L i i JOHlsT W. SLETDO-E, I'Koi'KII'.tok. -A. 1ST E "W S P A P E B FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .JUNE 3, 1897. TEPnyrS:-Sl ' l'KK ANNI'M IN AIVAMK NO. G. i VOL. XXXII. Kl&ra 111 ADVKHTISKMKNTS. Do You Use It? It's the bust thiiiR (or the hair under all ciriTitiistatiiTS. Just as no man by taking thought can mid an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions lavorable, to ; growth. This is done by ; Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, ; just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour- f ished. But the roots must be t there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or ? if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use NEGRO AND CAT FIGHT IN A RING. "Sara" Hal in Kill tk Animal in ihirly Minuks hi Win 5200. Ayer's Hair Vigor. The Weldon Market Sslco Co WELDON, N. C. j iTI C E ! full line FANCY lllilKT.III US, I'lil'ITS, anil CmilVt'tinm rirs ''Sut lim-of 1'aliluruiu Drinl I'ruiH, I'ruiuw 4 1'euclie.s, etc.. etc. Full luit' of French Canniest : Crystaluc Fruits, (.'roam Aliuomlsaml Mitrshuialhiivs- gents hir Flcisehtnan's cniniircsseil yeast. I M. L. MABRY, Mm oct 15 tl. P. $ & u u u ft $ I HERE IS I 1 A SNAP. HiTThccaily liinl You know (lie rwi. MEYER IS Opening a larue lot nf sample KTKAW HATS, and MIOFS which he is not I GIVING AWAY yf, tint i st'lliu at hall' of lirM sr.. 7y 'UK pi id' I STRAW I HATS. n ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m n M m A COMMON MISTAKE. If Ynu Cannot Sav n I'lKiiiiram'im WurJ tii Ik AITlkkj. Say Nullum: At All. Sportsman's l'ark, I he prcat resort of til" Cuban population ul' Ylmr City ami T;iimiii, was the scent! "I a tilit In a lin-i-li on tlio 'Jiind tilt., between a filti en prniml wild cat and a Jamaica dciii, known only as Sam. The net;io wan promised (flilMI if he succeeded in killing the wildcat inside of thirty minutes with his hare hands and no kickiiij;. Sain tnuk the money. At h a-t "illU ien.le wittnwed t'ae hat tie which was hioudy I'rum ln'j;iniiiii In end. The eat had been starved fur .-ev en! days and had also liecii teased and tortured until it was in a frenzy. The nejjru stepied into the enclosure wcarinu' brown cuirass overalls and jumper. The cat was furious with rap! and when Sam was within ten led leaped directly for his throat, The ne- oru was expecting this and jumped quick ly to one side, but struck the eat with his li-t as it went pa-l him. Ill a second the eat came hac k with a rtl-h, and this time fastened its claws in Sam's riht lhii;li, tearing the canvas trousers and hrini;in the blood Sam caught the eat by (he throat, but lie let with a howl of apmy as a strip of flesh was lorn from his arm by the claws of the hind loot of the eat. Willi a spring ipiick as lii;htuin the eat was on the man's shoulders elawini; his face and chewing his ruhtear, Then the nero jrnt anry and Iried to tiar the enraged cat from his shoulder and neck In the Mtru'ijle Sam fell and the eat jumped from linn. The crowd cheered and urjjeil Sam to (jo nil with the liht. lie was half blinded by blood, hut he made another dash tortile ell, and, alter a short chase, was stooping to pick up the annual, when the wildcat leaped directly his head and bei;tu clawiii,' and liiiin', Sam struled in vain to pull the wildcat Imiu his wool, and at last nwered his head and made for the fence to eru-h the cat by buttiu,'. This didn't Work, as the cat crawled upon his back, te.irini; his canvass juuip r ami brinini; ihe blood every scratch. Sam caught the cat by the throat and fell to the ground. The cat', claws were at work, and Sam's aims breast and lhii;hs Were badly scratched and clawed, but still Sam held on. lie succeed -d filially ill p'ltinc; one knee on the cat's head, and in spite of thestiujohs nf tin victim, held him down until life was eg tinct. Sam stamen d lo his feet, but just as the crowd ave a reat cheer he fe 1 to the reunil in a faint from loss of blood and the terrific strain lo which he had been subjected, lie was jjiven the SJ'MI but says he never wants to tylit a wild eat a"aiu. STAND BY YOURTOWM. Uuil Atkins; Y"iirV'ie,hbrr Anl lid Kihl YuUK'll. Hi: WAS TOO (iOOIITO 1,1 VK. l.u ll.a tt...o....1 I.,,-..r,-l..un, I... alile to have a nice hat at small Jf. price. Also tine line jf r SUMMER DRESS GOODS 1 rr Silks, Cheviots, Talile Damask, ' Curtains, Kililions, Dress Trim- tilings, ur acythiiiK you itk lor. !' ? Full line d ie 3, Ld i Ll- is re ie in GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES at prictM lower llnu ever Come iuuml t'xnuuno my nUn-k. iS. lip, Aft. ENFIELD. N. C. m ft ft ft ft ft :ft ft 'ft ft ft m ft ''I don't liki! to ride tuy bicycle now,' said the fair youu )iil, "because of the wind.'' The juuni; man blushed slihily. ' Co ouldu'tyou use strips of lead or wnii - thioi;?" h-j stammered. "Strips of lead lor what?" The jilting man blu-hed aaitl. Til room seemed patiilully hoi. "Why in the hem of your skirls," he SlUUered. "My Skirl.s?" echoed Ihe tail beauty I'm uot talking about my skirts. IT uiy frizzes that the wind blows out." And the youth went f irili into lie coo! uihl au I hutted his he id iuoii the first lamp post, t'h v. and I' ,n Healer. ' I hardly know which to dly nmsi," said I, as I looked from I ho pinched face of Ihe child to that of the mother, which spoke so iluij'iently of sleepless nihls and anxious care. "I III, do not waste any sympathy on me," said the self forclful mother, "Robbie deserves it all, be has been such a brave little sull'erer!" And then the mother Kiive me a glimpse of the lono, dreary nionlhs which had followed in the wake of the dislocation id her son's ki , in the early winter, and the complications arisini; froiu it, which for a time were so serious as lo endanger his lilt;. She also told hopefully nf the child's improvement, lo the astonishment ol every one, until now her anxiety was well iii-ili forgotten in the hope id' the child's speedy recovery. And then, turti iuij to her child, on whose le the cruel weight still hum;, she said cheerily: "Won't it be nice, dearie, to run and play like other boys?'' "Yes, mamma," said the child with a wau smile, "but 1 gel 'scouraj.'ed! l'tu such a lens; lime ''etiin Well. "I'oor chil.ll" said the mother with u rueful lauiih, "1 do not wonder your courage does not hold out." And then turning to me, she said: "Hobliie and 1 have had enough to make us lose our courage; but the Wort is now over, I feel sure." I wondered the mother could speak thus hopefully, when at every turn I heard: "ll I he child lives, he will be a cripple for life." Hut here tin! nurse enlerid the ruotii and the mother sujiueslcii that we leave her alone with her charge. I surmised however, that her reason for so dnino was to say what she did not like hi r child lo hear, aloue, she said: "I really think you are the first calhr seeino Hohhie who has not said smut tiling discioiraiui; in his hcarini:." "And so, I said huiLihinoly, "you wanted to net me out of the mum before I made the same mi-take, did ymi uot "No," said my yoiiim Itieini Iranklv, " I knew 1 could trut you, for I have heard you say thai one of ihe bar things about liciui; sick was the dohful r. maiks of callers, an 1 I felt sure ll, afler your experience wiihsuch tactic people, vou would not add lo our bitter cup what so many others have done. Here the youti' mother, who in the presence of In r child had only smili burst into tears: The foreioiiiif conversation was ibis iruino recalled, as one year later, I me that uiother with b-aiiiin face, ami saw r boy, a picture of health, bnundin; by her side. And thiiikinu ul it, I was reminded, loo of how the croakers pre ieted that the child, now iroini; with a op. skip ami jump, would surely be a pple for life. Helena II. Thomas, iu w York I Ihserver or as soon as we were To stand by your tuwn means none than to simply build up your own imlivi 1 u ; I business interests and beautify and improve your residence. It means be.'in at home first, hut not to be ui.omproiiiis inly wrapped up iu yourself regardless of your fellowiuan and all the siiilouinlini; eiteuinstanccs. Il means In pi In wmk and stimulate every legitimate enterprise by L'ivini; all (lie friendly enc luracui'-iit ymi can or by uuitiu yuiir industry, influence and capital in the coiiinnui cause. Cultivate a public spirit and help your neighbor either by kind words or a helplno hand. Kvery industry in the place.it makes no dillerciice how small, should be (liven careful consideration. As far as possible oive these industries your patronage in stead of sending nil Jour orders. Ilyui have a quarrel on baud have manhood enough to li-ht it on its merits and don't hrino it into waterworks, streets, chuieli- schools or anything thai tciidstoaids buildinirup anil keeping jiacu with the times. Speak well of new aud desirable prospects and everytlnti that pertains to the welfare nf your luwn, l'loclaiiu all that is worthy and quietly endeavor to remedy the evils. Quit alnisiiio your neighbor aud oct yourself straight. Incoiirae every one especially new men, to come ui and settle mount; you larlicularly those who are worthy and active, whether lliey have capital or not. I'heir labor is worth money. Those who have the capital should buy lots, buiid otiscs oi tear down and icmodcl old ones. In tact, do all you can to advance theirciieral interest, for as effect follows cause, so certainly wi.l every enterprise of merit repay every citizen. We cannot live mitt) ourselves, nor courage any movement in behalf of the place without inllietin upou ourselves a personal in- J"')'- THE CHILDREN'S PRAYER. Xc UP U 1) All t) l A tl .WIUUIIIIIIT (ffaiuiuey l'ie, S:bli. Hlimtft and iKxirs, aud a lull hue ul II ARDWARB, , ?j For sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, ,1 PETKB8BUKU, VA. kr u ir. ibV- SALE, WM. LINN, j Proprietor. Manager I MANSION HOUSE. J " - BOTH ON UERICkN AND EUROPEAN PLANS ; UdIob Btratt, NORFOLK, VA. Wh-n m m fall- . u: oi ttn-suit; window vtui'd iiii'u- r.illv sav he is a dead man. Well tier ham He ami then an-itii, per hai)H lift Sotiu-t h i ng tn ;i y s a v f him. Tlurc Hi:iV bf fnrndlv aw ii ititf that will li t him diwn crt'-v. h mav ho muiih , niui wrll to nu-rrow Vu ever know what may havc a man who ecm tu be ah Kuod ah dead. Many a man who scemtd to he dvinir nf coiiHumntinn, and whom thr docturH pio nounrrd 111M irood as nrnd. ha not we and struiiiz &ui luitv .utaiu tv u.-ii' itr Pierce Cmlden Medical li-C"vfiy Thin vondcrful medicine has hown the doctor that consumption imi'I alwavs a fatal di rase. It can he cured if yon jfet at the Etrmt of it in the blood ana cleat them out u-. ;uuirr.lv. That iwhat this " liint-nvprv dora. It makes new blood, healthy blood The (terms of consumption can't nit in neaithy niood. iney simply let so tne hold and are carried out of the syitem then the new Mood builds up new tissue, new flesh, new power, new life. It carried vitality to the lung, the bronchial tubes and every other nart of the body. It cures people after cod liver oil has failed, because their digestive organs are loo weak to digest fat foods. 1 he Discov ery " makes the digestion stronir. For thin and nnle and emaciated pconV Ihere is no flesh builder in the world to compare with it. H doesn't make fl ibhy fat, but hard, healthy flesh. It builds nerve power and force and endurance. II is never sate to nronounce anv one dvimr oi con sumption. " or any other wasting disease, until this marvelous " Discovery " has been given a fair trial. Dr. Pierce's thonsand pajre illustrated book. The People s Loin m on he nse Biea ical Adviser "will be sent free paper-bound for the cost of mailing only, 21 one-cent stamps. Cloth bound, 10 stamps eitta. Address Dr. 1L V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. THE FAULT FINDER I he 1 ;iiutiiiilAnjSiii(vRditiiuii f( hrist U 'lie line IhinirNcJJ. A lnOvhiDrktiirc. It W; over tin All Hock leu's Arnica Sulws The li't Salve in the wurM lor Cut Itruiso-f, Sun's, I'krr.s, S.ilt H-uuui, KfViT Sorsi'H, Tt'tter, Iia p-! ILtini.- (Miilhlains, ('urns, and all Hit Kruiitinii- tnd puMiively t'ttn h Piles, or no pay rr- (Uirrd. It if iriiiimntt'd In m-e piTlirt ui.Hluclton or moii.'y rt'huidfd rrtce " I't'tits per box. For sale at V. M. L-'ohrn's Priii; Stnri'. THE NEWSPAPER. The 1 ink' Will Ciink' When New spurs Will lk ApfrwaU'i. An iiii'rei;itivt' rrailt-r ut' lln' (i.itniiiii iu rt'tiiittiui; ln Milisi'riiiinn to tliiil i:iit-r says. 1 b. iitjvt! tlio urWsjiait'is are il, ini: lunri' 10 i-ulUit.-ii nur pi'"iK' nii'l (5-1 them on u hiliiT ilanc lli.in uny oilioi tMiine. WIu'U'Vit llicrc is a l.miilv r'iir ini; up oliililroo with ui'WspipiTs in llic hnuso ymi can usually sit iipk-Ii inli lli- u'l'iire. I'.vitv la'inly oujhl lo .-1 Bible lirsl urxl a ncwsp-ipi r rn-xi in orl r 10 lie happy. I'.iii'im oiijlii 1 1 ijn paper for cai'li of lln ir I'liililroo ami Inv 11 wilt in llirir rliiklft'i'' nainc. Tliis r uiiiols llio I. in. I ii ii k that Iri'di'll sr'l.ioi . ili-ll'T oiio' .'ils iil'o tolil iliv uliior ol'ilii. papi.r ili.ii he foiiml in lii li aoluni' i'Xn.Ti. ,1,.. tif I'l l'ilhll wlin r ml new-p ipers wito in ii.-li In 1 1 inl'oruii'il on-all Milijools uiol mitre easily taught than those who iliil nol, anil so uiueli inipres-i'l was lie with this fact that lie mailt- it hahit In uilvise his pupils to reuil uewsiapers am il'ilnii parents wero not suhserihers to papeis anil couldn't be persiiaJeil lu become subscribers, then lie urged the chililn n lo lake papers tbeuiselves if they could by any inraus pi ihe money t.i pay for them. Someday the. time may come after the present ("neratinn of editors is dend, but we believe it will come the true vuluo of newspapers will be duly appieeiated. Their importance as educa tional factors is now appreciated by many people, it is true, but there is yet a large class without the pale. Tlio Siatosville Landmark. bedtime lor the lit tie one orcal city and ill the ennHry place while r li. il ehinlrin wen kneeling bef ire th- throne of the I'aih.-r, tu tell Him t h t ir loing words at the of the day. lio.-ide il little while enh two children knelt 1 hey were in a stranger's house, for the dear lumber wa: lyinir very ill in iheironce happy home ll must have heen a beautiful sli:lu lor "their aiiL'els who always behold the fine ol'lhe Father," to look upon. 1 he elih r sHter brealheil the evening' prayer she had learned at the (.'hiistiiin mother's knee. Then she repeated the words for tin; baby sister lo say, for minima had just begun to teach the we one how to pray lo the Father. Th elder sister was afraid the little (ilady: might forget the mamma's early leaeh ings. When the inlant prayer bad bi en lisped by the sweet baby Voice, the go! den beaded si.ler whispered, "L-'t us ask God lo make dear mamma well." Those that overheard that wbi-per looked with doubtful faces, and tearful eyes on lie ictided heads. They were practically motherless then, in the judgment "I finite minds. Hut the prayers were said, and soon ihe children slept peacefully and with that liust iu their hearts that ctulhood never questions, and that older hearts so often long for. A week of anx iety and then the danger wis over. Mamma was going to get well again, to b' given back from the very gates of death lo those little ones who needed her S) ur.eb. And the children said, "We asked (iod tu make uiaiuma well and lie heard our prayer and He is going to do what we aski d llim." Whit il beautiful leaching of failh w I this, a lesson those liltle ones will keep in their hearts so long as they live What a great blessing to them tint they had a mother who had taught them so early in life bow I pray. There is nothing that can take tl e place of a eoixeerited Cbristain mother, in make the life i f chiUren full of tuisi an 1 faith, for what we learn iu ebil'lle o I at Ihe niolhi r's knee abides with us for ever. IN. V. Herald.) Thon w ilt say then iintonie. Why doth he yit linil fault? lionians, ix., IU. If yi oi go aernss a lawn once you may tread the grass down, but by the next morning it will recover itself and no one can tiaee your footsteps. II you do il a di Zen times the grass will not recover from the injury, but will wither, and il will be evident to even a casual ohserner that some one has peristently intruded on the beauty of the lawn. If you do it u thousand times you will wear the grass away and leave a bare path. In like manner, for the simile is per feel, if you think evil once it produces little or no impression on (he mind. It is like the sh a I ov ol a p issing cloud on the landscape a temporary daikness bill afler that the sunshine once more. If you think it a ..cure of times it will ju-t as certainly leave a Iraek in the mind, as youi fin, tsieps have left a path on the lawn II ymi ihmk it a thousand times you wiil have formed such a habit that you may find it extremely difficult tu force yourself away f'loui that kind of thinking iu order to think something better. That is one of the peculiarities ofhiiuian nitui '. We find piths in the forest and paths iu the brain, and iu both cases it is easier to use (he beaten tract than to get away from it and make a new one. There is one habit which more than ilmost any oilier 1 deprecate. It is (In habit of constantly finding fault with persons ami tilings. 1 here are pe ipic in the wor'd who are apparently trying in make it as unpleasant a place as possible to live in. They have-developed an unfor tunate tendency to he dissatisfied with everybody except themselves, and they are unconsciously a thorn in the fh sh of even those whom they love. .Vithing exactly suits them they are never really happy, and they allow nil one else to he really happy. It is one thing to be kindly critic d and ipiite another thing tu continually find fault. Criticism, when i. If, red iu the right spirit, is more valuable than gold to him who gratefully accepts it. Wi oftoiitiinis go wrong without knowing it and a H ue friend will br iveonr anger and point mil the fact, Il does u, good, il we ate sensible, to know how others sei us. Hut the fault finder i- tel thai kind ot evangli-l; he is not ae'uiteil l.y any such inolice, neither has h' the g I el his victim in view. On tic coinraiy, hi: methods exasperate and he serves in higher purpose than thai of an in it .tit He is merely an animated chestnut lour. Now, while tbele are many disagrecabl things in life, Ihere arc ills i many that are plcasent. To aciiiire the habit ul looking for the former and of persistently hour of the day and is in ore proudiiclive of good. (in down into the waters of Jordan and wash yoursi If clean of fault finding. Collie out liuin ihe sai led stream refreshed in soul, loving His children, full of gen erous and gentle eneoiiragemi tit for whatever is pure and true aud noble, liiiuk at the .-iiiisbinc and leave the shad ows unnoticed and unseen. lieorge II. Ilepworlh. When you ask the I.onl lobli ss every body, who has anything to do with the mi l ling', don't leave mil (be janitor. -. - While We weep ill the di-sell of mis fortune, like 1 1 agar, how often is Hod's angel on the way lo point out the Well our tear stained eves cannot see Toiler, S. 1 1 -1 1 li-ii 111 mill la.eloll, Tlio intense itrliinif nn'lsinarting.iiu i ileiit d i those diseases, is instant ly allayed by iipidying I 'hnniberl.-iin 's I've mid Skin I liiitiuent. Many very bad cases have been permanently enri il by it. It is fi i ii.i 1 1 y elVn ieiit for itching piles mid u favorite remedy for sure nipples, cliupped hands, chilblains, frost, bites and chronic sure eyes, go ( ts.per box. Ill', ('ally's Ciinililiuu I'uvtilcrs, are .iiist what ii burse needs when in hud condition. Tonic, hi 1 purifier mid vermifuge. They are not f 1 but medicine and the best in "so to put a horse in prime condition. I'rice 2o cents, per package. For sale by W. M, Cohen, Weldon;.!. N. Brown, Halifax, Ir. A, S. Harrison, Knli Id. Tl: There's no us,, in (diking," -ays W. Hroadwell, druggist, l.i I'ygii", Kas,. bainli rl lin's Colic, I 'liolera and Ihar ica lie'lieily do. s ihe woik. Alt. r Iking nn-iiieiios of inv own nroiiaraiinu 1 those of oilers' I took a dose ..I hamherlain s and il helped me, a second cured inc. I anility and consei- htii'i.slv I can reconine iol it as tie tiest dug on the tn n ket " The 'S'i and ."i" lit si.es. For sale by W. M. Colo n, Weldoti. N l!r iwn, Ha'.il ,x, lr A. S, Harri son, I'.llllel,!. When the I T.ri-ii in lives io 1 l. -rd as be : hoiii.i, tic m, re w nld ng will have no ii-e lor tils eoitniinv V II. IMler. with K C. Atkins di . Indianapolis, I lid , wriles: 'T have never hi f'-re given a te.-iin onial in inv life t'ut I will -avllutf ir thiee years have nevi r I" -n . it funt I 'haiuberlain's Colie, Choh ra and lifanhoea liemcdy in the house, and mv wife w- ni'd as simn think ofbeing without 11 air as a bottle fib's lieine'ly in tic summer sea-en We have u-ed it with all three i f our hildren and il has never failed In cure i simply stop pain, but cure absolutely. It is all right, and anyone who dies il will find it so," For -it,- by W, M Colo n, Weldon. I. N. linovn, Halifax, lr. A. S. Hani i, I'Dlield. There is too much talking lo the bun gry about the lln ad of Life, without telling them where and how to get il. ii:.vn si'i.nt ii. "Manha, liieu; there's a new machine invented that records the action of the brain." "Well, yon needn't fool any uioiiey away on one; it wouldn't earn its salt." 'muethiiig; To I tcjiencl On. James of the drug firm of Jo Mr it Son, Cowden, Id, is speaking of Hr King sNew Piseovery, says that hist win ter his wife was attacked with Caliiippe, and her ease grew so serious that physi cians at Cowden and l'ana could do noth ing for her It seemed lo develop into Hasty Consumption. Having Hr King s New discovery in store, and selling lots of il, be look a bottle home, and to the apprise of all she began In get better from first dose, and half doi-n dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption. Coughs and Colds it guaranteed to dn this good work Try it. Free trail bottles at W. M. Cohen's Drug Ssore. ignoring the latter is to do your own soul a serious injur,'. One of the gieatist s 'ereis to iie learned is die divine secret of praising instead ol' blaming wheiiev blame is possible. The effect mi botli parties is iiiuallv goal. Kind word; encourage nun wno uears ineiii ami ntiss bin) who utters the n They suioolh lb rough idg. s and ale upliliing. They give oii I In! I ove of v - hi r fellows in ex change I'm your love f,.r lliein. Christianity comes to our aid iu this us in ai! other nutters It has a way i applying itsell to every human iXpcrioiii' and of making it eisy lo live well an prohtably. Its tiin lameula. pnnciple i: charity for every one fot the foihl the g 1, for the carelessness i !' the iudil f'crcnt, for the crimes of the bad. 1 makes ibis world embracing charity th basis of vour relation to friends am: enemies alike. We hardly know wb: that kind of charity in 'ins as yet. for is so much easier to be hitter and rcveiig ful and baleful The world is in it swaddling doilies so far as a full apprcci tioii ol ihe Christ i concerned, and so love a ! w and let all olhcls take c.ire tile liselves Wit hull! piltlflg olllSelvi.s inconvenience to give them help. Hut we can at lest alum that Ihe fault Ii ing s iiit i. no re or hss baibaiie relic ol am ii ilisui. I' Is a ). in -r ii:.'ii clement of ch uaeior, oi-. running di . Hie ideals and subs! i: ir lag mi, thin as ll A dS the ivory id. .Is 1. 1 the hialhe If we b ive i Ins tend. -ii y, I heii lot l-atl otlly s l I ll it re!iii.l, the be.illlll and siiiny re'igcu ofClnisi, willswiet ihe liatllle at d keep llflcucil ell. of If you have a b 'ald t plane alwas dliv tour pane wi ll the grain ef th,. 1 1 .hi .-l-l-l I ii planing ihe sran you dull tli lml and iiev.-r succeed in inak'iig a sin . ah b nrd The best way is tl e i-i t. an I lb c i-ie-t way is the I Just s i in life Look f r evil, and y Hid Ii id enough i ike ji.ii ini-erable ah your days Vou will also make every b.dv l-i! mi-I able V, ii will primh lie de-ire foi iuier.ivement bv making it s '.-hi t I'.eh'pcless On the ul her hand, look for g .ml and y ni i: find i nougli ol' il lo make y ui contenicd. It will put you in the riglu aliunde, lo make the world lovely and sweet holb fin yourself and for all who know you. A kind word is worth more than a haish word nt any ere i- a vast , siy p dlfi I. nee 1..-I weel ayeis that sound 1 having a broken an 1 nitrite Inline heart. NKW ADVKHTISKM FNT.S. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely ii the word kllGULA TOR is not on a package it is not frothing cisc is the ssme. It cannot he and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZE2L8IJ & CO. And it can he easily told by their Trade Mark . THE RED Z. .011 v 1 1 EKE BtEgsiai OASTOIIIA, Tit Ik- I Im iTirr fry ing to ue grand turns out about as it o who sit mi a limb and I inguage olieii d with the man lawcd it elf. Tbs fl! iimi'n slgMiun CASTOnlA. Yell call tell a child that lire will burn. but it cannot understand what you mean until it llllds out lor Itsell, CASTOIIIA, II l AI N I I ICIOSITY. "Our I in il'idc like, to have thealrica pie come to slay with us " " by?" "She says the rest oi us stare i bard lb il we forget lo eat " at Ihe A l KKT1SKM KNTfi. 0M For Lean Men! Fat men ! Tall men ! Low men! Come and exam ine my stock be fore buying elsewhere. A Down Fall in prices of Clothing, Shoes, and Dry Goods for the next 10 days. DRESS GOODS ! Gents' Furnishings, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Call and give me a trial. Satis faction guaranteed. FREDLANDER'S. nt or t:s sio .v . i . c.-i .' us. ,IMKS M. Mt'l.l.KN, (l L L K N A M WM.TKH I DANIEL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wki.iki.v, X. C. WAi'tici' in thfcourlKof HriliraxHiuiNoTtliRiTi id -tin. in tin1 Siiinvuit' mul Ki-tl.THi I'u.irt. '-inn mailt' in nl!iarttnf Ntuth ( urolina. Branch oHict nt Halifai, N.i;.,ohjii every Mon lay. janTly Col. D" I". T. lOSS, So; GVDER Absolutely Pure iVh'liratftil tur ils mvut U'avciiiiin strength ;nii hcaUlit'uliH'ss. Asur4s iin- final .izninst iiliun iunl alt tnniH uf atliiltntaUon cotit nitti. to tin- cheap lirands. KOYAI. HXKISU l'uWDKIt CO.. NKW YttKK flPRING i f M : r OPENING Spct'ial li.lay of DENTIST Weblon, X.C. SoSTt lllice over Kinry it 1'ierce'sstnre. lll-lll lv. DR W. J W-XRD.,; GRANT . . SPECIAL mil if tunr I? KNKI l'.Lll. N. C. tMtiL.t 'fticenvcr Hnrrisnn's llrnir Rtr ilw ')o 1 -r Wanted-An Idea Prtttcrt vonr 10ct-: Pitt itmv liHui ya wcivllh. Writ.- .JOM 'Htli!:i.Hi'KN ft IM , Pali-nt Alt' r iirvd. Wartlitimi-.il, l i . f T thi'lr $l.i jirlxe t'ltei 4ii'ti list ..f two lian.irf.l titvomtottit waiitt-a. luiiKuniiH ii nui'.i inni ii h i itiiiioxiniioiioi ooi 101 w i xnxttuH) 17. T. PARKER, lluill just the way you want it. Up-to-date, rjuiirantecd hioli jirado wheel. LICHT RUNNINC AND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All Colors and all styles for mco, ladies and childien, af .lust as good as a bicycle you would '. ...... emu I'..- ..i i. u i. I c i no cisuw ueie. oauiptti wheel on exhibition nt .1. L Jud- kins' Croeery. H. L. GRANT- Agent. Aud Millinery Novelties. V Ul J W MM -lie sure to at I end MRS. W. R. HART, oetlSly ttounuke Rapids.N. ('. teg-WKLDON, N. C.-m WKM KMH HKMKM KRM M -O.KK0(MK MM rlMKHHMOOlHHaH O .1 -: P " M : '.Viijita!, Bine Riflge CementfLime Ms Manufacture! of BLIII RIDGK HYDRAULIC ROSENDALE CEMENT. OuamntpM a1m)iiuly hydranllt., Wu quotp iii MYm:u n utiy piinv ill MIH nnniil, All Onifiit tt'NU'd, and strf nrth , unirormlW In color, prlct! P. O. addmwllUiK HI1A.B HLV VA. TeluKrapbUlultUtcstVa. (K

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