THE Q Oil KIOBS" JOHN" "W. SLEDQ-E, rnoi'iUKTun VOL. XXXII. A- ITEWSFFEK IPOH THE F E O F L E WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 2!), 1897. TEEMS:-1-'111 i'J-:u annum in advanck NO. ADVKRTLSKMK HUSBANDS' FAULTS. MONEY. NF.W ADV KRTISKM FNT; ADV KRTISKM KXTS. PR U N EL I N E ITpule Murk ll'i;iurctl.l THE IDEAL LAXATIVE And f 'urt' f.T -C 0 N S T I P A T I 0 N -w An pli-nsam us lii'iicj Hint sure cure r r -lllllotlNiit'MN.IIfaitili'hc, l'ctcr, MiiiiihcIi Trimble. Itowrl llcraui;!-mciils.Mt ci IHarra. Mirk Stomal h, In i i;iilni-t, Milncy Troubles. alh and liiimil Ills, orders. 'ami very m my "Hot di-ei-i.. .md ..hi.!. .itioii. im to tin- Itim-Ilvi-stiiti'il tll I" 'III Is PRUNELINE" ii'' -"it' '""i 'iiimr tlr HIKl HHTU'lll Mll I Hll 1 1 si 1 II 1 1 1-l Mj h 1 Cll-Hlt-I"! wllln"il yniHIM, .urill. s Mm 1,1 im.'l removes nil w nit innn Hir -iin It -yiih CAS TOR OIL. SALTS HIlH' MllS Ull'l "II ntll'T 11'Mlx' ll inri.'u tlVI'4. II t"ll'"S H1 "1 I ll' IKI'r Hll Hi. tiri'lU Hlu'dU HftlH' NV.ttUl. Kt i-li III.- IM'II.I I ....1, t!,.' I warm ninl tlie H"i ' m n, iimiv I HI S I.I.I N K fur llif taller fiiirpoM.. Snltl I iy Hll ill 'iters, "rsi-llt on lv . :.l .. .11 1 cut til HIIV H'MO'SS I'V W INKI'.I.NiANN A llUi'WS I'ltl .. i ii., ll'ilhrnuir, Mil, u'l'tl ly. HUDSON'S 17 Main st., Not folk, Va. LADIES' AZO GENTLEMEN S DINING BOOM. A 1.1. MK.U.SS5 CENTS. ('kpassixu nm:t: i srr.ini.n- I J. K. HI'DSOX, Proprietor. 1 The Host of Every thinK in Season i oct 10 lyr. (J. II. 1IAI.K HALIFAX, S. C. lurries full liue Dry Gooiis, Notions, Boots SHOES. (ilfOCEKIES, Etc. J III'IH III! ni.l.lllllll' .T.l'l.l" .,l.- , 11 1 N KS. Can lurnish any i:trl of any . ... ... L.n. i vii. mi ui.'ll'll'" U I ; mil ol machine at sniirt nonce, ceim jjistul eard for slip illustratini. parts tn nacliine ymi ban' anil will name price for I'iec needed. 1 carry a full line" Coffins & Burial i '' im l i . i. at-A----' t'lL ' , '-bm1 V r TffBnliir Cases. Give me a trial when in mid of an; -Jtaing. nty 7 ly. W, J. PARKER I DKAl.KH IN Eeavy ND Fancy Farm Implements. til POUND SACKS OF SALT FOB bl.lO PKRSACK. MfljuCorrecl prices anil polite attention to ill. "K 1 lv- TRAD! MARKS, ' r ' pnDVsir.uTI Aa. AtlTon nifln "koti'ti m1 dwrtptmn m7 autchlvHMiTtatil, fruti, wti.-ttier mi liiTeiili..ii li InibHhlr luileiilKlilo. fiiniiiiunlrwimn Mni'tlJ eoutlHiintltl. Ol.lrait neiiv f"riTiirliiii'iiti lu Amerlc. We hive a Vi HlitinH"U uftti-B. 1'ntenti taken tliroimll Muliu i t. rocottl IMMiial uotloe Id tlie SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, batffultr HlnMrntwt, lurrt ptrmUtton of an? tvlenltfle iturDnl. wwkiT.tfmi"1'" tlSUmi tumtth. prinii'n aiiih'n nrt UJAB IlKlK ON PATKMTB IKJlll ffOO. AJilrtmi MlNN A CO., ' Professor Jas. Harvey's vsKXcr.i.i.K.n TONIC. !$ li..., ha u.ikiI It in l)u .ililv aitfirtlv Euro VfH.Uihie itKHHl moiR-ine on uir innr- Ii t-..ifiiliitjai mill 'l:iiwtJ4 lilt lltT. net n hhh.h i Btrengtlu'iis uud lu-iU (lUtiuwd kidneys, .;tai Hi nriitnl nraf:Ln in a wntxltTt'iiI mAuner, cums rhilln ami lever, caturrh in iu tlrst stftti' S, vlccrs, wares oi ion amnn- iiw, "'fx" ' i "i r tlm u:.i.k :iiul lanbuiil. invert toue and vigor to the whole nyaum). one inoitm iew.!iim ' Offloe And LilMr.iturv ;7 Church strt't't, . .u.iii,i..i' ... rL'k"ru Nortblk, Va. wrriin-r."u jU ly. W."M. ril VULISTON at t O., Wholesale and Hetail Dealers in CAUPKTS, STOVKS, nd Mattresses, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTONAC, No. 90 N- Bjoftmort flt,, Peierabant, Va. ID MU. Groceries A. HQ YEARS' ,V tXPfRltN0ll. aii av AW 'I ivcr, KidnoysBlood '-Y-.ui.Lm . mmm I'Ifty Yeart A Who rmll itiiiininr that thuml,! i The plnt r wlirtc. In ( iihtcMf,e(, ; That white wotld-wnmlcr 'ni u limine Sh'wM lm-low the nation!, :ht 'n Hitp nt tlir I'ntr wh the prlin f - r (ill Aypr' 1 i 11m. by the worNek Vhicaxo-Wke. thry record bincc they itarltd 50 yean t. Ayer's Catharti Pills have, from the timiof Umlr proparntion, been a crfinuoili success with the public' Jl that means that Ayor's nccorapliah what is prom ror them; tht-y euro Will othera fail. It was fltt therefore, that the world-w popularity of these pills shot: be recognized by the Worl Fair medal of 1893 -a fafjt' which emphasizes the record: 50 Years of Curw. Moments and Tommies. DKSltiNS 8EVT FifK. In writing ive Home .mil a pi ire and stulc iip oi' dtfiiM-il, I.AH(.IT STUCK hi ie Soin tn ai,.l...r IV,, in Slv couper m&rble vorks. i Kstahlislted 1"H. 1 .".it to Kill Hank st., Xorl'ol, Va. nov '2 ly. , Twin Cr BAKE WELDON, NIC. Full line FANCY (ilfOCKKM, K HI' ITS, ami Con feet iom-ft. Nice liue of California DriJl'ruits, I'ruues 1'eai-lles, etc., etc. Jill line of FrenclraiesI - a Cryslaliie Fmits, Cre Alinonils anil s nipresseil yeast. Marslimali Autmts (or Fleisehnian'i BUSTER PURN I.L, Manager, IH't 1.1 II- We're oi our way Thl Hustler! wh Sells the CHEAljEST and M)T Dry Gouds, GROCERIES, IBT-Or AoytUig You W'ant.-iial MEYER'S BRGAIN HOUSE, Enhld, N. C. ) Chimney Fiie, !-fh, Hlinda anil Doors, " ''Will foil line of HARDWARE, Ff mile by PLUMMEf & WHEELER, FKTKltaUHl), VA. MM If. I fi Cucunib amps hit's Ajvicc toYuunKfljrrii'JI'co- In willing uf inarila! worries anil pleas ures .Mrs. Wenry Wanl Reeelier, mi ill: Di'l ymi never tell your Imsliaiul uf (inn-ureal eii'elleiiiT ol virtue in your liieinl's liuliainl, iurpiisely lorimintl liiin of soiiii' sliiirtciiinin or fault' shieli jou li.ul seen in liis own lialiils or cliar ...., y ii'i you ever treat your liuslianil, when uiiipany, with inatteuiion or impa i: hee, while ymi p-ililely nnil corjiallj i' 'pt the alleiilioiis uf other anil less iinhle men? Do you ever iiupntiently blame him in ili-i piesenee of a third parly? What nun is more sensitive to blame in the presence of others than a husband wben e- nsure comes from his wife's lips? Are you ever cross and silent in your own linine, with no one to entertain but your husband, yet full of life, wit and amiability in company? While it is just that liusbandsshould listen and leetive this counsel, and by the lesson it teaches endeavor to augment the joys of home, should not wives also take its trui h into their own hearts? Are we not eipially likely tn trespass in llie same waj? Aye, more so. For home is oui kingdom, where we may reifin supreme if we have wisdom to bold the scepter with a jii'lieiniis hand. I h.ivc seen you people begin life whh every promi-e of the most perfect happi less, yi-i make entire shipwreck of it all iv : unguarded words, impatient . unrestrained tempers, i : for spicy and brilliant repartee 1 1 - n a party and give the bigho-t ...-i.ii.1i pianey to social intercourse, . ;j.H(ii'i is possessor with a certain I .-in. i.. i ii iable or otherwise; but in :li lioiii" eirdc it is a dangerous gift, and. ,. ''--riiiii a. v, more freiiuently bestowed I ill- ; than upou ihc husband. n have wo recoiled, as from " hearing those who. should be ' 'raw comparisons prejudicial 'inpanion and to the credit . l and we grieve to say that u(.l remarks are ipiite as often heard f, ,i the wife as from the husband. Hi Ihey ever recall that when they the marriage vow they took the f each other's honor and respecta into their own bands to cherish ir 1 li k1. ' llud has made that bond so ilile that al honor K-("Wi'J on passes over and s shaved by the nd all dtsgraoo or error that is ;l to tho cue is eipially injurious to r. y understand all that is said of ugh, abrupt, overhearing wayv too much trulh in it. I think 13 naturally, u little spice uf tyranny (man's composition, and perhaps Idays of Queen Bess up to the ine we might find enough of the ty in our own sex to establish to sisterhood. milling there are purely elements, do we not know how or sofleii these uncomfortable j'iL: chai'.iutori-tios? Iliit -nr-s and love woman may if she wil'.'.nsert her power and find men most llii: subjects. Rut arr.'gince an! ;uj itn ce wdlfiml rough and stub born oppont its. Man isuowlierj found soli. i- ii hi naiural impulses as in the sicri.l ."-ciiets ut home. If one would be s ir -ii hi true character, g i to the doui -n iri l- uni-xpecledly. ii i- ii. t wll n away from home or iu, the lnH-ii I- id business or pleasure thai one st- - i in In natural counmoo. in I , . .. .. the I n I' iis family he will bj found oxerci-ingl is siant leurn the strength of I there his true character vou. "lowing inexcel- into insignificance Iphi;Vr. ! Teller, Salt-lllii-uiii mill Ei ieina. Tlie Inti nsrrlilni? nnil sinnrtiiiL' Inci- .l..(.t tn tl-... iL..ik..u lu iiiHtutitlv ullnveil l.y ;';:: -.Tr-Vrlnitt V.vb mid Hkin Umi Many very lmd rases have In-' ii pei'inM.ently citreil liy it. It is equally i ilk inn fur itcbinit piles nnil a faviiiiio ri-ineiiv for sum nipples, elmiipeil liaie.s, c lilblains, friitt Idtes anil ehn in.- s.-re ees. io its, per box. Dr. Cailj'n t'unlltliin I'nHilem. are just what ii h irse net Js when 111 bail condition Ti nlo, blood purifier and vermifuge They uro not fund but medicine and tlie beit tn use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cent per piickne. Fur sale bv W. .M.Cohen, We'doi-; J. N. Brown, ll a'ilix; hr. A. t. Harrison. Eulicld. A VKlLKI)8L't;(ilTI()X. Old Gotrtu I h.e made a w leaving you evoryWing I "possess, and in addition have tukiii out a life insurance pilicy for one hundred thousand dollai in jour favor. it else cau do for jou,? His Young Wife Nothing on earth N. Y. Journal OABTOniA. ' t, ' 1 here u i,l,i i eoiiju.'al (ii, ail will stand If orb lenee or shrUiiiik i THE SPENDTHRIFT. The Iiiffcrenci! Hclwccn a Mrniey Makorani a fluiicy Spier. Professor Allen Haddock, of San Fran cisco, has been a close student of phrc nulogy for many yeats, and eonsiquently ol' men and women of all classes, ami he says there are unmistakable signs iu the human make-up which distinguish the aeeiiunnul.ilor of wealth from the natural born spendiluil't. He. says that when you meet an inquisitive man you will see that his head i broad, and, according to the law of correspondence, there must he a broad chest and a hardy ciusii t The face is full and round, in diealing a system that is well nourished, capable ofnot only resisting disease, but with a strong brain overcoming all ob stacles in bis path to wealth. It is an aggressive type, and such as be are well adapted to commercial pursuits. This is not a high moral type of brain, but of the earth earthly. You can see how wide the head is above and behind the cars at secretiveness, giving tact and policy, while the mouth is close, the lips being firmly compressed. This is not a young man that would care for books or prosy sermons, but would take an interest in anything which would pay tribute to his selfish nature, whether he should be engaged in commerce or politics. The eyes arc rather open and full, indicatiug fairly good language, but he is not communica tive, he keeps his own counsel, and would not be likely to reveal his thoughts or intentions to even his nearest friends. In his "stiff upper lip," which corrci . ponds to the rather high crown at firm ness, you can read ieteriuinalion and per severing industry. The spendthrift, on tho other hand, shows, says Professor Haddock, a differ ent type of head, it being long and nar row. His neck is loug, and, correspon dingly, the chest and body will manifest the same char ictcristies. His acquisi tiveness is small. He has little sense of money value, is wasteful and improvident taking too little thought uf riches; is nat urally a poor manager and also lacks cx oeutiveness or deslructivcncss, which gives force of character; has no disposi tion to be saving, never accummulatia wealth, hut is salisGcd to get along Ir- ui day to day without yrovvdiajj for the future. J.ii'lginy by lUe height of the crown at C;niiue.ssi he is. wilful. Ilis nose is long, but concaved, and betrays weakness. Such young men should never enter com mercial pursuits on their own account, but conteut themselves working for wanes. His face shows a lack of vital force the lower halt of the face on a line with the outer angles of the mouth is narrow. Here are located the poles of the stom ach. The cheeks an: hollow, indicating that he is weak iu digestive and assimih. livc orgaus, hence, nervous and in it able, lacks recuperative power, soon, tires out through physical and mental 'a'l0r nuu- should be engaged in sonio light work where the pay comes regularly. IM"T WAIT SO LONC. Why reserve the kind words of love until the dear one is goue and cannot hearthciu? Why not give your fiiend the flowers while they are fresh and sweet, and not wait to lay them on his tomb? While he is struggling with adversity, ami is east down by disa,ppuiutiu,em speak the words of att-cUou yarn will want to say when he lies cold on his bier. Grasp his band while it is warm with the pulse uf lite and can leel the pressure of your own When his heart is still iu death, it cannot feel j iy or sorrow, an J a friend is no nearer thau a stranger. Also! bow hitter the memory of unkind words spoken in haste, that have pierced the poof heart like a thorn, and left a paiuful sting behind! Could we recall our loved ones that have gone from us, how we would try to comfort them! Wh it en ., d.-uring terms we would usel But they will never return. Their, lyis are seal. J in ,-ilencc, and th"tr ears hear not I be Voice of love, of praise, or of blame Then peak the words ol sympathy now while ihey are wilh you. Be kind and gentle to the lillle ones. They are with you today, tomorrow they sleep under the dais 's. "Be ye kind to one another." Americans are the most inventive peo ple on earth. To them have been issued nearly tiOO.HOO patents, or more than one third of all the patents issued in the world. No discovery ol modern years has been of creator bent-lit to mankind than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or has dooo more to relieve pain and suffering. J. W, raugn. ofOukton, Ky., says: " baye used ijhamberlain'a Coly:, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in my family for several yeqrs, and find it to be the best medicine ( ever used for crumps in the stomach and howoU. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S llarri son, F.nfield. OABTOniA. TOO MANY SALOONS. The I.adv Would NntAfpcar As a Wit ncss Anainsl Her Onlv Sun. 1 1 ere are the facts in a story uf real life. They arc taken from the police reports of the New York Herald, and true in every detail except the names. ( Ine morning last winter a policeman came into the dell'erson Market police coiiit in charge of a stout lad uf twenty. The boy stared vacantly about him, and Ilis face, which was honest and good natured, was bloated with a long and heavy debauch. Close behind him came a lillle eld we man, dceeutly clad, Hitf hair win white and her counte nance pale and anxious. "Whu's this, officer?" the justice said, when the boy's turn came. "It's John Cleary, your honor. We've got his mother to enter complaint against him for habitual drinking We ihiuk if he had a month at the inland, it would give him a chance lo pull up." ''You can do not biug with him your f, Mrs. Cleary?" said the kindly magis trate, who, used us ho was to scctics of suffering, was stariled by iheduinb agony in the old woman's face. "I cannot, sir. It's live years since he took to drink. It's not Johnny's fault. There's four saloons near by. He was as good a boy as ever mother had. He's good now when he's himself." "He's mad when he's drunk," the po liceman intcirupted. "Ilea tried te kill her twice," "Sign the complaint, Mrs. Cleary," tho magistrate ordered, nodding to a clerk, who laid the printed form on the table before her, saying, "Write your name on that line" She took up the pen and then turned to thejusiice again. Her face was blood less. "Sir," she said, "he's all the child I've got! I've been fighlin' tho devil for him for five years. If I sign that paper I'll hev tulet him go. He'll never forgive me. He'll never come home again." "It's the only change to save him," the ufliccr said. She wrote her name, John was told to stand up. "Now go, in to the witness box," a po liceman directed her. "You must swear against him! I can't! I can't!" She clutched her breast with both hands. "It'skillin' me! Johnny come here!1 Her son sprang toward h-r but when fell at Ilis feet She was dead lifted her. "Mother, mother, I'll quit the driuk! the startled lad cried. But she did not answer. The physician said it was heart disease. An ambulance was suuikavuied. Some one whispered to tie Justice. "1'is.chavgeil," he said, and llie wretch ed lad followed bis dead mother home, lo be probably held by his vile habit to a life of shame ending in a pauper's grave. Mrs rv St., A. Inveen, residins! ut "lill lien Alum, III, suffered with sciatic rheumatism fur over ciiiht mouths She doctored for it nearly the u hid mil this time, u-ing various rcuiviii'K recom mended bv friends, and was treated by the physicians, but aeiuil no relief. She then used "U! and a half bottles of Chawberkiii's Piin Rabn, which effected a complete cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others siiuilarlv afflicted lo know what cured hes The 1'.") and "ill oenls sixes For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. J. X. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. llairi son, Knlicld. lllCYCLi: IMtOVICUItS. A soli answer lurueth away wrath, but a soft tire fillelh a man with evil thoughts. Itis a wise eycloiui'ier thai allows its ina-t' r an i'Xtiauidi,naiy day's run As llie spoke U belli, so shall the path a U ihc bicycle deviate from the ""' "'"'" ' A drop ut oil iu time may save many a gallon of perspiration 1 lie tnctcle llalll Wis loin snli mittcth to llie chai-oe that il is at fault and not iis master, tor running ni two days alike dining the week It cannot be said of a bicycle rider that he begin-i a th i way he should go- A bicycle can lo aim isi nuyihiug save climb a tiee. The rider who pursueth bis way wiib. tin head bowed runnet,h tp, binuwD dc 91 net urn . It is not lueei tWi bicycles should i greet ea,c.U oilier with clasping of hands. Uiuhui lei them pay a formal, distant greet iug one to the oilier. The oil eup that goes too long un covered will become possessed of ai much grit as tho rider of the bicycle thereof As the handle bar is bent, so shall the spinal coin un ol the rider be in clined. It shall be said of all bicycles that their way is the way of the crank. Tho man who lookeih behind him in i crowded path would better bet pillar of salt New Y .rk Journal. Ilmv a l.illk' Mav lie .Male In (in a Ureal Way. Money is to cimiiieicc and huiiiness what the blood is to the body it simply uels us a lubricant to keep iu action the financial machinery. The total amount uf money issued by the I'niled Stales gov ernment from the time ol Washington's administration to the present does not represent even a htindreillh part of the wealth of this country. The imuoiiiiI i f money which is in circulation is vastly more important than the amount of money which is stored up in bank Vaults. To he in a healthy financial coii'lilion a country must, have its money iu constant circula tion, just the same as the blood in llie body must course though the veins at a certain rapidity in order to keep one in a state of health. A $111 bill, for instance, if put away in a trunk or somewhere el-c will be for the lime being a useless thing, hut il setil out to he circulated among tradesmen and fanners and professional people it will be the means of paying hundreds and ihnusntids uf dollars ol debts. Just think what u 310 bill can do in a year, even if it be used only once a day, not including Sunday. I' cau pay ill that time debts aggregating M.nii. In there is a little story which runs as follows: Mr. Brown kept hoarders. Around his tablc.sat Mr. Blown, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Andrews, the village milliner; Mr. Black the baker; Mr. Jurdau, a carpenter, and Mr. Iladley, a fl iur, feed and lumber mer chant. Mr. Brown took out of bis pockctbook a $UI note handed it to Mrs. Brown, fay ing: "Here, my dear, is $10 toward the 811 I promised you. Mrs Hrown handed it to Mrs. An drews, the milliner, sayiug: ' That pays for my new bonnet." Mrs. Andrews sai l lo Mr Jordan as she haudid him the note: "That will pay you for the work on my counter.'' Mr. Jordan handed it to Mr. Iladley, the ti iur, feed and lumber merchant, re questing Ilis lumber bill. Mr. Iladley gave the note buck to Mr. Brown, saying: "1'hat pays $10 on hoard." Mr. Brown passed it to bis wife, with the remark that that paid her f-H he had promised. She, in turn, paid it to Mr. Black to settle her bread and pastry account, who handed il to Mr. Iladley, wishing credit fur the urnoiinl on bis Hmrlnl, b v ao.iin rehiring it to Mr. Brown, with the r. mark that it settled I'm that month's board, whereupon Mr. Broivu put it back into his pocket book, (c'aiiuing that he "never thought a $111 bill would go so far." Brooklyn F.a'.'le. II Kit SI T l'OK'f Orcstesoneuioht You say you arcsup polling Lillian Uusscll! Veinonhtf lluiuhaiu l proudly) Yes, I am the rear legs uf the elephant which shoridts in un in the second act. TUKIIt F.Vl'l.T, OK t'Ol'ltSK Mrs. (iivene I really think bad for the men to p ike fun at it too I he old uiai'k Surely It no fan', ol theirs. Mrs. Whit Indeed it is. lid you ever know one who hadn't remained single I'lolll clu ice? in oiic.v;o. lie I would kiss you if I thought no one would see inc. She Shall I close my eyes? MHCMsa Trtn rOl'NTAIN. Utile 1'ouii- J. Mill of llfr Is MistiMci al ) its very snuri-i". hviv can lie S -.l no lioalth ill 4iiv tiarl ol l ftj'W.i ine oouy. V h c n woman lias anr weakness of C.......I lisease or the delicate isiu of her ; sex. the fount i:n lie ul o ; li e r lk.. tiliy-ical ;-vislenee is aiA lioisoned and she cannot 1 Iv healthy in niy respect 'ttDH i 1 until this One t uii.laiiun 'J'Jf!, J trouble if fl.e f.unilv Vl li B IJ Ml. ill CTHir of T i ll i ' i hi riliing: " t'1 1 tnnMr to suiK-r- fu'ul iuuhi-h, hr niiiy nit-Hciilu tin mural- 'iinm;i. or hratUulK wlu-n ilu'se art ui u ly nymp- ti litis of oim' fU'ep-Tootid in, il, idy k4 he Uisiuu tly iVm Inuif ofusn. uy woman n fieri ii from lhr.e (It'licatr com plaints may be com p'.kUly euml rig-ht in l hi privacy of her own lionie iwilhnnt recourse to mollifying examina lioit ami " treat ment" 1 bv Di. I'ierce'i Kit-.iMti Pre scrintinn. It R-ive health to the special onranlsm of RuTiianhood. It purities all diseased con luitins; ffives elastic strength to the lipa incuts, and vii.ililv to the nerve-centres. It iiomote good tligrestion, sound sleep, ami freedom from pain Tt is the only medicine devised for ttm une puipose by an educated, skilled spc :iali,it in this particular field of practice. H is the onlv medicine which insure pro -pfH-tive nioth.Ts against the danRers and suliVriny of motherhood. r. Pierce' thousand - pajre Hltwtrated hook. "The People' Common Sense Med ical Adviser contains several chapters ue vutfd to the special physiology of woman, with advice and surest ions for self-treatment which evcrv woman ought to read. i iitwr.hiiii.d ronv sent absolutely free on t eeiot of 21 one-cent stamps to pay fol n. tiling onb ; or, cloth bout d, stamps, VddreM Dr. R. V. Pierce, Burtalo, N. Y. ft KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word RCGULA TOR is not on a package it is not Nothing vise is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEELIFJ & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark the: red z. A SANCTUM SERMON lll'SSl'J lie JUnmry nf An (111 liMM .Mnlher. That unit) is rich who still hi aim a dear, old fashioned sweet with voicid llepllls mother, with eyes iu whose clear i I lie love li jU shines, and bait JUSt threaded with silver, lying smooth upon her faded check. Those dear hands, worn with toil, L'cntly tiuiili-il your totter ing steps in childhood and smoothed your pillow in sickness, ever reaching to you in tenderness. Blessed is the memory uf an old fashioned mother. It floats to you like the perfume from some wooded blossoms. The music of other voices may be lost, hut the entrancing memory ol hers will echo in your soul forever. Cdhcr facts may fade away aud be fur- ultcu, hers will shine on. When in the fitful pauses of a bu-y life your feet wander back to the old homestead, aud rossing the well-worn threshold stand once more in tlie room hallowed by lu-r presence, how the feeling of childish in nocence and dependence comes over you nd you kneel down in the molten sun shine streaming through the open window just where long years ago ) ou knelt by your mother's knee, lisping "Our Fath er. How manv tunes when temptation as assailed you has the memory of those sacred hours, that mother's wolds, her faith and prayers saved y.-u from plung- ut it the abyss of sin. TIIK MAN )!' DI'.STIN Y. His Wife My dear, you have been talking a great deal in your sleep ktely. Presidential Possibility Have I hem! I hope a I hope I have not expressed any decided iews about the currency question. CASTOnlA. The man who sits on a limb and saws it off is a Solomon compared to the one who thinks be can sin without haviug to suffer. AD KHT1SKMKNTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celclirateil for its great leavening strength and hcalthfu!ness. Assures the loud against alum ami all lunns of adulteration com nnin lo the cheap luiiiuls. HUVAL BIKINI! I'llW 1IKK I'll., NK.W YllHK t.TOTHK l SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION 111 WiliuiiiHioii, N r ,Mny Mli t. Is i; the llth - - SEABOARD AIR LINE i tlFKKRSTHK Icutcs! HALF R ATE. In ait'litlon to the ri'irularSiiperhiliHi lile daily Service, it is proposcri to run THREE "BAPTIST SPECIAL TRAINS" From Vfntlnla, North famllim. Smith fHrnliiiH.Hiirl ijisirvia, makiiiK linnie ili.te eomieetioiiswitli trains fnnnall isiiuts J j, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WE8T j m For stieetal printisl mutter, m, li 1 time tallies, rHten.tii'ki.u,sleerH'tTi and f 1 " " bO ii,r..t..,.iii.. aisu. ........11 .... . : a " ...v........ f II 77 Mufn st.', Norfolk! Vn ' ( mi kkai ronnrA, imv, fmuir Agi Porta mouth, Va. OR H T. J. ANPKlSON.tipn. Pum. Aifent, I'orumouth, V. ai'iisii.' A: J". Hi. Judkins" Grocery ;vei,dox, x. c. I still carry a lull line of fimt Staple and Fancy (i roc'iTics, FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES, Crockpry, fllnss Tin, anil woodenwure and most everything that is kept in a first lass ciwcrv store. I also return thanks to my friends for th'ir patronage of the past, un.l solicit a continuance of the same, with guarantee in please. Anil wishing them a happy and prosperous new year. That they may to live Anil well toilo And af ter death lie happy too. Respectfully, J. I.. JCDKINS. dec 13 ly. W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe. Stvllsh. durable, perfect fittine. Endorsed ty over 1,000,000 wearers, W. L, Douglaa $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2 50 and $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2 and $1.75 Boyt W'p HM.nnlvtrietif.tOill'. Itnmiliil'nlf. Knnoh l'.il.-1't rlf. Kn-lu-n t.iiiiiin I, Vii l K"l. i-lc, gni'li-il t" e(irT,'rn't"t mill liricf. el I lia .liue.. If d. i.iiiii:- ,..u, wrilii atiloc free. W, L.DOUGUS.Brwkton.Mju, autu li W. B. TILLERY, WELDON, N. C. E. N. RICKS It BROS., EKFIKI.n, N. C. nov 2(i 5m. F. I Stainback. r WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise Agent for tlieeeielo- I Z FIG I.KR BROS. I. M'flES. aud I' i V s Have also u i i ,., -i.u k a lin e line CLOTHING. for MEN', Yul'TU'S ami Chll.DKKK. X full line ol Solid Walnut Caskets Coffins, Always on hand. Burial robes furnished for Ladies ami (teutlenieti also rlnid injec tions given to dead bodies and disinfec tants used when desired. A NICE HEARSE AT YOL'R DISPOSAL. Mr. T. H. Taylor, of Northampton coun ty, is with me anil will be pleased to in his friends. P. N. STAINBACK. PROPKSHIONAI. fAkbt). .UMKS M. Ml'LLBN, WALT I. DUIII, D A N I K L. M"' I L L K N A A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Wsi.don, N. C. l-raetlef In thecouruor Hallfai andXrathanra nn and in theHitpreracanr) Federal oouru. CoU petiiiriamade in allpartnof North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax. N. Comb Tr. Una. lr. Ian 7 It jyt. T. T. uoss, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. Ck-OITiee over Entry A Piercc'iator. 10-l-ly. f)R W. J WARD.Vc- "Siirieoi Dentist- ENFIELD, N.C V KluOffioe over Harriwn'i Drag fltnrr dmSniv. '..a AantDrlHn Irion PmImI IAb.b. . s . . T "m,: ' . . 1 afl 1