L isp 'M JOHITW. SLEHDO-H!, PiioPttiKToii. -A. TEWSF-A-FEK, FOB THE FEOIPLE. TEBMS:-f.5" I'Kii annim in advamk VOL. XXXII. WKLDON, N. C, THUKSDA Y, MAY '27. 1S!)7. NO. 5. ADVKUTISKMKNTS. PRUNELINE (Trade Maik Rejii-.iered.i THE IDEAL LAXATIVE Ami euro fur .CONSTIPTIOII-w As pleasant H.s liniicy tunl sun' cure lor llUloiisucss, lloailaclic. I'l'V t'r. Sitntiiach Tmilhles. Itollcl llcralnreilients.l.h er Derates. Sick Sluiiiiii'll. Irregularity. Khlncy Trmihlcs. skin and Ill I IH- iirilrrs, Ktld VtTV 111 Illy other ili-e.l-c- ilti.l i "inplj. .(tioli- dm- tn tin- nun ihesiati nl llii' n.oi. i . PRUNELINE" U"1 'i'' '"" tli- Hint mirrn'iil I'm' i'iiii n-'" It lli"i".nilil ' elcHiiscs without urmiiiK. pnnll''- tin' hi t ninI i rcin-m-illl "" """ IM 11 ! -away with CASTOH OIL SALTS lllnc Muss -ni'l 'ill "Her n.o.-- .... i-iri: i . tlVl'. It l"ll.'S ' 'I e.l'Ts'lo - "ll Hi' vM''llt ..Il-.IIi- i.flln' fvi.li iii. K . ) Hi.' lend ri."l, ll..- l r warm ni'i'l Hi.' How l "I'i'ii. u-iiiu' I HI M'.l IM i for tin1 1'"'''' purpose r snhl l.y Hi I .1. il- is. ..I i.t . n i . . i t "i .n.etitj. , tu llllV tlit'll. -- l.y I 'WINKKI.MANN A IlltiUVV 1 . 1 1 1 ., i ii.. ! llillllln.'ii'. M.I. I up ally. S HUDSON'S III Main st., Nut I. ilk, V;i. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN S DININli liOO.U. ALL MKALH'-'oCKSTS. 'hvM'Assixa ('i)Fh'F.K .i srr.ciM.n J. K. IH'IWON, Proprietor. Tin" Best of everything ill Scison oct 111 l.vr. C. II. HALE, iii HALIFAX, N. ('. i '1 Curries In 11 line J Dry Goods, Notions, Boots i; SHOKS. (ih'Ol'KIIIKS, L'tc. Agent forST.VNI)Ai:) SKWINii M A 011 INKS. Can turuisli any part nl' tiny kind nl machine tit short not !. Si'tnl postal card for slip illustrating parts tn : inachine vnn have unit will n.iini' pru t' tor jIlH'B needed . i I carry a full line Coffins & Burial iw, . - ' "V-X.. Uases. Miivemea trial when in netd of utr, I V '"thing. "' " v- 17. T. PARKER, v , IlKAI KIl IX v Heavy AMDzn tares I ifancy Farm Implements. A POIND SACKS OK SALT Foil till) PKRSACK. .Correct prictis ami politeattentinn tn TRAOI MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS AO. , AnTnn ending nkfti h nrt tiwrlitlon niitf t alckly 1rtln, two, tii'tlitT an hivi'iituni i T " P O'U'lT I'HlttnUt'lo. Cninimmlrntiorm sfrirll t Ilitnlll. tlUli'Hl ftireiiry furpvi-iirltii; latent r' W America. We have k Wahtittitm uttitt. FftifiitH t niton thruuitb iluuu & Co. rvittlr VfEiu utHtm hi me SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, . hMtlfullT lilniTrnto1, Inmost rtrculMlon of mvT (i'liitlrto lonriml, wwk'y, icrni f-i tm n vir; .9Umi niuiithn. siH-.'inn-n ciim rth Iianu ; syo os rrnsi m-ih live. AildrvM MUNN & CO., ' SOL Uroadwav. New Vrk. 2 Professor Jas. Harvey's IXI'.XCKl.I.KI) l i-J TONIC. i!C- f Hiwiioetiinl. H in tin' only nt lit-tly r tf veKFtuhlr IUih1 nirili. itif on the mar 1 6 It rcKillate iimi I'lntuwit the Ii,t, t tUKthem mill lleulu illm'itsi'd ktilnryn, ( a, kui the urinal nixana in n ivimtli rlitl Ib'slner, eun-H I'liilU ami lever, catarrh in i jU Irat nt.HJ''', nicer, wirm ill Iiiiik utaml- aiiln iliition, cn'ttteH iippctite, ,&4.UK(hmiH the w.ik ami laniriiiil, givo. r wm iinrl viinir to t he whule system. So I on Hhould Im' witliintt it. Oliice ami Laltoratory Til Church street, K ttoik, v. Mjrriiici: ,vi cents. l-"jf ii iy- IT"" i Whnlraa A1U.ISTOX & DO Wholesale and Retail Dealem in alL aim IV ( .... tV, t . BO VEAHS' Uvcr, kidneyB ood 1 iOB8allQ&0 . I CARPETS, STOVES, , 4 and Mattreasea, etc. irlMENSE STOCK ' ; AND LOW PRICES. . , I W. M, HABLWTON A CO., f ff.90N.HjoamorBl,, PeUwburg, V lOMJy. ! ADVKUTISKMKNTS. U I'ifiy 'i::'.r3 Aro, Aycr'5 Charlie Piils v.or(5 i ":;::i('d to eupjily n l'.iuiirl i.i'.rtTiitivi' to poopl- who ha.l :to I mix injured tlicn'.ft'lws with criiHtiB tii..tUcitM-3. l-'fiiv; cuvfully prcpiir d and their in-t::c-.i;. iit , ndjii. lo;l to tho exact uo'HVKitics of tho bowels ntid livor, thi'ir popularity was in stnnt.MooiM. That this popu larity htt;j boeu muintaincd is well marked in tho modal apr,i.i t!,u,;0 pjll3 a(. tfco World's Fair 1893. FO li'o.'.i-s of Curcr,. The Weldon WELDON, N.C. ilCE! Full lin. FANCY (.UOCF.RIKS, FKI ITS, iimi C'iinlfi'tiohi'i ii'H NiiT lincort'.ilifnini.i Diieil Fruit-, l'miie? I'cju Ih'.h, rte., t i,-, Knll line ill -4, French v Candies Ci y-l;ihzi' Fruits, IVum Aluionil.iaml .M.U'slmi.illi)VH. Ajifiit.- tur Flfitcliinnn's cumprescil yenst. M. L. MABRY, Matter. Oct l'l II. I UCDC IQ I IIL.IIL. ID U I A SNAP. ft IK..VT1, 1 1 Ynit know the TvM. S MEYER IS S OjM'ninn lare lot of siiinple i'ihh 1 1 ;i 1 iiuu CI llir.it --Nf j. whu h lie not ft g GIVING J AWAY ft u ft Kilt in M-)linK .it hull 'ul tirst sell- j- tun piuc STRAW I HATS. V." 1... .1... .1 f I. ft ft ft' ft ft ft ft ft alill to tl.l ' H MM'f ll.lt .It Mllitll V 1"" A Imi lint- tiiic ft (jiimmpd nuroo nnnno ft ir OUlUlllEill UllIiOO ITUUUO ft Silks. Ch. iis, T.ilil.' I'.ii k. I'llllaitls l,'l!ill.ills. llirss I ll im ii tilings, or .ii vlhin vim as;. nr. AS- i-i. i,.,.. ft GROCERIES AND ft CONFECTIONERIES ilV nt lirica lii..r ttin iur Come in mill examine inv ft ft ft at S. Jlcycr, k 't. ENFIELD. N. C. 'AJf ftftftftftftft Chimney rijie, S;h, Illiii.ls ami Doom, anil a lull line of HAEDWABE, Kor aide liy PLUMMER & WHEELER, PKTKRSBURli, Va. mjtx It. B. P. SALE, Proprietor. WM. LINN, Manager . MANSION HOUSE BOTH flM AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Unioa Stmt, NORFOLK, VA. 1 '' '! i'.'"s III tl'r WJlill- It. ..!. tl.a) 'i l...u, :t ,. . ..i, r A,, , , 1" il if llllV 1 ' tl'llll.lll . .1 C'l" t" ivitii u'.i'I "in- l.i kr.,1. '"'I . ' "1- "'lv,'l ,,( ,vi!t i, n,. t ri. . .1. :., . , ,i .i h, r ..jn( y.i. . , ik i...k i fill, i ;. l'ot !.. .live:, ;) :,':rr. o.i. Market &Ice Co Cucumber SAVING AND GIVING. Your (iiilJ I'lilnnns I n linj Ani Vnu Hare Nut Uiihhuli ll I ruiii llim. Kil'ly years ao Jucoli Dean anil Kuly KanJ wir marrinl. Tlicy went tn liiin.sckt'1'tiiut; in two r.intnH barely I'ur nisheil. They owned a llilile, anil tTiTti'il a lainily altar, mnltially auiei int; to litlior ainl save anil pve t'nr Christ. They were i plainly elot lied ami hunsi il that youtt liii-iuls sai.l, ",l ienb Dean am! hi wile tire really Hiti.ry." The Drati Jnrii.iii linn ir.isperr.l When Im years passed wil'tly by, a I'rieml tme ilay iniiiiretl of Mrs. Dean: "Kaly, why are yen so careful to save scraps of I'm ii I, el. illt, even r.ts anil pa per! The neinhh.irs talk of ymir wllins; rii;s." Mis. I lean's face (litslicil red as she re plied, ''I am Having lor him, 1, mis " Mr. Dean wore cheap onats. Iliselerk wnre lieller ones. The junior partner fretted libit that the head of the business did nut dress better. Ilefrelted also be cause he persisted in keeping on the office desk, a supply of tracts to slip into lti business letters. Mr. Jordan would say to him, "Your irac.s are wasted N.ibudy'll read 'etn." ' Till admonished losend them. They should be read, at any rate," was I he everready reply. A certain little mission church became known as the "Dean Mission." Mr, Dean did nut paitieulary desire it so. The Deun family were so heartily interestnl iu the niissbua the name seemed to fit it. As the years wore on interested friends kindly urged upon Mr. Dean lite necessity of saving something fr the children's start, old uge, and years of weakness and inability to earn silver and gold. "You will be poor," one friend said to llim. ''I, a p.iur tiiati'.'" leplied Jacob Dean, serenely. ".Novel! never' (iod has as sured me and mine manifold riches. 1 am trusting bis promises. Why not? Kaly ami 1 owe a debt of love Our g. ld is His. ) are we withhold i' from Htm in hard times or in good lime.-.' All we have is fur llim. All e are we owe to llim." Jacob and Kuty Dean died asih.y had wished In die, near together They had no costly funeral. A plain, simple stone marked their uuve. When it became known that the Dean estate was three limes as lai"e as their n arst In. nds bad valued it, everybody wondered. "How did I hey accumulate so much," people asked, ''when they gave away o freely of what they had?" They did not understand that the thrift which was ded ieatedto tho Lord's sen ice, in the nature of things tended to worldly urosnerttv American M'sseiier OABTOniA. t.err II V( IICI.OK KKI'LIX'TIONS. A woman that marries for a home pays big rent. The Woman thai prays hardest for her husband doesn't tell him she's doiim it. Il is always a mystery to a wmiin why her litisbind doesn't seem to pity ol 1 bachelors more. As soon as a girl is interested in a man she begins to burn Chiuc.se incense and weir pretty stockings when he conns t,. se hi r. Tlie lirst thing some men wth do win n t o y "ot to heaven will b-1 ) li in .no hi i t ir .Hie 01 the old pal 1 1. Hells so t ) i.i tell III li all the new stmics they know. Cupid, the Beggar. T li e t a t no end of 1 1 on M e nvn ttie fit of h (own or the Micce.! ot a dmm t party, but thiol, t Ik- have no turn to hi Mow upon the hf-t.lt h and phvMcttl soimhIik which are absolutely necessary to happy wifehood and trothcrhood. Any weakm-vi or disease of the di Urate special organs of her sex totally unfits a wo man to he a wile or mother. It is a woman' primary duty to be uttouK and healthy in a womanly way Careful living and judicious trea.ment will certainly and completely eradicate these delicate complaints. A complete and ptactical tieatisr on this subject with careful piofessiotial advice ami sutcifention for elf treatment are contained In "The People's Common Sense Medicil Adviser." by K V Tierce, M I),, rim f consulting phy-ician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Ruftaln, N, . This lotn-pagr illustrateil lwok will le sent pa per bMind alwilutely free for rot nf matt ing only 2t one cent stamps, ot cloth bound for j i stamps. Address lt. pierce, as above. Dr. "Pierce has given a life time to the study of nomcn'ft disease, and has had as wide a practical eiperienc in this particular field a- any living phvttcian. llts " Pavotite Prescription" is a perfect and scientific remedy for diseases of the feminine organ. It is the only medicine devised for this particular purpose by an educated and killed physician. It is a punitive and permanent cure as attested by more than inety thousand grateful womea. tHow I.ove Ruts a biar ft OK for a little kindl, tieatmcnt ! lluw m a n v women tuin their hack on the lull, ST'iEs; ol then titiif and auriihnn t' litvliinti ot MKiat pN-iis f ' X , but fin to re p;nd hatM'V I ll.H.ll mid tlu ihnod h W tV M'l'l ill ti CHURCH KILLING. I he l-'iilltittim; Arc lk' Rules fur killiin Your t 'kreh. 1. Don't come. I's, -L', t -. If you do come, coino late. I's SI, 10. '!. If too wet or too dry, too hot or loo cold, don't think of coming. I's. 1'JL', 1. 1. Don't imagine the IV nit scats are intended for ymi. people inielit think ymi coneeited. ."i. C on.' 1. mud lo tin 1 fault. I's. Dill, I l!. D.ni't for the w.'tld ever think of praying lor your p istor or the church 1 fhes. ;i. l". 7. Don't sing. 1 Cor. 1 1, 1,"). S. D ui't attend prayer meeting, and il you should, don't lake part. Acts II, 1. II. Don't encourage the pastor, hut tell his faults to others. (Jal. li, 1. If his sermon helps ymi. don't let him know il, it might make lii.u vain. Dl. ll'yoti see a stranger in the audi ence, don't offer to shake h ands or invite llim lo e. nne again. People might thiuk you bold. John Hi, '1. II. Never try tu bring any one lo church with you. John 1, 11, 1-. Don't believe in Missions. Mall. ''S, 111. Ll. Don't give too much to benevo lence. Cor. ll!, li. 1 I. Let the pastor do all the work. Is i. :si, ii t. Ll. Si e that his salary is always In hind. I Cor. il, I I. lli. If he doesu't visit as often as you think he should, treat him very coolly lie has nothing particular lo do and could come oil ener. 17. Don't take your denominational paper. IS. Try to run the church. Mark 10, I I l.V III. If you see any one willing to lake hold and help carry on any of the chinch work, be sure to find fault, and accuse them of being bold and forward. Kc. II, 10. -0. Never sp-ak to any one about Christ, your pastor should do all that kind of work. Jas. 5. :M, Dan. 12, It 2.. Don't come to Sahbalh : ehool, it looks childish. Matthew IS, 4. 22. Don't be particular about how li id's house looks inside or out, but keep your own homes looking nice. 1 Kings li, 21 22. 2il tusi-t im your views being adopt-d on all iU"slions brought before the church, and don't give in for the tnaj ni ty. Matt. 2:1, 12. 21. Don't join any of the church socie ties. Mai. .'!, Hi. 2. V When siek don't si ml your pastor word; be is suppose 1 to find out himself. Hut tell all the neighbors how he neg lected jou during your sickness. John ll, :i. 2li. If you thiuk everything is work ing harmoniously try to stir up some thing to engender strife. James:!, II lli News t Miserver. According to the new-papers, an Ohio husband bee-ime the happy father o! seven children not long ago. Of the seven all lived hut one. It is tn be hoped he laid iu a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Hetnedy, tile only sine cure t.u croup, whooping cough, colds and cnugh aiid so insured his children against these d iseases For sale by W. M. Chen, Weldon. .1. N. llr..wn, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Ham son, Kiilicld. Indian agent "Well what do vu want now? Poor Lo "Want to change pony for bike, hiigh.'" CASTOniA. Tk. fis- iiai SNAPSHOTS. If mi w.int to fly liili tomorrow, 'lon't roost low tonitiht. Out' MH cvss is uiul!y I he result of a iooii iininy failures. This LTetiiTiiti ui ol toys will W tln tii xt L'riit r.ninn of men. Never ipit Miwini ami culiivAiiii; , until it i iimi' to ;-i to r-viiu. The lnwi-r a hoy hin to hein in lift tint harler it is for luui to fall, A slow utvl fauii.ins cliuih is bett v. than a l'it'li an l r-ekhss jump. No htiv can ho relieo! on in .ftn-! ti!' he learns how to m-t up wIpti h I'.tlU The hoy who never makes two tiiaK at anyiliiu; will always fail in ever thin.'. The hoy who lo-s not try to tin whit ho Joes harJly ever iloes what he tii.-s to do. A boy novor knows how to MKve.hi.l he l"ani8 how to fail without boim; di -couraotl. Never ro:tp what anotlier ha.- sown without sowing sounMhing for n-'iiieboily to r i p. m company is a preased plank on whii'h many a small hoy has uiuoV hi first slip to a low fall. "Hobby asked me what a continuum performance was," "What did you tell him." "I said that the tariff discussion was as near as I could come to it." A CHAPLAIN'S STORY. s'lhe lull Well?" Anfllnii'tShe Na'J Nmlliim.r" "I was in New Yotk on business," the chaplain said, "when I received a wire announcing the serious sickness of my youngest child, a girl about six years old. She was the pet and the hope of the homo. 1 took the first train west. ( In account of Hoods we were detained on the road two days. Wlrn I arrived, the nervous strain upon me would have ciusheil me 1 think, had 1 n il e ui-i.l en d that the life of the child d pellded upon the attention I must gie her. based, of coiusc, upon the pby-iei in s skill. 1 cairied her in my arms for two days and nights' "She had no sleep for I'll ly boms, and her life depended upon her gelling a few hours' sleep. After consultation, modi cal skill suggested an opiate. It was given, and 1 held her on my lap in order that she should get absolute ipiiet mid rest. Just as she fell into slumber she was aroused by the cry on the street of a banana peddler. She was startled and the phyieian's face showed too plainly that he regarded the ease as hopeless. 1 handed my child to him and went imo the street to speak to the peddler. I ex plained lo liim the condition of my child and told him I would buy all bis slock if he would not cry his goods iu front of my house. At first he was disposed lore sen! this, as be thought it was an infrac tion of his rights. However he sjoii saw the propriety of it, and told me he would not cry his fruit any more in front of my house. 1 then asked him if lie would use his influence to keep others alway. Then 1 reflected that to do this he must be a loser, and knowing his family support depended upon the sale of bis fruits, I ma le him a proposition. That was to act as sort of special police man in front of my house until the skua lion in the si k room changed, 1 lo pay him for his services. He consented and unlil the time w hen I had no I'uthor use for him, he was as faithful as a watchdog lie warned nil' every huckster who came in sight, and bis interest in the child's welfare grew tn be as tender as it was touching. "On the corner below was n newsboy, from whom I had Ir. ipu-mly h night pa pers. The banana man went to him and explained the condition of affiirs in my Imme, and asked him to change his place and go elsewhere. That night 1 was informed thai a boy wanted to see u.e at my dour. On going there I found the newsboy in iU'Slion. He had hi. hat in his band. As soon as I appeared tu him he said in his holiest way: 'I hear your gal's sick. I ain't got much, but here's all I've got, and it's for her.' With that lielhrii-ta greasy roil of paper iu my hand, and In Tore I could fully rcahe what he was up to he was gone. 1 look e l at the contents of the paper and il contained the boy 's earnings f,,r his papers I tried lo overtake ihe boy hut he had gone. 1 left word lor hi n to eo n luck to the bouse. "Several days pissed. The lunula m in. who was siill oti guatd. reported ti me that he had not seen the and til it no . lie knew where he Was. In course of time u.y little one recovered, (iol gay,, h, r back to mo, and then I iu stunted a search f .r that new-b oy II look me some time to lind him. W hen I did he was down on Thirty iiinlh streei. He saw me coming ai d seaiiipcnd away D tot k me some little lime tu g, t him When I did i explainulto him that the lllllc one Was Weil, an. I that bcmilsltake ha k ihe money he gave me. He Was a' fit'si i i - in t i di s.i. hut fin illy e ,i) seinel. 'Is I he gal well he said, 'and dui'i she nee I nothing?'! told luui she uee. led not hing and that he could come back to hisuld e.iii. r. 'I would do any thing .r a sick gal,' he sai l, as he lo ikid at me in the most honest way. ' I have read a good de il about sym palhv. I have bend audreila g io I deal ill tile W iy of e ilogy, but I ll '(er heard evervhing so eln.pi nit as that h ey's s 111 111 ' lit fol the '-ick gii.'and I never siw anything a- lend, r as ihe sni. ilud" ol ihe liuit ped ller. This .ml. I, gentle-in- ii, i- full of tender ch.ii.l-, and there are alway hat d to play upon them, ami what sweet music I 111 v itiaki ! ' When the ch.ij ! i-.n lut U4 lii..r', 1 saw several strong men get up and walk over to the win I iw and look out silently Hut I km it was nil fir dv p'Upj'O ot seeing anything. '1 lie chaplain llilll sell bad nnei'iiseioiis'j sw. pl llieelou.l of which he had spoken Cbicag Mail. Teller. Sall-Hhenni ami Kccnia. The inieiise itching iind smarting, inei dent to 1 hose discuses, isiiistantlv allayed by niU'lving t'banilieihiin s V.vn nml Skill hutment. Many verv had cases have lieen iiermimeiitlv cured be it. It is cinnlly i tlicieiit fur ilehing piles and n t.ivonie velocity tor sure nippion, rlmirpi'd bands, chilblains, frost lutes ini.l chronic sore eyes, go i ts. per ne-x Dr. Cnilj's Cmidillnn Powders, nre 2mZ t.:;v. w,;r,:Vh. .;:iirT1,h,,vh"eb,,'n "r1 i,,val"a riuifmrp J hey are not tooil lnl medicine nml the nest in Use to lint a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. Kor sale by W. M . Cohen, We'd ,n; J. N lirown, Halifax; Dr. A. S.' Harrison, Knfield. THE'OFFICE SEEKER. I 'I rem tie fur ihe I mure uf This Ajminis tratinn- March 2 Ju-t ariived. Washington's a nice town. Wonder if it wouldn't he as well to stay here ns to go abroad? March I Saw Major MeKinley inau giirated. We folks who iiotninaled him will bo all right now. Think I had better lake an assistant secretaryship. The admiuistiatioti wants good men who know Sllllethillg al'olll pi.illies iiesideS, I am gelling to like Wa-lilllgloll. Match s -Dig croud at the While 1 1 otlsc. 'I'll y ought lo give (he )'i -I denl time lo -. tile bun- If Have s i. I my exeur-i n In k.'l and will slay awhile Too many people make a In let iiucotnior table 1 1. ie found a g d hoarding I " March 1 1 Shook hands with the President in the Last lioom, and Iol. I him I would call on a mailer of business in a few days, lie seeund pleased March 1.") Went to the Capitol and found Senator . He was sour. Said the whole Slate was here chasing him A-ked mo what I wanted, and said: "Hot ter go for siitiiclliing in reach." Maybe an auditorship would he the thing. March 211 Took my papers to the While House to day. Thought I'd wait and have a private talk with the President but Secretary Porter said I'd have to go along with the rest. What an ill man nu red set they were. Kibowcd me right along just because they saw the Presi dent wanted to talk with n.e. Will have to go back and finish our einversation. March 27 Hot some more money from home. March 20 Went to the White House but the chap at Porter's dour Wouldn't let me ill. Said it was after hours) lie ought to be fired. April 11 Saw Mark llatiiiu after wail ing five hours Asked him why my letter bad not been answered, lie said he was getting 100 a day and his secre taries would catch up some time next year. I always thought Hantia was overestimated. Now I know it. April 5 Had an interview with the President. Was last in line so liny could'n push me along: When I toid him of my services to the parly he replied, "Oh, Yes," and for me to tile my papers in the State Department. Said be had many good friends in Indiana, and hoped they would hcpaiient. Can behave for '"M.. ii that I am Hot lioin Indiana? Probably the tariff i- worrying him. Slumelul the way the Senate is acting. April 7 Horrowed a little more uiotn y Washington is an expensive town to lite in. April 11 Senator X says all the auditursbips were innitgag. .1 before the election, but he wiil indorse me f..r a special agency or a ehiel clerk-hip il 1 can find uiic dial isn't und r the civil service law. Apnl 12 D ii the ciwl scrvicc law. A i 1 1 IT Didn't know there wa so many gm.il positions abroad. Ought to haiegone I .r one uf them in the tir-t place. Thai. State D pailiinnt li-t is a great thing. Think l il .-iait with Am werp and check i ff a lew which will suit me. Weiid.r wlnie I can negotiate a small loan? April I'.l (iot in to see the Proi lent and lul.i him 1 c "iild he-t serve the administration and the party abroad. He said, "t ill, Jcs." and lo tile 111) papils Ill the lost l mice I opal I unlit amine , . . .., i . ii. hoped his In. lids ill Massaehusolts Would he palielil W hat made hull llillik 1 was f. on Massachusetts? 1 suppose be gits mined soineiinics Apnl 2n Senator says time is one chance iu a million of getting a consulate but if I will concentrate mi .town, be and the delegation will do "vli.it ill ')' can Salary, $1,000; fees, ?S7. Apnl 2ti Have c niceiitiaied on town O n in ihe line t.. diy just for a iuoni. nl toteli the President it Would sun me. lie said, "Oh, ).-," and in tile in) papi rs iu the Treasury P.pari- incut, and be Imped hi-In. nds in Mm ii .-..ii i llesnta Wulllil lie pallcm ill) lie coui.l gel around to tbeiii Omoor be should llin.k 1 was from Miiinesuia. April 2ll The ingratitude "I the man Mclinic)i lie iias nominated .loms for Consul to .town when he km w 1 bad coneuiirated en it. After my services to the pirly too. Who i Jones, utiyhuw? April 2T 1 am going home. Senator X has got men pass. Will send for my trunk later. 1 trundle for I he future ol this administration. I'n c I'llls. Send your address to 11. K Hin klcn ,t Co., Chicago, and get a Ins' sample b. x of Dr. King's New Lile Pills. A trial will convince you nt their merits. These pills areras) inaction and arc particulatK effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick llen.laelie bur Malaria and l.i v- l " "'J,"- gu.ii.iniecii inncpci- tcctiy tree irom every ileleierimis sub stance and to be aurely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system, lingular sine 2.1c. per boi. Sold by W. M. Cohen Druggist, NKW ADVKUTISKMKNTS. KEEP YOUR Surely if the word RlldUIA TOR is not on a package it is not Simons i.:v Regulator. Sot hing else is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up by any one e xcept J. K. ZEILIN & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark . THE RED Z. THE MILLENIUM DAWN. nf ihe limes point h lh.it iili'iimi- limes. There is little or nothing heard at this particular peri-d . I' the world's history the approach i l the niilleiiiuin that happy lime wh. n mankind shall have at tained a degree ol peileitioii which win ii iii!.' all coii.liiioiis ot humanity lo live in harmony and peace. Yi t there has never been such a knitting of ties among .lasses and all sects Kvtry important movement that bus occupied public al- lentiun in tin religious world has resulted in the drawing clesei together of Chris tians id' various faiths ami the lessening of sectarianism and bigotry. The walls which separate the different dcnoiiiiua tioiis are constantly growing smaller and weaker. Men nie more appreciative of the teachings of Cbiist and less and less concerned about the doctrines of a hurch. There is a smaller demand for creeds, but a greater need for upright living, (iciiuiiie Christians are so occu pied wild earning out the tieaiitiiui gos pel preached on the Judean hillsides that they have neither lime or inclination lo concern Iheuoelves Willi me minor mai lers of detiotniiiatioiial difference. In the religious, so in the political world. Arbitration and mediation are rapidly succeeding war and its attendant horror. The nations are gradually growing closer to each other and the peoph s of the carlh are becoming mole mid more united along thought and action, which have for their object ih" universal elevation of humanity. The discussion of various national and inliitiaiinnal ipiistims which uliimes are apparently barren of gnod results, with a few exceptions, open the way lo a closer and kindlier union of in liiiduals ami classes. There is a cm dial and growing sympathy between the many varying types ol mankind and the divine gosp 'l uf humanity is being taught by the gieatesl thinkers and writers of today. The il'Ciric wires which now bell the globe have br night the nations so near otic to the otln r that the eiy ol agony from India today unlooses ihe pur-e string-of Aui'Tie i loiiiuirow; the d. lencclossiv.lll o . d. leli-.'li'ss women and children o! I ir away Armenia instant ly ar ui-e-:!.c ait. n:i ii an 1 ini. test of the civilized W'.il I, and a tragedy at the capital of France -. Is i he limit ol the universe to pul-aiing with profound sym pathy le lore iiiglut.ill. There is a persistent e.il tl. -tin ss ol' purpose prevail ing all i'i s. ai.!., w bell., i th.it research pertains to re.i.i. us. poliiieal or geograph ical lines, and a in re gen. run- di-cus.-ioii of all dill, r. nces . f thought and heii. f is u oy tot. rate ! than at any other period. Individuals have set I.T themselves a m l ' i ii vali 'I piai I nl. ; Ihe rascals and fraud- ale iu-ll) i siimaied, regardless of gaib or spi icb. while ihe Christian is known by hi-or h i daily liiiug. imh pi n.l in ol lli. ii i"l. i mi . r lion ro-fes-ioii The signs i.t the ttin.s point to ihe null, ninui. and in inkiioi is uncon sel. u-l) pli paling lisolt lor that glorious nine Atlanta Constitution. Itiicklen' The lies. Sail cnica vilic. ill the W 'lid for ClII: ll'lllse., S..r"s 1 le.ls. Silt ltlii'UIll K ver Sor-e, feller. I'happ d H.ni b Chilblains. (', in-, an I all Skin Ktuplioti' at, .1 p , -ll iv. ly cur. s Piles, or ii i pay ri I'll i i d. Il is gu ir uiii d lo give pi rl'ei 1 s ei-tai Hun . r lii 'li. 1 1 I utttli d. Piiei : 2.1 c ut- pi r hu I' or -ale ai W. M l oh. U s Dt ug S'ule. i lietl ll,. Ill's I, i m w ii Ii lots of r ick: iin-tealv on hii who feet. A I ' Kli I'ISKMKNTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its itreat leavening st reiith unit health fulness. Assures the food a rainst alum Atid all forms of Adulteration com mon to the cheap h rands. HOY A I. BAKINU POWDKK CO., NKW YOBK EYES OPES RAM SHORN BLASTS. WjniiiiiVites ( ailing ihe UlkeJ In Itefen Have a bad habit is lo have a hard tiia-lers. Tiust in (iod is ihe truest prayer ihat can he made. I iod judges no man cither by his worst ur his best. The man whose cause is wrong is sure to b" the loser if he gains it. I d prepares us I', r great things by drilling u- well in little ones. Kvery true Christian is a magnet drawing somebody toward Christ. Putting little throiights in big words don't make them Weigh any more. There is a flaw in the piety that looks di-mal at a prayer meeting and happy at a circus. One point in the devil's favor is, that theaters are generally better ventilated than churches. What a strain it would be on both for the spirit of a lion to have to live in the frame of a donkey. Kor every false pleasure the devil promises, (Iod is ttying to give us a thoiisaud real ones. Klijah had to learn how to get his bread from heaven befotc he was trust ed to call down fire. One difference between a fool and a wise man is, that the fool talks most when be has least lo say. To remember that Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you always," should make the weakest Christian strong. When beating a furnace for your foe, do not forget that there is some danger of your being thrown into it. CABTOIUA. V fG' im: M atguiun t.irf as The Christian whuse life is full of conflicts for which he is not to blame ia a man whom (iod can trust. " . 4 "It is the Host on Kartb." That is what Kdwanls .v. Parker, of Plains, On., say of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. K. r sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, J. X. Hr.nvu, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son. Kllfield. THE GRANT SPECIAL ONLY $35. l Huill just the way you want it. 1'p to date, guaranteed high grade wheel. LICHT RUNNINC AND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All Colors and all stjles for mcu, ladies and cbildicu. jfn Ju-t as good as a bicycle you would . pay Slim f.r elsewhere. Sample heel on i xhiliin. il at J. 1, Jud- - - kins' tiro,,,) h. L. GRANT, ! Agent. AMKS . MCl.l.KN, W.I.TIB I. DANIEL M 11 L I. It K A II A S I I L. ATTORXEYS AT LAW. Wm.nnN, N. C. V met Ice In thecnurtunf !tltri midNnrthamp ntiKiuliii thrstiprcnieaiiit Fi-dentl court. Col e.'iion.mii.le in HltoHrtKof North I'Kr-illna. Rraueh office .1 Halifax, N. C.or-eu evert lion. nr- )n7i T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. WTttrnce over Erary A Pierce'. store. 10-19-ly. J)R W.J VVARD. SurcEon Mist,"- ENFIELD, N.C. VOfflce over Harrison'. Drag Rtem ' foe 9n It. fARE',VJrn