L Ha I "Si LIB kS If, fe.. a s in.- I JOHN "W". SLEDO-E, fhopiuftoi.. .A. 1TEWSF.3?EI IP O JZ THE PEOPLE WKLDON, N. ()., THURSDAY, MAY 115. 1897. TERMS:-?1'511 I'Kii anm'M in advance I VOL. XXX 1 1. NO. 3. X I r 1 1 r l ! 3 I i ADV KKTISHM KNTS. PRUNELINE (Triidi- Murk K'-wi.-t.-r.-i! I THE IDEAL LAXATIVE -And I'inv fur- i wi-C 0 N S T I P ft T I 0 N - As i'U'itsant n lit.ntv mid Mir' i urc lur- niliou-nos, Hriiilarlic, l-'ru'vs Mmnurli Troubles. Ilouii lh'raiitfrmi-iil,l.Urr lWa'a. sick Ntoiiiiit-li. li iruliu itN, Kldnry 1 ri'iiliU's, kin inn! IIIihuI DU tinlerN, nml very in my "Hmt -li-'"'-''. mi.! ..hij-Iu at ions iti ti. tin- lliarl m Miilt'i'l I lie In, i Is PRUNELINE mih-.ii.-m .ma -.i"(-t ' "itj'-r- lie Hint lipiTiciil one run n-'. H llmP iiiuhly Clt'HtHI'N Wllllolll Hfipillit, (lllllllrs .' hlu.nl ,111-1 rt'liinvt's all wilslf M"in tin -v-ltin. It ilm iiwHywitri CASTOR OIL SALTS IMlli Mhi and ail .'lli-r liift-r.ai'. l-urntl llVi'. It lolirs ll'id nirrulr llll ItH iri.'rtl nlk'Hll" i.niM- sVMtrlll. K.'i'li Hit- ili'lid O...I. Hi.' tri'l warm mid Hit- H-nvcU i-pi-u, u-iiiM l Ul M l. INK t.ir llu' IhU' T iii!its.'. Sold I' "II dralrrs. or, id on h-ivij.t .t .(irt'tlUi to huv addn-ss ).y . 'WINK Kl.M ANN ItKOW S ld;l 'i. t (., I! liliiiiorc, M'l. HUDSON'S - i ? 1 ST Main st., Nm folk, Vn. LADIES' AID GENTLEMEN'S DIMNli KOOM. AI.I, MEALS '-'.I I'I'.N ITS. Ki'Assixn cuFFi:-: a .v'r.i.r) J. K. Hl'DSuX, Proprietor. e. The Best of Evcrylhiuc, in Season "' ivl Ill lyr. iC. II. IIAI.K. HALIFAX, X. C. Curries full lint1- 1 Dry Goads, Notiis, Bits SMOF.S. CIIOCKKIKS, V.U-. Jm-nt lor STANDAKH SKWIS.i MA- CHINKS, Can lunii-lt ;iny part nf any Bind ol niiirliini' nt whorl iintwe. Ni'iid jptMtal card tor slip ilhiMr.ilinu purtx to gu-hihe you li:ivt atul will name price tor 5HH-6 Denied. I carry a full line .Coffins & Burial . . . '.rN Cases. I five 1110 a trial whoa in ntd of un;-- ui. my 1 lv. W.T.PARKER 4 , heai.ku in I Heavy has f ANDZZ Fancy '.1 rarm Implements. i rorxi) sacks ok salt tor i & M l'KR SACK. i HHuCorrii't prirts mill polili-ntli'iilion to i. an. "K 1 '.v f -f 80 YEARS XPERIENCt. A TRAD! MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS AO. Anrone nfwUnn a k((' h ml d.mrl prion m tiU'klv wiftiilii, frc, whi-thiT nn lnvfi.li"ii it rolutiily imtt'iitnbltv. i nnitatiiilcait'ins Mrl. tly ttaitlilvnllBl, Ol.Utit fwrfn') f--r wrurnii: puli-nt lb Anivnch. W'ts lm'H tt WhIioiuIiiii oittrtt. v rFitttiti tnken thruutth Muim A Co. rwvttlr rucnU notice In ttit) SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, rtitlfuliy lllutrRtivl, nrrt!t rlrciilntiiin of l.lOiui nn nil h. "nf. lim'ti ciiiil.'rt ftti'l 11au Buoa uS I'ATliNTit wail Ireo. AddrvM MUNN A CO., 3U1 llruudwav. New York Professor Jas. Harvey's ixf.xct:i.li:i) i;J TONIC. 15 HiviMcnal. It n lite onlv strit'tly in re vi'm'tanle IiIimmI uo'diiitie on the mar ttl It rtvulati's and t'l-auMt'.t It v liMiictheiH utnl hcalis dHta-stil kitluevrt. -ttMtM the urinal ordain in a womlt rful timer, curt eiiills utnl U'Ver, catarrh Ih liret Hta'i, uUtk, note ot lonvt Mitml i relict wm thu weak ami languid, givt 1iie und vinor to iln whole Rvntem. No tpie. nhould Ik without it. 4 OtVice and liitlMtralorv 'J7 Church street. ortolk, Vti. far IMilCE ."0 CENTS. h je 11 ly. ! W. 31. IIABUSTOX & CO.f Wholewle nml Rct.til Dealeni in 1 " CAUPKTS, STOVES, nd M.itlrenses, elc s 0 F'l n 1 ivaii 1 iiai?.: in lDI,lIUIIU)?l)IUUU t MMmense stock AND LOW PRICE8 W. M, HABLISTON A CO., No. 90 N. Sy(-mor St., PeUnbnnr, V ADVKimSKMKNTS. After.... Taking a course of Ayer s Pills the system is set in good workiui; order and a man begins t' fei ! that lite is worth living. He who has become the gradual prey of constipation, does not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then his mountains sink into mole hills, his inoroseuess gives place to jollity, he is a happy man again, vlf life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking 1 Twin City J BAKERY WELDON.N.C. nil line FANCY (iliOCKKIKS, FKl'lTfJ, and C'ontW'tiniirrirs NitT lint'of California Drinl Fruits, I'm dm lVachcH, fie, fir, Full line of French Caniins- CrjMalisee Fruit.i, Crciun Almond.s anil MarshniallowH. Agt'tit tor FU-i.Ht'hnian's coinprt'sMeI yosnt. BUSTER PURN ELL, Mwu-.., on 10 u. .?. ,i: k k k p. 3: : HERE IS A SNAP. tarThrt-atly h.i.l You know tlir it MEYER IS Opening a lai'm- ltd of siinpit' STUAW H ATS, and spiES which he is not GIVING ft 1 AWAY -JEf. hut is fllinnat halfol liit st!l iinj ptice STRAW HATS. hy the tlnmsat'd. F lyh.xiv idde to hae a niei: hat at siiiill puce A No line line n u I SUMMER DRESS GOODS J & Mlks, i . V'Mt, '; Curtains KiMioiis, 'vi mi lit'. ' ! .trtiiiinu ' Kill - line J GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES .y at pnci'M lower than ever. 7v Come ill and examine inv itoek. 3 Howard House, JAMES Kl'.AMl i;, I'lop Howonl A Iliilliinore sts , r.altiiuiiri', Mil TEKMS i JVr l'j. sep 10 ly. THE KERN FURNITURE CO., 14 Old M.rkt'l 8timre, Norfolk, Vt. Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, and ftill line of Furniture tpr lr. B. P. SALE, Proprietor. WM. l.INN, Mutineer MANSION HOUSE. BOTH ON . AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS tnion Street, NORFOLK, TA. h l ISA ENFIELD. N. C. i (J ft , OLDEN TIMES. Otr Country One HunJrJ Years Ann. Kury L'ntVuiim won! a iiic nml i.mJrroil his hair. . "tnViuan liowin to u lady alwav J f. 1 his foot un llit: ;io!1Ir1. j . 1 tin' population ol' u village asnn- ' hi ii at (lie inn on "pol ilav" in hear die I n iv- Mi I'luireli colleetinii was taken in a h ,j llle elel iil'a pole wilh a hill at ti 1 ji- il to ai'iitise sleepy cotitrihulnrs. 'i old copper mine in Cunneeliciit ui n-ed as a prison. I iiiprisonuieiit lor ilelit w is a common j r 'l ice. ! here was otily unc hat factory, ami I J made cucke't hats. ioii,ia contained a fifth of the whole illation of the u iiuitry. t'ttostaei dies hore all llle travel b'twecnNeiv York and l!o-t,,ii. The Mississippi alley was not so well known as the heart of Allien now is ll'iinihe was unknown. When a man hail aene Ills lie took Peruvian liark and ivhi-ky. There was not a public library in the I'llited S-ateS. Peeks Mvie very expensive. "The hives of I he I'eets" cost 1 ,"l A day lab ,rer received two shillings a day. A horseman who oilloped on a cily treet was liii' d four shillings. Crockery plalcs were objected tu he- cause they oulleu tile knives. A man who jeered at the preacher or ciiiieised llu; sermon was lined. I r v oonds were de-ionated as "men h still'.-" or ",mi m's stull'.." Stoves were unknown. All rooking was t one Ii 'lore an open lireplace. Six tl ays were Mpiirctl for a journey between New York anil lioston. Many ol'ihc streets wore not min d anil die house wi're u it mi'iiberttd The p irtjuet of a theater was called the pit and w:ii lillttl with the rabble. The whipping post nml pillory were slill slaudiiiL' in New V irk and H i-I ,i. Thret lourdis of the b inks in e.'er library eime from beyond the Adair ic. Tivt niy '1 ivs weie retpiirel for a letter to 00 from New Y irk to Ch irle-to:i hy land. A New Kneland irl was not allowed 1 1 marry until -he could bike a lout of bread and cut it in smooth, even slices while it w is -till war n When a Virginian started on a j uirney to N w York heinide his wid ami ba le f.rewell lo his friends a- th ni'i lie never epeeted to see lllcin aaitl. When a man had en i.ib lea he placed his spoon aerts his cup to indicate that lie wanted no m ,re. The lavorite novels ol' "worldly," youn women were "Viet irio," "Lidy Julia Maudevillc," ami "M ilverti 1 de." Ilauces in I'hilatlclphi i were eivcti every two weeks, hut youu men under lit) and girls under IS were Hot ad milled. At the Christinas ipiiltino parties ijaiues were failiionablc, with kissim; penalties. New Orleans Time.- lemo cral. THH ( O.VII'I.IITi: AMil, What's a lishiu; rod?" "It's a b in Isimie jointed tiling father holds 0ui ov, r the wai. r " " What s a li-liini; pole " "It's a lone; w len sliek your liill catches ti-h with." (Cbieao ord ) your - V ' 'V.v.-JN A YolllH w-OIHtl slioilt to W pli-t'llll u ttl nilrt ti'tt ivt'i llu- (nlli st iiKlim lions a to ler heliavl.ir slit-i loltl liow to tin -s how o nunav!'' h- 'i"w '"""'-v ''"'; .tale lUi 1 v iiu-; "t UiairfuV.) itiiiai-.nl 10 Unit shf 111.1v t'oiililiil no lilun.i.T 111 tut piosrlicr of r.tvillv If ll Hi" ttoliM' IJ ivurlh while for Hit- sti,l. lion of mil' lint I moment how inliiuti lv more itiiportnul u u lil vouim mil al'-'iit o filler into fit incrril nr.-emt Is of womaiihti.nl. slioiiltl lie nroprrlT initTiKl. il m all that concerns liff time of possil.le happiness, or pt.ss,l,lt "ivWT mothrr ouitlit to nee to it that her lmmht'ers ate healthy ami stroll III a wo manly wav. She ought to make Ih-m aware thai anv ucicct or irreRiilarity of the spe :ial functions of womanhood may iv.-ull in life .Inn weakness ami disease. Anv mother r daiiidm r mav write con :ernin these delicate ailmeiils. with the utmost confidence to I)r K. l'li rc.-. chief w.siiltin physician to the Invalids Hotel intt Survival Institute, of Hntlalo. Her letler will he answered ft "' chare with iureslions for self neatineiit at home, Cv which the se complaints may he overcome mnhout need of m.-rlifvimr examinations. I)r Pierce ttaa had over tinny years -perience in the treatment of women's dis eases, and is an emine-it specialist in this particular field of practice His " Pavonte frescription " cures completely and perma uentlythe most oh.linale caes of feminine weaknes. and disease. II heals all inflamed conditions, strenthensand tones the nerve centre, and the entire womanly onranim For prosm-ctive m.illiers and niiriii motheni, the " Favorite Prescription perfect atrength .usuiner. I ncl. 11 ... liee- 1 "Slit; mill I er liancc make a handsome I let ire ,t lle r. tl ill'l lli. j?' Y, s, I In Well,,,, s. I leAe In r en-.li;,.'Ut i- CMI-I ItTt'd all l.s- li ,o- .llll-'ie ruber Ihall ah'iauelal -nee, s-. U- Presented THEY BOTH GOT MAD. A .Mutinidincci' isiisa l'nsliifl;c ni His rfcricn;c I here lie was 11 typical mountaineer from bis broo.an shoes In his wool bat and he had walked to a Iicihhhrino town to visit relatives It was his litsl visit away I'.i in his home. The second day after he ai lived ho went lo the push dlico In prt a Idler from bis eiil. lie was sure it Would be there, as she bad Itarlully lold him she would write him while he was away. "Air thar any mail br inc?" be in ipiiied el the posi master. "What's y,,m naiiie?" was ibe in .iiiry. " I. eider." "1 say. what's your name?" tiskt d the postmaster in a little tuolc positive man ner. "Louder." "I say, what's your name?'1 yelled the posliuastt r. sticking bis head throiieh the window into the lace ol the youu" man. "Why, dad 1lr.1t your ujy time, I've told yer three limes my name was Lou der." yelled the mountaineer, "T. J . Lou tier, ami if yer didn't bclotio to iher oov'mcnt I'd crawl over thar and pick your years. Soon is a mau pit or piv-' tiieiit job round hero he ht'eius to put on airs, and I'm not one to put up with it." The postmaster fished out a letter from a musty hole aud jjuvu it to him, altboiioh be was mad hiuistlf. Washington Star SCHEMING FOR WIVES. They I'rdciiJd Thev Wanld School leach ers lint Thev WanleJ Wnes. "Them are plenty of women i 11 Oreo' ii uow," observcl a prominent Orcion politician, who is hert; to sec that the Stain is not forgotten in tits way of p.ili'onaL'e "but it is within llic memory ot many of us when women were very scirej 1 liere. Wi- anvil it out that we wanted them fur sell, ml teachers and the like, and eneoiiraoeil them to eoiuc out there lint tin! truth was the men waut tl tlieiii for wives. remember ouce we scuta yuuug linn to Massaehu-cits, where lie was well acitiaiuted, witli or ders to collect lUllyouni; women and lo escort them back to Oreiron. We ouarai, teed every one of them one year s employ ment The active man ill the mailer was a flue lookino youno man, who al'ci ward served two terms in Cuniiress IVoai our Male, lie spent two tinnitus in selcetino the party ami started West with ttiem. On the trip out he courted one of the school teachers nn his own hot k ami actually L'ot Her consent to a inai- riau'e on the arrival of the train at l'ort land. The hoys bowled consitlcialily about it, claiiuini; that he had Ireattd tin-ill unlairly in having first choice but there was a lot of line, luarriajeabl material It'll. Nunc, id those Women are today the leading ladies of the seciety it tile State. Moo! than ihreefourllis i f the hundred were man id inside of thne years and many in less than one year. A lew 01 me 101, However, are tuacluig school there tod ly, not (hat they did not have any oilers, but becauce they would not accept any of the fellows who offered themselves. Now that Senator Mitchell lias all. ml oivetl up Ills enlllisl III return a- Senator, lie will likely be succeeded bv a o -iillciiian who married oil" of the pmy ol'selio il teachers to which I refer lb-will brino his wile hero with bun ami your v asluuL'lon folks can see for theui-clvt s the kind "I' ladies we hat out theto lor school teiclurs They can't be surpassed, even if etpiallt d, any wIuti). I may Ik- an intcreslel pers m thtmli, for il happens that my wife wa one of ill.- piny " Washing m Star. WHAT IM.KASI'.S IIIUS. It pleases her to h. called a sensible little woman. It pleases her to be called a w - I Jie-sed woman. It pleases In r to tie told thai she fascioa'in It pleii-i-s her to be lold tliat she in proves a man hy h r c nupuii n-hip It pleases lu-r In tit pen, I on soiu ' in.,, and r, r..cu, I -to- . ru'ltl him. 1 1 pleases Ii t lo Ii -1 r '.Co I t- oir' , 1 ly ami with rcsp -ct, an I 1,1 b- tiik-i-o reasonably. It please-Ii, r to be Iteat. d seusibli ami boncMly. to be coiisiilicd, an I n -i In be Irealtil as a butterfly, with no heel nor heart. It pleases It -r to be loved anil admire 1 by a.uiaii who is sirotio (.ioiioi to rule and Mid due Ii T and make his way Ii r way; lo lead her anil lake care of her TIIOSi; LITI'LI': MSTI'.KS. She ''Mr. Softly, what docs the fool killer look like?" lie "Aw I don't know, my dcnh " "Well, now th it's funny, when pia nays you must have an awful, awful time dodiDji him." "Yks," said 1'ucle Jonas, "that b -y 0' mine alius was fond of books; an, now lie's bicoui' 1 paoein the Legislator." JAKE'S BABY. 'I he IHJ Man Was Amiens' to liu Smii; thiiy un I his litifiirtani liceasinn. Ttierc was an unusual scene in the recorder's court Ibe oilier day. A neiil'o man was hauled before its bar on acharoe of drunkenness, dud.'e Calhoun, who has a wunderl'ul memory in such matters, recognized an old of I'eiclt r in the darky. "Jake," said he, "this is I lie third time you've been here this year." Tlic neoro scratched his head and shifted his hut from one baud to the oilier. "Yasser, dat's so; it sho is Hut dem ar yutlicr limes is dotii! (.'one hy, an' dish yer time well, sub, dish yer lime is bran new." "Well you were drunk each time," remarked the jutloc, frowiiiiio. ". Yasser, I sho wuz I speck I had de same ol' wobble dis time, but de' eision wi:z bran new. "It's always some excuse," said the judoc, "hut I want you to understand tlul I in tiled of seeing you here un a eharoe of drunkenness." Well, sub" No, I doti'l want to hear your es s. It's drunk, drunk, drunk, unlit even the stockade, is tired of you." liutjetlc," protested the neoro, look around uneasily, and lowerini; his voice, "de seuse what 1 "jot now am t so mighty bio, but it look like tcr tne dat i a luiithty trood one." ''Well, out with it." "Hit's den a baby, jedoe." "A what?" 'lies a linli! baby, sub." "Well, what has thai (jot to do wiib asked llit-judo,-, his inatiiier sbowiiie not little curiosity. Hit's at my house, still. Yasser! hit's darriebt now, an' bet you el' 'taint 'sletp t's a - bulletin." I iieirliiiii as h po-itioii was, llu; neoro chuckled. ic judoc regarded ttie darky with a r, leiittio eye playitio with a slip ol paper on bis desk. "Well, what of il?" His judicial in-IL-nutiou bad di.ssuppcarcd. " Well sub, hit wuz dis n-way: l, las lime I went out er dish yer place, 1 lay tor myself I ain't ejwine letch no moreilram. kais I done louu 0111,1,11 aint mo'ii a half hour fum tie m uf 1 do. buttle tcr de rock pile. 1 mideui my min' oil dat, an' I belt it dar twel as' niulil. Well, sub when I o ,1 fum work, dey wuz a niecr 'email dar liusiin tout; an my ol tmau wuz in I. I low, 'Hello, here! what kinder duin's is ,li?' 1 ain't 111 o'ti l' 't tie word- out'u my lu.ml' fu' I hear suuip'n blatiti un' tie kivver like a teeny nuinv nuat An' -1,' ni-'-r 'toil in. slic up an' 'low 'You out a baby if you but know'd il.' " A t II suit, dey sorter tu'n down de CO'luterpin, an dar lie wuz ties tz tiatchul e. you please, lie wunk at me iitinic er two. an' tb n he '.'tin ter blate. I start pick 'iiu up, sub, bciti' iz be wuz de fust an' de unliest; but dat ar ni.-oer o nan, slit! tlesslioves me 'roun' an' say I better ijo 011 'bout my liu-iness " llcte the juJi! look oil' his glasses ail I r ililicl 1 lit-111 careluily ceaiietl Ins e'liov 011 the e,i ic, an I resit d bis head on Ills ban I. There was alio i-t a smile on bis fa " as be u-ked: 'And what tlid you do ill, n, .lake?" I'llt- ll-'oro srratebed bis bead and bed -I pi-hly. "Well. s,, ,bir l wuz, a r --I'll man wi,l a tiahy an can t put his hau' 01 it. Iliad mighty iiiare fclin's. 1 want ter 0,1 in dar, an' dm I skeere 1 ter. I kn -w d I w ml ter do suuip'n bui I dinner what. 1 feel so "no I, l say 1 11 tb s take one ill.no in eo nineiuliuucc 1 r tie baby. Well, sub, 1 lu.'k it, an' 1 1 y,ui don't know J ; res do placet-11 in d ir kin tell you" Tliejii L" cleared his throat ami tried to frown, bui the frown w is a failure. ".lake," be snd, "you can an this time. Y our 1 sense is not a (.'oo 1 one, butl think 1 know bow you ltd I have a boy in inv house 1 verv line one " " i In Hi II' 'li-, Mil.!'' 1 id illietl .lake. " flic line, 1 on my side of town; il is admitted l,y ev, rvlmdv. I know what your leiupiaiioiis w -ic, I risi-ttd, and y,o tb In t. lio and bell tvr y uirscll. Cad the ill-Hi ci- ! Adanta Consiiliilioii. I In- Grandest Id- l. Mr H li. tir. . u. ..1, ,.1't'hil- bowie, Ya , ii 11 ili "s Ih it he h oi coii-um-pitoti, wa- -.iicu up to tie-, soil-In nil tile, bed tr'alui lit thai 110,11 y could procur , tri ,1 all c.-iuh r, uicii, - tie could hear ol, but o it 11. r bet; -p -nt many niobts sitting it, in .1 cli in, w 1- induced lo try Dr. Kino's New l'1-covcry, and Was cured by use of two botihs For past threeyeirs has been aileiiduio to bii-inc-s, and says Dr Kino's New Di cov, ry is the erandest remedy ever made as it has done so much f,,r him and also f 1 oiln rs iu bis eoiiiiiiuiii y. Dr Kind's Di-eovery is (uarantei'd for Coii'-hs, Colli- and Consumption. It don't fail I'liil hollies free at W.M Cohen's lru(! Store. 1 When I was tirst in irried I lliouobt my wife was the only woman on earth.' "II tw do you I. el about it n iw?" Well, i here's our cook ." OABTOniA. Ii n ia;paa, ORIGIN OF THE CAT. Jesus Ihreu llisliluve llmin In I'reeanOlj Nero Human i nun Mi.e. When I stepped on the cat, her limp and her cries were so piteous I took her to the kitchen to apologize ill a saucer of cream and a-k mammy to care for her. ''I lid you trod 1,11 dat cat? 1 cor tainly is mighty sorry, lor it's bound lo unlucky lor you if you hurl a cat." I ventured tl pinion that to kill a eat broiiL'bt ill luck, but had not heatd anything , about accidentally hurl inc; one. "My nn -roy, chile, don't you know it is a sin to kill a cat? Iliiz you know anjtlnti aboiil cats and bow they cme lo be b re on this earth?" I acknowledged my ignorance unless liny were inciilded in the eeueral erea tiuti ami procession into the ark. "Well, white folks doii't know tiolhino. 'c, pt what they reads out 0' books. Wa'n'l 110 eat- in 110 ark, and it's a sin lo kiii a cat 'cause a cat is Jesus' licht hand love. Jesus was down here once on this 1 re earth walkint; round just like a man. .-peels you beerd about dat, didn't ji.11? t's all put downiuthi! Bible, dey tells me. never seen it thar, for I can't read n,,r Willi ; don t know one letter Itotii Ibe 11, si, but it's all writ down in the bible, what (i d sent down from heaven in a budi all on liie riitht into Moses' hand. Yes, indeed, it is (iod's own truth, jest as I am tilling you. When Jesus was In re in ibis world, he went round con stant, vi-111110 eullud lolks. lie wa always mighty fond of eullud folks. "So one day he was a walking alon', and he come to a poor old eullud woman's house. When he went in tbo tl mr an, I (live her 'howdy,' she stand -till and look at him rii'ht hard. Then she say, 'Lord' (-be never seen 11 -r bend (ell of him before, but sotnetliino in herju.-t seemed to call hi- name), and she kept on a-look-in and a-lookino at him hard, and she say over a-ain, 'Lord, I is jest inizzable.' 'flit n lie say, 'Woman, what you mizza ble I'oi?' Then she say, the third time, L ,rd, I is uiizublc, fir tin! rats and the luiec is a eaiini; and a-dt-stroyino every tiling 1 cot. Tliey's done eat all my corumeal and all my meat; they's done t at all my clothes; tliey's eat boles in my bed, and now they's jest ready to cat me mw'lf, and 1 am dat mizible I don't know no more what to do.' ' Jesus he look lono time at her tniclity hard, ami be say, ' oinan, I10I10M your H ud!' aud then he pulled oil' his riojit baud "love ami fluuo it down on the floor. Soonastlat "love touched dit II mr it turned into a eat ricjit then and thar. and it bciiaii a eatebinj; all llieni tats and all them mice, niore'n any eat done since when it do its best, hid cd it did, Iliad,' out ol Jeslls loll llalld "ioVc. before dat woman's own eyes the four fin -yrs for the les and the thumb for the tail and dat's the truth 'bout bow cats Cot liere. (Iii- ss you know now why it': a. sin to kill a eat and blioed to be un lucky to hurt one." Journal of Ameri can Folklore. ixm eaikii' mt.u i:s. Make it a rule to ke p the back of the ueck close lo the back of the collar. boll tin shoulders back ward and down ward. Try lo sipie, ," the shoulder b'.adi together m my limes a day. Stand er el at -hurt interval- .Inr 111: the UaV "lle.nl up. chill II', el,c-l out slum ders back." Walk or -1. ,iel with tic hands cU-po ii-biiid th- h-i I an 1 tic ciooiv- vwd ap.llt. W.aik a! 111, or even 11111 uo-l . ,r- w 11 li'. mi It 11 lo foiiy pounds on the lop of I he head. Try lo look al the topof your biblical vest or your necktie. l'laetiec the arm U10V1 uienls of brea-t stroke swiininitli; while staudini' or walk inf. Hold the arms behind the hack. Carry a cane or nuibiella behind the stuail ol the back or behind the n, , k. I'llt ibe bands t,n the hip-, withe bows back ami linocr- f -rwaid Walk Willi the thumbs in ill, iru boles of the vest, When walking swino ih.- arms ami -bolll-b r- slr.ill-l.V baekualtl. Stand now and then dunno the dav with all the posterior parts ol'ihc hotly, so far as p 11I.I , treicbin a vertical wall. Look upward as you walk on the sunny side of the si reel Y'oilih's Com panion "Il is the best on lvtrtb." Thai is what Klwards It Parker, of Plains, (ia., say of Chamberlain's Pain Hiltn, for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated ami muscular pains. For sale by W. M. Chen, Wcldon, .1. X. Hrown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, KiitieM. The supreme lest "What is bis rep utation for veracity?" "Very pood; he hasn't seen a sinole Hyin machine this sprinc.!" OABTOniA. n Tt rrtppl. NKW ADYKliTISKM KNTS. Surely if die word RHQVLA TOR is not on a package it is not immm LsvtiR Regulator. "ujihi:; cLv is the same. It cannot be and never has hcvii put up hy any one except J. H ZEIUU & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. A MISTAKE. liu Nid I'at Off Yinir .Marrianc. najrcnums Hill Nut Hn. .unu Th, il tit to be saitl in f.iv -r of the Ioiiu' matrimonial eUL-a-.'euieut.s, tbuimb it would be bald to convince the ardent youn souls who have just discov ered that they love each other that thisj i" llu-case. They can't see why tin y -boiil l not be . noa'eti, even though mar ria;:e i- only a faint beam ill the horizon, l'oor (b in b tl yoiins.' tbino-! They little know what they are liirbtly ami thought lessly takiiiL' in hand. For before them lies a waste of waitini; Gradually I'M win will weary ol it. lie will discover that there arc many attractive women in the world, and row neobeiful, cold xactino and oll'eusive. Anoelina will beitin with anu'uish to uotiee in her jilass that sbt! is not lookino so youno as she was; lo endure torments when httwin ks meditatively at her, ami wonder whether he is remarkiiiL' it too. They will hoih have to see other lovers bei'iiiniuo enaued and marryitii; briskly out of hand while their own affair dra"8 ii-tili aloii-.'. They will have their full taste of the I, mi; deferred hope that maketh the heart sick, and if they don't both bitterly repent that they ever ntered into an ciiLiaoemcnt to which there was no reasonable hope of a termi nation why, they will not be mortal Anvilum' under a year is rational and correct, ft may stretch lo two years without undue annoyance to either party. Where people are unselfish and genuine ly in love the years may be further ex tended without risk, llioiioli never with out trial and to those chiefly concerned. Hut where there is no prospect to hrina- irn; the enoap-iiicnt to at least a reasoua hie limit it had far belter be ended. AecordiuL; to the newspapers, an Ohio hii-band became the happy father 0 1 11 children not lorn' ai;o. Of lb en all lived but one. 1 1 is to be hoped belaid in a supply of Chamberlain s uith lb nit-.lv, the only sine cure for croup, whoopim: coiicn, cuius anu eouoii: 1 so insula tl his children a-'atnst these eases. 'or sale by W. M. Cob.n, Wddon, J. X. Hrown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Ham m, Kulield. t'OMMOX All.MI'.XT "Mama, what is a delusion?" "Well, it is your fillet's idea that with a Soil rod be can catch 511 cents worlh of fish." Telter, S;ili-Uln'iini nml l-'i-zcina. The intense iti-liim; iiiiilsiiiiirtine.ini't tlelil to these ilisi 'uses, isilistulltlynllliyei by aindy inir ('baiulierlaiu's I've nml Skin ( iiiitiueiit. M.-niv very nun eases buvo been permanently eiireil by it. It is i .ii;illy I'ffieieiit fur itchhie; piles nml u favoiit'e reiiieilv for sure liipples, elnipiii-il hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 2.1 its. per box. Ir. (mil's Ciiiiililion l'onilers, art-ju-l what a boist' needs when in bail condition. Tonic, blued piinner imtl viTinifuiti'. They 11 re nut fond but in.'.lit'iiie nml (be best in use tu put il b'.is.' in prime condition. Price 21 cents per package. 1'or .-ale Lv W. M Cohen, Weldoti;.). N Hrown, llalilas; Dr. A S. Harrison, Kiiti.ld . - . - For a while he was clear out of bis mind about that :r." "And now?" "Oh. now the prl is clear out of hi- mind " OABTOniA. Yell S lo liiuve, our iiL'iv etn so e'i Mrs. Du wed llu. crlnl when you have ;s." Ye-; such a lot ol p resents always get broken " AH KIll'ISF.MKNTS. v.N POWDER Absolutely Pure. wmm CcU'lirat tKoritHjtri'tii l veiling strength llll-l ht'illt hllllllOHS. AsKlir(HtlHHHHllirilt)Ht ulum ftii'l all fortiH ol' ttdii luntiiou wiqi ttinn to the cheap brand.. koVAI, ltrKINU I'UWUKH Cd , NSW YORK OPEN! Jains' Grocery ;wi:uo.-, x. c. still carry a full line of Hue Staple and Fancy tirocer'es, 'FRUITS- CONFECTIONERIES- Crock. rv, (.lass Tin. and wootlenware and most rver.vtliino that is kept in a first lass (nicer v store. 1 al.-o return 1 hunks o my I'rieiiils tin-tli-ir putromure of the i.ist, ami solicit a continuance of the same. w itli (uaralitce to please. Ami wisliiu them a happy and prosperous new year. 1 hut they may Lonj; to live And well toilo Aud iit'xo ileal Ii He happy too. Uesjieetfnllv, J. L. JCDKINS. dec IS ly. W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe. StvtUh, durable, porfect fitting. Ln-Jor-ted by over 1.000.000 wearers. V. L. Douglas $3.50. $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2 50 and $2 Shoes ior Men. $2.50, $2 and $1.75 Boys We i!tonnlvtlirlc -:t(' .'f, uhr1u Onlf. French l'.itt tit ralf, Krciifi Kiiiiim-i, ViclKnl. etc., (r.nli il t" ('orn'S)!"11'1" "ii price-'. Iliofclioti. It 1 nlir i.'Uinut fiiDpIv uu, writu Catalocfrec. W. L.DOUGUS, Brockton, Majs. ouLJ b W. B. TILLERY, WELDOX, X. C. E. N. RICKS & BROS. , KNl'IKI.l), N. f. nov '2ti om. F. II. Stainback WELDON, N.C. -Healer I n- General Merchandise Am nt for thec-lel.rated ZKltlLKU liliOS, ami It AY STATK Siloes. Have also ailtlnl to my stock a nice lino OLOTHINGI for MK, YtH'TlI'S and CHII.DUEN'. A full line of Solid Walnnt Caskets Coffins, Always on hand. Burial robes fuinisheil for Ladies ami (ietitlenu'ii also fluid i.,,-,. lions Kivon to dead bodies and iliain'i'.. ants nsetl when desired. A N'ICi: II K A USE AT YOl'R DISl'OSAL. I'. N. STAINBACK. I'ROFMSIOSAL CARDS. .lAKS M. HI'I.LKN. WAl.Tia LDaNlIL iyr U L L I N A DANIKL ATTOKXEYSATLAW, Wrldon, N. C. rnu-tlrclnlhetiniirtanf Hall(aianrtKnK.-,. on and ill the Hupnime and Federal conru. (Jul. ' ' '" ""ii isonn eaniliua. nra-iih oltee al Halttai. N.C.tmon unn. K- lan 7 It J)lt. T. T, KOS!., DENTIST' Weldon, N. C. JiaTOnice over Emry & l'ierce'sntor. 10-19-1 v- JJR W.J. WARD.(C- siieon Dentist , ENFIELD, N. C. l.Offlceover Harriaou'i Drug Htora desi 9n If. Wanted-An Idea I Vha emu thin .omt tlm.ila rmtact your trie..; ther mav hrib v.m wMith tblng to patoutr writ. JOHN WKbDEKHDBN CO., P.Unl lUt "WWartlaiton, D. C. fnr lk.lr I.Ul prlnosZ? ana lliv ot loo liiuiirra UtvMuous vawwik 1