L -r. .- II Ma 0 JOHIsr W. SLEDGE, rnornirroK. .A. ITEWSFJVFEI FOE THE IPEOFLE TERMS:fi. I'Kit ANN I'M in amamf. VOL. XXXII. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .IULY S, IS!)7. NO. 11. 1 I 11 W ll I ttr V, 1 1 ' sa hssi CSSSSI 4 ADVEHTISKMKNTS. g Do You Use It? -v.'ss'ss It's the best thing (or flic hair under all circumstutu-cs. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his staturo, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Aver's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. No. 8. &1M Onk rTtfnfon TaWt El hb eil lik- h i-iihi" min mi tnir-'-ive p). Tin four mi Mule I rJ " ri' oninw' eil. hmeetl ati-1 Hue y m tiiuncntt'tl. Ir mi'SHurt'H i.i 4'J lii lirt l.-'ii clniifi) n i tiloet lOUK wln'ii "('H'ii'1. Sikh-lu 1 I'i Ice, S3. 35 (Orders promptly flllril. ) The Imv m Mit out i f o- r l'OO barnmU! to N fMiml hi ' nr iiw citti- loKUU. It CMlltHHl H,i K 1 1 Kti-'l- tun), t'RrHtn. H.ihy .in tiiv1"' (riirt'rator. Stn Fi rv 1. r -t Hwl'lmn, Ss'Huif-, ! n Hen . i-v. V-l lire jwylnir I- il'Me i i.' t prkvs. Droit u . ti I k . nionoy-uv in rntHiijru' tilt h w tnall frt(Mf nil chHritr-t. IV'ti l'h the oiaiiufaomri'M ami j u will rrmkp tho biir pro il t you art) m-w guying jruur local dealers Julius Hincr-A Son, "ITS. HERE IS a- n n m n A SNAP. You know lliu nwt. I MEYER IS 1 af OpfDinit a large lot of sample STRAW HATS, ami SHOES which he it not GIVING AWAY ?y hut i.H Helling at half of first ftcll J; ingptire S STRAW m m n n HATS. by the thousand. EvcrylHxly utile to have a nice li.it at small price. Also line lino ; SUMMER DRESS GOODS r Silks, Cheviot, Talile Danmsk, $f E Curtains, Kihboiis, Irw Trim- jfcjf i miutP, or auytliiiur. you ask fur. -ia f Full line IK GROCERIES AND $ CONFECTIONERIES at pricra lower than ever. Come in anil eiamine my stix k. S. Meyer, Ig t. ENFIELD. N. C. :nPRING U OPENING . Special Display of I And Millinery Novelties. Be sure to attend. o i MRS. W. R. HART, Oct 15 ty Roanoke Kapids.N. (.'. i. P. HALE, t Proprietor. WM. LIN'S, Manager MANSION HOUSE. I BOTH 0 MERICM UNO EUROPEAN PLANS. , f Units Stmt, NORFOLK, VI. SOUTHERN WOMEN. What They Found to Do In the Great Givil t5ar. A tlJark I ni vcrsity ."an Speaks in the I'irst Initarian Snoiay Sinnl Ironi the Stan j joint uf a Siiutlk'riuT. Won-ester (Mass.,i Daily Spy. l'rul'. A. I'aswell Klli, Chirk t'oi- versity, sun ol lr n, I,. r,ii, wlm was u niiMiilu r ul' the Ji-IV I'.ivis bciuii uf t'u' ('uril'nli'Mli' army in tin' w.ir nl' the re bi llion, ileliverrd an inti resting addnss liel'. re the Sunday School, of the l-'irst riiiiariiiiiCliuteli, Sunday uivinn iinoilier view ul' the war than Worcester people aecusloined to. lie talked of the strife from a Southerner's point uf view and described in a oraphie manner the work that was done by I he women of the Soulh wliiie tliu men were at the front. Anion!; other things lie said: The Southern women are said to have been tnoreentliusiiislic for the war than the nieti 1 believe the crusty old bachelors say iiis ih.-women ami preachers who stir up wars uny way At any rale, at the outbiir-t of the civil war none were more enthusiastic than the worn, n Moib crs, wives anil maidens encour aoed their sons, husbands and lovers to "n to the Irotit. As the companies and teoiments Were organized, the women met together to sew for the soldier-. Clotiiin was made; little comforts for camp life were added; Ha was made, emliroid- red, and at a bi; p iblie rec iiiion, wis iroeutcd by some woman with brave wolds uf conlidenceaini patriotism I'le-sio hack ihcir real sorro.v and I'e.ir, hi lin ih. ir pane's of parting, they eheere.l on their loved ones us o ,o 1 bye wor; s till, to s . many, alas, never to return uiin The lirst year or so moved on ipiiic comfortably in most ways, save fur the loss of dear ones from home. Nit si oreat sacrifices were demanded th oi and spirits were hih, for Mel) .well, Mct.'lell an and I'op ' hail d 'lie little b I IV,. Uently cha'iin llo ir h i. : of supplies, as Mel'lelliin eiliil it, and the ivoiieu W. re still pur-il id -d tliu ih' S oil :ier.l boy could whip a dozen Vankces, though now the niimher of d -iens was oettini: eieecdin .dy uiicouil'oriaiilc. liut soon al1 this was chi.ned. The I'uion army was victorious in the West, and while Lou was ho!Jin;his own in Viruinia, every South ern port was blockaded ly the Cuion navy Pint in-int tint th" peoph at home and the soldiers in tin! Held w-Te shut ill 1 1 oil! all supplies. Not ulllv Oould u sito.ir, tea, uor e H 'e, nor am of tin? luxuiiis ol life be brought into the South, but no salt, no tuedieitics, no food stuffs, no clothin.;. It was iuthis last two years of dire di-lrcss and want the Sour hern women rose to their true greatness They said to the. soldiers, '-Never surrender, li.'hi on an I wo will supply )out Wall's." The i! We'e no fact ities to make cloth in the S mill, and s i the e t tou cards and o I spill II I II wilee s ami haiet lo. iiii were It .n-ht down I'loii the Ultr-is Societies Were I or II d, the woiucu of all classes and coioli t ,iis of life uniting and patieutly cardin- and spinnilio au I weaviu-, and sewin-, day and uilit, they nude elolbe fur the naked soldiers. Their ritus, ear lilies, bracelets, piu- aud picciuus jcwcU were suld to the lew m ilidi ineii ul wealth tuot money to buy yam with which to knit sucks for the s . oilers. II its were platted of corn shu. ks and rye. Nous were cobbled to-. Hi, r I") the neoro shnes u nil sometliu.s by tne w.iui ti ih mselvcs IIiw manT lock their ttnublen anil sutblltiffs in their own hiatts and si lently endure misery and pain which wnuni caus stronir men to c t y out i u .IROIIV, The tutT r inirs of wotiirn i moi than half itulnown nml nn apprrcLittil. The iititinl si-iisilivct,i-ss of then Biltusui lay them halite t thousand exquisite loitntts w tilth toaisi-r nature tan never ixpciiiuce .-lontirihi-nii Ttle least il-ranjenifllt or disnnler of the delleatc slirci.il oiKinlsm o( tle li si x ou r wlu'luis rtie whole pliv-ict unit nuut.il I inn with weuktiess aih! wtrulintoi -s Hut it i a mi-lake to sniTu these lioubles II, silence 'I'Ih-v h, v h.- rr. . in lltf e feet privacy of home, without ttie icpuitti mt Mileal til examinations miu im-ai inai' ment," wlitih tbe faiinlv tlocior is uie to insist iinun No nhysicun in the world hs had a wider or mole successful expeiii nee in the tieat mcnl uf woman's diseases ihxn lit k. V Pierce, chief etinsultmic physician to the I'lerce, clut't etinsultmi pnysu-un lo iiie Invalids' Hotel and Sim-H al Institute, of Muttulu. N V. Ills " Fiii'urile Prt-scuption " I. a positivf cure fur the most oli.lui.ilv and comtdicated feminine dttTiciilticx It is the only mrdicinr of its kind pre pared by an etlucAtfd. kilted physician Mr J V Hnsnl. of imitii, T?m. wrilsx vy Wltc wxs hrnllv ultlirttst with innate wmknrss. U Irifsl Ihrtss of the htst phvsitiHtis in Ihe coualfv without Issnrlil nul il fts-at exins. Uv wile (Trw worse, ind w" if lip ll tc i(imr. Hhe coiiM not jrl in nivt imiI nl tlntirsi wtlhmil help, wm no nl'li to .imi.t mi her Ioiiit st a Inn?. tsMiiplaittM of .Itaeiilini -towi Smtis In Rhtlnmfn NolhinR hut An tmtimrtv rslh .rtnir.1 wr1iuii- htr. when hiippy thouvht ' Ihf name of lr llertse i-iun lo my nilll.l I wrote to Ur Tierce recelvtsl hi. attvlcr. followetl II, my wife improved perrrplililv Irom the firt two week'. trettneiil cnnllmied Ihe tremmenl m months ntt pronounced Ihe er tttmUtr. tt cost nf les ihsn one monlh'it Irenl tneal hy Ihe Imt phviicnn we employed helore coniultlne llr I'lrtce She used llr 1'ieree's Fa vorite Ptetrrtpllon ind the lotlom recommended by him II ha hern two yean liace, and UM oo4 Wlect la narauacal." A I'adlocked ilcart Hut mailers orew worse, food and clothini: r,'W scarcer and scarcer. When no more eloib was to be bad lit for bandages, lint was patiently scraped by the women. They lore up their liuest linens into baudaoes, which were sent to the hospitals lo dress the soldier's wounds. Their sheets and counterpanes and lint st dresses were soon to o1( the s.imt! way. I 'ti K ni ns were torn down for ho-piial spreids. All the richest brussels and iciiet carpels were ripped I rum the floor nml split into blankets for the soldiers. Homes were stripped of every luxury anil c unfurl. In place of llu ir line silks, the women proudly wore their r 'ti-h cotton homespun from their own hand looms. These were dyed with houie ii) nlf dye of berries, or roots, or herbs, or barks ol tiees. So expert did these delicate baiitls btvomc that it is said they lettned before tbe war was over to man ufacture almost any eolor desired. In place of tea and eollee they used parched rye and potatoes For siijiar they planted cane and in idesor-huin.the very dirt from under the houses in which sailed meat had been kept was duo up and boiled lo oet salt, so seaice had it become. These same delicate and refined women who bad been accustomed all their lives to the daintest diet and every comfort, the idols and -oddes.-es of the tr.tllant men, whose will was very law, who had ser vants to miiiistir to ilo ivevery want, who hardly even dressed I hem-elves, now did not stop at any labor Tiiey dried fruit while the old men unuael the slaves in the field. No saeiiliee was too reat, uo d tiller loo orave or hazird.us. Many times did learlcs Women p.is in ereat diuoer ''.etweeii t lit? nppisino armies, or eien o , into the I'uion tanks to hrin important news to their Confederate leaders. Not satislhil with labor, self de nial and a'liitist superhuman saciiliccat home, i bey even went into the tented field ol on the battle's perilous edee to iiiii'm' and c ire for wouudeii. The work done by these lunil-lerlii- an-cls can never be estimated, and it is to their eternal ulorv lh.it as I hey passed over the li Id after the h.itlle, they cared as t el derly fir the ( uii i ii soldier as they did for the Collieilelale Kvcrv ptivale home was open to the crippled siuiiet roirtrdless ol previous e uidllioti, and the fair s! and oelillest baud- did ali ib..l cuald be d uic lr his comfort. Alter a certain buttle, at Win Chester, from which you have perhaps heard tint I'hil S'lerid.in w is fortunately not uiort! than twenty miles away, a del- licitt! Vir-ini i L'irl w is on the field liold iiii; the heal of ii would 'I soldier in her tap wniie no.' siti-e ni wis "inn- nun reslorilives and biiid.i-inj his painful wounds. When he had linishul, the sur-e oil sal'l: "I hat man uuht live it he could s'ay in tint positii.n all tii-ht oet .-onie re-t without tienim; his wounds." "Then be shall," said the tiirl, and there uu that li 'Id of cam t-e sat that (;irl upon the (.'round throii-h the lonely ni-ht withmit ehaii-iu- her position. Such sicnh -es did the W"iuen make in those terrible d iys ii-v-t coin p ainin-, hut (,'loryin in their work. I'll ll - it was that ine worn n . t i lit S 'lit Ii n tv oil the aim and si uu iLited the uonriii'u of their soldiers in the field. while they so scorned the men who re mained at home while their brothers bled in battle, that they were adiauiud to show their laces. They had (u go tu war tu pet rid of tho women's frowns, 1 his is a sombre picture, you say. True inJeed, for these were sorioiiH times, and yet you must not think that all life was sal even iu these perilous hours. U is a stian-e fact of human nature thai it is only a step from a tear to a lau-h The youne folks enjoyed the uicetiiios and new experiences. It "nt to bo fash i table to wear hiiinespiiu, and uf course the women said il was the thitip. An elderly lady tuld me once that she would actually pit provoked with the people, especially the y jim-j pirls, for bcinp so pay and h ippy and lau-hiup so much al the sewin circle, ur tbiiikin- it such a frolic In mike eiily out of sor phutu and dates mil of ptTiiutuotis, and hold fairs an I 1 1 ileaut uu I llie.iln il- lo raise motley for the army. Hut a iiiore sirioiis look -rein illy eauie us iheir f.illo rs an I It llo r- w mid come lileediii and maiiii 'l fur die, nr as they lie.itd teporisol ihe .M llilil ,-,,iiih. in soldiers lyino ih ml with upliiroid foe. in the broilin--lii'v -uii mi il-th-leir; hills tiieti who had tint m iruin.'s i tear lessly stepped up the hluztnj t'cuietery ridpe tnoreliki' bri l.'uru em (o u wed line least than men plutipinp llirou-h run uf leaden hail, the smoke nl ihe battle, ib murderous shells mid into die I , . I mouths ul CaullOII llt'lchltlp forth a set I b I . tote l i . l i .i i ' ' '' " ""d Us'atll. o all, as hnplish spcakuip people, lit. proud of tho prsnd charpe uf the Lipid I Brigade at liulakluva, but we have inure reaauD, as Americans, to sinp of the 1 charpe of l'ettiprew'a liripade at Octtys burp. At liulakluva, the Ullll lust only I 222 men, .17 per cent, of her total, while tho 5tith North Carolina Kegiuicut of 072 men lust .VS.,, or Stl per cent, uf her total. In one company uf SI men. every man and ulliecr was hit and uo body bluudered, cither. Never was such desperate bravery shown uulesa. it waa perhaps when the brave 1'nion soldiers char-ed in the same way a-ain-t the irciiehcs at Cold Harbor, leavino liHMin dead in minutes. Hut 1 am ttanderiii- from uiy suhjecl. Soon to the fears of the women for their loved ones in battle and their own prcnt sacriti-'cs, was In be added the fear for their own personal safety from h urors, uiiuientioiiableth.it followed in the wake of Sherm ill's iuradinp army on hi- terri ble march tothe sea through I ieor-ia and the Carolinas, simply to d-slroy prupertv. If to the horrors of the d-striielioii of homes and property, such as Sheridan described ill I lie valley of Virginia by savin-; that a crow m- down the valley would have to carry his own provisions, you will tulil Ihosi! ol unprotected puis in the line of march ol an overivhelminp. coniUeriiip army followed by tbe iiiiiner oils kinds of knaves and cut thruais thai er lollowed such an army, you may know somelbinp of the mental an-iiish ol'those suHeriiip women. The nepro slaves were the sole protection to the hollies, and it is to their eternal credit that they did all in their power lo protect I aid the women iu this hour of dis tress. And when the war was over, when the Southern armies had been crushed and the weary aud broken hearted soldiers returned lo what had been home, the bouses and fences burned, all the horses nml catlle and fowls stolen or killed, the once fair lields prown up in bushes, no motley, nosei vanlsto till their fields, then did these same brave women cheer and support their discouraped loved ones, and join hands to make their hii-binds and brothers lis loyal upain as they hail been loup tipo, to tin! flap , if a reunited coun try hi: vio ii v Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and l'iar rhii'i lictnedy is the liest. 1 liecait-e it all'ords tiltnost instant re lief in ease of pain ill tbe stomach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. IScciiiso it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhiei. li. Hceaiise it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. I. It-cause it is the only remedy that will prevent billions colic. 5. lleeau-e it is the only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentery. I'i. Hec in--it i-the only remedy thai can always be depended upon in cases ot cholera infantum. 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine iu use for bowel complaints. S. Keeiiusi! it produces no bud result II. Heeause il is pleasant and safe lo take. III. Heeause it has saved the lives nl more people than tiny other medicine id (he wnild. The L'.'i and "illc. si, s. For sale bv V. M. Chen, Weldon. .). N. lir.iwn, Halifax, Ur. A. S. Hani SOU, I'llllirld ,1 1ST AI.ITTIil'MiKAVY. An Kt Confederate soldier of South Carolina Iclls this story ' I had a friein who was a chaplain iu our army a poid man, us such men should be. Several ol hi-i own church members were in ih' sime lepiai' iit. He kept a sharp eye 01 il-, and Iried (o train us iu the way w sho ild po. When we were lather short for rations some of the boys brought in a line yoiinp porker. 'Now, boys, that': wrung,' said he 'it is simply stcalinp, and you niipht not to do it.' 'Well, uur consciences dou't troubl us, ami vmir s won i trouble you when We pel this meat dukcd, y ol will want Some of it, too.' " 'No, 1 won leal it. I il as soon cat stolen meat.' " Hut we divided it anion- the boy: and proceeded to cook a ham in the best pos-ible style. The sun II uf it lairly in ide our tei'ih water, and when it was e inked we were more than ready for it. ' 'Till re's ii line piece, cut that nil fit the chaplain,' said one. "N", I thank vnu,' said he. 'I said I wouldn't eat it, and I won't, t .lit' pis-iu-; up his plate 'I I! take u lillli -I' the -taty ' " lletmit Journal. " ettrc, Sali-lttieiini nml l-a-jcnm. Tin' in! i 'Use ilcbitn? nml sum rt iiu?, inci tli 'lit to these diseases, is instant I y iillayei bv i!iiilvne' Cliuiiiliei'biin s f.ve am Skin I iti! inetit . .Many very luul case have le i n pernianeiillv curi d by il. I i'i eiiuallv I'llli iciit fur iti hinir piles nil a l.tviuile reiiu'tlv for siite niptdt'H ell.') t t letl hands, ihilMuliis, frnst hite and I'bfoliic sore eyes. 'Jolts, per lmx III'. Cailt'n Ciiiiililinii Ponders, lire ju-l vvliut a Imrstt iiftils when in Inn condition. Tunic. Mood l.m ili.-r urn vim inn tu:!'. I lu'V ni t' nut limit luit ini ilii ino unit the best in use tu put n burse in prime t'uuiliiiuii. Price 2o r package. de by W. M Cohen, Weldun; .1. hi, llulilax. I'r. A. S. Harrison. I N to hnli hi never bus a bad money,'' says i v 1 1 1 k I'liilosophiT, "who I'orpcts i able thitius of lilu." M . di. i l ull HM'.H KIKI'V VI'.tHI 1 r Win-, iw's Siioihinp Syrup bus been IW.I I'.t "i r filly years by millions uf uiolb r-l i 'hllilrcn, while tccthitio, with pi lfeel . - s. ll Soolbi's tile child, softens tin mis, allays all pain, cures wind colic, ai d is the best remedy lor lliuiih.i'.i ll will relieve the pour little stillerer mini Mutely, tvihl by drupiiists in every pun of the world. 2.1 cents botile, lie siir" and ask fur "Mrs. Wins- luw's Suuibinp Syrup," aud take no uth er km 1, MUSIC IN THE HOME. I.hiljivn !m Sins Al I heir Wml Will llarJIy Uuarr.1, An J l'arcnis Vhu Sinn Will I in j 1 he l'mrjen ill 1 heir hbk limn I iiihkr. "We do not have euouph mu-ic in the home." writes hry C Stetson iu The Woman's Home Conip mien. "Children who sin-at their Work will hardly 'piar rel, aud parents who sin- will litid the burden of their ta-k prow lL'hlor. There is rest and recreation in music. Once a frail minister who thought the propres-ive wheels of the wotld's work would slop if lit took a vae ition slept mil dreamed a dream. II. 'dreamed t li.it he die 1 and up peared before (he I, .id. The I. ,rd s 'l ined surprised to see him and a-ked. 'What did you come s i soon f ir'.' Why did you not take n led rest and recreti tion, titid so proloti- your lib .'" The mini-tor waked and went, to Kurupe, recovered bis health, is alive today mid is known for his in-pirinp words all over America. "I wish that every mother votild dieani this dream. The world may spare her but her home cannot. There are uo chil dren but need a mother's care and love. They are more resp icsive and obedient a ti.; of blooil 1 ban to ti tie created by t. !oos she iiniiire, then, bow she can cciiiioiiuz her lorces thai lh"v may how sin' can burn losi fuel, that In r elite of life may burn briphtly and ;? My answer i-; let women try to pive to thinps their trile illipoilance. Il will make uo dillereiii.c in a week'sora year s tune how windows nml woodiv. rk ook to day, but it will make a diU'erciue whi ther the children tire perfectly noiir- shed physically and trained tin ntally. liearn iu do the most important ibin-s first, and if your stren-th ebbs learn to let the minor thin-- wait: Miia in-i'iiiii- in-s Try to pet soinethinp out of life fur all you put intoie Knjoy soon ibinp today, lor tomorrow in v not he voiiis. iple tmpht to pet more than tin exis tetlee with such help as s 01- aud silii-lunc lau-bler aud 1 1 ii tnl-liip. 'This oencrution is -redly indihtcd to bolh secular and r li?i us s"h mis I .r de- ipiti- the I iient f-r mu-ie iu out J'lenp people, li iy ii' I I il'i' wrote, 'lliepilt f son- w is cl,i- tlv l -i! lo -it e e.o.- i ill- music for the joys we lack.' There is no other talent which can coti'i ibiitt! so much happiness to a home. The charm of music is preat. it bushes the inf.itit lore-t. At (he family bar it lifts the s oil ill Worship loliod and he, ivi n. In the home it fosters (he home spirit and sireii-ibeiis family tits. Kncotira-e the children to sinp. It mut ters nut whether there is much music in their voices or iml: there is music iu their souls from which the iff -rt .-pim-s, and that is etioii-b. li the pill of soup is a divine pill, the disposition tosinp is a holy influence for the salvation ol that bcinp to whom ii comes, 'lor the liliinp uf him out ol the mire and up mi the ro'k.' " The 'I'u rn Itemed w W. M. Repine, edit r TlskiUva, 111.. 'Chief," says: "We won't knp bouse without Mr. Kin-'s New li-eovcrv lor Coiisiiuipiion. Coii-hs and Colds. F.xpi rimenicd Willi many others, but never pot the line remedy until we used Ir Kinp's New Discovery. No other reme ly can lake its place in uur lioiue, us in it we h ive a certain anil sure cure lor Cuu-hs, Cold-, etc " It is idle to ex periment with other remedies, even il lhi-J are ut-,d u you asjusl us pood us lr. Kin-'s X - w Hiscovery. Tin y are not as Hood because this remedy has a record of cures uinl besides is -iiaranieed. Il never falls to s.iti-fv, Tllal hollies free at W. M. Cohen's Dm- Store. 1 1 1 : i c Awi t i, oi;ii: t, "May hud a dreadful cxprience on her trip to l'.iiuesvillc'.''' "'low was thai?" " Why, she -ol sonieihitip in her eye, and it hurt h 'r so thai she asked a nice luokiup yoiin man to lo ik I'-ril, and he was so dreadfully ncarsi-hled that he pot so close that his hip tntist.iehe tickled her nose, so that in Iryiu- not lo sneeze ri-ht iu his face she burst lout tuitions ulf her new jacket." " Dear nu I " Pills. lo II. K Illleklcll.V t II free Mill. pie ,x Send your addn Co , Clucapo, and ul Dr. Km- New l.il- 1'ills. A trial will convince uu el I lu ll iio iits. these pills are easy in acll 'll and ale parlii ul.illy i lleelivi' in the i nr." ,.l I 'oi.i i,.-,tt .,,.. Sick Headache 'or Mai n ia and l.ivtr troubles tbev lliive been proved invalua hie. They lire pilal.lllleetl to be per I'ectly Iree Irom ciely ileli leri ills sub slunce an I to be purely vepeiable They do not weaken by their iiclioti but bj uivinp tone to stomach and bonds ojcutk invigorate ihe system Ite-ular si." 'Joe. per hoi. Suld by W. M Cohen Druppist Win n Si'lnioiaii'i was in love, be wrote, "I wi.h I were a smile, that 1 ini-bt play about your cheeks." "Lust summer tmenf uur prand chil dren was sick with a severe bowel trouble says Mrs. K. I!, (ircpory, ul Kredcricks town, Mi. "Our doctor's n tncdv hud fuilcd, then wetrid Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea It tncily, which pave very speedy relief." For suleby W. M. Cohen. Weldon. J. N. Itruwu, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Ilurri ton, Kllfield. SCIENCE AGAINST HIM. I'.ul Ihe Slimmer I'eMtrll.anJI'irj Wal'relb' liio-j al a llluti- He was one uf the early arrivals at the summer resort and it was evident that mutters were not exactly to bis taste. "Vou advertised," be said to ibe pro prielor when be bad pet him off into one corner, "tbet this was an absolutely healthful place." "IJuile ri-bi," returned the proprietor who was u-ed to staodiiu' ell' all kinds of ('"inplaiuis, and who always aimed to make the oilier m in sh -w his b md lir-t. "Vou said," Weill on th- early ariival. "(hat tlier- was .ib-olnd-ly n.. malar. i here" ' 1,1'iile ripht," sail the proprietor a-ain. "The inference to be derived from your advertisements was thai ibis place could not be ciptalid for ab-oliitely pure air!" "I am 1 1 ii it it rctuly to admit il," as serled the proprietor. The early arrival sai l noiliinp, but bo bared bis at in and displayed one or two mu.-ipiito bites ol a particularly lar-o and a-oressive naluie. Then be showed a few niore hi the oiher arm, Uvo ir three on t be neck and was prepaiinp to exhibil on" on bis lep when the propri etor inii r! 1 1 d. "What bus ill rat. to do with my adut verlisemcnl?" ileiiiamleil the propliilil', "Ihil I say anything about inoMjiiitoe.-''" "I admit that you did not," answered the early ariival. " You spiKe only of pure' air, hut in that eoiniietiou I ihsirc to call your attention to this lidle book. I'll read you an exlraet from it " lie read the extract. Il was to ibe elleet that science teaches lis ibat it i an absolute impo. ibility for a iili.siiiitu to live iu pure air; lhat uoilaiis is ni ce,, sary lo its existence, and that it dhs in siauily nli 'ii it cinnot -el a wloll of il. 'I'he proprietor looked -eiioii-. "I. et Us see that book," be lid. ''he book was handed lo him and be read the pussa-e cal i l'llll V . Then be looked at the till- pa-e lor the name ot the author. ' Let uu- see that aim ;,- iin," was all he said. "Well, you'il have to -el u physician's certifieatelb.it those arc not duiie loins' biles before 1 11 either pive you a rebate on your hoard or consent lo eban-e my advertisement," be said as be turned away. I he siinnner resort hotel landlord had a-ain di luoii.-tr iied thai it takes a smalt man to pet ahead of bitu. Al' KIM'ISK.M KN'l'S. POWDER Absolutely Pure ( It lii.it ttl tin ii - irt ti-avfiimjr -.trt-nj ti ;inl .H-.ililiiiilni - A "in- t lit- (nml .iu.iiiim iiltini ami all lninis n' ii-ttillci.il hii cniu iiiMti to the cheap lii.iiiiU. UHV l. IUKIMI 1'ilWHKIt CO., NKW VnKK The Weldon Vlarket S: Icq Co. WELDON.N.C. HS-l-'liKSH M K ATS, SAI'SAtlK, -ynt 1&T G E ! KuM lino N('Y m;u t.kiin atitl t'onU't'liiiin i ii s. VUi ITS, Nut liurutl .ihtniiii.i Plit"! Fl ml'. I'rilllr-t 1'rai ho'ctr , t'lc. Full Inn- nl wjc French Candies Ciy-laliii- I'miiI- ('n nu Mnutcl-an-l Aui'lll tin I'll isi Inn. m's eoioilcs.setl vcisl. m . L. MABRT. Man ion, ml lo II. I'UOFKSSItiXM. l AIW.s. UMKt . UI I I.KV, WAI.TKH I II A N I K .. M It I. I. K N A ATTVUSKYS A T l,A If, Wki.iuin, X. c. loai'tli'i'iiillii'i'itiirtfcof HnllfHi ftiiilN'orlli.rn iii.lin llii'Siiiirioiii.Hii, Kcterst cotirlii 'limit. iimili In Hlt.rtrlhof North rtirolina, Kraut-h nltice nl llahrHx, N . I'., i,hii every Mon. ilty- IKllTly DENTIST Welilon, N.C. WTOlVicc oyer F.uiiy A Pierce's iUr. lU-l-ly. NI'IW A DV KKTISKM KXT.' KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word Rl.tiUl.A TOtt is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Sothing else is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILI?J & CO. And it can be easily told by their Tradl Mark THE RED Z. LOOK T -"Jsf HER ll W J JullllliU 1' For Lean Men! Fat men ! Tall men ! Low men! Come and exam ine my stock be fore buying elsewhere. A Down Fall in prices of Clothing, Shoes, and Dry Goods for the next 10 days. DRESS GOODS! Gents' Furnishings, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Call and give me a trial. Satis faction guaranteed. FREDLANDER'S. LijTLEjofl FephLe CoLLeqe! -. . ;i t: z Thi- lii-iiiu ioii b is a silen.lid and proiiiiin nl luc.ilion in a rcuurkably heallh fill secii n of country, in the mid-t of a rio'ion of noted Mineral ."-.rinpi. Il has alurocuiid b -uuiifully sb.ided euinius, coniuiodious and well ciui,ied ltuildings, u strotio l'.ieiili v and a full and tboroiioli Culleiato Cuur.-e at very ATi)"n EI2A.THJ COST. krThp Fall Term will beoiu ,.n Wedncs d.iy. Sc.tctnber Nl, 1 -s',17. For catalogue tiddre.s.s, J. M. RHODES, j' -I l'u LITTI.KTOX, X. c. J)R W. J W,RD. Siirpoi Demist, KM11 l.h, N. ('. Wi,tllVi. cover H.irreiiir.s lime Sinn dec ''o ly. MM mm m mm rr. .rfA-tf, hi: il.n; i tovvi:i.ioN, N. c.-tja OAlHtlKii )(tl II lillM1iN'HtiHMMH.)l II Hti BlfleRiupCeiiienilLiineWorls VhiiuI.ii -Hirers, of III. I K l!llH,K HYDRAULIC ROSIND&IE CEMENT i.'inmtit.'cd nl.snlu1.-ly hvtlrHnlH'. Wf iilntp (iric-'H iti'hvtTftl til H'iy jmiiil iu 1 1n Simile All Vim-lit It'-li'it. Hint Klrt-imth. iiiiirrrtil'y in ntltir, l.nruiHt; Htnl jriitnlniir k'U irnnifi'il. rW x nrici'd I', tl. iMr.'H XV. UllMiK H UK I SUH , V'A. Tfltnr,li Hhii Kt-U),Vi. iti. Wanted-ftn Idea Protnet Tnilr Mflls: llifr miiv hrl Dom,Hay& Oats Whn r.n think or mime .lin,le tlilnir In lMilt'iil? niity hrliiK y..u .vfitlih. Mrt. w..i,inirtii, Ii i'., r..r thflr $i.nii iirlu urr anil till sA inn liuuurihl IllVeuUllD. wutwl. Writ. JOHN IlilO liel UN It ill on- l : : GRANT : : special YOU flNI V DQR vii I. I VfUUl I v Ihiilt just the wny you want it. I'p-lo-dale, t;iiurunteed hih urade wheel. LICHT RUNNINC AND A THI NC OF BEAUTY. All Colors and all stylca fur men, ladiea and cbildten. JOf Just an nood as a bicycle you would ii pay $100 fur cluewbero. Stim'o jl i wheel on exhibition at J. L Jud- kin,' Grocery. H. L. GRANT. M Arcm. i. (re v- r '" A S ? t -TP; L

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