JOHUST W. SLEIDQE, l-noi'itiKTOR. VOL. XXXL. A. IT IE "W SP APBE 3T O IR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1897. TEBMa-H'50 PKH ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 4li. AD V ERTISKM KNTS. PR UN ELI NE (Truli! Murk Kt'tfUtercil.l THE IDEAL LAXATIVE And Cure fur CONSTIPATION- A pleasant tut honey and mire cure tor Hllliiusites. Ileailarhe. Fevers. Ntmnarh Truuhle. llowrl lt'ratigi'ml'litM,l.hcr llhcusea. Hick Stomach, I rrrifiilnrity, kidney TrouhlCM, skin anil 1)1,. urilrr. ftn I very mill)' other disease, nnil riimpllciilliiliH (u,' tn Hi'1 Inactive slate uf the ImwrlK. PRUNELINEl" the anfeai '"I'l surct ciitlmr (1 ninl iimTI iiit uiie can iimi. It tlioriniKlily cIi-hii-i'i without ktIpIiik. purine Hie tiloml mill rciniivt' nil wash- fmni (In sy-tcm. 11 dins v,iv with CASTOR OH- SALTS lllni' Ma "txl "II "Ilier ui i ihfn im imrKii tnv. It lone "'l i'iiitkIi'ii all tlii-Kri-al nrk'iiin, uf;lti' sv.lriu. Keep tin' Ill-ail I'iimI, the fi'rt warm ai'nl the Bmvcla open, liMua t'Kl NkUSK f,,r tin' Utter iiurin. Mililliy all dealers, orient on receipt nrotieont tii iniy wlilir liy WINKKI.MANN .1 DROWN Illtl'ii CO., IMIllmore, Mil. , p2l ly. HUDSON'S 1H7 Miiin t., Not folk, Vu. LIDIES' AND GENTLEMEN SDININb liOOM. ALL MEALS A". CENTS. SCIU'ASSlXd COFFEE A Sl'EClAl.Ti ' J. K. HUDSON, 1'roprietnr. The Hcst of Everything in Season oi tlu lyr. C. II. IIALIi. HALIFAX, N. C. Carries full line Dry Hoods, Notions, Boots SHOES. GROCERIES, Etc. Agent for STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES. Can furnish any part of any kiuil of machine at short lint ice. Send postal card for slip illustrating p:trt to machine you have and will name price for piece needed. I carry a full line) Coffins & Burial Cases. Give rue a when in nctil of an' thing. my7 1v. W, T, PARKER -DEALER IN Heavy ANDz Fancy Farm Implements. 224 POUND SACKS OK SALT FOR 81.10 PER SACK. WuCorrect prices and polite attention to all. K I 4i. 80 YeAKS" IXPKRIKNOI. V TRAD! MARKS, " DESICNS. r?TO COPYRIGHT AO. Anyone Mmllng a rtrtch anil deacrtptlnn may Quickly ascertain, fry, whether an liivenn.m la probably patentable, t'omoiunlpatlona ilrlrtly cunthlentlal. tllileat anein'j ("r curl nn pntenta In America. We have a Waahltinton odlee. Patent, taken lliruwta rewlve puuial uoilue In tua SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, lllaufnitMl. lnrwut rlrruUtton of miy nclentinc jituruul. wwkly.toniiH KIM artur; il.W Btx months. Hiwlnien oupie and ILkUD HtL uv it tenth aeut free. Addruaa Ml I MM A rft.. 301 Broadway, New York, il TONIC. Has no equal. It la the only strictly pure venctaule hlood medicine on the mar ket. It regulates and demises tin liver, trengthena und beals diseased kidneys, assists the orinal orpins in a wonderful manner, cures chills and terer, catarrh in its limt stages, ulcers, sorM of long stand inn, aids digestion, creates appetite, strengthens the weak and languid, gives tone and vigor to tbe whole system. No one should be without it. Offloe and Laboratory 2i7 Church street, Norfolk, Va. IjrPKlCE 50 CENTS, jellly. Groceries mm All A. Professor Jas. Harvey's 0 ML VL UNEXCELLED III It I II Htm. KLnuaDU U. 1 1U 1 W. M. HABLISTOX & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICE8. W. M.HABLISTONACO., No. 90 N. Sycamor St, Petersburg, Vs 10 94 If, A I ) V K RT 1 S E M KNTS. Savage people, have I miprrstilion thai un evil eye may be ca upon a prifmn to briiiK all Milts o: triMiblc and mi fortune. Thai (terms like a prett) foolish notion but it ln't tmirli WOTsf tllHH HOttH of the notion which civilized ppople indul-re in Oiu worn out u rii'r.ltliiiii is tin- K. Hef that if a man inherits weak Ihhr from his parents he is pretty sure to die of con sumption. The fiet is that if rucu a man will only take proper rare of himscli he will really be safer from couutnption than a carelesH person who has no inherited weakness. Carelessness is the real evil eye. Carelessness will develop a tendency to consumption in any body. The luns are composed of very delicate, sensitive tissue, even in the healthiest per son; that is why they yield so quickly to the attack of tainted blood. If the blood is al lowed to jret impure and impoverished, and bile-poisoned, the seeds of consumption will spring up in the best kind of a consti tution. The real consumption taint is in the blood. Hundreds of cases of so-called "heredi tary " consumption have been completely and permanently rooted out of the system by Dr. Pierce's ('.olden Medical Discovery, simplybecause it gives the blood-nmkinR Rtamls power to pour n fresh abundant sup ply of rich, red, healthy, blood into the circulation. This drives out all poisonous and unhealthy germs. It stops the waste of tissue and the formation of morbid deposits; builds up fresh, normal, healthy lung tissue and solia, muscular strength. In all the weakened debilitated conditions which are the forerunners of consumption, Dr. Pierre's Discovery is the most per feet nutritive and strength-builder. It is assimilated by the wctkest stomachs. Monuments anrl Tombstones. DKSK.NS SKN'T FKEK, In writing give Rome limit us to price and state ae of deceased. l,AIU.r.ST UTOCK In the South to select from. COUPER MARBLE WORKS, ( Kstahlislii'ii 1HIH.) loll to 1: Hunk st., Norfolk, Vu. uov 2 ly. Twin City BAKERY, WELDON, N. C. Full line FANCY GROCERIES, FIU'ITS, and Confectioneries. Nice line of California Dried Fruits, Prunes Peaches, etc., etc. Full line of -5$ Frond & Canflies- Cryslitlise Fruits, Cream Almonds and Marsluuallows. Agents for Fleischmun's compressed yeast. BUSTER PURNELL, MnKer, oct 15 tl'. We're on our way -To The Hustler! who Sells the CHEAPEST and BEST Dry Goods, GROCERIES, H-0r Anything You Want." -LITE'S GOT rr.- narfftEYER'S BARGAIN HOUSE." Enfield, N. C. Chimney Pipe, Siwh, Blinda and Doors, Gucumber romps, anu n iun hub ui H ABDWABE, For sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, PETEBSBURG, VA. . . myMlr. AN ESSEX ELOPEMENT. A l i.ic Character SkcKh from iho Tacpa hainnck. Va.. Tiicwakr Dcmnciat. The youthful couple, after clmlinf; the paternal viilutico, nod linilinj; tho pcrsoi on wlioiii they hinl ci i u n i cil to tie the knot olidurale in his refusal, rcsolvctl to iiiical .o 'iuire K , and swift Ij drove from the pu'somigu to ihcrcsidi ncc of "His llnnnr," where t lie 'Squire's worthy wile pivo them a warm recepi ion , and promix il fori It with lliat ",101111" should perform hc ceremony on tohl nut V so hitipeiieil Ihut "Ills Honor, acenrdiiiK to his cusloui, wheu the wind was tiuht iu the liunliii", season, was oil after the hounds, and I tie hoif o"hi return uncurtain. So aflc partaking of the goud cheer set hi lore them by their wiinn-lieii'lcd hostess the would-be-hride fearing pursuit, declined to wait longer and they ugain set forth. Several uiiics had been ir.tvet led, when, taking a by road i knowu to the groom to be shorter llian the regular highway, they chanced to meet the Squire and seveftil ul'liis I'cliow-hun.s-uieu returning I'rutu tho chase. The wishes ol' I ho couple wore soon made known, aud his Uonur invited I he whole parly lo return with him to his icsiduuco, promising to marry the pair at once. Hut the lady feared I o retrace her steps and perhaps encounter "Papa" before being made over to "Joe." His llotior was in a uandurj; he did not remember the marriage ceretnoney, and the enoite uicnt of the recent chase had inextricably mixed up aud confused all the little iul'oi malion he could call his own us to the itws and ceremonies of matrimony. But upon his of his inability to perform the ceremony at a distance from his "authorities," the groom looked serious and Antiio begun tu wipe her eyes. This was too much for the Sipiire, and throwing his bridle tein to a companion he dismounted "Light," said he, ud- dressing Joe aud Annie; aud ihey (ju'ckly stood before him. "Now, said his Honor, "Jiue yc.r right hands," and the promptness with which ic and Annie obeyed the injunction ght have suggested to a icflec.itig mind that it was not the first time the said light hands had been "i'lucd." Sam," said his Honor addressing the uian who held his horse, "are we iu K sex or Cir'iiDe?" "Kssex," promptly responded another of the pu-ty, while "Sam" peered dubi ously into the woods, looked up and doun the road, and replied"! ain't ccr a'U." "Well," said the justice, "I reckon we ain't over a hundred yatds from the li'ic, and I rule the cjurt has j ivliciioo." "Joe, do you look here, young man, are you a lawful citizen of Ksex, ol sound and disposing mind, aud not d: -qualified fioui testifying before the col' I?" "Judge," replied Joo caruesi'y, 'I voted for Bryan." "Well," said his hjnor, "that settVs that point, who gives this gi 'I woman, I mean in marriage?" There was a mi inents silence, while the anxious couple gized inquiringly at each other and his Honor glanced appealiogly at the wit nesses to see if soma one would volunteer. No one did, but oueof the fox hunters broke in with "Now, look hi re, John, you r goiu' wrong; that's the q'ie.tion the parson asks, but as an I'ffi ;er of the Couimouwealth you oUiht to know t h it marryiu' is making a civil cuoti e-t and beard Judge Croxton say it took a val lible consideration to a contract; you are spiling the whole thing where j'uu talk a'lotit giving." His llouor's la 'f cleared at once, us he annouced, "The Court rules lint pint well taken " "Annie, said he, "do you agree to take this man whose right hand you now hold to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and obey hi n so long as both of you live aud he keep out of the Pen itential)?'' " Yes, sir," said Annie, faintly. "Joe, d you solemnly swear you can't laise your light hand, but there is plenty of witnesses that forsaking all otlur evils, you will cleave to this uno, and honestly demean yourself as a law abiding cil in 'n of thu State of Virginia, so long as you shall live? The proceedings bein suddenly inter rupted by a terrific howl from 11 gaunt hound whose appear mee when cuilrasted with tho volume of soan l belied the law of cause and effect. His Honor observed with considerable asperity, "Dan, if you don't make that bluzj faced fool you ate riding keep his feet off Rattler, after the ruu he gave us this morning, I'll fine you heavy for contempt of Court; and turn inc again to tho couple he remarked, "1 declare vou man and wife, having joined you together according to tho directions of St. faul and Mayo s guiue, aua d tho man that puts you asunder. "Constable, collect the costs." "Now constable present," taid Sam, with a erin. "Then I'll divide the costs and collect 'em myself," said the Court and planting a kiss on the cheek of the bride, he remarked, "Settled, and Joe, your costs are just what yu choose to Kive. OABTOI1IA. I. a IF I WERE RICH." (inj Docs Nut Ask You to like as It' You Were Rich tut to (ike AecurJini; to Your Means. Kate and Jack stood at the window watching the people who passed It had bee'i a snowy day, but the sun rouiing out bright and clear ill the afternoon made the st reels wet and sloppy. "See lliat poor li.tle girl," exclaimed Kai!c; "how wu her feet must be! Her shoes are full of ho'ei. If we were rich we might buy her shoes for her." "And for that boy just behind her, his shoes are worse than hers," added Jack. "And if we were rich wo miht buy a shawl for that old peanut woman. See, she is trying to get tho e children to buy eanuls from her basket." How poor sho looks! There comes a real old man; if I were a rich man I wojld just call him iu and say: Here, old man, here'ssome dinner for you.and lake what's left fur the children." "Now, if I were rich," exclaimed Kat;e, "that is the one I would hel-, that poor sickly woman wMi a baby in her arms." The children's mother had been listening to what they said. She sat sewiug near the window. "I am glad," she said,"to hear my children express such kind wishes, but wishing is not giving. Just lo say, 'Be ye wanted be ye fed,' will not make these poor people any less cold or any less huug'y. You say that if you wee rich you would help tins one or that one. Ood does not ask you to give as if you were itch but to give according to your means. Now let us see what you h tve to give, and then we can tell how your good wishes will help thce poor people." All the money thojo children had to spend they kept in th-ir little bank in the nursery. They run upstairs and played iu their mother's lap tho conteils ofthe bank. Katie had 80 Jack had 8."). jack spent 81 of his money in gettiti'; his mended. 'Now, Kat'e" said her mother, "how much of this will you give to carry out your good wishes?" Katie thought a moment, and then re plied: Well, mother, I think I ought to give the half." "I know that poor woman who passed just now with her bady in ber arms, and I know that she is a very worthy woman. What would you like to give her?" Hcmcuibcriug how poorly the woman was c'ad Katie suggested a shawl. "Now, Jack, what will you give the p)or boy who had on such a miserable p lir of shoes. Jack thought he could spend some mouey to keep the boy's feet dry, and he consented to givj shoes' The next day mother went out shop ping with the two children, and as the result they brought home a warm shawl and a pair of stout shoes. Mother had added a little to the amount they had to give, so that the shoes were thick and stout aid the shawl was good and warm, fu" mother knew both the poor woman and the poor boy, and was quite sure these articles were needed. "You have f.iven what you had to give," said mother," and that is much better that wishing you were rich so that you might give more. Always rcmcmbe' that while (Jod does not ask for that which lie has not given you, He does ask for that which Ho has given." Child's Paper. DIDN'T MOVE THE TIIKE. "George, I wish you would carry the oleander ttce into the cellar tonight." "Tub and all?" "Of course, tub and all." "Maybe you think you married a der- lick." "Oeorgc, what is the tuittor with you? Have you been drinking? "What do you take me for, a cyclone?" "A cyclone?" " Yes; cyclones move trees." "All I've asked you to do is to take the oleander d wn the cellar stairs. It surely can't weigh moro than a few hun dred p.mnds. What is tho matter with jm?" "I'm just thinking." "Thinking ol what?" "Thinking it would ba well to get Mary Ann out of the kitchen on some pretense. She's a good girl as girls go, an 1 1 would not want to have her figuring in the co irts us an accessory to hom icide" "George, yot've got a fever. You must go right to bed, and I'll get you some hot whisky and quiuiue." "That's the ticket. But, say, Millie." "Well, what?" "Never mind tho quinine." Cleveland Plain Dealer. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. ft. fit ll Bill StpUtEK RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warning Notes Calling- the Wicked to Re pentance. Young lions arc often very lean. Get ting the big h ad, shriuks the heart. There is no suffering like tho crucifix ion of love. The fears wo borrow are the hardest to drive away. Whenever the flesh is on the throne, the devil is kiud. I'nh-s you want to be poor, don't Iry to keep all you gel. The man will always be busy who tiuly follows Christ. The devil has no better helper than a harmless looking lie. It is harder to dine with some men than it is to fust uloue. We are rich, not in what we have, but in what we cannot lose. Is there anything the devil ein't meik out of an envious man? Live to do good, und you will never tire of your employment. When you pray for a revival, don't go to church v'th a long face. The more men disappoint us, the more we should have fa'th in God. When a little man is lifted up, every body finds out that he is little. The man who thinks he knows others, is a great stranger to bin self. The man who would be considered wise often turns out to be otherwise. Do away with a personal devil, and there is no need of a personal Christ. It is a mistake to call anything success that is not according to God's plan. If you knew that to-morrow would bo your last day, how would you spend this? There are some very im orlant lesions which can only be learned from a mistake. It is doubtful if there is any man who has not at some time in his life been a hypocrite. The man who hrs lived only for him self has wasted his time and robbed the world. There can be no true and abiding com fort and peace that is not rooted and grounded in faith. ' Tho man who has never uicd his eyes to consider the mercies of God, Iras used them to small purpose. Turning a mad dog loose is a trifling thing, compared to what the devil can do with a gossipiug tongue. In the very same breath with which Jcsue said, "Let nut your heart be trou bled, "he also said, "Believe." The man who refuses to walk in the light as God gives it, has only himself to blame for what happens in thu dark. Do good as often as you have oppor tunity, and tho Lord will see to it that your time and talents are well employ ed. There was weeping at the grave of Lazarus, but everybody threw a stone at the place where Absalom was bui iel. The business of fault-finding would soon come to an end, if every faultfinder could only be well introduced to himself. Money is one of the levers that moves the world, and it always moves it in the right direction when a godly man con tr.ils it. The devil has a good grip on the man or woman who never thinks of attending church, no matter whether they live in Fifth avenue or the slums. While the devil's messengers were tel ling Job everything had been lust, the Lord's messengers wcie on the way to say that his gain had been a hundred per YOl'K MOTHER. Honor the dear aged mothr. Time has scattered snowfiikes on her brow pillowed deep furrows in her cheeks, but she is sweet and beautiful now! The lips are thin and sunken, but thus) are lips that have kissed many a hot tear from childish cheeks, and these are the sweet est lips in all the world. The eye is dim, yet it ever glows with soft radiance uf holy love which can nevet fade. All, yes; she is a dear old mother. The sands of life are nearly run out, bul, feeble us aLu U clu v'i!t go further and roach down lower for yiu than all others on earth, You cannot walk ioto a midnight where she cannot so you; you cannot walk intu a prison whose bars will keep her oul; you cannot mount a scaffold too high for ber to reach, that she may kiss you and bless you in evidence of her deathless love When tho world despises and forsakes you, when it leaves you by the way-side to die un noticed, the dear good mother will gither you into her foeblo arms and carry you home, and tell you all your virtues, until you almost forget your soul is disfigured by vieo. L we her tenderly and cheer her declining years with holy devotion. l)e Garry "Why is it that when a fel low is alone with a girl he loves thoy s ,'l -dom play oirds?" Merritt "Because if they did she would have to hold her own bind OABTOniA. flu ha ll all. tffUUM fitW, TWO N.C. RAILROADS. ne the Crookejest anJ Steeiest; the the Straiclcst ani Must Level. "For ils length the champion railroad in this country for tunnels, steep grades, lofty trestles aud shurp curves," said u railroad builder, "is the Craubery Rail road, which extends from Johnson City, Tcnn , to the Cranberry iron mines in North Carolina, a distance of thirly live miles. It runs through a region of moun tains, ravines and swift crooked streams. There uru six long tunnels, cut through solid rock, and a score or tnoic of trestk.i spanniug deep, wide gorges, some oflhem at a height of nearly -Nil feet ubove the bottoms of the chusms. Grudcs of I'll) feet to the mile are common. The road was bcuo as a standard-gauge road, but it was found impossible to build it of that augc owing to the heavy grades and the sharp curves, some of which almost double on themselves, and it was changed to a narrow gauge. Kven then it cost over $50,00 a mile to build. "While the Cranberry Railroad is per haps, the erookedest and steepest railroad of its kind in the country, another North Carolina railroad is the straightcst and most level. This is the Carolina Central, part of the Seaboard Air Line system, which for 125 miles has not thesl'ghtest curve nor as much as a foot of cultting, with no grade as much as a foot to the mile." FORGET THE HAD. If you would increase your happiness and prolong your life, forget your neigh bor's faults. Forget the slander you have heard. Forget the temptations. Forget tho faultfioding, and give little thought to the cause that provoked it. Forget the peculiarities of your f.lends, and only re member the good points that make you fond of them. Forget all persona1 quar rels Blot out, if possib c, all the dis agreeables of life Obliterate everything disagreeable from yesterday; start out with a clean sheet for to-day, and write upon it, for sweet memory's sake, only those things that are lovely and lovable. Disciples Exponant. FIN D II EH AGE. Girl of marriageable age do not like to tell how old they arc, but you can find out by following the subjoined instruc tions, the young lady doing the figuring Tell her to put down the number ofthe month in which she was born, then mul tiply it by 2, then add 5, then multiply it by 50, then add it to her age; then subtract 3U5, then add 115; then tell her to tell you the amount she has left The two figures to theri;',ht will tell you her age, and the remainder the amount of her birth. For example, the amount is 822, she is twcniy-two years old, and was bom in the eighth month August, A PORTABLE WELI A Gordon county man recently brought suit in a justice court against a former landlord to collect 8u' fur digging a well. "Whut ycr got ter say erbout it?" asked the court of the landlord. ' Wal, yer honer, I'll jest say I didn't authorize him to dig no well. He dug hit ufhisowo free will for his own use, an' konscquintly hit's his well, an' he can jest take the blamed thing an' go with hit to Texas fur all I keer." THE LAW TO MEET IT. Gazzim "I'm going to have my neighbor's chickens arrested. The roos ters waken me every moring at 3 or 4 o'clock aud spoil my rest" Maddux "There is no law which authorizes the arrest of chickens " "Well, there's a law which forbids the use of fowl language." CONNUHIAIi MYSTERIES. "A man who is just married tells his wife everything." "Yes?" "And after ho gets better acquainted with her he doesn't tell her anything:" Chicago Record. HOW DID HE KNOW- "The usual seats? ' asked thu gentle manly box office attendant. "Er no; give mesom'Hhing cheaper, in the pit " ' Here you are. Thanks. Glad your wife got safely home froin her trip." DOUBLE-BARRELED. He, (angrily) It soeina to me that the biggest fools are always marrying the prettiest women. She, (sweetly) John, you are a most audacious flatterer. Ex. "She "Then papa didn't refuse to lis ten to y iu?" He "Not a bit. I began by telling him I knew of a plan whereby he could save money." "Papa, why does the sun go South, in the winter?" "Ob, I suppose be can af ford to?" A BASHFUL BACHELOR. Nothing- Left Now Hut lo Sit in Solitude and Nurse ihe Gout. "Fate made me what I am," growled the gouty old bachelor who has his lux urious quarters within u block of Grand Circus Park. "I was intended by na ture to love and be loved, and lo have the joys of old ago in a bright family circle instead of being shut up in a deco rated dungeon like this. The fickle jade has played me a tuighly lueiii Ire-k. "Why didn't you marry like a sensible fellow?" asked the old friend who was making a duty call. "Fate, I tell you; predestination, hard luck or some of those other ugencies to which we charge all mit'ortuno. When a young man I ws s.uitteua score of limes and hit so haid that it duz.'d inc. It made an awkard sort of au idiot of me. I could neither think, talk nor properly control my emotions. The only thing on caith I was afraid ('' was a pretty woman and she simply paralyzed me." "Pshaw! Nothing but bashfulness, and you could have overcome it." 'You don't know what you're talking about, It wasn't anything ofthe kiud. When in love I was controlled absolutely by some ulterior force. If I attempted to croH.i a room to address a young lady, my fectwould walk me out ofthe door. When I bowed I would fail to straighten up till some one broke the spell by a word or a laugh. I'd start to say som ething and the result would be something else en tirely irrelevant." 'Why didn't you make one grand ef fort and throw off the strange control?" "That's what I did when I was visiting in Tennessee and fell in love with the grandest woman that ever lived. One day in the garden I set my teeth and deter mined to propose. Then I passed out of myself, I walked through a flower bed, fell over a baby carriage into a barbed wire fence, swore like a pirate and came up with a face like a cranbeiry patch. The sweet creature ran. So did I. That was my last love affair. And now there is nothing left but to sit in solitude and nurse the gout." I'Olt OVI.R FIFTY VKARM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in ct cry part of the world. 25 cents a botlle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. The Blonde "I wonder if I shall ever live to bo a hundred?" The Brunette "Not if you remain twenty-two much longer." ADVERTISEMENTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening st rength und heiilthl'ulness. Assures the food against alum and all forma of adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. rovai. HAKixti l'ownmt co., kkw york CTEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD. A rnii:oiM Horn ami Cat t If Fmimi; Ctlt PooHrj ind Uuriicn l-Vncfl; l altM Find and Hog n l .ird. ('I'tTi'lfry not) (iritvc Lot Frnotng on Pin ,' -a mi.t HfMKTialtr. Pa? Ui Freight oMie m il icBiiiuoiimii iree, k. L miKLLl HKUUfcU, ATLANTA, tii. W.L Douglas $3 Shoe. Stvllsh, durable, perfect fittlnfr. Endorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. "W. L. Douglas &50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2 SO ana $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2 and $1.75 Boys We use only the bent Cnlf. Hniita Oalr. French rntrnt I'air, Krvntili Knaim'l, Viol Kid, elc, fruited to corrripniidivKh nrlonnriheklioea, Jf diaier cannot aunt) )nu, nrlte Catalogfree. W, L.DOUGLAS, Brtfcklon, Mm, auu bi .t v. wwmtiiL fpN W. B. TILLERY, WELDON, N. C. E. N. RICKS A BROS., ENFIELD, X. C. DOT 26 5m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Blight" :osts cotton planters more '.ban five million dollars an mally. This is an enormous A'astc, and can be jireventctl. I 'radical experiments at Ala bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of "Kainit" will prevent that dreaded plant disease. AH admit potash the rcsulll of iti line bv actual ex Jennie in on the Itrtt lamia in the United States U !) in a little hik which we jiulilish and will gladh Bail ii te tu any farmer in America who will write lurii GKRMAN KAU WORKS, Hi Nassau St., New York, IlOV ,r (illl THE KERN FURNITURE CO., !l Old Market square, Norfolk, Va. My Camps, ReMprators, and full Hue of Furniture. apr 30 ly. B. I'. SALE. WM. LINN. Proprietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. BOTH ON AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. MARKET AND O CREEN GROCERIES. To all my friends: I have opened MARKET at the old "Delmonico" stand, LIST of ARTICLES KEPT on HAND: i,-$i'.; tta5Sta!! Beef, Nice Fresh Fish received v daily, Pork Sausage, Cabbage, Potatoes, Etc. O. Gh EYA1TS, Weldon, N. O. apr 2 tf. F. If. Stamback WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise Agent for the celebrated ZEIGLKR BROS. and BAY STATE SHOES. Have also added to my stock a nice line CLOTHINGI for MEN, YOUTH'S and CHILDREN. ' ' A full line of Always on hand. Burial robes furnished for Ladies and Gentlemen ulso fluid injec tions given to dead liodies and disinfec tants used when desired. A NICE HEARSE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Mr. T. H. Taylor, of Northampton coun ty, is with me and will be pleased to see his friends. P. N.8TAINBACK. A (Jiiiid Piano Is a Well Made Piano Careful attention has seen that every de tail is right, down to the screws. It is this care and thought which makes the tones sweet and full, which makes the touch elastic, which guarantees the loBg life of the Piano. ft-TH E 8TI E FF"t is perfectly made. When that is said, perlection in every detail is implied. Terms to suit you. Hood fur illustrated Catalogue. CIIA8, M. HTIEl'F, II N. LilHTty st., KaltimoiH, Md. Washington, Wl Eleventh st., N. W. uit n ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JiKM H.llCU.kN, WALTSa S. DANISL ULLIK DANIEL. A TTORSErS A T LA W, Wkldos, N. C. hitctlce In thewmrtaor Hallfai andNorthtmp. 011 and in the Supreme and Federal courts. CoU ivtinne made In allpartaof North Carolina, Branch office at Halifax, N, every Hon. dr- Jan 7 ly D R. T. T. ROSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. tWOffice over Emry A Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. J)R, W. J.WARD.& Surieoi Dentist ENFIELD, N. C. , lf)Omoe OTer Harrison's Drag Star dee Mir