JOHN W. SLEDGE, l'ltoi 'Iiietok. VOL. XXXI. -A. NEWSPAPER EOK THE PEOPLE 'WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1896. TEBMS:-?im I'M axntm in advance NO. 36. ADVERTISEMENTS. PRUNELINE (Traill' Murk Reifi-lend I THE IDEAL LAXATIVE Ami rurt Cor v'Z ONSTIPATION" Ah iilnwHitt iif liiini'y ami sure cure .r HltlutiMiirNN.IIrudnrlU'. l'i'ri, VnniiM'h Truiiblen, Hour. lrriiiit;t'tin'nls,,fvrr IHmumI', Hi k MihhshIi. Iri-f -iiliuiiv. Klihicy 'I nmlih-, Hu ntid HI, mil U urtlers ntnl very in my ntlnr illfnm's nut ctimiljijiiluii diif In tin- liuu-1 ivv Klnti''.r Mil' li.irt i-k PRUNELINE1" i'"' k;'f'"1 "'"i "lh 41 ("iih'ir 111 MKl tllHTU'lll Mill' Olll Ut.' II llhilMtl'lilv ch'itllMi'H -.villi"!!. KlIfiliK. I tll' hlnri-1 u ti-1 rniidVi'M nil wiiMi' I'mm the sv-t.'in. Il Mo n wuy wiiu CASTOR OIL SALTS JilUtf MlWH III il llli itltMT ll'IHH' Uh .fil Iivim. It IniH'H A riiertil'' Hll ttit'ir,riil mu hi nftllU HVritl'IU, Kvt'it Hi" li'-inl (, ,1, llu ..-I w.irm hi'mI ilie llivi'lmi'L-ii, umiik i KINI.UNK fr l h InttiT 'iir")M'. Hold by nil iIiiiUth, i-rst'iit niirivcljtt oCidi'i'iitt to itnv Hillings hv W1NKKI-M ANN & I.Kl.WJ-J DUI'ii ('(). IUUiiin.iv, Mi, wptl ly. HUDS0N,S ADVERTISEMENTS. )tash 1H" Main st , Noi I'olk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DININb ROOM. ALL M EALS 25 CENTS. :SUBPASSIS'a COFFEE .1 SI'ECIAU J. It. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Nest of Everything in Season octlOlyr. C. H. HALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Carries full line Dry Goods, Mobs, Boots 8HOES, GROCERIES, Etc. Agent for STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES. Cun turnisli any part of iinv kind bf machine nt short notice. Semi postal card for slip illustrating parts to machine you have and will name price for piece needed. 1 carry a full lino Coffins & Burial 4 i, ri i . in ;v.'s;ary a:ul important in jviiiiMit df complete fer l'.ii.:iT '.. Crops of all kinds rctpiin: a pn ii-rly balanced mimup'. The best Fertilizers rniuaia a high percentage of PoLish. All Mi pcnm.r I. .1.1 n : niiiilfici t I'i tnsh ilic r-.ulfcf it me liy nrtnal ex ;i t!ic tut ms in the United States i: nilc ix.i.V wlii. Ii imhlish um! will Kl.ull) i any f.n iiKi in Ann'..., wlm will write fur it ri KM N' KAI.I WORKS, y3 Nassau St., N;w York. Ciicitr Pump Chimney Pipe, Siwli, ItlinilH uml Duoif, nml a fall line of H AUDWARE, For sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, I'KTKIlsUrRli, VA. my a ly. Monuments and TomMoiies. DESIGNS SENT FliEE Id writiui; ive some limit as to price and state ae ot dece;wed. I. AH(;lT l'Ol K III the Pouth tlj'tL- to selwrt from. ...r.u..i.iPiimniii fetV LUUftH mUMtJlt WUtlRS. ( Estahlis'ied 1H1H.) 159 to Kil! Hank st., Norfolk, Va, nov 2 ly Cases. Hive me trial when in tiling. lie d of an; my 7 ly. W. T PARKER, , UKAI.EIl IN Farm Implements. 2U POUND SACKS OP SAKT PUR $1.10 PER SACK. W-Correct pricoa and polite attention to uiiK i ly. ill vkUM SO IAR tXPIHItNOI. - TRAD! MARKS, OtSICMt, rfTt,' OOPVRIOHT9 A Anyone wMtnji Arth nt dMcrtption mmy quickly wceruin, frou, whlhor Intention la pmbHUy Mttiiitahle. Comniuntcattoni tfrlrtljr confldentltl. OliltMrt wiic7f"rH-urln((pHMit Id America. We have a W fhlnnton im-. PiUvnta uken thruuKQ Mwu A Co. ruculra pevial uoiloa in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, want If nil r IIt lllnftrntnd. lurawt oirmimtion or an? M'ieiitlrta journiil, wmklj.tnn W ill ft ;ear; l.tU DKintlm. titiupn ouploit and" liAUO ouuk on 1'atknth oui frve. AJdnwu MUNN A CO., Sttl Uroadwav. Mew Vrk. Professor Jas. Harvey's UNEXCELLED IT! 1 i ni l TONIC. & Hwmminl. It u llm oJv slricllv pure vi'ni'lolile blood luediclne on the mar ket. It reKiilutcH anil eb niwos the liver, trsiiRtlieiu and Ileal dim-ated kidimy", assUu the urinal organs lu a wonilerfiil manner, com chill and lever, catarrh in ll Hint U((e, ulcers, mw ot lonu stand in, (ids ditfi'Mion, creates appetite, strengthens the weak and lauituid, gives tone and viimr to the whole system. No one should be without it. Office and Laboratory '277 Church street, Norfolk, V. fdTI'KlCK 50 CENTS. je 11 ly. Twin City BAKERY, WELDON.N.C. Fall line FANCY (IliOCEHIES, FHl'ITS, and Confectioneries. Nice lineof California Dried Fruits, rrnncs l'eaches, etc., etc. Full line of -a!' T?ponnh i!i PaniliPv Crystaline Fruits, Cream Almonds a nil Marshmallovis. Agent (or Fft ischnian'a compressed yeast, oct IS tf. F.N. Stainback, WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise A'ent for the celebrated YM(.V.l IIROS und 11AV STATE SHOES. Have also nddul to my stin k a nice lint CLOTHING! f..r ME v, YOl' ni'S ami C1ULDUEX. A full line of Solid Walnut Caskets I Coffins, Alwnvs on bund. Burial lobes I 'mishi i lor Lulie and lieiiileoien also Hail nji" ions given to lb ad built and disin iv tauts used when desired. K NICE HEARSE AT YOl'U DISPOSAL. Mr. T. H. Tavlor. of Northampton twiin- ty, is with me and will lie pleased to tc his friends. P. N. STAIN B ACK. THE KERN FURNITURE CO,, It Old Market 8iiiaro, Norfolk, V. Balj Carriages, Refriprators, and full line of Furniture. orMlv. NKW ADVKKTISKMKNTS. SH ALLHR THAN USUAL' - - 'jil:iniilmii, in fact, ricMSiiut I'cllctH. lit. H. V. I'i'.ret?, Chief CiHisuUitiif I'll v -ieinn In the In-v.ilid-i' Utittl atut Stitirirnl ltistitutf, of iiuir.iio, n. y., w;is the fir.t to iti-tt-nliM-e a I.iltle Till to tlie Anittioan pfojile. For all litxiitivi; ami ca tliat't ic purposes these siiiriir-coattil rrllcl" Hie siip-iiir in n yreat many V:iv- to rill 11 i il r -i :t l W.H'MS, scilllt powilerH, Ktili, i i-. tor nil, I'tttit sviitp-. Ifixulive teas f 'tttin.ilivu funpiniiuls, Miidt; of nt lit-'! YL.-tM.iMe ini;n'ilieiiLs, they net in ,i mil.!, mittn il v;iy. Ihetr serinitl ary eiit-ct i-t lo ltet p the liver active ami the bo'wi Is tr-n'ur, tint lo furllier constipate, as is the e;i-- with other pills. They don't Intel I'm in the leat with the diet, habits tir occupation, and ptuiluei; no pain, grip iu or shock to the .system. Dr. Pierce's Ph I'ellcts cure bil iousness, sick aul bilious headache, diz ziness, cuslivencss, or constipation, sotit Rtoiinctt. hiss ot appetite, coatea toum, itidiLiestitiu, or dyspepsia, windy beleh tnns, " heart-burn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred detanffetiietits of the liver, stomach and bowels. These "Pellet-. " are easily dissolved in the stomach and absorbed into the blood, stitnulatiiiK a How nf bile from the liver, and arousme to activity a.l the (flaiidular secretions. Thus they act in mi turf's own way. In proof of their superior excellence, it can be truth ful v saul. that thev are always adopted as a bousehold remedy after the 6rst trial. ut tin in irlass vials, therefore always fresh and reliable. One little " Pellet" is a laxative, two are tnildlv cathattic. As a "dinner pill," to promote diirestmu, take one each day after dinner. To relieve distress from over eating, they are uuequaled. Thev ftre tuty, nutyar - coated Rrautiles ; any child will readily take them. Once used, aluavs in favor. Accept no substitute that may be recora- tnended to be "just as Rood." It may be bettrr for the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he ia iiot the on wuu needs help. t or jfAmfflm SVi ----- tk:xi si 7"HF r-hJwW- 0h(:KV,- ","5 I , iH I I I T i ,H III'""U SHE HAD ENOUGH. No More Ptrliiics fur this Woman. She was willing l Retire. " " Ynur mldrrm, with six cent, in siAmi't, mailed 10 our Head quarturi, 11 tliot St., DoitOD, fliiil., uill bring V"u a full line it ..impkl, and rules (,r ti'il-nieaiuTMiit-nl, of our justly f.v mou i.'l Miits : Siiils, f la.'.'i; Oi cn ' .i,s, ID.lTi, and up. (. ut to unler. Agtruls wanted every- ' No ui re jo itics (or uie," poulctl tbe pretty Mif. Whoiply. '1 wash my bauds of tlic whole tliinir." Vou certainly will uot turu back after putliug 3'uur huDil to the plow," Btcrnly interrupted Miss Acidity. "I've turned back now. The deed is done. Happily I possess a I'aeulty of knowing when I've had enough, and if the purification ol the ballot depends upon my serving as a campaign stumper, election frauds will be perpetuated so N6W PipiOulil ROCk CO, long as we have a republic." "Vou aslouud me, Mrs Whooply. Why, this is treason. I am shocked be yond expression. "If you are shockeJ as I havo been you would me in the mutiny. You know that I did o it talk for an; one party, but for souud money and honest politics. At ouo niucting a half tipsy fellow rose up and said that if ho could only be assured of odc thin;.', ho would go in for prohibition." What's j our ruestuiu?" I glibly asked- "Would prohibition prevent the women from lacing themselves tight or keep money from getting tight?" '. could laugh with the rest at that, but at ai.other meeting a horrid old rasuul imcriupted uie to ask whether ho bad not seen mo under the oaks when they were organizing tho Republican parly Think of il! Over forty years ngo and me old enough to take a hand in a great political movement. I was never so mad in my life and when I tried to explain the women in the audienue umirked and gigL'hd likea lot of idiots. Vou can rest assured that I brought my speech to a close with a bang. And I don't thank you for coaxing me into a work where one is HhLP ONE ANOTHER. Hear ye One Another's Burdens. And so fulfill the Law uf Christ." BATTLE l)f The Wilderness. -Fnusilii Wilh the Far and Not With the TASTELESS CHILL IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts fi AI.ATM, IMA., NOV. 16, 1893, L'arlfi MiHlldnfi Co.. ht. Iaiiiih. Mo. nuivn H TASTiu.Kssi t iiii.i. tonic nnu h,o subjected to such numiliaiiou ".IIKIII ,1,1'U .11. iinvtm, tii.o ,.,u. iiiuiiii.i c- ,'Vni'iiri' i,f 11 yivirii, III tliu dniil bimliii'iiH, bave oovrr ai'ld nn urtli-lo tlialynvo sm b utilTtiriiulutu, '.KCUou iui ywur 'i'uulu. 1'ourti trul j. AuNkv.Ciua AC 11. res a text for the N'ew Year a text to make the New Year a really happy one. How shall you. carry it out? 1'y splitting up tin burdens iuto fragments you take part of mine aud I lake part of yours, and each one will take part of the other's, and so will fultill the law of Christ. One of tho ways toward this end i encouracmeut. Kncnurage the mi-tenant. If he has a superior style of good-i, tell him so. Kncourage the newspaper men. He affable, to thciu when you have no axe to grind. Eucourago mechanics. If one has done a job well, tell him it i- splendidly done. Encourage the farmers. There is no class of people in this country who want your sympathy just now more linn -he farmers. Encourage the doctors. You praise tho doctor when he brings you up from an awful crisis of disease, loll d you praise the doctor when through skillful treatment of the incipient sluges of dis ease ho keeps you from sinking dowu to tho awful crisis? Kncujyagt' tho lawyers: Eucourago the teachers in our public schools. Encourage all invalids by telling them how many you bave known wilh the same ailmculs to get well. Encourage all starling in life by your self becoming remiuiscent. Such is bappine-s, end the road to a Happy New Year Rev. T. l)e Witt Talmago iu Dcuiorcst's Magaziue. i'iaTiit'iti'.siii:i) to i:ijtii W. M. IIAlUaSTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CARPETS, STOVES, and M attreasea, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICE8. V. M, HABLI8TON A CO., No. JO M. SyoaaMra St., Petenborn, Va. 10 M If. MARKET .. CREEN CROCERIES, To all my friends I have opened MARKET at the old "Delmonico" stand. LIST of ARTICLES K E PX on 11 AND: fcT-Stall Beef, Nice Fresh Fish received daily, Pork Sausage, Cabbage, Potatoes, Eto. O. Gh ttVAJlZS, Weldon, N. 0. apr 2 tf. "You're entirely too seuslive, Mis Whooply." No one will ever make a like charge against you " 'Ah indeed!" as she swtpt for the door, "are you very sure, my dear, thai you were not in active politics f irly years ago.' The spinstir fell down stairs, but Mrs. Who p!y solemnly avers that she did not throw a tiling. THE SAME COUNTRY. Slll.ll ANII WAItRAM til BY- Dr. A.S.Harrison, ES FIELD. N. ('. Judkins' Grocsry WT.I.DON, N. C Fur fine urni-erits, it will pay to call Oil .1. I. .1 till k ins, leader ol lllcin all, Hie finest goods ill Weliliiu you Mill ste At Judkiu's tiMcrry. Iniportel and domestic Koods lit-ie you will linn, C'.iiiii.-.l K.Kid-t and dclieaeies of every kind It malters uot wbat your needs may be Visit Judkins, tJnK'ery. For choice teas and eolTee Jiulkins is ic nownetl None Unci in the country can be found Try their special brands of blended tea At Judkius' Grocery. Nouo in Weldon with Judklns can c on-nett) Or show a slock of line goods as complete I'he great on print ynu may see At Judkins' Grocery. At .ludkins' slore do not form t Full weights and measures you canal ivays yuu- Ye shall find tho huhe wrapped 8 "And there were iu tliu same country shepherds abiding in tho field, keeping watch over their fl ick by night. !( And, lo, the angel of the Lird came upon them, aud the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. HI. Aud the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidiogs of great joy, which shall bo to all people. ft. For unto you is born this day in the cit v of David a Saviour, which l Christ the Lord. 12. And liH shall ho sign unto And your town orders delivered free From Judkius' Giocury, dec III ly. PKOFESSIO.VAl. VAKIM. jrji.i', 0 L L I N A M WALTlia I. OA.ili. DARUU ATTORNEYS AT LA WlLDOH, N. C. .A'duUiibuuiutiun, iwiig iu a manner. 1.1. And suddi uly thero wns wilh tho angel a mulliludc of ihe hcavcnl) host praising (I ml, and sajiug, 14 Glory to God iu the highest, aud on earth peace, good will toward men. - Luke. Chap. II. ,(... muli. In allimrliof North Carolina, ,,.h,,irt,. aL Halifax. N.C.oDen ever? Mon 1H 1"'" !D It. T. T. ROSS, B. P. SALE, WM. UNN, Proprietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. - - . BOTH OH - - IMEMCM AND EUROPEAN PLANS -Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. Tub Whole Stiiry Of the great sales t...d..tlr.lnthnmirtiof Haltflii andNnrttiamr' I .1 I ...llul.n U i.r,hVs,inn.mi.n1F,.loral etii.rtl. Co . "'Ul uu Kieat .vwu.ri- J Hoods Baisapanlla is quickly tola. purines and t orient tne Dioou,i -nea toe stomach and gives strength and vigor. Disease cannot enter the system fortified by the rich, red blood which comes by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills cur nausea, sick head ache indigestion, billiousncss. All drug gists. 25c, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. larOIHce over Emry A Tierce's store. 10-19-ly. J)R w.j.warda;;- Surgeon Dentist, The ignoranoo that is bliss is the ignor ance of the man who thinks ho knows it all. ENFIELD, N. C. Ha.Office over Harrison's Drag Store, dec n ly. OASTOIIIA. nthe-14.111 I StfUtUt, II n vlr A worthy colored deacon, who had impressed upon his only son and heir the moral of the George Washington cherry tree story, was fortunate enough to find a at possum iccntly. He bore it in tri umph to his dwclliui', aud, assis'el by his son, cooked it lo a juicy brown. Now," said he, "de lies' way ter eat a :i ssuiu is col ; so wc II jes let tutu stay in de p mtry, en when luiwuiu' c ine he'll be mo' jucier den ever!" His son seemed sadly disappointed, but he made the best of it, and both re tired for the night. The old man was up early next morn ing, but tho boy slept on. On opeiiing tho safe tho astonished parent discovered notbiug but bines in the dish that had outaincd the 'possum. He brought the drowsy youngster to his feet with one vigoious jerk, and drag- linn him to the scpho of the wreck, he said: "What does dit mean, ch?" The boy fell on his knees an l cried "h I can't te'l a lie; 1 got up in do night en eat ii wi I my little uioui!" Tho old man a lid u it a word, hut drag itiim the b iy to the lion! door ho held him by tli i o illar win e li.i j.'rk 'd a picco of ircat'i-rh lading I'r hi !h -i l? of th h .use. "Da ddyl " th i boy, "is you gwinc ter lick me fur leliiu' do truth?" "No! Y .u kinky -headed d. bbil you! thundered tho old min'lgwini ter frail de hide off you fer e.ilin' d i 'p issuui!" OS THE WEDDING TRIP, "You can't both ride on a single ticket," said the conductor thatly. "Oh, 1 guess we kin," answered Josh with peif.'ct unnfidt uee, as he threw his aim around his blushing companion. "If ynu II look ut this here dockauicnt you II sco i hat mo and .Marehy's joat been made one General Horace Portir writis in the Deeeuibi-r t'cinun : Tl,e louses were tuundtobi: Kill, d. L'.L' III; wounded, 12,Hil"; missing, total, lT.titiO. The tlauiane inflicted on the eu.'Uiy is not known, but as he was the assaulting party as often as the I'bion anny, tin re is rea-on to believe that the losses on the two sides were about equal. Taking 21 houis as the lime actually occupied in fighting, and counting the casualties iu bulb armies, it will be found that on that bloody li"ld every iniuule recorded the loss of 'J.j men. As the stuff others threw themselves upou tho ground that night sleep came to them without coaxing. They had been on tho in ive since dawn, galloping through forest opening-i, jumping rivulets. wading b i iqii, helping lo rally troops, dodging builds and searching for com manding officers in allsoris ul'uukniwii pl..e. s. Their horses had been crippled and they themselves were well nigh exhausted. Tlure were features of the battle winch have never been matched in the annals of warfare. For two days neatly 21)0,0110 veteran troops had struggled iu a death grapple, confronted at each step with almost every obstacle by which nature could bar their path, and grop ing their wiy through a tangled forest, the impenetrable gloom of which ciuld be likened only to the shadow of death. The undergrowth stayed their progress the uppergrowth shut out the light .if heaven Officers could'ly see their tioops for any considerable distance, for smoke louded the vision and a heavy sky ob scured the sun. Directions were ascer- lined and lines established by means of ic pocket compass, an 1 a change of isitioo often p oseuted an op -ration more like a problem of ocean navigation than a qiiesliou of military maneuvers. It was the sense of sound and touch rather than the sense of sight which guided the movements. It w;n a battle fought with the ear and not with the eve. All circumstances ."ceiued to combine .0 make the scene oiu of unutterable hor- r At times lh; wind howled through th NOW, KISS ME. A ( ti iniy incident o,curi.-.l in a n. igh lioring city, saw' an ex. Ii-ing , a few days sine.-, and ole lu i good lo be lost. One ol ur .'. !.' -Mi I . mp rs has wiiiMi . pr ny son- , .,..), ..,." A vciy pr. II, ii, u,. Ii mug In-ii I ,. I'" g. i i I till iking s,ie .vonl.l get it, Willi nnc olio l-, si,',ii, inl i a ui imc stulo lo .0 ,!,.. a , ii.- i ,-e O.i : ,.f Hi.. c'i Iks. a in ,- ... volilg ,n ni, si.-pp.'d up to Wait on li.-l- I'M j,,iin. ,. v i,ri.w back li. r i. il, s lyinj: "I W illi 'Rock UK' to sleep ' " The elerk g ,t lh.' siiio put ii be fore her. "Now,"siid il..' t ii .g I idy, ' l wiut fin '-V.iiilni'.g l!,.''u..,'C'" " "Yes, 111 l i:n," sai 1 Iliu el. irk, h living, and in a few niioires h,. produced the -llefog. e" "Now, 'Kl-s Me.'" saillhe young lady, . I eoMiso m.-anoig I lie soug above iiieiiiioii. .1 The pour el- i k - p pped lire a!- OjOsI, as 11 lo -k- i :l( I . ,.. , ii iy j, ultcr iistonUhiio'iii, f, r he was no: aware lhat a song by that name bad been pub lished. "Wh wl al did you siy. Mi-?" " ' Ki-s .Me,' " said she "I eau't do it; I never ki-scd a young lady in my life," said the clerk. And about ihat tiiu- a veil dropped, a young lady I. f in a Imrry, clerk l.-lt sick, and dealer lost th.- sale of his music. STOltY OK M'lvl.VLEY ADVERTISEMENTS. sK?iss Ptiys-fjticK, biiit-us (ctcis, viitiiiis of und aue, the mm ASK the recuverec (Jysit.'jjtics, suf. fevet rcurial dint used (laiiciit, how they rn overed health, chctrhil s'liriLs and giiii .i. peine; llicy w.ll tell )'iti ly taking Simmiin LlVI 11 H l i.t'l A 1 1 IK. Tin ('lH'itHbt, I'urcHl nml llfst I ninlly Mt ili. hir in lite Worlfll F-r HVsPl'pv y (-nN"-i'MTnN. .(.m,H-, Hilton's tma-k., Mi kill H.t III-. C.i.i.', h.i.rct., i.;hn S.inii,M-l k 11. M t l. Il ,; 1 1 hi ii. . tf , This um ivali ti',iit j, w.HMi.njrl iml in intil.iill tt mh-Ii: ..irlii Ii td h ic : pv.i.i mi) tinnti.t: t, bin ii PURELY VCGUTABLE. i lining llirst- .-.-uil.t iK l-iui.t- ai i! wlm Ii iti) nil w.w IVhviiIi iih- i,i in tti.iilin-i lurn 1.1 Wl l'1-..'UM M jiti'y;l I. Ut I'UM' 1.11 J) lurii m'n itititi! by hcniHKcmt'itt ol tlio Idvcr iinil H.nvt'l. lw S.MI'U.. ..f l.i'cr Coiniilaint nri' n 1 iiu-i or Ii.mI l.istt.' in lh..- nn. mli , I'.oii ti ilu- ',n I, :v(!i-., ut J linis, idicri iiiiMaLtii t. .r l-'hrtiiiiiiiiiiii ; Sim.1 Nlommh; 1,1) ,t Apii't'tr. HowtIh ulifrn.iicl') CftMtvc ami I, ix ; 1 li .ulin In: . M.-ttiui v, w itlt o painlul hCfl..U.Kii it h.iMiiy lailid l '.'i M-iiii-'hiiiR win. ti iiu;lit tt- Ik-. ii .!-.iu:; 1 41.) Illy ; Low SpirlU; a tin. k. . il -w .i.K:ai;irii ol im- i-kin Jiiu K.yts; a dry Omji, olun iiut-taki-ii h.r i . iisiiiniui.-n. Siiiiit-iiniL-s m..ii of ilusi.- ".vmiitoMis all. n.l th(, at niliui-. vi ry ti:.v . I i.t !l l.ivi K . the :irj;i;i urt;an in tin' body. t. k- i..m ! 1 ' .i . ! tin. tiouusf, and il iml -:-. .,- m t.m. , (.' ,tl sin.c.iii,;, WiclLh. eilHt: ami IlKATII wi.l himu-. 'lilt tulltiwinu hilily o tc, n.eil r- n- atu-st m th 4 til MMM'i-.s l.ivik K1..U.M.1H; t.Ln. W. b., l'rw. t.a. . W. k. k. t.. . : lv. I. K. I cMcr. K. Siurl,. Alh.tiiy.tia.. I.', M:!-ti. i,Vvi.,.tn-ii tn-lill (i 1,1. 1 o..l,;i- . A. lUiltt. I'a 11 rnltre. va.; ivt'v.j. i.iirkc, Alamn, da.; irn l.-wrs, fi't. ti:t. S.W.R. K ; Hon. Alexander H.Sirj l,.-nsv have tested its virtues irsuiially, and kno-j that for lypeKi.i, li lioiiMiest and 'Ibrobhing llcatS ai he, il is th- licst nudu nit' the world ever saw. W't have tried f. -rt y oilier n:nn:diLs hcf.irc Nininons Livei k emulator, ami iioiic ol them yavc us more than lein, yorary n;litf ; th'- l emulator lint only rclievtd, but i:uit J u." L. l l.l.i 1. km 11 ami Mtsr.KM.l-H, MaloN.O.', MANL'fAl TI'KEl) ONLY BV J. II. .KllulN CO.. Fhiladclphia, I' Wanted-fln Idea Who can think of eomp siniplA ttilDu tu Intent? Protect lilpas: thpv mar lrloir y,.u wealth. Write .IOI1N WI.UDr.ltUl'RN CO.. Patent Attor Devs, WastilnKUi. 1. t: r.r their ai.Miu prlxo oiler aaU list t1 1 wo liuuorea luvuDtluut waiitil. Minnie "1'id you sing for Mr. G icd catch last night, dear? Winnie "Yes, love, for nearly an hour Minnie "Oh, I'm so glad, darlin always dob sled that m in OABTOniA. lallt Btfutut. ii It is reporied t.f M ijor M.-Ivinley that during one of his political campaigns he was folloivcd about Ironi plaee lo place by a reporter for a paper of opposi tion polities one of those shrewd fellows who ure always at work, quick lo sec nn opportunity, and skillful in making the most of it. McKinley, while he was an noyed by the misrepresentation to which ho was a'most daily subjected, could not help tultniriu;; the skill with which be was assailed. His admiration, too, was mixed wilh compassion, for the reporter was ill, poorly clid.aiil hid an annoying; cough. One night McKinley to.k a close carriage for a near-by town, where ho was going to speak It was near the end of this campaign, and the night was cold. Ho had uot gone far when he hoard that cough, and kuew that the reporter was ridiug with the driver in the exposed seat. Tho Major called to the driver to slop, and he aligted. "(Jet down off that seat, young njtin!'' he said. The reporter obeyed, tbinkiog the time for the Major's vengeance had come. "Here," said McKinley, taking off his overcoat, "you put on this overcoat and gel into that carriage." "Hut, Major McKinley," said tho rc- porter, "I guess you din't know who I aiu I have been with you the whole cani- lign, giving it to you every time you poke, and I aiu going over to-night to rip you to pieces if I cuu." "I know it," said McKinley, "but you put 00 this coat and get inside and get arm, so you can do a good job." The reporter obeyed, and McKinley shut the door and climbed up beside the driver. Columbus Dispatch. D The EXCKLSIOIt l'HJSTING COMPA NY office is new and complete and con ducted by np-to date printers We do not dale back to the time of Matlmsnla. when elephants roosted ill trees und leathers grew ou hogs. OUItS IS AN ENTIRELY NEW OFFICE new machinery and new type. No par cels ot old decayed and discolured papers, and no ancient styles of type that have dull aud wrinkled faces, caused by long service and old age. We have the materi al that must insure work with a business like twinkle. Your letter aud bill heads, statements, circulars, postal and business curds, are your spokesmen wherever they go. They either aid you or discredit you. They re llect the business idea of the man or lirm and show the character and individuality of the article or busidess advertised. LET US lfAVEYOUK NEXT OUDEKS I'OU MINTING. MAIL ORDERS FROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -S- trce tops, mingling its m .ans with the groans of the dying, and heavy brauches were cut off by the lire of ar tillery, and fell crashing upon the heads of the men, adding new (error to the battle. Forest fires lagel, ammunition trains exploded the dead were roasted in the conflagration, the woiinde I roused by its hot breath, drigg'd tlieimdvcs alon with their torn and mingled limbs, in the mad energy of despair, to escape the rav ages of the dimes und every bush seemo hung with shreds ol bloodstained cloth ing. It w.ii as though Christian men Inl turn '1 to fi' ) Is, aud lull itself I u-urp. d I he place of earth. A Itl U Al.Oltl 1 1 AI!Y. "You might nut on llnir," said I be bereaved husbard to the rural sculptor, lhat she died tictio.i nil, and that we wouldn't oa'l her back." "Anything else?" ' She never spoke a cross word in hit life " "All light." "lleing deef an' dumb an ol a quiet au retiring natur . "Is that all?" "Well, you might throw in a little s.''. Jest say: 'Her children rite up au'call her Bctsyl" Atlanta Consti tution. Skaggs "I thought Softly had quit drinkinc?" Draggs "Oh, he did. He' n iw celebrating his reformation." t CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. "aft f NEW A 1) V EKTISEM EN TS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for it ureatlciiveniliK strength and liealthfuliit'ss- Assure the food ugxinKt alum and all forms of adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. HtiVAt. IHKINd POWDKllt'O , NKW YORK CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE, Cblfd Poultry Fence; Wire Fence Board; Yard, n.m.tpV atnil flraifi Itt Ff-twttl 00 Sltcl PMl SpeclfttlT. rmj tar rrwini. V . Ii, It, BUbliUAUt.lWBi Atiunia V. ikdllOC SlOJ), TATE LITTLETON, N. C- Havinit recently furnished mj shop with a good screw cutting; engine, lathe and other machinist's tools I am prepared repair Engines, Vottnn Kins, saw mills, and other machinery. I seep a supply ol PIPE AMD PIPE FITTINGS Globe valves, Check valves. Injectors, ti tar gauge, Etini pactting, etc. Cane mil fit t llt, Evaporators $10, Bath Tabs, $7.50 Tobacco urdarers a specialty. Give me a trial Katisfaclioo guaran td. J. b. TATE, .Littleton, N. C. jy2 0m. 5 Excelsior PmtinCoDpyf "'O 1SJ 1!S 1 tl WELDON, N. C. American Traveler Sicycle It tin Ih.l slick. I'; 1 sh ,rl Mchly fidlfhM .pearance. You can tt. I thtm anywhere. It's 4 llcture of beauty nd s rtncOi. It hai mora real iteful Improvements ilun ay hlcb-graaa Blcycls di the market. iuilt by Amerlc-a;. B. H. O. ins Sewlnp: iLichine Co. factory, 20th .- nil V.'r.chlngton Ava., fniiaueipnia, pa. REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES REAMER, Pnp. Howard & Baltimore ats., ltaltiuiore, Ma. il'EUMH $t Per Day. sep It) ly. M.-r Co., '"KrW-LVGH.K C.I GWitN ALL ORDERS! , mill lilliL init, v v l mm .1 Matiutkcluren Of BLL'K R1IX1E HYDRAULIC ROSENOHE CERIENT. OmtrantMHl alwolnUIr hyrtraulln. We qunt bumlnaatid a-nndliur ertianintefd. prttwa P. U. addrtw lli.l K KIUUK SI'HIMOM VA. Telegraph Blu Biaje, Va. ,rh?ea .lell.eml at anr poliil In ilia Smith. AU mp!it te.U'd. anil atrenftth, unKuroiity In tvuof , wnu lor HI MOM. oaitir. 4 '

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