: i i JOI-UsT W. SLEDGE, l'i:ni-i:iKTon A. NEWSPAPEE FOE- THE PEOPLE TERMS:-1 I'Kl! ANN I'M IN .WiVAMK VOI j. XXXII. WKl.DON, X. (., TIIUliSDA Y, JUNK 17. IS!)7. NO. 8. r; A lVKKTISKM KN'TS. Our I's and.... ....Other liyes. Our I's me just .'is strung as they wiMv tifly yens ugo, when v.c U.ivl caii"c to u-.c t.u-in. Hut wt: li.ive K-ss ami U v. t.'.ut-.i.' to pruisu uursul. s si tiro ntlicis il.) the j) raising, ami v. v. im uinic tliiiu willing ("r you tn ciH' us tin on j;U otlhr tvi's. Thw is Imw wc look tS, 1', I'uV'V, wlinlfsalo ninl n t.iil 1 1 u w i-t, l'nhith, Minn, who iifirr tl (ii.iiliT tf a t t-tit ii i y of i'! mi. valKiii i ilcs : " I h.i t' sold A vr-r's P.ir-.in;i-rilhi for limit- than ?s (.';! Until at whole-alt ami u-tail, nml hi w iK-vt r lu.ml an thini; lutt womU of praisi; fintn my i iNtoiiu'i'. ; iut a sinK- miii jil.iint has I'VtT ii-u'linl inf. I k-licvi Avt-r's aisa)arilla to he the hi st Moo.l j.urif'u t . tlut lias h.-t-n introduced to tin gen eral puldie.' This, ftom u ni.iii who 1ms sold thons.ui.U of doens of Ayi't 's Jarsajun ill.i, is stioiijj tistiutony. I'.ut it only echoes popular sentiment the world over, which has, "Nothing hut words of praise for Aycr'A 5arsaparilla." Any tloitM iil-mit it'.' Sf nJ fii"("uri'l.. V li klli ilniiliH aii'l curi'n ilf.ul'tfn AtUrtiit J. C. A Villi Co., l....ll, Mj::i. No 8. SVtd (uk 1 . n(nn ThM", poltihe.l lih :t 1 ' O. X m l-HP li'jr-) 'I tn 1 u r . .ij I ' ' i' re C i nee' t"l, I'Meeit il'i I 1 1 t i . . - ', imentf I. If m"H"HieS 4 V t .' I : t i j . i-.'n i (i -i 1 1 ft' ii titeet Ioi.k' wiie i ) i ,at i'nee, rfr ( (hMera up; li li. d. i Thu nt'ov- n I -it -tie f o- 1 t loO barnniu! to te tnui. l i i our n w i iin-l.-KMe. It e..n1al nil JiinU I I'i.i i tore. Cm net. Kal.y i'Krriin;eM. I'e f nir TBtoo. Sf mi, Ke ev I. irt, I'etl'liMir, . 'iuik'-. h- n Iteiie.n'e. V -u arfpttlmr Imul lieniern rtaii our pra-". Iirop u p. .-! f- r gr nt tliotu y : le if e tIM l " 1 1 w hu it t man free of u I eti i . 1 hi rh ti e mtimirneliirer in 'I ) u will nmke ttie bitr tu ottts vou are it- w i ayiiitf your i loeii i ea em Julius Hincs Son, ffc jfejfT jJjr if. j- s, I HERE IS i A SNAP. tOrThi'lMllv lunl Ymi kiiniv Ihe n-l. MEYER IS Openinn ii lame lot ot' STRAW HATS, and simple MIOKS w hich he is not I GIVING 'AWAY hut in srWtlK at liall nl lirl s, 11 i illt; iliiv I STRAW HATS. yjr. &. liy tlui thoiiaml. Kii-rvlioilv ulile tu haxe a niiv liat at mill pril'i'. Aim line line ISSUMMER DRESS GOODSg Silks, Ch.'viiits, Xalile Damask, Curtains, liil, linns, Iiirss Trim- dK minus, ni iii: v t liiitii yuu ask lur. I M' lit GROCERIES fl'IO 8 CONFECTIONERIES nt priei's I.iwit ill in ever Conn, in am) examine nt v stuck. n ft IqPRiNG ; v OPENING 8 ,(: J Special Ilisjilay of t!4T$$ BofiliEJS ' ' f And Millinery Novcltits, - O lie sure to attend. o I MRS. W. R. HART, ootl.", ly Roitnoke Kiipids,N. (', B.P.8ALK, WM. I.INN, , roprieUtr. .Manager ; ; ) MANSION HOUSE. ' BOTH ON illlCAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS, I Union Streot, NORFOLK, VA. 5 f i itK mTni' A (V t ENFIELD. N. C. There a fto One Tin "hi hiHin' is deserted ami there's m em- li int; there; And tin MiiiH et'w leek and ruin are ahmit it every wlirre. The Maiden nil havr la lien down, the meat Imusi- all i u;om-; And tlinnii;li the luoki'ti windnw-t, day and niht tlie wild winds moan The paling all liave rotted oil', the yard show htek of eal'e, I 'ur 1 hi' old home is diverted, and tlu-re's no one li inn tln-re. The ftoc' yotir liom tin kitiln-n, whne in happy iLtys nl utd i hoi i ied in to n.inti me, w hen the at'lei -r.u.ms wcii-ciild, iniir ax- t h' luunt odon wliiiii in 1 liuse davs MM-d to reel The men !iIk ,t- tlx y win tid, while, Kit ty li o d the meat. And the tin 's mil in mother's ntoiu. the room up t he stair - Tot the Old pl.tee Hilesrlted, alld tlleies II H' livinu these. HER ELOPEMENT I 11.1, 11 U 1,11c I. .ul j'l-t mini' til Ml- Mim rv.i S ii.'l r-i4i M iiiinarv. Sli- wa : j Mir) ri-l i - a ru-li to a i- ri"-r . i' j tin- imhiii nun ui tin' car i, wiili ' an cx, :aiii.i!i.ni i T "lli'ii- :ii itn- I' l I you ami lnr im'," Imli illl'U' I i. ili i-. Aiinth.T .sirl, with a lit Liick , i.iiiilI.i j i In r .ii. u o;i.'l). A imt In r Julius Inly thus Mi-s Whit,: "I'i.hlv. tilt- rll.llllh 'lll'aiil, ut.iti. Si.i 'll nil 1 1 1 1- ! v o Viiu ail 1 I riiiL' iIh iii up i n ih,: i I'.-lalU' ,. i... ll lillV-nl li'llrll In iv " 1 hav ' 1 hav, n't any l-v,' ii,H,'rs. nn l.ivi i." Mii'l II l, ii. Ii!nliiiiu'. ' V,,nr ma is 1 rti't , i mi " th tl.,r. "Will, y.ai'll hav ', Kll'l I . I . -1 1 T y 1, -l.ir,' iiu v,' In. n h'Ti' is in mill-." 11,'lrii li-t,n,,l l i th,' ,',i-llr-, whiih h,T ('"iniiaiii'iiH iliil nut h,'-iial,' In r, a, I aloii,!. SI,,' , v, n h, l niiu ul tli,' i:ir!s t,, iin-wcr hers, ami she relireil 1,) ihe li-1,1 ,,1'the Imiu- wax eali,!!.' In nM'l hrrse.t' le sl ',' nViT a jiieee nl' literature l,y Millie l'lei.ch ainlmr. SimIiwih'1 amw Hl'e lijimi lleleti Whit, a life her muther little dreamed of. She aUi tlirteil. She alsn siiliseriheJ tn the lihr iry ami read had Kreiith hiints hy the senre. Tn nne ,,f lu r lidiiiiri-r-. whn signed hiiii.-elf "I'arlns," she wmte as a irl ullht si.ueely Wlite tn a In trollled InVer. Mrs While was d,li-hle,l with Hel en's i r. '(ires-. Miss Minerva pive hera vnlimie, ''The li'.lide tn Ynlllni Ladies," as a iriz l,r line di i iriineiit. ami iinhndy had any sii-iiei,ii that her head was lull nf n,n, sense and In r poekets lull ul hue lelieis I'rnlll au utter stlaner, tn wllnlli she had niven vnws nf eternal emi-taney, nut ex aetly in hlaek and while, fur hlaek ink w is vuled vulgar at Minerva's, hut in purple. At last the climax arrived Curies ul) Ted his hand and heart, and beed ..r 10 t'uif with llllll. She read the lettir aluud tn Kinllia, lluse, ('iraee and Maria, and all in a Hui ter hered lln ir adiee nn the matter. " lie s iys he's a lnince," said Helen, with n l'Iuiv mi her eheeks, "and, yuu kil ,w, nf emirs", I'll he a priueess if 1 marry hi'n, an I. ,,l euuis , we shall invite yoilt, uiir e.i-ile. List ni-ht I met hi in I coaxed liidly In waleh and let him in ami he wis all wrapped up in a cloak. Hoi he w is -plendi I. He has a foreign accent and a hlaek inu-iai hi ." 'Oh," cried Maria, "1 live a ,,r ii:u pt,lii-ed In run anav Willi A4. When the appetitp faiU there i nn f Hi liyintl tn temiil llic pnlate w ilh lt ili-ale fuuil No mallet how r,i,I and well cuUil .mil ' appetiinK " Ihe fuuil may he. it raneol ri e auv limn i-ltni, til unli .s the stoma, li is able tu ihtiiM it Natuie imlicHtes the st;itt nf tile eutlslituliMii hy the loss nf appilUe This is an unfailing in,iciitut It sln,. that sntnethini; is fnmlHliit tilnlly ti,e with the nutiilive fululiuiiH The unlv tine tialiual n lii f nuist r a e.uch,ntf itti,l fun, lam, nt.il as the tiuntile tl aims tu ,.u i, ,,iu, ii is (in tiit.iiiiiKli tin n .rareliiiiK ch.uat ti r nf ir I'tt tee's (',,,1,1, n Mtilital Hist, ,, iv. whi.h c-ti- Ihe mar velnlis fthtilev 111 all bllinus ami tllif.tlep dilheilltifs It cit ales that healthful vitality (if the t ntite ilitrrstivp ami nultitive u,(iin. ism whirh firmlucrs bmh the tiatiu.il ,1, lie fur fuuil anil rtte uiKanic eapacitv In Hssinii late anil ttansfnnn it inlti tinnrishing. reviv IfyintE hluuil anil healthy tissue It Rives appetite, digestion and snund sleep, and builds up Milid muscular Miength and vital nerve . encrttv H II Thiitnpsnn. si) , of P O B,n 4 Kipple, Blsir Cn . t'ctiii a, wtitt-s " I h,l Ww trm,l,lcl with exlrrmr vniinluin in sum, net ant-nni. . w.ys allt-T eat ink limi to t,e vtiy furfful 111 timet In Kt ,1ni tiling to Slav ,m niv stnni.t h at all had tiri-ii tiiWtna nthrr inetlii itit s. tint without eflrrt. I hear,! a frlpiul sticak of lr I'lfrcr's Col.len Medttal IHsmverv. nml thonjtht I wnulil jive it a trial I ust-,1 alinl fit t Ihitll, snf it ami think it Is the only ill, -lit iiit that ili,l me biiv jtnnd as I ha any Ineuieiiie at ,,, ,1111,1 Hpnriuc now. ami am not iisiiir all and don't think I need auy more. A man whn is stiff. Htisr ftotn thf frtl effects nf constipation doesn't feel like work, and can't even enjoy his leisure nnurs. in- t ierce s rieasant 1'ellcts are a sure, awift, safe, ami permanent cure for constipation. Thev are tiny, suiiar-coated granules. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, and twn a mild cathartic. The never gripe. Dishonest druftKUt try to get you to take a substitute fur the aake ot me adaeo pront. accent: And I've CB ' Living There. l.onn ajo the linlit let't motlu-r's eyes, and we laid her down tniet, in 1 1 1 1 i -t and unhrokeii steep 'neath tin- ilTvt ii eaith's grassy hreast; LoiiL' a no the nest was hroken uji, ami each one went his way, To seek his tort line tar alield, and I, ahum to-day. Stand ami view the pot wheieoiiee I roam ed, a hoy without neare, Ihit tiie old Imuie's now- deserted, ami there's no one living there, No adly now, I turn aain to where the nn-at world lies, With its stinnnles and its lnudens, hut the tears are in my eyes To see the wn-ek wlnrh lime has wrought w ith what I lowd so well, A ml some t li inn i 'isrs in my t hroal and seem- to i hoke ami sw ell, Tor -ooii theie will not he a traee ot' w hat whs pasMiin lair, lire the old home was deserted w hen we all were livinn there. ll I III li, liii'lll," n.ii.l ,.,.. S;IV inu will l- s-in- In Ciirivi! U", ami hr'. awl'ully rii-h. Ami. "Ii.hmv I W, sirl!" Aii'l whilu Mri. Wliih', niiiiiii; with a 'h ar t'ri -nil whit als , hail urnwn ilaiuh- teis, hut whn kept tin Mil at home, cun iratul.iteil hers'lf, in dear Helen hein safe at sehuul, this afhrtiunate daughter . a paoiiiuc: up lu r small tuiuiiie in prep- aratiun fur flight, aided anil ahetleil hy the four yum: ladies t win isi! example hurrii',1 tin she owed sn inuch. Out int, 1 the niunuliht y,,uriu uiri. The white hi niiis -hnwed her pr, Ity, fnuli.-h lin t: pallid as that uf a films!. She had never set lout in the sired alone at such an luuii hclhre. A li rrur seized her a sel!e (if her own w icked ness. I'cih.iis she would have turned hack hut that a lijure in a clunk came at the tin 'in. - tit from a shadow uf a porch and si i. d her hy the arm. "Ah, my own Helen!" said a voice. It was Carlos I'rince Carlos her own prince. Away they drove, how far Helen did not kiiiiw. Suddenly the arm that 011 circlid he was withdrawn and a voice said: ''Look here, youn wmiiati! No noise! 1 11 choke you if you try tn scream. You have your witch and jewelry with ynu, I hope, and the money yuu promise to coax from y,,ur mother. Hand I hem over." ''Oh, it is nut my Carlos! " cried Helen. "Oh, what shall 1 du?" 'It if Callus ut least il is the man you ve heeii correspondini; with," said the voice under the hat. "Hut I'm no prince, and no hiishiml for vmi. Hand over (lio motley and jewelry ami I'll not hurt you. I haven't much fancy for an idiot who would run till' witli a man she didn't know. Hurr)! I'm wailins:!" She j;ave her purse, her watch ami all her small possessions to the rohher, who, with a loud laui;h, u'athercil ihctn up nml jumped nut ul the carriage, calliiii; In the driver: "Take that jiirl hack to the school, lultn, will ynu?" Miss Helen While stnnd nn the dm r sti p of Miss Minerva's seminary icjaiu, hut not alune. With her slum tin driver in a luriniis rant. He MVure he would he paid, and lano the hell am haltered the dour until uot only ihe ser vants, hut .Mi.-s Minerva and four and twenty scholars appeared in I he hall and on the stairway in all sons uf impromptu drapery, and, haviuu' decided that it was neii her fire or liiunlcr, opened the d. . . I. 1. 1 1 M : :. 1 1 ' iiui'i .'iiss n nne ami iter unor) co'iipatiinn. Miss Minerva, rceuonizinu her scholar, darted lurwaid, rescued her, sl; tied the .1 :.. .1 ' . , . . u iiie man s taee, order, ,1 the s, r vanish, ".Hard it. ami asked for exclain- tiuns. I'he explanation ended in a swrn, 11 on the part of Miss Minerva and hysterics on that of Helen White. The next inurnino Charles stood hcl'ic his sister with a peculiar expression mi his face. In her lap she held a packcl ul letters which she hail perused. "My deal' sisler,". said Chaile', "all is as I have stated, and il is as well thai. 011 tint part of a 1.,'iillciii in, it was all u piece of nctiiiL', Helen was in earnest, and has no id. .1 lh.il lot Idlers hoic Irom Inr uncle. That he, in a niustaelieaml c'n.,k eloped with her, ami wound up the all'iir by ruhhinn, her, ,,r that the driver was his old friend Winter, whn has dauhlers of his own, and who prumi-ed to wind up .1. - ir : .1 , , .- . me un.iir in 1 110 must ilrccilul manner ill e .1 pussiuie. iouiiiusi, However, pnniho utc to send for Helen tniiiuiurriiw, and to keep the truth of ihis nll'iir a secret, so that It may he a lilelouo lesson to hi t." And it was not until Helen was mar ried that she learned that her love affair, elopement and desertiun were all eairied on by her uncle Charles, who knew what the result of boarding school flirtations utiltl be New York Xewa. "I noticed you weren't in church on Sunday. I hope you were not indisposed "Well, I was averse tu goinj;, if that's what jou aeau?" A HAUNTED HOUSE. Straw limir An J A Siraim l.knlii It. Mnr The peuisoii cxaiuiin r who had In , 11 on duly in a southern state, was in Wa.-h iiiiituti for a wet k or two, as i- the ciisloin aiiinnu that cla-s of puhlic servants, and he was Icllinu of what he had seen and li, aid in his hailinick. "Oh yes," he said, in response tu a iptery, "llnre were 'ha'uls there, f r where arc they imt wh, re the dukey pr, vails? Hut the real e.hs uf ihe whole 'el loll waslli all old house klluwu as llai y Hail The old Innis,: was nearly a linn lied years H, and as far hack a- the people ei.iild tviin iiilier it had ihe reputa tion of hi-inu haunted. Thi reputation hail piimarily rowti nut nf the fact lhal Hie uf ill,' jjretlt 10, Ins nf the hull-e 11 door leading siiinewhne which had nev, r been opened, as lar as known, and which resisted evci v 1 11 rt In npni it. flic in, mi was waiiiscntnl in uak m ail) to the ceilinu, ami this ,,,ur was mil) nlmtit six feet ltiuh ami three feet wide, ai.d sceiucil appluptlatc lis tile elltranc" In a secret chaiulier. It had heavy iron liiii'-' s 1 11 tl a heavv iron latch and staple, eaten ply hy tli rust, when I saw it. 'In response tu a sip.'L'e.stiuii Iroui the owner uf the place, who was shuwin tne over it and tollinu tuc the -tory ofita uhust, I mad,: an ill orl t,, "el . ,hir open, both hy pulliiiL' at it and by jailliii" my shoulder atiainst it and tiushiii'.' with ill my strength. I even went so far as o rii; it kind nl a clumsy jack a"ain-t it to force it open, hut it refused to liudc an inch. 1 could tell that it was a well made door by the sound it ".uve fi.rih when pounded on, hut there was no reas, u apparent why it should nut open to reveal what was on the other side ,,f it. 'The story was not a very weird nne. ciHi.-i-liie' miistly nl (he ruinur that nn i lain niehts this dour opened and a fur nier mast, -r nl the hou-e came loriii to wander about. He had never dene any larin or any iruod tn anyone, and nn the whole tip, "host stnry whs rather lame. but the dour was there, and there Was a tnvsterv ahniit that which was still unsolved ttimuuli all the years. 1ist year the uwm r of tin1 house, at 111)' suuocsllull, opetle,! tile ulil hail lor uiniuer boarders, and I ied the van ami took the room with the mysterious d.,oi in it. "Matty's the tiieht I've sat and watch d that door, and olien nf luoiiiiliehi ni.'bls I've sat in the open windnw. wailinu tu see if the sweetness iftl.e southern summer niht wuulil nut tempi the old master t, i wander, hut hcut vtr cime forth to meet me. ( )ne tiieht, thuueh.eaiiic the revelation of the mystery. A curtiin in one of the windows of a win:; uf the house was blown into a candle flame and live minutes later lire was rapine. Half an hour later the tire was out, but the winj; adjoininu my room lout lust its upper halt, expnsine the wall uf the main huildinu. In the repairs that followed this wall was partly removed, ami it was shown that the inys terious door was nut a dour hut merely a juke on posterity, played by tin- oriiina! proprietor, who had a heavy pie, f o.,k put in the waitisc itinu, and had carve it with bis own hands to resemble a ,.ni The Innufs and latch he had put in I carry the nick to the very end That door," concluded the narrator, "by acini measurement was fourteen inches thhk ami solidcr than a stmte wall, snthai it was no wonder nobody could ever open it." Washington Star. A. 11. I'aller, with K. C. Atkins Co , I ndiatiapulis, Ind,, writes: "I hat never bi'fore niveii a testimonial in tin life. Hut 1 will say that for thtee year we have never been without Chamberlain' Cube, Choi, ra and liarrhocu lieim dv ii llie lintise, and my wite wnu'd as soon think of b'ino; without flour as a In of this Hetuctly in the summer se:e We have used it with nil three of our children and it has never failed lo cure nut simply slop pain, but cure absolutely It is all riolit, and anyone who III will find il so." For tcile by W. M. Cohen, YI,n J.N. ltruwn, Halifax, lr. A. S. Ilaiii sou, Kiilield. "An alloWiiiu'c is sntnethiiikilike a hie cle." "How so?" "A man can pill hi wife on it hut he can't ni ike her slay it." Tetter, Siill'ltlieuiti ilnd -('?(Miiil. The intense iteliine iiii,lsinartitii;,iiicl (lent to ttiese diseases, jsiiistitntly nllny In- iiiiiilviiit. I'h.'iiiibetliiiii s I've :i Skin Hiiitineiit, Miiiiv verv lunl casi hitve heetl erillitnentlv cured l,v it is eitntillr ettiiieiit for lti hini,' piles nn it favorite remedy fur sore nipple cliiiiuieil linn, Is, i iiillilxins, frost bit Hint chronic sure eves. s.i ( ts. per box Ir. Ontlj'a Cuiiilitioii l'uvtilors, un just wlmt it horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and yi'nnidiis'c. They nre nut fond but medicine and tlie best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price i"i cents iter package. l'orsale bv W. M.Cohen, W.-ldon. ,1. N. Hrown, Halifax; Pr. A. S. Harrison. Knlield The most utterly lust of all days, is that in which you have not once laiiohed. OASTOniA. JOSEPH'S CANAL IN EGYPT, n I iiiiia'iiiu Wiiik lh.it N Mill I ninl UkT I our I h"UauJ 1 i',ik I Inw in my nl the eimineerin works ,,f the nine;, cnih century will there be in exist, lie,, in the ),-ai lillllll? Very lew. wv fear, and still less those that Will cull tilllle ill lh.it tar oil a",' to serve a II-, fill purpose. Vet there is at least one "real undertaking fniiecivtd and ,xeeul,il ly an oiioitn er wlii, h during ihe spa I I.OHII Vi ills, I,;,, never Cea-i d ils uttiee nn whii h the hie ul' a felloe proline.' a!,-,. bit. ly ,1, p. mis today. We tel'er lo the It.ilhr.l lU.-siil -ihe eaii.,1 , ,1,,-ipl, - biiili, , il i nr to tradition, by the son of .); h, and which e litm.- n I ihe lea-t of the many l,le..ilos he e .,l.-t, it on Ki'Vpt iltiiiu the years nf his j,-,,-1 ,. r lill- I'll!,'. This canal look ii- rise Ir nn llic Nile at Asitit and ran almost puallel with it r neatly 'Jn'l miles, cr, opine alone id, r the west, in dill', if ihe Nile valley with many a bend and winili;i', until at th it e-iiti, d an eininei , as i-ompar, d with the titer le ,1, which maided it to turn wistwaid tliruiili a narrow p is- and liter a ihsttict whii'li u.is ollni wiso shul ll'lionithe feiliii.ino fl u uls mi which II Veeetatiull ill Kjypt ih petlds. ' The orthel'll end stood seventeen feet ah He W Nile, while at the soul hem ' lid il Was illl iiplal elevation with the liv, f Tin, nioli this cut tan a pefenni.il stieaiti hich walerol it pruvinco nameil the I ":ij iHitit , ciiduwino ii with ferliiity and uppurtiiiL.' a lai-oe pupul.ttimi In tin time nt thciiunut! H ind a 01,-11 part ot the canal was under water, and then the rivers ciirient would 111-I1 to a 111,1 direct cnuise into the pass, earrviiiu' with the rich silt which takes the place ul manure and keeps the soil in a constant iteof productiveness.. All ibis, will: the exception of the tradition that Jose 1 uill it. can he verified today, and it i: ,t mere suppnsiii 11 or minor. I mil eieht years aju il was linnlv b, lieved that the (lesion has always b, iiiitedloan inioatioii scheiiie, lao,. ii'Utit, than that now in operation hnwn by the traces ufabiiu, loned caliaU ml by the slow iieoreoatinn of wasic ater, whicti had accuinul it, d in tl hirket el I l lerillll, hilt still es-oili.i!lv th, line in character. Ma:iy aecuiiuts I been wiiili u by lire, k and IS, ,10:111 hi-i nans, such as llerndotus, Sir.ibo, Mini anil- ami I on .', an I repeat, 1 to in mki-u ml-, or p unravel in the maps ul 1 1,, Idle ao -. which a.-rced with tlir ure ul the ,ii-irn'. I ln-e 1,1 lined that tin- canal c 1 n by ll ancient l-r.ie.n,s ,-,rv,d t, enrv the iii plus waters of the Nile iiil, 1 an exl ii ite lake Kii, r sollth nl' lb., V. ,.,, I 0 lar.'.' that it not only modified lb, climate, teiupcriiiL' the arid winds ol'ilu desert and eoiiveitinu lb, in into balmy airs which rmuiishcd the vines and olives lulu a fulness an, laoraiicc known in any part of the country, but al-o added to the food supply ,1' the land s l li iiii'ien-.' iptaliililes ,, li-h that tin ).n 'er..'a:ive I ihe nlil '.I pi-e.HA tlie or,..,! weir wa- va. iiel at .;J. ill. 111111 Illll'laOV. I his 1, ie was s n l to be I. ill r. .Ulid an t to be l:a, i j.a!, , bv tl' I 1, ss,.s. ail I tlie Whole clreull l.'li II ', W ,s the .scene of indu-M v plu-pellli. 1 1' I Kill I'.ll.l, 1 illl t r i'i ( kati:. miss your duct, r. Why ilid ),,it (ii Miss Spriohlly?" Iliad live preset iptions from him in d there was not a bicycle in one ,,l them." They thai know UOlle. JokitiL' ufieii lost ; tins an eiicinv. liiclld. id HeV, r l.li i li ie Hitters. I'.lt . trie Hiiieis i- a medieine suited for any s. s,n. but p-'vli.ii in ire e;,,i),.i-rijv lilt, led when the hiliullhl, (xhall-tid liieino pi, taii-, when the Imr i- torpid ami sltuosh and the pee, lot a 1, nic and a'tetaiive I- I, h A pmnipl 11-e ,,f thi hi, 'die tie has , lien aveihd luii am) perhaps l.uai hi i ,,i-fev, r- No medicine will act inofe sui. U 1 11 i' ni ti I el act in o and fr.vtili 4 the st, tu 1 1 "111 ihe lli.il.inal put 'tl. Ilea, I, I, he. 1 l.'li ." -I i II. C,,n 1 j , ,n Pi.:m s. yi.1,1 in Iv.-, nic lim.rs ."nic and t!l no pel hoiti,. at W. , Cuhcii's P,o Mote. Van P..b:,:, I ,,,- I sold ii ye-t t I ty." You are a u, nius!" Is ii, ,al l.-llot - -t picture. -' lm ice, i? 'There's pn ii-e 1:1 ta'kln.." s,is V. 11. ltruadwcll, di ii.'oist, l.i C)oiic, Kas , 'Chanih, rlani's t'ulie. Cliul, ra and Piat rhuea Heniely does ihe woik. Al'tir talkint: Ineditiins nf ti,y own prepatalioli ami those uf oitiers' I look a dose ul Chainbet Iain's and il helped tin : a second dues cured tne Candiiv and cniisci etiliui.sy 1 em n cnii, in, ml it us lie In -t thine on Ihe m iikot " I'l,,. !UlJ ,u c, nt si.es l'ur sale by W. M. Chen. Weldon. J. N P.rnwn,' Halifax, Pr A. S. Ham son, Kutield. "lias tl,,. imp irdoiiable s discoveii'd?" "Yo-; ii is sprinklii o tacks on it bicycl. in ev th" e path r been net of CABTOniA. Til f- ? tntffta. TRUE CHARITY. Ili,i! Uhith I- KMnnfli.j jiiJ I'tiKtisd ty li In lr,Ji,i Jiij -hif.in India, which has no p,, r law sy-tein. i- the heme nf lite ideal rcluiotis, metaphysical and doincstit tu an ex lent which makes those ridiculous who speak nl lu r creed,, a- ijimrant, or her inhabitants a- "heathen." You nev, r sec any but the nm-t wrelelud Woin, 11 beojin I.. I' aim- Ih. re. Why'.' The explanation prove.- bow t h-vated. even il llli-takell. the aV, l.l', ' llio 1 11 s, l,-e is of Ihe I pie. Kvciy w, ,1111111 not d. f. ru:,, I or an outea-i, ,,1 in-auie al leii-linth, Itijher cn-les .. In- 1 11 heiruih, d at au .ii ly j;,' t,, a boy, wl household lllelieefol U li d a,"J 's . r , Utility. If the Intle hii-liaiid dies In fore ,,r diiiino marriaee the ,li-a-l r i-, r'aid, ,1 univel sally as the penally fur -ins cuinniitied by the female in a pu t 1,11-life. The widow 11111-1 sutiuiii, and will stil.mit. tint marry ilo ao;illl, but hopilio, by palieuce, lo rejoin her lord alter death, and his family will 11 11 1 i i her demise lo)ally support lu r for his sake. Practically lb, si' view- oL tain illl over the land, and as every female child becomes betrothed all women are ih finitely provided lor. If the rash adorer of certain crude n former- could have ils will and alt"r ibi so as lo plumule tlie reman bo-' ,f Hindoo widow- all ihn-ewhu l,ec;iin,' wives for a second time would liml neither uf the twn alii, d f.unili, s willing 1,1 sustain a wile heloiioin in the next world or two husband.-, or to none at all. Ile-idcs ibis, the - ntiiiictit uf ihe bhau bund, or blood relatioti-hip, is all powt 1 ful in ihe land, and n, v, r repu, li lted. As also in Japan, wh.-re there arc no p,,r laws and nn paupeis, the lies ,,f kin-hip are every where acknowledged, diseharoed and repaid, and the hou-ehuld cakes w ill be distributed In all whn put forth the claim uf poverty hiiiio, r and relationship. Add tn all this that chanty is nut much a virtue in I lid i 1 as a habit , a reiicinus licce-sily, an imli-pen-alile pa-spurt tu further tiros perous existences, and it will be seen why India in a most tender and cfl. ctivc man iter fulfills the law which Christians only, or piincipa'ily, talk about. Sir Kdwaid Arm .Id-in North Ann li, -an Hevi, w. i iiii m rit 1 11 1 y 1: lit Mr- Win-luw's Sooihino Syrup has been u-. d lor over titty years by niilliuiis ul tllntlliTS l,.r cliildi. 11. while tcellliliu, will, perfect success. ll soul lies lite child. snfteiis 1I11' e;inis, allay- all pain, cures wind culie and i-lb,- 1,,-t remedy lur Piaiiluca. It uill relieve the pour little -nil, rer 1111111, dialely. S td by drutiitists in e ry p nt ,,l the w,,rld. 'J.'i cents a I le. " He sure and a-k for "Mis. Wins- low'- Sooihino Suup." and lake no oth .rkii.il Ktli, 1 --" Po y.11 I,,-, i. vc iu p tlinistr) .'" Ma'.el "Oh. it's al! riL'ht for a starter, if the fellow's -by." A 1Y KIS'ITSKM KNTS. Absolutely Pure Celt hi lled lor ils cl eat le.lVi liilie strep. and It, .1 1 1 hi II I in A lllesllie I I.ioilllsl alum and all Int ins nf adulteration rum Itinn tn the cheap brands. liny l. IllKIMi I'OWhKli i ll,, NKW VOKK The Weldon ii WELDON. N. C. Stay-1 ii is ii mi:ts, s.i's(ii:,-'j ariCE! Full lint- FANCY i i l!U'FKI KS, KKl 1 1 aiiil t iinlrrt i.nuTit'.s. Nucliiii'urCilirinni.i Piii-tl FrniN, Pnnie 1't .t. In-, rlc , cle. r nil 1 1 nt nl -French Canflies. t'ry-t.ilic I'nnts. Cicain Aluinmls nm Maishiiiiillnus. Aeelits tnr l'leis M. L. hnian's cunipiesscil yea: MAURY, Manatrer, net 1. 1 II. Monuments and Tombstones. HKSItiNSSKXT FliKK. Ill niitilli; tiive snnie limit as price ami state hoc nf ileceaseil. 1. lit. l-'.siT S'I'liCK In the .l I, tn select I'riiin. COUPER MARBLE WORKS. I Kslablis'.eJ 1SIM.) lf.H to Iti:! Hank sl., Norfolk, Va. uov a ly. taw POWDER Market S; Ice Co NKW ADVKItTISKMKNT: KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word RllttULAl OR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. frothing else is the same, ll cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can he easily told by their Tradk Mark - the: red z. LOOK IffilE ? nt nm u Y'irir For Lean Men! Fat men ! Tall men ! Low men! Come and exam ine my stock be fore buying elsewhere. A Down Fall in prices of Clothing, Shoes, and Dry Goods for the next 10 days. DRESS Gents' Furnishings, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Call and give me a trial. Satis faction guaranteed. I'Uiih'KSSKiSM. CI .'i.v. k M Ml I.l.KS, I' L 1. K N Ai WU.TRK K. IUNIIL I) A N 1 K L. M ,1 TTohWKYS AT LAW, Wki.ixin, . ('. l-i'ftflii'0 in llwcoiirtftif MMlifMi hii.I Norttiamp , i unit in Uii' SiiiirfnicHii.i Ki-'Iith! t tmrtK. i inn. niHilc in ullptirlnnf Nmlli ('nml inn. Branch uttic Ht HalifHS, N. nncn t'Vi'ry Mon jhii 7 ly 1v DU. T. T. KOSS, 0; DENTIST Wchl.in, X. C. Ctaynnice mer r.niiy tSi I'ierce'sstnre. lo-lu-lv. J)R W. J WRDV. Snrpon Dentist,- KNFllXI, N. C. Wanted-An Idea S 'rt.tPi't vtmr l.)i'a' llic in:ir lirliij; yt.u Wfnltli. Wrlti- JCHIN " I llr. 1. 1 i," ItS m. I'fit. nl Altnr i.t-VB. Wtii'iui- 11. li 1 ., f'-r thi ir l,i iirijo t,ft ami HhI f lu tiumirt' l l.t wtnioni wautt'il. 1 II 11 M HII II It l( llllll IOiHMIIH II II HUH ll M ll It II MM Vl l II ll ) l It li HUH () W.T.PtfiKEIi, drWKIilHlN, N. IT..I l.l' It I . Gom.HaySsOats ffOO f)'Kr0)(MH(i--MtiVi)HK)tKKU(tO'H'HHKHkHKiWOO iiin StEgRltti at s u GOODS! FREDLANDER'S. : : GRANT : : special (INI V & VUUi ,- lluilt just ihe way you want it. Cp tu dale, cjiarunlccd iiiuh (jrade wheel. LICHTRUNNINCAND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All I'olnrs ami all styles for tnen, ladies and ebildten. jpf Just 11s trnnd as a bicycle you would pay 81IHI fr elsewhere. Sainnla I- i wheel on cxliihitiun at ,1. L Jud- H kins' (ir o- H. L. GRANT. Agent. ' ' -- a .- r" j a.a a,-. ILime forks llaiiulaelureniof BLUE ItlDUE HYDRAULIC ROSENDALE CEMENT. (jiuranltMMl fttmohitc-Jj: hydraulic. We quote IirUHdi'llvcri'd m any iwtlnt In the Houth. AU Cenn'nt U'sU'il. nd utrennlh. nnlftirmJirin coliif. burning mid grinding K'f"ti. Write for CncM r. i, n.irew ni.i.K nlLHiK HPRINUtf . 1 i

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