Sipl lijtf psS H IBI 111131 iHE IHt Irll dials! JOHIST W. SLE3DOI3, it.oit.ii-Tor, VOL. XXXI A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WKLDOX, N. CM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 189B. TEBMSi-f1'1' J''1 ANN I'M IN ADVANCE NO. 25. NKW AIJVKUTISKMKNTS. Should be Looked Into. THOROUGH INVESTIGATION Rl;0UE5TI:D. A HOLD ASSLRTIOV. f Rvrr inrc Prof. Koch mnrtltd thr wmld fcv p:!iiiMiH In run mrKintifitioii with the K-H-h lymph ami hi mmptt to fail ur- to do ri. the Jri-('r h-ive (let n InnkitiR for some discovery whtvli uuuhl pitnc nn filnolutr, ccrt.iin ctin fnt th;it 'Itcinl flipaw. (Kit a (n itti of o c itttiry nv.n Dr. K. V, I'icrce, chi' f cnti'.iiltiiiH; pliy.-ici;tii tu Hit hivnlMV II"tfl iitnl Simjiial Institute, put in a clmm t'.-T a iiieilifim-, which h hail dUcnvrt(l n"' il. in hi- i xtt-nsivu pi;ictirc, ih;it w.i ilMi'K 'ntiifty t ij'ht ptr cent ol all ca nt ii;ihuniptuiii wht-ii taken in all Hh early Ftftjt -t. Time has jimvi 1 Unit hU astrtioit a hucl on fart 4 K.iiiHf. fmni exp'-riienre. His "OoMcti Medical IhM-nvery " ha cured m.tny Ihotifjiiirl people in nil parts of the wprhl and Jir, Pierre invite nil in ft rented tn at. nd to Ji i tu for a ftee book wliich Rives the tiaiiir, addicuMtH and photograph nf ninny prominent people who have willingly t'stifiid to the tmirvelmm etitative prnprr th of hia T.olihii Medical discovery." He hits also written a Honk of inun pagca, pmfiriely illnMratt d, which treat- of 'J' ht oat! lironrhial and I.miff diseases. aNo Atlima and Catarrh M tiled kki-k ! tht- World AssiK'i;ittoii, of Iluffalo, N V., on receipt of twenty-one dt rents in lit. imps, tn pay postajfi: and wrapping only. Consumption, as mnM everybody liiiowi, i. nif-t ni.uilieHtfd hy ktMe vitality, loss of strcnylh, emaciation ; then local symp-I-..11-. sootl develop, as iOUgit, (IttTiClllt hu athini,', or hleedn-jr from lmijj, when invi -rUg ili'in proves thrtt liibfuular rte p'Mts have fofiud in the luntt. It is e i'tir -tly advised that the " ..very " he ta'n tally and the hitter Mag en of the (;-r ,e can tin lehy he easily avoided To build up so! iJ ftr-sh ami sttenith after the Ktip. pneumonia, ("Uiiir fevei "t, ex .niMitiy fevt tH. and other proMiaiiiifj ij,. e ise it has no espial. It doui not make hi! like ,"id liver oil mid it4 mi'-ty com pounds, hut, i!ni, irhnlfunne (rii W ILLIAM FREEMAN, I'OliTKAIT AIJTIST ASI) I'll.)- t.r.ipli.T anil .itaii r in FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, ete. nU l'lCTI'liKCurVINi i ASI'I'.CIA Il Y 1'it ehiRf Wink miaianteid. net 10 y. 17l Main nt.t Xorlnlk V Asa a a I Li W la b Li,- 5a: TASTELESS IS JUST AS C00D FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. (i ai ati a . ti 1.3. , Not. W. I'flri'tmllrlner.i., hi. Ixtin.Mn. li'-iitlpnien: Wo t'll liet t'nr, Ml tv'titfft of r.HiiVl-:- TASTKI.K-f 1 TO.Sir ho.I linvi . ."ik'Iti thrfu (iows iilrirttty thiH yt iir. In till our -i-(fiifiirv i t yrnrs, In tho dnirf biiiiie'-t, hnvo iivviT tolii an nrtlrtu thai gave nu h uul vernal autiti tvUuu ut iruur Ivuiy. VuurHlnily, AD.vtV.CAKU 4CO mil.h A Nl WAURANTFD HY Dr. A.S.Harrison, KXFIKI.D, N. ('. r mm Grocery SPOKE FROM A FULL HEART Ik W'irJs u a Tritalc In a Wile's lailMul -.(mfani-.n-hit- liv Tht' (Vntial train l.:ilf a il uiil.'s from Chicago, lioiulnl Icr tliu city, and at a little Malum nn old l inniT cumc alioiird. lie was a littl.-, w. iMi nd man, will, a seti.-itivn ni'jiitli liall' iii'vaiiu tjy an iron jjraj- lirarl. 111!, lit littim; iluilic w. r I'vid. ntlv his tn. st tin- utnli rtali!.' lest, lie slid H"ltlv int'ia at (.fiMi.ii'd l.y a jiravr itran'i r rcadiriL' a iiiH".:ii(T. Iwour tlircn tltni s tlic uid inati tinni'd liin laou toward the limwn lljiiif,' lati.lM . o. Tim Mrangi r wap .truck villi tli Ir'iu'uc l i Kiircni pn and ;!:iud wiHtl'ull- at lii couipaiiioH. Tin- latter fj.iikc at la?t with a ."trance hu-kim ss in lii. v ice. I am j-V'iii',' to the city fur the f:i'otiil time in my life." he paid half startled at his iivvn words. 'Vcs." "Thirty jvar-cuine July I Went there ir n weiluing nut ami I am ing hack there to 'lay f-.r a c. Ihu ami a ?hruud I'm the little wnmaii that married me. "You don't know what it k mi.-tcr, to and work lotio'-idc a woman tor thirty yciir.", day in and day out to lind her at waj-.i patient and wi'.lin.' and working, and tli!'U h ave in r laying .lead and edd with her voru-uut hands crossed on herlneast. It was just a little after the turn i f the night, and nohody hut me was walehin;-. when Mar'iiic kinder woke up. I'avid, says she, it'n restful, m rent- l'ul, and I am ,-o tired.' And so she went to sleep again nod waked up in eternity ou know, str inger, the.! words of h. r- as set loe to IliinkiP!'. I'oor. tin sonl never km w how touch she needed rest We nevi r thought of it while we were Working and slim in anil saving, Iryii.o to lay up something for the idiil'lreii. She nev. r had any pi. astir. ; she never to .k any li Inlays or the o'lor Wotion She lai-i.l I In' I'liilihcn and .sl"j' . il the 'igs and milked the cows and churned and cooked for lnive-t hands. never knew ir thought In. iv -he d; I il all with the.' poor crossed iiainis o liera. Some folk mij it won't ilo any u"" 'h uii-tcr, hut I amg dug to sec lint she is nit aw iv in s"iii''thiug rich U'e wasn't kimiieo nml saving lor thirty years f,,r hut I'm L' liiig to have the hest mom y an tiny Mu-s eanieii it, knows. St lioiib liepulilie. WLI.HON, X. C Tor line ;rooerics, it will pay to call i in J. 1.. .Imlkius, lcuilcr ul them all, The fint'st gootls in Wrldon you will see At Ju'lkiri's (irnccry. Iaiporteil anil ilomestie gooils lieie you will liml. t'.inneil (,'noils anil ilelie.icies of every kiu.l It matters not what your nceils may he Visit .Itnlkius' tiroeery. For choice teas tiud eoltee Jiulkins is re nowneil None Hiipi in the count ry can he I'min.l Try their special lir.unls ol' lilcinleil tea At .liiilkins' (iiocery. None in Wei. Ion Willi .(u Ikins inn eom pete Or show il slock of line nomls as complete The one price you uriy see At .linlkios' tiriK'ery. At .Finikin.' store do not foreet Full weiuhta ami iiii'iisurun you e.m always g"t Ami your town or.h r delivereil free From Jiulkins' (Irooory declSly. VHUFKSSIOX.IL VASDS. JAnii.iii'ii.N, UBUKN DAN ATToitxarsArLAW WALTKR I. DAN1BL II L, Wm.DKS, N. C. ri-aetlceln theeourlsof llallfHiAinlNorthRml oiiandtll theriiipri'mcHiul FeilerAl enurU. Col oettoniniHile In alliiHrtMof North .:rollna. Mraueta office t liallfax. N. Coeeii everr Mnn. (Iy. Jmi 7 ly JJU. T. T. HOSS, DEITTIST , Wehlon, N. C. Ii"0fflce over Etnry A Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. T)R W.J. WARD.r Sapn Dentist, ENFIELD, N. 0. MbOaot oret HurLWe Drag Store, IXTKOOl ( TIONS. "How kh.ill I perform an intr duction? ' 'I'litcs a u i r 1 who likos to do things fully and who is entirely right in her o:ii formo-l thing's there is a hi way mi l iiUo n wrong way. liitro'lueinL' pioplo is in it In r uillieu'l or oeeiilt atiij it reiiures no spenal tra r. inj. There arc u t. ry few simple rules t. he oh-orved. You pn sent a g.'iitlem ni to a lady, and a younger to an older p r son. You are ean f il to speak clearly nd di-liuctly, for nothing is more cm than to have a stranger'. n ime muml'le. si it. if. It remains unkn .wo. thu-! d.t'eititulh.' end of til! introduction You do not say. "M I'um.i, let mi pre', l avingyoiir niothci In guc-s at the pait of your speech which was really the most imp iriniit; you say: My clas-in.iio, Miss l.'ou.ird." And eipially, w'.o ii y u ar inir "luciog Miss Leon it'l to )'iur fi i 'u 1, you d ) li't say. "Alice, any 1 iutiodiico toy coiimii Sophie?'' in wliich ease neither youni; woman would have the least i lea ol tuoro than the other's Cliiisli.ui name If a person is a personage n prolessn, or doctor, or eh roym in, or in any wai noted or l iHimis the tactful yotini; go akesthc tide a part of her in ro.l i"ii. i so tliat Ml i p ' ipl ' pr -eniol to nru at uwaru that tn y are tionoreii ny ti" nen iieqiiaiiitaiiiie. Ill:: HAW HIS 1ITY A DOCTOR'S CONFESSION. His I'mfi'in lltlbi t Hu fluR nr Less 1 Ajirinuiilic;'. "Is it true," a-keil tin' n pord r coaxing ly, ' that, aflir nil, ymi doctors don't know vi'ty much, hul, simply experiment with your drug's and yoiirtiealineiilH and soinetimi's kill and soini'timis cure hy pill c aeeidi lit? Now wait" as ihe doc tor's eyohr"Ws e.ime tig' lln r with a frown "isn't it ihe gii'iit lr. Maiion Sims who tells us how, when hclirst hung out his shingle in a little country town, n hahy was hr.iught to him ilTof some nn knowd ilisease? He was at his wits' end and gave the hahy drug nl'ler drug, going through the A's of his pharmacopicia. The hahy died. The next time hehegan at the Z's and went up. The hahy died too. Several haloes had died bid ore the young doctor took down his shingle and fled, overcome with remorse and despair." The doctor's eyes twinkled. ''Of course," said hi', "occasional)' it is rno ssary to experiment, ami the results often vary. I'll mutch your story with .mother, and then I mini say good day. "A Turkish physician, once culled in to attend an very ill with typhus lever, gave him up for lost, hut tia-sing the bou.-e next day I'uund him till alive and on the mend. Ou imptry. he foiiud that the patient, in his thirst, had swallowed a pailful of the juice of pickled cihlnige. Called in subsequently to attend a dealer in embroidered hand kerchief ill of the same disease, he pn scrihed at once the juice of pickled cab bage. 'The next (by the man was dead, when upon the doctor entered in his note book the following nieni irinduui : " 'While pickled cabbage juice is a very efficient remedy in eases of typhus, it is not to be used unless the patient he, hy profession, an upholsterer.' (iood day." And the doctor was once more oil upon his rounds Pittsburg li-patch. BRYAN'S FAITH. An likijcnt Slwiih! Thai lie llaJ ii'iu' in linj. A gentleman who m. t Mr. llryan in K noxvillc and accompanied him through the .State, relates a conversation hud with din on the train line night. r. Itryali was aski d about his election he thought he would be success til, etc.. lb' replied that he thought there was no otihl about il, giving figures and esti mate. lie was so dilliuVlastic that the gentle man in ijiu stiori remarked alter the whole matter was gone over: 1 hope, of course, that you are correct ind believe that you are, but look hero, with such a belief in you, should you le efeated it will kill you suro." "Not at all," ipiickly replied Mr. Isryiiti. We are all in the hands of the Almighty nd what he docs with us is wise and proper, .low It 1 am ueteateu it will be cause lie desires it and it will be eitlnr or my coed or the gooil ol the country. Our fate the fate of every living being is in Ilis hands, and whatever lie dots is sure to hit the right and proper thing. No amount of abuse, deception or tiick- ery can defeat me unless it is His will nd to this I humbly bow and accept whatever is in store for roe, for I am sure it is for the best." Here's faith for you and it was so impressed on the gentleman with whom e was conversing that he is convinced lefcat wiil not leave a mark on bitn. "oit or oitiMUt. At a club meeting where the mem bers, through old men, wrangled like so many schoolboys this scene occurred, and the Louisville reports il: A feeble old man whoso yellow con ph'Xion indicated liver troubles offered Mizzle How did you happen to join the Independent rifles. Fizzle To avoid jury duty. Mizzle They tell moyou resigned jut as soon ns there was u pruspeot of war. Fizzle That was became I felt con no ind ciliacii should bhirk (hi demands of the jury box. Cleveland Han Dealer. UeSiueYou Auk Hiiiiit And then go ahead. If your blood is impure your appetite failing, your tiervva weak you may be sure that Hood's Sarsaparilla is what you Deed. Then take no suh-ti tutc. Insist upon Hood's and only Hood's. This is the medicine which has tho largest sales in tho world. Hood Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood l'uritier. Hood's Fills aro prompt, efficient always reliable, easy to take, easy to oporatc. Vhcn girls pass tho gigling age, they reach a period when they talk furiously about an "affinity." There is a good deal of satisfaction to be hid from comparing other people's faults with our own virtues. OABTOIIIA. llaili . tf tin WW 1 1 1 1 iin. Ilis opponent got up and jcitc lly exclaimed: "Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chaii man, tin I'liih unn is out of order and lh"n f"i in ii t If r the resoluii'in. The old tuan repliid in ao iipially xeiteil 10 nun i; ".Mr. ( lien oein, tin ,'entleman is right. I am mil ol oidei The doctor tl I mu this moriiim; that my r was all out of order. I!ut, Mr, I Il linium, I shoiilil like to see the clause in the constitution wliich say that pr.s man Is sek he cannot lut ion. The old fellow is still won is hearers lauehed. why Tin: ni:i;ii.i m x. Sir, there is a in in downstairs wl wishes Iosco you," said the olliee boy. J lio cililor ol tnu up to-il iti! magazine oked uvit' his spectacles a in ou nt. "Whit sirt of tu in is he?" he imriii'cd I don't know," said the b y. "II appears to act very sirmo'iy. "Ah!" said the editor, becoihiiu iulei ted "Ilis bend appear to slope.' immediately from the eyebrows to the crown " " Ycry good," s ii l the editor "And there appears to hi n i s ei i ii his remarks." "Fixeellont!" "To be brief, sir, 1 believe hi. II III 1 Irivellin " Splendid! Show him up at on" We can never h ivo loo nni'di of sue! talent " tiii;oi licit WAV. Iii'ian I n ilii'e Hut you l n t allow tin' waiters to dross in ihe tcgul.ili, swallow tall. Hotel I'rop. No, imbed Tin V and the swells looked too much alike Julian All'-' kick eo'iip' lb d you lo make the changer I lie sweii-. i I'rop No, iode d. I he w it. t. l ull in I it i n- i v v i: ut Mrs. Window's Soothim: Sytup has bee used for over lilty years by millions mothers lor children, while too hi"u. ii perfect success. It soothes lb' chili Simons the gums, alinys all p un, cur. wind colic, and is the best remnlv I Diarrhoea. Il will relievo the poor tire sufferer immediately. Sold by diugist in every part ol the world. 12.) cents bottle, lie sure and nsk for "Mrs. Wins low's Southing Syrup," and take no oth i er kind. FROLICS OF LONG AGO. Western Sailers .Male llmisis Mary. bar !.(; TIM K SONUS AND I'AT.'HKsl in WilHil IIAI.I.ANT SWAINS W00E11 TIIKIK ItllsllINll I'AIITNKIIS Wllf'.IlK AM. WKUE AlllST.lCHATS IN A TltlE SKNsK. SIX( KlilTY AVINS. A brilliant speaker was once addressing a religious meeting in which there was n young man for whose conversion many had long prayed. The speaker was very llective that evening, and his audience was strangely stirred. There was a brief testimony meeting lit the close of the address, and when a for converts wis made, the young iiiiin iiieniiotieil ciinie lorwanl ami kmlt at the altar. 1 1 was Mr It.'s wonderful talk that irought you to take this step, wasn't it?" asked one of the young man's friends afterward. "No; it was not," he replied. "What was it, theli'l1" "It. was what poor old Mrs. Crane said," "Mrs. Cram?" "Ye-; I've known lur for years She i had poverty and sorrow all In r lite. and when sh" g t up and said s o iiekly m l simply, I love (i id, an 1 I thank him for all His go illness and mercy to me,' I w she ni'Miit every word of it. I don't know just how or why it was, but I sud- lonly bad an overpowering conviction of uiy own sin and ingratitude I, who have always been well, strong and happy. Something in poor old Mrs. Crane's sini pie words impressed in.' as i have never been impressed. It may have been be cause of their absolute sincerity, I longn for the love she spoke of. I believe I owe my conversion to In r more th in t any otlcr earthly agency." Selected. A IHI I'K'l I.TY. "Voungnun, said the merchant to an applicant for employment, "do you know anything about the financial .pn lioii? ' "No," was the reply, in a diseourigi tone. "I did'nt know you were going to con-idcra knowledge of political economy essential." "I don't. I'm looking for some body who is wrapped up in Igu r i ni-i of everything pertaiuing lo currency excepting how to luako ehaiige a least during business. We've had thru bright salesmen, hut everyone of them was I i illi' at any moment to forget all ah ui selling guilds, and to go iu tu convince i customer that the coiintiy wis going 1 1 ruin if it didn't adopt his ideas." Washington Star. Mankind must have recreation of some kind. All the house took part in the games mid amusements of liliy years ago. There were no members of the early settlements of the West who were too elevated to attend the social pirl its held ill the set tler's log houses. Tin re was the quilting Indie and the frolic without the uilting, attended by the young folks in the evening. The sport opened by the play of "snap and catch eni," with a rhyming catch, ns Come, 1'hiliinder, let's be a marching, Kvcry one his true love searching. These parties Were called "bussing bees," because of the many kisses stolen during the play. The music was all vo cal songs or rhymes for the occasion. Whi n (he old folks had retired for the night, tha fiddler made a few passes of his bow across the strings. This was a signal for the company to bow gracefully us they tripped to places in line across the room. Meanwhile, In shirt of check and tallowed hair, The tiddler sits in his bulrush chair Like Moses' basket standing there On the bank of the Father Nile. The dignified maiden aunt would now and then bo "snapped up" or judged to kiss or lo be kissed by some young man. "Snapping up" was the snapping of the lingers by a player at another and was a llcnge lor the person to chase him or her. They chased each other around a new settlement! neither had Mrs. Struck ile, with her "coach and four." At every single lo; cabin the latch siring was al ways out. It was the fashion to live within your means, and the b' st suit of chillies one C' old afl ird to wear was the fashion able one. The pioneer made' his own cloth out of his own raw material, made his own soap and dipped his own candles. A boy was never prouder of anything than a new suit woven by his owu moth er's hands ami on her own loom. Win n butchered, tin y sent a piece of meal to their neighbors, and tiny in lurn did the same. The shoemaker and tailor, with kit of tools, made their annual rouiids to make winter shoes tind winter coats, I'copli! may boast of their fancy dishes gotten up on a morning glory stove, but give us corn bread baked before the cabiu lire and the barbecued saddle of venison, pig or turkey, in preference to all the scientific cooking of the present dry I'hiladelphi.i Tunes WHAT .IACK OIO. Little .lack Hubbard went to the cup hoard and "swiped'1 thence a big tustard pie. His moth.-r had said before going to bed "I can make pie-crust short when I fry" When morning came round Mrs, II- piickly found that Jack had been there on the sly, and instead of short crust, to her utmost disgust, she was short of the whole bloouiin' pie. Mother (instructing her little son's votions) "And now, Willie, pray for random's safety." Willie "Does she want a bike, too?" round standing in room. 1 lie young OIITK I I.TY SI IlltOlXUIdb She No, Fred, 1 cannot beyoiiri " He Won't ymi tell me why? I am a member of tho Woniiii's K nam'ipation Club. Hut I'll tell you wlnti vhii can be mine if vou wish 1 1." I'licgonde Walter. A Si HTITI TK. 11 Don't you believe in having the dol lar of your father., Hi'on?" llruwn (reeenily married) I sup pose so, hut at present I'm getting along nicely on the dollars of u.y wife's father. New York Press. We'd be much more thankful for the things we have if there were not somuny other things I hat we want. Some people have mortal si iitine nt who have no mortal sense. There is a dis tinction aud difference. It is only the habitually silent mnn that can occasionally naliie that he talks to much. Til fl-tmlli UnAtun OABTOniA. "I didn't iutend lo marry liitu, any how." "Tin n why do you sue him lor breach of promise?" "Tho mnible heartcd wretch might have allowed me to break the engagement." "Pupa," ho began, "what's an opti mist?" "It's a fool ," replied the further, whom everyone thinks a wise person." "And what's a pessimists?" "A wise person whom everyone thinks a fool. II mi It lguuitt OABTOniA. i n the center of the inly was always kiss- Sometimes an obi settler "snapped up Ins wile, or was "snapped up ny her, when there would b" a lace of an unusually amusing character. The evening p irl V continued i i this way: A young man would usk n young iidy lo lake his arm, and they would mulch around the room. Two and two. otlur couples followed about the Heir liming in Ihe catch which the first couple sang : We're all a unrobing to (Juchec; The iliuins me loudly beating. The Americans have gained the day, And the liritish are retreating. The wars are o ver, and we'll turn hack To the place from whence we started So open the ring mid choose a e oiplc in To relieve the broken hearted Hound mid round the room went the song till they came to Open the ling and choose a couple in, when all joined hands, fell back and form ;d a large circle. Some one was then leputed to go into the ring and choose a partner from among those of the cirel all i billed in. (ireeii grow the rushes, O! Kiss her quick ami let her g"! Hut doii'tyou must her rutllc, 0! At another the Iroliekers march two hy two around the ro mi, a young man standing ill the center of the Hour. Tli proiiiciiadcrs sing: The miller be lived close by the mill, Anil the water went round wiihout hii will. With a ham) in the hopper anil one Ihe hag, As the wheel goes r,,lind, he cries out (.rab! At the word "lirab" the young mun in the ring seiz 'd hold of a young huly arm while her partner caught the arm of the young lady abend of him, thus it went round till they e, night or stole eae other's girls while hurriedly uiarcl.ii about the room. Ibis made a very lively and nmusing confusion. A livelier game was called "burly burly." Two went round and gave eai 1 one, secretly, something to do. This gii was to pull a young man's hair! amnio to tweak no ear r nose, or trip some one I'tc Whi n all had been t. .1.1 what to do the master of d Tcnioiiios cried out,"llur ly hurls!" Fveiy one spuing up mid la toned to do us iiisliiiclcd This ati l a scene of a ludicrous character mid was pri pr y named "burly burly." I..ple l.y th. maxim "Lam what yell gel uinl pay ns y, hi go" All classes worked for a living nod thrived Aristocracy, the i ll'-piing of wealth, was not iu those regions yet in a true sense every sillier was an aii-li eiiii- onc ot the true nobility, who had earned his title in the noble school of labor. The ox team carried the merry load through the woods tu the house of tl settler who gave the party. It seems lik nonsenso to us now, but they were harm less recreation There were no churches aod no preaching, save an occasions sermon in a settler's house by some wan dering minister; there were no newspapers few books, no public lectures on any pul lio meetings for eutertainmeut or instroc tion. All were neighbors and truo friends a community of first brother hood. There were no purse proud fiiini lies. They all lived in log houses and wero bound together by bonds mado stroug by continuned acts of neighborly kindness. The "$10 boots" and ihe ''llOij bonnets" had not got into the ADVKIITISK.M F.NTS. SILVER OR GOLD. tlo-r Hotter than liver. If the l.'.oo ri i .in is. (i. K, Hi pure, liia life-ti"h Clin lOiji'V I ifo oiel aii'1 i;iticiit!y iii"t of tht! 1 iv. Yi' t ti tuko. Y'lilmv'kii li.'.'lltllV K. th ti " is kept rt, iili'l In: tolliiriitly l'H'Stiilri k:i',w wloit t'l v.'ti it t'.r vi'iirs, i- O. tie It in liiiiini'diH Liv r liivibitur ,w4is'-' -ri'. fSTMKlOUSVl 7 tui,v , -v .-pi Yi'--,. r a 3 ntr'iti a va d ' 'AriLUijhn i v n For years yuti and your fathers have fouml it of sterling worth. It i.s ami always lia,s been tit up only by J. II. Zuilin k Co. Takq noin! but the genuine. It Las tho lie'l Z on the front of tho wrapper, anil nothing ehso w the name, an4 nothing so good. NKW ADVKltTISKM KNTS. OWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream ol tartar baking powder. Highest, of all in leavening strength. l,ttint U. S. (Iiirrriiairiit r unit liipirrt. Huvai. Hakinu riiwumt Co., It'll Wall St M Y STEEL V.'IS: FEKCE COARD. A BattilrM llnnw ami rank FcntT ; Tati-ci. I'oullrj ami (iar.l. n F.-iie.-: I nh,,i l , ui nn.l Hog Feme. Yard. Onn-N'rT n.l t.rivc wt ht-ncinif on Mfrg l'ixt nnd IUim.. U'ly. V VJ Uif Freight. I' J Lali g lie mid IchUniiiiiuls mu. k. L. HIIKIJiVltKlKiti;. ATLANTA, Uk. Who can think (f BOrilU Rillljlll, ttiliiK to ati'!it7 Wanted-An Idea l'rotprt your Idns! tlir-v may hrlK ymi wculth. Wrll.. JOHN WbmU'.UKritN I'D.. Patftit iH'va, WuHhiiiitttiii, 1). ('., f.T th.-tr (irlie offer ml IBt ur lwu iiuiitireii iiivciniuua wuiiiuu. Sciul vour ohicrs to H Ko:iniki( Itork, NoKKtU.K, VA. The cinlv cxrlnsivc liult'Njtlr dfjilrrsntid shiiiiK-rs ot'l'ri'sli and sull Wiitrriinh in tin titv. I'isli t'miiiull Wilier1. Oriiers lv wire or mail reeeive prunint personal nt teiition. je 11 lj AjYWVS . xf Lo., ooV.5eexs. . " PRONAPTNLSS GWEN ALL ORDERS' f" in ) . s AH Bitifi Riling Cefli6fil Lie Works VHlinliieliiri'Mor ill. I K ItttsiK HYDRftU LIC ROSENOAIE CEMENT. iiiinmnhi'tl hUi.iIiKi'Iv hvilriiulu1. e iniuli' prii i'tt tlrlivi rt'il itl iiuy imlul in tin. Simlli. All I I'inrnt lesli-d, ami sirvHtMh, uiiilnrniiiy in rtltr, liiiriiinn Hint KimduiK liiiiuntccd. rite h ltici'N IMi. mlilnw 111,1 K UIIMiK SI'H I N(in lVli'urntli I line Kidtfc, Va. ly. W. W.KAY, (near K. U. Shed, It T Pope's nl.l stand) THE ONLY 'Ik All Night House oeriN town llur icady for accommoilatiou at all hours. -FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned Goods and Coufisctioneri. Close Haturday night at 12 o'clock. Ormn Hon' day at Vi o'olock a. m. aj 1 1. D ADV KHTISKMKNTS. PR UN ELI N E 'Tni.le Murk Hi-ltlsliTid ) THE IDEAL LAXATIVE Aii'l ''tire f"r 0 N S T I P A T I 0 N - As il s.oO ns Ii.iii. y it in I s ii re lore lor-- llill.lsl-SS, lll'II.U. Ilf, ri'lf'l'.'. MlHimf-ll 'll'olitiks. Iliiwcl l)i'-ali;i'liil'lits.t.ivt'r Discuses. li-k Moiiiih-Ii. Irrigularlty, Klrioev I r.oilil. s. "I. In il III. .ml Ills, orders. !iitteati..tiK nd v r iii ny "IIi.t ili.,-.i...s loel III. In Hie OllietlVO sO,e .. lj... I...M PRUNELINE" "i'"-i ooii -nt The KXti:LKIOI I'KINTIXO COMl'A' . i (ittic.' is new anil complete ami con- Initcit hy iip-to-datii nnntirs c.lonot ite liack to tlie tiincol .Matliiisalu, vtlicn lepliants roosted hi t rees unit teal hers grew on hogs. 01' US IS AN ENTIKEI.Y NKW OFFICE new machinery and new type. No par Is ol old decayed and discolored papers, iitnl no ancient slvlea of tvpc that have dull and wrinkled fiiccs, caused hv long service and old age. W e have the niateri- that must insure work with a like twinkle. Your letter and hill heads, stali'tni-ntH, ircuiiti's, posiai aim hiisincss earils, are your spokesmen wherever Ihey go. They ilher aid you or discredit vim. 1 hey re- ll.-ct the liiisincss idea of the man or lirm ind show the character and imlividmilitv oi me nrilele or liusi.less aitvertls. il. LET LH HAVE YOl Ii NEXT OUDEUS I'Oli KINTINO. MAlLOlillEIiS I'ltOVll'TLY ATTENDED TO. Excelsior Printing Company J- WELDON, N. C. Are You Afraid TO READ BOTH SIDES OF THE QUESTION? The New York Journal Is the only Metropolitan paper indorsing; Bryan and Sewall and it daily publishes articles fcy the leadine financiers of the country on both sides of the question, "Silver versus Gold." It is progressive, liberal and always espouses thj cause of the masses. Every broad minded man should read it, whether Republican or Democrat. Httoir- li lli..r"ioililv lellll-l W llll -.1 1 KIO'lllK, I 'lrilll S till- 111. .111.1 II lll'.W HO M llSle If 111 I lie Sl'll'lll It 0'IS iivuilh DASTORO L SALTS llliie Muss uinl nil nili'T linns is .nnoi- IV.-., Il (..lies ii' o ein riiles Hi! lliewrent iiliians till.. SVslein. K.'l-p the oxi l oel. tlie lei-l win in soil the Hi. ii els open, iisinit I KI'NEI.INK f..r tli. Islti-r .iirp'iic. 1.1 l.v hii .Ii ulers. urn nl on reei-lpl i.l .ilieenui to iiiiv H'l'ln -- l.v M l.NKia.MASN" K lllillWN llll II CO.. Ililtiinori', Mil. Sep 21 ly. W. M. IIABI.IST OX At CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CAKPKTS, STOVKS, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTON&CO., No. 21) N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. nitt 1 C. I r. HALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Curries full line Dry Goods, Notions, Boots S1I0K3, GROCERIES, Etc. Atfrnt lor STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES. Can liirninh any part of nny kind ot niacin iu at nhort notice. Bend jKwtal curd tor nlip illusl rating pfirta to iiiacliiue vou have and will name price for pii-ce meded. I carry a full line Coffins & Burial Give me a trial when in nenl of any. tiling. my 7 ly. Groceries W, T PARKER, , DEALER IN , Heavy AND Fancy- Farm Implements. 22-1 1'01'ND SACKS OF SALT FOR 81.1(1 l'KRSACK. IW!Correct piiccs anil polite attention to all. auit 1 ly. I I II II II L Dally ..... 1 Cent everywhere, BiibRcriptlon r.i- ( r.o Month, Incluilinir fcV.i:n!..v ... 10conts Two Muullm :.ii'l ;- lliitf - - H.OO Sl'tlil SllllSC i.iull t The New Y: sTournai, Circulation 5t.ii it:.' NKW YORK, iirani JJispiay -OF- FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. FANCY (100DS and NOVELTIES. Buttcrick's Pat terns. It. & G. CORSETS, Misses atSttc., Lnilieu 75c. tofl. Mul'rices will he made to suit the times. Huts aud bonnets made aud trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. 0, Cases. I Ta , . -Jt JEST" CAVEATS TRADB MADIf. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. to. X"r inr..miBimn iin i rrci itntm imhk m tn MI NN n to., ;;4il iiti4in ay, Naw Vohc. f'lih'!t l'iinftn fur fMriiriiiir Hl ntH tn AiiK'rloft. Kvitv tmtrnt tftkn ut I v ux U hrmiitht iH'fiiw tin- imiiUc liy n iiMi'1'OKtvt n frvQurutittrge lu IU gricntiftc tuciQtt T.Firrft'lr"n).itlon of n -lPtitlll( puticr In tht w.-i-i.l. si.lin.ltiliv liliitnitf.l. Nn lntt'lllufiil "tun Mvnl l l w Ittimit II. Werklv. tt;,(HI J.'rir: t.n.,i;u, A !.d-h-. Mr'N ft CO., I'l ui.lMii.H-s ;t1i lltMmlwuy, ,i w York t'ltj, HUDSON'S 1n7 Main at., Noifolk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DININb RIKIM. ALL MEALS 23 CENTS. sriirA.ssixa cam:n a srEcrAisr J. 1. Hl'DSON, l'roimotor. The Hi'hI of Everything in Season Oct 10 lyr. M, COHEN, SON & CO., PETERSBURG. VA. -Wholesale DRY GOOD S 2TOTIOUS. Manufacturers of Hlilrts, Drawers and orer alls. Prioegnarauteedagaiuiitall North en market. Orden receive prompt per. soul atuotioa. oet I If. it

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