II SHIT Ei ffli Mi illlMF Mi Si f J-OHJST W. SL1HDC3-E, imuji'kiktoI!. VOL. XXXI. A NEWSPAPER FOB T H E PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1897. ?EPHVLS: S1-50 1,Klt ANM.'.M IN AhV.VM K NO. 40. AD V EUT1SKM KNTS. PR UN ELI N iTriuluMiiik Itculst Tcil I THE IDEAL LAXATIVE A (11 aire fur w-C ONSTIPATION"1 -As (tltit'-anl an lmiicy hih, Mire u r for IIIIiiiiiHiicNN, llcmlm-lie, I'Vvith, Ptmiiurli Tll'tHlll", I I l4TUM(illl'll('.,,h(T Mrk WtmiuM'li, Irrrnhirity, Kliliicy TroublCN, kiii ami lllimtl IMs-ui-itt ri. titi'l vt'ry in n "Iti'T i- mil) iiiiiijilirnHuii!-, i tin- hinfllvo Nt iitc nl' the If i" i-U PRUNELINC m tin- hili'.m Him Mir.i 1-nth-ir . i.li-l .il'iTK'Ilt n H' flit II-". It tli'T.iH1il , .,.iiiM uithoiii icrloitiK, p'lnllrs ilif I1 1 anil r, NI'IU- Mil ttllfll' 1l "II til.- M-l-lll. It 1 1 1 1 f nu CASTOR OIL SALTS Mus i' l all MttnT II i i"i' pii- tn.-.. It I'-lien 'I ,,l dn- , ifin . k"i n ir il mVl Itif lt"i l',,r tin' 1 itt"l' I'Uri" liTrft.- nil t .fi the I. '.1 I ...I. I Mt u, lle-lii: I li! at or.m II, , i , i.i.i n i SoM 1) nil ill nil j, nr . lll ptiif .IU. ti. miv H.i-in-- "V 'WlNKhl. MAN'S .V HKoWS Mil lUil.n m l.'ii ly. H-JDSON'S- ' 1 I.. ir,., Mil. SI, 1-17 Main nt , Noifolk, V.i. LADIES' AMD GENTLEMEN'S DINirib KOOM. AI.I, MKAI.S2.-i CENTS. srnrAssi.w; corrr.i; ,1 .sv.v.i.n .1. K. IiriKliN, rntprictnr. Tin! lii sl of Everything in Season o(-t lit lyr. C. II. IIAI.K. UAI.II'AX, X. C. Carries full lint Dry Goods, Notions, Boots KMli:J. (illOC KUIKS, Etc. Agent lor STAN DA HI) HKWIXli MA CHINES. Can luriiih any pail of any kiml oi machine nt "hurt imtii i-. Slid postal card for slip illustrating pait lo machine you have und will tmnii' price for piece Heeded. 1 carry a full line Coffins & Burial Cases. (live nio u trial bIicu in nr IliiiiX il of an. my ? ". W. T. PARKER -l)E.I.K.K IN- Heavy fl AND IT Farm Implements. il l'OKND SACKS OK SALT l'Ol! 81.10 l'KUSAC'K. MUCorrcct jiriccs and polite attention to all. K ' 'y TRAD! MARKS, COPVRICHT8 a An Ton ft npnrtlnir ft Rketcli mJ tlcscrlptlon mtif )iiiofclTwTUIii, fruu, nlicllHT an tnveiiti-ii ! pmbHMf rMlentKhla. fiMimimitcatiim itrl.ily fimtltpntlal. Ol-Unl uvnc; f-irvurlnti ntfnU In Ai.HTlca. Wo Imve a WwtHiitinni ofHw. rntfttU Inken thromiU Muuu & Co. Ittuulr pvcial iiotiue In tli SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bmtinillr lliimtrato.1, lnnrpat clmtUtlon of ntiT neitmllno Inurual. wet'k if.U'nii!.l.(" "sr; mx monflm. ii'rlnifn ou(Ip and UAM itUWK UX i' AT KNTS SCDt 1 16. AdliTM MUNN A CO., 31L Braadwav, Nw York Professor Jas. Harvey's irSKXCKM.F.D mm 5 fj TONIC, w HiLHiio eUl. It in til" only utrietly P'.trc vi'"t:'.M" IImI intlii'lou on lliu mar ket It reKiilalen anil iliansis til liver, strengthens anil heula disemed kidneys, iiMit the uriiiiil ordain ill u wonderful ni'inner, euiv chill and lever, ejitarrh in its first ntiKc, ukera, aurea ol lon atand inn, mils iliKeitiun, i-renUa sippitite, tren(!tlien the weak and l.iuuoid, giv. tone and viuor to ihe holu ayaten). No one ahnuld he without it. Office und Labor itorv -J".7 Church atreet, Norlolk, Va. WTPKICE 50 CtNTS. je 11 ly. W. M. II.V1U.ISTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattfimsee, etc All A MlllftV' nl IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLI8TON CO., No. 90 M. BjrctMnor Bt, Petenbnri, Ta. 10 36 It. A I ) V K RT I S V. M K N TS . Potash i necessary ami important ii'di'ini. oi complete fer- tiilMT: rcfiiin inaiiur I'rops of all kinds a properly balanced re. The best ertilizers omi.im a high percentage of Potash. .vi,:.. -u 1. Msh per. merit i :i t!,(; l( t. ld ill a I.Mlc U L nutllicc V. :iv I'.tin lie r"nlnf I in- 1y nrtivil rj i.irm in the I'liitttl St.itts i: '" li I'liM sli an.l wiM (:l.uli i in Amcriia wlni wdl wtiie ft -r it CYUM N K AI.I WdkKS, ij3 Nassau St., New York, 5 Chimney Pipe, Siu.Ii, HHikIm anil iiiul a full Hue of 1 loois H A.RDWARE, 1'itr s;t!e 1 1 v PLUMMER & WHEELER, I'KI'HU.-lil'Hii, VA. my J l l) Monuments and Tombstones. (riling nivi um' li'iut as t-i itMil St;itr nf ufik'.'IMM'd. , .t(.i r rocii in (in- south to si'Uct I'nuu. COUPEil RURBLE WORKS, (ltajili.iVi.. 1 rt l-i. ) l.")!l to t : l'..mk si., Norlolk, Va. nov 3 ly, Twin City inn WELDON.N.C. 1 Full line I'AXC'Y (iliOCF.IilF.', Fia iTS, and Confectioneries. Nice lineof California Dried Fruit', Prunea Peaches, etc., etc. Full line ol -French Canto Cryslalie Fruits, Cream Almonds and Marshtn illows. AkcuIs l.ir Flcisclinian's compressed yeast. BUSTER PURNELL, Mana-cr, ,1.1 li) II. WELDON, N. C. Healer In General Merchandise Audit for tliecclchr.iled KKII.F.Ii BUGS. andlUY.STATF.SIIOK.'v H ive also adilid to my stock a nice lint clothing: for M1:N, Vot'l';l aaud Cilll.DUl'.N'. A full line of Solid Walnut Caskets , Always on hand, liurial mlies pTinslie. for 1,'mIics and tleuileincn also llni I i i .l lions KHen to dead hi lies and tlisiiiic, Uinta used when desired. A NICE HEARSE AT Vol I! lUSI'lHAI.. Mr T. 11. Taylor, of Norlhaiiiptoneoun ty, is with nie ami will lie pleased to b- i Ilia friends. P. N. STAIN HACK. THE KERN FURNITURE CO., SI DM Murki'I S.imiT, Norfolk, Vh. iJdDy Utlidim Tlnrnirrnnotunti nUlll",Uluiuiii, mid lull line nf Furniture, iipraoir. MARKET.-.. CREEN CROCERIES. To a'' i .y friends: I have opened MARKET at tli old,"lcluionico" stand. LIST of A RTICLES K KPT on H AX P fcyStall Boef, Nice Fresh Fish received daily, Pork Sausage, Cabbage, Potatoes, Kto. O. Or. ErVA-lTS, Weldon. N. C. apr tf. tail tin loir I. Stamback B. I'. 8ALE, WM. LINN, PronrieUir. Manager MANSION HOUSE. ... RilTR s AMERICAN ANO EUROPEAN PLANS. Uaten 8treM, NORFOLK, VA. XKW Al KliTIK.MhNTS. The Fountain of Youth. VV all letnoinbffj th.- III. iy of I'uncc jllie cti-nml youth; and xv all synipat!iie with hi in in liis s i- n r c 1 1 . Youth ima;is so much. It tnruim mort- than life for SdtiifiiiiRS lilV- v c m i s a weariness. i u t youth-with US l'IMItltlilt(r hi alt li .mil xiy.nr, elastic step, lowiiifr cIh i ks, ami spur klitii; :r'a eye; we all I Cnvet HellU- iiie youth. Tin' wr;;k nesH or (In- i.-, ,-, iy.yL.gtU. JSL !tc gf people tx -fore their time, is not thrt result of nrrunnilatt il years; it is the e fleet of vrotu living and unite; lthy hiot.'l. Win n the Mood i pine and fresh the body will be full of youth. 'fhoiwuids of people who seemed t't have lot tht ii voiith by di-ease and suii ritij! have found it ii'ain thiocph the usi-of i!r. Tierce's C. olden Medical Discoveiy, the most perfectly natuial and scientific i.'juve n.itoi of the physical forces ever known to uvdical scic nee. H k'ives the blood-makintr ore;ins power to make new blond, full of the life Rivit a red corpuscles which drive out disease, build up fresh tissue, solid muscular flesh and healthy iK-rve force. Il tves constitutional power, deep ami full and strong; rounds nut hollow cheeks and" emaciated forms; gives plmnpueBs, color and animation, It does not make flabby fat like cod liver oil. On this account, it is a perfect tonic for corpulent people. It aids digestion and the natural action of the liver, and by feeding the nerves with highly vitalized blood banishes nervous ness, neuralgia and insomnia. Where a constipated condition exists, the " DiscoveiT " should be used in conjunction with I'r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which are the niii4 perfect, mild and na.nral laxative in the world. There is nothing else "just as ir..od " There is nuthiuir tbat will do the woik sj thoruUKhly, surely ar.c comfortably. Ymir .vMrtw, with six rcrttl in st.imii, m.uU'ii to our Hu.id (ii.iilcii, 11 t lint St., lU'ShP, .'lam., will 'tnnjr ymt a full li' t s.mi.li3, .it ul ru'os fr sc'.l- ; n I j iiu'iijiie iiiuni, ol our justly m ' Ovir.-.ita. : Hi .ititi 'up- m jW-J i,ir.t,:si. As't'iiiFwaiUt'iicvfy- ZZKw rijiKCUi'i Rock Co. TASTELEB IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. C At. ati A, Ills., Not. 1C, 1SJJ. ParinMcrlirlnPCn.. !St. lAtiiis. Mo. (Jetitl.'iucit: Wo Mid liil ear, CW bottles n( IUoVKS TAsrKl.l.sS VWlhL TOXIC nmt hnvo .wtriuht ilir-'o cronit nlruitdy tlu year. In nil mtrri ,11'rii'iH'O of H )enrf. In tliu Unitf business, tinvo (lev-TBiilil tin nrtieltt t luit g nvfi fueh umverbuUullSi .iKtiijU iu Jvur 'luutu. luurs tnuy. AU.S.V,CAIUt SHbP AND WAHRAVlEll 11Y Dr. A.S.Harrison, i:n'fii:i,p. n. e. ( iiiul IMano Is a Well Made Plane fan -fit I ait'Oition lias seen that every de tail is ii"lit. doiMi to the sctcas. It i.' hi ear.' ami thought nhicb n akis tin loiicf ' et and inn. which niases nit much elastic, which niliualltccs llie loin; ite ol the Piano. W.THESTIEFF- is ncrlcctlv made. When that is said o,i tisl ion in every detail is implied leinis to suit von Seuit I' r illioOr.tcci at.ll.iUllc. ( H AS M MM I I F. !l N. I.ihcily st.. I'..iliiiin.re, Md. .V.lsliiuKlnll, .VJI Klei'lltll st., N, W. Oi l H I v. lit jfii'-'U "" "Kil idUd luii'i"iuii'i, r.-.ir I.I.-H-I ii.... ii. ay i "i. " W rtls JOHN i. ....I...... .... , . ' ' V..v. V?,liliiU I,, i .. I T Ih. lr l.s.i j.rlso u.toi ,ii'il illl.r lo liuii'lri"! I.i'euuou. wkuiisi, I'lKlFHSSIOXAI. (M.'i.s. 1AMSS . KCI.1.KS, WAI.rKn K. DAS'lBl M U L h K X 4 DAN K I. ATTORXEYS AT l.AU Wbldon, N. C. Fi-tetteeln theeonrtsof HslinnsmlNorlhunii il mill HI lhe.siliri.ll. no reuei.u nil.. ..i....D .....i.. In .lli.nriM.if North t'sri'titia. Brliieholttce t Hslilai. N. C.,o.eu every M..u 1y )lt. T. 'I T. UOS.S, 'i'ffi Hi DENTIST Weldon, N. C. J(Sroniee over Emry Pierce's store. ll)-19-ly. )R W.J WARD.;;- Snrieon Dentist, ENFIFXD, N. C. laOffioe over Harrison's Drug Store. y li Q Q7 m kesi iP H 1 1 1 c23 13 u u Iksa toss Efa O Pl 1 BEN AND THE NICKEL. The Story of a Little. Messenger liny Who Was True Id His .Mulher's Teaebini,'. Tick, licit, lick! went llm wire. It. n whs miit) to hear it, (or lie knew it meant a telegram which lie must deliver, us all the oilier iiiess.'tio.T I) i's were mil. A bitter wiu'l wa hluwin. with a sl i ly r.iin and iIm iiicssiilio whs lo be t.il.cii a luiln i viv. to iiillli I'uric live- Mile. I'jf the lime lii.i s r.'.mt ojn.n. il llie dour al lliai number l! ri was very eulil. A lilile iil .1 irl. 1 into llm ball. I v iii like il I i in 'i :n 'lit, -lie siiiil. Hill l i . i ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 bi'.inl iiii'l ciiinc In r.i 'l .i I H. U bile she read the tuesi-iiue Ildi I over llie rojistiT, with lliu warm air rii-,.r.;: no all iinni'id I'lui. l lie lady took a litilc c iiu IV mi lo r ;se iiimI Inn, led to 1 1 i til without I.iiA- H al It. I liis is 5 cciiIh, ilmt you may ride iu ie cur, she sahl kindly, uen did nut k cither, but thanked li,-r clasj.in it bis iniiicned liimd. On the cir he hiiniltd it to ihe cun- Inclnr, who returned D.) cctils, remark- 'I his is the change of your j;oid lolliii." n al ciice knew the lady had jjiven to him in mistake I'or 5 cents, lie thuuhl of all the nice marbles, af s and enndy this would buy. Then he reiueinbereJ his mother nt nie, who woikel sih.irl ami loved tin so il' itiiy his U"ar ni ither, who live Ii i in iiLicuuical tiicli tiniriiint' whin went lo bis work and always said, Will the "ood hold help uiy liltlo boy be lionest and truthful today?." lien sto'icd the car and ran so swiftly lack ib.it lit: was all rosy and red y the time ,'lllllJ was reached. The manservant did n I understand s i X,l,in;:lli li. Hut llie lady who I.e. ml iiu In in tile Mllilljliii In did fur she had already ilbcovcrcd In r mistake. iv seemed so pie ncd with 15 in and ked him ail about his nn tlier and pnnu- isctl to (jive hers. .me sewin;; which Would pay very well. ie said with such a nice lauob: litre is uiiiiihi r nickel. It is due you, lor you lu-t ihe first in biininj my itM lihirback." Win n li. u ihut t.ifl,t ate the litilt ake ins innt her luxl tiaKetl lor liini. lie as hap icr than he would have been ith all the marliles, ciiudv and apples a Hold tlullar cnuld buy when thai dollar was let liubtfu lv bis to sp'tid ('. (). Ni tiii.iil.aiu in Out Little Ones. itr.t' L'SKD Tin: witoxo oxe, 1 m vi r tefu.-e Ihe plcn of a bear," Has a liailitii; unmticr ol congress Ymi iniisi uut use my name and adver se nie as a philanthropist, for I mil not It is imply a matter of necessity with me am I'blioed to nivo so;uethiui to every i'0;ar, or I could nut sleep at tiihl. 1 made n bad mistake ura", and 1 would it her (;ive occasionally to the uiiwvrlhy inn lo ever deny assistance to tl worthy. Once upon a lime I was in St. Louis on business. It was winter, and you know how cold that town can be when it tries ard I was mil on the street at 1 1 o'clock one hitler i.Lht when a chap struck m r a .lune lie was poorly elail, looKeu liutirj- and sick, I eulit to have batdid out llie money at onco. I was just brut enoutih nut to do it. lie followed mo a hundred feet, begoini: and pleadini; und I 6nally threatened to have him airesled He turned away with a sob iu his throat, and I weul on to the hotel. "There was a big snowstorm that nij;l . - . i . i 1 1 iiiul next tni'Mino nicy munu mm iu lrili I'ti zcti siark and stiff 1 saw the body and reeiieiiized It. J he pale lace was inclnd und drawn with huiiper ami sulli iiiiL'. and the eves Wi re as wide open as yours, orcut bin blue eyes, sunken hack in iheir sockets, and stilling at me Iu an awful way Ye sir, they seemed lo le tautened on me alone, aud to follow nie it I moved vYIien 1 heard ear diivcis draj men bootblacks und newsboys savin;; how isladlv he)' w.'Uld have ejvcu llm poor wrcleh a no uli r hi Imv loduini! and I n rj...tlt..i HWSV l.-e.lilL' that 1 Was a llllll d.rer li hint in mure ih.ni I can till you 1 iloii l W illi to I'e iiiki-u lor nuns. I (live toMitne who are, no t. ubl, undi S'pinn, 'ml I take ui v ciiauci s oil mat . ... i . . . .i . That thin); lists like a nmriler on niy c inv n nee, and n iihinu like it shall hap pen aii iiii " t. Paul lilobe. MllKK t't'RATIVE rilWF.H Is coll tained iu a bottle of Hood's Sarsap.irilla than in any oilier similar preparation It costs the proprietor and manufacturer more. It costs the jobber more and il worih more lo the consumer. It lias record of cures unknown to any oiher prepaialion. It is the best to buy b cause it is the Oue True Blood Puiifi. r, II null's I'll. l.s are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. (j.nili reliable, mre. CA8TOI1IA. ftifie ilmili (lUIUt f li n r!P. FAILED TO; KEEP PROMISE. A liiiinesiic Trasejy in Which the Husband Was Ihe Villain. "Harry," said Mrs Ilartlcijih, the other muriiirijr, with a serious look upou her face; "are you sure that you love me the same as you did before marriaffe?" "Why you little simpleton," exclaimed Mr. IIartleii.'h, oerilly pinching his belter hall "s bewildering little chin; "what a ipn siion! Of course I do." "And ymt will keep all the promise you make to me?" "llelijiiollsly." 'And whatever I ask of you, )nu will do?" "Yes; that is to say, darling, evenlhino iu reason," "Ah, iu our ciiri-liip days you never thought of reason." "N i, probably n it," said Hairy wilh a smile that bore mi it the border of cyni cism "Xo, dear, of eiuirse nut." "Then why do jon now? Alas! I fear tint you do not care as much lor your Mamie as yuu used tu do." "Noiismse, darling! I meant any thing that is possible for me to do." "And you are sure, Harry, that I inn never out of your mind?" That you are always thinkini! of .your pel? ' "You are never out of my mind an in stant while I am away, and when I am asleep you are always with nie in my dreams." "And, Harry dear, can I tru.-t yuu?" "Always, darliiis;, and with anything. Of whom do I think or care eieept your sweet sell?" "But then, men arc so chaueful." ".Some men, darlin;;; but not your lovitio husbaud. You will ever fiud me e same, always true to you, always eepiu you in my thiamins, always bent upon pleasing you, always ready lo re- pond lo your behest" "Ale you sure, Harr)?" 'Sure." ' have a great favor to ask of you, Harry." "Oh, that's il; well; it is (.'united be fore it is asked." Harry, my love be carelul how y u promise recklessly. It is no common lino I am i;oino to ii-k of yen." "It makes no dilfeMiee what it is, iriirn;, you have my promise "' "You may think me fooli-li, ILirv. but this is-sueh an awful thin.' to ask ol you." Vwful? Why, what in the w. rhl in it be? Yuu arouse my cii'iiMtv. emu, dear, nut with it " "Well, dear, you are sure ton won't thiuk me unreasonable?" "Not u bit? ' "Not exacting?" "Xix?" "Don't trifle, Harr); this is a serious matter. "Serious? Yuu don't mean ihatjou have been coukiDo sotncthiiie.? " "What an idea! No." "Or that your mother is coming to live with us?" "Harry, you know better thau that!" "Then for heaven's sake, tell mo what it Is. will, lint d n't start, and don't refuse me. Here is a letter, dear, that I want you In mail. It is important. Now, ymi won't forget it, will you ?" Yiu silly iiille joose! And it is nnly this? Why didn't you tell me al once ? Ol course I will do it. I'll put it in the box at llie c irner as I o bv " "And you will not forget to do it ?" ' Forget ? Impossible." "O Harry, you don't know what a id you have taken off uiy miud. Here it is, now be sure." They embrace and kiss, and Mr Hart- igh goes off with llie letter in his hand si as to he sure not lo lorget to mail it , and his little wifegoessingingabout the house happy in the assurance that she has a husband whom she c an Iru-t. In the evening, .Mrs II art Icigh, after lb eustin ary gnciing, discovers du-t on lo r husband's coal I'roceediii.' lo dust il iff will) her ban I, she perceives that llute i. s.'iiietliin ' in his breast ii u ket "What h ive you then?'' she aks. .Nullum.', thai 1 kuow 1 1, Harry r.'p.ies Kill in i'ii.iiii''.i 1 1 y lie iiirust in hand into ihe pockel and dl.lBS seine ihinjibenee ith the exela i aii n " H) It i- tint Icti.r which he 1 r.iuii.-cd lo mail His little wile burs's into tears. "0 Harry!" she cri.s; "mother lold ihenutb The men are all alike My dream happiness is over. My husband has Droved lalse Oh, why was 1 ever boru?" Mrs Ilarlhigh did not go home to her mother, bill in a few d iyi she ap penred on ihe street in a new seal sicqtie and a perfect love of a bonnet Boston Transcript. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ilmlli iwrr iFP MUSIC AS A PANACEA. Il Is Claimed by Physicans Thai .Melnjy lias a Curative llffect. After the water cure we now have the music cure, and the French and (ii riiiau pap. rs are devoting much atletilion to it. It is seriously prescribed as a cure for nervous diseases, and it is claimed that il can remove s iinc maladies in ihe space of a lew Weeks. It is also averred ihat a musical hospital is about to becstalili-hed in Munich, where the pitients will be rigulailyilos.dat propir intervals with iiisiiumetiliil and vocal mii-ic The id. a that music can cure diseases nf ihe b idy isby no melius novel. Every body admits that singing prs-i sses alums! II inaojeal power. It was by i nciin! at ioll , iiruuiiii.iitii.il by the strongest instru- mi nis, that llie sorcereis of iinliiiiit) leiparid iheir charms and tin ir evil d. ings. liy playing ihe hari David soothed llie sadness of Saul. i'fe belief that singing cures not only the ills of the mind, but also the maladies of the body, ha.-been perpetuated till the present time. At the end of the eigh- teeuth century Princess Belmont Pig- natelli, the patroness of ail luleuls, and particularly musical talents, became ill. She was visited by Chevalier Ha a", the celebrated singer, who happened lo be in Paris at that lime. Xo sooner had he come into her presence than she becged him to sing au airetle. The singer ciinseiitul, nud those a piece by Ilasse called "The Saxon." While he was sitigitig the lever ot the princess ceased completely. Her medical at- teudaut, who was present, said lo her, poiulitig, to the arii.-t: "There, madam, is your real doctor." The Journal de Palis ol April 15, 1788, from which is story is taken, adds that the princess was completely cured altera few visils from the Chevalier Baal. According to The Juiirnil Kucyelope diipte, 177(1, Dr Duval cured a woman sixty years of a:e who was striekened wilh paralysis by making her sing Christmas hymns. Of course nobody can guarantee the iiuih nf lio se siaiiueiiis, bin it is beyond a doubt, for all that, that sin.'ing has an extraordinary infl.ieuce over a t'reat many people 'i his is proved by ihe daily expoiieiice thai evcrjbnrdy is aiile to verily wiih facility. It i by singing that men cngagid in heavy w-.rk ligh:en their burdens, The song id a nurse soothes the pain of the child ciiiiis its iu. patience and often communicates to it, a g iyety which is clearly attested by smiles Homer and Plutarch lill in that the aneienls had a hal.it of shitting at the cud of each ui. al, iu i r.lei to dissipate, or at Ica.-t n dure ihe effects of wine. According to Ualiiul, ningiug has the iffecl of calming ie furies of intoxication. Why not go far back? At uu time was the power of singing more clearly demonstrated in all its grandeur aud lat than during the French revolution. Men dangerously wounded performed acts ot Inroisn while singing "llii Marseillaise" and such today is the power of certain songs upon men of most healthy minds that every time liberty is presctibed ihe songs are fordidden. Mu-ic, therefore, has an incontestable influence upon the human organism. But is this iufl icnce great, enough tu turn it. in certain eases into a curef Ihat s pneisdy what lie experiments to bt tried at Munich will tell us in a few years. An aliuiist doctor, on being ciuisulti d on this subject, showed less kepliei-in than was ex'.iected lor him. .11 the hos Hal of Ea t-altpeiriere, lor xati'ple, it was riniaikd that the concerts given bv the l.yonnit brothels had a most benitieial cff'ct upon certain subjects. W ho, thereli'ie can foresee the results that may be obtained by a skilful manipulation of musical performances? No" concluded the duct T "iu regard to mental miladies we mu-t uevcrue either ton skeptical or too affirmative: 'A grain Iv s pirites ro.unn from madness' Who can say that a musical t ph)r may n t be powi I fill enough to blow away the grain and allow reus m t I dissipate in. iinii).' -New York Sun A WISi: IMtlil'ALTION Nits Hilling toll .Mr. ltilli dm w.f tlie uiuii i t' our liou .l:.l ..l ...T lt1I.it... " .l,,l.litV i-til "IS iinrier .ever lei your moiner snow aooiit this It would be a terrible .hock t I,,.,. Now run awav and plav like little bey t leveianu jieauer. I'llH (IV '.It Kits' t'V VKAKM Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup hasbeen used for over filly years by millious of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soolhes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bolile. Beeuro and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth ft kind. ' Nearly everything is subject to anger. Si mctime even river ill foam at ue j uout'i. OTTUMWA'S B..AS BAND. It Seemed as Though lis Members Would Never Stui tinning. Comedian Willani II. Crane says thai the greatest brass I and ihut ibis euumn ever knew was an organization in Ottum wa, la , many year., ago. ''I've bcaid llilinore and Suii-a, ami all Ihe rest," said Mr Crane r. ivntly, "Ion (licit bands couldn't be compared with that prairie nggngaiii u fur a ummciit. "Ill lliytllellllic.il sa!sil ll.l): when I was niiii'h yoiini r lii in I inn now 1 was hying In pilot n company i f thespian blight liohls ihinuglioul ihe wesN rn provinces. Business was bad and our treasury was low. Al Oiluimia the theater orchestra had s Mini soil of a grievance agaiust the iiiiiiiagciii' Ut and dc- iininded pay in ailvane.... 'I'he tln ulir refused, and our urgaiiigiiinn was not financially in a posiiion lo discount the future (ot a siti"le moment. So I stalled out to fiud nunc sort of music, if possible, to tide us over. I finally succeeded in ge!- ting the Otltiiuwa brass baud to arec to play three selections in trout of the theater before the performance in return fir free admission lo the show, "The bund shewed up on time, cariied out its part of the contract, and went into the theater, I was on the door that ninht, and by and by I was struck by the fact that the Ottutuwa brass band must be one of the most remarkable musical organizations iu the country. Kvery minute or two B iiucbody Would enme up (o Ihe door Willi a brass horn unuer ins arm, wave it at me and sail on into the tin aler without a word. After I bad passed in Olty or sixty musicians in this way 1 began to grow a trifle suspicious, and stopped an old granger who was carrying a big luha. "'Excuse me, sir,' I remarked, 'but doyi-u play in ihe band'.'' Nope,' he answered. " 'What are you doini; with that horn then?' I a-ked. " 'I'm goin' In go in on it if I can, lie replied, candid.)' "Wlu.su is it?' I inquired " 'Biiiiinid if 1 know.'' b,: said 'A feller outside tlieie give it to nie, aud said I could get in with it ' "I left the door and stepped inside the tbcaier j.ist in time to sec one of the band boys drop another born out of a window into the hands of somebody ou!- side in the alley, "As nearly as I can calculate, the Oltuuinu brass baud that tiiubt must have had more members than Gilmore or Soma everdiriclcd at one time." Chicago Times-Herald, WONDKIIS "What makes you so fiiiet, Feny? Are you wondering what you will say to your wife when you get home?'' "No, I was wouderiug what she would say to me. Cincinnati I'iiiqnirer, DIDN'T PASS. "Why can't you get an accident insur ance) Gruuidy?" Because they say I'm too stiff to dodge bicycles Detroit Free Press. Hoses are books withiu whose leaves is found the honey of nature's thought N K W AD V KltTISlCMENTS. AKlN POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its creiit leavening strength and healtlil'iilness Assures the fund a 'aiust uliini and all lorms of adiilterutum com moil lo the cheap brands. HIIVAI. IIAKINII I'OWIlKIt CO , NKW VOUK a 1 ' Cl.i' CUKItll tlLLU AfSU HUU iLilULi "! I r. j. . 1 ?M&.TS.2!'" I ill M-IIU LITTLETON, N. C- llaving recently furnished my shop with a irood screw cutting engine, lathe and other machinist's tools I nm prepared to repair Engines, cotton gins, saw mills, and other machinery. 1 keep a supply ot PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS Globevttlves, Check valves, Injectors, wa ter gauges, gum packing, etc. Cane mills $14 to tit), Eviiporiiiors$UI, Ilulh Tubs, $7.50. Tobacco Ordarers a specially. Give me a trial Siitisfaetion guaran teed. J. U TATE, Littleton, N. 0. - jy8m. Tin aIiiiia inn J- L lUIHIIU OllUfl, TATE ADVKRTLSKMKXTS. IIEIIOIC. An epiilcinh! pr.-v.tili'tl hi Plymouth, Pa., und iiit ho violent that the town wnt uIiuimI ilt'i iinalffl every one fled that could gut ttwny, -x'e-itJn-j lhne Who lii'i-oictlly iletcrmiiH-d that duly required their preM-nce to tninm their futnllicH fiiH cimihitt the diseue. Ileioex wliit tKtt l:il(lM and dettrfiy uruiien, dcMolutu Ihuim-h und cruh na tlniiH are hiitded to the hUWh, hut tliere leamilhei- ItiroUui th;it n tit mi Id never he foi'Kotleii, thill u ltieli tdafuLt at Ihe lied Klde defying (htliiti' himI dentil, ttitolhln the Hiilt'eii i-, Huvh devotion wild nliowo III I'lytnoiitli, und tlieTell (ientroyer wan noun diiveii h.tek. mid heiilili milled uiion the dootned town once more. II, Mi.; in imr oifr i.it i ;ip;ti ity its Pirm-Ill-is '1 l!u' I'lyiiMiifli lli-.ii;i! l.i.mmiticc li-l'll A--Ur, fi, H".t ,ln jtnVi.' ill: t'llfl'livt'- m-s- oi in. my 1 1 rt- ifiil :irti:Io lo lie 'ivcd as ilititi" i.iuN in mi i.rnnnis iiiul (tic-V'-fii, ch nf intci. lit ii. fever1, rejtort lti.it J'.u l'ys. J'MH.hyl.n tir, Muid li.is, ben th-T-oui;nly ic-tetl -lunnn tin- recent Ty Dlioid ein.leih.t hi tins -,1m e It (troverf mu-t tll: e.ui"ii in si.tj ni-j, tlie s(re )fJ nf iht; trvr. F M. Axmvii'G.vo, . M. l)Avi:M'OitT, ) A fipi', O M. Lanch, 1 in is. Klj:i:. James Lhh, Jh. Several f,f t!ic le.idint; nt':r( hanls of Ply rri'iiiili, whd li.td enses of ihe fever in their families, wlio arc personally killer) to me, used U.trhys Frojiliylatlic Fluid . t" llicir entire salisf.ictii.iii and have given tlie best (if tt'stimnnials to tliat eflect. It is a most effective preparation. It should be iKcd in every Jioujte as a preventive frum Ty phoid Fever, or in any case where a di infectant is needed. 1 would recommend it lu everyone, having had a good oppor tunity to know its excellent qualities. G. H. Fhindlh, Hospital Steward. Wanted-An Idea a Who ran think tlilue to Datcnt? some it mule Protect yotir Idean: thev may tiring you wealth. Write JOHN WtbDEKUt'HN CO., Patent Attor neys, Washington, I. c, for tbelr prtso offer aud list vi two Uuudrod liiveniioua wouted. 0 rn A r 1 1 1 V The EXC KI.SIOl! l'KINTIXG COMPA NY olliee is uew ami complete and con ducted by UD-to-date printers Wedonot date hack to the time of Miithusala. when elephants roosted ill trees and leathers grew on hogs. OCIiSISAS KXTIlilXY NEW OFFICE new machinery and new typu. No par eels ol old decayed and discolored papers, and no ancient styles of type thit have dull and wri'ikled faces, caused by long service iiiul old aae. We Imve the materi al that must insure work with a business like twinkle. Your letter and bill bends, statements, circulars, poslal and husiness cards, are your spokesmen wherever they go. They either aid you or discredit you. They re- Heel the businiss idea ot the man or lirin and show the character and individuality of the article or husuless advertised. LET CS HAVEYOl it NEXT OliDEKS FOIi l'lilXTIXU. MAIL OHllEKS I'KOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. - . : Excelsior Printing Company WEI.DON, N. C. American Traveler Bicycle It Pan that allele, t'jl'ih tnl hlchly (lolstia4 ippe.nnce. iou can t.ll them .nywbtrt It's (Iclofe of beauty and s rtnlh. It bat mora nal Itcful Improvements ttt.n any hlgn-sradt BIcycM ID the market. iuilt by Amerioan B. H. 0. 12 Sewing Machine Co. factory, 20th an.1 V'aehlneton Ava., I'rillactulpiiiu. Pa. REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES KEAMEU, Prop. Howard & Baltimore U., Baltimore, Ml. TEKMB tt Par Baf. Hp 10 ly. xf LO., IbooKseWfcxs. . 8 FROHNeSS GWtN ALL ORDERS I v !! BlDeRiflEB CemeBlf Lime Worts Maniifaeturenof H1.UE KIDOE HYDRAULIC ROSENDAIE CEMENT. Omranter-d almoin teljr hydraulic. We quott price dellveiM'd at uny yaiil In ihe Ponth. All Come tit tented, and strennlh. utiifi.ra!'? tu rolor, btinkinirftud grinrtltiR gruiinutleHl. V r'te fur pftTM P O. ftdtlrtw hll'K KllMiE BPHINUS, VA. Tolrapk llu lU, V. mtpUif. dee SO It.