MM IP JOHN W. SLEIDGKE, I'liontiKToii. A. IN" E "W" SP APEB FOE THE PEOPLE TEIxLIIVLS:-1 1,l;K AXM'M IX ADVANCE VOL. XXXI I. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 2(), 1897. NO. 4. 1W, .'A. DS, the risit; ADVKHTISKMKNTS. PRUNELINE i Trade Mrk KniMml.i THE IDEAL LAXATIVE Ami run.' for - m.Z 0 N S T I P ft T I 0 N - An pli'iisiint us honey anil sure i inv lor llilliiiisiioss, llcadaihc. I'ct.Ts. ti h Troubles. Iliiwrl Pi' or Diseases. Kick Stniiiarll. Irrt'Kiilaril), kidney Troubles, "Ui" and HI I Dl anil verv m my oilier diseases nn.l atiotis l no In lilt' llmollvt' suite oillii' Low. Is. D a II k 1 1 I N F W tin- -.ile.l nii'l sur.-o "Hilar Mir Hull Hl'iTl' lil 'Hit' fill 1'"'" rleHiises without ritinn, 1'iirill ll lii'.r II. i' M." . ri mtiU'K 'ill iwisle iiotn m- sv-ni.i n .to " Vf away Willi CASTOR OIL. SALTS ' (i Hint' Mass iii"l all other ww n- put i ' I livi', It loties a' '1 rii'TKi """ill lh i:r. .11 .'tL .iii 8 3 i.fllit' sun-m. If' I' ll"' h"d ''i"'. 'I'1' '"'' 1 " "I warm niiil tin' ll"vl.i.i'ii, iimiib i Hi NI-.I.INI J, "J li.r tin' latter .uri..'. , Si. 1. 1 1')' all ill-alt if. "I ' I't "" l-.-i-. i't "I -I'liln l.i .inv slMress I'V 1 'VYlNKkl.MANN A lllii'tVS I'I'.I I IWll;lii..ri M.I. .. iSI ly. -HUDSON'S 1 f IK? Mai u t., Noifolk, Va. UDIES' ftID GENTLEMEN S DININb , i uikim. ai.i. Mi:.u.s r. ci:nts. ; BCUrAssIXt; roFFKK .1 srm.u.r) '"i J. K. lll'DSOX, lriiirii'lnr. t Tin' Hist of l'.vi'ry liniiH in Si I oil 1(1 Jyr. TO. II. MALE, HAM I 'AX. X. C. Carries lull line- Dry Goods, Notions, Boots siioi'.s. liuocKiiiKs, i:ii'. Atcnt for 8TAXUAIM) KKWINtl MA MUSKS. Can litrnish any part nl any kin. I nl machine al short iiiilii'i'. Kind : aaatal curd for sliu illnst rating warts to marliin,' vim have anil will name iiriiT I'm pjrre untied, il carry a full lino Coffins & Burial Cases. feive mi' a trial wheu in neid id' inv 7 I 4 "i IJeavy I?ancy (Farm Implements. ;: 2 1 l'dCND SACKS OK SALT FOR ? U0 l'KUSACK. ! Lcon-eot nrices ami polite attention - m . imi; 1 ly. BO Vf ARS' BXPERIKNOf. f TRAD! MARKS) CORVRICHTt Ao. 'Qnhij pHtenmi'ie. i iininiuninwii'iw bth iit itmiai. I'fiiiti miviK-r f' mi-wo )w uw nil tnkfti Ihntuicli MuiiU A Co. renin ft. Mi utttloe In tb SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, I inn noiitht. !pttHniin xMta ml 11aU K 4k UK I'ATtsNT wilt (ruo. AddlLU I f MUNN & CO., 31 Urttdftft), New Vrk. v Professor Jas. Harvey's l M..iu.jr.u 1 1il am M.111.I ll i. t!M iinli- kliia'llv Groceries I IM 111 asm hi in 1 111 1 Li iWiSIS.lltii.W. f'Vt p E vegetjible liluod inclirine on the mar I 1 11 rr)!iilate ami rlranK tli liter, m tiitlheuii anil lieala tliAeiuMil kiilnevH, fin the urinal my.iuii in miiiilerlnl w liier, cnrt'ii cliilU tunl Irver. i-.itarrli in IU It t tae,, Minnnl I.iiik ntaml it aula diKetiuu, ereaUn aijH'tild, 1 utlirna tht weak ami laniiiil, gum autl v ior to the whole njmtrni- No urn mm I t he without it. Hiee ami Ijilmraiorv 'J'TChnrrhalm'l, , . folk, V. MTI'KICK ." CK.NTS. alir-j,,y i. M. IIAHI.ISTON CO., . r 1 e lS 1 Wholesale nrl Retail Dealer in ? j CAKPKTS, STOVKS, J and Uattrtwie, etc. K.MENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. If, HABLI8TON CO., be-hl M N. Sycuaore St., Petenhnrc Va. MMllk ADVKHTISKM KNTS. Ht.iiiti(nl f yf yfow ihill and dim As llic swift j ciiti Mml nwity. llcii'illlul, wtllnwy (ulitM ao itltiu I,cHi dm no hi with rvfry .la v -Illit she still 111 tJUfi ll Ulul lut)t t llfttllllt hmtr Whi) nitiii yuutli'i tot mm I Lcnutitut ban. Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. "A woiniin ia as old as she looks," snys the world. No woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Twin City BAKERY , WELDON, N. C. Full line FANCY (iliOCFUIKS, FKHTS, ninl (.'milirtioiit'ru'H. Nirt litifnr'CiiJtlnrni.i Dried Fruits, Prime Pearlies, ete., etc. Full line ol' Frond Candies Crvsl.tlue Fruits, Cream AtinuinUaml M,llslllli:ilU)VH. Aenls hr Fleisi-lun.m's ciiiprt'sjeil ye.i-t. BUSTER PURNELL, Man.r, Ht I.I ll- HERE IS m n u M U jtjf. m n n u n A SNAP. m n n toTTliecaily liinl You know the rest. MEYER IS OjK'nini; .1 large lot tifainple STUAW HATS, au.l .snoKS wtiirh he is not GIVING AWAY Kill i- st llinn at halt ol lirst sell- jfejC- llltl pliee STRAW HATS. by the thousand. FverU ulle t) li:(e u nice h it at n iiiee. AImi tine line u n u n 2 SUMMER DRESS GOODS g n Sllk. Cllet lilts, Tillile (.'utt.iiti kiliUm. liri I riui iiiiiik;, in ai tilling tun a1 IfT Tnll line ft GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES jtec u m n n n at ptwi lower than ever. Come in ami examine inv Uh ENFIELD. N. C. p REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES KEAMl'.K, I'n.p. llonard & Haiti more ntn, Haltimore, Mil. TERMS $J l'er ep 10 ly. THE KERN FURNITURE CO., V MOM Market 8u.iMre, Norfolk, Ve. tvy Carriaps, Refriprators, and full line of Furnitiire. 0 ir- WM.LINK, Manager 1SI0N HOUSE. BUTH OH A1ERJCIN1ND EUROPEAN PLANS Vaim BtVt. NORFOLK. VA. B. V. i CE. Pn ietor M: Setter Than j?.r.jj?.P..l lU-tter than ueuius when applied To work tli, it aids the wrong Is eonx-ieiiee linked to eonmion sense In t llort clean and strong. Itetter than iood hy cheating won Is honest lahor'spay; Nohln than one enriched hy fraud Is lie who toils eaeli day. Ilettet than deeds hy sin inspired, Though they success impart, Is one kind act that friendship wives To some jxior aching heart. MEMORIAL STORY Jneldents of. tko (fjWil ctr. A " e i 1 1' " 1 1 ttn Ul,: M s?: ft: "1 Mil love It'liei'i tit'tl with rihlion hlue, I itiin my lilile Miveellii'arr, who tvan .10 tlllr." ''Wltuse .ieluri'S are tlu'.so, Mntlier?" I a-kt'il , 111 I lo.iki tl on siiint.' nl'l t'a-li-iiiruil iaiiiiin'i nr purl ruit.s, wliifli, with a liunille of li tters, worn anil jellowt'J ley time, 1 helil in my hum). 1 hey were dm lairs til a youth ami tidi-ii in the ilren or style nf perhaps mure than a ipurter of a century two. ! lie 'irl s late was tirijjht imil lair, with lare ilreaniy i;ray eyes, which sei'ineil to hide theiurlven tiencatn the heavy dark hi.-lius, anil a lirow, nrouiul which cluKtireil dark auburu ringlets, wliieli many a lu lle of this day of bans liiiL'lit envy. le yuiiti man's face showed streneih ol' character, ninl, while of a lijihler type, icrc were sirniii; indicatiniis that ho was a man of noble feelings ami would prove true in every relation of life. 1 had noticed alouk of sadness on my mother s lace all nay, anil at last, not Ileitis (v.mtctit when she was troubled, I iskid her the cause. Ithout reply, she bad npeni d a private drawer in her sk and laid the bundle in my lap, sit) mi; : "Vou arc old enough now, Nellie, to understand sin h things tint! I want to ti ll you a story, then you will know why, on this day of all the year, I am sad This is ihc picture of your couin Nellie, fur wit. mi you were named, and niv deari st irlhiiud's liit'inl. You can "ct but a faint idea of how she looked Iroin this picture, made so lono ami, but I need not tell you she was beaut it ill ! This, you will see at a olauce, though hers was a beauty that spoke of a nature t.10 pore l.r earth and to say -he was beautiful d"os not convey what it should in speakiim of her She was the liiiht of her home and tin re was a cliartu abutit her which all, who were so fortunate as to know her, felt. Kill while her merry lauuh and sweet soiies would olii ti fill like iiiuste ou our ears, there was an air of sadness about lu r that impressed all that her mind would often dwell on spiritual things She was a lew years my senior but this ditl n it prevent our heint; friends iu the tiuet sense of the w.r.l. Our hollies wire near each other. She was a favorite of both my lather and mother. They were never happier than when she was wilh us. So much of her time was spent beneath our roof and our intercourse was unbro ken for years. 1 wish I could ojve y,,u a picture, of our life at this time, but this I cannot do. Some times, even now, I seem to hear the sweet old sonu's, she used losing and there are limes when the mi iii.iry ol those days comes back to tin; with over whclmim.' power Hut they are (June, beyouil recall 1 and, "The slory of the, Loreua, Alas ! 1 care Hot lo repeat. The holH lint eiitlhl not last, lirena, They lived, lint only livett to cheat. Itut then 'tis ust, the years hate llotvti, I'll not call hack their shadowy tonus, I'll say to them lost years, sleep on, Sleep on nor heetl litt-'s uciluin storms " It was durinj urn of these visit, (o my h 'ttte. that 1 l.-irttel that a e. - hie bad opeti'd t. r lo-r and one t.' u.i' d. b inj; lo 1 0. .r. -Mtr..w lb.-' ..v .-wt-te .-. I ar .utid the lire one , Ii. i' o. v '.n le r eau.e in and taki"o 'I'tn' t- j . k t apat kau'e ol some siz ', 11 int.. tier hand it is li.ii.liy more than a child and .is very curious to know what it mtolit -ol.talli S e did n..t seem I'isposeii to 'pi ll the package, hoWtVcr, but culnliui: l.eply laid it 11-1 ie, not even the seat, and uotbiito more was said in paid to il. That niht, after we hid retired to uir room, she had thrown on a loose lre.-siitL' cjiwii and was hm-hine, her li.-auillul, ulos.y tresses before the fire. when she said : "Kate. I kli iw i u would like lo L11..W meihino il.oiit tint pail.c.' win. Ii I mvitiil ti iliyainl I mil I. II . ii, it tmi Will prolllfe to keep 111)' Set ret. V"U kll. W I Will," I repllel SI. tbciidr.-w Iroin Iter bosom this olhi picture, and cat c 11 into 111) lui.d- It Was the face ol one whom I hi.i known from childhood, and who h ol i-v. t seeiniH a wilt ot hero to uie, tint never fur a moment had I thought ol ronnivt inp bltli lu ny way with my d.itliop .Nellie. He was the mm of one of out wealthy neighbors, Hubert Winters, by name. Ills father was Judpc Winters, whom you have often seen and who at that time was one ol'lhe largest planters in all this Motion, His handsome country residence was only short distance from both my home and my cousin Nellie's, and the relation between the families hij been of the friendliest kind. It was the custom, in those days, for some person in neighborhood to employ 1 teacher, who would prepare the children of the community, foi a hiphor school, and my cousin .Nellie and her tirother Charles had hid equal advantages with Judpe Winter's children, in this school, taught ! his home. Gold op Fame. ,j'..o.;;.Arf.j;. llelter than lame hy sacrifice, Of manhood's lionoi vmxi, Is hom-t reputation gained Hy manly aetious done. lletter than vice, though it In lad hi purple rich and rare, Is vntue, though a homespun dre-s, 'Tis doomed tore'er to near. I tetter than palace where sweet low lliis nevci held its rein Is home where true affect ion dwells, Though it he e'er so plain. : ij1. v-k n fi0'lMli( i: t : p. . Tlti'ir lit -illier wa a will. vv nf liniii. il means, but of noble haiiii'ler, ntiJ the area! aim of lu r life was (0 ediieatt: children and hritip thetii up in a way that they uiipht be useful, teachinp them that an hnnest, independence, was worth more than rithi-s in ibe end and liitinp them to fill successfully any station in Hubert 11 thau Nellie d Charles were both oldei and I knew thai in their c-liil.lln.inl she bad rtiltid over her school-fellows: years Hubert had been a little iticcii but for some tudent at the University at C , only spending bis vaca lions at In. in.', ami 1, a child, had sceu very little of him. Homo, months before this time, he, havinn finished the course and received his diploma, had begun the study of law iu his father's office in ti neighboring town. His record up to this time had beet) such that people predicted for him a brilliant I'titiito, in his chosen profession "What means this, Nellie?'' 1 asked wilh surprise, as she gave me the pictuie. "It means, Kate," she said wilh a jad smile, "that Hubert and I love each other very much. You know he has ever been my ideal of what was uoblc and good, but never, until a few months ago, did I realize how deal he was to inc. Puring my recent visit to W., we were much together and when he told me of his luvu, 1 felt that 1 was blessed above women, knowing 1! ib. -rt as I do I eould not but feel the honor he had conferred upon inc in asking me to be his wile, and 1 resolved with dud's help to make his life a happy one. itut a cloud soon cimc over our love, fur when his father learned of il, he was much displeased and bade him at once to give me up. This he would tint do. When 1 came homo I ipiickly told my dear m. idler the true state of the case. She loves tue too well to consent to my ever entering a huiite in which I could not be Welcomed as a daughter should be, so at her earnest desire we have deci ded to wait until Hubert is established in his profession, hoping in the mean time. Judge Wiutcrs may inc. one reconciled to uui love. My mothir thinks it best that we shall not see each other very often and I hate decided to be governed by her wishes. So you see, Kate, this little painting is all 1 nave to remind me ol my lover in bis nbsence." 1 loved her too well nut to be troubled at what she had told me, but with the buoyancy of youth, I felt that all might be well and bade her hope that it might be so. For sometime thctc was little change in our lives, Hubert would come home once in a while, and never returned with out seeing Nellie. He was gaiuing rap i lly in his profession and they wric hope fully looking f..r the lime, fn the n. 111 future, when he eoulj Maim her as bis own. Hut ol .mis were gathering around us, esptvially in my own home was there sorrow, .tiy dear mother lor some tunc had been lu laililig health. We could see her daily growing weaker. One day, calling me lo her side she saiti, "i ite 1 shall not be long with you now. lor your sake 1 should be clad il it were not so; I hate to leave ymi so young and so little prep tred to b.itile wilh the world, but my Father's will be done! You niu-t care fir your father and the little oik's. 1 rust 111 imil au.l do your whole only, an.l lie will car- tor you. Sunn alter this she had calmly and ipiietly sauk to rest and uiy home w a desolate ! Then, loo, troubles of another nature that had been long predicted were al hand. The war cloud that bad at lit-: aiiseti, "11.1 largi r than a man's hand' had br.'kcn in all its lurv upou a people little prepared to meet it in IIS ottr whelming lone 1 wish I could pas over this time but, alas '. only we who were living lb. 1. can f.r. 11 an) 1. 1, a of die terrible soourg. I b it swept ou r our 1 . 111 land. (mill ile.-c poliiieiaus and 1. ma g .gu.s. who In a ureal estent were ie piii.tbl", bite f .r si ,11 the mJ. h1.j..' 11 might have tnvn ditb reiit for lour yeais brother's baud w.i raised a.'allist brother, and the Very fl.wer of our join It and iiuubooJ w.i swept away. The breach is 111. tided now, thank (!od ! but oh I if it bad never Invu ' "1 must go, Nellie," Koliort had said, when the tocsin of war had sounded, Uiy country m ods uie and I would be a coward to refuse her call." A comiany had been funned und he was urged to take an iuipuriant place hut he preferred that others should do this, and with Charlie and many others, went out with the rank and file to tight for a cause that they thought was just. 1 shall not dwell on this lime, others hare written and argued, am) still, much might be said, but it is too sacred a sub ject for roe to attempt. We who kept our lonely vigils at home know what it was to listen each day for tiding, of we knew not what, and oft timus for Mens thai never csuie ! There wits plenty to d... fur women must work as well as weep at such a time this, and wo were kept employed which proved a 1 n in our case. .Nellie s was a brave true heart, wilh lover and brother bulb in the li.-ld she went cheerfully turning her friends never failing by her loving care to smooth over the rough places that Wore often found in their pathway. Having seen so many illustrations ol the true worth of her character. Judge Winters had grown mure kindly towards her and We Imiit d that iu lime Would be ootne reconciled to her s and Hubert's love. Hy this lint.' my heart bad learned lo love and 1 . too, wailed as one almost with out hope lor the time tvh"i the war should cease. A friend of Hubert's had been wounded iu tin engagement in which bis e.nn'naiid suHered most cruelly. Alter leaving lb.- hospital, be was .. r milled to e.iii.- heme tint i I he was r. stored to health: and during this lime we had met mid luved. Thin matters bad progressed until it was plain the strife could not last much longer. hi the summer of lSlil, Nellie and 1 were together one beautiful Sabbath day, the iwciiticth day of June. The sun was shining in all ils splendor, the roses were blooming, the fields were green, and in our ttiiet country home we were wait ing! waiting I Anxious at all times, our suspense had been quickened by the siund uf cannon iu the distance. All day wu had listened to the boom ! boom ! at short intervals. which told us too truly of the tenihlo battle that was being waged almost at our doors. "How can wo stttnd it, Katj?" Nellie had askad iu one ol the intervals of the terrible sounds which even tit that dis tatict! would jar th" carlh and cause u to almost cry out in anguish of heart. e call only pray' I answered. Trusting that wo might have news at an early hour that our loved ones were safe wo waited as patiently as wo could. At this time coinmutiicatiun of any kind was Very uncertain, telegraph lines were broken, mails were delayed and often miscarried, and it is hard to con vey t j you what we suffered during these long, summer days. At length, though, I received a letter which bore the well known handwriting of my lover. 1 noticed it was larger than usual and anxiously broke the seal My heart almost fainted within me! I saw there were two letters, ot I'thetn Iroin Fred, telling uie of his safely alter I his battle of the -Hth, ot June, also giving the sad news that Hubert was dead, had been killed in that terrible en gagement. The other, was one N 1 Hit- had written to Hubert on that same d.iy, which Fred had received and returned to me i. true incident ) "Break the news carefully to Nellie," ho had wiitten. "Tell her he died in the di-ch irge of duty. Leaning on my knee be -aid. Fred, tell Nellie my lat ll ought i- el her, that 1 die true to I iod, to b. r an I to our homes ' " "I am distressed for thee, uiy brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou b n unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love ol women How arc the mighty filli 11, and the weapons of war perished." :j: a: For days Nellie lay in ht.r ilarkenrd chamber, drawn and rigid w. re lo r fea tures, but so still, except now and then a faint moan, that often We who watched by her bedside but dupe. We are seldom lii d beyond our strength, however J time is a great healer; so, alter awhile our darling rallied Iroin die almost stupor ot' death 111(0 which she had fallen. "It will nut be long, Kite, before I shall go to linn". she said to 111 one day. "I do not cire to live. Inn will try t. uiy Fader swill and 1 ku.ov I shall my darling again." Through the weary winter wo drag now I. lint with despair, then hoping the end, with but little d nilit as to do g.-d. I'.r (be final result. Bridges were burU'-d. railroads loro up, communication, at any tuu-' uncertain, nnw almost impossible We w.ii:o.l nut kn living what a d it would bring forth. We ha I not bo nd from Fred or Charlie for a long while, so w. re entirely in tloulit as t 1 in -tr 1 1' The spring had c 1111 agon, the y, l,.w jos-aminc and h mct'siicl.- wete in bloom, the air was I id 'ii wilh th. ir sweet p. r fume. One Aprii day we siw a w.un and Weary traveler approa. hing die house flllll an I fools.. te Hit el. thing tutu, and scarcely any up ,n his f,., ( We did not know who In- cnld hi tin 11, a glad cry, "It is I h.nlie ! It 1 ('halite '" The w ir hi I i-ud d . oui wau.hre! was at home, at lat. with mother and sister an i In. 11 1- ' 1- -s I lea I lied I ru ill him lint I'ltd hid tieeti taken as a prisoner of war a sln.rt while belore the end et'ie' i" j eoi'.,,- had been heard limn him since lu all probability he w.uiM be r.bas.d in a short Willie utnl lie, loo, Won!. 1 tie al home. Cbatlie Iccoteitd 1.11 idlt. be was so pelted and waited mi 1h.1i I.e oh. 11 I..1.I us wo would spoil Ii 1111 lUiirel), bin. then, he had earned a re-l As the summer advanced we had other eueiuv to tight It sot'iiitd that th" "via!" of wrath" that hail b's-n pour, tl on us might have been eu"ugh. but 11 was not so. A 11. a Itgnsiit fever had biok. 11 out 111 our Com munity Whole tviillle Welt' stlit kell and olten there Wt re none to nurse the sick Nellie had proton an angel of inercy at this lime Many weary nights did wo ki-op tiatih together beside the bed ol some surl. r ing one, and many were tbe l.l.ssmg. called down on our heads Since Robert's death, Judge Winters had not sccu.cJ the same, lie bd sought aud gained Nellie's pirdou auJ now be was a faithful ally in our wutk. ( all on me, my childrou, when you need elp," he had said, and wo never called in vain. One day I received a message from my aunt: "Nellie is ill, and wants you to cutne at once. When I reached her, all that loving hands could do had been done, but in vain ' 'I hc fever burned and .scorched my lading's tender brow, and oh ! bow my In-art ached to hear the ravings which 1 could not still ! The eri-is came, eagerly we watched hoping for the best. I was by her side when she openi d b- r eyes, iu which was the light of rea sun. lull so weak ! She lauilly called in V 11.11110, "Kale, what day is ibis?" Tbe L'llth day of June," I answered. "bit! )..ii must nut talk, take this ami to sleep.' I must talk, this is the anniversary ol my ti n ling s deal h and I am going to him. ho nut grieve for inc ! I'c a laughter to my mother, try to take inv place with her and ojiuforl her in her distress. In my desk you will find some letters and pictures which you will keep for my ke. Now let me rest, I will soon bo wilh Hubert iu the l'aradise of (iod. " Alter this, 'she fell in a deep sleep from which she never awoke. Though softly as the evvuiug shadows gathered her spirit was taken home. A lew weeks had passed when one morning a servant came in and said, "A gentleman to see you, Miss Kate." 1 went down, nut knowing who it ght be I entered the room and In - lure me was Fred, in the flesh, alive aud well. Wo were married in the early spring and hope to go down life's hill together. Nellie's mother has been over an lion ired and welcome guest in our home, and is quietly waiting for the summons for her to join her loved oues who have gone before. Charlie has married and is a prosperous armct, keepiug up the old home. In his wile, my aunt has found other laughter. Now, Nellie, 1 have told you the slory of dose letters and pictures, and you know why on this, the twentieth day of I line, my heart is sad, as my miuil goes back to these thiugs." MA UK TWAIN ANDTIIK i itiKxiihv eojieosri'oi;. It is a Denver newspaper tradition that the funniest bit of journalistic work ever done by Mark Twain wa- strangled by a loo friendly prool reader. Mark was given tin assignment to write up the open ing of a saloon quite a noteworthy event in those days in the Colorado town. He thought it would be funny to make his account of the festivities bear silent witness to the potency of the free refresh tli' tits dispensed. The article began so belly enough, but soon the diction be came misty, then the spelling grew con fused, anil filially die whole thing di gen elated into a maulil'in, incoherent etil. gv of the saloon keeper It was funny. Mark read il over - ' laughed until be cried. Hut the in. .riling, when he eag-'ilv scanned ' paper he could nut find his wnrk 1 1'. obscure c .rncr he saw a two lit,'- r staling dial "the Alcaz 1 Saloon opened with appropriate f.stiwiics lai night." Tfiat was all. lie rushed down to the office and in piired about bis article. The managing .'ililol knew nothing about it. The city editor couldn't tell what ha. heiome ..' it. The foreman said he hadn't sn-n it. As Mark was snorting about the "out rage" and was running about die 1 lli ce Hying to get track of liis missing "c..i y" 1 proofreader slyly nudgi d bun and said ounti l.-nlially, "You owe nie a cigar." "How is that?" inqiiiied die buuiori-t. "I've earned it," was ihc reply. "1 sated ymir job for you last night. Maybe you don't know how the old man In re feels bate llirei wat- bout sin-li things, but be won't it if he finds it out I tiii-u since I've been hero es lirid jii-t that "Jtlsl what way?" "V b)' j 1st as toil Were l.i-l night. y,.i know. Yi.ur slut) wouldn't do at all ll awlul I knew il the I I I A unman'! U Ihr t-;iton th which ht imut vt itM Alum! eerv whhmii t hev th .t ll'- 4tIMSft At hast SO till" I'llf fUlill n mv .old tiii lulii.iki llu to- -t I that Ivul mi ii' ti t: iil.tiitv ot hatmf I- lint llit ttllM-t .tttMUlXt lot m of hretulv M.tnkitid i nnir lntim net d h thr hnpl gi"W intt vital i I y ot petti 1 1 hi allli A ia-ic j ..-I i.l ! uli ii i in i m ill nut mkr a nn n amttrmr aiul i iitn attt.e ll she ix tt1i . ' linn weak ami tutvuv ot ha a pimply c xi.iti uiiwh' ii some lucith Ti.tvi ate due to imprrfrci niittUieii The litfjprMivr tii I "'it m. Lit k crt,';iti- fail li fxtt.ut Ihc iiituul inutili lit i t ft t ni t'..(. f. (..!. ..i.ii llu 1 1 r t is tin im fih lo rleutiM the h.-iod of biluiuv imputi lit.-. Thntititt cuiistttulH'ti bttomis weak and petrolled I lit only pM ft ft intid. lf for thi Mate of thine i 1'n-rrt t.t lden Medical l't fovrtv. It givt j.'tt to Hit diRf-Mivr and nutiilivf uign tu nmLr an atiumUnr? ot jnire, rich highly viialntd Motl, which ptmratc the hole tetii with the sw n t ti uf put it y . the btautT of vigor and animation It cteati kolid. healthy fleh and naliual rolnr, i ItMi the cnti,j-.leioti riipt tink le, lound out the foini ami ttrlme the whole phyttiue with the intMMible natuttil BtAcnclim nf petfect htaith M.m Julia V.Vm. of Faith. McLean Co, Ky., wrilr " After Mirlenn "t a K njjt whtlr with a litHftmr UirM- 1 wa a.ixmetl totty Hi l'irtcr a ttir.ii. Mir I tiKitl M-vMi Uittlroot Ihr ( n Methral Invovt-ry' and eavontr Ptew ti-t'ti and fwund Tf tie Life i now no lungei a luirtl d tome lwttch ijc wml A year ayo 1 wetuhed at tsoHimU i praiup pr P,tiw'i medicitif was siiup.y man saw it y oi were gone, so I lis. i it up myself nVrf'Ti .h..B,,r:,;' whrrrvrt I a;o I ttrl tfttrt than ever heloie 1 Mv hralth wa verv tmeh impaired and 1 Irel thai owe a (Trent dm) to vow wonderful medl cmr 1 truly Ttflirve ihry aved m lite I than' t ymi tor the ad-ii which you ao kindly at it white lakiftf yoar aatdKitiea. ' NKW ADVKHTISKMKNTS. las' S Swcly if ihc w ord '.UXiULA'fOft is not on a package ii s not if Hi ci-.i) to Sothiny; vise is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIU & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trauu Mark THE RED Z. MOIti; SOI. IK AIMS. "Have you see tl "No. what I'm lu mastership." 0 air ship!'' .king for is pust- A. coiiling to the newspapers, an thin husband became the happy father of seven children not long ago. Of the seven all lived but one. It is to be hoped ho laid in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy, die only suto euro for eioup. whnuping cough, colds aud coughs and so insured his children against these diseases. For sale by W. M. Chen, W,l,ln, J. N. Hmwn," Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Kulield. "What was the peculiarity of Methuse lah?' asked the teacher. "Ho lived lo be very old without ever learning to ride a bike." answered the smart boy. "It is the Host on Faith." That is what Kdwanls ,t l'arker, of Plains, Ga,, say of Chamberlain's Fain Halm, for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. F..r stile by W. M. Cohen, Wcldoii, J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Knfield. He "Yes, 'because' is ii woman's reason aud it is about all the reason she has." She "ll is about all the reason she could have for marrvitig a man." Itiieklett's Arnica alvc. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sons, Fleers, Salt Hhetim, Fever Sorses, Teller, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Krnptions and positively cures Files, or no pay re quired. It is guaranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price L'.'i cents per box. For sale at W, M. Cohen's 1 'rug Store. "Maria, "ksaid ihc great hypnotist, "if you don't put that baby to sleep I'll be uual.le 10 give my great mesmeric chow this evening." CASTORIA For Infants end flu Willie " I told her my love was so great my brain w as on lire " Charlie ttbat did she say lo dial?'' Willie Told me I bad better blow it oul." CABTOniA. Do y. u know a good tonic for nerv ous persons, Sunpkitis? " ".V ; what I want to find is a good tonic I'.r people w ho have to live with them " CASTOniA. ti n "My s tl wu this it'" --No dn m " veet peas Hi. .ruing? ' we think re all Iramplnl Did the cat do i, airship ft II oil Wants tiik Sk ahmakh . Thus. F K:iii, of N- w Yoik. Iiiis tiroiiltt suit ii tlte I llltel Stilt- e iurt H.liltS' L till Mi Kniie, Keijh K. W:itl-, urn olliers lo ( i itiv it'onii-iiice ttf a c 'iitrtf t dt r I l.itu 1 .1.. di.irt w id the c uiiiihdi M.-ek of the i li.-ivoke nilroa 1 eoMii:ih Tl-i pr teee'Illi,' l tin' nut t'.'tiM' ol Mr. ni recent tH.trt M Imy a irr liinj t nt t- m in tlit ;itd Air l.iiie, t r the puii.' ol otiMitii; the Hull n. hi iiii- n-i. u lu. h tiou In-id, uian aj int nt. Mr. U .in el.inu tin t. !. n i.niN Hjnvii t ' dt liv. r their Mock hi mi th n Uoke lli. it c 'lit i. tel. AIY KUTltSKM KNTS. POWDER at s"v4L'"' i ! n Absolutely Pure. CWbiMi-'l lirils! Imvrniun strength ml llealtblollless. Assiiresthell.nlagslllst kIubi and sll torm. ol' adulteration com mon tu rkir cheap lirallds. BOVal.illXIMl IMWUKUl'U., KItV YultkV EYES OPEN! MS Iirown.-ll "Doyiiti think the Cubans will eventually gaiu their liberty?" "No; you remember die pen is Daughter than the sword.' " Nearly all costumes have tl jac cfl'-ct introduced in the bodices ket li'ltef. Sall-ltlieiiio und Eczriiin. The intense itching imil smiii-tiriL', inci- I nViittothesodiseiises, isinstantly nllnyed lv 1..;.... 'i 1 1. Oy lipi'll 111 v ll.l.l.i.rillllll n , nutl Skin Ointment. Jinny very hud oases have been perinariHitly cured by it. It is eijn.'illy oflirii-ut for itching piles and a favorite remedy fur sore nipples, chapped bunds, chilblains, frost bites and chronic mire eyes, 'go cts. per box. Dr. Cail) 's Condition Ponders, are just what a burse needs when in bad condition. Tunic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They urn not food but medicine anil the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; J. N. Brown, Halifax; Dr. A, S, Harrison, Knfield. GRANT SPECIAL ONLY $35. Built just the way you want it. I'p-to-date, guaranteed high grade wheel. LICHT RUNNINC AND A THING OF BEAUTY. All Colors and till styles for men, Mi ' children, mm .! i-1 a- gou.l as i-pieycie you would jj j ; ' for elsewhere. Sample t in!,-. n cxliii.iti- n at J. L. Jud- ' U ' H. I. GRANT. ? i Agent. F. I Stainback WELDON, N. C. liealcr In General Merchandise Agent lor theeeleliraleil ZKUil.KK liliOS. ami 11AV M A 1 1. Slluf-S. Hate iiImi ailded to my sunk a nice line CLOTHING! tor Mi:S. Vul TII'S and CH1I.HKKN. A lull line ol Solid Walpit Caskets I Coins, Alwat s on hand Burial roties turnisbed lor 1. nlies ami I. eilllemeii also tlnid in)iv' tious (..lien to IshIhs. and dlsliilec tants um-il when tlesirisl. A NICK IIIIAKSK AT Vol li DISPOSAL. P. N. STAINBACK. ri;nyyssii)XM. vakm. ''"" hoii.m, wLra.ttiai. ATTORSEYS AT LAW, Wm.ixiif, N. C. J-fsrttrp In tb.'roiirt of Il.lifn, anilNnrUnmti oii.iiil in Hie Sii.r,.nie stnt Ketlersl eouru (kiU i"' in,,,t j,iri, r,r.,lii, IsrmiK-b ottu-e at Halifax. N. 1 ni,n unn. ten 7 1 JJlt. T. T. KOSS," DENTIST Weldon, N. C. lla?"0mce over F.mrj A Piem'a store. HM9-1T. DR W. J. WARD.& SurjLBon - ENFIELD, N. C. tsV-Offlwov Harruwa's Dra Rtor