i 'Si the end : i.-it Pillosophy, Of milking many fills there is no cud. livery pill-maker says: "Try my pill," as if hi' were, offering you ln Iwus! The wise man iiuds a good pill ami sticks to it. Also, the wise m.m who has once tried them never forsakes .Ayer's Cathartic Pills, THE ROANOKE NEWS. TIIUHSDAY, M .VY .'u, 18H7. mOWN I AND -L : VICINITY. Cotton chopping season is now at hand. l'ltOOIUSTtNATION is now till! klepto- niauiac of time. Sl'LKNDIIi seasons last week and the farmers took advantage of it. Today is the anniversary of Mecklen burg's declaration of independence. TlIK Cotton Seed Oil Mill lias about completed its work for this scusm. The girl with the most frigid inaiiners is the one that will IrccZ' on to a man. A man of moderate means and with a thrifty wife has no cause to envoy any one. StrNDAY was a beautiful day and good congregations attended services ai all the churches. Tub next convention of the Kpiscopal tc Church will be held at llend. r.viu May 11,183. The fellow who works bard to catch ; an heiress shouldn't be ojpevted to work after he gets her. t Must mot) wouldn't object if the New & Woman should get so far advanced as to ,t do the "treating." st I A mnrr the worst thing tt niuther can leach her daughter is that the chief end of life is to get a husband. H The Corn Mill is running Jay and ',!i night to supply the demand for the ex j cellent meal it is turning out. v Hood's Sarsaparilla is known to be an . honest medicine and it actually cures 'i, when all others fail. Take it uow. i A correspondent of an exehange in a fi neighboring county writes that the itch, I measles and wfcooping cough are in town. j AnJ still they are not happy. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair licnewcr i is unquestionably, tlie best preservative i of the hair. It is also curative of dan- J druff, tetter, anJ all scali affecti .in. - When a girl goes' 'nunj the house .j pointing out pictures ami things as her personal property it is a pretty good matrimony. A teacher up at the Institute, llicothcr day put this question: "What is the highest type of animal life?" "The giraffe!" promptly responded a bright member of the class 1J sj The Hiptists had very good success with their supper at the Kvans House I last Friday night. Kain, however, pre- vented many from turning out. who j WoulJ otherwise have been on hand. i Tue Weldon Market ana 1c Cum pa j ny is an up lo Jale concern. They have ' j on hand cucumbers, cantaloupes, and strawberries. It is the earliest we have I1 ever known cucumbers and cantaloupes 3 to be on sale here before. Quanted Pharmacists' License Among those who were granted licenses as pharmacists by the State bnanl, at Raleigh last week, were, Waller H. Whitaker and Norman C. Hunter, of Enfield. One nf the best evidences that Ayer's Hair Vigor is an article of exceptional merit is the fact that the demand for il is conslautly increasing. No one who uses thin incomparable dressing ihiuks of trying any other preparation for the hair. Delivers the Address lion. M. i W. Hansom delivers the aiiuuil address at Wako Forest College commencement next month. There are 4D graduates, the 9 greatest Dumber in the losiorv of il ,il. 'f ''Ten people out of a d -n are inv alids says recent medical authority. Al least i eight out of these ten, it is safe to allow, I are suffering from some form of blood- ' .1: l: I. ... ensvase wnic.ii a persistent use ol Aver '' rsapsiiila would be sure to cure. Then au'l Je an invalid. Tusv Protest. The Washington : papers, It It said, protested against the appointment ol Cheatham lo be lie I corder ol leeds for the lMstiict of Co lumbia. Oue of the reason-: aJvaneed is i that the appointment is looked upou by 'no patriots ot the District as a cheat etu business. .i Sunday School Kxcitksion The , Oriftoo Sunday school of tho Methodist J Kpiscopal church will arrive here today i on a special car attached to the Yegtilar I passenger train on the rteidoii and Kins ion uranen roan i he excursionist wtl hare a picnic and snend the Jav viowimr ! the many plaeea of intrrest in and around town. May they have a pleasiul stay in our unusi. Third ucarteri.v Miktinu Tho Jrd quarterly conferenoe for Weldon station will be held in the Methodist hpisoi.pal church here the -!Uh and ;tlllh llov. Ur. Hlai k. th i.r , si lin j elJ. r. will I conduct the services He is an earnest, i tilinstun worker and his sermon are ,1 always full of beauty an I comfort for all j no love the Lord Josus Christ in sin "I eerily and in truth. 'A WHES NATHUK. Meeds assistance it may be best to J render it promptly, but one should rc member to use even the most perfect ircmedio only when needed. The host and most i.imple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs manufactured by the i California Fig Syrup Company. I I Tilt mao who plays longest in a pok er game aomcttmca quit shortest. ! Ao-io-u tot riri crai f CluaraatMsl uibo bablt mn, makM wnalt wwinwf,HiNaun, wa.ii. au orucgUMa. A Protest Noted. A protest is filed with the railway commission by citiz.ms living at anil near llaston against the change in the line of the Kalcigh ami (iaston railway, which will throw that station about a mile from the mad The change proposed runs abeutthiei fiUiths of a mile in distance and avoids the great curve at (lastoii. It cannot be made, however, without permission of the rail way O'liimi.-.-ion, which will have a hear ing of the whole matter. o . A Point to Kkmkmiikh. If you wi-h to inn ily your blood you .-hould take a medicine, which cures blood dis eases. The reeud of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla proves that this is the best medicine for the bloo I ever produced. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures the must stub born eases ami it is the medicine for you to take if your blond is impure. Hood's Pills are the hi t alter dinner pill; assist digestion, cure headache. -." cents. St t'Kitioit Coritr. The May term of Halifax Superior court begins next Ttuc day, -olli, Judge Tinihcrlalie presiding. This court is for the trial i f civil causes only, the Legislature bavins; taken al! criminal eases out ot the -superior court in this county. This appears to us lo be a had law. Tbcte are only two term of the Criminal court during the year. I'lisoiiors sent to j ill alter the spring term of the Criminal ciurt cannot be tried before l-eceinbor. The Superior court should still have. jurisdiction. It is a big expense to the county lo feed and care for a j lil full of prisoners for several months. Wll.l. CoMI'ltoM ise I'ncle liub came in on time anil while the ollice imp was oiling the machine, he look his fa vorile seat upon the wood box, alter knocking down three sticks of type and overturning the paste "Wall, I speck to wage a mighty war with satin dis Jeah," he icmarkcd with a broad smile. ''Tell us about it," said the ucw boy. "You know," said the old man, "de time ar heah when spring chickens is ripe an' l's made mi mi mind when 1's tempted beyatid in ranee to git ahead o' de old boy. Kl temps me to gath er a dozen fine chickens on de dark o' de moon, 1'sgwineto bag only six!" Postmasters Commissioned. Mr. W. II. Capcll has been commissioned postmaster at Weldon. Mr. Capcll has not yet decided exactly on the lime when he will take charge, lie is a most efficient business man and, while the many friends of Mr. Kvans will regret to see the time when they will no longer see his familiar face at tbu delivery window, it is the general impression that Mr. Capell will make a good postmaster. Kdward Check has also received his commission us postmaster at Halifax anJ has taken char.;.; of the ollice. Ilu succeeds Mr. W. A. Wilcox, who made one of the best postmasters Halifax has ever had. Sfsii.w School and Temperance A meeting was called in the Methodist Kpiscopal church at Littleton, last Sun Jay, in the interest of Sunday Schools and temperance. Mr. W. C. Whitak'T. president of Halifax county Sunday School Association, and Piofc-sor I. W Haglcy, acting president of the Halifax county Tcmpcr.inee Association were present. The matter of holding the two con ventions at Littleton the same Week, in eluding two days and two nights, was dis cussed. The large audience present speaking for the town, said, "we are ready tu receive you and may the meeting prove a mutual goml." So it was decided to hold the county conventions at Littleton. The dales will be announced later. Temperance Meeiinu A gospel temperance uniting was held at the Itaptist church Sunday alternooou at I o clock. Interesting exercises were held and a ood congregation attended. Among the special features were scriptural lessons and comments by Knv. Mr. Iloruaday, reading by Miss Julia Mollichampe, rec itation by Mrs. d. P. Phillips, solo by Miss Alice Anderson and an address by Rev. Mr. K 'ndricks, the pastor of the church. He was pirticularly severe on theatre going, eird playing, wine drinking and the saloon was handled with gloves oil He jumped on the german with both feet and trampled it into the dust, saying, among other things, that it is "the vesti bule of hell, and the nursery ol brothels," ind that he woii'J nit give a snip ol his finger for the Inn i. n -e ol any man or woman who would attend the. germans, either as dancers or spectators. Hoard ok Trade What WelJ .n needs is a little more energy in used into the busiticss men of the town, and, lo our way of thinking, the best way on earth lo bring about gooj r.'-ulis is t organize a board of trade. We sbou J have a concert ol acti in and then the machinery wid run sin luihlv. N i tow i can prosper unless the business men un and all pull togiihcr ni one gran 1 i ll .p to bring about improvements and to in Juee capital to II w in. It is just ex iei ly like a clock, suppose each wh"cl in a clock should say will act independent ly, you go Iliat way ami I will go my way; why the thing would stop, rli business men uimt awake to the great possibilities before llieiu and orgatnz and work in harmony. L'l all work together and good results must follow .Nature has given us advantages over any oilier town in the State. Hie railroad have given us facilities second lo no place in North t arolina and now it only mains for the people to do the rest. Or gauizel Organize! Work! Work! AnJ the harvest will surely be satisfactory (HUM) lti:VAKI $HN. The renders of this paper will be pleased lo learn thai there is at least one dreaded disease that scieuee has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's catarrh Cure is tb only positive euro now know to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being constitutional disease requires a conlitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surlaces ot the svsteiu thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietor have so much in ils curative powers, that they olfor one hundred dol Ura lor any case it tails to cure. F. J. CHENEY k CO., Propi loledo, Ohio, tft.Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Testimonial froa. Riloeata Toor Hnwl With CMnnU Camlf Cathartic, cure ennBtlpaOoB foraver. lOcHa. KCO C.tall-lriialun(aadaMiwr. Pine Sermon. liev. J. A. Horun day preach d a in et excellent soruion at the Methodi-i episcopal church Sunday evening, H- is one ot'the lust prcaeln rs the clinrcl. !u- ever bad and his sermon ale alvvas-toll of l; ,nd, sound, practical tnclis. The n -in, day night was par tieul.irly go d ai. i the large audience ptv-uit vv;i i 'lilieJ, instructed and bem lil.d. Mr. ll.iitiad.iy sometimes cuts pretty cli'sc aii'i occasionally some of the laiibliil ale inadr to leel th it be is slashing tb. in. but as a faithful minister of the gospel lie iloclares tiie wli ile trutli, ami, ot course, the truth sometimes hurts. Hut, like a faithful surgeon, be only inflicts pain in order that you may have a healthier and a putt-r life. The church needs more men like llov. Mr. Iloruaday. He be lieves in exposing the disease in ot'lei that it tnav be pcimanently cured, not c ivitcJ up I u exposing sin in order that it may be eradicated, for in ibis way, anil ibis way alone, can a vigorous Christian life be developed. Imiieddkd in the Hoe ok a Rock Fish. Wc were handed by a lady, who obtained it in u somewhat singular man ner, a full siz 5 x 1H circular advertise ment of a certain patent medicine which it is claimed will cure a cold. Since the big rock li-h have been runniug, this lady has bought a good many, and carefully corned and dried the roe which makes ipiilc a line relish. Slut is always pur- licular to look after them herself, and yesterday morning she was slicing one for breakfast when she found tbu above advertisement in the roe without any break in til" skin. It was doubled up into a c!os ' bundle, and h id turned a peculiar color, resembling greenbacks so much the cook thought she had found some money. Hut upon smoothing out, the whole i;iLr(. could be read with ease. The fish, when caught, was apparently in good health, but perhaps fearing the grippe had swallowed the advertisement as a preventive. I'liJoiibtcdly if it had lived it might have, feared appendicitis as the remedy certainly went the wrong way. Family Prayer. It would be al most impossible for us to attach too much importance to family prayer. It affects every department of the home life, and serves as the great balance wheel amid all its cares, labors, and vexa tious. It (ones up all the feelings and a.-pir alioiis of our better nature, and tones down all of our evil tempers, inclinations, and de-ires. No homo can bo an ideal, or model Inline, without a family altar. You ueej not offer excuses. Of c.'urst! the devil will furnish you with excuses, but will be ever furnish you with an ex cuse on which you can stand before (lod and the requirement of His word '.' lloJ lias committed to your care pre cious and immortal souls, and to a very great extent you mould their character, and fix their eternal destiny. Therefore, you cannot afford to do less than your whole duty in trying to elevate them lo the highest type of Christian character. The society, and the moral and religious state of our country, cannot rise above the moral and religious atmosphere of our homes. llrither, if you love (lod, if you love the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ, if you love your own offspring, call your family together to night, read a lesson from the Hible, and then worship (tod in prayer ami thanksgiving around the family altar. - - Hrowned In the Koanokk Wil li! Jones, a colored lisbeiunn, who it one time worked for W. l Smith, was found drowned in Rnjiiokc river ''burs- ay bv some other tisheruieu who were out in boats. The body was caught ill a raft near the piers of the old Petersburg railroad bridge, about two miles below Weldon. I'hc man had been missing since Mon day, and at first it was believed that he d been murdered. Coroner Hranch was notified, but it was late lu lore he reached town and as the medical expert, who had been called could not conclude his examination ol the body before Friday moruiug, the in piest was not held until that time. It was eleven o clock when .Mr. Hranch empanelled his jury. lr. A. K JliC'ilf r was the first and principal witness, lie tcstih"il that he had made a thorough exainiuatiou of the body and that there were no tu irks of vio lence an I it was bis opinion that the man was drowned. Two other witnesses were examined but their tcstim my did not am aunt to iiiything and altera few minutes deliber ation the jury returned a vurdict ol ac- lental drowning. Two colored men had been ariested on suspicion and held up to ihe verdict of the coronet's jury. They were larthwith discharged. Memory is a littlctrcacherou now and then and causes one to forget some things worth renienibeiing, unless one has an ei- rience like lint which came lo Mr. 1. F. Fast, Mi lf ill's Creek, Va , who says I bad becu suffering for years with a torpid liver and found no rclhf until I took Simmon Liver Regulator wheu 1 was entirely relieved of mv tloubles 1 er intend biiug without Niutnon or Regulator " A Thirty Harrel Flock Mill Mr. J. R Tillery, one of Halifax emu tys most progressive and wealthiest cm zen, has contracted lor a rollci It mr null al his olj mill sue near Tillery flic mill will he eo'lil'ped wilh till latest improved machinery and the eapac ily will be thirty barr-l of rl .ur daily I he gentlemen who hive n in d tin cunt net to liinfl I lie mill lor .Mr I il!or are well known mill ticn and tin y will no doubt give him a most saii-la'l TV job. . II Y will you buy Litter iiaiiscaiinu tunics wtien tirovc s Tasteless Chill runic is as pleasant as Letuou Pyrup I out druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where il fails to cure. Price 50 cents. TlIK "unspe'iikable Turk" as unspeakable as some pe-oplc Isll t iput supposed He is now talking for about jCl.'i.tMIII IMIII and some other things from (ireece. Illtijf cl la (varutlar Ills. Til rfltnfsljr lor bablci' tlla-asparlally worms ami ttouiach dltordert la Frey'i s Vermifuge hu rnfd children tor 00 years, t Hfiol (or Hlua. Iswk about tba III and UN rmdy. dm haw mumi a H k. 4 t KkI. lalllMf, MR, J, T, Mr i l l il l h i i v. J5"5 '35-5 SH '5 K SIMUKCT OK TI1W ri- ! ' -TV. , i m i I oil :h sketch, Mr. Joseph f liomas :J: Kvans, familiarly known to Ty-' all his fricuds as Squire E Kvans, in a native of Halifax f. county, and during a busy and eventful life he has had ups and downs enough to fill a book. Many of the scones through which he has passed would clearly indicate, lo the supersti tious, that he was born on the wrong of the moon, and yet, taken all ill all, bis pathway has had many choice blossoms strewn along it, and for every thorn there has been a rose. In IS IS, at the age of lii years, ho loft his native soil and wool to live with an uncle at Shrevcport, Louisiana, where for two years he made his home. In 1S,"H bo returned to North Carolina and made his home hero. Weldon, at that lime, was a little in significant, jumping off place aud con sisted of one slore, one small hotel, a few frame dwellings and one bar room. Mr. Kvans remained here one year and then moved lo Warrenton, where in lSol he engaged in the drug business. In the fall of IHoll Woldou got on a little boom, and all on account of some talk of utilizing the tine water power here for manufacturing purposes. This news reached the Squire in due lime!, and b i hastily pulh'd up stakes at Warrenton, believing that the time had come when he could take the lido at its flood here, and ride on to fortune. He was in time, ot course', to catch the tide and he has caught many a Hood since. ( In arriving here from Warrenton ho engaged ill the general merchandise and drug business. Cp to this time Weldon haJ never had a postmaster, and Mr Johu Campbell, then agent for the Wil mington and Weldon railroad eompiny. as a matter of accommodation, received and kept tho mail in a small desk in his ollice and everyone who expected letters could go and look for themselves. One Jay the Postmaster (Jeiioral was here ami on inquiry I'ouuJthat Weld hi was without a postmaster, simply because the pay attached was so small that no one could be found who woulJ have the ottiee The Postmaster (ieneral informed Mr. C. that he would make it t the interest of some one to lake the otVice and asked Mr. Campbell lo recommend some one. Mr. C. forthwith recommended Mr. J. T. Kvans, one of the most active and enter prising young men of the town. The ollice was offered and Mr. Kvans accepted, and in July 18.")lj he was commissioned Weldon' first postmaster. lie held the office until the breaking out of hostilities between the Stales, and then feeling that as an officer of the I'niled States government he owed alle giance to il, as long as lie remained in ollice, ho bundled up all the posleiffice 111 plies, including jfoT.i in stamps, and sent them with his resignation to the Jitor at Washington, 1. C. These supplies never reached their destination. They wore sci"d by the Confederate govcrmcnt at Richmond and were allowed to go no farther. Alter the war the I'niled Stales gov erniuent brought suit against Mr Kvans aud compelled him to pay the $o" j with interest. Ihtsamouut the government really owes Mr. Kvans back today, as he was in no way responsible for tho action of the Confederate government in seizing the property. The Squire then moved out on I miling" littlf farm, near town, and coin binod the cultivation ot'the soil wilh the drug business, which he contiuuej to car rv on at this place In the I ill and winter ot lMi- a very hard Irec ze came and swept away all his cattle, with Ihe exception of a little steer that escaped I lien, to mid to his n fortune, a latal horse disease broke out all over the country the billowing nun iner au I this carried away all his horses, including his favorite little racer, bill the little calf continued to hold tho I' irl One day his man of all work, a faith ful old darkey named Paniel, came to him and said il was mill d.iv. "Well, h.miel," said Mr. Kvans, "h.m will you go tu the mill.' " Now Ihe old darkey slullcn d putty badly, but he minagcj lo say: "Mars, Mars J Jo Joe ri.u si a- we we tii tri try de de de lit lit little ea ca-calf sa sail." "All right.'said Mr. Kvuns, ' if you think he is large enough lo pull the eirt. try linn " Daniel said he would put a rope arounJ the little animal hums and help him, so the very small steer was yoked to a ery large earl and old I'allicl aud the cull started off Bayly. About two o'clock in the afternoon, Mr Kvuns, while seated upon his front porch, looking across the field, saw some one approaching with something on his shoulder. It was old man Daniel and he had a bug of meal. Wheu he reached the bouse he threw the bag of meal upon he floor, and (hen proceeded to mop his bnc wilh a big, red batidatina, fur the 'jV was warm. "Mars Mars- Jo-Jo-Joe, he began. "Well, Daniel, what's up? Where is the steer?" "Mar Mars- Jo-Jo-Joe," said the "IJ mm, stammering worse thin ever, ' Yo yo you kuo kno-knowdat hi hi hi high EVANS, j'lfU'll'..' 1 " ' tsy ST..- , - '35 - ':T5'55 hi hi lii hill at Wil-Wil-eo-co cox's mi-mi-mill. Wei well, sah-sah, when dc-de sto-stcer star-stared down dc-de hill, dc do cart wa-was too-too heavy an-ati it ra-ran n-a-away wi-wid de-de ca-calf, sab, an-an do-de steer tried to-to git a-a awav but de-de carl was was de de fastest, a-an lu lu Je-de L-Lord. sail, it frew do de steer d-d-down an' bro-bro-broke hi-bis nc-neck in-in ha-balf, sail." To Daniel's great surprise and relief Mr. Kvans was convulsed with laughter. at tho ludicrousuoss of I lie situation, and ihiniolssad plight, with the perspiration making little furrows down his meal cov ered face. Ho had expected a much warmer reception. "Well, Daniel," he said at length. "that was tho last living thing on the plantation, but it can't be helped now, so we will buy us a good horse, and make a fresh start." Mr. Kvans then thought the next best thiugto do was to turn his attention to his drug business, and in this way keep out ofthe war. He managed to secure four or five ounces of opium, and with this he could make several barrels of par egoricenough to bring in a considera ble little fortune in those days. One day in his absence his clerk sold his entire stock of opium for 8."), in Con federate money, ( it was worth $.i,0lMI). Mr. Kvans informed the clerk that his occupation was gone and that ho would certainly have to go the front. The young man, roaliziug the disaster he had wrought, broke down and cried like a child. Hut the war clouds vanished when Lee surrendered at Appomattox, and Mr Fvans then turned his attention to the manufacture of apple brandy. He had a fine orchard, and when he had turned all his apples into brandy, a little revenue olhe'cr came along to gauee it. Ho in formed tho owner that ho must piy a tax of $2lM per gallon. The brandy was shipped to a commission linn in ter.sburg, wilh instruction to sell, pav the tux on it and remit balance The brandy was sold for $111111 The revenue lax was ? lot) and .Mr Kvans received Slotl less commissi. u, lie then called up Daniel, instructed him to gel al! ihe hands together and cut down every apple tree on ihe plantation inverted the orchard into a cotton field. Cotton was thou selling for !la cents a pound and was in demand at that. Mr. Kvans planted a good crop, on a basis of !lo cents, and sold for !l cents. Mean while the government bed reduced the tax on hramlv from $- III) to '.Ml cents Mr. Kvans was by this time thoroughly disgusted and concluded that North Carolina was no place f r him, so resolved to lake Horace Greeley's udviec, aud go west. He s .Id all his possessions and went to Colorado, whore he invested every dollar he had in irrigating canals and sites for now towns. In LSTil ho had one of the town in corporated and beautifully laid off on p aper I he still has the plot ) and on the promise thai it should be a railroad lor minus, his spirit ruse and he hud four small houses erected. Kverything looked bright and propitious. One day while in Denver, having a jubilee with the projectors of the now railroad, and others interested all iutho highest spirits the contractor walked up looking pretty blue "ILIIo, Marsh." "What's the news'.'" "News!" ex liitueJ said Mr. K.i Mar-h, h-S pay!" "What!" " Why. tho g ivernmcnt ha ilvir, and Cook ,V. Co , (lie li 10 IiellZ il film who had boon advancing in uiey f o the pro- jeets) has stopped advances and ord' all work suspended indefinitely " Then follow, d the great panic, ."I id Mr Kvans realized that lie iok lo- ke, and tliat he was II.IHIII no Y. Ir on b .me IL- lib graphed his wife I i sen I fun money so that lie could once more gel back to old N .rlh Carolina, ihe greatest Stale in the I'nioii. He reached lu-ri- uiiUout a cent, lott Willi that Hiiloinit.iLle cni-igv and push which is ch.ir.u lens' lo ol l lie in.in, h, ,,l oitec I'litcieit Diles tlie holU liu.iiii-w Mtlh a llOIHl. lie slill h id Mime HOM'itul llii'iuls here ml in l"'.:l, Ihiieigli the iiiilui'iieo ni sieiiatui Uoisuiu, he vim re app'imii-il sisi. ni islor at Wfldiui, and tlirnu .h llic nillu euce ol litis uie.it liieiul, who fui mi many yeais was a tower it! fttn-nulli t i the Halls iit'Cunyitvs, noil who ho atilv rcpii'scntcd the g'sul Did North Slate, he has held It conliuuoii'ly through every ii liiimistru lion sin e. ilnriuK his lout! term of olliee lie has llllisl tlie place most satisLirtonly to all and he ti.is dune as much as anv other one man towards the dexelupiiirnt ami im-proniii-iit ol Wi'lilnn lie is still full of eniTitvaml any props ! that is tor I lie ad vancement ot' Wt'lihin iiriiirntinif canals e&ct'pteil i al wuvs meet wilh his hearty support and approval Hill, theie heitittnn Hansom in Ihe Sen ate now to hold the pi u't lor him, lie was nut surprised when he leaniist that his stiiHi-s mr li.td he-en upi-ouiicd and cum- mission!-1, Whatever tlie lutore may hold In store fur him th Ineiiitsiiip ofthe great sLates' man who has stood so nobly liy him, will ever remain the brightest oasis in the desert ol life, and this liM't will help him I alonu the rough places during tbi remainder oi me. joucuej. LOVELY CERMAN. A ISRII.I.IANT SOCIAL EVENT COMI'I.I MENTARY 'to VISl'i IMi YOCN'ii LA DIES. ( hie of the most brilliant sm-ia! ovi nts over witnessed here before was the g. i man al Kinry's Hall Tuesday night, complimentary lo the visiting youii" ladies Mr. L"0 Hull'ick led with grace and -kill with Miss India BumgardinT, of Virginia, and Mr. Frank Garrett rendered valuable assistance. The figures wore so intricate and pretty that at times the dancers reminded one of a revolving rainbow. The fulluwiug arc the couples who followed the leaders, like soldiers on dross parade : Mi.s Kilic Hell Ware. of Washington, D. V , with Mr. T. C. Harrison. Mi-s Kiltie Weymouth, of Portsmouth, Va , with Mr. W. li. Harrison. Miss Nan Hranch, of Wilson, with Mr C. II. Kmry. Miss Itcssie Curtis, of Knfield, with Mr. C. i. F!vans. Miss Kmily Long, with Mr. W. M. Cohen. Miss Annie Hell Alsop, with Mr. II. A Minis. Miss Kate Cuhen, with Mr. Charles Cole. Miss Fstelle Fdwards, with Mr. D, II. Lyman, of Washington, D. C. Miss Annie (iarrott, with Mr. J. N. Hill, of Halifax. Mis Mary Long llreon, with Mr. Junie Cuhen. Miss Alma Howard, with Mr. Julian Hagby. Miss Jessie Kd wards, with Mr. F. A. Fetter, of Littleton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garrett; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tillery. Stags Dr. J. K. Shields, George Harrison, J. P. Morris, W. D. Jones aud others. Chaperons 'There wore enough pres ent to give tone and dignity to a Bradley Martin ball. The music was most entrancing and was furnished by au Italian band. PERSONAL MENTION. Ihe ('.limine an (iuinc of Fnfular I'cuple Who Like In (id Out in tho Sunshine. Mr r. W. II. Smith spent Sunday at Old Mr. W. M. Cohen weut down to Kn field Sunday. Mr. David Bell, of Knfield, was in town Tuesday. Dr. J. K. Shields came up from Scot land Neck Tuesday. Miss Bessie Curtis, of Knfield, is visit ing Miss Kate Cohen. Mrs. A. K. Cob on has returned home from a visit to Knfield. Mr. Waller Whitaker, of Knfield, came up to oldon Saturday. Mr. J. Norwood Hill, of Halifax spent Tuesday night in town. Dr. J. A. Cullins, ol Knfield, was among the visitors here last week. Mi ing ri S. C , s Kale Cohen, who has been visit laiivcs and fricuds al Timiuousville has returned home. .Mrs. .Mary tiroen, ol Warrenton, spent Sunday here on a visit to her son Dr. I K Green Dr. Greco ha. been on the sick list for the past several days, b it li many friends will be glad to learn that he is rapidly recovering; PANACEA SPRINGS. NoTKS ol' INTKRKST PCI.I.EI) thk w.vmt. The cold weather continues ami makes the farmers ansioiis about their cmi hut they arc working like beavers all the same with hopes of a plentiful harvest. Mrs. John I'liorne has leccntly re turned from New York and purchased the Hon Air hotel in Littleton, with the furniture, which is all uow. Pi ice paid JV.imt) in cash. It is the largest and de cidedly the finest in (own. Possession given immediately and she is now ready lo entertain visitors. Panaeea hotel at this place is also epi n and two sick goutletncn are looking fur health, Mr. Martin and liev. Mr. McCall. A few weeks ago we could count ihe wagons and carts passing lo the de pot in dozens, but now we scMoui see ev. n two at a lime. .NKW ADVKK'l ISKMKNT?. The INFLUENCE of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes somulinij through all the ages and enters the confines of Ktcrnity. With what care, thcre (uie, should the Kxpertant Moth er De guareled, anil how rcat the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND and N au- sea, and so fully pre pares the system that Childbirth is niade easy and the time of recovery short ened - many say "stronger alter than before confinement. ' It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used " Mother' Friend " say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A eimomer hii lf uml 'Motlicr'i Frlrnd nil that If hn hsil to (i ttmmph the orJeal Kam, idii inm wer nut lour uouifu to Im tililaineil, anil I h eom was ln mi per bottle, he woulU bave theui.,i ti so. LavTos, imrtou, Olllu Sent hj Mull, on rewIM of nrlce. (I nn Pro. HOT- TI.K Biml to SXI'KHTANT MllTllkKS" mailed trie upon aiphratlon. mntalmni; ak uahle Inturmatiua and voluntary tealttMufttaat, Th apiAoriciD ntauLATo ca, Kv,a. ml t au Diinttiin), Hi tmn. fb.lri hr dniftrlutt V-Jlel2r nCSS rC" JrNS 1 ,cadaC,,C VtWUWMJ ! mm NKW ADVKRTISKMKNTS. 1.111?. ill wan.? Win on In KM I II ! iMIM Viz r .0 .0 I Y 5- 5- "i?". ST"- A sale made possible through over stocked Muslin Underwear Manu facturersthey appealed to The Big Store for help 9jr Our foresight and ready cash brings the greatest tsW" underwear values lu re Nurlolk women ever saw. . Six lots to do the choosing from. LOT ISTO. l-i o. Children's Waists, Children's Pants. La dies' Nicely made Corset Covers. LOT ItTO. 2-i3. Ladies' Muslin 1'antr, LuiJitV CliciXfiK' aud Cliildrun's Pantalettes. LOTjNTO.3-2' Ladies' Skirts, Ladies' Trimmed Holies, Chemise Drawers, Corset Covers and Chil dren's Trimmed Dresses. LOTISTO.4:-'' Ladies' Trimmed Skirls, I iown, Chemise, Drawers, Corset Covers and Childieu's Trimuu d Drissi'S. LOT 1ST O-5 """' Ladies' Daintly Trimmed Skirls, wnnh $1 ::, Klalmraicly Trimmed Night Du sscs, Low Nook Chimise, daiuily triiium (1, Children's Prettily Trimmed Dre.-scs, Ladies' Muslin Drawers, trimmed with deep cm broidery and tucks: Ladies' Square Neck Corset Covers, trimmed front and back. LOT -ET06-S1-'"'- Six garments in all namely Ladies' Trimmed in all namely: Ladies' Trimmed Skirts, (iowns, Chcuiise, Drawers, Corset Covers and Children's Dresses all worth $2.(H) at any steire and the early buyer saves the difference in price. All these goods on Second Floor take Ihe elevator. Little things this week at little prices. We're doing the livest Notion business in all Norfolk why shouldn't we? 3-oz bottle De la Princess Extracts for 2"c. Violet, white Hose, Jockey Club, Heliotrope. Silk Fans and Japanese Fans, all prices all stylos. Norfolk's Largest Leather Goods Depart ment. Good Leather Belts, 10c. Good Leather Purses, 25c. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Watt, Rettew Si Clay, The Great New Store, obaibv. NORFOLK, VA. (When ordering goods, please mention this paper.) ANDY IR-lflt T1TFI V fill R 8NTFF II HDOUliUILLI UUHnSniLLU ,.,,., nlranS txwiklH rr. Ail. STHII.IM1 ItKHHIV 1 S'- 111U NRrtOHSTIPATICl to UaJi IIJLJ'i -JH-s.lLf ua ik We are now having a big rush nn Spring and Summer Goods. Our .". buyer is slill on the northern markets lacking nn jobs ami bargains and f sliippitig to us liy almost every Iruglit. ft Ladies' Oxford-. I!,"), 4H. Oil '; I'lour mailings, 7. 11, 1 ."(; Ladies' .. Shirt waists, 18, 'Jj, ,iHc; Calicoes, It, 4, 4c; '.'5 cl. brocaded Sateen ll'c. Ladies' patent lipped shoes. .Vv; Men s standing and turn over collars, .le. Aprons 4U inches wide I He, S day strike clocks, 'J i inches high, 1 good ginghams Ic. men's wide brim hats, Tie, buy's cheeked hals with hand fie, lo-ipiito netting, I!. 4 ;ie, window shade's on spring rollers IS, Jtlc, Ladies' fine dress hats, ,'i(le. To, 'JSc, IIS inch curtain scrim ."ic, Ladies' gauso vest 4, S, Die. Cruiiiette sets, 4 halls 7.V; S balls StSe. llauiluoels (ij, "Tie 9 Moquette Rugs, 90c. up. Laic ices , slyle: mburgs. 1 It. tic 1 2c Silk Kibbi'iis, ollar au d cuffs Illi, HSoOil cloth T.ic (io nl w irking clocks l.'i. ."in.! Curtain polos and futures l.'i, do I'lilili.icliid sbi'i'ting He l'iaid dress go 'ds I!, Ic lift or lill ns''t styles agateware al about 5 regular prices Table oil rlulh III llMc New lot wall paper III 4c Silk bolts largo bin kli's S, ltlc (Iross shirt buttons He ltig j"b lace curtains I!s7 bet He Ix'.l feet lle 4xllll feet l.V.illll blocks ribbon at had regular prices Linen table cloth good till inches wide HUc J I envelopes "Je '.'4 sheets writing paper He Heavy very wide wliile coun lor p ines HSc .'nl. 7oe Ludies spring styles sailer hals !. iHc llres-i'd I'll, j:!e J .1. in o nsets l.'i, -Ho New -ul.s Sinyrni rugs III.' inch Hac IIS inch ft IbVlitl nub rM,.i'l I'loT nil cloth 1, l yards wide 12! la, 'Jtlc lbin't fail to get some ol our floor mailings; these mailings worth marly twice as much, as e ipiotc abote wo have hundreds ot other things and styles which wc buying iindcrthe markil prices, and can ntford to sell nil I in so goods on all over II, lleb less than the regular g' oils boiiLbt flolll Us May 18.lS.i7 Clothing, - Shoes - and - Hats. Also a large line of Gents' Furnish ing goods and notions. Don't miss your chance. Stop to see me be fore buying. Next to Jifliii's Grocery r -o ? ST- W CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS nt tlptlon. Curartti ire thr Ideal Liu. ,p r iripe.hul e.us. e.j nnur.1 rf.ulu. Sim 11.. I Mr-cii. Unnlrril. n.. or brm lork. Ill H 5? S"- P . j - S. . i vl it U i vi i ii i viz vl i i v vl vl u Kino Torchon laivs II, o, So Cotton L. 4, So Men's liiiindri.il Shirts with mats lis t feet li.V Alarm olesiks till, vl vl vl vl vl vl pneis at one l!i nn mbi r we i n tiav freight lime uiuoiiiiting to tt.'i.iui and SPIERS & DAVIS, Weldon, N. C. '- s t. -PKALKR IN- M I-'