JOH1T "W. SLEDO-B, I'lto.-RIKTOR. J NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEBMS:-?'''11 1J antm in advance VOL. XXXI WELDON, N. CM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1896. NO. 26. NKW ADVKKTISKMKXTS. Ply HOUSEKEEPERS who are delicate, jtf run -down, or ryggrY overworked, and ft-r ftom back ache, headache, dragging down arnatinns in the abdomen, and nt a n y other ayniplotiw of de Tamremcnt of ih frnnle function can find renewed strength .ml health by (a king lr. Pierce'a Pavont l'ri-Hcnption For the pain and ache, llie jicn!i of mrlancliniy and .lerplcsMieiiH iiitthiiiK can do you no much permanent giK.d n tin vegetable compound. You ave ttie doctor' fee. as well a your mod. etv, by purchasing this " I'ttsetiptioii " nf 1'iKtnr I'terce. For a gtiat m. my yeart l)r. R. V. 1'iprre (chief consulting physician and specialist tn the Invalids' Hold and Surgical Institute, of IHitmto, N. Y.) made a penally nf the diseases of women, ami ftom his large experience he was able to compound a "Prescription" which acted directly upnn the special internal parts of women. When in doubt as to your ailment write bin,, it will cost you nothing. A great Itoctor Rook of loro pages, published by the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y., interests all women. Mailed frkk on receipt of m cts. in stamps to cover postage and wrapping only. When women are afflicted with nervous ness, irritability, nervous prostration or ex haustion and sleeplessness, in nine canes out of ten the source of the trouble is some displacement, irregularity or derangement of the special internal parts. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures permanently such cases as well as that distressing in terna) discharge from the mucous mem brane, inflammation and ulceration. ( Banktvi. Jatkion Co., Afirh. Gentlemfn- am more than willing to say your most valuable medicine luia cured me nf female weakness and a catarrhal discharge from Die liiiMitf menihratif-H nf the ftpecial parts. I suf fered for year with pain iu my hack, never a nmht wns I tree. At your request I commenced treatment with I)r, I'lerce's Favorite Prescrip tion. I could not Meet on a matt rasa ; ft seemed as though it would kill me. Since taking the medicine I can sleep anywhere; I am perfectly -!.. I would nut !e nlaced iu hit former cou- limuii fr any money. Gratefully yours. THE FARMER GOT EVEM. Was With a ("arfd Bag of Hornets, .u lo the Hanoi . He WILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND H10 tograiiher and dealer in FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, cie. old ricTrRKCoryiNo a SPECIALTY Filst cluss work guaranteed. oetlOly. 176 Main St., Norfolk Va TASTELESS CHILL T IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 cts. 0 ALATT4. It.Lfl., NOT. 16, 1893, PfirliiMnllRlnB Co.. bit. Louts. Wo. Ot'iitlProon: Wo sold laiH year, WW bottlfls of 3HOVK'it TAHTHLKM CHILL TONIC and hnto joukIjI tbreo prosa already this yenr. In nil oar ex peripnc-e of 1 yean, tu the drug bimine, htive mrer sold no art trie that gnve tuch imlvutaal sutl Ktiuu u juur iuiiio. kuurs tiulj, AUNKV.CAIUI A CO -rSOLT) AND "Anft.MEn UV Dr. A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. ('. Judkins' Grocery WELDON, N. C. For fine groceries, it will pay to eall On J. L. Juilkius, leader of them oil, The tin utit goods iu Weldon you will see At Jndkia's Grocery. Imported and domestic goods here .you Wilt nun. U.mneit goods and delioaeios of every kiud It matters not wliat your need may oe Visit Jndkius' Orocery. For choice tens and coffee Judkins is ie- Downed None finer iu the country uiu be found Try their special brands of bleuded ton At .ludkius' Orocery. None in Weldon with Judkins can oo oeto Or show a stock of tine g-wiln na complete. I he groat one price you may see At Judkins' tlroeeryj At Judkins' store do not forget Full weights and measures you villi always get Aud your town orders delivered free From Judkins' Orocery. dec 13 ly. WaLTiaB. D1KISL D A N I K U PKOFESSIUNAL CARDS. JAMMH. MVLMtV, UDltlK ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wkldon, N. C. haotice In theconrta of Hal t fai andNorthtm p o i and tn the Supreme and Federal court, uoi ti 'liiiiia maHn tn MliiiArtttof North Carolina. tratichoffiRA t Hillfa.N.C..oDCQeTerT Mon day. Jan 7 ly T. T. BOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. HjPOIBce over Eniry A Pierce'sstore. 10-19-ly. J)r, W.J. WARD.&- Surieon Dentist, Xlf FIELD, N. 0. .Office 0T Harrison's Drag Stan, daeSOly. (Chicago Intci-Occan.) There are four men in Chicago who will never forget Silas Tatniao's visit to (ho city. It will be many duyti before those same uien will be able to show up atiain at the depots to prey on the codG nco of rural htranujers. When Silas came to town Saturday he came with the avowed intention ol rc vcri"itm himself on a smooth spoUd uiif" man who had met him on a fur- nier vifcit nnd bad relii:ved bim of a car pet sack containins; tho visitur's tuoDoy aud a return ticket. He did Dot expect encounter the same fellow, but made up bis mind to administer to the first man who claimed to know him the warm est reception the scouodrel had ever met with. Tatman came id from Bunkum. Iiurik- uiu is not on the map, and one could go tho place with a repeating rifle and shout all the inhabitants without reload ing. But small as it is, it can boat of citizen who outwitted four of the clev erest "con" men io Chicago. Buukum is also renowned for its large ornets nests and the warlike and grouchy" disposition of their occupants In Tat man's bog lot hung one of these nests from the limb of a locust tree. It was a gigantic specimen and the terror of the neighborhood. Tho morning Silas left for Chicago he went out in the hog lot early, before the hornet's were astir. Ho took wiih bim an old green carpet bag, and this he opened and slipped carefully around the oblong nest, clcsing the clasp quickly with out losing a hornet. , When he took the train later in the day be smiled with delight as he thought of the har rowing scene that would take place when the carpet bag was opened. When Silas arrived at the depot, in- steud of going to the hotel, he sat down in the smokin" room and waited. His mission was similar to that of a cobfl encc Ulan. Ho was io quest of a atran Her who would cultivate Ms ac quaintance only to rob him of hi hornets and regret it to his dying day Occasi ually Tatman would look down at the carpet bag As he did he shook wiih glee. The Uuukum farmer had not been sealed five minutes when ho was ap proached by a fellow with a sharp in quisitive nose and a checked suit. ' Ah, ha!" though Tatmant, as the stranger extended his hand, "I've got you." "I believe I know you," said tho sharp nosed iodivldual "Let me sec you are f rom" "Bunkum," replied Tatman. "To be sure; Buukum. And your .ame is "Tatman." "Why, of course. How are you Mr Tatman?" "Toleruble," aDd Tatman looked down at his hornets and ohuckled. , My name's Cunningham," went on the stranger, graspiug one of Silas' hands in both bis own. "Vou remember, 1 was visiling iu Buukum a few years ago with Banker a. Oh, I never can remember names. You know who I mean though, lie's the princip'c bank er id your town. There nevor was a hanker within twen ty miles of Bunkum, but Fanner Tatniau was playing a hand, so he said, "Know im? Well, I should say I do. lou mean old 'Squire Jones." "Jones, of course. Hu, ha, hal Strang' I couldn't remember the name." "Ha, ha, ha! 'Twaa kiuder I'unuy.'' and Silas fairly danced with j y "L reckon thnr hain't a nico quiet little place somewhere where a feller can talk with a friend what he ain t secu I r ni; on to two years." Thii ws just what Cunningham wanted. "Oh, yes," said ho io his soltest tones "I know lust tho nueo. Its not over block Iron) here." "Then, I reckon wo might as well go it you'ro sure it's safe walking through tho streets with as much money as I've got iu hero satchel." At the word money Silas detected an expression of eagerness sod pleasure un the scoundrel's face, and the follow s fin eers seemed to itch an the two walked along. "Arn't you afraid," said he, "of being robbed?" " Woll, you just bet yer sweet life tho fellow whoopensold Silas Tatman's valise will be sorry," and the Bunkum farmer smiled inwardly. Hero Cunningham turned on a little sido street, leading his friend by the arm About half way down the block they turned into a dark and dingy-looking saloon. Cunningham spoke familiarly to the barkeeper, who directed them to wine room in the back of the place. The two sat down at the table and were joined presently by throe other men. Ona them was a fat man, who tried to get Tatman to play oards "just for fun." Another one of the nion wore a white Test and a polka dot necktie. Ho did all the talking, and after Cunningham had whispered a few words in the fellow's ear he could hardly keep his eyes off the carpet bag. He was introduced lo Tatman as Thomas W. Blooiufiold, the board of trade man. "It seems, Mr. Tatman," said Bloom- field, "that you aro very careless with your money. Mr. Cuuningham tells me that you carry iu your satchel." "Vou bet I have got a lot of moDcy in that 'ere old carpet bag. I was kinder thinkin' of speeulatin' with it." "Perhaps you would like to have me invest in wheat, I tbiuk you could make a big stake." "I'm kinder 'f'raid of ln.-in' it." "Oh, tiot at all; not if it's well iuvestcd. l'eople only lose their money through carelessness. But of course sohio one has to lose moDcy to keep the stuff pro perly in circulation." "Well, I hain't got much money to lose, and I'm feared if I was to open that 'cro bag that mine would get to cir culating and you bet it would circulate mighty dern fast." "Well, if you did lose it it would stick to some one's fingers." "You bet your blame life she would, and she'd stick purty gol darned fast." "So you don't want me to invest it for ynu?" "I'm a little bit seary 'bout putting it in wheat." "No risk whatever," said BloomficU. "Why, I tell you, Mr. Tatman, a good speculator can pick money off the trees here in Chicago." lilooru field's expression tickled Tatman. He laughed uproariously, and said : "You can pick it off the trees in Bun kum, too, but you can't do it long, 'cause it circulates too dern fast." By this time the men were growing impatient, Tatman noticed that they looked more frequently and longer at the carpet-bag. He thought it about time to take his revenge, so he said : "Well, gentlemen, I reckon I'd better be goiu', and I'd like to leave that 'ere money with you, so as it'll be safe when I huut up a stoppin' place." The men were perfectly willing to ac commodate Farmer Tatman. They as sured him that the carpet-bag and its coutents would be perfectly safe, and that they would be willing to wait uutil MA HAD HER WAY. Anl I'l anj the Dnwn-TroJJcn Buy Tuuk Day Off to Celebrate. A SEVENTH DAUGHTER. She llaj Second Skill, ht She Could Not Mud Her Hag. came back. "Much obliged, uentlemen," aud Tat man arose. " lisn t very olten mat a feller meets such kind friends as you are iu a strange city, and it s kinder sootliiu ter ktiuw that a fellow's leaviu' his money wiih honest people. I leekou I'll be back iu about an hour." And Tatman once more thanked his friends as passed out of tho room, closing the door behind him. Tatman did not lcavo the saloon, as the men expected. By a clever dodge managed to slip the key of the door in his pocket before ho left tho room. He remained on tho outside long enough to silently turn the bolt io the lock, after which he slipped into tho adjoining room. He did not wait long before he heard one of the men say: Well, that was tho easiest snap I ever saw. fellas recognize the voice as tnat ot Cunningham, then Uloointield an swered : "Easy I Why, you oould rob that fool before bis eyes and he wouldu't know it Hand up the granger's gripsack." Tatman heard the sound ol the gup- sack striking tho top of the table. Then ho heaid them prying at the locks. Pres ently he heard the clasps give, and in an other instant a piereiog yelp rent the air. Whack! Crash I Bang I Tho chairs were upturned and tho table was tumbled over in the mad scramble for the door. Then he heard some one say. "Great heavens! They're hornets and the deior is I eked " The howls and yelps which followed brought the burieudcr and the proprietor to tho scene. Tho Bunkum farmer seized the opportunity to slip out of the saloon, and as he was passing into the street ho heard tho door crash iu as one of the men on tho icsido dealt it a blow with a chair. Over his shoulder he saw a stream of I ornets sail alter tho barlen der. Twenty iniuutes later, from his ret rent in the alley across tho street, Tat limn saw his five friends limping out nl tin saloon to tho ambulanc", whi. h had been called to the curbstone. (Judge.) "Me and pa," bragged little Clarence Hennypcck to his chum, of another vil lage, "have been having ah of a time We " "Gee," interrupted the other boy, in astonishment. "I never heard you swear before, and you'd hotter not let your pa hear you, either! He'd strap you good. "Hoo! No ho wouldn't! Hcwould't even tell mo to stop; he'd encourage mo. Toll you what we've been a-doing; me and pa have been up in the woods ever since yesterday forenoon, fishing, sleep ing in an old tumbledown cabin, and doing just as wo pleased. Pa told me I could say anything and do anything I wanted to; go in swimming as I liked, and stay in as long as I pleased; rob bird's nests, and act just as bad and mean as I had a mind to. He gimme some chew iDg tolaccoand told me to go ahead and learn the filthy habit if I wanted to; and he said I could sass him and talk back all I liked. He gimme an old pistol, too, and some powder, and told me I could fire it off nt the risk of my life just as often as I blamed pleased, and blow my head off if I wanted to, and nobody should stop me. Ho had a bottle with something red io it, and he drank out of it pretty often, and hollered apd whooped and sung and cussed and said ho was a big Ingum and don't you forget it! Oh! you bet your neck, me and pa had a big time and didn't give a rip for nothing!" "Whillikins! Y'our pa is a good man and wouldu't do anything of the kind; why, he takes up the collections at church! I believe you are lying." "No, ain't neither. My pa is a good man, all right enough, but he just had to bu st loose! He said he was obliged to assert himself or become a nonentity, if you know whai that is? "Aw, yes! It meant some kind of married man; I know by the way paused the word. But I'll tell you how it all happened: We uaiued the baby yester day. At breakfas time ma said we'd name the baby without the usual fuss and worry; and pa said all right, we'd name her Alma. Aunt Furby said there was no use in having any bother about it, be cause she had already selected the name of Dorcas for the baby. Uncle Bickctts id cetainly thero was no use of having a discussion when Mary Ann was the only decent name for a girl baby. I said Mamie would be a bully name lor ber. "Ma simply snapped her jaws and said she had selected Gwondolin for the baby's name. And I said 'Huh!' and Aunt Furby said 'Nonsense!' and Uncle Hicketts laid pish!' and pa said if he had a daughter who was disfigured with the name of Gwendolin he'd bore her head for the sim pies. Ma called pa a brute and pa called ma a woman. Aunt Furby called Unci Rickctts a doddering old bachelor and he called her a mumy. Pa said something about running his own house yet awhile and ma Biiid he was a tryant, and I kicked the dog The table got knocked over somehow, and the next thing I knew we were all out in the yard, and I was up ... .. I. IT 1. - 1 . . in a tree watcnin" tneiun uncie iuckcus dropped his cano, aud Aunt Furby picked it up anil waved it arouud in the air, and pa dodged and fell down with his head io a flower pot. I laughed, and Lncle Rickctts shook mi down out of the tree and kicked me when I lit, and Aunt Furby tanned my jacket with (be cane. I ran away and pretty soon pa came after me. We had a talk around the oorncr and pa said me and him was no better than a couple of serfs, and we'd just gooff somewhere where we oould assert our selves So wo wot to the woods Pa is home anain now, but I haven't been back yet. "And so the baby didn't get naini after all?" "Aw, vos she did! Just as son as mi mentioned it, wo all know that the b ihy'i name was Qwendolin. ton ovi:h fifty YUAItS Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syiup has been used for over fifty years by millions id mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the cuius, allays all pain, cures wiud colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every partol the world. Z.i cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mre. Wins' low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. A lawyer who was engaged in settling p the affairs of an cstato was some what worried over the loss of certain letters and papers, says Tho Chicago Record. The deceased hadbeco a careless person and ho had mislaid several documcots that wero of imporlancu to his heirs. Having been called away from this earth on a hasty summons, lie had not given tho lawyei any instructions before hand. The lawyer had a hopeful friend who believed in clairvoyaney and second sight. This fiiend went to a woman who was the seventh daughter oi a seventh daugh ter, and who could read the stars at sight, and told her of the lawyer's search for the papers. Tho clairvoyant or fortune teller or whatever she may have been went to see tho lawyer, The lawyer was skeptical. "I really believe 1 can fiud thee papers for you," said she. "If you care to employ me I shall at least endeavor to find them. A few weeks ago I found a lost will for a family on the north side. "You really think you can find these pers?" "I am quite sure of it." "You go ahead and find them and I'll pay you liberally." "But I must receive every assistance from you and the relatives of the de parted. I must bo taken to his home and put in sympathy with his former surroundiogs." "Not much. I'll not go to all that trouble. I think you're a fraud. The woman gave him a stony state and swept out of the room. About five minutes later she re-en red the office. She appeared to be itated. " Excuse me for coming back she said, "but did I leave a small black bag in here? I wouldn't lose it for the world." "I haven't seen it. You don't reinein ber where you left it?" "I can't imagine." "That hadn't ouxhtto worry you. If you can nnd papers that have been missing for months you hadn't ought to have any difficulty in finding a hand that was It st ten minutes ago," "You are posiiively insulting," s the Beventh daughter of the seventh daughter, and then she left him forever. FAIKY-LIKi; IK ITS BEAUTY CONTINUAL. "She married him because sue sym P'!iiir.ed with his condition, didn't she? "Yes." "How is she gettiug on?" "I understand that she has been deeply touched ever unee. DOING IIEK A KINDNESS. "I did not send tor you to tune my piano," said Mrs. Selfly to the man who called for that purpose. "No, madam, but your next door neigh bor sent 'me." OABTOIUA, MOHE CURATIVE I'OWBB la con tamed in a bottle of Hood's Sarsapirilla than in any other similar preparation It costs tho proprietor and manufacturer m ire. It costs tho jobber moro and it worth more to the consumer. It baa record of cures unknown to any other preparation. It is the best to buy be oause it is the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Puisare the best family catbartio and liver medicine Gentle, reliable, sure. Jablin "Jaggins called you a monkey, How oan yon stand that?" Pilby "What would you advise mo to do about it? Jab in "Make bim provo it course." OABTOniA. Tkafu talll IfUtlN llM bag THIS PECULIAR CAMPAIGN. One of Its Funny Incidents Related and Vouched for by a Kansas Paper. The following is a true story, illus trative of tho peculiar political changes going on: Down at Coldwater there is a banker who has been a lifelong Democrat. At Wichita he has a lifelong chum that has been a lifelong Republican. They visited each other two or threo times a year, and most of their time was pent in trying to convince each other that they were wrong politically. Tho Wichita man met tho Coldwater man last winter, and ho appealed to bim strongly to come over to tho Republicans and find satisfaction aod that peace of mind that it brings. The Coldwater man could not bo persuaded. Finally the Democratic convention was held in Chicago, with results fa- milliar to cvreybody. The Coldwater man changed his politics and became a Republican. He felt good, as every Deuiocrat does who sees the error of his ways He could nut keep his joy to himself, so he took ihe train and came post hasto to Wichita, and went direct to the home of his friend. "Well, Ed ," said he, reaching out bis hand, "I feel gocd and could not help coming np to tell you about it." "That's it another buy?" "Guess again." "Struck a gold mine?" "It's better thaDthat. "Rich uncle died, eh?" "Still better." "What, has your inotlicr-iu-law you?" " Well, it's nearly us good that." "What is it, for goodness sake?" "I have seen the error of my ways have turned Republican and am hurrah- ins for McKiolcy. Shake on that, old boy." He didn't shake, hut hung his head. "Why, Ed., old boy, what's the mat ter with you? Why don't you shake and welcome me into your ranks?" "If you want to be with mo politi cally, said Ed., "you'll have to change back again." "What do you mean?" "I mean simply that I have changed myself. I am hurrahiug for Bryan and free silver. Wichita Eagle SILVER OR GOLD. Better than cither is it healthy liver. If tho liver is 0. K. tho man U O.K. His. l.ln- is kept pure, his iligcstimi perfect, and he an eniov lilu ami a''t mti'llmeiitlv and patiently tipnn tin1 questionH ofthodav. Ymi all kii"v what ti take, on haw known i! f--" vars, It is Simmons Liwr Regulator For years vou and vour fathers have lotinil it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only Ly J. II. Zeilin & Co. Take, none but the genuine. It has the Red Z on the front of tho wrapper. and nothing else is the same, and. nothing so good. left "I do not believe that I have a true friend in the world." "So you have been trying to borrow money, too, have y iu?" Truth. The EXCKLKIOli PRINTING COMPA NY ofliee is new and complete and con ducted liy up-to date printers We do not date hack to the time ol' Mathusala, when repliants roosted in trees and leathers grew on hogs. OUltSIS AN ESTIKKLY NEW OFFICE new machinery and new type. No par cels ot old decayed and discolored papers, and no ancient styles of tvpe that have dull aud wrinkled laces, caused by loin; service and oh I nc. e have the materi al that must insure work with a business like twinkle. tour letter and hill heads, statements. circulars, postal aim business cants, are your spokesmen wherever they ir.o. Thev either aid you or discredit you. They re- ttoct tho misiness idea ot the man or linn ind show the character and individuality oi inc article or business ailvertised. LET US HAVE YOCli NEXT OUDKltS Foil 'HINTING. MAILOUDEUS l'HOVll'TLY ATTENDED TO. Beautiful beyond descriptun is the Yildiz palace of the Sultan in Coostao tinoplo. In treating of it an English writer says: Yildiz stands on the sum mit or the highest hill of the capital, aod here bt fore us lay a largo lake or artificial river, covered with oaiques and boats of ull shapes, an electrio launch among others. Tho gardens sloped to the lake on ull sides, the lawns as green, the turf as well kept as in the best Eng lish Hardens. Exquisite shrubs and palms wero planted in every direction, while the flower beds wero a of color. The air was almost heavy with the scent of orange blossom, nnd gardeners w to busy at every turn sprinkling the turf, even (he crisp gravel walks with wa ter. The harem wall, now on our right, rose no longer bare, but covered to the very top, with yellow and white Bank- sia roses, heliotrope, sweet verhena, passion flowers, clo. Thousands of white or silvery gray pigeons tho prophet's bird flew in and out of a huge pigeon house, built against the walls, half hidden by the creepers, and the whole scene was lighted up by the brilliant eastern sun- ight, in which every object stands out so clearly tbut one's sense of distance is almost lost. At the end of the lake is a duck decoy, where the Sultan often amuses himself with shooliug, an I f ir beyond this we enuld catch glimpses ol tho park sloping away toward tho Buy- phorus. Ileyon 1 the pigeon house we entered a building e insiilingof one I ingronm, filled with treasures. This is the Sultan's private museum. Here are collected and beautifully arranged ail the presenisthat he has receive J, as well as innumerable valuable Q ij icts that belonged to some of his predecessors. WIlKKKIIi: WAS MISTAKEN. Willie "Are vou tho neares; n ative I'vegot, mamma?" Mother "Yes,love, and your pa is tho closest relative you've got." NEW ADVE KT IS K M K NTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, Hiahest ol all in leaveuini; strength. Lutes! 17. S. (Invmimrnl Fowl Report, Roval Bakino Powder Co., 106 Wall Ht N Y. -a.u4 Diiguiniv.. am Xv.I u .aoujj Soil pun in.) 'M iloay iboi puy 33N3J NBfJHVO GNV AHlinOd Pistil! Wanted-An Idea ..nil- M.i., tltpv niKT l.rlnu veil WMllh. WrtM JOHN WHilO HIlt'KN CO . 1'MMlt Alter uMilnguju, ii. 1.1,'T im-ir i,hi ji or Iwu Umiilrua Invention, wiiult Willi run think nf amuu almple tliluic t.i IKtetltf rltri nava. ml Hit Suddenly the young man kissed her. "Pardoa in i, Miss Julia," ho cried in a tone of penitence. 1 I am very sorry." The beautiful girl threw up her head with a haughty air and her eyeglasses trembled visibly. "I could forgive tho thelt of a kiss, Mr. Hankinson," she said coldly, "but when you tell me you are sorry for it, then you forfeit every degree of respeot I might have entertained for you " Thus one by one the young man is taught the ureal lessons of life. The best memory is the one that knows how to forget judieioualy. OABTOniA. Tkt fu ll alia llfutan 4 Ii twrf ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. PR U N E LI N E (Trade Mnrk Registered ) THE IDEAL LAXATIVE And f 'lire fur -C ONSTIPATION" Ah pltHMitit ns hum y ami Mire curt' (or lU.luuMU'KS llcudat lic, l-'eviTN, Mlumarli Trouble, lluut'l DcM-unfiiiC'iitN.river IMhcuscn. Hrk Mloinai h, Irregularity, klilncy Trimble, M hi mid llliiod IHh nrftcrii atnl s ry , ny ') v' ',i',)j.lciltlt,nij Im In i .'iH.'ti . i: .l..'' f inn ' fi.' PRUNt.LIN" t;'(' it.'M. mul si.ivhi ratlinr- im tuiii .!TM'in 'lit run tisr h ii:'irniiKiil i lt'iiiit.'M Wiii ' iH btil.ilfiK, pnMit'K tm in n1 r'iii' - nil i wiih CAS Sl M MOM S Vsr REGULATOR nii i ::: "it .vum. u no JL SALT3 iiHijM'.iijrt iitirvit ti Vf'. It lutirs if ti i n ri,( i 1 1 'In-vn-tiL .irttiih iifUti1 HVHtt'iil . Kt-cii llii' heml Cool, lite kvr WHrro Mini tlu' Kt'tvi'is upt'ii, uhituj I'Kl NKl.INK fur the Utter lurtnM;. Sold hv till (it'tilcrti. orst'iit on rcco ht of .Ml con ti to iiny Hillings by WISKIXMANN A UKOWN Win. CO., ltaltiruore, Md. m pit ly. W. M. 1IAISMSTOX & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in ill! P Ml CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLI8T0N & CO., No. 20 N. Sycamore St., Petersburs;, Va. 10 90 ly C. H. HALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Carries full liue Dry Mi, Notions, Boots SHOES, GliOCEKIES, Etc. Audit for STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES. Can lnrnisli any part of any kinil ol machine nt short notice. Send postal card for slip illustrating parte to machine you have and will name price lor piece needed. I carry a lull line Coffins & Burial iEicfilsiorPrintini Company WELDON, N. C. Are You Afraid o TO READ BOTH SIDES OF THE QUESTION? The New York Journal is the only Metropolitan paper indorsing Bryan and Sewall and it daily publishes articles by the leading financiers of the country on both sides of the question, "Silver versus Gold' It is progressive, liberal and always espouses the cause of the masses. Every broad minded man should read it, whether Republican or Democrat. Cases. Give me a trial when in need of Any ttnnir. mv 7 lv. H) W, T, PARKER, 1 I Hqq tttt .A-aLVjl V J AND Fancy Farm Implements. 224 POUND SACKS OF SALT FOR 81.10 PER SACK. Groceries IflJuCorrect prices aud polite attention to all. ang 1 ly. I II Will Dally --- 1 Cent everywhere. Subscription for One Montn, Including Sunday - - - -40 cents Two Months and a Half - $1.00 Send subs-. 4 -lion to The New York Journal, Circulation Dtrartinent, NEW YORK, CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. etoJ Fcirlnfnrmatliman'tfri'O H.milink nvrltnto Ml.'NN A CO., Mil IfuoADWAv, New Yomc. Olilcst Im win lW BPeiiriiin imlrntH in Aniorlofc Evrrv witnit taken m.t l y ti to brmiitht befuro the imtillc liy u not n-u ylvvn fn.-o of ctiurge lu Uwl $ nctttiuc mmctt I,n!wt rlwilntlon of rtit n lPTitlflc T,aPrT" n v.ut.l. hnlt'inUillv iiluslniU-J. N lutelllK'etil man MnmM Ut Ill-out It. Weekly 3.041 t'.ir; f i,rt t,ix mutnm. a-mpps-, mii it uu LiiLihiitlui, .Ui I Ht'lwa, Hvw Ynrlt Vllf. HUDSON'S E tujjjj In 111 1 L bocXscWets. 1K7 Main St., Noifolk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DININb ROOM. A I.I. M KALS 25 CENTO. SUBrASSIS'O COFFEE A SrECIALTt J. B. HUDSON, rroprieto. . PRCMPTNtSS GNEN ALL ORDERS The Meat of Everything in Seaaon oct 10 lyr. American Traveler Bicycle It hal that allele, stylish tnl highly (InllM tppcarancs. You can tall thtm anywhsre. It' tlctsrs of beauty and strength. It his Boat rMl iscful Improvemtnts than toy b!gb-(r.d Blcyclt la th Market. uilt dy American B. H. 0. 152 Sewing Machine Co. faotory , 20th nnd Washington Av., Philadelphia, Pa. r """" JU CpApAAguE., . m 1 M. COHEN, SON & CO., PETERSBURG, TA. -Wholesale DRY GOODS ail Manufacturers of RIXE RIIKIK- HYDRAULIC ROSENDAIE CEMENT. UuaranUwd alanlutelT hydraulic. Wo quote fncwi aeuverea ai any point in uie nouin. mi i einpnt toted, and ritretiKth, uniformity In color, burning and grinding if",,rftntee' write for Tt)legih Blue Ridge, Vft. aepuiy. prices VA. ITOTIOITS. Manufacture of Skirts, Drawera and oyer alia. Price gruuar ' jed agatnirt all North" era market. Order, raorift piooipt par. aooal attention. aor ly. . '' '

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