1 fegiii feP P w if m fM la " la 111 wr Si? JOHNW. SLEDGE, I'kiht.iktoh. VOL. XXXI -A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WKLDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, N0VH2OKK 1806. TEPIvrSr-fl I'lt ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 31. ADVKUTISKMKNTS otton. With tanlnl rotation of l iMjis and lilicral fcrlilixulions, , illnii lands will improve. The .ii)li;'atioii i a proper lerti ;;.:er eontaiiiin sulVnienL l'ut i Ji ol't.'ii makes the dil'lerence heiaeeii a prolitaMe crop ami i.tilmv. I 'se lertiliers containing- not less than to 4",, Actual Potash. K.inii is ;i complete specific rnst " Rust." 1 nt V M-li - tti. rc-tiitu '.I it- 11-.C by ;it mil vx- i, t-l til t'n- I. s! ,r Tlli III I he I (111--I Sl.tttv- H , h, ., i;Mj.- I- k .... !i 1 .iivi .it:-1 ii ui.i.lly 111... i ce ! -i:i I M :ie III ttr t .1 who .1 ill Wt.tC h r It. 1 . ! I- M N K. M l Will. K, ,j .V.-1..11 N , New V -fit. HtiV ' (Im NKW ADVKUTISKM KN'TS. itiiiiiki rhiiiim-y Tipe, S.i-lt, IStinds :iml l)ooi, ami a lull line of I-I AEDWARE, For Kilt- 1 y PLUMMER 4 WHEELER. rKTKits.irun. v.. i:iy J ly. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, 113 4 1 la Hunk si., Nc.rr..lk, V11. Large s'eck n(' ' mill Urucitluni,ic Heady lor immediate shipment IV-Liis In. 112ly loO m Out! GOLDEN Ve are anxious to close out on r Spring and Summer stock of dry j;ood- unit notion by lir.sl (.I'SiiitcuiVr. Our store room is small iiml wo w ml to jmt iu 11 laiiif stork ol I'.inr.v dry pi - I - ami notions lor the fall awl miiiM'. In order to nuke room, we oil'i r our en tiro stuck at Reduced Prices. A nrr.it tinny hhU at iiu l tuliiw runt. 1 1 von want luitfiiiM romr i'.t mue. Yours truly, SPIERS & DAVIS, flops. N. Y. Packet Store, Woldon, S. ('. P. H. Stainback, WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise Agent tor tliccclchr.ito.l KICI.KI! l'.liOS. and liAY STATE SHOES. Have iilsti nilttt'it to my stork a. nice lim CLOTHING! for MEN, YlllTll'S ami I'llILDUEX. A lull line nt Solii Walnut Caskets Coffins, Always on hand. Huri.il nilicM furnished lor Ladies and llcuih uion also llui'l iiijw linns gi.cn t dead lioiliin uml ilisiiili'C' tants uaeil wlu-n ilt-siroil. a sit'i: hk.vicsi: atyhii: kisi-osal. Mr. T. II. Tailor, ol Northampton louii tv, is with uioaiul will In- iliasil In " Ills llU'llils. N. STAINI! Al'K. THE KERN FURNITURE CO,, 81 (H-l MurLrt HMtitr.-. Nurlulk. V. Hj Carriaps, Refriprators, uml lull Mm' ulTnrnitnrr. upr :n ly. nilDICAI. Tin- invMitiiin i,r In. R. V. Tirtc..-, ihi--f t'oiiMillitH! iiliv-iri-ui int'K' Iiiv.iIhIh' Hut-1 Jinil Surir.il Iii-Jitm. ;i( I'.uu.,!,,, N. y,t lu-t, ilntiiut IIh- ;.,i't tliniv m m-, niruli. a Ii-roli III the HUr -i( l'i .in h: 1, thhut -tllti lllMi( iltcr.es 111 1 1 I t M ! ",' ril' lll.'S 11 t'i nlit Milk .ill .lh. 1 :. tti-i ,i 1 1 in- f,,r t..;e ill!' 'ii..iis. ! , ni'v i,.,s ,- ,u niift-stril us y liry III - till lip r.iti-Mti.'h-l nt Hie llJUK". l't:l!y l IVr Cent. of -ill ca'cs i) i -ui-mii :1im;i, iii its -:nHrr f-t.iv;-H. nu- Mllt'll 1 V I I . i't.'l.f'S Cnlii. It M illf.il hi -cii-.civ, i vil t Hi.- ilis.'.iM' ll is Jtii.:'i, ( d t.it ;is m in.1,1.-,. 1 1-j 11-, ill 1 Met .'.in.: - l; "til tin lims -aiir litiL!' iin ci-ukIi v. iili n.i, cKj,,, ii.tatii.M iiH-hnj. inif lulu icnl.ii 1:1 M!'. t , 1; 1 ? .11 lu-s ol lU-U Hlirl x t n mo i tn.it t..!! -!! :,,; :i!;:r.s. lo vnn tlMt:!it Hi ii lii;ij,it, U nt such V;:r9 frpnltlil lulls ;is ctlH'l hv " Oul.it 11 M1 if.il Oi r .t ly " w; n- j;., ntiim- rases of tli.it l:r;i.l ,i.l f.,1.,1 i ? Vu iue.1 iw-t t;ike mir Wf;nl I..! ii. Th. y li.ivf . in m ;u lv i vi ry ii;s inn-, 1.., mi s.i i.iiit..titn - il 1 iy tin- 1 l-st ami most t-pciit riftd Innm- ''.lysici.ins, wliti h.ivi- no inlrn wliatcvr "in tnis-K'iii-s, ntiti tlu-iti, ami wlin wi re nfit-n stu.ii-lv pKiiLii. A.l an! mlvisi-il aiinst a lual ,f !,:, ti-ti M11lir.il iMicuvi-ry." but wlni hive he, 11 fuui a in f,.nf, ss lli.tt it f 111 p 1--; s. in ri)T itit- puwi r uvt r lliii f.ital m.ii'.i'iv, nil -:li' r nu ilii-iia-s with v hii h Hi, y .u.- ar !-Mi:,l' .I. Na-iy coil liver nil nii.l its tiltiu- 'VmuHniis"" and inixtin. s, i) i-1 h.-eii tiinl in ii-;lv all these cist-H aii'l li i'l litlii-r utterly faile.l to bene fit, nt h el .:'! -eeim ,i j., b, nt tit a little f.r a -boit tinu-. l-.xt: irt nf 111 ilt, whiskey, mi'l vaiious urepiralinn; (.f the hypi.plios phitej h.td also b" 11 l.utliMillv ti ii 1 in'vaiii. The pin t, j-r.iphs of a 1 ir- number of thove cnrnl of CMii-tiuiptii ii, bi..iu hitis, liim-. i iiiii rf)tr.:h-, ailim.i, el: ionic nasiil ritirth ami knulu'l mi!.n!i s. h.ive beta fkilltnlly rrpToiliifi il ia a bonl: of i -. pat a w bit b will 1 . ma iK .1 to on, on rct i; I ot ad Iiess an;l 1 1- lis in -t .mps to vnvi r post age an! wi;;;.; on! v. V.-u can iIkii uiite tbos.' , ur, i ,,;n I 1, -in iht, ii i vperit lice. A.bliessf !' Win, I lis 1 MM I- NSAKY Mi i-k u. Ass.,, n 1 lS. I'Mli-i!.., N. Y. DAZZLiMG RED. 1 w G 3 Your address, wiili x c;nt Mf ia sum; s. in.uit'.l to our HcJii "l fM:kn. II r.liut St., It..sl.n, ' M v-ill bung vou a fuil lu ff 1 1 i.impii s. -iiul rvV s ir v it- ritue- Kt p.r 'is : . 1 1 a S llnre .its, .-it".-jr...u:.i bp. I i t to a . tits "A ant it u vi n- Wi.cT'J. Nes P!ymout!i Reck Ca. M I Ir c 25... T Sfc TASTELESS Judk Affcaraikc nf i lie New Wmnan In I'arly Hhio 1'uliiks. Till.' I.I1MIH SS liUl vlt'ClioilM ul' luilay woiilil liao Im 11 ri oiinli i lis lanic uml i-iiii(M nil. iii- a ;;i iiiialioii iiooaiul even IU0IV s.i I Wo Ill'laliotIS Sljjo. KIl'l'tiullH aro iiok anoi'li'l a a uritlor of pulilio liu-iiii s, a ilu! v ' 1 citi. 'ii-liiti. iiijiI t!io ajoiily il i iii lms :i l.- (;lad win 11 lllo Inly i- 'li iliiiiil. (Iiir oramlliitlurs hImI a I'aii.paiii, parti'-ularly u iri'S- iili iili.il I'aii.p.iin. us a pnl'ul privili'o us as an iinprraihv iluly. oriy ' f liliy J.-ars an the man who oil to ot nut ami '-liolliT lor Lis m ill was n. it Worth i-.i.'L-i l. riiiLr m tlii! ilit 1. 1' patriotic iili. iisliip. It was the i ra of llio liaion'iio, llio public Imr- ili ami loo IVi iin ntly llo1 li-li.nilV. Not 1 si l lo of tlic iMitliusiaslic ilisplay was thr rk oi w. no n ami pir!.-, ami those often boiaiuo iiu.rc iutetiselv litter than the ( )ne case as lar hack as the cam- pai.n ol lhll .-how-Ho' wiilinnnoss ol pat:i. tic wnim ii to help the cause along. n a southern Ohio country the "bio tinelipo .-u coiinnon to ail catnpaions :is ailvertisej to he heal at the comity seat. At these tiueitns it was usual lo ollei a liz.i for l lit largest dclogalion, or the must unii.iu paraile, or suuie olhrr leature, in older to eiieniler a rivalry iu the townships; tience (he 1" hor.-e teaui," or the leat ox wai;on. with its two diztti '-yokes," was usually itnewheie in sijht on ihe ilay of paratie The citizens who crowih J the muil sitk- waiks were startled with a ureal snapping f whips, stentorian '';i in'' and haws" and "ya-a-haek.," provino that ilie climax was at'proachuiir. 1 lie izroat wa''on line liiuiiieinm akiiiL', ami soon the inuinj! ol leiiiale voices nxea the atleii- tinii ol'tho spectators upon what was an illu-traied v.-lume of wonian'.s inti rest in politics. I'pon a lon waoon, seated n eillier siJe, with tin ir backs tooellier, were seetntiily a inullitinle ot girls or young women, rnggul, red clnekeil lasses A'i wor- dresses reaehint; t i the knees, but nut a shoe or stocking iu the entire I. .el. li..-teail, the someiviial sturdy limbs and loot were painled n d.i.!iuo eain iiie red, and these, swing ing in the sunlight, n tideied mi ell'ecl so weired as lo be almost sltirllitiL'. As the oxen waddled farther along so no ehtluisiasne i nik in. in eieoveieii that the shapely limbs were st die d with ki In try juice, and choi rs lor ' I'olk d Pallas" roil the air. Il w is u pi - lure ol the new woman in polities ttial would stai llc the most daring agitor of to day. Hut it was the spirit of tbe linns. Chicago Timcs-Ucrald. MARKET .,- CREEN CROCERIES. To all uiy friends: I huvo orioticd .MAltlvKT at tin oM "Delmonico" stand. UST of ARTICLES KKI'T on HAND JWTSlail Beef, Nice l'resli Fi.-li received j D daily, Pork Sausage, Cabbage, Potatoes, Etc. feirWill soli IOE t 1 cent per pound. C. Gk EVICTS, Woldou, N. 0. apr 2 tf. IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. CAT ATI A. It I.S., NOV. 10, i'nrl Modicliiprn., m. lniis. Mo. ;emlemiTi:-Wi' M l-H year, r.P0 botfles ot Ili.iVK'-i TAM'KI.I nill.l, TO.MC a;,l Imv :lil tiiroi' tr,. i''n :i ly Kits year. In till .'Mr vx ,erieiire i f It e:ii. Ill ti'i limit blislln' hll'.'O iever m d mi uril. li' .lull mi" Ii muverhiil BuLtm Ali.Stl.CAilH AO Si'l.l' AMI WAHltANTI 1 1IY Dr. A.S.Harrison, KNTIi;i.l) N C. ias firocsry wiM.nox, x. c Kor line groceries, it will pay toe ill i In. I. It. .1 ti.lkiiis, leailer ol them nil, 1'tle liliesl yiMiils in Wchlon you will s.e At Jinlkin's lii'.H-cry. luiporle.l and domestic goods heie yon will lioit, t'anned i;oodt an I ttolieacics ot'eery kind It uiallersno' what your needs may he Yiu .1 ml kins llioctiy. For ilioiee leas and eofl'ee Judkins is le now tied None linei in Ihe country can he Poind fry their special hr.itnls o' hlcinhd tea At .Imlkins' tiim'eiy. None iu Woldon with .Imlkins em nun- pete Or show a stock of line goods: in complete, flic Kle.lt one price you may see At Judkins' liroeery. VI .Imlkins' si oic do not fowl I'ull wcigliti and measures you em always net And your tow n orders delivered heo l'roiu .liidkins' (irocery. .lee lily. ritOPKSSIUXM. VAKIhS. J-.MKi.H.MIM,I.IN, WALTKB R. UANIKI U Li L H A DANIKL, ATTOUSEl'S AT LAW, Wki.dos, N. C. K-aotleoliitlieonurliiof HnliraiannNortluimi. oiiHioliu tlie.SuprtMiH'Rtnt Kcitontl eoliru. Dot ,.llonH uiHite In Hllimrtmif North ('HrolluH. ttpaiwh nilli'i, ill llulirm. N. C.-iidou every Mon B. 1'. RALE, WM. I.INN, l'roprieior, Manager MANSION HOUSE. - - - worn ov - - AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. It. T. T. UOSis, DENTIST Veldon, N. C. lrOtuce over Emry ft Tierce's store. 10-19-ly. DR W. J. WARD.&- Suiieon Dentist, ENt-'llXD, N. C. li:m A II AMI. DESTRUCTION OF POMPEII. CHARACTER IN THE HAIR usi fur Six liurici So Uccp That 11 Was Ua ('.v-nlurics. lik .OmioTer Harrison's Drujj Store, dec 20 ly. Lend a hand to the I'eail'iil. Lend a I and lo the tempted. Lend a hand to the doubting. L. n d a bainl to souls in the shadow. le nd a hand to the student at sdiool. Irfinl a h ind to those who arc often mi- JUUgiil lend ii haul to the poor fighting tin wolf from the door. Lend a baud to t'le soul ciu-hid will unspeakable loss. Lend a h and to those who. lives an n ur .iv aud cramped. Lend a hand to the b .y s i 'g.;liii bravely to improve bis mind Li nil a hand to tho.e whose surround ings me stea my piiiung ineiu u oo Lend a band to the variior wli) i ligbling his balths alouc. Lend a han 1 to those upon whoso lives the sun s 'Ido 11 shines L nd a hand to the young people whose homes are cold and ropeliing. L -nd a hand to the girl who works, works, works, and knows tiuiliing ol recreation and rest. Lend a baud to the prodigil sister her life is as precious as that of the pi al brolh r. Lend a hau l -an open nan I, a warm band, a stroll: baud an uplifting band, 11 hand filled with im-rcy an I b dp rfilv. Ci O.S.. SYMPATHY. (iod pities the poor sinm I. I'i V what is given by the superior to il.e iul' lior. This is what mines fr. in a lofty piano to the man on tbo low plain was not so with Jesus Christ, lie did not simply pity tbo poor sinner while hi remained in heaven, but he cam i iloivn to earth and gave the sinner sympathy. Il is what wo give when we place ourselves in the nlace occupied by tho one Willi whom , . we sympathize.. Knv. V. W. Landiuin FOIt OVI.H l'H'l V Y I'M US Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing isyrup bus be used for over filly years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes Ihe softens the gums, allays all fain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve ihe poor little sullerer immediately, Sold bv drug'i in cerv purl of the world, 'i'i tents bnttlo. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Win low's Soothing Syrup," and taso no oth er kind. When due hears of a buried lily, it is very difficult lo renlizo what il can look still h ore so lo realize how a city bu buried so deep us to be utterly ost ami the place id It know it no more or lli centuries. Yet this is what hap d to I'litiipeii aud lleri'iilaiii um, Stubbc and lieliua aud 111 other cilh s of ii 11 on (he ninth day before the calends ol'Sepii nibor, in the lirst year of ie reign of the Kiup' r or Titus Thus it was when I'ompi'ii was buried. When XI the sun shone into her streets, George III was king of Knlaud. i-ixterU years (ore the burial of the city an carth lake had done so much mischief that e ruin was not yet ipiite restored, but Mount Vesuvius had been iiiiet ever since. I lie -lih ol August was a tern bly hot day. Most of tbe people were in the amphi theater at a wild biast light when they aw a siratige cloud ri-e from Vesuvius. It seemed lik" a pine tree. The trunk rose up high into tho heavens and then read out in branches some whitei omu dull and spotted until, slowly de- aching themselves from the parent trunk, they begau to darken tbe sky. I'iiny, ie eld'T, over at Miseuuiu, was reading in bis study wheu his sister came in lo II him of this stiange cloud lie order- light galley tube got ready, aud as e was coming out with his tahlcls in Ins in 1 ready to note down all he saw (he mariners belunging lo the galleys at Ket ina came up to him to implore of him to o to tlnir help. lly the lime I'iiny got there with his alleys the ashes were falling thickir very instant. 1 in n came broken and blackened stones and pumice. Vast frag ments Were rolling down the mountain and tbe sea bad suddenly retreated The pilot was for putting back, but the uu- lunted old philosopher admiral would it go ha k. '-TorHine," be said 'favors the biave." Kvorvbody knows something bi .nt tiie rest, and how the poor old gen tleiuati, being weakly and asthmatic, was siiH'icated by a sudden outburst of fl. lines mil sulphur funics. In that awful dark- wheii I he sudden rush of flames was the only light which pierced the dense smoke, the liclds Wire full of terrified pie fleeing they know not whither. It is true that the destruction was not in stantaneous, aud u great number of the inhabitants saved their lives, and even took away a good deal of their treasure, but it is estimated that at least IMII.IMIII rsoiis were eiitnuibrd in l'oinpi ii, 1 1 1 r- culaoeuui and the other cities ol the plain. 'he uncarthiiig of Pompeii, which in iu 1 .5(1, and which is still going on, shows that there is litllc dll'erencein the life of today and tbe life of I ,Soo ears ago. People wrote on walls and ut their names on scats. jiMaswo do now. J hey liad slau'ls lor public wln- id the schoolmaster used lo tbe dunces Sparc Moments. birch tiii: kk;iit STOt K. (ailnr a ii J lakkiicss Arc Said lo Indicate MniUl Trails. One ol these psi tido .scientists, says the St. Louis lirpublic, who arc always figuring out infallible indications of the human chaiaclir friiin the peculiarities of the ears, nose, eyes, hands, or feet, has furnished a S' t of rules by which charac ter may be read iu the hair. Light hair iu un n indicates that liny are smart and cinc itid, and if they do nit marry until late in lite (hey grow cross and sellidi. Men with fine bmwu hair, light or dark, make the bc.-t of husbands, being generous, considerate, alii ctiotiate and truthful. The darker the brown, how ever, tbe more likelihood that telli-h traits will assert themselves. If a man's hair turns gray prematurely it is a sign that he is a good fellow. Such men are always brainy, sympathetic and very honorable. The hair turns white fr"iu being overscrupulous in money matters oud friendship ofiener than it does through grieving or shortcomings. lied headed people, whether the hair be course or line, are nearly always very smart, uick lo learn, resourceful and tactful to tho point of loss .of temper, but when a red headed person is stupid he or she is a veritable clod. ltcd hair in men often goes with brain- and so many red headed lueu have been succcs-lul that "red headed and smart" has passed into a saying. Iled haired Women, however, do not, us a rule, make tractable wives. Wouieu of pale, blonde hair of the colorless kind known as ash blonde, are affectionate, but impulsive and easily moved to causeless jealousy and violent demonstrations, but prone to forgiving and forgetting. They are incomparable us companions us long as they are humored, hut will not stick to a companion in ad versity. Dark brown hair ou women is, iu Oil!) eases out of 1,0110, indicative of of a loj alty to a worthy object that cannot be shaken by ill fortune. The coarseness or fineness uf hair is thoiiLdit to bo u sure index of the animal as well us intellectual development. Heavy hair, like horse hair, is found on blacksmiths and gladiators, while profes si mal men have hair that is line ' almost to silkiness. Fine black hair in women shows a high si rung and sensitive imposition, while weoiie-n with coarse black hair are nearly always mean. All women with dark hair are more torn pistil ills than those with light hair but are not as ne it housekeepers as those ol the fair hair. Dark haired women arc rarely ofa saving disposition. The highest di'Vclopment of woman seems to be under chestnut hair, which is a compromise between tbe prououneed blonde and dark tones. tin; TiioiuiiT or ;on. She was small and frail, but sitting a w seals behind her I could not see her tee. Soon a handsome, manly young fellow opened the foward d mr of ihe ci-r nd looked from one to another as though xpectiug to meet somebody. At once, ou seeing the lady I have mculioned, he (uickened his steps and a happy look came iulo his face. On reaching In r he bent dow u and ki-sed her tenderly, and when he moved nearer to the window be osited his coat and hand-hag, sealtd hiiusc'f beside her. Iu the seventy five mile ri te which 1 took in tile same car wiib tbcm he showed her every attention. and to the end exhibited his devotion by anticipating her smallest need or comfort; and once he put bis arm umuud In r iu ueh a loyer hke way that I decided they were a newly married pair enjoying the honeymoon. Imagine my surpw on aching Chicago lo discover her to be old und wrinkled. Hut when I li 'iid biiii say "Come, mother," and saw him proudly lend her out of the cars and gent ly help her to the platform, liani-lnn: her lightest anxiety and bearing her many packages, I knew there was not money nor Mm nice behind the exhibition, but here was a young man that loved his mother. Our Dumb Auimals. MILD 111 LLOO.lMi. Mrs. Shrill So you wou't gel me that new bonnet ? Mr. S No, I won't. Mrs. S. cry well, then. I II go to every temperance uieeting that comes along, and people will think tho reason 1 ain't decently dressed isbecauso you've took to drink. "There are no jokes like Ihe old jokes," Said the humorist blithe aud gay, "Aud the jokes lliat now find favor Pleased the folks of another day." OABTOIIIA. '" I - i. n CAST-AWAY BLOSSOMS l.illli' Nuiu' a Park and en. Same- la the hurry of our f everish age our ears fu l of the din thitwari 'S us and makes us old, do We not more than ever ueed ibis e.ilm and strength uf find? Where else than in ihe thought of the L'tcrual shall we find it? ' The depth sailh, it is not in lie, and the sea saith it is not in me" Only in the Name that is change less, the Patio rbood. the paithfudness, the Love that ages have not wearied is adcepiate refuge. To sum it may seem weakness; but there was oiie Sou of Man who was not weak, who was the stre'iiglh of every on i who leaned on Him, who as taught the world the sublimes! powers that dwell iu human souls. And lie used to go, night alter night, lo mono taiu sides and lonely glens, to be lifted there into the infinite calm of the eleiui paces, and the unspeakable peace of liod It was the thought ol (iod thai life of power, (h it clothed llim with majesty a. w- iil to make His la-t futile app 'al I slumbering souls in Jerusalem; that maib the victory of liclhscuuue and die grand cur of Calvary. i.ovi; roi.v yv.. She was riither thinly clad and a great loe peeped l'roiu a hole in oue shoe. Her leal u res were neither comely or ugly. Her eyes were big and beautiful. She was probably ten years old. The girl slood ou one of (be walks in a park on the eastern tide of the city. She was gazing intently at sumcthiug so intently that her eye's wcru a bit dimmed with tears, but they were tears of neither sadness nor joy. Occasionally she would take a (altering step in the direction in which she gazed. The gardeners were diggiug up the flower beds and putting the roots aud bulbs away for the winter. Manyol the plants were slill in bloom, and they lay about on the ground iu huge bunches and piles. Around the tankmen -ix or seven litllc girls were standing and gathering the the flowers into (heir arms aud aprons as the garduers saw fit logivc them away. They Were nil nicely dressed children. It was all this dial (he plain little girl was watching, as she was, piobably uncon sciously to herself, drawing closer all the lime. Soon the other girls saw her. They drew away to the oilier sid ; of the (lower bed. Six or seveu little noses showed a disposition tu go up, and then the new comer was forgotteu, and the rest contin ued iu their play. "Please, sir, may I have a few flowers?" a small voice piped. Oue of the wotk iini) looked up and saw the small figure. Without a word he leaned over and broke a few fljwcrs from Ihe heap aud tossed them toward her. A light flitted across her face, and she thanked the mau profusely. The flowers were not such as tbe other girls had re ceived, but the little newcomer did not seem to notice this. She turned to go, when another garduuer looked up. He caught her eyes. "Take some more," said he, as he reached over and gathered more flow ers from the heap on the ground. These were finer, and the big, beautiful eyes gave him mute thanks. She was going to take the II iW"rs bom ', she said in answer to his question. Hot mother was sick. She bad been in lied lor luonihs. She was grow ing worse day by day, and the doctor said she never would get Well. How happy the flowers Would make her. There bad Hot been one ill the house since she took sick. Flowers were far out of the ipiesi inn when doctor's bills had to be no t. Tbe other girls had become- interested ind drawu mar oue by one. They all heard the stoiy. Wlun the plaiu little irl started to go one of them stopped her. Here, you may take these along with you, she said, as she handed over ner own bouipiet. It was a signal for the rest, aud the blossoms fairly siuotbcrd the liild. "Heroines, everyone of them," mut tered an elderly man, who had been sit ting on a nearby bench, and who saw die performance. That is, he saw all that took place in the park. Hedid nit know what fol- nved. The mother grew Worse, and (he doctor said aft erwaid that he really be lieved die flowers helped as much as the medicine to prolong her life until the next evening When she lay in a p am, eheip calTia iu the buiuble p irlor the II iwers from die park scut a rich pcrfuiu-! through the room Washington Times MAN AND WOMAN. These Tun, When JuineJ, Can Make as Hatty a il Shuuli lie. lo mc A eoNYiatsio.N. Her husband I was away from 1 lie Illustrious linn in history who were distinguished as milch ',,r tho fisei liati in which they exercised oyer die fair sex as for their lalents and ability were, as a nil-, plain and insignificant in up learnncc. Julius Ciesnr was a very ill. favored man, und yet when a inert' stiip pling, before bis fame iu Home, gir's ot his own age sighed lor him and mature wo men longed for his love. Among the men of later times who were renowned in like manner were Sir Philip Sidney, plain al most to ugliness; Paul Sear'ou, tho comic poet, a cripple; Voltaire, unmistakably ugly, and llousseuu, whose manners wero awkward us his face was plaiu, while J ilin Wilkes, wh had die power lo subjugate any woiuau who spoke to hiiu for even five minutes, was admitted by his own showing to ho the ugliest man in Kng laud in bis time At lasl she had a Vole was running for olli mi Inline more than usual. "I jll-t hope you'll gel d felted,' said indignantly. "I'm going lo d can lo bring il about." "Maria," he exclaimed. "You don't' mean to say that you are going to vote against uicl" "Yes, 1 am." "All light. After the election is over you will he a rrry. Ytm know how my opponent's wile is. Slie will seek eveiy opportunity to nut on airs, and whenever any dis-iugiiished guest comes to town she'll do the honors and p-ttroniz' you as if you were lucky tube invited." Her eyes were flushing, and her voice showed a struggle with iutenso feeling. "William," aim said, "I spoke hasti ly, I sun uiy duty, and 1 wi'l do it. The tiling for a wife to do is to ataud by her husband through thick aud tl.iu," Washington Star. A manly husband and a womanly wife are die two essentials to the making of a happy and contented home. Where these two elements are lacking the house hold is a shining mark for oppression, wrongs and haired. With fond affection and Irtiest love between husband and wife, (he ebildieii, if any, will naturally grow into the hearts arid nlleeliotis of the parents and entwine themselves with the same beautiful garlands of love. This clement cau l be oue tided aud produce the same results. The wife may be ever so loving and lovable. It it is not recip rocated, a .shadow flits across the house hold, casting deep furrows into the heart of the wife and impressing itself on the character of die offspring. A wife who keeps all her kind words for society and blasts the household with her bad and ill governed temper brings down from heaven the tempest of unio ijuiled love aud sends the inmates of her home down to lives of degredaiion and vice. Man lias more temptations than woman, but God has made him all die stronger to resist them. Hut if bis help meet is a shrew, (lieu she becomes the very imp of hades to take (bat strength away freun him which leaves him strauded on (he rocks of sorrow and despair, and then as (be tide rises diags him farther down the stream of wickedness and wrong. On the other hand, a husband can turn a woman's love into hate. She can't love a being who cares more for the club, the ballroom or the saloon than he does for her or his honi", for she can't em brace the shadow while the substance is going to ruin and disgrace. A wife and mother should remember that the dearest spot on earth to her should be home. A kiss, a smile, fur the husband returning Iron) his daily lull; loving words und a foud embrace for (hose who call her moth er; laughing with those who laugh aud weeping with those who weep, a word of sympathy here and a smile there,, will go more toward lighting up ihe household with a halo of glorious happiness and the home circle with (he sunshine of never failing bliss than all the world can give. Philadelphia Times. CII VKACTUU IX WALKING. Quick steps lire iudicitivc of energy and agitation. Tiptoe walking symbolizes surptise, curiosity, discretion or mystery. Turned-ill toes arc often found with preoccupied, absellt-iuitlded peTsotls. The miser's walk is repre.-enlid as stooping ami nowless, with sliori, ner vous, anxious steps. Slow steps, whether long or short, suggest a gentle or rellective state ol ruinu, as the ease may be. Where a revengful purpose is hidden uudor a fcigiied smile the step will be .linking aud noiseless. The proud step is slow aud measured; the toes are conspicuously turned out, the legs straighleued. The direction of the steps wavering and following every changing impulse of tho mind inevitably betrays uncer tainty, hesitatiou aud iudeeision. He was an t arm st minister, and one Sunday in tbe course of a sermon on tho signilieane of little things he said. "The hand which made the mighty heavens made a grain of saud; which made the lofty mountains made a drop of water: which made you made the grass of (he field; which made mc made a daisy!' "Papa, did you ever fly or sit up in a tree and sing?" "Certainly not. You must have been dreaming, my boy " "No, I haveu'i;but I heard Mr. Shipley tell Mrs. Niiplov that you were a bird when you cm out." ADVKUTISKMKNTS. 5": a, h iiin.-, the mercurial diisunscij jMuum, how rt.inccct health, nul h inu. and lejoiil tile, they Will tell y l.iL iv immom i' Is). .1 i.aioh. The C'lii'iipi ul, I'll re nt iiimI f'.i"! I'miilky leili Ine in llu- U oi'Ul! - Ill'", I'll A', Uiiitike, M f 1 1 , t I ,;, , i 'qui"', I 1 " Ii I 1 i-hini.tfl.:, l or liVSI'I'.lM , t i I hl- HUM . .ll Mllk,k' ii.llli. 1. I Mi i;m f .,i i .i.,y ii,ii.u,.:.M.ii,i.n,.e, PURELY CGLTACLE, u-lit. lilting ll.o-i- ;. n:!:. in 1- , - i i ti 1 1 1 1 .s win. Ii all all w.m: I "r. . e l..ts t.i in . ,.Mr..-, uhru Ie rr I 'im. -.in i:.. -t ; . y I 1 1 u ill vurv l !Heae citise.: iy 1) mugC'im-ut f tii.i Liver find lloui I. 'II.,- MI'loMs .f h e. I"..:' t.l.uiil ai- a I ittei n ll..: ;.u L, m K ! uuiamm , Sour . it. .m Is ;Jien:.. td'j . I Metm r , Willi ;j ih-i! t" --'.tin-diirij! n . Ih-Ulily; I.ovj n.ii.i e i I the .-kin ix '..ti li l,"iisiniipii"ii i Miliums ..in ml th ,:v I IV I K. llio LircM .il I i he ihvgase, I. la-tu in tli Joints, i.Ucii n,i Stoiiiitch ; J,i.v. toMlvi- .Hid l.i x , I paiiifi.l st ii-.. .1 on whiili uujn t.- I. hiirilK; a iliik, y-',; hy.-V ailry I..U.I1, .ii Sot1.Clltl.es Nl.llly , d mmsi:, .it iliers ur1. ; or. an in iU- Ih-Iv, is and if n.-: K i-.-ii1..m--i n edncii .iii.l III. A I II Ihe fuih.w-ii.j! hil.'y t i ciiii.il i.i-rv m Mtesl t" th virtues ol mmmmns I.imk k i i.i i.aiok : (ien.W.S, M..it, pre. Ca. S. . K K.l... ; kiv. J. K. Mdcr, 1'ciry.i ,d. I K !-i.iatks, Alhany , ( .a.; C M:iMer. son, I - , ..' hnti 1 : Mil ...." ,a , J A. llntts, II.i nhn.ixe, tivv. J. U litiit e, M.h i n, I i.i.; Virgil IVwert, Mi.l ( ..i. V.', I, , II. ii. Alcxiin.ler H.Stc).lif.-nt, k have ic-ml is iriiu-. i-vivii-iliy, and km-u lh.it li hvsiir)hi.t, I,i, iihihm. ami Ihrohhing Hi;u? .ii l.e, it !. lite I ics! nitiiii an iIil- w orld ever saw. W I1 iu-ti'i'1 I. ity iiiliti n tuoiics In t. -re imtnon l.ivei Ki'ui.n-'t, .iiul ii'iiic ! tin-!. i jMve us more than tells, nry n.ln.1"; tin.- K.-niat -r imi only rtlie.ed, hut curt J U."- 1 i). 1 111 I ..H I It AM) Ml-X.HM.fcK, MaUN,Ga, M SI I'Ai. 1 1'KHIl ONLY IlY J. II. ZULl.N ti CO., Philadelphia, l a Wanted-An Idea Who n think of tome timpts tblnir lo LatDt? Protect Tour Irlw: thT mny bring you wealth. Write JOHN VfcblEKbl'KN ft CO.. Patent Atlor neyi, WaHhiDRton, I. C, for tbrlr l.Bui) prise oflr aud list uf two tiundred luveDlIoua waawd. I The EXCKLSIOIt PlilSTING COMPA NY office is new and complete anil con ducted hy up-to-date printers. We do not date hack to the time of Mathusala, when eli'iihants roosted iu trees and leathers grew ou hogs. OUKS IS AN ENTIRELY NEW OFFICE new machinery aud new type. No par cels ol old decayed and discolored papers, anil no ancient style ot type that have dull and wrinkled faces, caused by long service and old age. We have the materi al that must insure work with a business like twinkle. Your letter and hill heads, statements. circulars, postal and busiucss cards, are your spokesmen wherever they go. Ihey ither nut you or discredit you. Ihey ro llout the business idea of the man or firm und show the character and individuality of the article or husidesa advertised. LET US HAVE YOUll NEXT OUDEKS FOK I'lilSTINO. MAIL OKDEKS I'KOMFTLY ATTENDED TO. She "John, will yon get up and light the lire?" lie "Maria, don't keep uiak ing incendiary speeches." NKW AUVKHTISKMKNTS. OABTOIIIA. TOW, , unlit xr ft , :'. iry- wJfi 0M -a : Excelsior Printino; Company- i't i a its ' fa WELDON, N. C. American Traveler Bicycle ll hu that .lick, ttyttili anil hl(hly tll.tal ipptaranc. You can It 11 thca aaywlwra. h' a) (tctar. of beauty and sotngth. It hat aora raat la.tul Improvtm.ntt than any hlKk-grada Blcyclf )o the varkel. iuiit by American B. H. 0. 152 Sewing Machine Coi factory, 20th and Washlnffton Ava)., PhlladolphlB, Pat. REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES UEAM Eli, Prop. llonard Ik llaltimorc six , Italtiinorp, Mtl. TEUMS $2 Per Day. Sep 10 ly. OVDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength. turesf II. S. Govrrtimeiit Food Report. Royal Bakino Powdir Co., 10SWall8t.,N Y. The fullowiug telegram was sent from Atlanta to an interior Georgia town: "Look out for incendiary. Six feet high, scar on left cheek; limp in left leg." Prety foon the following telegram came in reply: "We've got a man what says hu burnt a house down, but that ain't his name what you haiol ' Atlanta Cons;itution. oABToniA, ! STEEL WEB PICKET LAWN FENCE Taifw - . I For Yard, Cemetery and llrava Lota I Poultry and ainlla X"eV , Warden Fr-noe, and a .peelal llorae, Paula and Hog BiUlUl S xy-,e-- "T I Kance. fy Ihe rrlb. Catalogue Free. -W&6t&l K.L.IllKLtillalMiMl,4TUIITA,UA. i . 3? P M -f '3i to., jooy.seexs. . ' f RcW-NrlSS ' GWEN ML ORDERS -immiii' P 1 l VA 1 y. H TVt-w BlUBRidp CementgLime Worts Vamitaoturen ofBUlK K1IK1K HYDRAULIC ROSENOAIE CEWEtlT. UtrantNl alinlntely hyttniiillti. W quot pHnitli'ltvfrcdHt any p4)tnlln tli Hmith. All (-m.'ni tratril. and utretiKih. uniformity In color. I burn! nc mul trlmlliiR jfiianiiitwii. Write ftr I i.rlci P.O. aiiilruM HI.I K H1DUI BPHlNtM, VA. Telegraph llluw Kltlgv.Va, Wpllly, 1

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