1 5""t'iir:. w-.-' S PvS irwft ?fsNs. 1 1. t r i last : A V !t'.ia c. -:.r.:i 'S si &i mm -i . tin i . v.;- V "ttEJSi JOH'JST W. SL33DO-E, I'KiiI'kiktok A. 1ST ID "W S P A P B R FOR T II ID I3 ".E O F T. E TEI-MIS:-?1 -r, anmw. in aih amk VOL. XXXI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEMIUAUY 4, 1897. NO. 1!. A I V KUTISKM liNTS. MARRYING FOR MONEY. JUST SAY "YUNO." BORN UNLUCKY. A WOMAN vS LOVL. ADVKHTISHM KNTS. I .7 -.:r y v . .. . v DVKRT1SKMKNTS. PR UN EL I HE iTmb Murk R..H -ml I THE IDEAL LAXATIVE Ami 'uri' C'r pn-C 0 N S T I P A T I 0 H " . ,?. U ii:.uiil it hum y iiimI mi re i tm lir -tillniM'Ns, 1 1 fail ar hr, IY ci , ioi;i;irli 1 n.uMr. llowi'l hrraiirmcnu.l hi t liiH'iii'f. 'i' U liitn;it'!t, li'i i ulai il . iiiihicy I'nniMrN. klu and Ilium! U .inl.l'.. (! v rj m ty "tli'T ili-.-i'..' :iii i .'ii;.;i, nii-i. . ,j . , f 1 , i- iitnt'l U i' Hi.- uw - - PRUN KIN Vn.-s- (,, nil iiii'H'llt ('111 II-'- ll lh.in:rilv rl,..,li-rs H llhntll Klll'IIHf, .Htlll 111- M-mhI Mhl r, in ... nil wti-tf In'lil Hi.' -h in It .m - h..v ni CASTOR OIU SALTS ll tl- Mrti .n ! ''Hi1 I ii l1 if.'.. II ' " 1 '".ItTHI - .I'l Hi .. (,fl!,,. ;sl.MH. K" I' the U:-h t u -! t1- t i :lt'lt llli'l HU l'.mrm..l', UMIl,' I 11" N l.l.l M'. f..r ihi' Irtllrr I.llll"-'-. - ,. . ill1 U III" r iT'M mm ;-: .-I .(! ll ' WlNKl l-MAS'N V UKoWN I lLl i H 21 lv. HUDSON'S 17 M.iin st,, X.iilnlk. V.i. UDIES' fiNO GENTLEIYIETJ S DKiING i:oo.. am, mi:m.s ;-, i i:n is. srui'Assi.sc curFi:i: a .sv.-cm.') J. li. Hl'll-ON, I'luprirlur. Till' Hist (if Km h lliniL' in S, i-r,:i ui't 10 1T. 0. II. MALIC. HAM1AX, y. Carries ('nil Vine Dry Goods, Notions, Boots simi-H (iliocKiMKs, i:tc. Airrn! for ST A X I) Ui I) SKWINii M C'lllNKS. t';ni Miruisli any p:irt kiln! nt in;icliiiii' :it short nolict. SohI pwUl rani litr illutr itiir p.tit t inuliinc you have atnl will naiiK1 iiricciui piri'e m-t'ili'tl. I rarrv a lull linv Coffins & Burial Cases. tiivc in a trial whvn in nr. ,1 f mi. tiling 11 v 7 lv. W. T PARKER, , IlK.M.KIl IN v Heavy AND Fancy GrocorlG Farm Implements. '1H rOUNI) SACKS 01' SALT TO! SI. II) l'KKSACK. KRrnrrwt nrirm iiml ivilitr nttrilt'.Mi In nil! at 1 l.v. Aj SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. ini M1DKI. P DESIGNS rrfT1' COPYRIGHTS AO. Anyone nnillrur H rtotrh sti.l i1TliMr.n nmr quu'klr wrtln, frru, wImhIht hii IlvimiIi-.u ii Jr(ttnliv (Ht nut A tilt). ('imiimitil'Mim Ptrl.llf tuiitKkntiHl. tllilcH aiiMicy f-rtt i'iiritnf I'uii-ni hi America. W lmvrt a Hfh.iiL'l-'ii utln-.-. I'nt vTttn tnfc-n ttmuh Mut.u A CO- txlf fwitU uutiou Hi tlio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, hoiuitlfitllT illiifitrAtPd, Uwt rlmiHtion of hiiv ttcumtittp luiinml. wi-t'kiy.ti'niii-l' i'1 h vi-nr; II hi nil niunfhu. "-('f.'itii. n c.l.' mi.UiAhU MUNN & CO., 301 Uruadwav, New Vort. Professor Jos, Harvey's ll.iHtion.il. It m tlir uiily nirtl purii ver,rlull(. Iilwiil nirilirinr mi tlir mar ki t It rritiilalis anil rlrntnrs 111' livrr. l rt-lml lil-IM ami Ileal ilio-a"! klilnr, iMMnUi the urinal i.r.im til a wnnil. rr.il in inner, rnrr chill an I l. vor, ratarrli in its lirat -,t;iKi', tilrrrn, w.rrs nl Imn! "taml inn. auls iliuotimi. rrratm apprtitr utrt-iitfthena the wmk ami l.uiKiiiil, nivo tone nml viirar til tin. whole rvmU'IU. i one ntioulrl he without it. Oilire anil Laboratory a" Church "trwl Norfolk, Va. Wrl'lilCi: oil CKN je ll ly. V. M. IIAIII.ISTON & CO., Wholesale an.l Retail Dealwn in CAKl'KTS, STOVKS, and Mttxri, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLI8T0NCO., N. tO M. HjeMDOnBl., PUrbur, Va. v. 1 I rtnum I'NKXl r.i.i.i:i kjiliiifiiil & TONIC, iif c orn is a vigorous feeder and re- j sponds well to liberal fertiliza j titin. On corn lands the yield ! increases and the soil improves i if properly treated with fer- tihzers containing not under I 7" actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but little and is sun: to lead to profitable culture. All .tlmut I'Ma-li-M,- r-sii,is ,,f if, iisp bv nttlml ex. ii'ii.Ti, nil 1 li i' !,--! I inn. in li,.' I'niK.-il i:e ji ui in .1 Ini,' I k wl'i. ll I' ll nii'l will mnillv lite I , ;t!iy l.uriii't i:i A'i'Mi. i v, in, u .1 win,- lur it (il.KMAN I. M l AKk, ijj N;i;,a.Hl New VorL. III.V lint liiriin-y Pi S.ish, 1 ' ! i ii Is anil Duor-, itin! a litit- nt' HARDWARE, PLUMMF.R & WHEELER, ri:ri:i;-un: i, va. my in ij-. miiiieiils aafl Tomh inNiiiss m;n r i-t;i:i:. In xtfiliui; ivi' s niii' liit as t prit-.i ;hnl sUtc .i'i- nt" ilc'-r iM-il, l, H(.i. r -1 4K h hi tlir south COUPER IB'.RBLE WORKS. i l--iiil,H--'.,-l l-l. i to in:: li.nik N.iriulk, Vii. n.iv .' ly Twin City WELDON, ll. C. u'l line I'ANt V o lit KT.I'i I'.-. I'KI ITS, ailil Cotllivt loll,'! Irs. Sicrlim -ot i ' ihli.r.iia Urii ! I'miN. rrtttio lYa, In , i ,' . tr. I n, I Inn- oi -4 French - Caniies Crytalir l i nit. t'l.Min Alinouilsaiiil M.iitiinalloH. Aurtits lor l'lcisrhinan'. niiiiii'rsM-il yeast BUSTER PURNELL, Mnar, rl l.i II. . 1 Staintak, WELDON, N.C. Ilralcr In eneral Merchandise A;rnt lor Ihrr.l.l.iauilZ li.l.KK MiOS. an.l HA V s I A I l. Sliot.rs. Ilavr al. a.U. il t" my t.'k a nice lin CLOTHING. for M I'.S, Voi ril'Sain! ClUMiKKS. V nil! lm .,1 MaMCiSLtS I U..1L. Mwav o t h..'i lor 1. (die . .i d I. HIS 4ile-. ' t, nits iiv d ' K NICK MKAU.SK ATVul liMS.'lHAl Mr T II T.ivlor. MfVonliatupb'iuim IV, in with me til I will hf pha-eil to h s irietid-s N. SfAIN lAt'K- THE KERN FURNITURE CO., il 1)1,1 Mnrkct s,umv. X,.rf.,lk, V. Baty Caniaies, Refriierators, nn. I lull linr of Kiirniiiire. ,r io ly. MARKET CREEN CR0CERIES To all my I'rirn.l-: I huvo ujirtitfil MAKKKT at the olJ "DrlmoDi" stan.l. LlSTofAUTICLKSKKI'Ton II AND: leirSlall U.i l', Mi I''1'1' received daily, Pork Sjumh.'.', Calibac, Potatoes, Kic. C. Gh EVITS, Wrldutl, N. C. opr I tl. USER i B. P HALE. WM.MSM, I'rotirietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. . - IlllTII ON AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Unim Btn, NORFOLK, YA. SKW A ! i i , i l.-I.M i-. , i.- 'TI3 LOVIi THAT riAKI-5 THE WORLD (iO kv)t'ND." Sim' pi-tiple think nimicv !s a vu-aXtT pn.vrr t!i hi nvv, till! Whit n mi-lake I Si'c Innv ihi- vu-.ii t'l-.iH'V kini' t aic cull Irolhd hv tin- hrh- h..y I. U1M.I ! Sei- hnw th trir.it .i.l lit r a-i'l im-n of powvr are twNtnl aii'iriil hi- little luitft rs ! A wont ill's iiinl pnfiinn pus-it'tinn is th' cap u'itv fur aw.ikcniiii; pine ami nohle ltiv. Mure pof-iit than v it ur icU-lltu-t in th.- w.mi.mlv rapacity fr happy wifehood aii't mntlK-rh'i.i.l. A wnm in wlin is weak nr iH;tasi1 in the special organism nf her sex is ileprivetl of tin- poivcrati'l proline which naturally lie limi; to her. Sm-h liouUes are tmt a iie-CL-ssitv. r-.'tfi'ct health ami tiemrth of the fciniuitr nr.inisui is in"urel bv proper care aiiti tin: nuh alTordeit by enlinliteiied medic il seiftK'c. Dr. Pierce's l-'avmitc Tre srripti'in cures all wrakne.'s and diseases of woman's special organism. I r near! v v years Or. Pii-rcf has been chief ciMiHiiUiii'4 plivieian to tile Invalids' Hot"l and Surgical Institute, of UurVkUo, N. Y, ,'o oiIi-T phy-ieiaii has had a moie cxtensivf pr.vtice or grrat'-r Micct" in the treatment ( women's li-. a.rs. No oilier Rudi perf 'et and si' titific remedy fr thene ailments li e. ever been devi-ed. It lias re stored heallh -'.i .'ntli and unmanly power to t-ns nf tii-m-.md- ..f w nien. Vt' i'il' ll w!i wieild imd- r-it iil'l their own powers and p js iiiiiiitii s ho-ald read Doctor Fierec's th'ti: ; md paye illtt-tratcd book. "The I'eople's 0'oinnou Sense Medical Advi'fr." It i-; the ni"-t inlm-stim; and rnliirliteiiinvr b..ok of the kind wtv pub-lis!)-, d. A paper - biiind copy will be sTit absolutely free to unv mie setidinif ji one C"!i! st.imns to ti ivili ' co',1 of iiiailimv on v. Adliis, WmtM-s I)isp,.,i4,ry Medic il As. siiei.ition. Hud'do. V. l',r a handsoun cloth bound copy send st.imps. t r -V tn.A 4 M-1. '' i i ' 'A ' We're onourvay - The Hustler! who Sells the CHEAPEST and BEST Dry Goods, GROCERIES, Sir(l- Amiliini You Want "yin -:I11"S (JOT IT.:- Khli.hl, N. C. i . ml li i..ii Is a Well Mdile I'ianu t an lol ., t 'liti "ii h..s , n that rvtry ile I. l'l is lioil, ilonnl'i the sues, ll is i.ls .11 V ,U.O 1 i,,,HS:0l WOoll ll.,kS til, i : s,. . ,t .u.il i.il, ..hi. li mas s tin ' UO'll , I 1st II'. ..Il'ill I'll -i. in s ihe Ion, 0,r ol ttiC 1', M.Tm sti. rF si .s p. rl'.i't.y oi ... 'A t i ,i is s.iio II. lll'Cll ,1 IO ' i, i.. .oi .i is lllj,:. 0 lino- to suit .,,.11 lo 1 1 1 1 .ten O-iloiil,. I 1 1 A S I M Oil . !l S. I i '" i v s ilaiti..,,,!,'. Mo Wisiio;lo;l, 4l l.i ,' n si.. .. licl H ly. I'Hot'tysl'iX.tl. I'AKI's. inm a. Mi-i.i.lis. w a i.tkr nsii 0 L L K N A D A N I K L, A TTOKXKYS AT LAW, W'KUMlX, S. C. Warttreln ihe-'ourisof Million iiulNorthamr" , i 4ii.t hi ihe stipri'iii, oi'l .'.', lent! i ciirli.. Col ."li,,nm't.' I" silo, -is. ,( North rurnlnn. manchotlic l IWofst. S l'i .'very Mon . ii.ii i D It. T. T. l!iV DENTIST Wehlon, N. C. JnTOnVe over Km ry ,1 l'icrce'sstoro. 10-lflly- J)R W. J WARD.i;:- Snrpn Deilist, CK fFfflP1 "T W W ENFI1XD, N.C. .Office OTtr HArriaon'aDragBtora. dec SU Ij. '.lever Hd'inse d' a Much Cnniemncj Mai liiBniiial Step. Am -in. i lie ittiti. ersurily liar li j u ilir "ii l.i- it 'ii .tine .1 miii tiiinian arti .ii nn;. In' i-lii--, il lliii iiiiivnwil Mvirn ix j r. , toward tlir "ill who marries for uiniicy Hum urn thus.: who do not he.-iia r lo draw the mint wliuilH com-nii-,iiis lii.t"eii sueli a jiirl and others of Ii, r s. x, says a writer in Topic. MakitiLTol love, so called a sort of lelieh, the world delies what is, ultrr all, I 'll an iu-tiin't, us lliu'ili it were a ur.itnlt-r, liucr thiii than eouraue or iroh iiy nV sell' deuial, or any oilier really lieamilul hiiinan trait. It Hollands any in-anity . in in i 1 1 ii in the name of love, pruvi'led nlwajs that the eonventtons are ohsrivcd. Lovo that leads to the degraded lil'e i f the tenements, to alliances with the diseased or morally weak, that throws away years ot Irainiiif! in an art or a scii nee, tli it breaks the liearH oT ,aretits ail of tl.e-e things, and ninny as mon strous, are excused il' only "love" is of fered as a reason for their doing. In a world like this, when', in spin1 of countless public and private charities I'.r the alieviaii in of their sufferings and the permanent bettering of their condi tions, thousands of helpless liltle ones ex piate by cruel suffering and acute wart their parents' scorn uf money coii.-id, ra li mis in in iiii ihiiii il alii, iimes, it cannot -ni'.'iy be wholly reprehensible to look wi,li favor on inotieyed alliances. Sentiment is, indeed, to be prefemd to , mildness, but the irl who decides for the decencies as well as the luxuries ol life, for hersell and any children that may be hotn to her, by chousing wealth in-ic.id of p'lveriy is not necessarily sordid, and, b 1 iniifiil thoiioh seutiuieiit may be, when to cherish il means inevita ble life in small, unwholesome quarters, (he hot, stuffy town for the children even in tle'ir critical second suimm r (since the liti !e borne cannot spare tin s, rviees . f iis mistress our is there am money 1. 1 sp ii'.' for the season's ueedol oiihiii;), wle'ii a- is usually the case senlitueiit iii '.nis all this fryhtful iliju tiec to liith , h 'Ipiess licitios, tbepiici too hi 'li, a., ! il ee is,. to he a virtue. CMAItl.l.s AMI MAKOAKKT. Charles Willi mi Perkins and Mai unlet IL pl.zib.ili Kissam skated rapidii I over the fn t, n surfii't' of the river. Charles William was in love wiili Maronn-t. Vor ls of burning passion 'rang to liis lips, hut instead (if paying love you," li" merely said: "Pints ke as il it would snow." She said she thought it would, but meliow this did u it satisfy him, lie im, ,l to draw h r to his heart, to hold n r in his arms Why should lie not do He had arms and the necessary uius- ular strength. Put bow was be to go bout ii? An idea caught him, and you may he sure it was a swi t one, for ' has. William was a rapid man on skates. Throwing out bis luinly right foot, be lily kickeJ Margaret's skates from un- Icr her. Oh. joy! Oh, rapture! Ile catches lur as she lulls and holds her in his arms Shclirsin his embrace without a strug le lias she fainted? Is she loi much ci -massed to speak? Will she turn upon id rebuke him for bis pcrfnlous conduct? lie almost wishes he had not done il. Yet be cannot drop his precious burden Oh, im! Charles William knows a good hing when he bus it, and in this ease. it leisl, he will h ild on until they have opped sliling and have recovered their lIllllC". At last they bring up with a jar iiiiist a bank. Ho tremulously ventures i look into her face. Will she ever forgive him? "I say. Charley," she murmurs, ' why li'ln't you do that half a mile back? DIDN'T KNOW HIS t'Kia.DS 11 .hop llid'. y ( K .is . .pal), of K. i icky. w'o'ii he w.i- liuii'ing and li-lun reeenilv, mm lot lie i.tj (in jt.uo of an olo to i'1'it lin-T, woo ti.ki ur-'iit fancy I. lain wi I) nit sispec'tng that he was tii-hop 'h" ' the nish p was about t lohotue h. invit'd I In-oil in iu to coin In Louis, t it- to he ir l,tiu I reach. "I'r .cli? Whni. you preach? Kit ioii. preach ei n, il ! you km shoo "it to r. . i . i. t one MinJ n ith v.o. host el.,' ti -, mil I'll give you n front seat. The old i hap w i" l,,ro, right up n fron . .iti'l irni.ilM,"! nmil the bitter eml alter which he bur. led f.rward to slink he nish oil's b hi. I 'Parson,' he crieit warmiv "I d oi t know a great de ab.nn y ur ere. ds nud d gmaiiees, bnt I've r I mil s t with you every time! 11 Wave. HI1KOVI.K HITV VKAKM Mrs. Winsl.,w's Soothing Syrup has been used for ovet filiy years by millions ol mothers tor children, while teething, with nerfecl stxvess. It soothes the clnlil soften! ihe uums, allays all pain, cur wind colic, in i is the hest remedy to Diarrhcea Ii will rcli, ve the poor lit r sufferer immediaicly. S 1.1 by druguists in every lrt ol the world 25 ceiim a bottle. He fure and ask tor "Mrs. Wins Ik ('.on JiKt'.r Will t'nitrstan 1 anj Ywi Will Nut 1I.IU' Anv Tmutlc. "A good story is told of a Chicago uieichiiiit," said the ambassador of a (jieater Xew V rk inercan'ile lions,., 'II.! had to o) unexpi cled to St I.ouis on aec'iiint of a lame diuk,' and meeting a drummer from that ambiiious and rather oiiy Missouri town, he said: ' 'How do you fellows nninaoe to f,"'t such cheap fares to distant p lints? I want to on to St Louis, but the price ia rather still'!' "'I'll lix that (or you,' replied the drummer, '(jive me 8.") and I'll enroll your name as a member of the T. H. A. Then you can travel wherever you like, free ' "The merchant gladly handed out his S.'), with it his friend secretly bought him a ticket to fit. Louis lie accompanied him to the train. 'Now,' said be, 'when ihc c inductor comes all you have to du is to move your hand across your mouth from ri;ht to left and say "Vuno" lie will then know you are a T. P. A. and you will have no further trouble.' "To the conductor, however, the drum mer said: 'That man with side whiskers is a harmless lunatic. Here is his ticket to St. L mis. When ynu come around h i will make this in ition a'nd say " Yuno." Just pass him and say notbiiiu'. lie likes to believe that is it mystic pus and which allows him to ride five.' "The plan worked to a charm and the merchant marvelled at the scheme which Hindu travel so easy and cheap. "On his return from St. Louis another conductor asked lor his ti :ket. " 'Yuno,' said the merchant, milking the prescribed gesture. The conductor didn't know, however, ami after several frantic attempts the merchant h id to pay his fare On his arrival in Chicago he hunied up his friend, the drummer. "Sa)!' he cried, 'what kind of a trick did you p ay nn? U hy, the plan didn't Work for a cent coining home!' "That's straugi,' replied ilie oiloi 'You must have made Hem mistake What did you do coming bad.?' "'Why, I made the puss wbh in. id acr.ss my mouth ands.ii ! ' 'I 'id you move your hand h Yuno!' oi il.i to leli' 'Yes, of course ' 'That's where you made il sec, you were coming back, and hoiild have i,as-cd your hand across ur moiiih from ! ft to riobt.' what 3 1 : wol ia do. She (bilding him goo 1 nijht a the clock strikes 12) I hato to have you o, Prcd. lie It won't b: for loug, d irlitig. She Y'cs, I know, but it is so dark lie I'm not afraid of the dark, dar ling. She I know yuu are not. Iu fact, you seem lo prefer it when you call on me. lie Well, don't you also? She Of course I do; but Fro 1, there areso matiy fiotp.ids ou the street at night that I'm afraid suuethin might bappcu to you. lie Oh, I'm not afraid. She Have you a pinto ? Ile No, not even a cine. She Suj.p sj a bid mm ahou'd stop you while on your way home, what would you do? He (bravely) -What would I do? Well, I'll tell you what I Would do, dirling: I would riu San Francisco Wave. in; AGiuaai with mat I am convinced," said the philo sophic housekeeper, "that this world is a gleat deal older than it is said tube It there had ever been any doubt in inymiod ou that point," replied the pro fessional boarder, -'tbese eggs wou'd have lispellcd it " Host . li Courier IM.II VSAN I' I.AHOll. "N.m. doesn't it tr..tible y m fir Jack to 'i iV" rl.-'.i 'ii it I s ii in liotli anils.' 'Well when hecilis 1 hive to do part of his w ok for him " ('hiesun Record SI KI'KISINd. "Liok, Herald! Your farther and Ci.p tain Armstrong an. giving Klla a lesson on the bicycle." "Yes, Mauiuii. ; but why does Klla ways fall ..ff on Captain Armstrong's 8.1. -Pi lull Can hk u.i. m hen your blood is pure, rich and nourishing for ncries and uiusclis The bio. d is the vital fluid and when it is poor, thin and impure you must either stiff r from dis tres-ing disease or you will easily fall a victim to snd len changes, exposltire, or ov, rw. rk Keep your blood pure with I Hid s N.r'aparilla and be well Hood's Pi. Is are the best after dinn pill; a sist digestion, cure headache. cents OABTOniA. - ,7 i ta WW What lie llasSiilkrel an! What lie Think lie lias lu l ear- "Were y ui in the war?" itniiired the y."iiio her i worship t of a s -r"t s n'i.'t , ti ild in i hi. en y a t h stirred and r i v haired veteran il'.ilung life p liul'ully h .li bled aeto-s the 11 mr a liter i nil. "No,"he swh-'il, ''but 1 couldn't have been more injured if I had been," mil he, rubbing one of his legs ten Icily as ll spoke. "What w,n the trouble?" persisted the young mm syinpathiziugly. "Trouble! It's ben nothing but trouble since 1 eiine on earth," sa lly re plied the alllicte l one. "I was b iru un lucky. 1 am a livinir picture of bad luc. and the m on; I think of my misfortunes the more forcibly I am reminded of th.il passage in the o,, 1 K,ok which says th it the sins of the father shall be visited upon the children to the third and fourth gen eration. My father, was agood man, and so was his father, but I am convinced that I must have had n pirate for one of my ancestors and that I am visited with all his sins." "Is it possible?" commented ihe youug mat). "Y'cs, my bad luck b .gin when I was born," for my mother died then. When I was but 2 week old, the hou-e took lire and I wis nearly suffocated and cremated. Before I was .'I years old a servant dropped me to ill ! sidewalk, and I had brain fever as a result; I fell down stairs and broke tny collar bone, and I got lost and wis found by a policeman half perished iu an ash heap." The victim of misfortune sighed deeply over these incidents in his career and rub bed his parol) z 'J hand. Continuing, he said: "1 was hut 4 years old when a playmate cut oll'thc ends of three of my lingers with an nx, and two years later 1 had measles, whooping cough, chicken pox and scarlet fever. Wiirn I wis S, I fell from a cherry tree and hroko a leg. and is soon as that got Well I was knocked d i,m mi l trampled over by a iiinaway horse. I'll u kept me in bid a long time, aud my noe ins been chunk- d ever iuce. "When 1 wi- 10 yars old, I was the otiy boy ill seiio.l nhi i.,,t licked ami kiokci by big.-'-r boys eery day, and a year later I was the only one it) the town who had cholera. When I was lo, I went to a circus, aud ihe tent blew down I was the only person who was steppul upou or hurt, and the entile audience walked over tnj. It was three months bolero I recovered from that affair, ami six in nulls later I fell through the ice while skating and wis pulled out ball drowned. A year Inter, while rabbit sheeting, a friend shot me iu the hip, and have never fully recovered from it. The next summer lihtuing struck a tree I was standing beueath, and I was picked up for dead. When I was 25, I tin fell through the ice, and the netting ;ave mc pneumonia and left my lungs weak. Moon alter 1 got well 1 cauglit cold, which nearly resulted in consumption The following year rheumatism attacked mc, and at limes I c inn it use my left arm and leg, and my last misfortune was to receive a paralytic stroke, which baa ren- Icred my right side from thetopofui) head to my foot absolutely useless, as you have observed when I hobble about. 'T suppose," he said, with a world ol pathos in his sad voice, "that some day I'll sit on abirrol of dynamite which will explode, and thru my troubles will be ended " Washington Post COMXICTIXU AMOTIONS, She "Why do you sppea pleasantly surprised?'' lie "Because you appear so surpti- ingly pleasant." Old tientleiiiau "And now I appear, uu-ur; iscdbut unpleasant, llreak uway and take your irners." km:v a i-'i:v. Are you a.-.in lintel with any sociity people "Oh, yes, I know a thing or two. Life. TOO Ml t'H 1'Olt HIM. 'How did they manage to get old Soak to sign the pledge?" 'Some one offered him a drink if he'. do so." A IpKCISIVHTKST. tliles Tin iu love with both gills, an can't l'r the life of uu m ike, up my mind which is the prettier. Merrill Take them into a erowdi cable car s nun d iy and see which gets seat first Life. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. View from a Woman's Stanif.int. Ik liilfirenee with Men. The great incident iu woman's HI'-, nil' th'T'Core an irn-vitaVc on ' in the w. in ol li -ii in, is I i.'e Th 111 ,.-1 c ."-1 no meiii in woman's love, in r--1 1 it , r i" li tiotl, is iloiiht. I'lvcn the inmost confulen 'e i-i ih" ',. eeiity of the love she has . lungcl. Ir. women do no', at times, har.i-s th, 10s, jvo. with the thought that perhaps th,. mm only fancies that he lovo her; that in tin depth ol his heart is buried some ,,llo 1 love that may bo ipiickeiii'd; that bis ! v now so ardent, 111 iy sn gnw dim iii o gradually fade away. They seem never to permit such t tinning to icst the ui-rit of the lon io o give. To the lovt-r these doubts ;,r- n 11 well di liti' d they cuuconly in th" unex pected mooils that so perplex all lover-. She is unhappy and she docs not know why. She is despondent, but canum ib flue to herself cause for hop, lesstiess Mr is wounded, hut is unconscious of what hurt her. She feels that her soul has gone out to her love; that she must have it hack, but that if it is not given backs1, e must die. She is so happy and she is so sad. She feels that she and her l 'Verarc all iu all to each other, except that she may not lie ail in all to him She is devoted to him, but is h" as devoted to In r? And the rutin, having no understanding of her consciousness, simply berates him self for having at some time, somewhere in some manner. dune something to wound the scusitive nature of this dear girl. Or, not being able to find any solution of the trouble, he early comes lo resolving every shade of difference through the broad general principle that all wutueu have their mood.-; that such moods do not really betoken ditiiinislitnent of affeciioti; and that annoyances uf this sort are part ot the penalty that man has to pay for the happiness of love. In the matter of love men and women seem tube essentially different. Man al ways shows an abounding joy in being I ived. It is never perfect hnpiu"ss to wo man unless she can mingle at times with 1 he assurance of sweet, gentle mel ineholy. pritiging from doubts which, if called to answer, she would indignantly scorn and deny. So it seem ever to have been, and prob ably it will ever be, so long as this sweet influence, love, impels men aud softeus wo men. Perhaps this enhance the pleasure of love Jno Keats, with everything of beau ty tint was to have been to him a joy lor- ver fast fading from his vision and bis fleeting breath almost ready to leave his lying body, left, nearly as his last word, that his dearest hope of lovo was of a sweet unrest." Philadelphia Times. IT WAS. Dobson That was a somewhat previ ous joke W'ittiotis got off, wasn't it? Smiley Yes previous to the Flood. OABTOniA. n tu- llmlii Klfuttn tl trnpiMk Some people are uevcr satisfied, Tel them how to live happily on a small in ime, aud they will wnut you to furnish the income. The poet longs for gentle spring's Return to gladden men, Not thinks that when it comes it brings llousc-clenning time again. CABTOniA. Tl. ft.- Ilall. AX KASY FKW. He I am Jack the IIugg T. She I am at your service, sir. Town Topics, X K W ADVKUTTS K M K NTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celelirateil for its (ireat leavening strength and hcjilthlulliCHS. Assures the Iihhi against alum an.l all tonus nf adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. KlIYAL IHK1NH POWtlKK CO., KKW YORK STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD. A BarbleM Hon ana Cattle Penee; Cabled Poultrj and Uanln Fence ) CHbled Field and llof Penot Yunt, timetery and ttrave Iot Penolng on Me Poat and HalLi a Hpeolaltr. Wo Pay Ham Frvlsbl UaiaioirM ana taaunionuua iree. IU U WHvLUMlMJItE, ATUflTi, i. m iinnoio. An ephlemlo prevailed In riymoulh. Pa., and win no violent that the town was a 1 m oh t dpt'lmitlrd every on Hed tht could Kt avviiy, exiiith.g IIioho who lu-rokully determined that duty required their prenenre to nil rue their fumtlleM and com but the dlMeaie. HertieH whu tight bailie and deMruy armies, Uettolalo home mid uruhli na tion are lauded to tho nkh-i, but (her In another heroism Mint nhould never ho foi jfottcn, thut which Atauilt al the hed Id defying danger and death, nnulhiny the niiHerer, Such devotion wan ahown lit riytnnuth, and the fell destroyer wai ioon driven ba k, mid heallh Hilled upon the doomed town once more. H.o'iriK hi riur ottn i,it rapacity as nirin I'Crs ..( tin- I'lymniiili H..s)tul t uiiitnattTC let) .iskcil lo li st ;iml provi; llie cfteclive ii'. "( 111 .111 y ilill.-rctit artu.les in be used a. disinfect. nits in siukrufuns ami as pre vciinvi's nf mti'ctiiiiii fevcr-s, report ili.it liiirhy Pmpliylai lii: Kluid lias ber-nihir. oiiv;lily le-Utl diirinn llie recent '1 yplr.id cpi lt nin in iliisplaue. It pri.vei! mrjsi t ili carions in staying the jprcad ot ilic fever. F H. Akmstkong, S M. JJavunpukt, J A. (tip, O. M. Lance, 1'hos. Kuhk, Jamks Lkh, Jk, . Sevrral of the leading merchanls of I'ly niomh, who had cases of tht; fever in tiicir faniilif-s, wlio are perstnially known to mr, used Darhys Prophylactic Fluid, lo their ciilire jialUbiLtiun and have given ihe best uf testimonials lo that cil'cct. It is a tnott tfieriivc preparalion. ll should be u-ed iii every house as a preventive from ly ph'.ii! Fever, or in any case where a di?. iiif'.'Ltaiit is neeilfd. 1 would rerommend it to everyone, having had a good oppor tunity lo know its excellent qualities. G. II. J'kinulp, Hospital Steward. Wanted-An Idea Who petj think of lome simple thltJif lit uAtentf Frotect your Mrii: they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDUEHBURH ft CO.. Pateot Attor- ue.T. nisuunujo, it. i,,iui lacir i.rmju triHVUir mi lbl of iwu nuudrtd uivtniloul wwitJ, D 1U A TV 1 V The EXCELSIOIl 1'KINTIXG COMPA NY olliee is new and complete anil cou- tluct.'il hy up-to-date printers We do not nte hack to the time ol Mathtisala, when pliauts roosted in trees anil leathers grew on hogs. OfKSIS AN ENTIRELY NEW OFFICE new machinery and new type. No par- Is ol old decayed and discolored papers, and no ancient styles of type that have dull and wrinkled faces, caused by long service an.l out age. e have the materi- th.it must insure work with a husiuess- like twinkle. Y our letter and hill heads, statements. circulars, postal and business cards, are your spokesmen wherever they go. They it her aid you or discredit you. 1 ney re lied the business idea of the man or firm il show the character and individuality the article or busidess advertised. ETl'S HAVE YOU 15 NEXT OUDEUS FOK I'lJI STING. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1 Excelsior Printina: Company t- pjj b WELDON, N. C. American Traveler Bicycle It hat that slick, ttytlsh anl Mthlp flalthal 4)ErDcc You can till ihra anywhara. It's a (Ictar of beaaty ini t'renrih. It bit mora raal wtful Improvement) than any hih-rada BlcyaM m tht aiarkrt. hilt by American B. H. 0. S2 Sewing Machine Co. factory, 20th and Washlnrton Av., fniiadaipnia, pa. REAMER'S Howard House, JAMKSREAMI.lt, l'n.p. Howard & Hal a more ., Baltiuare, Mt. TEBM8 H F y, sap 10 ly. lUUUL PIIIbooX.ytts: GWllH ALL ORDERS f r n t M e r. 1 1 ( kM,,SUs ( s. I 1 BlieRiflpCeniGitlLiiefora. HanulacturenorBLUK RIDOE HYDRAULIC ROSENDIIE CEMENT. OmrantHlBlltitly hydraulic. He quota price alt?ml at aay olnt In Hie Kotith. Ail OtnMil tMtcd, and itrentfth. uttifnralT In rolor, burntiuand triad ina tuaraiitowi. write tor prlcaa P. O. addraa ItrOK RliHJK BPHINU, VA. Talagrapa iiia kUaca, Va. 10 M If. to tell ads

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