Wk yak l!? PUZllMlft t :t K TEEMS:-?1''"1 I'l'.l! anm .m in AbVAMK -ww fi, 1 l iwa a I i3 H 1 I i Hi Unroll SkW4 SsffiSSKJi .A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, TILUKSDAY, .JUNK W. ISD7. lOHlSr W. SLEIDGKE, I'isoi-iiiKTOii. VOL. XXXII. A 1) V K H T I S K M K N T S . I 1 fQm 1 Before Retiring.... t..kc Aycr's Dills, ntul you will sU'i-p better ami wuki" in bi tter condition for the day's work. ij'Aycr's Cathartic l'ills have no njual as a pleasant ntul efieet ual remedy for constitution, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They arc Sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyances experienced - in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Aycr's Cathartic "jPills. When other pills won't , help you, Ayer's is ;THE PILL THAT WILL. T TheWeldon Market Sslce Co WELDON.N.C. Ifirl-KKSII Ml" ATS, S.l S(iK,-t Kttll lino FASCV lilJtin'.lilKS, 1KI ITS, ' ,i nud ('onfcctioiiotics N'i'litieoi'Calil'orni.i Diircl Fruits, l'nnif '.; Peaches, etc., etc. Full line of Frystaluc Fruits, Cr am Almond: Marshmallows. :iml FIRST METHOD 1ST SERMON VmAd In Amcrua ty J"hn W.sl.y Out a (-ntury and a Half 'On llu' seventh "I March, lillli, John Wesley .re;ic li. d tint fust Metho dist sermon ever i.r.-.iuhi il on this conti nent," writes the U.'V. W. .1. Scott, I' I), in an iutiTcstiiii; review nf "When Jiitin Wesley Preached in (ii'nrsii.i," in the dune Ladies' Homo .Journal. ''It was delivereil n.it l.ir I'loui the sit'' "I tlie piesriit Christ Clinreli, S.vaitwll, 1' which lie subseipieniiy was the third rector, and was addressed In n mi.X"d us s.'iiiliLi-e. His eiiie-'iiraliiin hardly ex eee.l. il I'mr luurlre 1 iers.ms, ineln ling children anil a lulls, rceiif. reed, however, by utie liiimlreil nr in He i 1" tlie neigh boring Indians. Wesley discussed ill a must eliiiiient in inner the prin ciples nlThristiun charity as nriie 1 by Saint I . ml in the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. He maile a powerful aiieal, ami many of his iiinlieuee we're in tears. While he was lint so impetuous in his delivery as in alt ! year, his ahil ities at th.it time bop ike the groat preach er ami reformer. "If he was more scholastic in s'yle than in alter years, the fervor and force of his appeals were none the less telt by his hearers. K-pecially was this strikiiii;ly true when in the c mrse of his discourse ho adverted to the death of his father, who for forty years nr( in 're had been the incuiuuent of the KpWorth lee tory. TIih venerable man was a-licd not Ion- before his death: 'Are the eou-ol.i tioiisofliwl small with you?" 'No, no, Do.' he exclaimed, with uplifted hands, 'and then,' continued Wesley, calling all that were near him by their names, 'the dying patriarch s lid: 'Think of Haven talk ol Heaven; all time is lust whi n wo are n il thinking of Heaven'' This w is spoken by Wesley in a trcmulou- voice, and his new i. iri-liionors at Savannah were for the i'ls'aiit almost swept "II their b et by a tidal wave of religious en thusiasm. Tradition has it that several Indians, who were pre-ciit became so greatly excited, not only by .Mr Wesley's imp:i--i d oratory though they did not iindcrsland a Wold he said but by his gestures, tint une old warrior m rv.oi--ly clutched his tonnhawk, fcaiin' an out break in the strangely moved audlruce.' THE CITY BEAUTIFUL. i-ru .,ikiti Is N mi liisiiiusii'iiMiii: In lh. Woicrn Visitnr. TOOK LEGAL MEASURES lln'A ill. Jdw's liausihlcr IbbiiihJ lk Y'limt! Man. Jkjr-nts Inr Fli'ischman's compressed yeast, f M. L. MABRY, Manatter, it 15 II. I HERE IS ! A SNAP. 9 C.tKllll to that six mil ftayT.ircJiily 1'inl You know thu nt . MEYER IS Opetiini: a larnc lot nl sample STKAW HATS, anil S1IOF.S vvhicli lie is not r ! GIVING ; AWAY luit is si'llinn at hall ul'lirsl sell iff STRAW II! HATS. it liy thu tlioinaml. F.verylioily nlile to have a nice hat at small price. Also lino line UUllllllUll UHUUU uuuuw t I Silks, Cheviots, Tnhle Iam isk, . i f! Curtiiins, HililKins, Dress Trim ' a , mini!, or ae v I In iik you ask liir. i !, Full lme ' t n ukui, tints nnu H CONFECTIONERIES 'X x t at tinees lower than ever. i P " Pump iii.iml I'v.iinilii' 111 V stock. 'I want to be sure I understand yon rightly," said the lawyer, who was crus cxaminim: the loeomolive enuinei r 'At the liuic the aecideiil happen, d to the tilaintill' at what rate were you runniiu'.' l'lcase repeat your statement as particular " "I had slowed down to about an hour," replied the engineer. " VuU are positive as to that, are ymi "Yes, sir." ' oil want the jury to understand that you had slowed down to six miles uu hour, do you?'' "Yes, sir." "Once aain, you had slowed down to six miles au hour, had you.'" "Yes." "Now, sir'" thundered the lawjor. rising to his tect and olarin.e; fiercely at the witness, "did you not testily in your direct I'X.iuiin ition tli.il v-'U had slowed up?" "Of course, but-." "That will do, sill (I ntlcnicti of tin jQi; jury, thai s our ease! aJf. And the jurymen, without Icavinj. jjjf. their scats, hrouoht iu a verdict ajiains '& the railway company. n . n M ft ft :ft n 'ft ft ft ft ft ft .ft ft In The Century an urtie'e on "The Miracle ol the llreek I'ire," by Hichard Watson (iildcr, ileseiihes the scenes of Holy Wc k in Jeiiisalcin. Mr. OililiT says: A city beautiful! On Palm Samday from the stairway near the spot where Mary stood when the body ol her Sou was taken from the cross, 1 saw the (ircek procession in the Church of the Sepulchre. Then I went over to the Mount of Olives. I, inking hack liom a li Id well up on the hilUidc, the whole city lay beneath the temple area, with the great inosiUe in full view across the valley of Jeho-hapli.it. From here Je rusalem, with its clear and stately outline of walls, the domes ami minarets of t lie ur is' j lies, and the old towers and church im, has a singular completeness. l'er h.ms even in Solomon's time, from the outside, thoiioh different, it was not more lovely. The warm uray of the stoucs of the city is the color of the unbleached wool ul'ijoats. I he lulls are darker, with a delicate bloom over llieui, spotted with orav nlivt! orchards and melting n- v in the distance into violet. It is indeed a city si t upon a hill, isolated, distin guished. The picture realizes onu's lite Ion lT dream of the city of God. The sunset sky was wild and ' cold, with streaks of sunshine. The rain ceased and the air grew warm, lu the rich lw li dit all blemishes Were lost, n . . .. and the City lieaiitilul was spread belorc the pilgrim's eyes. Perhaps it was here that Christ wept over Jerusalem. Along or near this path he must have come on the day ol' his "entry'' on the first I'alm Sunday, whose least was being kept this very day throughout all Christendom. There" were no other travellers. A few Syrians passed by. I gatnereu some 11 iwi rs by the wayside and turned again homeward. You sec that wc did not find the Holy Land ilisillu-ioni.in.'. There are many ihini-s that i found the western mind There arc tilth and degradation ntnl su perstition. liut here are the same sky, the same landscape, the same d.miinalitu: orient. The painter who knows the Holy Land best said to us in Jerusalem, "At linns when 1 look at these fields iiml rcali.: that this very picture was rc- llected in the ecs ol .Jesus I I eel mysell shiver." The Bible, no matter what one's theology it phil. so by, here takes oa a vitality and meaning b'M'iid the power of conception hitherto. Are the places real? Jerusalem, all Syria, and s une of the -'sacred places'' are iimpics tioiiahk". Hut you do unt have to be sure that the place is exact when you listen, with a new emotion, to the word of Jesus repcatel by the French monk on tlood Friday, and at that "".-tation ol' WHAT TOTEACH CIRLS. 'ar.nts Shmili K.aJ ('arclullv An J linum llh'iiwlw's Au'nrlinly. The judge's daughter was looking just as guileli ss as it was possible for a girl to look, hut then the state of mind of the judge's daughter cannot always hejudgi d 'by her looks. "That young man," said the judge, "seemed determined to hang on all night." The judge's daughter merely smiled. "Didn't he hear me stamping up and down the hallway?" demanded the judge. "I don't see how he could have helped it," replied the judge's daughter. 'liut he still hung on," persisted the judge. "I am afraid that was my fault, fath er," answered the judge's daughter. "Hut if you will only consent In look at the matter from a legal point of view I think ynu will agree that 1 did exactly what was proper. "From a legal point of view!" ijicu laled the old gentleman in astonishment. "Certainly," she answered. "Just take ic case home to yoursel Mippose you HE PLAYS WITH WORDS. lint Into the lla.it l"K Ami anj Can't Shake It i had entered into a limited pailnership agreement with a man, and you thought you delected a desire on his part to get away ill haste. Wouldn't you take out .muni kind of a writ to stop him? ' "You mean a writ of no exeat, 1 sup pose," Miogcstcd the judge. "Is that the kind ol a writ that vents any one I rum going away?' iiiireil the judge's daughter. "That's just what it is." "Then that's what I was thinkin she said, "lie heard you stamping and down the hall and he betrayed a most extraordinary desire to gel away, but I detaiued him by a writ of knee exeat." Chicago Post. pre ' in : "IV : up A IMS AY I : H 1 It T 1 1 K Q I' I : K N the cross" where t'hri-t cried out, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for mo, but weep for yourselves and for your hildren." SWr.KT WOOING Lsu.s.iip.ig't G Hit ENFIELD. N.C. '0 Bt; ft m ft :ft ? m ft ft m M ft ft ft Neither a tmrioAvr u.-r a louder be for loan oil loses bolh Used au I 1 1 lend ii jra7W9 s It was a beautiful and gracious trihut which the blind chaplain of tin: Senate, the Itev. Dr. Milhiirn paid to Queen Victoria in his prayer yesterday morning when the Senate e iiivcncd. In a rich, musical voice he prayed as follows: O Thou, who art King of Kings and I ord of Lords, we bless Thee for the long aud illustrious n ign ol Thy servant, the. gracious sovereign lady, IJ leen ictoria, whose conduct and character as daughter, wife, mother, as well as illustrious sover eign, l:ai" enshrined her in the heaits and revireiiee of truehearled men and women around the world. K.udow her with peace, health, safely, and may lo r last days he her best and happiest. So endow and guide the councils ol thai realm and of our own beloved country that bund in band they may tread the pith of conservative progress to the goal ol Chri-tian eiviliz ition until the 1 Mice ol the kings of earth, the first hegottcu from the dead, shall become th inon arch of all hearts and all lives in our race. Wc humbly pray in His sacred name. 'amen Wa-hingtou Post. (live your girls a thorough education not only in the schools, hut ill the home: in work as well as in books. Teach them to cook and prepare food for the house hold, and food that will Dot give llieui the dyspepsia and ruin the health ol those who cat it. Teach them to wash, to iron to darn stockings, to sew on buttons aud to cut and make their own bosses, and not have them so tight that they can not draw a natural breath il it were to save tin ir souls. Teach them to spend within tlnir income; to keep their accounts, to know where their money goes; to have something to show for it. Teach tlieiii to wear a calico dress that is paid for with more comfort thau a sijk one for which they are still owing the merchant. Teach llieiu how to see that the" amount of the hill tallies with the purchase, nud that the goods are what they bought and what they am rep resented to he. Teach llieui that good health anil a bright lace is belter than any coluetie, and if they want fair com- nlcxions. clear skins and rosy cheeks, i ' they should avoid tea, coffee, cocoa, am similar drugs, and should dress loosely and take out-of-door exercise. Teach them good common sense, sell- help and industry, which will make them iiidcnendcnt and useful. Teach them - i that marrying a man without principle. conscience or religion, is like putting to sea without a compass or chart or rubber. Teach llieui, il you can nllord It, music painting and other accomplishments, hut insist on a certain amount of good daily reading. In reading good books there i. education, development, and often solar and comfort lor weary, lonely limns. The woman who does not read will be likelv to gad and gossip and make miselii. everywhere. Finally, teach them th , , - i . i matrimonial happiness uepenu-, Wealth, nor appearance, but on manners, good prineiphs and pe character. "I often uniuse myself," said a philolo gist, "by trying to ascertain how many words I can m e out of the letters ul'any word that I may happen to think of and may use for experiment. Take, for in Hlance. a short Word. Mich as 'rat,' and you will at once uotice that the letters ol it give arl, at, tar, and, if you like, tartar. There came to mind last night the long word 'comprehensive,' and I suppose (hat naily lull other words can be formed from the II! letters contained in it. The various words took shape verv rapidly in mv mind, and I seized a to jot theiii down. Ileic is the beet of Paper. As you run through iciii I would like you to keep in your . .. . , e .. ' iniiul s eye tlie worn eoiiiprencnsne, mil which all of them are drawn: not A fill 1U II. STOIC Y. NO. 7. AU V F.KTISKM KNTS. 1 ES OPEN! Surely if the word KIMLUA TOR is not on a package REGULATOR. il is not Ihwmm him i Kolliing else is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up by any one except 3. K. ZESLIfl & CO. And it can be easily told by their Tradi- Mark the: red z. prehensive spiii hen mire pensive spine hope men prove sheen home move prone scene hone nip prose sense beep rip ptim sieve biro snip prime shove him lipe pin or pins seven his rope pine senile her rove repine sip cope vim spine siro cover vice peevish shire cove verse pure sheer cone vine pen simpler come vein slinp horse mop over ship hive mope tver si p hie mine even sin hire liieie nose shin hem more open shine LOOK HERE ! 0 iisgitoi it "TftTi, idle tear i know not what I mean, wiuiv me ut 1 v n ti v o n Hut lews itl way s mean (soinettaitiir. There ft i e Itais of nul-aniholy,tc-r of Joy, anil f those nadth'tt most pathetic tiark of the nervous over wrought wo man who ha been beatific up a bravt ly as sac may under a daily burden of i veifkneM and 7 '.: .r.j,,. i. .i... ... j. .Ui .l:. ti, et:. No wmnrifr wnmrti ween I n- wop- s. -"' .- .' '.' ... ... Knr unA antlpr and the UHltdcst hing ahout it is h"w little their snflcnniiS ire understood Even the doctor, nine limea in ten says : "Hn little ncrvmis ita ttatt's all " or "tieui'.m. or Innom- li " or "dyspepsia." If he suspecU Ihe real cause be innlsw upon eikminiiiu'ii" in local treatment, -ahout the veiy wmst thinu possible to t nervous, overwrount woman. There 1 no need oi inese repuicnm nethods. Any woman may insuie health ind strength in a womanly way by the ue af Or. Fierce a Favorite Prescription u cures the weakncsnea and diaraai s of the feminine oiiranum absolutely and com Metelv It wan flrvltfd lor inift aneciai purpose tiy one of the moat eminent and drairitini, torturing pain The W"""'r IS rid r ; (iPRING li. i .v is v : OPENING -Special Display of V 1 llT$$ BoiiETS And Millinery Novelties. . o He sure to attend. o MRS. W. R. HART, act 15 ly Konnoke Kayuds.N. ('. B. P- HA UK, WM.UNN, proprietor. ManKer f utierienced physicians :n Ibis country; an xpert specialist in women's aiseasea. For nearly to years llr. Pierce haa been MANSION! HOUSE. - - BOTH ON i t LSlt i t i j riRICW AND EUROPEAN PUNS. '! . Union Btnot, NORFOLK, VA. chief ciuvsuitinir pliysician of the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N Y. Any woman may conai'U him ny lelier. iree of charge. Her letter will be answered not by a mere nurse or iineuucaien. unseirmiiie peraou. but by the most competent medical authority anywhere obtainable. ail women shouia reaa lir. rierce inuii- and page illuatrated book, " The People ! rnmR,..n s Medical Adviser.' It con- "-"" . : Ulna more clear ana comprencns,v . o.l aiihiecta man any oiner mwa ver ouhliahed. A paper-bound copy aent free for twenty-me bne cent .tamp, to par in -no ' i the fori of mailing only. Or cloth bouad I eea outwitted." It seems ipiitu a l.el am m the mar- ricil nu n ul'lho Jay to tell how they o.ot their wives, hut 1 have yet tu discover the beueJict whose cxpciicuee was simi lar to my own." The speaker is a j illy man ol tortunc and he told his story just ul'ter his male quests bad thrown assidc their cards, says the Detroit Free Press. ' I grew up ill the south before they h id their serious trouble down there, lictweeti my family and that on the next ol iiitatiou there was a feud something like that between the Montagues and the Oapulcts. The colonel and my father did not t!u on each other's trail with a sho'gun, hut they let each nthe.r severely alone except when ono could stab the other; socially or politically. "The Colonel's daughter and 1 fell in ove when we used to meet us school chil dren and on the mountain g.u boring wild flowers. When I told my father later of my utT.'olion, he stormed and rave l and forbade me ever se iug or ag.iin holding coniiniitiiialion with the gill. She, too, h id declared herself and the snuicsentenv was imposed by the lire-i'.i'iiu eol uiel. Neither ol us made unyri.-h promises. hut wo Were so closely Match.' I th it we co lid never get within sight of each other. As a youngster I had delighted in earner pigeons, ami us u toKeti in my budding affection, had given the colonel s d uigbter some. In our lime of distress thi infantile generosity cum! back as a blessing. Her maid aud my man would meet in the creek bottom and cxehunge pigeons. Hera would go home with a mission of love about its nock and mine bore the same precious mess age 1 1 me Thus wo oourted and thus we planned an elopement that was brought oil success fully. For a dry the two hot headed old lathers made the nir hot and sulphur ous. Then after the usual red tape in those times of 'chivalry '.they met, became reconciled, sent for us and heartily j iued in the laugh at the way in which they A Valuable I'icsi ripllnn. Kditui Morrison of Worthingtoti, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Kleetrie Hitlers, aud 1 can chcerlully recommend it for ('oii-lipa lion and Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic it has no eiiial." Mr Annie Stehle, '.'li-o Cuttaiii" tinve Ave , Chicago, was all run down could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Kleetrie Hitters lesion d her health aud renewed her strenolh l'rice tit y cents and Sjl.llll per bottles at W. M. Cohen's Diul' Store. Not verv iiiinv years lu a cmnlrv church in the west ol Lii'-laud ihe rei'lur. preaching with great carueslness huinc missions, took for his text, " me with food convenient lor ine." he came down rum the pulpit, well cot tent with the cll'ect his clocpieuee had produced on the congregation, the ills tiirhini; thought struck him that he had made no arrangement for the collection (sure to be a liberal one on this occasion). As he passed through the cl.ancel he whispen l hurriedly to an iutellinoiit choirboy, 'iio into the vestry, lake the plate you will lind mi the table, hand it round to the congregation, and then biing it lo me." The bV deputed oil Ills errand, and the rector took his plac wiihin the communion rails and gave out the ell' rtory hymn. The last words of this hid scarce died away when the boy stood bet ore him a plate of lu-cuits in his hand, am an apologetic expression on bis chubby lace "P ease, sir. he explain.il in all audible voice, "I've handed them a r iiiiid to evei vhoilv. and nobody won take on. !" L union tientlewoniau "Any one can carry on the experiment with this fertile word 'couipreln nsive as much farther as he pleases. It is no better word lor the purposcll.au 1,11110 other words in the Lnglish language. "I got into the habit of practicing th words in this way when I was a boy, and 1 can't get ,mt of it. It olten helps to put ii e to sleep at nigh', and it . , :. 1 .. I sometimes lanes up my mum him ii i ."u walking in the stieet or dining at my club ur holding a convcr-ation. It is a bothersome habit. When I was iutio duced the other day ton man named il s hi, 1 set to work at once up m his name out of which I got win, won, sin. son. now, soil, no aud on, and I also sought lo instifv nivscll'in gelling wo, because the word woe was olten spoiled (hat way in Id times. "The habit bothers me in reading, for manv a time I emnot help slopping io bilge in it. 1 -land ready to warn every person again-i tailing into u, m i o not believe that any one who takes it i i. :. ',r 'I'l. ..' . up can ever soase u mi i ai my perietice r.x. n HI n "I tell ymi, the man I respect is the man who can change his opinions." "And ihe man I respect is the tn in who can change a $P note." The way to procure insults is to sub niit to them a man meets with no more respect than he exacts. III. King's New lllsriiirry fur ( ollsllMiptti'll, This is the best medicine ill the world for all forms of Coughs and Colds and l"r Consumption. Kvery bottle is guar anteed. It will cure and not disappoint It has no cipial lor Whooping Cough, Asihimi, 1 1 .iv l'ever, I'neuuiiini i, Hum chilis, La lirippe, Cold in the Head and lor Consumption. It i safe lor nil. ng.s, pleasent to ( ike, and, above nil, u sure cure. It is always well lo take Pr Kino's New Lile Pill" in collection with , Pr. King's New Discovery, as (hey reg ulate and lone (he stomach and bowels We guarantee perfect satisfaction or return money Free trial bottles at W.M. Cohen's Drug Store. Hegular situ ."ill cents and 81.IHI "There's no use in talking." says V II. Hroadwcll, druggist, La Cygne, K "Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Piar rhoea Itemed v docs the work. After talking medicines of my own preparation and those of others' I took a dose ol Chamberlain's and it helped me; a second does cured me. Candily and cotisci eniioi.sly I em recommend it as ho Inst thing ou the market." The 1 nud .'ill cent si.os. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. .1. N Hrowii, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, F.llticld. The darkest hour in the history ol any young man is when he sits down to study how lo ge( money without honestly earning it "The fac- iiou: atftaliira I CABTOnlA. A ( I I N( lll.lt. It n enry vraipat. Teller, Sall-ltlieiiin ami K.l'eilia. The intense iteliiiii ami sinurtiipg, inci dent tutht'se diseases, isiiistiintly nlhivi'd bv iipplvini; Ch.iinl'erliim s r.ye aim Skin t lint lnetit. Many very Imd eases li. ... 1 ii ti,. moment v run il I'VlI. II is euuullv efficient fur itching piles and a favorite remedv f"f sore mi'I'le". chapped hands, chilblains, frost, bites and chronic sure eyes, i'l rts. per box. Dr. ('ml)'s Coiiilitliin I'iiwuVin, are just what ii horse neeils when ill hud c.iiiilitiim. Tonic . bl I purifier and vermifuge. They an' not fund but ..wi.li. in,. mill the best ill Use til tmt tl I,.,, iii prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. bursal." by W. M Cohen. Weldon; ,1. N Hrown. Ilahlax; Pr. A. S. Harrison. Fnlield - - Naluraii.ed Pun.tualioti. "1 tancy she calls it a debut because debut sounds foreign." "liut it doe.-n't wlun she sp. ak il." - - A. II. Palter, with K C. Atkins A Co , Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "1 have never b. foie given a testimonial in mv hie. Hut 1 will say that lor tlnee yean wc have never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Heinedv t ie house, and mv wile wolilit as soon think of being without Hour as a bottle of this HetiR'dy in (be summer season We have Used it with all three of our children and it has never failed to our. not simply stop pain, but cure absolutely. It is all light, and anyone who im will lind it so." Fur sale by W. M. Cob"n, Weldon . N. Im wn. Ilahlax, l'r. A. . Il.ini sol, I'.lllll'HI. For Lean Men! Fat men ! Tall men ! Low men! Come and exam ine my stock be fore buying elsewhere. A Down Fall in prices of Clothing, Shoes, and Dry Goods for the next 10 days. DRESS GOODS' Gents' Furnishings, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Call and give me a trial. Satis faction guaranteed. FREDLANDER'S. I'KOFKSSltiXAI. CAHDS. JAMKS M. MCI l.KN. 11 L L K N A M W A l.TKR I DANIKL D A K I K L, ATTORXKYS AT LAW, Wkum.n, N. C. Wfti't.-'Hn Uu'Hmr.M.f Halifax miilNnrthamp o Mm., in On-Siil'ivim-mi-. Ki'ili THl cnuru. CoU .. "ti,iti niK.lr In niiiH ritioi .Minn Hnnnm. Hram litimce at Halifax, N, i'-.tijit'i. tvery Moir ilny. Jni GRANT SPECIAL D'" 1 ' 1 KOSS, Fred Had Weakened. -Sweet (anxiously) "Did Fred I mean (lirl Mr. Nicclelloweill to see you today, papa.' Papa "Yes, and to oblige him I con sntcd. I suppose time hangs heavy on his hands" Sweet (lirl (mystiticd) "W whv. what did he say?" Papa "lie reniicsted the pliastircof a series of uanii'S of chess with me. The first ones we will plav this evening, und after that every third evening during the winter. I hope, my dear, you will k"ep out of the library, as chess is a very absorbiug occupation." OABTOIIIA. n lrf vniftk A clever young teacher of a class of children, between the ages of tin and foiuiei ii, varied liie monotony nl their studies by little talks on .the best books and their authors. Then, lo finish the work of the term; and find what the children had really "uiarkid, learned, and inwardly digested" of her subject mailer, she planned for a certain day a discussion by the class ol whom they considered the greater author. Scott or Dickens. The children at fust were a little backward in expressing their views, hut gradually warmed to the discussion. Dickens's greatness grew to colossal proportions, owing to the ipiick witlcdiiess ami apprc cialion of a small admirer with a ready tongue,, aud eonsiiincnily the staunchness of Soolt's adherents hegau lo waver, till tu a burst of contagious enthusiasm one small maid spring to the tescue. "But, Miss Anthony, Dickens can't be, fur don't you know, tin n always Bay, 'tlroali Scott!" and never 'great Dickens!'" , Harper's Drawer. 'I he best potlion ol a good man's lili is his liltle. tiaini less, uiireiiicuihi red aels ut kindness and of love. 3D E 1ST T I S T Weldon, S . ('. Iianmi hit Kniiy .V rieree sstor?. 1 1 i -1 I -1 y - DR ADY Klt'l'ISKM KNTS. m I "OVAL jlirJJ -ik W. J VWRD. Swpoii Dentist, ; . svC:V ' ' . QUI If V rTfr K KNKIKI.K, N. C. auOfticeover Harrison's Droit Store rle '20 Iv. I Wanted-Rn Idea Who can think of ttoitiv miuto tlilUK to liftlfllW i,Stt. v.n.m itiu its ctv. Putt-nt Aitur im... WHH.i,iiRt.m. 1 1'.. f.r thftr 11.' prtie niTet lulH9tlf tMU Ulll.lrcl lltVlllllt.r. WHUllMi. UHllMltKKVIlOnilniliKHKKHIIHHIlHHIOl HHHKHHt II tl 11)11 W.T.PHRKER, POWDER Absolutely Pure HKU.KII IN Rami Hftw Rci 1 terrWKIjDON, N. C."dM ltnilt just the way you want il. 1'p- to-date, guaranteed high grade wheel, LIGHT RUNNINCAND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All Colors and all styles for men, ladies and children, .axrf Just as good as a bicycle you would i J pay Slim for elsewhere. Sample j I wheel on exhibition at .1. L Jud- : kins' tirocery. H. L. GRANT. ! I Agent. ... ,m,.r.,mM : US.-M .- II II I i'A Blue Ritlp CementLime Works Manufacturer! of BLI'K HllXJS HYDRAULIC ROSENDAIE CEMENT. ( eleUrutw. for its (treat leuveninusf mipth iw henllhlulncHH. ANHtircs the finul uitiiift 1 alum and all forms of al ul Ural ion oom innn to the t henn I rands. BUY A. I. BAK1NU -POWDKK CO., KIW VOlCK'l rMOoaoooootHiiwoooooo UnarmnUii'il BUtilntelr hydmullc, Wa quoit rictji tienvercn ri any pmm in wio mum, au em-'iii tetiKHi, ano nireiigth, uiitiormiiy in color, uriiiitK and Erindhift kuriihiiUhkI. write ht TelegrKpb Blue Ridge, V. ee Ml pricos VA. 1