A GREAT IK Ik 0 13 JOHN" "W. SXjE!DQ-E, ruorRiETOR. VOL. XXXI -A. InTEWSIPA-IPEIR, IF O IR, THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMHKli 17, 1896. TERMS:-1-5" 1,1:11 annum in advance NO. 22. no NKW ADVEUTIS EM KN'TS. A HARDAVORKING WOMAN sooner or later Buffers from backache, nervous, worn -out feelings, or a sense of weight in the abdomen, rim, pitifr down sensations and dizziness. It will all come to an end with Dr. Tierce's Fa- vonte Prescrip tion for it's wo man's special tonic and ner vine ; it restores her strength, rea ulatfft and pro motes all the natural functions ami makes a nr woman of her. t'tcrln debility, ir. tcittil.irity nnd inllatntnaliim are uiot of. ti n tbe c.wc of the txtunie nervousness and irritability of some women -the medi cine to cure it is the ' Prescription " of Dr. Tierce. All the ahe, pains and weak nesses of womanhood vanish where it is faithfully employed. Dr. Pierce's Favorite rrtJirintiou is therefore just tbe nirdicine fur young girls just entering womanhood and tor women at the critical "change of life." DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE .PRESCRIPTION CURES THE WORST CASES. Mr. Homer CLA.uK, of Xo. It'tit fd Sheet, Sioux Liiy, a, writes: "My wne wai irmiuiea with female weukuess, i and ulcers of (lie uterus, I Sim bad been doctoring I with evtry doctor of any I xoA rcputstlou. ind hnd ? spent lois of money in n it'wpuais. dim io uo pur- r pose, bhe continued to get wow. She was greatly prejudiced agattiMt patent medi cuies, hiit si a last resort we tried a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre fscriptiOT. Wf had seen some of your Advertise ments, and Mr Cum min gs. S west-side drug gist, aavuen n m irv a od bought another, and havt cootluued uutil ilit Ha befn cureo The Silver Kniuht uf The West Assumes the LeaJershit of the Hcmocratic I'arty. Mas. Cr.AHK. bottle? We tried It with the follnwitiir result I The first bottle did her so much unci! Hint wt XyiLLIAM FREEMAN, V V POKTKAIT ARTIST AND PHO tographcr anil dealer iti FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. OLDl'lCTl'RECOl'YISO ASPKCIAMY Fust class work guaranteed, oi t 10 ly. 170 .Main St., Norfolk Yu BRYAN'S I.I:.TT!'R OF AIII.I'T AMI. 'lent Monroe hdiI reiterated by the I'rcsi dents who have succeeded him instead of urousim; hostility abroad, is the best guarantee ol amicable relations with other nations. the lullowiDg is tlliatu J. Ifryan s lie then declares tor liberal pensions forma! letter accepting (ho Democratic to thoo who have suffered injury in the nomination for President, boiled down a military and uaval service, and believes little to (it this space. in such legislation as is necessary to pro i Iu accepting the nomination he says: teet the masses in the freo exercise of So deeply am I impressed with the every political right and the enjoyment magnitude of the power invested by tbe of their just share of the rewards of their Constitution in tbe Chief Executive of labor, and declares for (ho arbitration of tbe nation and with the enormous influ- labor disputes. enee which lie can weild for the benefit 0 foreign immigration hesnys: While or injury ol the people, and in order that the Democratic party welcomes to tl; I may not be tempted to use tbe country those who crime with love for palronjKC of the office to advance any our institiitionsand with the determination personal ambition, I hereby announce, and ability to contribute to tbe strength with all the emphasis which words can and greatness of our nation, it is oppnsei express, my determination not to, under to dumping out criminal classes upon any circumstances, be a candidate for our shores and to the importation of eith re-election if this campaign results in my pjupci or contract labor to compote election. with American labor, i I have carefully considered the plat- opposition TO Tlll'STH form adopted by the Democratic National 1 ,le Democratic party is opposed to convention and unqualifiedly endorse 'rusts. It would he recreant to its duty each plank thereof. to the people if it recognized either tbe mea.nino of 11EMOCRACV. moral or 'h legal tight of these great Our institutions rest upon tbe propo- Mogadons of wealth to stifle competition sition that all men, being created equal, bankrupt rivals aud then prey upon no are entitled to criual consideration at the c'e'y- Corporations are the creatures 1 i -. -. hands of the government. ol law and they must not be permitted A Democratic form of government is to pass from under the control of the conducive to tbe highest eivilizilion bo- Poff'r wl"cl' created; they are permitted cause it opens before each individual the to exist on the theory that they advance greatest opportunities for development t,le PUD'ic wea'i alld lheJ" must not be and stimulates to the highest endeavor allowed to uso their powers for the public by insuring to each tbe full enjoyment injury The .Miiney Chancers Are pie of Our Liberties. 0 Israel." GHDVEji TASTELESS CHILL TONI ISJUSTAS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. 1U1.ATIA, It T.S., NOT. 16, im. rum Medicine Co., M. Ixmia, Mo. tientlemori: We sold Insl year, bottles of 3KiVK'S TASTKl.KvS CI I II J, TONIC and have JmiKht tbreo grotts already thui year. In nil our ex-ptTiem-e ( U jenru. In the drug biinliiens. have tit-verm i Id tit article inutttuve em li uuivurtmlsalutt UcUuu u iuur Tuuie Vuuni truly, AU.Nti-.CAUH A CO SOt.O ANII WARRANTKD II V Dr. A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C I of th rewards of toil, except such con tribution as is necessary to support the government which protects him. Democracy knows no creed recogniz ing the right of each iudividual to wor ship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, it welrjomes all to a com mon brotherhood and guarantees equal treatment to all, no matter in what church or through what turns tliey commune with their Creator. LOCAL SKI.F-OOVKRNMENT. Honest dilfi rer.ces ol opinion have ever existed and cvci will exist as to the most effective means of securing Democratic trauiiuilitv, out uo utiz-n tails to recog nize at all times and under ail circum- i. anus the absolute necessity tor tin prompt ui.d vigorous eui'oreeiueut of law and the preservation of tbo public peace In a government like ours, law is but the crystalisitiou of tbe will of tbe penpb without it thecitiz n is neither secure the etijoymeut i f life nor protected in tbe pursuit of happimw Without obe dience to law government is impossible. The Democratic party is pledged to di fend the Constitution and enforce ti e laws of the United States, and it is also pledged to respect and preserve the dual scheme ot government instituted by the founders of the liepubliu. THE ISSUE Olf 1I0NIIS. Increase iu the bonded debt of the I'nited States is, at this time, entirely without excuse. The issue of interest bearinj bonds witliiu the last few years been de- leuucilon the ground that they wen necessary to secure gold with which ti redeem United States nutin and Treasury notes, lut tins necessity was imaginary, rather than real. Instead of exercising the legal rijjht vested in the United States to redeem itsbon Is in ei li.-r ;old or silver, the executive brunch of (he government has followed a precedent established by n former administration aud surrendered tbe option to tbe holder of the obliga- WEI.bOX, S. C For Hue groceries, it will pay to call I Hi J. Ii. .Ill ilk ins, leuiler of them all, The Quest gooils in Welilon you will see At Juilkiu's tirocery. Imported ami domestic goods here you will fiml, Coined goods niul ilelie.u'ies of every kind It matters not what your needs may be Visit Jmlkius' Grocery. V cMui toaa anil eoflVw Juilklim Is re nowneil S'liiie tluoi iu the country tunt he found Try their special brands ol' liltmilril tea At duilkins' tlroeery. None In Welilou with Jiidklus can com pete Or show a stock of line goods as complete. The great one price you may see At Joilkios' tlroeery. At Jiidkins' store do not forget f Ijll weighut and measures yon can always uut And your town orders delivered free From Judkins' Urocery. dee IU ly. IW)Vt;ssH.4 1, l A IWS. JAMKS H. HCLI.IN, D L L K N A ATTORSEYS AT LAW, WBi.noN, N. C. i mrtlce In thocourtsnf lUllnuandNortriaml iiiianitiiithpNuprenu'aitri Kudeml courui. Col H 'Onus iDRile In Hlltmrtiior North Oimllna. Kniiuh olttee 4t Ualirm. N. C.nneneverl Mon. iUr. Jau 7 ly WALTII a. UANIBL DANIEL, Jjil. T. T. ltOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. JiOlBce over Emry A Pieree'sstore. 10-19-ly. TJR, W.J. WARD.&- BNFIELD, N. C. nVOffloa one Hmiaon'i Drag Store, dto 80 lj. INTER-STATE COMMERCE. The right of the United States govern tnont to regulate interstate commerce cannot be questioned and the necessity tor the vigorous exercise ot that right is becoming more imperative. He then goes on to express sympathy for Cuba in her struggles for indepen dence. He is opposed to life tenure of office and says: A peimanent office-holding class is not in harmony with our institu tions. A fixed term in appointive offices except where the Federal Constitution now pmvidis otherwise, would open tbe public service to a larger number of citi zens without impairing its efficiency, He Ueelares lor the admission ot new states, and for the internal improvement of the great waterways of the country On thu tariff and money question he :iys : It is not necessary to discuss the tariff question at this tune. hatever may be the individual views ot citizens as to tbo relative merits of prjteelion aud tariff reform, all must recognize that until the money question is finally settled the inerican peiple will not couseut to the consideration of any other important question. Taxation presents a problem, which, in some form, is continually pres. cut and a postponement ot definite action upon it involves no sacrifice of personal opinion or political principles, but the crisis presented bv financial conditions cannot be postponed. Tremendous re suits will follow the action taken by the United States on the money question and delay is impossible. The people of this nation, sitting as a high oourt, must reu dor judgineut in the cause which greed is prosecuting against humanity. The de cismn will either give Hope and m-turu lion to those who toll or "shut the doors of mercy on tuaoitin.il." In the pr.cne ol this overshadowing issuo dilt 'reiic s upon minor questious must be laid aside in order that there may be united action tions. This administrative policy h aves I among those who are determined that tbo government at the mercy of ih who find a pecuniary profit io bom issues. Ine I act that the dealers in money aud securities have been able t deplete or protect the Treasury neei r line to the changing whim, shows hot do gcrous it is to permit them to exeniso controlling influence of the Treasuij d Dartiucut. Thu iiovcrumcut ol tin United States, when administered in lb interest of all the people, is ablo to es tablish and enl'urce its financial policy not only without tbe aid of syndicates. but in tpite uf any opposition which syn dicates may present. To assert that lb government is dependent upon the good will or assistance of any portion of tin peoplu, other than a constitutional ma jurity, it to assort that we have a govern meut iu form, but without vital force. NATIONAL HANKS. progress toward an uuivcrsal gold stand ard shall be slaved ami the gold anil silver coioage of the Constitution bo re stored. W. J. liitv.AN A Million liiit.D Dollar Would not bring happiness to the person suffe'. ing with dyspepsia, but Hood's Sars.ipa rilla has cured many thous inds of casi1 of this disease. It tones the stomach regulates the bowels and puts all the machinery ol tbo system io good working der. It creates n good appetito and gives health, strengih unit happiness Hood's Fills act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsiparilla. Cure all liver ill 5c, IIKUK'S A L.YHOIl SAY Kit. Opening an ouvolopjby pu ling a stri is the latest labor-saving dovi&i. liko simple contrivances, it soetuqi i t n i The position taken by the plutruim I thouijlit of it beloro, but that doesu't i against the issue of paper money by .:. U9f,,lm.8s, i, i-iil National banks is supported Dy tuo uign est Demoeratio authority as well as de manded by tbe interests of the people. The present attempt of the National banks to force the retirement of United Any envelopo can la equip-'d with the opener. An ordioary piece 01 inrea i inserted at the top of the flip, ami wh the fold is made the thread projects fr. one end. To open the envelope all ibat State! note! and Treasury notes, in order necessary to do is to pull hack the thead to secure a basis for a larger issue of This envelope opener is a New York in .twi,n.ntn.. illnstrat th d,iner n "on, and it promises to be very popul which arises ftom permitting them to Issue their paper as a circulating medium KOH OVER Ml'TY YEAH9 Our United btatcs notes, oommonly M a , U'inslow's Soothing Syrup has be known as greenbacks, being redeemable used for over fifty years by millions of in either eold or silver, at the option ol mothers for children, while teething, with - . l I. ......tl..... ll.A nlitM lb ouuuieo me witiu Tlir.LASl U (WliS III VANd. I'ullutinK the Tom "To Your Tenls. the When the bill for the repeal of purchasing clause of the Sherman law was before the senate of the Uuited Slates elate Hon X B Vance said to a young n whose father now lives in Dauville; oiiug man, the president will force congress 'to repeal this law; now mark my prediction, for you will live to see it. 1 will not. This will be tbo complete de tizition of silver. Il will cause more stress, more uiiliappiness in our country in anything that has yet been dono." When he said this he bowed his head on his table and wept. After thishc went into tbe sen ile and made his last great speech against this bill, which bill was also opposed by arly all of tbo democratic senators and memberi of the house. It was ;ainst this bill that W. J Iiryan made his celebrated speech. The last words of Senator Vance were September, 1, 1893 in the senate. It was said that the string of the bow of Ulysses warned him of the approach !" danger by singing a song of battle nd of strife. Let me say to those cou- pirators against the welfare of thecomiuon pie that before they shall succeed in their unhallowed d isigns an 1 drive them trough the valley of the shadow of death, attain a single gold standard in order that the conspirators may grow rich on human sutlenng, they will see many a Id of p iliiic.il bittle and bear the roar of much political strife. "In this fair land the thunderbolts of Jove dwell still with those whoso voices as the voice of God and the bow of lysses is yet in the people's hands, and i quiver is filled with death-dealing darts. It's strings will yet sing many song of battle to awaken the sleeping people, and upon every plain and in every valley and upon every mountain side from shore to shore of our inclosing seas, they will spring to their feet at the calling of the music with the light of conflict on their carts. Iu that day it would bo better for some of those who have joined in the fight ainst the money of thepiir that a millstone had been h inged about their neck and they had been cast into the midst of the sea." Surely the fountains of the great Jeep of humanity are broken up and the h art of mi n are stirred within them as they never have been stirred before since the civil war. Tbe great fight is on. The power of money and its allies throughout the world have entered iuto this conspiracy to perpetrate the great est crime of this or any oilier ago to overthrow one-half of the world's money aud thereby double their own wealth by enhanciug the value of the other half, which is in their hands. The m m'y chancers are p)lluting the temple- of our liberties. "To your tents 0 Israel." Respectfully, TiinMAS Hamlin. Danville Register. Till! Oi l) FOLKS. Mi.l'HLS LIIR lii'YAN. I'mf. L M. Hunter, nf the liarfielJ Graded Sehiinl. (iives Reasons Why he will Lollim Teller and Huckery. When You Get Old and Lame there will Alwavs be a Seat for You, ., . ..i . ii.. .t:,. f nerfeot success. ,0. gov rumcu., - .oftcM t iH . curu8 the holder, are safer and oheapor for the . , ,. , . ,. . , for peoplo than National bank notes based piarrho)a.' It will relieve the poor little upon interest bearing bonds. sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists ,.. in every part of the world. 25 cents a CUE FOREIGN POLICT. A dignified but firm maintenance of ow', Soothing Syrup," and take no oth- the foreign polio) first aet forth by Prosi- er kind. The car was crowded when an old man, leaning on a cane, entered, gropint: long with the aid of his cane for a seat He had gone more than half way with out finding oue, when a boy of about ten years old caught sight of him and was on his feet in a moment. "Here, sir," he said kindly, "take this seat, sir, if you please." "Hut what will you do?" the old man iked. "I staud. was the smiling answer, which he did. "Well, bless you, my lad!" said the old man as he sink down in the comfor tablo scat, "I'm a thousand times obliged nd I'm sure when you get lame and old there'll always be a seat for you." A (ireek historian tells how, in pure and early and virtuous days of the republic, if an old man entered the crowded assen h'y, all ranks rose to give room and place to him. In the "Iliad" this respect for the aged is prominently portrayed. In company with several young friends, abov was hurrying aloug the walk of a street. Suddeuly he stopped with a glad exclamation, took off his hat and bowed while his face crew radiaut. A country carriage, iu which sat an old-fashioned but smiling old lady, went rolling swiftly bv. "Who's that old lady that you'ro so mighty polite to? asked one of the boys "That's the best and dearest old lady in the world," was tbe quick, proud an swer. "That s my grandmother. Many a bov. could he voice his thoughts, would sing with the poet: "Who shall guess what I may be? Who can tell my fortune to me ?" And wo can easily answer the ques lions when a boy who respects ago asks them. t'Furbrayest and brightost that ever was sung, May be and shall be the lot of the young. Ernest Oilmore, in Christian at Work The Republican managers are calcu lating, in their claim of carrying the Stale for McKiuloy, that every colored voter will vote for McKinley. They ad Hi i L no possibility of defection in the colored vote. In this they are very much mistaken if the claims of the Pop ulists or many free silver colored Repub licans ar considered at all. At least one half of the negroes in the agricultural districts, who are producers of cotton and wheat, say they arc in favor of free silver, aud almost as many in the towns take the same position. A Republican poli tician, when informed of this state of af fairs yesterday said: "Yes, I've heard that fairy tale told before. 1 have heard that the negroes believe in silver and will vote for Bryan. They are talking that way, but they don't know what they are talking about. When November comes, we will crack the lash over their heads, and they will fall iu line for McKinley just like so many sheep." l'rof. Chas. N. Hunter, principal of Garfield Graded School in Raleigh, is one colored Republican who will not be driven to vote for the gold standard. He said yesterday to a reporter of this paper: ' I am for free silver and have been for six years. My reason is that under the present financial policy the currency has been contracted and con gested until the laboring masses are al most reduced to a state ot slavery. A continuance of the gold standard seems to me to continue the results we have already experienced, growing daily from bad to worse. I caunot see how laboring people are to be benefitted by supporting aoy financial policy that reduces the wages of labor, and manufacture million aires on the one hand and paupers on the other. Iu my view there is no sense in any laboring man supporting the policy that makes a dollar harder to get than it now. "The money question has passed the bounds of party lines I shall vote for Mr. Iirvan for President, because he is the only candidate iu the field who advo cates the money policy of Lincoln, Grant, 'ellcr and the great leaders of the Re publican party in all its history uutil it declared for the gold standard at St. Louis Juno. That was the first lime the Republican party ever declared for tin gold standard. When life-long K-publi c ms like Scualors Teller, Dubois aud such leaders walked on ol that convention when it turned its hick on the poor man's money, 1 telt that the time bad come when every other Republican who lived iu silver ought to follow them Mr lirvau will not be voted for by silver Republicans because he is the demo cralic uomiuce. He is the nominee also ol two other parties, the Sit ver party com posed chiefly of llipublicaus over which Dr Mott presided temporarily, and the Populist, chiefly made up iu the West and North of lljpabliciui who believe in silver. Mr. Cleveland and all his cabinet ave bolted their pally, aud are virtually upporling McKinley. Uo you suppose it is beoausu they love MeKiulcy? No but it is because McKinley is pledged to carry out the s'liiie noancial policy mat iioms- obild aud Relmont have carried out under Clevclaud. The election of MeKiulcy on financial matters would be the same thing as giving Cleveland a third term, and be a continuation of tbe hard times for the laborer aud fat times for the millionaire. "I find a great mauy colored men,'1 said Prof. Hunter, "who are for silver aud mauy more who are anxious to learn the truth. Many of them are mystified now, but I believe that in the country at least half of the colored voters will vote for Bryan. In Wako comity iu 1S92, more negroes voted for Weaver than for Harrison, solely on the money question. They aru stronger for it now than they were then, because they ure poorer, and they will surprise the gold standard men on the III 'riling alter the election" News & Observer their homesteads and tin; affections of their hearts, appeared in procession on the hallowed camp ground. The hour was midnight and the scene was in a grove of trees made fragrant by the wild flowers, and every heart danced to the music of the rippling waters. The young men marched forth, and none but candidates for matrimony joined the march. Tiny were dressed in their brightest colors, and each carried a white willow cane. As they approached the tents they chanted an Indian chorus that was doleful as the song ol the owl, and kept time by beating upon the tents with their caries The drumming was deafening to the distant spectator aud must have been distracting to the wait- maidens in the tenls. At last tbe singing and ttic drumming bad the dt- red effect. The maidens came forth, after a delay just long enough to satisfy that univer sal passion of the uiiud of a woman to drive a lover mad with doubt. There were more men than maidens The former kept up the march aud the music without. The maidens countermarched on the line of the same circle, each selec ting a husband from the line. The chosen ones tiastened to follow their brides away into the darkness. The un fortunate suitors were left to despair. on lain Orcgouian. tl M mrf OASTOniA. Keep on tbe right side of every per son, until convinced that the Iclt is the right one. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. aV B -- I--' a 5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. 1,'ilrst U. S. (intiiriiiiuitt h'timl liemrt, Koyai. Bakinii Powder Co., 106 Wall Ht.N Y. ! i tfKffiS&sSr :Ui:::ii;!i:-SS33EH POULTRY AND GARDEN FENCE And nmkeantiecial How. Cattle mid Hog Fence: Yard. Cemetery, -nd ' Irave Lot Kmrinf ft Specialty ray n t n-ie-u a.gua rree. k. L. blltLLAtifcUOKB, A 1 LIMA, 11 INDIAN WATCHMAKING. Nez I'erces Settle their Matrimonial Efforts. lioanoko lnstitntc ADVERTISEMENTS. ASK 'anil ntut, t!i recuverec , bilious tut 'tin, of Icvcf , nien.uiidi diti'.-aiLf! p tutlit, hnvf ih'-y rci.ovi.TMi lie. Ii, Ou'crful ij'irni am! A iIirtite ; they w.il It'll yi.u J.y ti.k.n SiuM'iN': 1.1VI Ii Kl.i.l I A1"K. The Clifitppvt, Pnrft mid Hi"t I iiinlly Mi-diciiif in til? Uorld! F..r liVSI'KIM.V CnN-TII'VlItiN, Urn.!... 1'. tis nitwits, Ml K 111 A I'M HI. i .:.. . I 'Mo tion ii spirits, m il k M i i.l 'J ll,l! .1' U.i.i, ' I hit uilinalril P'lin-i'v i- wm .tnitv in.-, in t hink' iiartii le nf Mt Ki i it v, nr mi) um..:i.il M-lml.tin but it PURELY VEGL1 ABLE, con I iii ii i ii k iht'-r SunlitM! km -it ;n.d H il i lm Ii t Ii wr.e It.. Imi. e I. .is !... cil in i-Mim.-s h- I.ivtr 1 hwaws tin st lut .i I II v HI Dt-riiiiifi'iiitiit of tip 1- i iiitaint . : lilt r. i i' it 1 iltt;i , hi.l.-. . i fls i.lirni.m 1 Hltft'ft (MIITll II lAwr nml Itou i-i 'Hit- YMI'liM ( I -iv it or ImiI t;.il: in tin- in mil ; I'.i luiiiis. i 'It til niiHMktii Im Htomacli: l-nsi t Am-i .hvc it ml Iiriiiia. he. l-.-s.-t M.-iitury, uli itiful fccns.it. on 1 1 I..IV1HH l.wL-ii ! tl" - k iu ti muni li..v l..tn ilniH. . lMlnlity; i-mv NptrllKi a tin. k. tll..w jw;inun:e l tiie Slim itn.i tyc ; a dry l uh l, "Hen ji,,.i.tkt;ti in i iij;suii.ii:,ni Nmeiimei main -! imse 'vniiin-ni-. iiinnn n disc.-is' , at others rry It ' ; Uit the l.iv i K, llit tard oryan ill tllf Luily, I t!iei.ni ilie s.-ai nl llie iliseasf, and if not K n 14 1 1 1 . 1 1 o . I in tuii':, p.i.ai Milic. my, wnli.lt. edncss and Ill'-ATH will uiibUe. I he folliiwini; hithly -esteemed iiersnlis attest latin Yirtuei of Simmies-. I.im.h Kia.i LA ink : (icn.W. S. Holt, I'rcs. t,a. S. W. K. K. Li'. . Kcv. J. K. r elder. Perry.tia.: CI. K K. Sparks. Albany.t.a.: t.'. Mustei. son, kv.,hhenfl li.hb I n.,l .a.; J A. Uutt. Hiiinhndfce, l.a.; Kcv. J. . Iluikc, Maum, tja.; irKil i'-vi, Su.t. (ra. S. W. R. K. ; Hon. Alexander II. Stephens, We have tested its virtue persnnally, and kiity that for Dyspepsia, liiliuUMics and' '1 hrohbing lleao, acne, it is tnc pest in edit: me im: worm ever saw. n have tried forty other remedies liefore Simmons Livei Kri'iilalor, and mine of thetn nave us nmre than terr, orary relief; the ke'ilator not only relieved, hut cuitt f.U. I BLbl.lt Afll ANl AlMSKNt-im, .MALUM, Kjf,, MNL'FACTL'KKll ONLV BV J. II. ZL1L1N ii CO., khiladrlphia, Pa. ADVERTISKMENTS. Are You Afraid TO READ BOTH SIDES OF THE QUESTION? The New York Journal is the only Metropolitan paper indorsing; Bryan and Sewall and it daily publishes articles by the leadine financiers of the country on both sides of the question, "Silver versus Gold." It is progressive, liberal and always espouses the cause of the masses. Every broad minded man should read it, whether Republican or Democrat. D A Dally - - - - - 1 Cent everywhere. Subscription for One Jlontn, Including Sunday - CO cents Two Months and a Bait i.00 Send subscription to The New York Journal, Circulation Department, NEW TORE,' The EXCEI.SI01! PRINTING COMPA NY utlice ia nrw anil complete nnil con ducted liy up-to iliite printers We do not dute liuck lo the time of Mathunnla, wlien elepliautH luo.sti'il in trees and leathers grew on hogs. Ol.-ItS IS AN ENTIRELY NEW OFFICE ui w machinery and new type. No par- eels o( old decayed and disculurctl papers, anil no ancient styles of type that have dull and wrinkled laces, caused hy long sers icc and old age. We have the materi al that must insure work with a business like twiuklc. Your letter anil hill heads, statements, circulars, postal and business cards, are your sjMikesinen wherever they go. They either aid you or discredit you. They re flect the business idea ot the man or linn and show the character and individuality of the article or busidess advertised. LET L'S HAVE YOl'U NEXT OKDEliS FOK PiilNTINCJ. MAIL OKDEliS PliOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO. -0 Excelsior Printinn Company HALIFAX, N. C. Carries full line Erf Goods, Notions, Bootsl SMOKS. GROCERIES, Etc. Kent lur STANDARD SEWING MA- CHINKS. Can turnisli any part of any kind ol maritime at short notice- Send Hslal can! for slip illustrating parte to lu lime you have and will name price lor piece net'dcri. J carry a lull line Coffins & Burial WELDON, N. C. -Send your orders to IT. J. Ii. Wynne & Co Give me a trial when in thing. H lioauoke Dock, NOIiFOLK, VA. Tbe only exclusive wholesale dealcrsand shippers ol'fresb and salt water tish in tbe city. Fish from all waters. Orders by wire or mail receive prompt persona! at tention, jell ly. An old custom was revived by the IMcz rerces ludiuus aud Iheir visitors during the celebration on the lust Fourth of July. The natives of the local tribes arc very wealthy people and there are designing mothers among thu aborigines as well as in the ditFjre't classes of civil ized toeiety. The young bucks of the' Ncz Pcrees tribe are regarded somewhat like the scium of nobility iu matrimonial circles. The maidens from all visiting tribes wore brought to Lipwai to find husbands. The custom of the tribes, which were revived for the Dec ision, were more effective than the Boston man's Way. The marriageable maidous were by oouiinon accord quartered ii a selected spot in the Valley of the Lipwai. At an appointed hour the young men who wanted wives to share their annuities, WELDON, N. C. A Chartered School for Hoys and Girls. J. A. JONES, A. B..U N.C.i'ipai. iioiiortiii lssriiiTTiON oivf.n by Competent Instructors in lour departments, Primary, Intermediate, Academic, and Music. Students thoroughly prepared for college it lor the active pursuits ol hie. LOCATION IIEALTIIFI L. ENVIliO.NMENTS GOOD. Hoard ami room M lo $l'J.5ll per month wmiorr Ml'SIC per session of ten mouths. Fall term opens THl'KSDA Y, SEPT. 3nl. For particulars, address, J.A.JONES, jy 111 2m Weldon, N. C. V. M. IIAHI.ISTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CAKPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTONft CO., No. 20 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Vs. 10 M it. 7 ."""..",fs Wu,ciiV . MOM n 10 1 fc !, TMlllln r"1' "' l ilar I Monarcl' k 'KeiMy cM Pure Whiskies! If he Ask your dealer for these ltrands. hasn't them, write us. 1 gallon 5 years old, 1 " H " " 1 " It) " " 1 case 12 Hilars, 5 years old, 1 " " " M " " 1 " " " 111 " " Packed and bottletl at distillery in the above style package lor family use and medicinal purposes. R. MONARCH BOTH ING CO OwciiKboro. ky. Rend money with order to avoid delay mar -b bin. 4 5.50 11.00 13.00 15.00 DAY TO ACENTS! Anyone who wants to get rich and w ho has a little enterprise can secure $10 aday in the Dii-h Washer business It is lioomine now. Everyliody wants Climai nowadays. One agent cleared $20 every day tor a year; a good chance; best Dish Washer made; no soliciting; Dish Washers'sold at home; a permanent posi tion in town, city or country. Oue million to be sold. A wide-awake hostler can clen. $15 to $'Jfla day easy; washes and dries in two minutes. CLIMAX M'F'U CO., 60 Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 1 11 I I II C. H. HALE, ywi n'l jSfT Cases. neul of anj niy 7 ly. Qroceries W. T. PARKER, , DEALER IN Heavy AND Fancy Farm Implements. 2U POUND SACKS OF SALT FOR i.io run SACK. V.Correct prices ami polite attention to all. aug 1 ly. C'en'ifi0 m8r'Can CAVEATS. TRADE M1RKI. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. AtoJ Fr lnf'rniatl"n ati'i fn-c HamltMMik write to Ml'NN A io,, :'l Hh.uuwav, New YttttK. 0,t"t hun-Rii for m-fiirmn imtcntH Id Amtrltm, V.vrrv luitfttt tftki-n nut ' u In lirmiKtit Ih furo tin- i'ulilic by u m.ticu glvt'U fnu or ohttnfe lu UmI Ivircrt r lrriilatlnn of riit wtrntlflo paper In the v.u id. Si.l. u.li.llv i:iiis(n.u-U. No iiiiHlltr.-ii mull kIiihiI.I Ih vltliout It, UiH kly, 3.041 y, :ir; tl.r nix tmtntlis. AiMrptm. MHNM A CO., I'l itLisiitK-s ::o t l:tmlMuy, Nuw Yurk City. HUDSON'S 1H7 Main st., Noifolk, Va LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DININb KOOM. ALL MEAIii 2S CENTS. SVBPASSISG COFFEE A SPECIALTY J. It. HUDSON, PropdeUt The Rest of Everything in Seawo oct 10 lvr. M. COIIUN.SON & CO., PETERSBURG, VA. -Wholesal DM GOODS aii IKTOTIOITS. Manufacturers of Skirts, Drawers aud over alls. Price guaranteed against all North ern markets. Orders receive prompt per. tonal attention. dot t ly.

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