ol water on the stuff, but tho water had uo effect oilier than to lie converted into puffs of steam, and the lire burut steadily on, cut ting its way through the soft pine flooring, As the experiments were being conducted in tho back of a drug store, which was filled with dangerous chemicals, he knew that something must bo done to put a stop to its ravages, or tho whole place wo uld bo blown into atoms. After many fruitless attempts to put it out he procured a hatchet, and it was only by cutting out the entiro squ aro of wood on which tho paste rested that he succeeded in stopping tho fire, which burned for at least an hour. Afraid of the uses to which this dis covery might be put, Mr. Floyd has never made the secret of the ingredients public but ho says that it cm bj mido for a! most nothing of the cheapest waste ma terials. And for that reason he w ill nut let the formula become known, for incen diaries would take advantage of it and no, place would be sale Irom burning. 1 hose who use oil or powder can be easily traced some oreoaration is necessary, out Willi this liquid fire a criminal who knew it composition oould burn his way uoisclessly through any dour or sot any home on tiro by throwing against it a noiseless ball of the composition. The cost of making this liquid fire is small that it can be easily used instead of coal iu heiitinit a furnaeo But the most valuiblo properties aro those which possesses, which are absolutely foreign to those of tire us now known tu us. All forms of heat, except that of electricity. must be generated in some kiu I of a fur nuco and be constantly supplied with fuel but this tire is both thine and fuel itself. About a cupful eau bo set ou fire an 1 will burn with a stea ly glow for an hour This wuuderful fire can ba utilized in the kitchen, and stoves can be dispensed with altogether as entirely useless Iu order to fry noythiug it is ouly necessary hang the pan from a wire and smear over the bottom a spoouful of the liquid an instant there will be a hut fire, which wi'l burn lor over an hour. So that the cook of tho future can take her fire into the country, it can be used iu cookinj for campinc: there will bo no coal bill but tho work of heating furunces, of burn ing tiros iu grates, or running motors, can bedouoby a harmless little spooniul p .ste which can be taken around in the vest pocket. Of its practical uses there ate no end for the subject is yet in its infancy. inventor, thinking but of the harm that might come, having slopped his experi ments. He, however, says heiutouds to resume them and find out more about thii explosionless, noiseless, unquenchable paste which is fire pure and simdle. NO INDUCEMENT TO STEAL. "Say, Freddey, why does your floor walker never watch the bargain counter?" "Because tilings are su cheap there that thieves prefer In buy and have the goods delivered." ATE. Ho "Of course lliil in-ijnilieiinl Count lh.' Costly came ovet bore fur a rich wife." She "Yes, and pupa hud lo ninke un assignment two days after I met his grace " ADVKKTINKM KNTH. "Dreadful how the bicycle is natH out of the market, isn't it? it is; but the crop uf wild oats seem be coming uhms! about as usual." running "Yes, to OASTOIUA. Ii n erf wrApper. limit. Lucy "Clara's hncyni"un was com pletely spoiled." Alice How? Lucy "The papers co-ituinin; the account uf the wedding did not reach her." NKW ADV KKTISKM KNTS. Highest ol all in leavening strength. atnt U. S. (lovunimnit Fowl h'ppurt. Hoyal Bakinu Powukk Co. 1 0S Wall St. N Y POWDER Absolutely Pure. ASK ttie recovers clyspt- it ii it , bilious suf- , Vii tinis of fevr .nut :n;tic, tin: inert Ulial (Iim (j.ttniit, how ill-')- rt'i merrtl health. jrJHtj lu tftiil ft'miis ami ihh yOtftk ..l.iii'lilc; Ihry will tell jai Ll i I AltiH The Clu'iturst, run-xt mid Hi'it l ainlly McillcllH' In the Wurlill F.r PYSI'l 1'SIA, NvT1l' I lN. imimlin. Hilmm ami. k-. Ml K III h.V III'.., of Sniil Si il U S I i MA( II, 1 1 iril.ii) N, fir. 'I ttia. iinih uli il r.-hit-ily I'-l not t ruiilniit a liiiKlu l,irO.l.- "I Mi H' cm v, "f .my u-intral ubntuiiLt, but is PURELY VEGETABLE, iu tliir: S.iiiiliiTii iiiul lltrb-t wlii. h in ri.'Vuk-ii-f hit lil. ne. I in i.iiiitrii'i wlnrs liver I Iim:, iv s tin. it irt s i I. It Will Cliri' all IHst-tiNfN miiM-il ly Ircritiiifciiieiit I'1 Dvttr nnd Huhi U, i'I he SYMrlt'MN "I I ivrr (."titl'laml are A l.liKl oi bad tasu- in the nn -in li ; Kim ;i ilii I'.ai L, Siilfi r Ai.inm, liften itusMiitn for ktifimiatisin ; Hour toinarli; I,) it Ap.i-liif ; llowoh alurn.ttrly cmlivcaml Ux ; lk-;nl;i. lie ; Memory, with a painful stiis.lion uf having l.tilnl to do soincthniff which atinht to have Im.tii dime; IM'lilllIyi Low Hplrit i a tlikk, yellow icnr,iu t of the Skin mill byes; a dry i oiiM, olttn tnislaki'ii !r i. ..imimnnon. Sunieuine many m oust; svin morns imeiui un disease, fit others very tew ; hut Hit t.ivt'K, the largest oran in the body, i ji-iitr.illy the nai ot the disease, and if not kivnLitod in time, pvat BUlltting, wrcuh- edness and 1KA11I will eiiMtc. 1 he iu!lnwiiij highly eMeeine. I iiurs. ns attest to the virtues of Mmmhss Km.i i.aioh : Ijen.W.S. Hull, I'res. tia. S. W. K. K. U; Kv. J. K. Kelder, Peirv.t.a.: L-.l. K K.Si.arks, Albany, (. a. : C Master- son, t-., Sheriff It. bb (..,( ia. ; J. A. iltitts. Ifainbridge, Kev. I. . Iiurkt. Mai mi, Int.: irnii I'owers. jojit. Ga. S. V. K. K.; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, We have tested its virtues ncrsoiiallv. and know that for Dyspi osia, llilintisttess nnd Throbbing Head' is llie best mediune the world ever saw. Wa have tried lorty other remedies before Simmons Liver Keculator. and none of them iinvc tit more than tem porary relief ; the K emulator not only relieved, hut cure tU. 1 KL lit ill A I'll AND .ilbhSJ'.NGHK, lUALUN,UA, M ANITl'AC TURKU UNI.V IIY I. II. ZK1L.1N A CO., I'hiladelphia, Ta. C. II. H ALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Carries full line Dry Goods, Notions, Boots 81I0KS, GKOCEHIES, Etc. Agent tor STAN DA III) HEWING MA CHINES. Can luniish any part of any kiuil of machine at short notice. Semi A cream of tartar baking powder, postal card for slip illustrating parts to - machine vou have and will uume price lor piece lHTtk'u. 1 curry u lull line Coffins & Burial siT"1. -'"u ,ur STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD. A Uarhlcsa Horse and rattle Ftice; OaMcd PotiHrj And Uanleu tenet-; I'abltd ielu and Hog fenre. Vnril. t'empterv ami uravt' loi t-i-iioina on niw ohLaikI Hiii hii Hi.tTlJi tr. Wet uit rrisriii, UstaluKUi! aiM lean minimis irec. k. L SlIKl.LAUKlHiLIt, ATLANTA, OA W. 31. HAIIMSTON V CO., Wholcnale ;intl Kt'lail Dealernin Cases. (iive me a trial heu in tiling. li rid of any my 7 ly. W, T PARKER, CARI'KTS, STOVKS, and Maltresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HAHLISTON A CO., Groceries 9 Heavy AND Fancy- Farm Implements. 21 roi ND SACKS OK SALT FOR 81.10 TKR SACK. l)X..C'orrcct prices un.l polite nttention to No. 211 N. Kycauiore St., Petersburg, Va, 10 2 W. all. nug 1 ly. I Scientifio American I fJk Agency for Jf TtlADt MARKS, MW-V-ill" 1 ft '' i 11 . At I3t l"i e- . rt r -Mill. I I owiNshtiPO Kr I CAVEATS. TRADK MARICfl. DESIGN PATINT8, COPYRIGHTS. mtoA Fr tnr.rmfttl.'n mi'l fn-o Mtui.llxM.k wrltoto MI NN & CO,, iilil HHi.Al.WAV, NRW YvHK. Oltli-.t Imrr-au fur MTiiriiiK pttti tits In Anu'rloa. livi'rv at4'tit talD'ti ..ill liv U hruMKht iH'fi'ni tin- pul -lie liy u iiotu-o Kivt ti Irvouf fUurgolu UmI Incnmtc jawencatt l.nri't plmilattnt of nnv slntlflo parr tn tl wunl. spit'iiMiliv l;lnstruU-l, N litl. HU''iii inati f-h.inbl I..- vlihoul It. Wi'i'klv, 'l.4Hit yt'iir; six tuontlu. A'ldtVM. MI'S'N CU Vi iiLiMiMtii, :k; I liMiiilwiij', Hiw York rity. -HUDSON'S 1 Monarch' & 'Kentucky cl' Pure Whiskies I 1H7 Main st., Noilulk, Vii. LADIES' &ND GENTLEMEN'S DININb ROOM. AI.I. ME AI.S25 CENTS. sutPAssixa coffee a specialty J. li. lll'IWON, rropri'U The Hest of ETerytliiti in Sraann oet 10 lyr. If be Ask juur dealer for these llramls, liasn't them, write lis. 1 gullou 5 yenrs old, 1 " H " " 1 " 10 " " 1 case 12 quarts, 5 years old, 1 " " ' " " 1 " " 10 " " 1'iieked and hottled at distillery in the above style package for family use and medicinal purposes. R. MONARCH BOTH ING CO. OweiiKUoro, ky. Send money with order to avoid delay, mar 2(i lim. M, COHEN, SON & CO 3.45 4.2; S.6fl 11.00 llt.OO lS.(K) PETEIiSBUEG, VA. Wholesale $10 A DAYTOACENTS! Anyone who wanU to get rich and who tins a little enterprise can secure $10 a. lay in the Dish Washer husiness It is liooming now. Everybody wants a Climax nowadays. One agent cleared $20 every day tor a year; a gold chance; hest Pish Washer made; no soliciting; Dish Washers sold at home; a permanent posi tion in town, city or country. One million to be sold. A wide-awake hustler can clear $15 to $20 a day easy; washes and dries in two niinuUw. CLIMAX M'F'U CO., 50J Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio. GOODS and ISTOTIOITS. Manufucturersof Skirts, Drawers and over alls. Price guaranteed against all North ern mark ets. Orders receive prompt per. nal attention. DOT S ly. C. H. B. HOWERTON, HALIFAX, N. C. - Table supvlled with ttie very beat Hi market oan all'ord. SBuLlTeryBtehl tawiiinwtlon

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