i n rrrv r i r eira ill m 1 (ii r- ---a Sal JOHI1T "W. SLEDGE, ri: m-i; i ktuk. VOL. XXXI. A. NEWSPAPER FOE THE PEOPLE WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FKIUtUAKY II, J8!)7. TEP3ES:-?' 511 annum in ahvamk NO. 42. II H twIHSSJ j 3BJE& f it a sii Uf 3a OKA r pLii sm irai m ADVKHT1SKMKNTS. PRUNELINE iTni'le.Miirk K-wM.-ml ) THE IDEAL LAXATIVE Ami Curi' for pn-C ONSTIPATION-w A- plciistuit id. Iioncy iiml -lire curt' l..r Itiliiuisncss, Headache, I'ni'is, M.uiiaeli Troubles. HohcI l)rraiii;riiii'iii.,l.lii'r lllsl'llsl's. Met Mtillliu I-It . ItTcyillai'ltv, Milnry Troubles, tkiu ami IIIiumI llj.. unit r-. ,,, very HI ll" "lll"r II"''1!""" ii'l'l "iil,le.'ili,i!is ,1 , .i llir iirirlivftllh''.l tlic I, ,u, , PRUNELINE i" tiiesuf.si met -m-i miliar ;, ,iu. I n,erielit mil1 run ii-' It tli"r,',i.'l,li clemi-i's without kMi'Ihk, I'lintles CIi.- 1,1, himI r.-in oes nil waste Ir'.in (In- vl. in n to.. .! mi CASTOR OIL. SALTS Kill,' Mu-s Htnl nil other nan..' ,uri:.i l, . It tolll'S II' (1 Ci,Tl,'l,eS llll tllr jlfUl uIl;,!!,. ,,ft!;e sisteui. keep tli.- Inn. I in,!, th.' t '.-t war n mi, I the Il-ovel. ,, ii, us,,,,,, i l mj.im .,r tlie Intti'f iiiri,,se, -.Ul l,y nil dciiler. ur suit ,ti f'-ee ! j ,t , ,',,d ei ui. t.. . i t i v n,Mress t'V HINKIX.MANX .V. ItlluW.s Mil'., I II., Ittliiiiinr,', M.l, .-. a i ly. HUDSON'S a, 1h7 Main st , NnH'iilk, Va. UDIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DININb ROOM. A I.I. M i:I.S '.- (JEN IS. srnr.issixa cam-:: .i .vran.vi J. li. III'DSON, Proprietor. The Hist ui' Everything in Season net 111 lyr. 0. 1:1. MALE, II VUI'AX, N. ( C.irrip.s full I nt- Dry Goods, Notions, Boots .shoe-.. (iifocKiMKs, Etc. Agent for -STANDARD SKWINC MA CHIN ICS. Ciin litritish nnv part til" an kiinl nl machine at short nutiee. Settil p Mini eanl for slip illti-tr.itii':; parts tn tn tciiine yon nave anil will iiaino price lor piece neci leu. I carry n full linu Coffins & Burial Cases. (live me a trial vvlieu in m- l of mi., tiling. my 7 1 y. W,T, PARKER -liKAI.Klt IN , Groceries Farm Implements. -'- t roi'NI) SACKS OK SALT l'OK 81. HI l'KU SACK. tWUCorrcct prices anil mlite attention to all. ant; 1 ly. TRADI MARKS) fffl' COPYRIGHTS AO. Anwme nfnilnf rt-h tml drrition my quicklrtxvrtAlii, froa, whi'tln-r an Idtuiiiimii lg Inihntiy pKlentalile. rnmmunlcatimii otrlrtlf Oitit). lent til. itMt'M went')' .irmciirtiiit ixiifiii Id America, W hv a VHtiiiihn unico. Cittcnta tHkcn tliniuMb Mum A Cu- rclr Ipwial uotioo In tliu SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. fcottfiilir tlluiiTrntfil, rvtt rlrMiUnon of n nrietitlllc lunruRl. wwkif,ientn3.ii a wir; II HI Hit lunnthit. Hioolm-u onl'n anil UAMl ouuK ON J'atkstj wui trve, Atltlrvaa MUNN A CO., 3U1 Uraudwny, Now Yrb. Professor Jas. Harvey's Han no tiial. It im the only Mnrtly pure vt'ctahle IiIimmI nieilii'ine tin the inar ket It reniilatm anil cleatiHeH the liver, Kirenullieui anil h,al iIik.uci! kitlnevt, nsiiKUt tliu urinal titaut in a wotnlerlitl in inner, cures t hills mi l Icwr, i.il.irrh in its lirst tttafre, uleent, mire nl lontr; tttantl inn, uiiU tlini'-llon, creattH iippeltte, IrriiKthfiM tliu weak ami l.innuiii, gives tune .mil vijjor to the whnle nysteni- No one shtttilil be without it. Oltiee anil I.ihor.itnry ','77 Church si reel, Norfolk, Va. WTl'UICl-: .VI UK NTS. je 11 ly. W. M. IIAIU.ISION .V CO., J Wholesale ami IteUil I)lismin vo 1 -kA4. ,0 YEARS' IXPERIENCf. I'NKXCr.l.l.KI) ivcr, iinW toxic. & CARPETS, STOVES, Mid Mattrurte, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLIflTONA CO., N. JO N. BycBtr St., Petenl.urg, Va. 10 98 1T. Ai' Ki!TIS!'.M KN'I'S. ight" :osts cotton planters lian lif million ilullars an lually. I liis is an cntinntms vastt,:, ami tan In: nv rulnl. I'raclital i xptTimcnts at Ala bama Iv)(Tinifiu Station show conclusively t'aat the use of "Kainit" will prcvi nt that tlrcatlcd planl .liscaso. Ai;.,!,,,,,, ',.,nv,-h,. r-MiliW;,, i,v;, , ,,,, ,'l'. HI "li 1' ' I ,t;,. i i. .. I lt. .1 ..1,,1,-i - ; II ill li.'t; t.. .,ny 1 ,n,,. r in Amen- ., I,, m iiri,,fl'!ril (a UMAN' K M.I WdUKS. wi N.i...iu J-t.. Ni-w ',.ilt. ii'r nun i Chiiniity I'ipe, Sii..i. I'.limls ami liooi iinil a lull line of h: aedwaee, I'm s It hv PLUMMER ti WHEELED, rKrKiisiiritu, va. III IiKSKlNSSKNT FKKK. In ;i riling uive soait- li'i,ii a l- prico ami slalc ae ol ilci casi'il. I. Vl!(.l l llll li in llic -milli COUPER IViaRBLE WORKS, K-l.ili!tsV, , hK i loll to I'M Haul, si., Xi.ilolli, V.i, nov 'J ly Twin City 1 WELDCIM v N. C. Full Jim- fancv (;imc!;i:ii:. i i;i its, anil ('i.titivlmiuTHN, NitcIitH'ot-('ili('iiiiii;i Diiiil KiniN, l':ui:rs 1V;h ii:, i h ,, i-tc. l ull I ! lit' uf -Iciroicli o Can to. Cryslalic I'Vuiu, Crciut Aliiioinliin'l Marliin.tllotts. Aceuts lor KIciM lmtau's coinprt'syi i! yeat. BUSTER PURNELL, M. . iKt la tl. i I I WELDON, N. C. Dealer lu General Merchandise A flit for lliee.lel.f.ilftl Z''llll.r.U I'.KOS. anil .si A 1 i: SIIOl.H. Have .iNo ,,,M. 1 t . in, -t.n k a nice lite clothing: for Mi:.N", Vol IMS ami fill 1.1 l; EN. A lull line nl SoliilWalDiitCiisiBlslCflfe Alav on I, in I lfiii.il mlirs I mi-lu,. for Lulu s a ! in nil, u n a'so tliu I ii-j.--lions ijivell to il' id In, in s anil iii-tnu-i tuuU ttstil w lien il-'-ami. A NICKIIKAKSi: AT Vol li Ills: tiSAI.. Mr T. II. Tavlor, ol N'orili.tnutonctiiiii ty, is with in,' an, I mil lie picas, il to m hit) frieinln IV N. STAIN HACK. THE KERN FURNITURE CO., r,. V..rfnlV Vh. Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, ami full line ol Furniture. pr.Kily. MARKET,.-. CREEN CROCERIES. To all uiy I'ricnils: I havo openoil MAUKKT at tlie oltl "Ii'ltnouieo" slanJ. LIST of AUTICLKS KKI'Too II AND: JciV"Stall Beef, Nice l'rc.-h Fish received daily, Turk Sausage, Cabbage, Potlltoefi, Ktc. o. a-. EVANS, Weldun, N. ('. npr 2 If. B. P.HA1.K. WM.I.INN. I'miirietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. ... rttirit tin AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. BAKBBT P. 1. Stamback UnitD. 8tre, NOKFOLK, VA. XK'iV AUVI'IITISKMF.NT.n filcinal N'ifflinnce. " Eti rual v 'il ou r. t.; ,1.. , ..I ltl.n. Il It is the piin ,, tvi'iv!!. nit; willi having. It I- the til it-j 'rf-tv&r . man needn't he IiV? Il !uv i..ti . Jpi'lfr-r ' J al raid tha l-fe-l'-'i r- N f-nxlliintt wit i'tn'i;. I '!,1'" a R i i j. jiU- -T?i. ' ' ., I r , , a i I, . i 111 I .il:i .i li.il.it i' if i- .iIm.iiI the it tilt Oiiliy-i ii" I i n't It i. h ti.'iii.;. n.'t tn I 1 r h.tlkr II ii-- it A III Ml lM f . '1 i tV II VMll.ll. li lint-, ! , U I -ill Hi- time, if ' u'ntlli li'iiiB li t?i Hut a ui. m i' "!"ii't u.iiit to 1; i " w iih tnkiiiu l.l! nf Iliills.-H' cn'ti mi ntui mis i ! v rmwiit ii into tine d iv tii ni a coimI iH.iilliv. In aitv man W ho lives r i k li t UiuiM ever know of 111 il wliole ve;u. V."! ii a iinn's Ftont.K h 1 out of oid ami his iiiyt -'.nm iltm't woik; wluu Iii-i liver gr l- tn he Mu-y.Hi atn won't Cle;H tlu- iU' out .l I !1m.,1, h i timr- fur liim to U,uk otn lor luiiwli. lie K-ts no n.-iui'.itneiit out of his (,! Hi Moo.l net., tiiit-:: r and t nu kvr v itM i tnjmi itu H. II is nerves i t irri l.Ueil. lie loses (Mieitry and tii;litnie forec. lie may ay. I e.i" -! uid it I will ft el better to monow; " but the ehatiees are lie will f el wo!-.- to -morrow and worse still next d.iv, Jl. (Hiyht tn put him-elf iit:!it at " nee, lie mni. in. lVnv 'sCultU n M,di inseov. ry. It i, :h,h-for i u-1 t in - condition It tousei up the digestive .md nutritive organs, anil inves thetn power to i xtr.ict fiom tlie f.. i .1 all tlie nutntions element and tran'nun tlicm into rieli. nourishing oiuoti, in !' r:es me liver to eieai'sc out nil iiiiiMu i imvioitu-H and pour into the citcuLi ti'Il o( th- l i it- 'iviiitr ifd eolpuseles which ii .tn. i mi i.iiiitdi mi'iiiv vu.iiicu Oiooo: ounu up ivaiinv tlesh. mu-iMil.ir stremrlli an. I ii. i ve-t-ner-v. It dn.-s not m.tke fl.iW.v I' i' tlie only suitable tonic and Krcii;;tli lu'l'.ler for corpltlelll pe.ilile. II Were on our way 1 J1JJI The Hustler! who Sells the CHEAPEST and BEST Dry Goods, GROCERIES, fegr Or Anything V.,u W'a . I"S (JOT IT.-:- ari,YER'S BARGAIN HCUSE W Kulii'U, N. C. A (.not) I'iat.u ! a Nell Made Piano I .nelul .lit- nlioii ha.s mi ii that rvvry dt t.nl is tilit, dtiwnlii the seiertH. It lino rate and llioiitit whieli n,uks tlu to he-. weet and lull, hieh ii i.i k a tin ton, h elastic, whtth jiujiantet the lonj: hie ol the I'.aiio. isptrl'it.N mule. W :i,n lh,t i-, said p, rtcitioii in i vi iv id till i iniiiiiitl I'crnts to s in von Sc i,i f.,i illiistt'iiul Catalogue ( HAS M UTII.FF. II S. I.ilielty st., Il lill'llcl''. Md. rt'ashiiintoii. .v.'l I'levcnlh st., N. W. iH t s ly. I'Kilt'tXSIOSA I. 'A K l. J VllKs V. MCl.t KM, WVl.TMl . - III M ULLKN il DANIKL. ATTORXKYS AT LA H', Wki.ixin, N. C. titrtMll theeuiirtdof UnllfRX HiitlNor ' ''amp in mid in IheHiitireiiieMti'l Ked.Trtl eoiirtK. (Jul- . li'-im 'n ide In Hllt'imof Nortti ('nroHim. B'ftm h oflioe at Halifni, N. l, iimmi every Moil Iny. I ti 7 li D It. T. T. KOSs, DENTIST Weldun, N. U. HOlfleeover F.niry ft I'ieree'sstore. lll-19Iy. J)R W. J. WARD.'.- SflpV" Dentist,- KNFIFI.D, N. C. MtuOIBtvorer Harrison'i Dran Rlora. dec SO ty. 1 'l., ' .'. ' . X 1 if CM- n in ; I 1 1 A "LtA hUK GOOD TIMES. llari i limes! C.nnij ,i;;iin .n.irc. We all siiio il, we li,,p, it, know tvliat Ii ,r. times Mi.- while w,; eal bed' stetl, at j .'UU'l, it) -ti ts a ."ill cents a iliree l.in.ls of ,r. at) .il llle e si ii tvl.il.. vv" sin .In' l"f ii 'i i irvr; w . i Inn', j If, idi our ,. i tn t' ,r: til.l, ' lejs e il '!, l',,e a !.'.,:n. ,'i h lillt ll I We U'c si 11 ii '1 C Ills II I 7, ll, ami situi' ini'iti; ci.ii's, I ivo w't'l' W,.' n lliu-.-c's with W" ! jl' "ii, i ti , s ami , j, 'ii .ively ehul "'tis ir iiiel it-; We si, ,ut ii i our a -i, -s nur sai l ,tli l.nvif, ,,r lliruii.'lt uttr pl.iii i.t-s win. low-; we e,,a;l j( IH VVl, read our lu , riling and eveiiine; pipers, out pleiilil'u! in .L;.iziiies ii u 1 1 costly iibra- iie-; v,i; dream uf it in our soli ami sptiti !) I" ds, tthile our coal-li d I'litnaco keeps llie wli 'i,. luuiso wann; wit in iuuder abtmt il. in our Well i'iiiipped dliues, sliuul it I Imtii on; telephones, rine; tile clialies oil it as We sell I telegrams and take expeii-ive s itiiiner outings. We meet in uur political, social, liimarv and lei.-inessconveuiioif , and ritia lliccltanocs on it while we arj spenditii; 1'urtuntj.s Willi railroad, hotels, restaurants and places ul ;tuiii-e:ncilt. And yet. in ill 's,..' d ijs wo do not know what hat A limes are; wj think w.i d i, but wo do not. rhe w riser kii' oi' a ii'ii,; within his r -tin in i .r.i ii,'.- an I lie is no palri .iieli, when, in one of lie richest iitts ul one ul' t In- in ft r.iV'ii'e 1 slal.t in the union, ilia win)!,: town uf -on; two ihous.ind inhabit.iiii.s pes .-sed altoetlur tint over JiiilH in niotiey, ail exchange washy li 1 1 1 rf; then! was n i payment hn'.iifo ihete was ti othiiie; to p ty with. Am nu the b.-t and richest I'atiiilies (ami tbt re were miiiy who tlmiilit themselves Wei; tti-'l ) bci'l'stcak was a once a week vi-itor; round livl' vi as u liixun; uysleis wire an unheard of d tint); corn bread was the usual, wheat the rare loon, i he cheapest pip,: tnbauei was a i"iuii m; oi l lid imdiiis, seinty tires, wo i!s. v iiml eiiieo were in tlieliotle, t)x8 wlmlow pates went helped o,H by bats, old papers and ra;a Weekly piier was nil cxiravaoaitce, and served several l.tiiii i -s. 'I',. n hooks untile a isuotl, fair libraiy; be Is were stalled ur curded; r.i" L'.irpets were ucca-iotial, ingrain scarce, md l'mi-siis a ir.tditi in; the nolo vaca tion was a lide to the annu il picnic in the one hor.-u sha; lioludv bad lime, nioiiey or heart lor cuuventions or auiiiseineiii.s, e men worked I n mi ii a. ill to 7 p. in. (til t aiisluerals h irtencd llie lime by Ivvu liotiis) and the woiuen Walked nt nil httiiis. And yet it is doubtful il' there was ill tsc ti lies such a universal spirit ul un rest am! ill e. intent, steh a concert ul rowlinu, as today. Is ii fair? Are we just? Can we afford to waste iiino in bewailing hard tiuus when I'ltucs are easy un u-; and treat us far better that we deserve. A ui in aejer tttioe said with a chuckle, rite mails hav 1 h ti o.,,d to our house ,1 n; lit lir-t on .: bruit 'lit an order in ty Idler, and iho last un,. brmijit a reniiitnnce in every letter. We all know (niivh.ip we are) persons who hive slid; "Alas, wt have lallen n evil nine.'-: llie lirst mail lir.in-.li! i uiotiey aiid the last mail br itiht no irele. li t us put aside these ujy teuipeis ul our-; look tow nd tbe sun; sunle al shadow; all minis hint: makes the rt: "it's a jirelty World senor;" enjoy ils In auiics, Id if borrow uo Iroiib'e, shed lit mi o il neiejhh ir; tptil us like ineu n I tiin.'i will s-'ein ( is they are) o,.,,,). - Dxchatue. I' I IK WALLS II VVK KAKS. It was a r i b mt null! in June, and as lite) walk, d slowly up the ros lit paih I'roiu (be ipi.iiot little (into by tbe rend, he bent bis bead lower and touched her lu ck with his lips. She I'lokid up al liim ill surprise. Vihis he hid been hast), perhaps it w is n ,t bis njii io touch tliu slrme ol w ,r-Li ; p rlnps llie m int Iiml n. vtr t asi;;lit like thin ; perhaps the fragrance of rose and It ini'sucWle had never laiicn ,,n ibeair of June lh.it lovers breathe, pelli ips she ii, nut know llle measure! of his he nt beats; p i aps-p rh tps-uh, word tin,-en da, li e I with the myst 'ij uf in. in an I ' tun hi. Iliseyes met her., tre uttlnus with emo tion unspoken, and they moved silently toward the house with his arm ab ml her shoulders, us co tirades walk. "Vim are tbe most beautiful woman I over saw," be liipcroil;"tlie one. woman in the whole world I loo." As she threw h T arms about his neck in rapture the four walls of the limine fell to the earth with a dull thud. That man and that woman had been married ten years ! I I CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. 1 ftc- f SHE MAY KNOW IT BY NOW. line W ('.. i. I. Wmnan Who I'.ses Iian lers fur l iilnunc liollk'S. Just before the holidays a well known man ahoui-iuwii, whose wife is a shining lieht in the U C. T. I'. anise, walked into a I il;."' chin iware store on Broadway with the proptieior of which he was well ae ipiaiiilcd. "Old fellow," said he to his friend, "I want to oel a c iiiple of cut ula.-s decaliters l'"r my sin okin roum. Do you think you can o, 1 1 hetn mil to my bouse without my wife's disiMvcriije; that they are decant CIS?" ' l.'S. indeed,' atfiverel lite dealer in olassware. "I'll mark the box on th outside eiiloiinoh illles, handle with cure. She won't catch on depend upon it." The miri-aboui-towii picked out what he w luted, and tin proprietor fixed up lite purchase as l;e had promised. The paekan arrived ut the limisi! .some titu t in iheiilierno ui. The mistress ul' lln- b.iuse was at lioui', and received it. Though marked with the husband'; name, .she luiaiued that it contained a Christmas present for herself from her lieoe lord b.'im; marked us it was "ciilotine hollies." " Bless his lie .ill!" she said to herself, "always thinking of m-;! I'll just open il nud dress my bureau up wilh them and when be comes home iu the eveniti'' I'll show him how I fiit ahead of Santa Clans." She took the decanters out of the box in which they were packed with a lot uf exc 'Wor, and tied two exquisite bows around the Ion -stemmed necks. When Mr. Man ab nii-tnwi) ciuie home in the evening ha impiired of llie servants if a package had come for him. Tbey knew nothing ab ml it, and told him so His wife ut t lii u in the dining-room and bestow, il extra attention upon him ut the supper tab'o Supper over she slipped her arm lliriijh Ins and eoudueted him lo hoi lied elt amber. "John," .-liesaid as she pushed llie por tieres aside and entered , "you are lb dearest fellow in th" world How did youknowili.it Iwauiela pair of uew Cologne bullies for my dresser? See how handsome they look with lli-ir yellow sititi bows!" And as she thanked him she kissed him devotedly on the mouth. There on llie bureau st mi t h -.' tw i dee inters, tint! wilh a beauliful lou-stem neck, llie nthcr with a delicately cirvcd, buwed li indle. Ho told the sttiiy at his club, and from there it louud its way back aoain to some of the wives uf the friends to whom he told it. And tiow the lady with the C'liiislian Temperance principles hardly ever enlertains a female vi-itor but that she i.sasked tosbow her the beautiful new cologne hollies on her dresser St. Louis llepublic. Hi: It OWN C H.VUGKS. One of lite prettiest stories that Mrs. IS.tlliii-jlon I! will told last week to the prisoners in Sin Sin;; was about her three year old d lighter, Theodora. Thr ill u.i, it seems, takes a keen interest in li"r mother's prison woik. 'Mamma,'' she asked one day, "where did you oet your prisoners?" And Mrs. lij.tli replied: "Hod sent tlicm." "lias he o it any more? ' (lie wee lassie wanted to know. "Oh, yis." Theodora ptve a satisfied little gruut and said: "Then, mamma, when I e,row up I'm K'liiiS! 'o have prisoners, too." "Von may have some of mine, Theo dora," (he mother generously offered Hut llie little missionary was not to be sail-lied wilh any second band charges, "No, mamma," she uroed, "you must please keep all youis; I want my own prisoners." New Vork Press AtilCNIlS IS II IS WAY. "What are you miking that fence of such awfully crooked rails lor? ' asked the stranger rnlint; by. "Si tint when t ll, til iliim pit's i.f Itrowu's creep through they'll eomo mil the sain,' side where they started " m rNDiaWTAMMNU. " Were yo 1 an ey, Jriine-s to this af fair?" uskclihe pros, color. "I don't kn iw jisi what you'd call a nigh witness, hut 1 warn t 111 .re'u five rods away " I'ttH nvi.it i h.'I v i:ui Mrs Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over titty years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, wilh perfect success. It soothes the child, softens (he gums, allays all pain, cures wind culic, mid is iho. best remedy tor Dinirliii'i It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 2.") cenis a bollle. Be sun-and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and lake no oth er kind. She "So you are really engaged at last?0h, I im si giid!" Uo 'You ouaht lo be " OASTOniA. TRUST TO GOD FOR FOOD Uiut lianj nf Miginus iln t h usiasls Kansas Ciiv. Voting men and women in Kansas City are giving up positions; in stores and offie es to join a remarkable institution, whieli docs iiothino except praise Gud and preach the (impel, which relics us the literal sending uf fund and clothing for ils members by divitiu providence. The idea was propagated in Kansas and reeeitile or,,w lo wonderful proportions in Kan us City Now at (he northwest corner of Troost avenue and lllh clrect a commonweal ul fill men and woiuen most of ihciii women receive (heir daily bread even as l'ilijah the prophet was fed by the ravens at the brook of Chedrith. Tbey have no woik and do nothing except study the Bible and pray. They do not know where the next meal is to come from, but (rust that God will send it. When the provisions run low aDd llie rent is due they spend the night pray ing, and the next day the money always entiles. They believe they are Commanded by God to go forth into the world to preach the G ispel without money except what ho sends llieni Therefore, they never iisk ior mil ur coniriuultons, receive no salaries, and have reduced their needs to baie food, shelter and clothing The chief item ul'fuoil is bread. But ler is seldom on (he table, and lea and coffee are tint permitted iu the house. Breakfast of bread, water and apples are not infreipicnt. Tin: worn,) ok i.Aitoit. There are rubber teeth. There are paper matches. No Mexican chews tobacco. London has tin electric cars. Au-lralia will abolish the barmaid. Japan's railroads cover 2,000 miles. London children wear wooden shoes. American apples are retailed lur ?1 a d "Z"ti in Mexico. In Franco when a railway train is inure than Mummies late tbe company is lined In Mexico turkeys are driven to mar ket through the main streets of the cities, just like sheep. l'be largest business houses in Mexico clos d for mi hour and a half io the mid die of the day. 'ho 1'ioL'kefcller steamer Hubert Ful ton, 110 leet over all, is the largest steamer on the Great Lakes. he Federal telegraph uf Mexico has recently In.ttiiir ili 1 a night service, and 10 words cm be sent for leu eenls. k 1:1:11 o Tin: eu:ix;i: A Shaipsburg man who has been drinking too much litpior for his own guoil was induced to sign the pledge the other day. His wife was delighted- She took the document and said: "Vou mut let me have it. I will keep it for ymi." So the paper was conlided toiler custo dy. Ou the next day the man wus drink ing again as freely as bcloie. "Huw is this?" asked a Incnd. "Vou signed the pie Ige yesterday and no. you are nuzzling whisky again!" "It's all right," replied the pledge sign er, in unsteady tones. "I d m't have to keep that pledge. My wife says she'll keep it (or me. That's tbe kind of a wife to have, old fellow. Let's take a driuk!" I'itlsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. A NKtiltO IMCOIMOY. Hubert G.irdhire is a negro and au uneducated one, but when it conies to figures he can't be stopped by any mathematician in the world, lie is an humble resident of Au;usta, ami is cm loyed as a laborer at the Interstate Cot ton Oil Company. In multiplication (iar lliire is asipiiek as though1. Holme he avcta.-e person can sot the figures lowu with a pencil G ildhire has given the correct answer and yet he cinnoi ay how he does it He was a.kcl what wasthcMiiu total of 111) time liT and without repeating the ligues .0 himself. Gardhire answered uff lund l! tijl! " "How ru'ich " n-kml someone, "is .Vll times 32?" With out stoppiug a sec in 1 U irdliiro replied '1 i!,UH2." And thus for over half an hour num hers were throw u at him and he nave the correct multiplication like a fi.ish. In the multiplication of fractions the man is equally proficient, and there seems no limit lu his powers, which are almost occult. Gardbire cannot remember when ho first became aware uf his power, and does not even kt iw h w he discovered it. He says that when the fgures arc given him he sees their answer itn me diately Simply by g'ancinu at a long line of figures he can tell immediately what tbe addition is. Moss "What do you think would bo the greatest evil of another civil wnt?" Foss "The p'ays that would come aftar it " OABTOniA. "hi" A NEW POLE. The CtiltircJ I'readier Was Iiscovcrinpr Spir itual liirlhflaces. )x Gorrdon and a committee fruni the while church which supported a coloted mission had entered the uiicting bouse a little late ami found the preacher deliver ing bis scrm .u on die wurds in jn lxxxviilli I'saim: " And of ,ion it shall be said, This an. I that man was born iu her." The preacher was making clear the thought thai wherever a man's home might be his s iritiial birthplace was iu Ziou. Said he: "Let us go lud" city iili Chariest, 11, an', hubberin, oher dat wick' (I city, let tis shout d wn to de Lord's ehillcrn: 'Whar Tar yer burn?' An. dey will holler back: 'W'e'se b in in Zion.' ,;Au' den let us goon to Hicbniund an' ask de brethren dere: Whar war yer boru?' Au' dey will say, too: 'We'se born io Zion.' " The preacher pa-scd on from city to city, followed by the audience, who ex pressed their excitement by swaying back and fort h, until hr reached Greenland and the Christians "libbiu' in flat benighted Ian' " were asked. "Whar war yer bom?" An' now, brederen," he continued, "let us go to de north pole, tin', twinin' our legs round de pole, let us lilt up our voicea an' cry: 'Whar war yer born?' An' de Christians dere will shout back: Wc'so born in Zion.' " The visiling committee, who had thought the preacher had reached the end of his journey, were astonished. For the preacher, after a physical, not a rhetorical, pause his wind had given out shouted: "Brederen, let us go on to de cast pole "Youth's Companion. TOO I51SV. lie "I have never kissed you, Alice, would you cut my friendship if I -tole just one? " She "I iniyht lie tempted to, but I was just reading about forgiving 70 timco 7 offenses. Goodness! That's 490." AX KXI'KKT. Manager "Can you wriie?" Applicant "Can I wriie? Yesterday I succeeded in sioriitig my name with a pen at the post.. Nice. B1.01M1 is Life. It is the medium which carries lo every nerve, muscle, organ and fihre its nourishment and strength. If the bluud is pure, rich and hcuhhv you will be well; if impure, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sarsaparilla has power tokcep you iu health by making your blood rich and pure. Hoods rills arc easy to lake, easy to operate. Lure indigestion, liuousness, oe. "I've discovered why the Greeks were such a happy people." ''Why was it?' "They didn't have their clothes uiado to fit." OABTOniA. n ?trj tmppM. "I like to cook enough to last," re- maked the young bride. "You do," groaned t he devoted hubby, "no mat ter how little you cook." Thegiy f 1 il-killer niw m iy shirk. At esse as winlrv slusli he views. His victims kindly do the work. By leaving off their overshoes, "Were those cough drops beneficial?" "They worked like a charm. They have such a horrible taste that the chil dren have all stopped eouL'hing." MKTIIOl) IN IT. lie 'Why does Miss Agely affect such bright colors in dress?" She "Because she has read that only hrinht young faces can appropriately po with that style of apparel." N K W A DV KHTISKMKNTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for it great leavening at rength ami healthfiilness. AssurmthefiKHlngaiust alum and all forms of ail u Iteration com mon to the cheap brands. ROY A I. IUK1NI1 ISIWIIHU CO., NEW Villi K. s ltt:;;:;si l.ttoiiiE POULTRY AKO GARDEN FENCE And n.k. . tpMl.l Horn, C.UI. d H,w Praisf Vurd, tt.mvl4.r7, .nd OrtT. Lot PrncSnf . SpMUltK Fu Ui rrl(k( OnUloiiM ftm. ILL. ttagLUBklUIII, ttuiu,a). ROYAL ADVKlt'f ISKM FNTS. iiEnoio. An eplilmil.: pr. villfil I,, 1-ljmouth, Pa., and win so violent Unit the town wa, almost 1l1.1l1u11l. il eveiy one fled that could ki. an ay, xeriithiK tlioae Who heroically ilcli i iniiieil Unit duty required their iirescnee lu nurse their flllllllles nil'l eunil.at llie dlseuse. Heroes who liKlii l,,,u,M , ,,.lriy Ml lilies, ,le, ol. He home- mill crush na tions ure I11111I11I to il,,, a,es, hut there Is nnuther hioof 01 Hi.il slionld never be r.liaotleii. linn ,. ,.., .loinl, al I he lie il lile defjinu ilai".;e; ,,oil ileal li, nnthing the slilteiio'. S0.I1 , 1, ii,,,, ., ,vri In I'll 10,0111,. .10,1 ii. 1, -i ili stiiiyer Kan soon driven link, unit lienllh nulled Uiun the diHiuoil louu once more. Having 111 ,,.11 IllTSefllli- I'lyll ly ., tii'Pn askcl l I, '.' .,, e ,.,.., o.e ell,-, live, lies- ..I many ,i,tl. t, i .00. 1,. I,c .f, Us di-iol.i i.mis ii, m ko,ii,. ;oi,t a. pr: vi'linve, oil,., i,,,m I, ,,.,, ,,,,, Il.irl,ys I', ,,1,1,5!.,. 1 , lln..! I. l.'Milli, r oimlily lrsi,.,t ,:,,, , ,. ,.,., ,., y1,,,, t,l, mir 111 liie. ,l.i, , It ,,r,,ve,i m. -I ,.,ti. cmieiis in sluymg il. 1 ,,f,lt evcr, 1- H. Akmsii.oni.. s 1 liAvKMsatr, ) A Opr. (1 M. I.am k, llfos Kkhk Iamh.i l.ioi, Jk. Srvtral ,.f the Icnim- n 1, I, .mis of Ply. niouih, win, !,.,.,! c.-i's ..t 1!,.. i.-vcr in ilit-ir Lilliilip. who r... ie,.i.i.,li., 1. ,, ., nip uscil I tailors l'i"i,iol.,, 11,' ll,,;,!, 1,, ,l,ulr cniiri. -..t.-la, ii,., 1 .,,.,1 I,.,,,. t,i, ii Hi,- I.si of tcstinitnii.i. 1,, iti.e t Jl.-. h isalii.,st ttlccuv.; ,re,.,i;,li 11 ll .1., l,c i,sCJ III iivtoy li.m.c s ., ,i,.nilv,. fmm 1 )' ,i,,iil 1-cvcr, r in .110 lji.p wIilti; a ,lis iiilcetaii! is ,,t-i.u,l i, !,l r,-, oiioncnd it I,, ever, . -IIP. Iia.i, l.,el a s!."'l o''or lumly to klinw il- . i.;im ,iialuits. (i. II J'himu.I', II, s,ital Steward. Wanted-An Idea Who ran think of Botne iimjjie tbliiB tu patcntF ProUct your Mm.: thT mar lirlna thi wraith. Wrltfl JOHN WKDUKHBURN A CO., Putnt Attor neyt, WaMitnium, I), c., for Ihflr $l,tjuu i)rlz ufftr uti tlit. of iwu UuQtlrftti luTftDlluut wauieti. D A m The EXCKI-SIUli l'lil STING COMI'A N V ullicc is new 11111I complete iiml con tluctetl by iirj-to ilale printers Wedonot date back to the time of Mathusala, when elephants roosted in trees untl leathers grew on hogs. OUKSISAN ENTI KKI.Y NEW OFFICE new macbinery anil new type. No par cels ol old decayed and discolored papers, and 110 ancient styles of typo that have dull and wrinkled faces, caused by long service and old age. We have the materi al that must insure work wilh a business like twinkle. Your letter anil bill heads, statements, circulars, postal and business cards, are your spokesmen wherever they go. They either aid you or discredit you. They ro lled the business idea of the man or firm and show the character and individuality of the article or husidess advertised. LETTS HAVE VOIR NEXT OHDEUS FOit I'lvTNTI.NO. MAIL OKDEU3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -5 Excelsior Printini Compaq WELDON, N. C. American Traveler Bicycle It hai that .licit, stylish an tl.hly nal,h4 p.arnct. You can tail ihrm anywhara. It's a. llctara ot baauty and s'rtnclh. tt hat nor. raal tttful Improvenant, than any titgh-graj. Blcyclf ID tha market. wilt by American B. H. O. !22 Sewing .Echine Co. factory, 20th oral Washington Ava., PhllaOolphU. Pa. REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES REAMER, Prop. Howard & ltalrtmore .. , Baltioive, lit. icgm h p oy, acp 111 ly. Lul j ( i . - Hav.l.&v,K.C.i . GVVJEN ALL ORDERS iwm t . x .- BlflfiRiuifiCfifflEitlLieforli Manunwturen of BLUR RJIX1R HYDRAULIC ROSENDAIE CEMENT. Giianintt(Ml tlwolnttMj- hftlntnllo, W fnol prirt-a dt'llventl al any jxiint In Hie oiith. All Crtnont t-paUd. and strength, miKhreit in rolor, bnnrfng and grinding; piaraiiitwd. Vrtte lr piioa P.O. atMwt WJiJt KliHiK l'HIN(i4t. V-a. TalaffrP Win IU4f, Va. Um.