JOHN" W. SLEDGE, ruoiMUKTun. VOL. XXXI. -A. 1TEWSPAFEB FOB THE F E O 3? L E WELDON, N. C, TUU11SDAY, JANUARY 14, 1897. TEKiynS: S1-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 38. m w ADVKRTISEMKNTS. prWeuhe (Tmilo Murk Registeri'il ) THE IDEAL LAXATIVE And Cure for- .C 0 N S T I P ft T I 0 N -Ah I'lctisinit iik lumry ami urr run1 tor DM hitiiit'HN, II eaflat-lie, I'cicrs Ktiiiuarli Troutlf k, lliintl Iti'rangcnientn.l Iter Hlrk Mtninurli, Irrruliii in , hltluet, Troubles, Skill mill Itlnotl Ills. ciriliT". ml very III '")' other (liKI'IIHOU llll'l i l.ll'lll iilfxiii .In,. I,. Ill'' IniirllvdHIHll'uf lh hnHi'la PRUNELINE'H l'll ""fesl al)(l surest 1'iiilMir ili' aiel n"-ni'iil one fiiil hi'. H tlnrituKlilv ,.,.i,..' HI I KrlnlliaT, purifies Hie. hi. -nil ini'l niiiiiw" nil waste from flu- ilom. 11 it" ,i,y it oh CASTOR OIL. SALTS lliur Mi-n iiihI nil i'llii-r ii'iiiHc 'iii imrijii tui" 11 tones 'I ciii'i'Klzi'W all llu'tiri-ttt uti.'iiii 'fl'. H.l.'lll. rl. 111'' ll-'Bll (IK.I. III.' fill ,irm iin.l Urn Monu'Ik oj.ell, iisIiih I Itl'NKI.INK lr il"' lni.'f i'iirHu. r..i.l I'V til1 ili'it'em, nrai'iit on receipt .if lit) cenl tiuint ii'l'ln I'V H INKKI.MANN HrSllWN HKI ll ft)., lUliluii.ri', Mil. HI'S I l.V. HUDSON'S 1M7 Main St., Noifolk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN S DININb UOi)M. A Mi ME.VL3 'J.'i CENTS. SWrASSIXG COFFEE A HPEVIAI.T J. li. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Host of Everything in Season oil 1(1 lyr. 0. H. HALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Curries full line Dry Goods, Notions, Boots SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. Agent for STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES. Cnn InrniHli any part of any kiml ol ninchinu at short notice. .Send piital card lor slip illustrating purls In ui;ii-hine vu have antl.wi)l name price for piece needed. 1 carry a full line Coffins & Burial Cases. Give me triul when in notd of nn;-tliiiiK- niy7 1v. WLPlkER, , DKALEK IN , Heavy AND Fancy Farm Implements. 22-4 POUND SACKS OF SALT FOB 81.10 PER SACK. fOJuCorrcct prices and polite attention to an. n"K XPCRISNOI. Ilk. TRAD! MARKS, D I SIGNS, 'ItfM COPYRIGHTS AO. AnrnfM Hiritlnjr ft Aetch and decr1ptinn may Quickly ascertain, frw, whether an invention li ' umhulily patenUhl ('omnninlcatlons trlrtlf Olilost ajreDtfyfiirwcuriiigpntfutj tu Aiutfrlea. We havo ft Wmlilnt(in omen. Patenti taken through liuuu 4 Co. iwwln iMMUal DOilott ID tbft SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, N-antlfully lllnstratM, laiwrt rtrralatlrm of iit iriMitfltc journal. wwiljr,t4'rtnsH.WI ; 'ear: 11.30 six months. SHM-tii,.n ooplOB and UA0 luoK OM Tatints Mint free. AdOrwM MUNN & CO., Sttl Broadway, Hew Verk. Professor Jas. Harvey's UNEXCELLED TONIC. & Hasiioetmal. It ia tho only utrictlj pure veneUinlo Wood meillcine on the market- It ri-ul!ites nntl cleanses the liver, strengthens and heals diacused kidneys, ssisu the nriual orpins in a wontlerful nnnner, cures chills ud lever, catarrh in Its llrst stiiRes, nlcem, sorns 01 ionn sianti ini!. . aids diECstiou. creates appetite, strengthens the weak and languid, gives tone and vigor to the whole system. No one should be without it. OIBoe and Laboratory 217 Church street, Norfolk, Va. KjTI'RlCE oU Cfc.-s l, le 11 ly. W. M. II Alt MSTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE 8TOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLIBTOHJtCO., No. 30 M. B'cmuw flt, rstenborg. Vs. taries 10 94 lj. , ADVKRTISEMKNTS. "Blight" :osts cotton planters more ihan five million dollars an lually. This is an enormous .vastc, ami can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala )aina lxperiment Station show conclusively that the use of "Kainit" will prevent that dreaded plant disease. All alimii Pntah the result of ilt me liy actual cx luiiiiRiil nil tlic lit-st laniis in lli United States i: "ll in lillle Ihk.Ii winch we publish ami will gladh Sail Irue tu an), farmer in America who will writs tor li GKKMA.N KAI.I WORKS, b4 Nassau bt.. New Vurk. nov 5 Km (killer Pomps; Chimney Pipe, Sash, Winds and Doon, iiihI a full line ot H A.T3DWJLE, For s;t!t! by PLUMMEfl & WHEELER, I'KTKH-llintt!, VA. my i:t ly. Monuments and Tointstones. DESKINS SENT FREE In writing ive smnc limit ns to price anil state sue of deceased. I, l;lr stock in the South to'sflect from. COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (KstlllllislcJ 1H IS. ) 1,19 to Kill Hunk st., Norfolk, Vu. nov ! 1 y Twin City BAKERY, WELDON, N. C. FuU line FANCY (IROCEHIES, FRUITS, ami Confectioneries, Nice liiicot'Cilil'ornia Dried Fruits, Prunes Peaches, etc , etc. Full line of -3$ French UiMp- Cryslalire Fruits, CrtMin Alinondsanil Miirsmuallons. Agents for Flcischmnu's compressed yeast, oct 15 tf. F. N. Stainback, WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise Agent for theceliliraled ZHOl.ER IlltOS. aud ItAV STATE SHOES. Have also uildtd ti my stock a nice lint CLOTHING! f.,i ME, VOL' ril'S and CIIILUUEX. A full line of Solid Walnnt Caskets I Coffins, Always on hand. Iturinl rolies fnrnisheil lor Litlies and (leuileui' ii also tlnitl iiijcc linns stiven to tli ad bodies and disinfec tants usiU wlicn uesireu. A NICE HEARSE AT VOL' U DISI'OUL. Mr T If Tvl,.e nf Viirtbamnton coun ty, is with nienud will bo pleased to see Ins Iricnus. r. N.8TAINHACK. THE KERN FURNITURE CO., II Old Murket 8'ilre, Norfolk, V. Ml Carriages, Refriprators, and full line of Furniture, spr 30 ly. . MARKET AN' B O -CREEN GROCERIES To all mv friends: Ihaveoponod MARKET at the old "Delmonioo stand. LIST of ARTICLES KEPT on II AND: H-Stall Beef, Nice Fresh Fish reoeived daily, Porlf Sausage, Cabbage, Potatoes, Etc O. Gk BTANS, Weldon, N. 0. apr 2 tf. B. P. SALE, WM. LINN, Proprietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. . . - BOTH OH ' AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS Union Sta-e, NORFOLK; YA. N KW ADV EUTIS KM KNTS. Down Brakes, and Reverse I " Whcnatniin is discovered rushing on to a liiKiiitul col lision, it is a thrilling in stunt n the engineer i, whistles and reversei li i h lever. Hniki s alone art not cntiy;h ; the whole pro-pi-lliny pow-i-r of the en nine must he rwersi'd mid made to wcrtk in the oppci' Bite dn fp. f tiun. Thai in how it in Hiitnctimcn with disease, There are times when the system it flying' along the traek of dis ease at such a frightful paei that no ordinary methods will prevent disaster. There are plenty of medicines which act merely ns br.tkes to slow up" the disease aud put off disaster for a little while; but that isn't nouirh. What is needed is a medicine that will instantly reverse the entire wasting, degenerating process. When people arc losing tlesh ana mrengtti and vitality, with the life oozing out of them day after day, they need Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which acts diif ctly upon the vital forces, completely transforms the entire nutritive organism and totally re verses the wasting, debilitating process which is at the root of all diseases. It enables the digestive and blood-making organs to supply the circulation with an abundance of pure, healthy, red blood. It stops the wasting of tissue, builds up solid muscular ana neaitny nerve-ioice. Miss Mnrv Whitman, of Knst Dickinson, Franklin Co., N. Y.. writes: "For nearly ten months 1 have hail n hd cough, and instead of pettin tirtter, it grew worse, until I wnsatlvised tiv a friend to try Dr. Tierce's (joltien Menicai rjiiscoverv. I hesitated nt firt. for It seemed to me nothing would give relief only death. Mv parents were anxious a'-out me, and I was snid to have consumption. I tried your medicines, and before I had taken tuaiiv doses there waft a rent chiuiKsf. When the second brittle waseiupiy had no emifh am! was a creat deal ..stronger. " 'v YnuraddrcM, with iv rent in it.imi'1, mailed to our Head- Soar ten, II Hint Kt., Hmloa, will brine yn a full line l a.implt'8, and mica fur tell mc.isiftciMf nt, of our justly fa rums ft.'t pants ; Hi:its, Jlo.'-Tn Ovt rii'.ui, ami nj. I tit to iiruvt. Agt uts wanted every wiicru. New Plymouth Rock Co. TASTELESS IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. (UI.ATIA, Il 1,8.. Nov. 1G, 1893. Parts Medicine To., ht. IajiiIb.Mo. ientlemen: Wo Hold luHt year, fiOO bottles of "JHoVli'S TASTKLKSS ClllU TONIC find hnvu jmiktlit ibro ktohs alroiidy thia year. In nil our ex otTifiicu vt H ytmr, In tlio dniti btintiics, bnvo never i ild nti artleto tuutgavo stieh nulvertiulauliiH 'JHiUuu tu fuur 'iuuic luurutnily, SOLD AND WAKUANTKI) BY Dr. A.S.Harrison, KNFIKLI), N. C. P WKLDON, N. C. For line riHcrits, it will pay to c.tll On J. I. .lutlkins, leiitlerol I hem all, file finest otitis in Weldon you will seo At Judkiu's tir-Hiery. Imported and domestic goods heie yon will lind. Canned kishU and delicacies of every kind It matters not w hat your needs in iv he Visit Jtnlkins' tiiiicery. For choice leas and coffee Judkins is re nowned None liner in tho country can be found Try their special brands of blended tea At J tut kins' (iroeery. None in Weldon with Judkins can com pete Or shown sunk of fine Roods as complete The great one price you may see At Judkins' lii'oi-ery t Judkins' store do not forp t Full weights and measures you cm at ways net And yonr town orders deliverer From Juilkius' (it d lice tMieerv, dee 111 ly. PHOFFSSIOSA I. VA RIM. HSIltS M. MI'U.SN, W<KH I. liANlKi U A N I K L. M 0 L L K M ATT0RXEVS AT LA H, Wkldoj, N. C. hinetlcoin theeoiirtsof HsIlnniiti'tNortlitml" on stitl tn thprtuiiremt'rtitil Federal eonrts. Col 'ilonsmaile lu R'.lpe.rtsof North Csriilins. Flrauch office M. Hallfsi, N. Cnpen every Mnn jyt. T. T. ROSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. (o"-Offlee over Emry & Pieree'BStore. 10-19-1 y. D r. W. J WARD.&- ENFIiXD, N. C. tA.Of0oa over Harrison's Drag Store, dee 90 ly. J U V f An WH IMf- IL' 1 3 Z flj III 0 ? I UUJ CHILL ju urocsry HOW WE SHOULD PRAY. Lone Prayers ConJcmnej ly GoJ And Man. She should pray like oilier people. The lillle orpluin's prayer will receive uo criticiMH, but llio widow must pray in-lellii;i-htly. Il would scciu imp' riinent tiitlirtct any uiic bow lo pray, when fliis iiii slion n:is put lo the Master Himself, ami w.; have tin exact answer. We pro- 'i 'se Id liolil to His answer, nut to improve H, lint only ntuplily it. 1. Wu must reverently honor and devoutly ncliowlvdp! (lud's wisdom and imiliurilj, imd willingly j-ubiuil lollis rule in "Hi aven u li 1 carib, with thank fulness for liC'tlih and life, 2 We'niust ask His blcssint; ou our dniiy labor, and ask food and raiment for us and i ur children for one day. !1. We must honestly confess our us, and.-incerely ask pardon for tlieiu,and at the Mime lime be certain, as best we can, Ui'forgive who have injured or ufl'undcd us. 4. Ask for special guidance fur our feet one day, pijtt'ulinn from severe lemptaiions, and deliverance from special weakness and infirmity. 5. Ask delivtrance from evil; not so much from dancing and youthful fiivol ily as from "un evil heart of unbelief." from deceit, fn iu ignorance of God's holy Wold; from sloth; from pride, envy, mal ice, "vauily untl lies"; from scll'scekiuj; (rum selfishness, ihe sin of the race; from covttousucKs, "which is idolatry"; from worldiness, which includes "the lust oi tho eye, aud the pride of life"; the fash ion, show, mid parade, which make men robbers of banks, cities, and corporations; from ingratitude to God and man; from ill temper aud fretl'uluess aud impatience; from hardness of heart and contempt for authority; from ignorance of our duty to neighbors; from backbiting lalc-bearing, and slander; from all evil thoughts im aginations, aud conceits; from intolerance of others' opinions, dogmatism; from harshness of maimer and hasty speech; aud quick temper; from an unforgiving spirt and malice, which doth cut as a can cer; from everything contrary to gentle ness a- d mei knes, faith, hope, and char ity. It matters not what is your educa ti n condition, or stallion in life you will be happy "if ye do these things, and an abundant enlerance "into His everlasting Kingdom" and glory "shall be nduiiuis tered unto you ."' "If ye do these things ye shall never be moved "To patient faith tho prize is sure, Ami till that tn the end endure. The TOfS, shall wear the crown." If an) thing is omitted in the above caialnugeof duly, put it uuder the head of "Love your neighbor us yourself." b. Lastly, close with conlession ol God's power and supreme authority over us, and magnify His "glory." The above is merely an imperfect para phrase of ihe Lord's Prayer; but it Is comprehensive enough lor any piivatt Christian's prayer. Ofcmrso ihero are special prayers for our county, ihe pro gress of the Bible cause, &i) , kc. They are really comprised in "Thy Kingdom come. In spile of the growing unpopularity of "long prayers" and the condemnation of Christ himself, laymen and ministers of the Gospel by the hundred will "orate," expatiate, dictate, explain, and parlitu larii", l hereby ntf .nding God's goodness, ku "W-lidge, aud wisdom. Ho knows all our thoughts ere they escape our lips. We may nut iulend it, but we really dU honor God by lung prayers. Tho old prophet wus honoring Him when be said "God is ia Heaven and man on eaitb; let thy woids be few." We are yet "carnal," and seek tanui bleihingsin preference lo spiritual things. 'Wisdom" is especially promised "abun dantly ' lo all who ask it, but it must be sought earnestly and heurtily. This is a gloat gift, as it means happiness, or more religion far more valuable than riches and honor. Most of our prayers are utterly worth less. They aru void of sincerity, earn estness, reverence, and gratitude. Tiny are flat, insipid, pueiille, and silly The) aro addressed to God only in form. While being uttered the man's mind, like the fool's eye, is all our the earth. Ager's prayer was wise Give mo nei ther poverty nor jiches; feed me with oonveuient food. I had offered 50,000 prayers before I learned to offer it sin cerely, and in this I may be mistaken James Montgomery understood this subject "Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye When noi e but Hod is near.' The Beht Way To Cure Disease is to establish health. Pure, rich blood means good health. Hood's Sarsnparilla ia the One True Blood Purifier It tones up the whole system, gives appetite and causes weakness, nervousnea and pain to disappear. No other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures aa Hood's Sarsnparilla. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill; assists digestioo, prevet constipation li5o. OABTOIIIA, fbfu llalll ii FORM AND CEREMONY. Should Never He Ranked With Faiib Christ, Says Rev- R, P. Kerr. In a recent lecture in the First Pres byterian church, in Ricbmoud, Rev. Dr. Kerr in the course of his lecture on the lileof St. Paul said: Antakich is the modern successor of ancient Antioch. The present town is a miserablo community of 0,0110 souls, while the. city of Kt. Paul's dty had half a million inhabitants anil was (ho third in point of population in the empire It sf amouslor iis splendid architecture aud boulevards. Its population wus com posed of people Irom uvery country under heaven, and so, was a mist favorable place to be made, us it were ihe first great propoganda of the faith. K1HST (IllKAT WOltK. It was at Anlioeh that St. Paul did his great work as an apostle, and here, in the providence of God, the disciples were, by their enemies, first called Cbris liaus. The names was given in ridicule but "Chnstiunus Sum" was soon to be tho cry of dying martyrs in the amphi theatre of Rome, and "I am a Chrisliun" was to be grandest declaration which could proceed frum the lips of kings, The Apostle's work at Anlioeh was most successful, but at length a sectarian controversy greatly marred it. Certain disciples who came from Jerusalem taught that the Jewish Christians should not associate with the Gentile Christians, be cause they bad not been circumcised, aud did not keep the ceremonial laws of ihe Jews. St. Paul sioutly resisted this nar row bigotry, and held that in the Church of God ull men stood on an equal foot ing. CLOSE COMMUNION. Many times since then good men have made the mistake of refusing Christian communion to others whom I hey ac koowleged to be Christina, because ihey did not conform to some ceremony or rite which they deemed essential. These men who came down from Jerusalem were the high churchmen or close coiuiuuuioii ists of the early days of Christianity. Both Barnabas and Peter were drawn away by this bigotry, but St. Paul with stood Peter to his face, and would not for ouu moiueift admit that these things cjuld be made tests of churchsbip. Sectarianism has been one of the great est disappointments in Christian history. It contradicts Christ's great stulemculs as to the unity of His body, the Church; it militates against the work of the Holy Spirit, and the prayer of the Lord thai His people miht be one, and is one of the greatest obstacles to tho conversion of the world. THE ONt.Y JUSTIFICATION. Shall it ever be thus? Shall the Church never havo a souse of the proper proportion of doctriues? Are we always tthave non-essentials elevated to the s line plane as essentials? Form aud cere mony should never be ranked with faith in Christ. The glorious Cross is far above all ritual or governmental principle. The only thing which justifies a separa tion among Christians, is a deuial of Christ. When this occurs there shou'd be no division of the Church, but only an expulsion of those who are traitors to the King. Tho test of churehship should be Christ and Him crucified. MTTLK TIIIXOS. Little thiol's are often . the hardest thing. It is comparatively easy to do mimenlary deed of daring that will startle evsrbody; it is not so easy to do little deeds of quiet courage from day to day, unheeded by all aud unheeding all. Perhaps you are not calltd to do the great deed. But you aro called every day to do the little deeds, which more surely weur oul life and strength in the long run. Be glad that you aro called to this; for this is the harder task, aud he who is faithful here, will not be un faithlul iu the easier greal things. Not every uue kuows good advice when he sees it. Mi st often iho best a It ice does not ti ll a poison in direct lauguugo just what ho ought lo do, and how ho ought to do it, Good advice OU;bt usually make one think before he acta. This helps to develop tho whole man, by Healing biin as a rational being instead uf making a niachiuo of him. Show a man who needs advice what the condition of his case is, what results are likely to show themselves in the event of oertaiu courses of action, and then let him choose what he will do AX AMERICAN UlrtL. ' Ho What do you oall a real typical American gill? She Que who prefers an heir in the oastlo to a castle in ihe air. WELL NAMED. Storekeeper What do you oall this button? Drummer Oh, that is the Corbett Filnimmons fight button. Storekeeper Why do you call it that? Drummer It will never oome off. - DONE BY THE PARSON. That Pelluw Could Talk Faster Than His Team Could Go. "I've been a horse fancier all my life," announced the judge, "and dealt with souio of the slickest traders in the busi ness. The worst dicker I ever made in all these years was with a preacher. I have the highest respect for the cloth, but ibis unworthy member dropped out to run a bucket shop, a calling for which he wus peculiarly adapted "I never suw the smooth individual until he drove to my house ono morning with a sorrel pacer and a bay trotter. They were both full of life and mulched like two peas as to everything but color and gait. He got ma into the buggy besidu him and I actually believe that I rode behind the fastest pole teum ever hitched up. I had to lurn my face the other way tn get my breath and cling to ihe scat to keep from being blown out, "I was crazy to own that blood-bay trotter, and I suppose my anxiety cheat ed me out of ?-0() or 8300 extra. That fellow could talk luster than his team could go, and I was in loo much of a stew to insist upon asking a few wise questions. I bought the trotter at a good round figure and he was delivered that afternoon. I put him to a light roud wsoon for a spin and you can rest assur ed I hud it. I no sooner gave him the word than he went through all the antics of a bucking broncho, winding up with both thrills between his fore legs. The next trial I offered to give him, ho ran away and was captured in the lower end of the county. I hitched him duuble and he went clear over the pole in an effuit to kill his male. lie wouldn't trot a rod without ihe sorrel side-wheeler be side him. I turned him out and in a month he was a dirly white color, having shed the coat of paint in which I bought him. He did condescend to lope under the saddle, and that's all the good I ever got of him. "Sue the preacher? Not mo The ab- scence if blood from a turnip ii notori ous, and then horse traders have a pride of their own." TIIH PKETFUIj ONES. Tin re is (be wife who is slutmed and miserable because she discovers tbut mar riage is not a lusting picnic; who cannot rcalizi thai the husband must be differ ent from the lover, aud spends her days in impotent whining. Sheiu always being neglected and always taking offeuse she has an insatiable craving for at tentions, and needs continual assurances of affeeiion, wasting her time and feeho: in getting up pathetic scenes of accusation which finally weary and then alienate her husband. Her own fault! There is uothing a man hates more that a woman going sobbing and complaining about the house with red eyes, unless it be a woman with whom he must live in a perpetual fool's paradise of perfection. There aro also discontented wivos who goad their husbands into extravagant ex pondiluro aud urge them to projects from which they would naturally recoil. There aro others whoso social ambitions slay their domestic ones, and who strain every nerve, iu season, and lose all their self respect for a few ctumbs of contemptuous prtronugo from some person of greater wealth than their own. Some wives fret it they have no children, others just as much if childien come. In the first case they are disappointed; in the second inconvenienced, and in both discontented. Some lead themselves and others wretched lives because they have not three times aB many servants as aro necessary: a still greater number because they cannot com pass a life of constant amusement and ex citement. North American Review. Ill j HONEST. What do you think of a man who owes money that ho is notable lo pay, yet who can wear flue clothes, spe nd money for various luxuries and alio w his fumily to dress fine and other liko things, as though he was- out of debt and had money ahead? Well, it strikes us that his sense of hon est v is not as acute as it should bo. A until who owes money 'hit hmld be pnid should spend only what is necessary for his subsistence and his family should do the sumo, and he should be up and do ing early and lute till the last farthing is raid And if ho has that high scare of honor that ho should havo, this is the oourso ho will be sure to tuke. TAKING CHANCES. Jim Faro I'm in luck. I got five hundred Inst night on the ace of hearts, Cracksoy Joe Dat's nothin, A fren' o' mine cracked a jewelry orib las' week on' got five thousand on tray of dia monds CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. To. fle ilallt liuiut. A WINSOME HOME. Il Reacts Upon Those Whose Inner Life It Lxpresses, The interior, much more than the ex terior of a dwelling, mirrors more or less clearly the minds of the inmates. The judgment that, upon crossing a thresh-hold, we are templed to form from a few hasty glances often proves lo be correct. Taste, refinement, love of order, peaccableDess, eheerl illness, mid other traits may be at ouee suggested, and you may fuel lliat you do not need to be lold what sort of people inhabit Ihe place. "Appeurances," runs the proverb, "ate eccitful;" but the story lold by the in- teiior ol a home i- likely, iu general out- liue at least, to be Irue. And if ihe home you have entered be winsome, the thought will be quite sure to come lhat its quiet mioistcry cannot be over-estimated. It reacts upon those whose inner life it expresses, so that what they huve given forth they receive again with gen erous interest. And tho friends and neighbors who visit such a home 1 They, too, even though they may not reuliz; it, are patiently uffected. Tho place has a charm fot them. They go out for a walk, and almost before they know it they find themselves at the familiar door. Then, of course, they must ring and go in, though it be only to exchange greet ings. And the guests? llnppy uro they who are priviledged to pass a night or two beneath that hospitable roof 1 Lux ury may be a stranger there, plain living may be compulsory; but if there be plain living, there is also high thinking, and not that, but warm hearts and loyal souls. The face of the inmates, tho few well selected pictures, the books on the tables, the arramreuient of the furniture, the footl that is served everything in that home helps in some way to make it more attractive; and when the guests re tire for the night; though the room that he occupies bo as simple as it well could be, he feels more at peace than he would were he domiciled in a palace with half a dozen lackeys at command. A home like this cannot be made to order; all the wealth and art in the world could not create it. Before it can exist you must have well-balanced natures, minds that think, hearts that love, and service with out price. ANEW YE AU NOTE. "What shocking profanity!" exclaimed the visiting minister, as Ihe raised tones of a man's voice wero wafied to the par lor. "How can you tolerate it?" "Why, Brother Brown," replied the lady of the house, ' that's my dear hus band sweuring off!" OABTOIIIA. Tktn llBlll BtfUlus) tf U n mm. A VERY GOOD REASON. "He got my thumb in his mouth and bit it severely, Bir, said Mr. Colin to to Mr. Skidds. "Why did you not bite I im?" "My religion forbids mo to eat swine.' NEW ADV KK'J'ISKM KNTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for itsgreat leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and a'l forms of adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKINO POWDKH CO., NKW YOKK. POULTRY AND GARDEN FENCE And make special HorM, Cattla and Hot Fenc Yard, Cemetery, and Grave Lot Fencing a speelaltf , Pay (hit Frfig-Bst. Oataloirua Pre. IL. L. KltKLLAbKBOKB. ATLANTA, li. LITTLETON, N. C Having recently furnished my shop with a ffood screw cutting engine, lathe and other machinist's tols I am prepared to repair Engiues, cotton gins, saw mills, and other machinery. 1 Keep a supply oi PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS, Globe valves. Check valves, Inji etora, wa ter gauges, gum packing, eta- Cane mills ti4 to $1(1, Evaporators $10, Bath Tubs, J7.&U. Tobacco Ordarers a specialty. Give me a trial. Hatislitctinn gnaran teed. .3.1. TATE, Littleton, N. C. ja6m. BPll ffw'ALsfi.-Jj t kIiL ADVERTISEMENTS. ASK tin' recftveret ttysji.'Iitics, bilinus euf. lercrs, victims of feve, anil a;uc, tin, mercurial diseascU patient, how they rccovciud health, cheerful spiriis and good :iiietile; they will tell yuu tiy tnkiliK Simmons Livik Hi'i.ei.ATult. The Clirnpett, Furcatuml first Family Medicine In the World I For IlYSI'l'.l'SIA. CONSTlrATION. launtHY. Ililiims atuct.. hit K lll'.AII.AI III''., t i.lic. Denreii lion of Spirits, SOI K S 1 1 1.M At M , I le.'ill.nrli. ctr. This unrivaled remedy it w.iri.inteil uol t" L'.iiuin a single panicle uf M t'Hi t:nv, or any mineral snli.tain., but is PURELY VEGETABLE, con.ain.iiii Uium S-Htlitrii KoMi nml I in In wliiih art nil wme rrtivideiu e lift !.ucil ifi n-t ntrie v.lieri liver DmeuHrN rmmt irtv,,il, II. Hill rum ull IHufHHI'N I'lllIKPlI l)Y Di'miiiitMiirnl ot tlin Liver nnd limtrlft. the SVMI'IOM i of I.ivrr Cimu-Iiunt are a luttei or liiitl innic in ihr ni' iiili ; I'-im in ihe lliuk, Sulrs i ninitt, tfleii miKukcit for Kliriiinalihtii ; hour liiliifU-h; Ia ut AiHiftilp; lloweU ulieriiHicIv Cimlive unci I.ik, I IcatSat lie ; ,. nf Mcmury, with ij pninlul nt hating failed lu i Buiix-lliing wlm li oiinlit t" have Wen dune; Pt'liilMys Lov; HplrltH; a Itiiik, yellow uppearanic ol the Skin un fcyes ; a dry LiinU, olien mistaken lor iLnsuni.tH.n. diseue, at "ihers very few ; Km i lie l.lVRK. the larei orjiittt in tlir body, i yeneratly the seal of (he disease, and if not Kruiiiated in lime, : c-iit sulieiin, wretch, cdness and 1KAT1 will ensue. homctitnes many ol tnette - niptom at ten a mi Ihe folio Winn Iwhlv-e'-teenied persons attest loth virtues of Simmons Livkk Kkcui-ator : Gen.W. S. Holt, l'res. (la. S. W. K. K. Lo. ; Kev. J. K. elder, Perry, (ia.; Ol, E. K. Sparks, Albany, (ia.; C. Master. on, hwi., Sheriff IitbbO.,t.'a.; J. A. Hull, Ham bridge, : Kev. I. W. llurke. Macon. Ga.: Vircil I'owert Sunt. (ia. S. W. R. R. ; Ihm. Alexander H. Stephens, that for Dyspepsia, biliousness and Throbbing Heao ache, it is the best medicine the world ever taw. W have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Livat Regulator, and none of them cave us more than term Vic have tested its virtues personal! v. aim kmr.i porary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but curt' 1U, C.U. 1B1.U(.KAI'H AND ItlbSSBNGBH, MALUM, OA, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J. U. ZEUJN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Wanled-An Idea Who can think of tome ilmple ttilliK b Patent? Protect your Mean; thpr may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKilURN CO.. Patent Attor neyi, Washington, D. C, for their 1,8UU prlae offer ana uat ul vwo iiud urea lUTenueua wtawu. D rn The EXCELSIOR PRINTING COMPA NY office is new and complete and con ducted by up-to-date printers. Wedonot date back to the time of Matbusala, when elephants roosted in trees and leathers grew on hogs. OURS IS AN ENTIRELY NEW OFFICE new machinery and new type. No par cels ol old decayed and discolored papers, anil uo ancient styles of type that have dull and wrinkled faces, caused by long service anil old age. We have the materi al that must insure work with a business like twinkle. Your letter and bill heads, statements. circulars, postal aud business cards, are your spokesmen wherever they go. They either aid you or discredit you. They re lied the business idea ot Hie man or tlrm and show the character and individuality of the article or busidess advertised. LET US HAVE YOUR NEXT ORDERS FOR PRINTING. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. tVj) 0 icelsior Printing Compaq WELDON, N. C. American Traveler Bicycle It hit that slick, atyllsti anj highly finl.hft ipDaarance. iou can ted iliem anywhtrc. It's 4 jtctare of beauty nnd s'renpth. It hat tnort rtal titful Improve men tt than ai.y heb-frdt Blcyclt n the Market. juilt by American B. H. O. !S Sewing T.I&chine Co. aotory, 20th nntl Washington Av., Pnlladolprila, Pa. REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES REAMER, Prop. Howard A Baltimore eta., Baltimore, 114. CGUM8 1 Tar Bas. it 10 ly. : fill booXseexs."Ff" GWJtN ALL ORDERS! M 1 U . V Ys Un l ! . mmmmi BlttEiinCtMlJLiHWirl. Manufacturer, of BLUB RIDfJK HYDRAULIC ROSEN DUE CEJtEXL Guaranteed alolutlr hydraulic. We Quote prices delivered .of point in the Hnutb. All Cement twtod. and strength, uiiirorniir in eolof, bu nunc and sjrinrtm- auaranwwl. Writs) lor price F. II. a'liiram Bi.UK RliMsK HIHINuS,, VA. Telrsb biu. hl4 Vu. taictA.Y. 3 I