'nl JOHUnT "W. SLEDQ-E, Htoi'iUKTOR. VOL. XXXI. A. ITE"WSPAPEE IT O 33 THE 3? E O I? L E WELDON, N. C, TIIUltSDAYMARCII 18, 1897. TEI?IVrS:-81-50 PER ANNUM IN AI'VW. E NO. 47. ADVERTISEMENTS. pTuneline (Trade Murk ReKlntereiU THE IDEAL LAXATIVE And Cure fur wuC 0NSTIPATI0N" M pleasant tin liuney and mire cure lor Ullliiiines. Headache, Severs, stuniuiii Troubles. Ilciwcl Derangements, Mver Disease". "lrk Ntouiarli, Irregularity, Rlilncy Troubles, Hkin ami lllood Din. urilera. atiil very in uiv "trior ilise'ise unit rnmiiUeiition (tni' In llit' tnni'llvu Htali'of the Imwt'lti, PRUNEIINE'" ll'e safest ami surest eillhiir tlrnii'l iii'tTitMit tine ran use. It tliohniKhly clemi-i's with 'lit KriniiiK, purities the blond ami rt'inuves all waste trnm tin syi-U'lu. It ilu-i. may with CASTOR OIL. SALTS Mile Ma autl all ullier tiHiiseiius inin,'u tivr. It time anil em-iyleii all the itrritt ornann uftlie system. Keep tin' lit'iul ('mil, tlit- tV'i-t wnrm and the Bowels ii!ll, ulli( I'KI NKI.l.NK fur tin' lattrr piiriic. Hold liy all dettleri, or lent oil reeelpt of fifteen Uj toaliv m'Miess y WINKKI.MANN A RKOVVN Mfl'C CO., IHltlroore, Mil. ep2l ly. HUDSON'S 1h7 Main at., Notl'olk, Vn. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DININb ROOM. ALL MEALS 23 CENTS. SCRPASSIXa COFFEE A Sl'KClAl.Ti ' 3. K. HUDSON, Proprietor. The llfst of Everything in Season octlU lyr. 0. H. HALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Carries full line Dry Ms, Notions, Boots RHOKS, OROCEUIES, Etc. Agent fur STANDARD SEWINC MA CHINES. Curt lurniah liny part of liny kinil oi machine nt short notice. Send postal caril for slip illustrating parts to machine yon have anil will name price for piece needed. I carry a full line) Coffins & Burial Cases. Give me a trial when iu ueid of an;--thing. my 7 lv. V. T. PARKER, , DEALER IN , Farm Implements. 224 POUND SACKS OF SALT FOR 81.10 PER SACK. K,Correet prices and polite attent ion to all. nug 1 ly. 60 Vf ADS' XPIRIINGI. TDiAl yiRKI. omens, rTft COPYRIGHTS AO. Atitoiw iendlna t sketch end dcripttoTi mf quickly Mcortaln, free, whethttr an ItiTenlton H prnhattly pAtentAble. ComiuunloatirmB st riot If cuofldentiel. Uhlwt wreiicy forcurtii patents In America. We bare ft Vej.htntiD oftlcfl. !'atnu taken through lluita to. rvevirt ipwiitU uotloe lu tlie SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beftntlfnltT lllantmtwl, larwt clmilalton of any eel entitle Journal, w?ekiy,teniiit W-Ul a year; 11.50 nt I month. Specimen Ouplee and llAMU OO UN 1'ATKNTS M)Ut fruO. AlldruU MUNN & CO., 301 UrMdway, New Vtrlu Professor Jas. Harvey's UNEXCELLED 1 a TONIC. TfftHnneniiAl It ia lltA onlv StHctlV pure vegetuble blood medicine on ftie market- It regulates and cleanses the liver, strengthens and heals diseased kidneys, assists the urinal organs in wonderful manner, cures chills and tever, catarrh in ita first stages, ulcers, sores of long stand ing, aids digestion, creates appetite, strengthens the weak and languid, gives tone and vigor to the whole system. No one should be without It. Office and Laboratory 277 Church street, Norfolk, Va. WTI'KICE 50 CENTS. jUly. W. M. HABL1STON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers Id 1 1 A. Liver Kidney M CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M,HABLI8TON4CO., No. 90 H. Sotmor Si, PsUnhnr, Vs. io Miy. ADVEUTISKMKNTS. I)ve Is the kry Btone of a woman's life. Her fondest hopfd rest iijion this U'lidcr fmotiuti ; her highest pride is in her capacity to awaken the love which makett a happy wife ; her noblest ambition in to become a loved ami i lovinit mother. Any weakness or disease which inca pacitates her to fulfill the exalted function of moth? ill ood is the saddest blight which can come upon a wo man's life. Hut th'-re is no rea son tn nature why any hindrances or de rangements of this kind should continue to exist. Ninety nine times in a hundred they are completely overcome in a perfectly natural and scientific way by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which gives healthy power and capacity to the special organs; reinforces the nerve-centres and makes natural, healthy motherhood possi ble, safe and comparatively easy, It makes the coming of baby almost free from pain; gives strength and cheerfulness to the mother, and constitutional vigor to the child. It is the only medicine in the world devied for this one purpose by an educated physician, a skilled and experi enced specialist in this particular field of practice. " I ciin tint say enough in praise of Dr. Pierce's Pivot ile Prescription, as it has done me a world of giHxi. nntt has, undmibtetlly wived my life," writes Mrs, Florence Hunter, of Corley, l.ogan Co.. Ark. " I misenrried four times; could Ret no medicine to do me any tjood. I concluded to try the 'Favorite l'rcefiptioii ' and after taking leveral bottles o( it I made mv husband a prrscut If a tine girl, 1 think it is the best medicine in the world." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets : One is a kxative, to mild cathartic. Moments and Tombstones. DKSKiNS SENT FREE. In writing Rive some limit as to price and state ttfe of deceased. 1,4 KG KMT STOCK lu the South to select from, COUPER MARBLE WORKS. ( EslalilisUcd IrtW.) 130 to Hunk St., Norfolk, Va. nov 2 ly. Twin City BAKERY, WELDON.N.C. Full line FANCY (iKOCE RIES, FROTH, and Confectioneries. Nice lineof California Dried Fruits, Prunes Teaches, etc., etc. Full line of -French Canflies- Crystalize Fruits, Cream Almonds and Murshnullows- Ageuta (or Fleischman's compressed yeast. BUSTER PURNELL, Manager, Oct 15 tl'. We're on our way -To- A'Kl .niLiim The Hustler I who Sells the CHEAPEST and BEST Dry Goods, GROCERIES, fcS-Or Anything You Want.-! -HUE'S GOT IT.- ttrffiEYER'S BARGAIN HOUSE"" Enfield, N. C, Chimney Tipe, Sash, Blinds and Doors, ana iuii tins oi HABDWABB, For sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, FECTEBBBITKG, VA. mm Cucumber Pomps SONG DIDN'T WORK. They Hal Been Married (Inly a Year an! Hal Already tan to have Their Lillle Disputes. This morning over their breakfast they had quarreled more vij-orouily than usual, and he had thrust his hat fiercely on his head, slammed the door and started to the office with feelings of bitterness ml rno in his heart. As he paused up tho sidewalk there came floating to his ears from a Deij-hlmr's open window the musie of a song. It had been the favorite of him and Louise during th" days when the tender hauds of iiovc hud firt begun lu to bind their carts together. As the familiar notes struck into life and vibration the old sweet chords again a sudden and over powering revulsion of feeling came upon him His mind recalled the happy days when he had so fondly and joyfully wor shiped at her shrine. The well-remenj-bered walkH 1 y the river, the balmy nights when they whispered in the moonlight among the honeysuckles, her low, sott tonrs that had so strangely stirred his heart, her first whispered words of love the old tender echoes in his soul were awakened. He turned on his heel and went back. iui-e was lying upon the sofa, ber face buried in her hands, and htr shoulders baking with a storm of sobs. A flood of re-awakened love, pity and remorse swept into his heart. He knelt by her said and took her hands in his. "Lou," lie said, in low, broken tones, never, oh never let us say a hard word one to the other again. Let us forget that we have ever dune so, and remember that love is all there is in life that couics of heaven. Dry your tears, little one, and forgive me for ever causing them to flow." She looked up in an ecstasy of happiness and wonder. She smiled through her tears, and her arms went round his neck as she exclaimed: "Oh, George, am I dreaming, or is it your old self I have with me once more? Surely, surely, darling we will never differ ;ain. Oh, how happy you have made me by those words! Never, as long as I live, will I bo cross with you auother itne." "And we will be happy always, dear just as happy as we were a year ago." Always. How different life seems, George, when love and trust and con fidence guides our steps. And you will never speak harshly to me again?" Never, darling. And you will never bo fretful and complaining auy mure?" "No, indeed. You know I never am when you are niee and good to me It is only when you begin to make a fuse that I get cross." "Sometimes, dear, you begin it." "Not until you give me good cause." "Very often you begin to raise Cain before I've said a word " "No doubt you thiuk so, but then you always lay the blame on me. You never think you do anything wrong." "Well, whenever I don't do exactly what you think I ought 1 1, you get on your ear and howl liketwoctts on a back enoe." "Do I? The trouble with y m is that you haven't enough sense to conduct your busiucss properly, aud yo i c nu : home gruiu as a bear and take your spite out on me when anything goes wrou." "A man who ojmcs home and gets a tongue lashing before he gets inside tl) ioor, and found fault witn forty-seveo times before he hangs his hat up is likely to feel gru u. I never saw a human being in my life with a temper like yours." "And il 1 hulutbeeo a tool 1 never would have married a map with the in. suiting, bru'al manners that you 0s. sess, I should think you wiull be ashamed to live." I'd rather a tlnusand ii ues bo dead I ban to live tho life I'm living now. It's enough to drive a iuiii orazy." "Oh, you miserable, detestablu villain; Why don't you kick and beat mu? I'm sure you re mean enough to, Two uiiiiuic latr tho man, wi'h tire in his eye and a rod scratch o i his cheek, came out of the ho isj a seound time Tho music of the sa ue song was H lating from the neighbor's window, and he uiui tered: "Confound that old tune. Why in thunder can't they sing ' Johuny, get your gun,' or something decent?" POR OVI'.K VIVtX h K Mrs. Winslow'8 Soothing Syrup has been used for ovor fifty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothe the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in eery part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Tin blacksmith is always ttrikiui his wages. for OABTOaiA. Tutu- MlU li n TOW THE BIGGEST ONE. The Major Told the ISiest Lie and No One In the Crowd Doutted It. There were five or six of them sitting bout the stove in the drug store, and they bad been telling some pretty tall stories. The druggist was a man of some humor and invention, and he concocted a mix ture ofgreat potency and line flavor, com posed uf Hp. Pruiupnti, saccharum alba, cortex limiuiis, carniilivllus aroumtictis mid aqua pura i. s. This mixture he pro- nosed to administer to whomsoever should tell the biggest story, and tho party at once began to stretch their inventive pow ers to their fullest extent. A toilet soap Iruunuer was appointed judge, and the prize mixture, steaming hot, sat in an eight ounce graduated measure upon the edge of the stove. The colonel told a war story of the Munchausen variety, the 'squire rolaled a hunting adventure that evinced a decided genius fur evading the truth, and the postmaster made a strung bid for the prize with a snake story big enough to make the sea serpent jealous. The others Mowed in turn, and the last man, the major entered the competition. The major had in his mind a remarkable nar rative about a dog that he owned that did some wnnderlul things, and he began his story this way: "Last Wednesday morning I got up a little later than usual, and went down to breakfast. Most of you have seen that brown setter of mine he's a good deal smarter than most men. Well, that dog was io the dining room when I went in. As I came in the door my wife, who was waiting for me, said: "John, when I went in to wake you up this morning, I found this five dollar bill on the floor. You must have dropped it from your pocket when you undressed lust night. Theu she handed mo the bill. Now that dog of mine was ." "Wait a minute," said the toilet soap drummer, "you needn't go any futher with your story. Tho prize is yours. I'm a married man myself, and that lie you've just told is one that you'll never improve on. I hereby render a decision io your favor." As there was no singlo mem io the crowd, not a voioe was raised in protest against the judge's verdict. 1'ASS IT 1JV. There arc a great many troubles, and trials, and unpleasant things in this world, enough to keep one io perpetual fret and fever and turmoil, if one will allow onesell to be fretted by them. But many of them are not worth (retting about or caring fur; they are of little consequence, aod we should pay little regard to them. A mao says something which is not pleasaut. If we make trouble about it he will perhaps repeat what be has said, and say as much more. If we say noth ing, that will end it. The best course io such a case is to pass it by, aod say notli iug. We shall always have trials, but wo oecd not grow peevish, or fretful, or i npatient over them. We cm bear more than we have borne. We can bear more than wo thiuk wo can bear. Many a quarrel which is exceeding bitter to day will to morrow be lost to view. Next year we shall wooder that we worried or fretted or were disturbed by the petty tiiuls that crossed our path. A friend may grow unkind, ao enemy may be ma licious; never mind, pass it by. Clouds may be dark to-day, but the sunshine wil come to-morrow, nod the afflictions and trials of the present will pass before the brightness of the days to come. Bury tho troubles that aro past; bear the troubles of tho piesent; do not worry about the troubles of the future. Meet each trial as it comes, and in a majority of case's the best courso will be to pass it by, aod leave it with God. CARDINAL MANSINO ON CHILDREN. I have soaiotimo thought, when look ing on a church full of ohildren, there is nothing more beautiful in the sight of God. A beautiful garden of roses, lilies and lovely flowers is sweet and beauiitu to the eve. The hand of man guards and watches ov cr it so that do harm can en ter. Sometimes a storm of wind or hail breaks the lilies, destroys, the roses, and makes ruin where before all was sweet an orderly. The wicked and malicious man comes in to wreck and ruin his neighbor' garden, and when they see this every body is touched to iho heart. Everythin; lovely and sweet trampled down am wrecked makes ooe grieved; but in thi sight of God, not tho most beautiful gar den fashioned by the hand of man, not even Paradise, not even the garden of Kdeo, with all its glory aod beauty of flowers aod fruits, is so bright and glor ious as are the souls of little children in whom the Holy Ghost dwells. Seleoted "What is pronunciation, Uncle Jim? "It is something vou hunt un in i dio- tiooary ono day and forget the next. OABTOIIIA. A WILY MOONSHINER. The Officers Came to Capture Him, ht Hi Caught Them. Cap Nelson is a mooDshiner whose stills io Clinton county, Ky., have never been found. The revenue officers have eodeuvored for years to catch him, but the nearest they ever succeeded was about two years ago, tho details of which raid were told to a Star reporter by Thad Arnold, one of the deputies who aceom- auied the posse, "We left Point Bumside," he said and slopped the Grst night in Monlieel- stariing eurly the next morning fur Boston mouutuio, near which Nelson was nown to live. As wo rode up the nar row bridle path that is tho easiest way to e top of the mountain a mountaineer met us. " 'Howdy, strangers?' ho said. " 'Howdy?' we answered. " 'Ooio to Albany?' he inquired. " 'Yes.' " 'Waal, I reckoD I kio do yo' uns some good an make an hones' dollar,' he remarked. 'One of yo' all jess get down n come hyar.' "Our leader dismounted, and the man said cautiously: " 'Thar's a feller named Cap Nelson hyar, an thar's rewards fur 'im. Kf yo' all will briog some men hyar, I'll go alves. "After a little sparring a deal was made with the fellow, whi took us to a house for supper wh'jre he said Nelson had an engagement to come that night. We watched the informer carefully and kept our weapons ready for uso. " 'Yo' uns all go up yander in tho loft an keep a sharp lookout. When he comes, jump right down an captcr 'im suddiut. Take me, too, for my hide wouldn't be worth shucks ef they hod ny ijee he war given away.1 "We were a little suspicious, but kept a close watch upon the man. He was not out of our sight eieept wheo he went to eed the horses. 'About the time it grew dark there were sounds of horses' hoofs, and our spy whispered up the loft: ' He'll ride up, an I'll go out an see 'im an stop 'im. II won't come io 'cause thar's two others with 'im. When yo' all hear three pistn shots, yo' kio know it's 'im. Git yo' crit ters an Burroun 'im.' "We started after the horses, and the pistol shots were heard as we reached the og stable. The horses were gone, the hts were out in the cabin and when we got back it was deserted We finally got into the house, aod loosely scrawle I no piece of brown paper waswritteu: 'I tol yo' all I'd show yo' Cap Nelson for ha the 82,000. You all et supper with him, but he don't live here as a gcueral thing He took the horses for half what yo' owe him for showiog himself, and the rest can be sent to him at Monticello.' "It was the lust trace we could find of him, and we walked 30 miles to town, ex pecting every miouto to be shot at." Washington Star. DIDN'T CARE TO HEAR. A stranger from the North was consid erably astonished, while strolling through an Arkansas towu to see a number of meo suddenly erupt from t lie court house door uue of them ruuniug hurriedly down the steps and other stumbling and rolling down . 'Excuse me, Mr, but what was the matter in there?" he asked, addressing a gentleman upon whoso person another gentleman had in his haste riden most of tho way down the stone steps. " Wal," replied the eitiz-in interrogated, pawing his person over in a respectful way to discover if perchance the ends ol any broken bones were protruding through his pelt, "Jim Pritchet t ucci dentally shot Heck Jonks's dog yesterday with t trillin' old hair-trigger revolver ho's g it, an' while he was tryin, to ex plain to the dog's owner how tho aeci dent came to happen the old pistol went off of its own accord an' shot Heck. Ad jest dow' while he was tryin,' yere io the Cou't House, to explaio the matter to the Coroner's jury, the infernal old pistol went off again an' shot a hole plumb through tho Coroner, an' as he insisted upon iryin' to explain the last accident to the rest of us, we 'lowed we didn't keer to stuy to hear it." "Are you never tight with your money?" "Only when money is slack." 'What U nutritious food, Undo Aleck?' "It is food that is so cheap and plain that many people are ashamed to eat it." "Of all the wonders of the great west, which was tho one that impressed you most?" " Woudering how I was ever going (0 get back home." On s swallow may not make spring, but one grasshopper will. "They ssy he is descended from along line of kioga." "I should judge from his looka that it was a pretty big come down. ABE WAS CONVICTED. But he Had Left all to the Lord and Came out All Right. They were going to try a colored man for stealing a quantity of raw cotton, aod when the hour arrived, I went up to tho court house to hear the case. The prisoner was a man about 40 years of nge, and hud elected to plead his own case. The prosecution proved that the bag of cotton was found iu his cabin, and the property was fully identified as belonging to tho owner of tho compress. The pris oner asked uo questions, but said he wanted to make a statement and rest his case "wid de hiwd. Alter a while he was given an opportunity to speak, and said: 'I war' gwine by dat compress at 'leven o'clork at night, when a voice called out to me: 'Hold on, dar, Aberham Jones! Yo' was a pore man, an' you jes' take long dis bag o'cotton to buy yo' sum shoes fur cole wedder." Deo de bag fell at my feet an'I d uo took it home." Did you reeogDize the voice?" asked the judge. "Did you recogoize that voice?" "No, sab; but I reckoD it was cr enjul dat spoke." "Then why did you hide the bag when you got home?" Well, sah, jest' as I got frewdegate anodder voice told me dat I'd better hide de cotton fur a few days." "No, sah; but I reckon it was a voice from Heaben." "And that's your defence, is it?" "Yes, sah. I'se willin' to res' dis case in de Lawd's hands. De Lawd knows I never stole dat cotton." "Hadn't you better have a lawyer?" suggested the judge. "No, sah. I'z3 beeo gwioe ter chuich fur de las' fu'ty y'ars an' I'm restin' dis case right in de hands of de Lawd." "I shall have to give you four months in jail, Abraham." "Huh! What fur?" "Stealing that cotton.' The prisoner received his sentence without a word, seeming to have expected it, aod was taken away. Two weeks later I met him oo the street of Seliua, 50 miles away, aod said to him: "Why, I thought you were iu jail for four months over io Florence!" "Yaas, I was," he replied. "I remember that you put your case in the hands of the Lord." "Yaas, sah; an' I come out all right." "But you got four months." "o I did, sah, but arter sarvin fui nine days, do Lawd showed me how to dig outer dat j lil, an' yere I urn, an dey won t gll me ugaiu! HE DIDN'T WANT MUCH. "Say, kernel," ho said, as he walked into the editor's office and stamped about forty pounds of mud off has boots against the legs of the stove, "I sorter thought I'd take yer paper cf you'd do the square thiog." "Why, of eourse, we are always glad to accommodate our subscribers." "Wei, here's a little obituary of Aunt Kalliae hit's jes' ten pages o' foolscap an' won't make much, I reckin'." "We'll print it." "An' you'll send forty copies of the paper to this 'ere list o' relatives, won't your "Yes." "An' nex' week my daughter Serilly is goiu' to git married. I reckin you print a hull lot about that?" "0." course. That's news." "An', say, I've got ono o' the finest youog shotcs you ever have saw. I want you to cu u out some day an write up hit." "I shall bo glad to do so." 'You ain't got a doz 'n er two ole ma zincs who t you vo duo read a lay id eround handy, hev you?" "Yea, here's three or lour." "Thanky. Jes' put me down fer three months, an' I'll hand you the quarter I this fall sometimo." J. A. Hall in At lanla Constitution. NO DEVIATION. "Look at that trunk!" exclaimed the woman as she identified it in the baggage room and saw that hinges and locks were broken and corner knocked off. "Yes'm, I've been looking at it," was the humble reply of the official. "It's all snnshed to pieces!" "Yes'm" "And it was done on thisrad." "Yes'm." "Well, what do you propose to do about it?" I'll report it to the agent, ma' am, aod he'll r'port it to the superintendent, and the superintendent to the president, and the president to the Board of Directors, and some day three or four years hence a lawyer will call on you and want to know why you didn't travel with your ward robe in a shawl-strap. That's our routine, ma'am, and we never deviate not even wheo the baggage mao forgets to leavs us 1 piece of the trunk " "Does he stammer badly?" J , "No, he is ao adept it it." JONES IN ATLANTA. Some Notes from a Sermon Reported in thi Atlanta Journal. Mr. Jones i-topped short, and looking toward the crowded doorw ay of the build io', said: "There's a constant commotion about that door and it must be stopped. Are there any policemen around here? If the crowd utthitdoir cntiou;s that noise I want it cleaned out. No rubble can run this meeting. Either that crowd must adjourn or this meeting will adjourn. I have never preached to a rabble yet, and don't propose to begin oow. If your mouth is oblige! to go off, why just take it outside Brother Kelly, keep them quiet around that door. If it's a man making tint racket, get un him and ride him down here if it's a woman, let her rile you down here. (Great laughter.) "I can't talk to un auilienc like this unless there is perfect quiet." His racy rebuke restored order and he proceeded with his seruioo just as if noth iug had happened. Speaking again directl y to his text he said: "Paul saw and his spirit stirred wilhin him. I hate a lazy man. I like a fellow of spirit, one that you have to hold back like a spirited horse. Preacho rs of At lanta remind me of tho nigger and the old mule. They lambast her, but she won't move. The nigger lambasted his mule, but he went only ab out three miles an hour. "Look here," said a man, "ain't that mule lazy?" "No, boss, he's ooly got a thick hide and a short recollection." (Great laugh ter) "My idea is to stir the people up. The people are lying down on the government and people in the church aro lying down oo the Lord sitting on a stump trusting in the Lord! Nine-tenths of the people in the churches hero never get beyond trusting in the Lord! They remind me of the two niggers in the road doing oothing, but trusting. One said he be lieved in helpin' hissef first and den de Lord. The other dat he b'leve in nuthin' but jes trustin' in de Lord. A mad bull with mud oo his horns aod business in his eye, rushed toward them aod they umped up and ran for their lives. "How's dat?" asked one, "er ain't yer jes trusted in de Lord." 'Wall yer see,' he replied, 'dere waot do wild animals er loose wen de Lord made dem promises ' " OABTOIIIA. ti m ftgutun m i itirr Latitude aod lonjj itude are only learned by degrees. ADVERTISEMENTS. W POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and hc4ilthlulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. HOVAI. HAKIXli I'OH'DKH CO., NEW YUUK PCULTRY AND GARDEN FENCE tvt lirnkp ft aiMl llnrw, Cftltl ftnO Hi'ir Ffliee! Vna. re ni'li'ry. ail ilrave l.nt Fmoiiip ft Spenlullf . e ry ill IrrlirM I'mUli-uue lJre. K. I.. MUl.l.kllM'tltlt. H,M. 1 W.L Douglas $3 S&oc Stvttsh. durable, Mrfectfittmir. Endorsed by over x ,000,000 wearers. V. L. Douglat $30, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions oi skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2-50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2 and $1.75 Boys We me only the bestCalf, ltuulaCalf, French Patent Calf, French Kimtwl, Vict Kid, etc., $ railed tn convupotid with prices nt theabovi. If dealer cannot supply you, write Catalog free, W. L.D0UGLAS,Brockton,Mui, SOLD HI W. B. TILLERY, WELDON. N. C. E.N. RICKS I. BROS., ENriBXD, K. O. dot 86 5m. ROYAI Nf ' iisl NEW ADVEKTISKMEN'I c otton. With careful rotation of crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti lizer containing sufficient Pot ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop and failure. Use fertilizers contain ing not less than 3 to 4 Actual Potash. Kainit is a complete specific against " Rust." All l)iiut Potasli thr results ofits me by actual ex pertinent on the lien farmit in ihc United States it tulil in a little bunk which we publish and will gladly mail free to any farmer in Amenta who will write fur it. GKKMAN KALI WOKKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. nov 5 6" 111 THE KERN FURNITURE CO., 14 Old Market Square, Norfolk, Va, Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, and full line of Furniture, apr SO ly. P. SALE, WM. LINN, Proprietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. - - - BOTH ON - - - AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. MARKET AND 0 CREEN CROCERIES. To all my friends: I have opened MARKET at the old "Delmonico" stand. LIST of ARTICLES KEPT on HAND: 8Stall Beef, Nice Fresh Fish received daily, Pork Sausage, Cabbage, Potatoes, Etc. O. G-. E'VAJSTS, Weldon, N. 0. apr 2 tf. F. I Mack, WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise Agent for the celebrated ZEIGLERBROS. and BAY STATE SHOES. Have also added to my stock a Dice line CLOT HINGI for MEN, YOUTH'S and CHILDREN." ! A full line of Soliti Walnut Caskets Coffins, Alwoys on hand. Burial robes fnrnished for Ladies and Geutlemen also fluid injec tions given to dead bodies and disinfec tants used when desired. A NICE HEARSE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Mr. T. H. Taylor, of Northampton coun ty, is with rue aud will be pleased to geti his friends. P. N. STAINBACK. A CJood Piano Is a Well Made Piano Careful attention has seen that every de tail is right, down to the screws, it ia this care and thought which makes the tones sweet. and lull, which makes the touch elastic, which guarantees the long life of the Piano. KUTHESTIEFF-w ia perfectly made. When that ia said, perlectiou in every detail is implied. Terms to suit you. Send for illustrated Catalogue, CHAS. M. 8TIEFF, 9 N. Liberty St., Baltimore, Md. Washington, Ml Eleventh St., N. W. oct 8 ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMKH H. Mtn.l.BN, WiLTEB S. D1HIBL DANIEL. M O L L K N A ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Weldon, N. C. i-racticeln thecourtlof HHfiandNorthmp uuftiidlntheSupreiDeand Federal courta. CoU nHfnnftinaile In allpnrtRof North (tarollna. Rrauch office at Halifax, K. c.,opn every Mon. dv- Jan 7 If T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. nOfBce over Emry A Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. - DR. W.J. WARD,- Simeon Dentist poaMS ENPTO.D,N.C IQaWOffie over Hatrira'i Drag Stow s801r. ' 1 SSSSSSSSSBK J, J i mm my il