.A. TEWSFFEE f o ir, the :p e o :p l :e . WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1897. i I io at rial It t , ypt; nepie- !, ll . ud: t store tw, tore I. on tt t Ld vir ADVEUTISHMKNTS. PRUNELINE (TrH.li! Murk Ri-Kisleruil.) THE IDEAL LAXATIVE Ami Cum Tor CONSTIPATION" Ah pleasant m honey and sure cure lor BlIloiiNiiciis.llcadarlic, I'etcru, Xtmiiach Troubles. Howcl lcrant;cmfiits,l.ier , Disease., flck Stomach, Irrrgularily, I kidney Trouble, kln ami HI I Iis- orders, ' and very m iny other dlwnscs ninl i""nplKiitlouii ' '4 dill' to lite t1incllvelnlt'nf tilt' Iiowi'Ih. P R U II E 1 1 N I f't- srtU'fct mul nun-st miliar- Itir MIU ap'Tlenl ""'' cull US'', tl tll'iroilKllly ClinlM'.i without Krlniiiii, ftirlll"" ihr hl""'l "i"l ri-muvi's all waste from ttii' system. It 't'os S.y with CASTOR OIL SALTS ltluo Mans mid till other iuuii'..iis ptiruii tlVt',. Il tolH'h ll"l ,'iHTiI1'H fill llM-rt-Ht orC'iim ofllll' system. K'-I'p the llfl'l tool, Hie 1,-et mil ninl Ihe Biiwi'Ia "pen, iii.mii; I HI N 1:1.1 N K r.ir thi Imtor hunw..'. Hold hy nil th iilt'rM, ormiit on reci'lpl ol.'idi'i-hui to itny nddro hy W1NKKI.MANN A HKuWX Hill '! t tl., lliiltlinorc, Md. nop II ly. HUDS0N,S 187 Main at., Noi folk, Va. LADIES' AID GENTLEMEN'S DININb - ROOM. ALL MK.U-S'J.UT.STS. S in;rAs.sixa com:? -t siwiai.ty- J. R. lll'DSON', Proprietor- The Heat of Everything in Season oetlOlyr. C. H. RALE, HALIFAX, N. C. larriea full line j Dry Goods, Notions, Boots SHOES. GROCERIES, Etc. JL.'ent lor STAXDAKI) SKWINli MA CHINES. Can lurnisli any part ol any ainil ol inaeliinit ill short not hit. Sentl Jtwtttl cartl for slip illustrating parts to tniit hine yoti have und will name priee lor Jiece needed. I curry a full lint' :Coffins & Burial Cases. (live me a trial when in uettl of an,; - ;. T. PARKER. , DEAI.Kll IN- Seavy MMD Farm Implements. H POUND SACKS OF SALT FOR ; U10 PER SACK. 1, Correct prit es anil polite attention to I r i t : g utiK i i.T. 60 YEARS' XPERIENCI. TRAOI MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AO. Inrnna wndlnff n oketch and dwrlrtion miT I'llyiwvrtAln, frvtt, wlM'tlitr an invent i.m tl atiMlilv UAlaiitnhla. Communlcationi strU'tly AtUltmtlal. uhlest mrenoy fr(enrlntf imtciit A morira Wa hVO a Wwilllllu(tn Oflk'tt. Hifiiu tnkfn tiiruuttb Uuuu A Co. ruoulr aKial uotiw iu tuo SCItNTIFIG AMERICAN, utlfttllr tllnntratwl. Innrpst clmilatton of iwleiitltlc J.mrual, wiHkly,teniis;t.iil n vrar; mux months. Hpcclnnm ooil'it ami Uamd Muat OS t'ATRNTH Mjut true. AdtirvH ? MUNN A CO., I out jiraaaway. new lorn Professor Jas. Harvey's , UNEXCELLED ri 1 Groceries 1 . LkliAA . ilandj JiCF, TONIC. iian no ctjum. ji is iiiv uniy sineiiy & e vmretatde hlood niedieiue on the mar- i It rTiilateii anil cleanse thr liver, ATG i iiutliciiH anil heals diseased kiiluevs, VJ-'',,,i iits the urtniil organs in a wonderful tN' 3mer, cures chills and lever, catnrih no, sutitrit, ulit-rs, nnroa ot lonu stand 3 nYt i atda diumtion, creates appetite. 3 CliXAy littfthenH the weak and laiiKtitd, uiveii h fc and vieor to the whole system. No "' s should lie w ithout it. XTfl V 'l,lce Laboratory S'TChirch street, 1 iiwv; flolk, Va. H9JT1 Klt'K au CcNTH. I r V. M. HAUHSTON & CO. $ Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in mm OAKPETS, STOVES, i and Mattresses, etc ! 'JIENSE STOCK I AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLI8T0N A CO., t" s i - - - Duin un - ,w ( t.MN.Sroamor8t.l Petorshur,ibUriRICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS' .OMUj. ADVK11TLSEM KNTK. Fifty Years Ago. ThU i the cradle in which (here (rrew Thai thought of a philanthropic braim A remedy llnil would make life new I'or the multitude that were racked with pain. 'Twuh saiftiipurilln, as made, yuu know lly Aycr, ume gu year at, Ayer's Sarsapariila was in its infancy half a cen tury ago. To-day it doth "be stride the narrow world like a colossus." What is tho secret of ita power? Its cures! The number of thorn 1 The wonder of them ! Imitators have fol lowed it from the beginning of its success. They are still be hind it. Wearing tho only medal granted to sarsaFtirilla iu the World's Fair of 1803, it points proudly to its record. Others imitate the remedy; tkey can't imitate the record: 5o Years of Cures. Twin City BAKERY , WELDON, N. C. Full lint' FANTV (IliOCT.RIES, FUl'lTK, anil Confectioneries. Nit'C line ol' California Dried Fruits, Prunes Peaches, eti, etc. Full line of -slKFrench Crystaltztr Fruits, drum Almonds and iMaisuiiiiillowH. Apnts for Flt'iwlimitii's t'ompresst'il yeast. BUSTER PURNELL, Manager, We're on our way -Tti- A'Kt The Hustler who Sells the CHEAPEST and BEST Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HaiTOr Anything You Want.-fr! -?IIKS (JOT IT. MEYER'S BARGAIN HOUSE, Eulicld, N. c. ; REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES REAMER, Prop. Howard & Baltimore ate., Baltimore, Mi TERMS 2 Per Day, sop It) ly. THE KERN FURNITURE CO., U Old Market Square, Norfolk, Va. re, Norfolk, Va. ReMierators, and lull line of Furniture, aftso ly. B. P. SALE, WM. LINN, Manage Proprietor. MANSION HOUSE. BOTH ON ' Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. Tie Halifax Gin s Mistake ill ItlA A Story of the 'WRITTEN FOR THE A LI FAX, IN THE kA olden days, away hack in V the eii;liti'enlli century, soon nl'ler the ltevoliltion, was a .jtjf- piston ol' ctiiisitlerublu inipor- lanei! unci was nnle'l for I In.1 id lu ntity mul eulltire ol' ils w.iiiitii, (us it is today) and ihe cli'nncv ol ils I'lilorluininenls. It was llien a lovely lilllu villaoe, ple- untly situated upon the soulhern hanks ul' the Uoaiioke river, while Qiianky's stream wound like a silver thread around Many relies of ils former splendor arc 81 ill to be seen chief oniony them the old historic Eppcs place, at one litue icadiiunrturs for General Tarlelon. At the time litis story opens many people of importance, visited the quaint little town, nestled so romantically atnonjr hills, and it occasionally happened that youni; splits of royalty visited ils hospitable homes. At such limes plain Mr. Brown, Mr. Jones, or a "home boy," iu the eyes of the Halifax (.'iris, were things to he snubbed ami pushed aHili', to be taken tip a;;ain only alter ihe departure of royally. There lived in Halifax, at this time, a little e:irl, who afterwards became wide ly celebrated for her beauty, but who at (hi! time of my writing had just escaped from the school room, and stood poised upon the threshold of the fashionable world, reminding you of a beautiful but terfly just escaping I'lom ils chrysalis, and preparing to alight into a lovely gar den of roses. For the purpose of this story it is only necessary that she be called Charity, for she was such a sunny, ell-like creature that it was said she represented the llnee Christian graces, faith, hope and charity, and the greatest of all being charily, she was so chrisleued. Not eighteen years o'd yet, but already many of the youii; men's heads had been completely turned and twisted, and not a lew would have jumped, joyfully, into the swift current of the Uoatiokc at her bidding One evening, while seated upon the comfortable lounge, iu her Mom, indulg ing id a uay dream, alter making an elaborate toilet for the dance to take place at the hotel that niuht, her f.iir head, with its crown of golden hair, rest tn in her hand, u younger sister came softly into the room and stood over her, "Charity," she said, "just guess will be at the dance to night." who "I'm not good at guessin dear. 'wko is ii?" t'Whynono other than His Uoy Highness, young Lord II urn in utl.iu, who you know has been expected fir ever so Umi. He has just arrived and is now up at Colonel J 's." Charily sprang from her seat, as LitqpiUcd hy electric wires. .Whui! Lord Huntingdon really ami truly here, at last. Oh, I wonder what he hwki liket I am just dying to see hnnVV .. At this juncture all the gills of the neighborhood rushed in, almost brratlilao, to tail the wonderful news. A real, liv ing scion of uobility wis in their midst None w.-re piepared, however, to say just how or wh it he looked like, for he had driven up lo Colonel ,1 ' in a close canli l'o (it was before the d,i of rail- mJ and the old Uiloncl Imd taken him iuimcdiately to his room. "1 tell you what, girl," .-ai l the liulc beiaty, " I'll be the first to dance wiih him, sec if I don't." "Oh, dear," chimed in the girls in a chorus, "do you really think he will come to the dance and that he will dauce with you?" "Most assuredly I do," flashed back the young lady, "and wluit'a still better I expect he will claim more than one dance." Iliore was a string of oh's and "I hope hell ask me, and me, and nic," eame float ing back into the room as ihe gills hasti ly harried away to prepare for the great event. People in the good old days were much more sensiblo than they are now, if joi will pardon me for Baying it, and lnatea(J of the girls vicing with each other as to who oould be the last to ar rive 4 the ball room, each girl, tried with .: till, ' 11 a mm 18th Century. ROANOKE NEWS ) her might to be the first. So, instead of beginning at ten and eleven then, the liddlers were on hand proruntly at 8 'clock and the good, old fashioned hands II round, ladies lo the right, swing cor tiers all, etc , were indulged in and every one had a lovely time. On this iiartieii ar occasion the ball room was brilliantly illuminated, and all the beauty, chivalry and L-allanti'v of Halifax and the sur rounding country were present, making o scene almost indescribable in tnagnilieeuce nd splcndot. Mammas, with cligibles, were out in full force, fir a great prize wus to be played for and the Drowns, Smiths, and ones' were to be snubbed unmercifully. Pretty girls reserved about half the anccs on their cards which were tu be iven without reserve to Lard Huntiug on, when he should arrive. Charity was among tho moi-t brilliant nd happiest present, but as the night woro on and Lotd Huntingdon did not put iu his appearance, she resigned her- oif'to a Mr. Potts, a good naturcd young ow, who followed her around like a shad.iw. She finally became disgusted, and allowed Mr. Potts to write his name ou her programme for five dances. A trip for refreshments had been taken without so much as a glimpse of royalty, and Charity confided her sorrows to Mr. otts. "I don't think it would have hurt urn lo come over for a while and mixed with the people, if he is of royal blood." Charily, when she spoke, had a way of cresting ner lieau, and looking at you just like a bird about to take wing, and it lent a certain charm aud pitpiancy to her remarks that never failed to carry couvic lion to the heart of her listener. Sin had started au agreeable little flirtation with this pleasaut mannered youog mail, whose honest and open admiration of her beauty was not altogether distasteful to er. But as the hours sped by and the young sprig of royally made never a sign of life, the little beauty grew very fractious and bcuan to lose interest in the ball When Mr. Potts came to claim his fifth dance she was in no very amiable, mood and did not hesitate to call lis Royal llighuess all sorts of bad name:'. "Lotd Huntingdon is a snub He thinks himself above the Halifax gir's aud you need not tell me anything about him." "Oh, I wouldn't say that. I guess he's decent sort of chnp, you know, fait is I'm in a position to know that 1 e means well," said her escort, lazily, Hut still the wayward beauty would have her way a d insisted on it that Lord Huntingdon was a stuck up En glishman, and that she would refuse to speak to him, even if ho did come in at that late hour. Mr. Potts appeared to be anxious to direct her thoughts into pleasanter chan nels, so he proposad that they should sit for a little while in a quiet nook in the room adjoining the one occupied by the dancers, Mr. Potts told her pleasant little stories of adventure, aud but lor her disappoint ment the pretty Halifax girl would have been charmed with her companion. He told her of famous beauties ind of his craze for pictures, and then wouud up by saying he had a very great favor to ask of her. "Would Miss Charity give him her photograph to be placed in his collection?'' Charity was aghast at his audacity Most assuredly she would not, and, rising proudly from her seat, she stood erect before him, her littlo head crested, while ono small jeweled baud rested lightly on the back of th Chair:' - ; "My photo I to put iu your room Well, really, I like your self-conceit, must say.1'' "Excuse my seeming presumption, Miss Chaiity," Mr. Potts said hastily, "I really did n it want it at all, that is," he said quick ly, "for myself. I have a passion fi oollecting pictures of pretty girls for my mother, who is very fond of them, and thought, ah, perhaps I might be so for tunate as to secure one of yours for her collection " But Miss Charity did not approve of young gentlemen who only wanted pic tures for their dear mothers. "Well, your mother will get no picture of mine, I oan assure you," she replied with considerable more warmth than the oceo-ion required. "And what is more, Mr. Polls, I must say that I haven't a very good opinion of your taste in asking or it for your mother." All her life this little elf had been in the habit of saying just what came upper most in her mind and while appearing very much offended, she was secretly pleased that this handsome Btranger should ask for her picture. "Now, if Lord Huntingdon had only come to the dance and asked for my picture," she thought, "I Wonder if 1 Would have Ireated him in the same rude inannci?" Then, after n moment, the little beauty iiile repents her hasty words and says with (hat bird-like charm, pecuiiutly herl own, "Pray forgive me, Mr. Potts, 1 am a Utile irritable tonight and spoke rather rudely, but it is owiug partly lo the fact that that horrid Lord Huntingdon has acted so shabbily. hate him, and never, never shall he kuow that he was missed at all." Poor Mr. Potts stutters in reply and they go back into the ball room. About this time Colonel J. appeared with a pleased smile upon his counte nance, for Charity was one of his prime favorites, and Mr. Potts beat a hasty re treat. "Ah, my dear," he said blandly. "I suppose for the rest of tho night you will be tuo proud to look at any of our home boys ? Vou are to be congratula ted really, and that young fellow looked all cotif'used, too, as he left so hastily as I came up, eh, Charity, you sly little puss." "lleully, Col. J., I don't quite under stand you, why should I be ho proud of a few sets with Mr. Potts?" ' Potts! Potts!" exclaimed the Coh nel. "Who's talking about Potts. Iam speaking of Huntingdon, who was with you just a moment ago." Had a bomb exploded at her feet she could not have been more agitated. "Lord Huntingdon! Oh, Colonel J I have made the mistake of my life," and she grew dizzy and would have fallen to the floor if Colonel J., had not reached out his strong arm and supported her. thartty glanced nervously around lo see if she could see Lord Huntingdon, alias Potts, but he had left the hall room "i he horrid, mean thing Why did he come here and have himself introduced as Mr, Potts," shesaid,as she prepared lo leave the festive scene. "Yes, 1 am glad I refused him my picture," she soliloquized "but it was the mistake of my life, all the same, Aud to think, I minht have been .ady Huntingdon !" A DISAPPOINTED CROWD. he Brunswick County Penile of the ki Oak Section Cooked Everything" in thi Neighlorhooj for a Bishop that DiJn't Come. Bishop Cranberry of the Methodist opal Church, South, was expected to preach at Bocky Hun, West Bruus- wiek circuit, recently, but failed to put tu an appearance, owing tu sickness "Cuelc Ned" tells of the disappoint ment it caused in the neighborhood, in the Methodist Recorder, published at Blacksione, Ya , as f-'llows: West Biirnswick, March 17, 18U7. Dftir Mttrse k'tli or ; I seat myself to lite you a few lines. Dis leaves all well, and hope when dese f ue lines reches you dat day may find you joying de sumo good ble.-nws. Authn new to rile ot any portance cept dis hole neighborhood has bin in a slir for bout a mouth overde Bishops cuuiing. Marr-c Nick he made a gagetuent wid dat gen rfemau to come out and livi r a Minium at Boeky Bun on last Sundic and I ueber seed white fokes turn round and make such a fuss oher one man n in all my life. I do blieve if it had been auodci week off, dat de white fokis would hah killed ebei thing dcy had ou de phiuia- shun. I never seed such big duiings fore since ise been born. Dar was Miss Itelle and Mts Ag dey have big diners nuf lore d ' Bishup was cum, but dey want nu whar to de diner dey had dal day. I never expect to have such a grezey time agin It looked like dey whs gume to cook up everMhing on de I lell Uihun ai one tiui", and 1 do In-live dat dey WU'I, if de i ln k hadn't to got tii M, datdeoi nenroes c iild nol go hick- wald and forward a' d hintin in each. what de other guine lo h,ib for ' in Sunday, aod oVy kept on truim in nut do 1 ilahar a4 W no te.liic l,a, dis thing wud bate ttoiril, In t for il water itlllin up. Bojuif see de haul rami iliui -inn bodie sum (tod Marse Nat aud Mars: LiUitij 0uld not do nuthiog to suit ii in whit wimin, aud dem negroes looked like dey did n .1 have no seuse. I'.ury thing ly done wus roog. l), y told deul bile men dat any body could sea dat dey want use to stiti (luish company from de way day dun, So dey hud to git riff and 11 dem iiab dar own way, for dc Rishup was cuiuing and ebry thing had to be dul rue. V made dem nisigers wash dem ovens and pots five or six times and den dey would go out dar and rub dar fingers found io dem, and if do w is de least bit dark, dey say dat won't du 1 slut gutua to cook nuihing in d.'tu pots and oven til dey are clean, and you just as Well to uleuo dom I ain't guine to have U half way duings, and you just as well de U Uk it ought to be dun at wunce. W hat did you bring dem tin spoons, and dm', knife out here that was broke off at the end, for 1 Carry dem back io de baa ana nut dem where dev can't he fnnad til do Bishup is gone. I don't know wh at of folks you all did live wid befuKi ?" cum here. I am certain dey didn't hah no stile, from dey way you all du. I do wish I had some body what had sum sence. I will be glad when de Bishup is gone. Lord have mercy upon wo poor house keepers! And dar was Marse Nick's wife. She had one oven turned bottuiu-ide up on top of dc other wun to give dc lite bread room to rise, for de Bishup was guine to spend ono night dar, and 1 do believo she brushed dat black silk dress of hers bout three times last week. She makes dese other white wimin round here iquitich dar eyes whi n she tries. Mini, dey got something to do, to L'Ct ahead of dat white womiin. Pars Miss Lula. She was uxnl downed dar to play de orgin, and she bad to have wun extra story put on de bnltuiii of her shue heals, to raise her un so de while folks could see all dem line rings and speekliekles. She kept dat ilar nicgor gal for bout three days, rubliini; rings and speekliekles wid whitiiing lo make dem shine and brushing dat tine coat of of hers where de boddie looks like wun aligater skin. And pn.;r Miss Sophie. I do know ho has had de wus luck of any white womun round here. She ot her a brand new hat, and a new dress made out of goods what dey call Marietta,. I ulyelta, Henrietta, or some kind of Etta I dull t zictly know what, and she has pintul several times to go out to church lo show dem, and it has rained ebry day she ever piutcd yet, and when she herd dat de Bishup was eummg, you could see de smile on her face good as to sav. dat now is my time; but good Lord, I be lieve if it hadn't been for dc promise ade in de Bible dat de world should not be destroyed any more wid water, I do believe dat we would have had de second Bond Sunday morning, aud de ynum: gals io the neighborhood had axed her a few days before, not to get ready to go to here de Bishup, for dey knowed if she got redy to go, it was guine to rain, and sho nuf il did. And de young gals around in de neighbor hood have nearly all pulled out all de hair in front ot thar beds trying lo get lhar beau ketehers twisted in the rite rection, and dey have made pies nuf to lasi a month. Uncle Ned's bin livin a long time, but uis niug r ueber seed such bi duius bout one man. Bar's Marse Willie; he haiut done nothing for bout a nmnth. Just as soon as he herd dat dc Bishup was cuuiing lo Rocky Bun, he got out his pitch fork, and you could not here nuthn but do re me la so la se do, nil de day for de Bishup to cum; and when du day did come, Old I'ucle Ned thought he would go down and see di m while fokes salute de Bishup; but 'lo and hehole, no Bishup dar. Dey said ho hud de rheumaly, and could uot cum Marse Editor you jus ought to bin dar, I never seed sieh disipinted white fokes fore. I'ucle Ned tole gude meny of dem white fokes as dey driv up, dat de Bishup want guine to bo dar, and ebry last one said dnl dey didn't think he wud be dar ail ligious people tu De creak wus up dat day and nun of dem white hikes ou tot her side could nut get there. Even .Marse and Misses Nick want dar; but by and by Marse Jiiome ( annon Irom de lilackstone Constitute, driv up, and dey all axed bitn to say a few words, as Mar-e Bishup want guine to be dar. So he lit out his buggie and sloped in dat church, and it Marse Nick cud hau herd him, b wud hab grunted and sed a men louile dan Brer Angus Rice did de Sunday Marse Nick preached to dem niggers at White Rock. Dese niggers round here say Marse Mek can beat dese nigger prechers to death, but dat he preches more like a nigger dan any man dey ln r herd. But Lor don t dis nigger wish di Bishup would cum ebry Sunday. II' . 1 i nigger haint had him one tune, soppio pots, aud pickin bones, uo nigger eher did; but I reekin dese white fokes say no more Bishup till Hide chicken and v blcs cum. It de lii-lmp wus to cum next Sunday, he wud not see nun of dese white women at church, for dey don't want to sec de llistinp nor no body else io month. But I reekin it allhuppin li r le best, for dar was gume In be tu much show, and nol quite nuf religion. It re minds me ol what old Marse used to say Some folks go to church to laugh aud talk. Some go t In re just tor a walk, Some g i there to doze and nod; But few go there to worship (5od. 1 xri.n N Kb. A slek person trvinc to kerp tip ou nirre Unnui ituiir tomes i like nnv mic iwt. ml iim io twttu while mtmiorted In- p In U Tli tn-liitit the Miiiport is wuluitiiwn dow Nun (Villi ilii'iiM'H result from a deep ifiitu impairment of the ntitiilivt- power n !i ii h i .iiiiiiil hi' ri'.ii. lit il hv hiiv inn' .xniutiunm. Thf only (jood thai nnv im tl k tin ean do is to meirase your own natutal p.iwets of recovery and make you ahlc to iu mi lor yourself. Tin- dfhilittitiue weakness, nervousness ni ditfiMive disorder which imiiciites this t.iie of nuil luitiilioii can only be overcome bv a scientilie remedy like I" Pierce V ('.olden Mi died Iheoveiy wiiu h act di rectly upon the digestive aud blood making Dicaiis, aud etlVels the nutritive ttanforma tioii of food into rich, healthv blood, which rallies (jennine permanent vitality to every comer of the system. U is vastly more nutritious than malt extracts. It does not paralvze the nerves, but feeds them with health. It is better than cod liver oil emulsions. It is assimi lated by the weakest stomftcfia, It does not make flabby uscles fat, but muscular slreinith and healthv tu rve-force. It is the only perfect invicorant trcorpult people. Mr. Kl la Howell, of nHy . fmy Co., Intl., writes: " tn the venr of (Am 1 mis fciken with stonuich trouble iK'rviajis ilvNpepiia, There wns a colmirss in niv slomneh. an a wt;hl which eeim-l lik n rock, liver vthitin thsl 1 Me pave me trr eiU imin; I hau n hi tnoif acmn sensation wns swelled Across my stomach; hl a ritle nnmitil tnv riRht suit, ami in a ahrtrt time I waa hlontetl was iren'ed hvthrer of am phy sicians but irnt no rrli'-f. Thrtt Or, Pierce's CnMen Medici I;coverv Wni rrOnwnie lined to me nul 1 it. M comiitefteed tmse of it. I rw'T-H to see a chsnire forth belle 1 ws ao wt iik t could nol walk acmm the roVn without rusiManrc. I toon Dr. Pittrt't Goldi n Medical lW.u'erv and our holt e ih Ihe 'PteMsnnt 1'el. lets.' I t'etmn to improve-wr font uTirr the use o' a few hottlc. The n)ivikf wfcn attended me tiid I had 'i'- nsv ' auit that wvriiseise wan tort I ton Mum "to pohuounry cwt-itmvitwti. I hsd iji ilp n convh, and the home physicians Rave me . Iodic I tt MikGul that ftynire w f:i luaueut," OH NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the w ord REGULA TOR is not on a package it is not imtoui Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up hy any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can he easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. IIKlt HDISKI.LIOLH EYES. A mother trying to get her little daughter of three years old to go to sleep one night, said: ' "Dora, who dou't you try to go to sleep?" "1 am trying," she replied. "But you won't shut your eyes." "Well, I can't help il; dey comes un buttuued." Omaha Bee. According to the newspapers, an Ohio husband became the happy father of seven children not long ago. Of the seven all lived but one. 1 1 is to be hoped he laid in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, the only sine cure for croup, whoopiug cough, colds and coughs and so insured his children against these diseases. Eor sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Enfield. The Lord can make it us easy for us to loye our enemies as our friends. Totter, Sall-lllieiini noil Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci- lent to these diseases, is instantly allayed y upplying Lhaiiibermiu s i,ye mid 111 Uititnii'iit. Jinny very liail cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally emeient lnr Itching piles ana favorite- remedy tr sore nippies, happed hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eves, '.'"i cts. per box. Dr. Cadv's Condiilnn Ponders, are just what a horse needs when in bud condition. Ionic, blnod puriner mill vermifuge. They lire not fund but medicine and the best in use to put horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per packuge. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; J. N'. Brown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harrison, Enfield. W hencver faith moves a mountain, love should direct where it is to go. It is the liest on harth. that is what Edwards it Parker, of Plaius, G.i., iv of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. lor sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, l'.ntleld. The Christian's light should shine the brighest where it is needed most. ADVERTISEMENTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated titritsgre.it lenveninj; strength iiml heulthlulness. Assures the t'(Mulatiust ai inn and all tnrnii ol adulteration enm- ninn to the cheap hramls. ItoYAI. llAKINtl I'OWUKK I'll , N K W YOliK .TOTllK SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION 111 WllllllllKloll. N l-i Mm) stii to mil SEABOARD AIR LINE:: T -llKIKItSTHK-- Tp"-"s 1 A W M ... , i' r f ::HALF RATE. T a .11. In., l.i .1... .. 1. J ... f tile daily Service, It in iiropwil Ui rim j THRFF "B1PTIST SPFr.lll TR1IIIC" E il From Virvlniti, North CnrollnA, Smith t'srolitm, ami (1,'oriria. mitkliiir linnie dite ciinneetiotiR w itli tralim tmm all point. 1 I NORTH, 80UTH, EAST, WEST For sne-ial prin led mutter, mp. ttmetsWcB, rates, licki-u.slcciii-rsanil f 1 il no iiii.iriiiiiiniii, uurens orcauun J. W BROWM,.tr,C P. Aamit, 77 Main nt , Norfolk. Va MURKAV PUKHKS.Tnf. IWr Agt , Portsmouth, Va. on T J. ANDKtaoN, len. Pan. Aent, i oruniiiiiiin, va fit A -J- Xj. Mins'ktrj jWELDO.V, N. C. I still carry a full line of fine and Fancy Groceries, Staple w-FRUITS- CONFECTIONERIES' Cniek-ry, Glass Tin, and woodenware and most everything that is kept in a first class grocery store. I aho return thanks to my friends lor their patronage of, the past, and solicit a continuance of the same, with guarantee to please. And wishing tlieui a happy and prosperous new year. That they may Long to live And well to do And alterdeutu Be hajipy too. Respectfully, J. L. JCDKINS.I dec 13 ly. W.L. Douglas $3 Shoe. Stvlish. durable, perfect fitting. Endorsed by over :,ooo,ooo wearers. W. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen;, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2-50 and $2 Shoes for Men. $2.50, $2 and $ 1.75 Boys We tiM nntythr tost Calf, KtiMla Calf, French l'itti iit Culf, Krtiich Kiiiimcl, Vict Kid. etc., grinlt'tl ti rorrwpniiil with price oft ha ahoet. if di aler cannot luppily ou, write ataioefree. W. L.D0UGLAS,Brockton,Mi, BOLD m W. B. TILLERY. WELDON, N. C. E. N. RICKS It BROS., ENFIKI.D, N. C. nov 26 5m. F. II. Stainback . WELDON, N.C. Dealer In I General Merchandise Agent for the celebrated ZEIGLKR BIIOS. aud UAY STATE SHOES. Have also added to my stock a nice line CLOTHING! for MEN, YOUTH'S and CHILDREN. A full line ol - Always ou hand. Burial mhea iirniliort tor Ladies and (ieiitlenien also fluid injec tions (liven to dead tHxliut and diaiutec tuutii used when desired. A NICE 1 1 E A USE AT YOU II DISPOSAL. Mr. T. II. Taylor, ol NortlnumO. in ty, i with me and will he pleum-d to ft ii in menus. P. N.STAINI1ACK" I'KOFKSSWXA L CA Kits. JM M MCM.IX, w.i.Tia a. nis hi, DAM1IU M DUIII A ',ATT0RNEYSATLAWu WKi.roN, N. C. $ Fractlre In thecnurUof Htll h .nav-i,.- on mul In Ihe Supreme nol Koileml mmru OoL (" llnnn made in allparUof North Carolina Branch office at Uallfki. M. . nn.n ..... it... lay. in 7 1. JU. T. T. UOSS, DENTIST' Weldon, N. C. liOIHce over Emry A Pierce'aaton. ll)-191y. I)R W.J.WARD.3-, Snrpon Dentist, sa r.ir itLil), n. u tLOffioe over Harrison'i DmK Btm Wanted-An Idea 2SSi'' wt joor jMsm: IW n.r brlui rm h .m rlU J6HN WKUORKBbRa ' ooT pmSm 1 " t' i4 uit ul two laaulral Utmiuoij. .L: a r as

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