NKW ADVKUTISKMKNTa. THE ROANOKE NEWS NKW ADVIORTISKM KNT8. NORTH STATE CULLINGS. It) Workers anJ I rieii;-. nt Sun Jav Svhuuls. m:w advk utiskmknts. r THURSDAY, Al'IUL 112, 1897. PUBLISHED liVKUY THURSDAY. JOHN W. SLEDGE, Editor and Proprietor. D. E. STAINBACK, Associato.Sditor. Entered at l'ot OjJ'tce ill H'lAmi n Isccaml Clnm Mutter. KATICS OK Sl'IIMI'MI'THIN IS ADVAXI K. O.ie Year (by Mail), Postage Paid tl.Sll. Hix Months "' A Weekly Democratic ioiirnal devoted to the matrriul, iUic:it innril , political mid agricultural iiiti-riwlH ol Halifax anil sjir rouuding counties. sjPAdvortisinit rated reasonuhle ninl furnished on application. Til K Chicago Chronicle, winch bitterly opposed the Naiionul lhuiuera'ic ticket lust year, says Chicago has gone Ileum omliu because "When McKinley was asked fur bread he ;ik stone " Six secretaries of state have been clc vatcd tn the presidency. Soother ('ah iuet position has graduated a president, ulthouuh Monroe was Secretary of the Treasury an well as Secretary of state It is said that John S. Wi-o wants to be appointed district attorney fur the Southern district ol' New York. We are of the opinion that Johnny would like to bo appointed to almost any good office. It is said there are. but two veins of verde antique marble in this country. One is a small vein in North Carolina. Tli'i other is in Cherokee county, tin., and a company has just been formed with a liberal amount of capital to work it. TlIB Atlanta Journal very properly remarks that the reseiKO of General Gordon at the tomb of General Grant on the day of its dedication will be striking evidence that the uccasion is in no sense sectional and that the era of good feeling for which General Grant ardently hoped and which he earnestly strove to bring about has cuuie. William J. Hiivan, who is now in Washington, it still suffering: from the result of the accident at St. Augustine, and is considerably burisnl. His worst injury is iu his lel'i side, which paius him greatly wheu moviDg about. The force ol the fall can be judged l'ruui the fact that a silver match-safe which Mr. Bryan carried in his vest pocket was crushid completely out of shape by the accident. Tub situation in southeastern Kurupe contiuues so ob.-curcs that it begins to look as if things were being purposely allowed to drift. The ouly point on which all the powers seeui to be agreed is that the Cretans must be starved iuto submission in order to save the dignity of the statesmen of federated Europe: beyond that, like Mieawber, they are satisfied to wait lor something to turn UP- "The South," says the Milwaukee Scntiuel, "needs no protection. Two thirds of its cotton crop is exported, anil its furnaces sell pig iron at a profit iu England. Southern mills, under the present tariff, are fast outdoing those of New England, and need open markets rather than the pent-up protection pol icy that would confine them to a nar row home market The Souths in terests largely predominate in favor of low tariffs, and its voice should be fam es' ly and persistently lifted up in the interest of that policy." Til K Torrey bankruptcy bill, intn -du -ed by Senator Lind-ay, of Kentucky, at the heginning of the sp'-eial session, is occupying the attention of the senate, now, arid it is to be hoped that it will be diposcd ol with sufficient expedition t ) secure concurrent action by the low er hou'e before the end of the extraorui nary session. Several times the bank ruptcy bill has advanced as favorable ac tion by oue branch of eongiess, only to meet its death through the failure of the other house to act upuii it the same term. The bill emhodies the wisist and inert practical pr.. visions relating to insolvency, it being the outgrowth uf recommenda tions by business organizations and ol extend, d study and discussion by legisla tors, and il is so Will known to ihe business world that any piolnnged deba'e over the I'.asit.ilty of adopting it would seem to be suprfl ious. It aims to guarantee equity and justice tor both debtor and creditor, is calculated to di minish the number of dishonest failures and to shield straightforward iusulvent from suffering by reason ol the rasealiiy or others. The early passage of this bill, whicl: has come so uear to brooming a law many times, is desired by the commercial interests ol the country. Two years ago R. J Warren, a drug gist at Pleasant Brook, N. 1 , bought mail supply of chamberlain's Cough ltemedy. He sums up the result as fol lows: "At that time the goods were uo known in this section; to-day Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy is a household word." It is the same in hundreds of communities. Whereever the good qua! Hies of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy be- ourae know the people will have nothing else. For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon J, N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri' son, Kuneld. Mrs Elizabeth R. Tilton, the wife of Henry Ward Beecher's aocuser. , died at her home in Brooklyn last week Car Coaitlpatloa rnw . Trine Cmmai-eta (ndrOHmrtltt We or Re. h licv-renio cure, drugauu refund motley. News Notes as Culld from Our Stale X.v changes. Marion is la have a roller flouring There was a big lire at week. llickorv last The last distil has been closed. rry in Cabarrus county The acts of the last Legislature will not appear until June. A northbound vestibule train was slopped ar High I'oiut by tramps. Artesian wells iu the upper Cape Fear si ct ion are proving a great success. The new Federal building at Ncwbcro has been completed and is now occupied. The I'lesbytcriau church at Greenville will be dedicated on the third Sunday iu May. It is rumored that a panther has been seen iu the woods near Heaver Dam, l'itt county. A-heville ladies are to organize a chap ter id the I'uitctl Daughters of the Con federacy. The new State Hent.d S.niely will hold its I'.'lrd annual Heeling iu Charlotte May !' I I. The lirst shipment of slraivbeniis from this Slate was made from Ilurgaw, Vender county Engineer Kinner, who was hurt in Sunday's collision at llarrisburg, is now certain to recover. The annual report of the Secretary of Slate as insurance commissioner will be made next mouth. There are now iu tl eighty life term convicts, are old and feible. peniteutiaiy Some of these The Republicans and Populists have put out Frank Stronacb, of Raleigh, for candidate for Mayor. Rev. R. M. Hustler, editor of the Home Visitor, at Winterville, bus leased theTarboro Southerner, Thus far -'J of the insurance com panies which Inst year took out licenses, have failed to reuew thciu. There is tin interest in go'd mining in the Piedmont section, uud .some very fine ore is being taken out. Superintendent Lawrence savs live new cottages at the Oxford Orphan A-v-lum are completed and will be occupied May 1st. About the middle of May Labor Cm -mi-sinner Haturiek will, as mine in-pee tor. under the new law, vi-it ail tlieuiims in the State. The fatal railroad wrick near Pilot Mountain was eau-ed by rails spreading Engineer Powers, who was scalded, is not considered seriously injured. Many Coiilub rate veterans from this Mate will go to the Tennessee Centennial at Nashville. It is said that from the camp ar Durham alone ."in will attend. :V correspondent of the Goldsloro Headlight tells of a hog that was six lei I lour iuches iu length and three feet four inches high. It Weighed l.tMltl pounds gross. flu-re is much interest in the meeting of the stockhuldirs ol the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad May l'-'th. Some wry important matters will, it is said, cou.c before it. The State Eutumologist discovers the dreaded San Jose peach scale at Bill tin re and at Tryon, and discovers "peach cl- )w" at Tryon. The scale is worst in the east than elsewhere. There is a desire on the part of sou c of the 1 tli'.'ials that the State should isMie baby bonds" uf the denominations of ay 3") and $10. These would circulate as currrency and would save the State interest. I'ayetteville Observer: Several people have told us that during the big storm Thursday evening, they saw a ball of lire about the siz; of a toot ball pass directly over this city. Could this have been tho search light of the airship? A cm respondent of the Charlotte Ob server says chinch bugs literally cover the face of the earth in No. 9 township, Ca barrus county, and farmers in that section have about decided to plant no corn, as the bugs would destroy the crop. W. G. Randall, the artist, will spend the summer at Blowing Rock. He has commissions which it will require six months to fill. He will taint for the late library a gi.uo, the puiliaiis uf those colonels ofthe Twenty sixth Regi menl Henry R. Rurgywii, . B. Value and James II. Lane. T mi tii In a Nutnhkm, Impure blood is the natural result of close confiuemeui in house.sehool room or shop. Illood is purilied by Hood's Sarsapa rilla, aud all the disagreeable results of impure blood disappear with the use of this medicine. If you wish to feel well, keep your Mood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's l'iils are the best family ca thartic and liver medicine. Gentle, reli able, sure. Suit is brought against the Seaboard Air Line to recover 8-5,000 damages for the killing of fireman Overby. "Half span of itngry steel" will produce no more fatal result than a neglected cold or oough. For all throat and luig diseases, Ayer'i Cherry Pec toral is the beft remedy. It is invaluble in inief of croup, whooping oough, br nuliiiis, and la grippe. I hold the position 1 occupy by the election of toy bi'ethn u IVoin the live re ligicus dciiemitialiniiH of Christians in Halifax county that believe and engage in missionary and Sunday S ehool work. They also decided iu convention that the president of each township should he a nieniti'T of the executive eouitnittee for the county Sunday s.ehool work in con nection with its president. I wrote to all such calling a meeting at Enfield on the Hill April. 1 also wrote tu all pastors of Sunday schools in Halifax county that 1 know, urging their attendance. (We need them and they need Usl. The day was raiuy only a few ou baud and a number of cards and letters received. Another call was decided upon. Come the llllth at li.'! P. M. at hotel in En field, 1 will furnish dinner to committee and pastors. Fraternally, W. C. Wiiitakmi, Pres. Hal. Co. S. S. Asso. Tl'ltkKV and Greece are in earnest. The lit 't battle gn at victim for the Greek now at war resulted in a forces The Tuiki-h army was 7. Will were r. porle pel haps, i X"i v-ive. of Turkey and I iron el the Turk-. overwhehncd ; killed This I- he relative strength i- 1 il to 1 in lav. r Tin: Supicnio Coiitt ol Tenin declared that the -bedding of leal lawyer u hen pit ailing ou behalf ' client is not only allow. ilile, hut is among "the natural rights of counsel which no statute or constitution could take away." "Indeed," says tin1 court, "if counsel have tears at eoumiaud it may be seriously questioned whether it is Hot bis plolis stoiial duty to shed tie in w henever proper occasion arises " Tlli.nly el, I '.lit a i So. . tl..' Ca ..-ar, Is I a ilei !' I ,. .1 .Ml .. - o , ;. o! a:t alii I . 1 1" SI;, n- !,. Ill" I an! en-. I i .-. !y on I. i.hn'i ; I !'';t!is!!l. ! li," 'i I if,' - Hi , I euro I , a -.km,.-. s.-. r. I a! ' aiei hi miis. IVa o el i ' r. r io ,i;i. ; ,0. .. o , (.'uaranteeil l. env io .11! 1 r e isis. The Rev W II Weaver. the - I!. Church, DiiU.urg, Pa nizes the value of I 'hauili.'rlain's Remedy, and does not hcsit.ili others about it. "I have u-ed i lain s Cough Remedy," he say s, " it an excellent medicine for colds aster ol . reci-g- Collgll ' to tell lumber and find t'i'ti :lis. anil hiiaiseui's' gives it a trial. For salebv J. N ISrown," do everyone who W. M. Colon. Halifax. Ir. A Weill S lla son, : Meld. A man will die lor want of air in live minutes, f ir watit of sleep in leu days, for waul ol water in a w, ok and for want of fii. 'd at various periods, id-pendent "li circumstances Al Eld ISEMEN I . ScrofulaSores Health Wua HocC'r t C.e?it!y imualrod, But ,.-..,ia-:::o Built It Up ".!, !.if'ipearcd. : ! .tae nit inn:! on my Sor H ,-, I .-,. taee. v. i . hc.ilu, a mivisiii 1 ImiU ",e Before ! I. found 1 in bi'.'.- .' TV r: j. tee'. Mi. .. my i:,i" I'll'. !'! " Atle.' year-, f, a Diade a c since I I have iu;t ; J -onifula. My il t hat 1 w a.1 at -iiparilla to : -! . i'.i'Ues. .1 : .iiiii iiot I I eoulii n-st fu ..In o io the 1 .-. il w tu n I . he s, ,ri s on .' J. 11. Hul- N l arotina. ..re I,,' f..r 25 - Ss.'i -iaj arilla seve ral vi ars : .1 : In ir. . f !!.-. '.a. I, I'o. ,r., .' a.' ".: 4-il!.. Iu.t I red w 11 li any s.re ea erysip- oLhs in t tiat time. Lovett, tieorgia. MKS. M. J. IlAIITl.F.Y, llememlmr Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tin Hest the oni Trtif lUiitui I'urillpr. lie SUI'f to ).''( Iloo'l s itlltl Dllly lliHitl s. Hood's Pills A TT WANT Etiiidoyincnt. WANT a vacancy filled. WANT information. II ' U U WANT! Si-mi ."iffiits in stam(w and we will Ull yon how to get it. A-ltlrvH. Soul hern Kmpl(.ment ami Intr lllijem e mar 4 6m. s !ALE OF LltTID Hy virtue of an execution in my hands for collection issued from the Superior court of Halifax county returnable to May term lsil" in tavor of Unuse, Henipstone iV Co., nsiiiist W. H. Finch, 1 will sell to the highest hidder for wish at the court house ilisir in the town ol Halifax, N. C, on Monday, the B-lth day of May, court day, all ol the riittit, title ami inter est of W. B. Finch (which is one third I in that tract of land whiell was allotted to him and hi-hint In i (!, I,. M. Finch and Ins sister KlialM'ih F. Finch in the divis ion ofthe dower land of I'.Ii.iIk Hi Hriuk lev, which i-nntained a tract of I!II0 acres. Their share of said tract is lot No. A, and contains hy survey '-In I acre and bounded us tollowH.' hegiiiiiing at a siissntrns on Hie Littleton ami Kansoiu's itrulge road. thence down said road to a black .lack tsiiuer ol ion Nod. .1 and 4 ill Haiti division Thence W. .'iil-t poles to a Mapleanil white oak on little i-islnng creek, thence up said creek to a born henni, thence K. l!i jmles to the Iieginninir. Ion division ot said land is reeonlwl in hook Ho on page :t5 in Keiristere othee ol llalifix county. April '20, lS'JT. J. T. DAWSON, sheriff npr 'i'X It of Halifax county li. P. SALE, WM. LINN, Proprietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. - - BOTH OS - - - AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS Union Street. NORFOLK, VA. CATTLE WAN1EI). will pay HIGHEST CASH PRICE for cattle, suitable for making nice beet, tall on or iidreos, W. T. PARKER, Willw, N. C. 1 Gladness Comes itha Letter nmlei'slainliiig uf the W triiii-.ii mi uiilore uf tin' niativ phys ieul ill--, wliieh :i;iisli L. ful'e "'..for of- furls (.'i III li etV.il'!-. il.. il-iinl ell. Tls ii-e.-l.'il I in re is eoiiili.il in Ihe (l'l.. li'ilei'. lll.lt so Illiill.V fol ios ol sieUni'-s ace in it ilee In am actual dis use. Lot siniplv In li eiiiisi'ali'ile.iinli tiiill uf the '.steiu. whiell Hie plelisiillt r'iiiiiilv l.-ixiilive. Nvi'ni'i.f l-'i'.-s. 1'i'i'ini't ly ivmiiiTs. Tloil is v, li v il is Hie nnly lvnieii" illl uiiiliiiosi'l' I'aniiMes. ;n..i is evei vwhi'l''.' .'sleeioeil S" lil"lll,V I'.V wlio'val.ie o I l allli. II-. I.elleticial etreets are one In the fact. Hint il i- the line reloe.lv which .rnm"lc. iliterluil eleanlioi ss williolll lU'L'filn'iuir Hie nivalis mi whieli il nets. II i- tin -refnt'i' all iisil'talll. ill mil.'!' I" n't lis Lone ti. ial elt'e, Is. to note vt i n 1""-eha-e. that "il have Hie en e arti cle. whi. li is ui.ionf.i. t iO "l L.v tlo' l aii fnriiia 1 ii.' nii I " "o y I si'i'l I'.V all repolal' ' 'I' oe-ci-ls If ill toe eiiii.'.llli lit of t' I hiaMh. ami llie st. ail is recni,,!'. hi xatives. .r iitller I'clll.'ili. s are Hn o lint 10 i 1 1 1 1 1 . If Ullli.'t.il wi'h illiv ll.llllll illsea-e. niie may he omiiiiicinloil I" the in- I s.illful pin sii-ian-. hot it ill m eil of II hlMilive. ,. shiinhl have Hie Lest, ami with the well-inliino.il evei-ywhi to. Sirup of K iesstniuK liiehi-st 1 is must hnfely Useilllliilj.'ives si eeniT'.ii satislaet inn. mar L'l! lv THE : : GRANT : SPECIAL VWOU, ONLY $351 limit just the way you want it. I'p to date. guurantiH'il higli grade wheel. LICHTRUNNINC AND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All I'olers and all styles for men ladies and chiidieu. Otf Ju-t as g.ioil as a hicycle you would " i pay Slim for elsewln-re. Sample wheel on exhihilii.il at J. I. Jud-kill-' 1 1 1' iccry. H. L. GRANT- Agent. 1 TASTELESS HILL il IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. ; a i. att a, !i 1.8., Not. 16, dntlcnu'ii: Wo poltl lwt yar. Bin botllet of "(Hi VK'm TATKl.Kf rilll.l, TOMO Bint haso i "lulu three tiruM lri-mly thinvrnr. In nil wr n- (TD'ti( pI il ypnr. In Ihe dru bimlnown. hnv Ofvcrcs lil mi iinu le iiialfeMve mirh uuiversaiuiuh tscltoo u yuur TuUlc. Voun tniljr. ABNKV.CARK AUO For Salo aotl Wnrriintod hy Dr.A.S. Harrison, Kntielii, N. ('. Teh 1- ly Phaeton For Sale. I have for sale a IL'ht two horse PHAETOIT tivwl)' ri pairnl, nuJ the same cmd be w. nat V. It. Yii'k'f Shop. It will be I'M at a jtvut liariiin tor Cash. W.H. IIAKKLSOX. Ht'J.t J4 tt rp a x S A L E . I have this day levied ujion the follow init ileperihed real estate to satia'y the tuxes now due anil unpaid for the vear ls'llfi anil will sell at public outcry at the court house door in the town ot Hahlax. rountv of Halifax, and State of North Car olina, at 12 o'clock M., on Monday the :iril day ot .May l7. llKSK'Kll'TION, TAXRH AND COST. C L Anstin, one acre land, 4 OH. Mrs M A Arririgton, two town hits 3 04. W Crowell one hall acre land, 1 7n. Mary Crowell, one halt acre land. 1 4fl 1" A Cook & lira., 41 HI acres land, 17 117. K W Carter, 1M2 acres land, 8 Oti. Sandy Kenner, 50 acres land, 2 02. Joseph Golnmbeck, 1KII acres land, 5 52. Mrs A Kdodilin, 010 acres land, 15 70. M .1 Hawkins, Houthern hotel, 27 27. C H Mcrette. 1(19 acres land, 6 24. M C Jones half acre land, 1 81). Katie Jones, one town lot, 1 00. Geo Marshall halt aero land, 2 54. Martha Marshall, two town lots, .84. Bennetts Reynolds, 40 acres land, 2 !):), Arthur Reynolds, 125 acres land, 6 88. Mrs W H Vick, MO acres land' 14 68. Norman Scott, H3J acres land, 1 37. Kd Shields, 105 acres land, 2 80. B W Shaw, 40 acres land, 3 84. JB Walker, one town lot, 9 78. Isaac Johnson, one acre land, 1 92. Ananias Bnek, two acres land, 4 82. J. H. KENNER, Tax Collector, Halifax Township. '7 it;; T IE NI'IW A 1 V K RT I S K M K NTS. xourit CMiOI.IXA ,s77V.7.,(., curirr. 1IMJFAX t l . I. t'ary S. Hunt, 1 Soiniiiolis for s. ,. lliiinli'ii Hunt. J Kelicl. Tlieiliieiiil.ini lleriuloii Hunt, ahove llameil, will take notice f h it an ailimi cil llll.'l as altiOe h.ls lieell colli llli liecii I II the Sllperan eoiiit ol H.llil'.lX eolinlv, lor a ill Mil ee, .mil In liioLe I lie hunts ,ii itl.lt i uiony exisliug helweell the pl.iinlill' ami ileli llilaut, ou Ihe glolllllls ill all lllilonniellt iiii (lie pail ol tlie ili ieinhint prior to the 1 :;t It ilay ol March 1 !'.', anil lia ing liveil separate anil ap.n l llinil plaintlll eontluu niislv since saiil ah.iniloiiiiieut ami for more than two years prior to the emir nieiieeinenl of this action; ami the ile leiulaiil will liirlher take notice, that he is reipiireil to appeal al the next term ul tlie Superior court of said county to lie held ou Ihe I'.'tli Monday niter the 1st Monday in Man h I-H7, at the court hou-e in Halifax, and answer or demur Io the complaint tiled ill said action or the phmi nll'will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded in said action. tiivcn under my hand inid seal of said I'oiirl, this giulniav nt March Isil". M'likl.lSli M. (1AUY. t'leik siuiierior L'ouit. .Ins. It. li.ltehelor, Hay .x: Hell At'vs fur riaintill' mar. '-!.', li w. li EXECUTOR'S OtltE.- Humul; iju.ililii'tl a; cxmitor ihv t'htatt' ul t'arnlinc I'lnllijiH, iv,mmmI, all jHtMtiii'. linlilint: t-hutuH uumnM Hitnt est at t' ;iir lim tv nolMii-tl to puwitt tlu in t" mi' in r.nlit lii, N. C, on or Urtnn tin' 1st day ot' Ajuil lMS ttr this untm- will be hm in kit I'l'tbcii nruM-rv. ami all (M-isium in ili liliil to s;iil estate will Mt-ttlt1 at once ami save wtn ot unit. 1'liin Ititli olMarcli lH!i7. li A. l'nTMAN.jr., hxic. ol l urolim- I ni'lipH, tin', mar t (!. gLE OFLANE Hy virtue of a ileeil in trust exeeiiteil to me hy W. 1', Ihirnes-i anil his wile l'.liz.i hcth',1. Hiirp'ss, et als, on the'JMh ilay ul .lone s.", ami reconleil in the lieiiister of Dceils' olliee of llalitiix ennnty in lnuik li. at ii.ines '.'.'IT, '.:x anil 'JtH, I will on MONDAY, thejinh DAY of Al'Kll. 1-HT, emse to pnhliecale to the highest hiihler lor cash, in the town ot l.nlielil, N. ( , that tract or parcel of html sltnateil in the ininlv ol ll.ilitax ami known a the vv . 1. Iliirue-s hotnesteail tract, anil accurately leseriheii HM follows to-wit: lleiziliuine at I little nist oak on the niile of W. 1'. I'.ni- iess' avenue. Mrs. .lessne llass' eiilller. thence S. Ill 'les tnilueli, thence N. II.V lili pules, alulij; 1-, II. lnlakei s line, thence X. 1:1 w. '.'Il lail.n, thence S. M r W. Tli pules toil little Itlalleh, t heme lluw II Ihe branch to Kiillin l'llliiiiin'shiie, thence N . UHl" K.H lMiles, thenee N. .MlJ 1'.. Vi pules, thence N. 7M K. Illl polen, to water oak, thence S, .11 ' 1. lfe.' poles to Mrs, Jesse lla' line, thence S. 7H K 110 poles to the licuinuiiii; euiitainiiiK one hiin- ilreit acres, ami Itiilv ilescnlieil iu sanl trust. This lUth lav of March 1SH7. DAVID iii:i,i mar i' It Trustee Hy virtue ot'a dwrco rfmltTi-il liy tlio rlt'rk ot the SujH'iior court ol Halifax county in a special pn'e'lini; jYt'iiiliun h,v lor1 him entitled James 1 Jtakuix, ecntorol'K. W. Hawkins, dweasi'tl, nainst .lolin M till in and otlitrn 1 willou Monday, the Urd tlay ot May l!t7 at the court houxt1 in Halifax town sell to Ihe liilient Inddt i at puhlicauction lor eah the lullowiu de seiiheil lot or trai tn of laml to-wit: That tract of land owncil hv I. W. Haw- kins at his death and known as the home place adjoining the lands ol Alhert Hwekii day, the Pepper land, WiUimn Scott land and others, containing nhout, KfH ai re?' except the shart'H therein allotted to.lame T. Ilawkii - iuid Marv Ann Mnllin and I ouisji tiiecn as shown upon the survey of . K. rsevtlle litcd in a proceeding lor tin partition between the heirs ofthe slid li V. Hawkins, deceased. The remainder (d saiil tract of land will be sold in hits of alnut 'Mi acres each as designated hv said survey. Also the (! acres drawn hv Mar' tha Ann Hutlsun of that ttaet of land ot which the Maid Hawkins died seicd : posse t-d lying oiH(Mianky creek and known iw the ltagh v land. I his April 2, r'.d. .1. T. HAWKINS, Kxecutor of Hen. W. Hawkins, dec K. L. Travis, attorney. apr l." It Hy virtue of a decree rendered hv the clerk ot the Superior court ol Halifax county, on March Itu. in a sivecial pro ceeding peuding hcloresiiil clerk entitled Imvid Hell adniimstratorot Anna Alston le'eased against John Aaron and others I will nell ou Monday the ;ird day ot May u thetHHirt. house in Hahlax town to the highest hidder at public auction for cash that tract of land ot winch the said Ann Alston died seized and possessed situated m faucet tit township and mentioned i her will as the hn Kavette tiirales liounde hy thelanilsofW. li. Neville, Louis Hrown ing, Tom Kobinson, the Hurt laud ami others ard containing 'mtvh more or lesi. 1 his April 2, IM?, 1. ItKl.L. Admr. of Anna Alston, decease-it. K. I,. Trais, attorney. apr 15 4t JOTICE.-W Having iiualilicd as executor of the es. tnte of Leila L. Harris, deceased, before the clerk ol the Superior court of Halifax county, this is to notify all jx-rsons holding claims against said estate to preweut them to nieon or before thellth dav of April 18!IH or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, l ersons indebted to said sta'eunist make iimiiciHate payment. This thellth day ot April 18U7. W. I.. HAKK1S, Executor, npr 15 tit Lelia I.. Harris, deceased. jOTIOE. Having iiialilied us administrator of I.sham Hnks, (leee;s('d. law ol Halifax county, N. C, this is to notify all persons navinjz claims against tlie estate ot the said deceased to exhibit them t.i Oleander sinned on or bcliire the 25th dav of March lWH or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to .,t,i ...fit. ii mi-p irf!n"(V'.tf payment. 1 ins join nay 01 jiarcii im7. 8. (i. HANI IX, mar 25 fit. ndministrator. yJLE OF LANDFOR TUXES. To whom It may concern : 1 I shall sell to the highest bidder tor cash at the court house door in llalitaxon Moil' day the :trd day of May 1807, the follow ing lands to satisfy taxes due on teame for the year 18H6.' A. (1. Aaron's estate, IliO acres, Robert son tract, tix jh.m. Mrs. Laura E. Aycock, 35 a. Hill's rood, tax bic. Mrs 8 A K Bonn's estate, 3"o a. Mead ows, tax 6 42 Mrs A II Davis, 48 a. in Tucker tract, tax Wic. Mrs C W Hardy, 43 a. on Beaver Swamp tax 8tc J W Heptinstall estate, 38 a. Crawley tract, flic- Mrs E A C Jai kson, 30 a. Crawley tract tax title. W H Lynch, 15 a. Coleman tract 96c, N M Lawrence, 130 a. 1'ittman tract, tax 2.72. Mrs M J Lowe, 105 a. Jack horse, tax 2.08 Leach Bros., 000 a. Meadows, tax 14.00 Mrs M A Meadows, 125 a- on Hill's road tax 2 44. Thos Richardson, 50 a. Meadows tax 1.18 Mrs A M 1'arker, 450 a. Meadows 3 00 r red Dnsrer, 30 a. Sycamore tax 70c Dr R H Speight, 252 K U King tract, tax 5 00. J. H. NORMAN, Tax Collector for BrinkJey rille township. huff A ,'l' i:sTH that strike! home is: 11. IM' you a piano',' Nullum; tills the place ncciipii d hv a M'l i :i'l'. 'I he reasons lor Ihis is Hi orM I'l.lJllilJl.'l AI.ll'V. The Sliell I'lanos hau-stooil Ihe test ol' tiui". Thai's iist whv thevale prelerred to oth ers. A iliing lifjoy is a JsriKl'l'' I'lANO in the household, the testimony ol niaiiv Anieiieau t'annlies coverinna period nearly I'orty years Make your home happy hy piiiehasing a BTIKKF. It will prodiue and give liainiony for a lite time. Send lor illustrated eat ilegiie. Terms tn suit. ( II AH. M. ST II '.IT, II S- I.iherty st.., Ilalliiiiore, Mil. Washiiiglon, Ml lilevenlli si., N. W. Norl'olk, Va., Illl Main slreet. oct H ly. ft ft' ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Offers a c. iii.ele line of llie i'i:i,Kmt.Ti:n v.- TK0t MARK. ft ft ft ft ft t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Percales and f ft ft :ft ft Madras AltaehcJ ntnl iletaclied ft ft ft ft. ft ft ft ft ft ft COI.I.AHS ami Ct'l'l'S, ('(li.l.AHS a in! (TKFS. ft ft ft 62)c. up. ft jjjf. a.rrelly Jirinted shirts, called ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft PERCALE, "liy tlie trade," 50c. Down. ANCHOR BRAND- ft ft .ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Ill all tlie latit lla(lO.. Neck-wear, ft- Underwear, ft ft ft ft ft h Hose, Suspenders, Haiulerchiefs, k ft ft Enfield, N. C. ft ' ft ftftftft-ftftiftftftftft flPRING W :: OPENING Special IMsplay of And Millinery Novelties. 0 Be sure to attend. o MRS. W. R. HART, oetloly Iieulinkc uiiiils,N C, Bine Ridne CementLiiiie forts M.niiUetiirereof llt.l K HllKiK HYDRAULIC ROSENDAIE CEMENT. tiiwmnUvfl Kiwiiluti'ly hyilritullc, We inote iin'tn ut iivt-nti ni Miijr piiii in mi1 nouiu. mi i't-mt'iil i4ul, ml Hin'Uttth, iiinroriDHv In color, tMiriuiiK ml rinttiiir tnmmniMl Wrtif lor prii'W I. II. BiMnw HM'K HlIHiK H'RIN(t8, a. it'ii'rmpu stue mujft), va. win REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES KEAMEU, Prop. Howard A Baltimore ata., Baltimore, Md, TERMS $2 Per Day. aep 10 ly. OllOlIOO(Mlll(MI10.ieiWlOllOOXKIIIH0)OOI100KlO(Kl(W W.T.P4RXER, -DEALER IN- Wr WELDON, N. C.TWi OOOOOOOCMlODOOtXXIXKMXKM KXMMKX KKMHNXKKXM XXXM) THE KERN FURNITURE CO., 14 Old Market 8iiiare, Norfolk, Va. Baly Carriaps, Refrijierators, and full line of Furniture. tprMlr. . 'iff ;i 'A j!: ; i;i i ' h; I 1 i !,;! "": ' uorpavns UP TO I) AT HI bAluiA nvin LLU1 lillw ; AT M, FHEDLANDER'S. 1 1 Vnn nan't d fin v. Thfi dfisirn. ". ble goods at popular prices are ; J . . flirt tro.Tr n ntn Iatt iTrl-iinVi f li Q Iitti ' i " ' store is judged. . . pietea my spring siock, wmcn i ' I will call your attention to. ; ..You can buy from me now! Men's all wool Suits worth? 'I $12.50 for $6.87 Imported' . . uream wooi taiior maae oatin "lining, regular price 14.00 atM ! ! 8.25. Black diagonal suits and f;' French Clay in sacks or frocks, regular price $16 now $9 87. ' . Men's all wool suits at 3.00 and ; " 2.50 per suit. Boy's suits from ' ' r- n a a -1 1 l . . ovc up. mil Men's Satin ca'f. regular price $1 "ill i 1-! A ui" d eieiv il.iy alioe al Cliililren's Slim Iruiii 1 !lc up. SPECIAL f ft . . .2 i.laiifs'iS'H's 'rf:l , , to a cmnplele litieol DRY GOODS ANO NOTIONS. I!iat r'jls' "'"f , i price 7c. at Tie; fie at Hie. (iiie.'liaiim, piinis, Wmsieds, l'laiils, I'ercalcii, " Salt, en, t'asliiiierei', etc , eheiipcr than ever In I'lire. A nice line of luce lriiiiiniiie;s, ciliime;, hraiilliiitliiiis, ccr-d.s. Vdlnie;, ve.vet winnow curlainn Talile linen, Napkins, nil eliith, tune's, etc llandkcrcliiif Sale fur the a ( , tn xt Hi) d.is, regular nice 10c at ni-liiiii; piodii, scarls. tie, etc. r.v.Tjunuy celne and cxatnioc my stock f before you buy. J f Yeiir friend, f j M. FREDLANDER, Prop. Vashile;iiu at (inoch's old si ii n W. It. SMITH Weldon, N. C. -Dealer In- SI II Gl Confectioneries, Tobaccos, Cigars and Farm Supplies generally. eMT-SUIOIs-' has been recently titled up with elegant furniture and is supplied with tbo OL.PKST, liKST and MOST ('HOICK Whiskies, Bodies Md UiJes. Aniline; my nock uf liiimrs I have on hand the celebrated I. V. Harper, Daveiipnrt .V Morris' "Old (Irovei," and Ivea' "Monlicello." I have also opened up a barrel ot sii year old AITLE BRANDY l: PURE AND v MELLOW J?Ti.for Mediciiiul l'urposea.-s Also have on hand full supply of imported and domestic tines. latter will be found the of ( I arret t & Co.'s winery tt Chockuyotte. 1 have some ofthe OLDKST AND BKST t North Carolina Corn Ws0 made by Harrison & Co , the beet corn whiskey makers we have in our Territory. I hive on hand all kinds of pure whiskies and am prepared to give my friends Entire Satisfaction throughout Halifax, and adjoining counties, Thanking the publio for past liberal patronage, I will say wheu you iil Weldon don't fail to call to ace the OLD ORIGINAL tg elsePAVE SMITH, dot 5 ly. i i M 5 1 il I have just com-i line oi at 81 SO; SJ 00 at Jl -lii; $1.5(1 al ft , s"e. Linlicn l 0 . ."rum 5He. Io J J ? J TTEfJTWfJ lie a peice Hats, Caps, Oents' fur- J ' II f of the lliiliimi.ro (.'lotliing Store, avctiii", WELDON. N Among (he m Wishiaxtoa Avenue. i 1

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