I2bsec:SI Paife 6 f JOH1TW. SLEDO-E, I'litii'KiKTou. .A. NEWSFjIFEIR IF O IR, THE IPEOFLE WE L DON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 22. 1897. TERMS:- -fr" annt.m in advanck VOL. XXXII. NO. 13. ADVK11TISKMKNTS. CAUDLE UP TO DATE. EXAGGERATING. "TO HELL LIKE A MAN. HER CONSOLATION. NKW ADVEHTISI'.M KNTS. p. i ar; i tl lal; 0 re I 7i s: Beautiful eyti (jrow dull nnd dim A the i.wilt yrnn Mm I nw;iy. lli-itutifiil, wtlluwy (iirnis so hlhtt Lorn- fnlrncutt with every diiy. 4 Uut she still ii queen an J hut It ilurmi t ,.are Who wcati youth's coroml bciultful ft. hat i, Preserve Your Hair nnd you presorve your youth. "A woman is as old as she looks," says the world. No . woman looks as old as she is if her hair has prosorved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the . normal color to gray or faded . hair, by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. No 8. 80IM 0 trt.n.loo TsMe, poll.be! like a tuiii"- tins mi mnsiY It'irH. Tin1 lour on I full' I.ts it re cn nee' cil, Iinieeii Riel Ittiriy ui niimcuteil. If measure 4. t I-; luetics wlien closed nr-il 6 toet Ioiik wlii'ii etui. SpcLlul I'rleo, S3.95 (Ordcra promptly Ullfd. ) The above I but one f mer VCQ bnrKitiui t'i U foiitnl in iur t ' citn bKUu. It imi tui it ml kiinl-'l Kuriti tuns CuriM'ts. Utttiy i urt -mpr. Pf rriiriTtttoiH, St ivm, Ki wv I, r p( llptMtnir. S'rimr-, lm Ih-d. cc. Y-u ar pit) in huMi dnY .I'Uiio ur priced. Drop a pontitl fr our reiit money-nnt'tnir rutuli fruk which wn mail froo nf all t-li-tr i-. Oral wi'h ttio niHiiutat'tun rH ai t) )"U will mki tlm big protiiH you aru iiuw laying your local dealers Julius Mines & Son, BALTIMORE, inn. , & jjfcjjjf jfcf , $ HERE IS A SNAP. u u n m u n m n n M 3jt fcaTTln eutly bin! Ymi know tltu rest. MEYER IS I )H'liini; :i large lot of sample KTKAW HATS, ami KIIOKS which lie is not I GIVING A WAV hot is sclliiiK half of lirst si ll- S nig pi ICt STRAW HATS. 5 liy the tliousaml. KverlHnly f able to have a nice hat at small price. Also line line n n Silks, Cheviots, Table Dannsk, Curtains. HiIiIhiiis, Dress Trim minus, or anything you ask lor. l ull line GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES at pri' lower th;tn evtT. I Come iuauil examinp my hUk V. m 1 S. Meyer, Ag't. I S ENFIELD. N. C. f I (IPRING X OPENING fipec ial Display of And Millinery Novellies. lie sure to attend. MRS. W. R. HART. oct 15 ly Roanoke Rapids, N. B. P.HALE, WM. LINN, Proprietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. BOTH OS AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS Union BtTMt, NORFOLK, VA.. What liimnlass JamlJ WiiiiIJ Have ton Hal Ik l.ivd inlay. Wril- "So it's jnu, at last, Mrs. Ncverhoinr, is il? Oil, I lifiinl juu lor nil that Jc Icstiblc latch kcj', ymi flipping npstails in your stocking! I linvcu't ulnscJ uiy eyes yet ami tlio clock j'lst pine liall past 12 What's that you say? ( Icily hull' p;iM 1 1 anil was snnrin? 'Snorinn imlccill Ivt mi! tell you there's a limit tu evcrytliin', Fanny Nevchoiiie. I've borne your ncolect ami seen your love mw cold and st 1 il all meekly, li) t when it e.iines lu ilownrilit slander like lliat well, I shall leave you iiiiidaui, nnil who'll lake care of yuur children llien, I'd like to know, with their uniiaiiiral mother jinhlin off nihl al'ier niht, heaven knows where." "It was the dull ainl there was so much business " "So you my Mrs. XeviThouie. The theatre and the Zinkand al'terwanls wilh that disreputable Mrs l.ihlwute, more likely! liel'ore I'd let uiy wife carry on as her poor blind luishaml penults her to o I'd set tu y Coot down, Fanny Never- ouic; 1 would indeed! "And where did you put the baby's couoh medicine .' 1'olit 'fit liluiiderint: around now to lind it and wake that ed aiif;el up, after llie hours I've pent walking her tu sleep, and you off to luh. It's rijiht on the shelf where you lwujs i-ut il? Nonsense, madam, as it' I didn't see vuu just iiut it there! Oh, my yes ale jjoud enuu-h yel, in spite, tf the Ions' hours of sewing I've spent lor your bildrcn, Fanny Nevcrhouie, aud the oni;er hours I ve si aid at home aud isieiied for your lini'crini! lo'ilstciis. Do come to bed Hid let a person have some pence. I in so lind aud tailed out I could sleep a week if I had a chance' Why don't I then? Well, ol all cioss wives you beat I lie deck, I declare. I lanlly ever sec you in daylight eieept Sunday, and even then you'ic off on your wheel or hunliiii; or IMiini; auywhere away from you poor husband and children. They hardly know ymi by siht any more, and as to the ncibors, well, 1 dh ad to have them come in, they are all Imrntii d at joiireiernal adilins; about! A ud, in w, ul.i tl want to tell you some thine, really important, you dc.ii t listen! What was il, for heaveu's sake? Oh, never mind, Devcr mind, now, madam. What 1 have to say Isu t really ol llie sliohtest interest to you, anyway! Now, il it were Mrs. I.uhtwaie talkino you'd li-teii all day or all nihl, as yuu have bceu doini; tmiilit. Kou I tell uie you weren't Willi Iht. I know by the s'yle id your conversation, madam, t lint he has been telling you wives wcic bum to rule and husbands to obey and all that 'tommy rot.' l'uttin fre.-h ideas ol your importance iuto your head, as sure as I'm u sullerini; sinnei! I 'not be a fool, you say? Thank you. Mrs. Ncverliouic! I was a duriiu sweet ducky once, you used to tell uie. Uut you are riht. A tool I must have been or I would never have lisleucd to you, my dear. Look at uie now and the day you num id me, Fanny Nevirliouu! Theu yuu Wire all devoiion; my lii;hlc.-t w .rd was law, yuu cuuld uol hear me out of si(;bt, and, uow uo. you heariiens creature, you're asleep aud I and I- $ ' $ Hut here sleep, (lie all powerful, CuL- piered even his injured husband's tongue and iiiict reigned, broken only by ill baby's occasional plaintive wall ol "papa, papa." Sin Frmcheo Tuwu Talk. (i ibaiij Faiui iicaii ueei Woii fail lady, ou kuuw. lnyiijcs U, t uou I know. Some wido.vs ar. fur ladles. Out into the Darkness. What mother would turn her youn , daughter out alone unpro tecttril into the Mitrniy night? Yt-t many hiving nuitbt-rK allow their uaunhters, who are iut com- jtiR into the time of womanhood. to proceed with out proMrr t-are and advice all un protected and alone into the peril of this crit ical peui'u. nun it women at thin lintr often auffer from trreg ulantv and weak nest which may afterward d e vflop into dan rrit fli'rasc and Till their whole lives with wretched net It is a mother' duty not to pawn over nuch matters in aiience. out to nromote her u.iua mer womanly health and regularity by every reasonable means These delicate ailments are eaily over come in their early Matte by jwhctouH self- treatment without any need of the otmux inus examinations which dm-tors uniformly insist upon. lr. Pierce Favorite I'rescrip tion is a positive specific for all diseases of the feminine organism. It restores perfect health and regulaiitv to the special funct'ons, and vital vigor to the nerve-centres. K is the only mclicine of its kind devtse(fXbr this one purpose by an eoucaiea, experiencea pnysn-iau. Tlnrinir nearlv n vnrs an chief consult ing physician of the Invalids' Motel and Muscat insiiiuie, 01 nunato, n, ., in, Pierce has. acnuired an enviable reputation His medicines are everywhere recognized as standard remedies. His dolden Med ical Discover? " alternated with the "Fa. vorite Prescription " constitutes a thorough and scientific course of treatment for weak and impoverished conditions of the blood A headache is a symptom of constipation, 3r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion, promptly and permanently. They do ot fnpe. iraffiM aeu mem. mm Ho Careful Huh Ymi Talk. Or Ymi Will lid la Ik Illicit nf l.win: I iKuiixiuibly. "I'm almost ilead! tire; I've been more lb It is hot as u miles do. after that coll." Andrew threw himself at full length on the lounge and wiped the perspiration from his forehead. 'Where did you pi?" asked his father. ' I went over to Uriel's corner and back by the bridge " "That is less than a mile and a hull'. Is it so very very warm, Andy? Il seems ijuile cool here," "So, not so dieaill'ul, 1 dou'l suppose, if I'd taken it moderate, but 1 ran like lililniii and oot heated up." "You started about live o'clock, my sun and now it lacks u quarter ol sii;" said his father, consulting liis watch. "Yen, sir, just threc-iuartcrn of au hour," answered Audrew, innocently. "I'ocs it take lightning forty-live min utes logo a mile and a half?" "I didn't exactly mean that, father, but I ran all the way, because I expected whole town would be here to-night to see my new velocipede, explained Andrew, reluctantly. "Whom did you expect, Andy? 1 isn't awale such a crowd was tu be here. What will we do with them all?" Jim, I'Mdy and Tom told uie that they'd he. around after school; and I wouldn't wonder if Ike came too; that's all." The population of the town is live lousand, and you expect three of (hem; well, as you are very sick, I'm glad no more are cumin",. You could not play with them all." "Sick!" cried Andrew, springing to his 'et,""who says I am sick?" "Why, Andrew, you said you were almost dead; doesn't that mean very sick?" You'ic so particular, father about my a'king. I don't mean exactly what I ay, of course I wasn't nearly dead, to ic sure, but I did some tall running, yuu let! There was more than fifty dogs alter me and I don't go much on dous." Ignite a band of them Whcic did t'nev all come from?" There was Mr. Wheeler's sheep dog, ml Hush's store dog, and two or three more, ami they made for luc, and so I an as fast as I could." Five at the must are nut fifty, Andy." There looked tu be fifty, anyway," re plied Andy, somewhat impatiently. Carter's ten acre lot was full of dogs just niakiiio for me, and I guess you'd ave thought there were fifty if it had :'cu you." "'I'en acres of dogs would be great many thousands; have you au idea how many?" Andrew did not like to calculate, for it occurred to bnu what a small space ten or fifteen lliousaud sheen would occupy w ncn camping, anil ten acres ot dugs would be past calculation. "lint," his lather contiuued, "I know of uo heller way to break you of the fool -h habit of exaggeration than tu tell the nuuren uie trouble you had lo going after the colt. You ran like lightning, enei uiitfred ten acres of dogs, which would be hundreds of thousands, traveled more than a dozt u miles to get one and a half miles in a straight line, and expected hi find five thousand people heie to examine yuur new velocitiede. and when you reached home was nearly dead. l'lease, dou'l, father, the boys and L'irls will all laugh themselves to death I I won't exaggerate again if I live to lie as o d as Methuselah." i.aiign inemseives lo Heat n at a sun i ly like ibis! 1 hope not. Itut it will nilicr set I Item to walehing their iu ii maiiiier of telling stories, so us to be sure lluy d not greatly overstate things. Ilahil, my soli, grows with yeais and becomes in time, so deeply rootid that it is iinpns'ililc for you, when you I come a man, to relate plain, unvariiishi f ids, unless ymi chock i he foolish habit you indulge in vi ry day of stretching siinplr incidents into the most marvelous tales ( hiisiini Viol, I OXI.V A OlKNTION Ol TIMl A colored exhorter who was holding revival meeting in a iioorcia town was approktiLd Ly a member ol his ion;:rt gation, who said: "Brer Williams, iley didn't like jo' saruiuiil lus' night." "Dey didu't?" "No, suh dey didn't!" "Why what been do mailer wilh il?" "Well, suh, you took and said dey wuz folks in dut cougresashuu dat would be in hell fo' sunup!'' "Did I say dat?" "D-t'i what you did!" "Well, I uV'lar' ter goodness!" cx olaimed the parsv n, "my intention wuz ter 'low 'eui ten days!" Atlaula Consti- "My guod ui a ii, you do something to bring light and purity into the homes of your fellow men? Do you distribute tracts?" "No, I clcau windows and beat ctrpets." Mrs. Mary A. Uutimc's AJti; Wnunicj SulJicr IcrrnriJ ty an I 1 asked Mrs. Livcruiure if she bad ever seen any one afraid of death, or that which would follow death, at the actual hour of dying. "Never but once," she replied," and then it was the fault of an evangelist. It was after the light at Fort lluiiclson, ighly mortally wounded men had been roii!'lil into my waul at I lie St. Louis Hospital; ainung tbeiii tl soldier with both and an tirui shot oil. This uian was lying in that stupor that usually preceded lealh, when an evangelist entered, nnd lending over the bed, said: 'Have you made your peace with (iud? If uuti you will be in hell in less than tin hour. "Instantly the uian's stupor was re placed by the most horrible, fright. ' 1 'ray for tne," he groaned. 'I cannot stop,' was the reply, as the speaker hurried on to give his gruesome message to other sufferers, You must pray for yourself.' Delirious wilh pain and wholly possessed by this new ami terrible idea, the soldier sent out hi iek after shriek of agony. 'I cannot die! I have been a wicked man!' was liis repeated wail. His cries aroused and xeiled the other men, and the ward iccatne a pandemonium ol groans aud creams and bcseechiiigH. In vain I urged and the surgeon commanded ijuict. 1 directed the doctor to scud the evangelist out of the ward, and 1 got upon the bed of the man who had lirst been aroused. i'aking him hy the shoulders, and looking straight into his eyes, I said: Stop this screaming at once!' 'lint I am going to bell!' he cried. 'Well, if you must go to hell, go like il man!' I replied. Hut why must you go? What is Christ for if a man like yuu who has stood up to e riddled and torn and killed for bis country, is going to hell.' It is a libel upon tiod.' "1 had dispatched a messcngei for a hapl.iin. When he came 1 said. 'Don't say a word, but sing,' and gradually peace tiled over the ward, while I lit: poor ellow listened to 'Jesus, Lover of My Soul,' ' There'll be No Mur; Sorrow icrc,' '1! iek of Ages,' and many other comforting hymns I kepi my place on bed, sultly repcatiug prayers and reassuring passages of Scripture till uiy patient whispered T do believe Jesus will save me. lie died that night. The overzealous evangelist received Mil in mat V treatment at t lie hands ot Mother Itiekerdyke, When lie begun to ijucsiton h'T 'boys she approached him with the words: 'Look here. You avo this ward quick or I'll take you by the nape of the ueck and pitch yuu out.'" lti;i il v Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea lieuiedy is the Best. 1 liccati'c it affords almost instant re fill case of pain in the stomach, colic d cholera morbus. '1. liecause it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of ilyentery and diarrlnei. He, ause it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. I lieciiise il is the only remedy that mil prevent billions colic. liecause it is the only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentery, (! liecause it is the only remedy that an always be depended upon iu cases ol cholera 1 1 1 1 .i li t u u i liecause it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use lor howcl complaints. S Itccuiisc it produces no had result II liecause it is pleasant and safe to take. 111. liecause it has saved the lives of more people than any oilier medicine of the win Id. The '-.'i ami 50c. siz 's. For sale by W. M. Coheu, Wcldon, J.N. Hrown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Ilairi son, Knlicld. ON T1IK JI.VKKKT. "Kiirnel, ain't dey gwioe have another election soon?" "Well, they're talking about it." "Ye-, suh, en dues you know votes will be uwiue at?" "Wilis?" ' "Yes, sub what iby twine to what give fer Yin'.'" "Whvreall) -I, I. nt know!" "I sorry I' r ihit, miIi, kase las' yeur d y wuz rimiiin.' mighty low, i n letiimc tell you liihi now: I'.f dey don't do belter den what they has been doin', look out! Dis hcah iliino uf three votes for one d ilUr i the ruination of de cullud race!" Atlanta (Viisliluliuii. Toller, Kiilt-litHMim mid lVioina. The intense Itching nnd smarting, Incl ilenl lolliesodiseasi'S, is instantly allayed bv applying t'hainlierlaiii a Eye. and Skin Ointment. Many very liad cases have been permanently cured by It. It is equally i Iticient for ilching piles and ii favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sor eyes. iH cts. per box. Dr. Cadj'a Coiulillon INmdrra, aro just what n. himw needs when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Thev lire not food but medicine and the liest ill Hsu to put a horse, in prime condition. Price 25 centa-pcr package. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. 8. Harrison, noaeiu, PUTTING UP A PORTIERE. ik l.f iriciKc nf A Smitkrri Unman I hat Olun lias Han HuflLaui. She 1 had the worst time this morn ing. I bung a portiere in my room. I wouldn't let the upholsterer do it wouldn't let anybody help me, hi and I cause 1 wauled it in a particular way. He 1 didn't kuuw you knew about She 1 don't, but 1 was bound I 'd do it. Well, I'd usked them where 1 bought llie pole to have it sawed oil the right length and they hadn't done it, and I had to get a saw nnd do it myself. I couldn't saw it even and I got all out of pal ic ncc saying "good gracious1" till Aunt Mary looked at me over her glasses; .-he doesn't approve of expletives for young women. lie You uie sure it was "good gra cious: She It was at that stage. I got the brackets up all right, but I drove a nail part way into an end of the pole to start a place to screw in the fancy end aud when I tried to pull it out 1 broke it square oil' and I couldn't pull, the piece out. I was so provoked. He What did you say then? She I said ' Plague take il!" There was nothing lo do but saw off an inch or so tu get a flesh end. I had a fearful time doing it. It looked as if somebody bad chewed it oil', and 1 sawed my lin gers. lie Aud you said She I said "Confound il!" right out loud and Aunt Mary went out of the room. I gut llie pole up finally and stretched my arms till they were lame and gut both cuds screwed on anil then 1 found I'd forgotten to put the rings on. I was perfectly desperate. My neck ached, utid my back, pained and my head was getting dizzv lie And you c ntinucd yuur re narks? She 1 1 said "Darn it!" I couldn't n ip it, 1 unscrewed one of the ends and gut the rings on and screwed it back ig.iin, and then i bung the curtain, and .loudness knows huw long 1 was at it. I had it all up once. I found I'd turned it wrong side lu, and bung it four times altooellier, and mv hair was n'l tumbled down and every boiic in my body ached and my liugers bled where I'd sawed them He And may 1 inquire what She Yes, you may! Ami I don't care a snap u l did, either. An angel Iroiu heaven couldn't have said anything Ise. But it was as well that Aunt Mary had gone out of the room Memphis .Scimitar. Dr. King's cw Dlsruier) l'ur l'iilisiiuiitioii. This is the best medicine in the world for all forms of Coughs and Colds and for Consumption. Kvcry bottle is guar anteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal lor Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bron chitis, La Grippe, Cold in the Ilead and lor Consumption. It is safe lor all, agi s, pleasent to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always well to take Dr, King's New Life Pills in collection with Dr. Kino's New Discovery, as they rcg illaleand tone llie stomach and bowels W e guarantee perlcct salislaclioii or reiiirn money. Free Irial bottles at W.M. Cohen's Drug Store. Begular size .ill cents and 81 .Ml MY I.OIII) AMI MY ;()!. In Jesus Chtist, llie divinely human one', the lirst has become even the last, He has no roundabout or pcrcplcxing ways of dealing with us He simply asks that we should do justly and love un rey, and walk humbly with Him. No penalty for sin is miraculously rcmitcd by any single experience of His or ol ours; but He stands before us as He stood before Johu on Patuios, saying, "He that over Cometh shall inherit all things, and I will be his tjiod, nnd he shall be my sou." W'e cannot go where He is not; we can find uo hiding place from His love nnd care. .crcr man any man can tic, He is close beside us with nil the fullness of divine otuuipotence, our ever resent S iviour. He it is who say., "Hi hold, 1 si. ui 1 at the dour and knock ::l'aiiy man hear My voice and open the door I will come to him, and will sup with him and he with Mc " There is no limit to the possible fullilliui HI of His promises Let us but Haven realizing sense, ot what tlieyaie, and I.I ils but ii i I llie llie He leaell then will they he wholly brought to pass in our experience. Not to the twelve dis iph s alone, when He Was about to be outwardly separated from llicm; but to all who, until the end of I line, shall be II disciples, does He speak, saying, "I wi not leave ymi coinl'orl less, I will come tu you." Happy, therefore, are they who shall truly know nnd love Him as their Lord and their God! Key. James Heed Klllt l:K HH V Vl'.AKH Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens (he gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, nnd is tbo best remedy lor Diarrheal. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist in every part ol the world, 'lit cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins. low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind She Was liminJ 1 u Haw 'Jul Iicauliful CaJjy. "George," exclaimed Mr. Lawsun, nc. cording to the Cleveland Leader, "let me see that paper a minute. 'Hire's some thing in Fugleman's advertisement on the just page, about giving something away to every customer." Mr. Lawsun handed the paper over to his sweet lilllc wile, and weut on eating his breakfast. "I hope they won't all be gone," she said aloud, as she read llie nniiounceiiii'iit "before I can get there." "What are they going lo give away?" In r husband asked. "A beautiful lea caddy to every nir chaser of a dollar's Worth of goods or more." she excitedly returned. I wouldn't miss getting one of thetn for anythiug." "What do you intend to buy?" be in quired. "Oh, I don't know yet. liutthero are lols of things I cm find tu make ui llie dollar's, worth. A tea caddy's the very thing I've been wanting this long time, and I wouldn't miss the chance fur a good deal." lie kissed her and went away, but when he gut home again, at night, he found iu jilace of the hajipy wife be bad left that morning a little woman who was the picture of woe. "What's the matter?" George Lawsou asked. lie had I'orguitcu about the tea cuddy; and feared that bad news of some kind hail preceded liim. 1 shall never buy another cent's worth of anything in Fugleman's store us lung as I live," his darling replied. Oh, he said, remembering the adver tisement in the morning paper "dulii t they give you a tea caddy after all?" "Yes," she replied in scornful tones, "they grave one but look at it?" Then she hatidi d out a little earthen jar with a nick in it, that if it bad been perfect, might have been worth 8 or 10 cents, "Why didn't you make them give yuu a good inn?" ho asked patting her cheek, and trying to make her believe that be sympathized with her. "I did ask for a good one," she sobbed "but what do you think the iiijiuiletit clerk said?" "I haven't any idea. II it was anything disrespectful I'll go lick him." "He asked me if I wanted the earth," (he weeping woman declared. "Oh he did, did he?" "Yes and there I'd just buiiL'bt a dol lar's worth of goods that I don't suppose I'll ever need'" "The wretch!" hissed George Lawson. Then he told her not to care and kissed her, and made In i believe that be didn't object to squandering of a dollar at all, and at length her gloom disappeared. As they sat down to tea she suddenly said, with a glad look upon her face: "I'd feel awfully bad about it, dear if I hadn't seen some ol the caddies that some of the other women got. They were all cracked, nr damaged in some way." But her husband made no reply. He was thinking. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tt. fu ll all. m il (nun N rtpir. The public has decided that the livin; licture business is a dead failure. AIM KKT1SKM KNTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure OMuiitfil lor it jirt'itt IfJi veiling s re ujitti iiwl Ut'altlilulnt'H'. A"iirc llie tood:!: mit ui mil hihI mil Imiim ot ;iiliilter:itiou roui iiioii tu llif rheitp IhuimIh. kUYAI. HAKIMI I'liWUKIl CO., NKW V OUK PROFESSION A I VA ItHS. JAM KM M. Ml'U.KN, WAI.TKK I. D 4N1XL DANIEL, M U LL 1)1 A ATTORNEYS AT LA Wt Wki.don, N. C. &AKIH15 r win'? in iiifnninniii nuiiiRi n nn Not thump on mid lu tht'tfuj'rvnit'Hnn' Ft-ilenO courts. CoU p 'Hoiumade lu Klltmrtsof Nurth 'arnlim. Brfcncb ollice at Halifax, N. C.opim cvt-ry Mod j hii 7 ir DK T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. WTOfflce over Ktury A Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the w ord RllGULA T()R is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up hy any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark the: red z. LOO k HERE i n A v Taw 'Mf Baigainggi a J?Bti!MHlIlfia For Lean Men! Fat men ! Tall men ! Low men! Come and exam ine my stock be fore buying elsewhere. A Down Fall in Shoes, and Dry Goods for the next 10 days. DRESS Gents' Furnishings, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Call and give me a trial. Satis faction guaranteed. LijjLEjofi FeLe CoLLeqe! '4; & & t This lu-titutioii has a splendid and (irumineut location in a remarkably health ful section of country, in (be midst of a region nf noted Mineral Springs. It has a large and beautifully shaded campus, coininodiuus and well equipped Buildiugs, a strong Faculty and a full and thorough Collegiate Course at very TyTOT) EEATE COST. ftarThe Fall Term will begin on Wednes day, September 1st, 107. For catalogue address, J. je-Jt 1,. J)R W. J WARD.. SuriGon Dentist, KSFlKI.li, N. C. MmOllieeover Harrison's limit Ktorn riac 2o It. w.f. pWker, WrWKI.DON, N. C.-(sa nooot HHioooooi x ii lommooiH X H II l )IH it i, t ), it Kit nil H Corn, Hay Si Oats BlneRiclae CementLime Woris MminiMt Hirers of lUJ'K ItllMiK HYDRAULIC RQSENDALE CEMENT iimratiti'i'd utis'ilnti'ly hydraulic. We quote price" di liviTi'il nt iiny point in t Hmuh. All iVmi'iii tested. Hiid hireiiitth, uniformity in color, l.tirmufj ami grinding iMmmute'-il. Write for itrleca I'. O. M row HI. I K KIlH.K Hl'RlNGS, VA. Telegrftph Blo kidvu. V. i Wanted-An Idea Who can of ionm think Kimpte Protect Tour Mps: thT ma lirtua you wmIih ui i uk m pniftiw Write JOHN yYLUUKHHVRK CO., PaUrtt AlU nn, WaMtilnRUiii. Ii ('., for their i,Ai pruw oQw ml Ult ui twu ItuuUroU lurenUout wutW. Vfl jl x prices of Clothing, GOODS! FREDLANDER'S. M. RHODES, LITTLKTON, N. 0. ' THE - . . GRANT i SPECIAL ONLY $35. 1 . ,sM ift I It HI W0 M Built just the way you want it. I'p to date, guaranteed high grade wheel. LICHTRUNNINC AND ATHINC OF BEAUTY. All Colors and all styles for men, ladies and childron. J ust as good as a bicycle you would . 3 pay $100 for elsewhere. Sample M wheel on exhibition at J. L Jud tVi kins' Grocery, ft. I. GRANT. H Agent. H