bsrrsaai in)) Iffl Vr-wmoi 1 IH'&i JOHUST "W. SL-EIDO-E, I'Koh.ietoh. -A. NEWSPAPER IT O IR, THE PEOPLE TERMS'.-! I'Kll ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AlKUJST 1, 1S97. NO. 17. A D V E RT I S K M K NTS. mm 0mm Fifty Years Afro. Pre..lfut Tolk In thr tt'Jiitc Home cliatr, Wliilo m I.owcll was Potior Aer; Until were buny f-.r tin man wt ,;1 One to K'vctn ami one to liral. Am, a (ircNiclrnl's power ol wilt h 'llli'tiiiu s tleieuli oil h 1 ivt r-p.ll, Mr. Polk took A vim 's 1'ills I liu Aycr's Cdhart!: Pills wero I'.osigr.ocl to supply a rr.odol purgativo to pcoj.lo vko had bo Ions icjurod them, e'.vcs with griping modiciucj. Seingr cnrofully proptircd mid their in gredients adjured to tho exact rccossitiea of the bowels nnd liver, their popularity Wns in stall taueous. That this popu larity has been maintained is well marked in the modal awarded those pills at the World's Pair 1803. 50 Years of Curc.i. No. 8. BnIM Oik Ftniion Tab!, polltbt. liko h pi:itiM-iiti mx ma-clve lent. Tht'fnurMitnt'lrl i mre conncel' el. tine-, mxl finely ormimcnteit. It m"iwu ris m iH' ht'ti eloped i tlfuetloiig when i-pivutl. Spcclatl J'lleo, 3.35 (Order promptly fllKd ) Trie ahovo is .ut one f nvr TOO barjfatux to tw fmirnt in mr in w rUti-1-KU0. It rnntutli! till kii.dsi f Furni ture, Carpels. It:ily Cm ini I t frlireratun. Mt nv. Fi kv L p vs. Hfdilliifr, Hprlnjr-, Jri-n Hids.P'e. You are paylnif It-uul uVhIims u hiI.Ip our prloon. Drop a postal for our great mont'y-Bavintr t'ttialoiru which we mall frwe of all ih irnf. Ial wt h ti e manufacturer and "ii will makp the big prntlta you are now laying your local dealers. Julius Hincs Son BALTIDIOX f., vtn. I1 3 '.Wi.'Vi 'Ui - U: -Ji -U; -U' -W- tUi MJi St J HERE IS M n Si u u m M n m n m m $ m n n ? m n m m n m m m m i A SNAP. eBrTli-oaily l.inl You know (he rest. 3 MEYER IS f.fT: Openina a luree lot of sample 8TKAW HATS, uml SHOES SIS which lie is not GIVING AWAY M but in selliux at half of first mil ing piice STRAW 1 HATS. $X hy tlie thouvmd. KvitjIhkIv Jj? able to have nice ht ut hiiiuII price. Abo flue line 1 SUMMER DRESS GOODS Bilks, Cheviot!), Table Ifcim iHk, Curtaiua, liililxm, DrrtM Trim jv. miuKK, or auj lliinx you nsk lor. ? Full line p GROCERIES AND g CONFECTIONERIES i at prlo lower than ever. Come in anil examine lujr ntwV. HPRING OPENING f Special Display of And Millinery Koveltiea. I . o Be aure to attend. o 1 MRS. W. R. HART, octl61y Roanoke ltapids.N. ('. f P. HALE, - WU. LINN, Manager rropnetor. MANSION HOUSE. - BOTH 0 MERICM UNO EUROPEAN PLANS. I Ualoa Btnat, NORFOLK, TA. I S. Meyer, Agl 1 ENFIELD. N. C. nm-mmmmumu 4 THE NUPTIAL TIE. Squire Maxwell I'scs A Very I'niquc Cere mony And Should Ajply Tor A Patent At Once- One of tlie most interesting marriage ceroinouk's in the history of tho "Tenjflf of Justice," came off yesterday morning Esf. D. G. Maxwell officiating. Kurly in the morning John Smith and Mary Jones, colored, camo in from the country to be joined in huly bonds. In the iruaeuco of the happy pair and many dusky and u low white witnesses, tho following uniijiie ceremony was per formed. "My fiiends, we are now within the shadow of the walls of tho blind goddess of justice tu witness the nuptial tiesof the couple now present; and as thoy launch their boat cti into the ocean of connubial blis, may they have smooth sailiug and fair windso'cr this sea, and may their hull bo free from the barnacles of life, and never subjected to squall nor orie9 of 'ship ahoy!' " After the usual questions and answers, tho "marrifyer" continued: "By the authority vested in mo by the county of Mecklenburg, known as the cradle of liberty, and the Commonwealth of North Carolina, called the 'Tar Heel State' of this confederation of fusion, by the smoking tar kilns and the bleeding sentinels of our turpeutine fields; by the recollection of the fat baked opossum with sides lined with sop, sweet potatoes and hoe cake, to say nothing of tho sweet and luscious watermelon; by tho free silver blasts from the horde of the long eared tradilioual animal which is often heard throughout tho laud; by the Diugley tariff bill which is to produce the long wished for and promised wave of prosperity, by the song of the gold bug, which some say is the dirge of the people aud the glorification of trusts and monop olies; by the old flea bitten coon dog whose 'basso profundi is heard in the gloaming; by the clear aud loud notes of the old Shanghai chanticleer in tho early morn calling upon his comrades to shake off tin ir lethargy, and by the menory of the Mecklenburg Declapendenee of Induration, and in tho presence of the.e witnesses, I pronounce, you husband aud wife. "Salute your bride!" Charlotte Ob server. Till: Itl'MXU SIM KIT. The story is told of a Yankee house wife who was extremely neat, that she awoke one night at sound of her husband creeping softly out of his bed and toward the light stand. "What's the matter, William?" she whispered. Sh!" he whisjvred; there's a burglar coming up the front stairs, and I'm get ting my revolver!' All was silent again, in the midst of which William crept noiselessly to the head of the stairs. Presently there was. a loud report followed by a m id scurrying of feet; then tho hu-band camo back, lighted a lamp, and returned to the stair way. "O William, William, did he" ' Yes, begot away," said the husband "Oh, I don't care so much about that,1' the woman said, "but William, did he " "Did he what?" "Did he wipe his foot before he started up the stairs?" Kl'KAL, SI'OKTS. 'Didn't you find it dull out in the coun try?" "Dull? hveryeveuiog a ciieket goliuti our bedroom aud Jack was up half tie ntglit trying 10 h id It mi I put it out. Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune.' How much of woman's lite happiness i, lost for lack of harmony A bunched sweet melodious b If tones ruined JV fl m r n w n if nnabt to fn jo the per fect h a p p i nd wifehood and mutnrr hnod are mil wable from one J r ' end to the other, he. cause of Mime weaknrtt or disease of the delicate orrnniim of their sri ThtM delicate com- filaitiu. which make a analina: dmMinanrr ol so maiiv iiv. Mte not hv inv mean a neorssitv of womanhood. They may be overcome and completely radtcated under judieiou. ttratinrnt. There in no need of rrpuimant elimina tions. There is no need of rrmrtinR to any ttnauthorm-d medicament compounded by an unskilled, uneducated person, IHietoi Pierce'a Favorite Prescription cure, the troubles nf the feminine organism poal tivelv. comnletelv and safely. Por nearly tn yeara Ir. K V Pierce hai been chief consulting physician of the In valid' Hotel and Suratcal Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. He i an eminent and eapert apccialmt In this particular field of practice. Any woman may write to him with perfect confidence, and will receive, free of charge, sound, orofesiional advice and suaa-estton for aelf treatment by which oo out of loo cases of female complaint, even or ine most obstinate kind, may he completely and per manently cured. Addreaa him as above. ' While I wa living at Eagle Hock, Bofrtmirt Co.. Va.." write, Un O. A. Connor, of Allrgh anv Hwring, Mnnliromery Co, Va., "a Uil, fricad came 10 me and (aid: My nnngMer. agro 15 year, has repealed hemorrhage, t the dim, and ,he ha, never had the necery liidipoat lion, of wnffMnhond ' I adviaed her to get Ir. Pierce', Favorite Prearripllon. The lady pne. ch,ed one bollle and It cured her daughter, ah waa well and happy when 1 leA thert . Conatipatloo la the all embraclin' catta of III health. Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellet tart It The ntvtr crip. 0 HEAVEN AND HELL. Various 1 henries As To The Location of Par adise An! Hales. Hell and heaven beliefs had their origin about the year 151) B. C, and since that time there have been thou sands of attempts to locate these places, the one of fu'Mre punishment and the other of everlasting happiness. The old mcdiieval idea uf hell H the one which gives us to understand that the devil and his imps have their furnaces aud their caldrons aud other articles of infernal ullility constantly working somewhere within the bowels of (he earth. On the uther hand, we are told aud believe that heaven is an abode of light, beauty and jiiy located far above the earth. Uue writer believes that heaven will bo on a planet which will be prepared for the saints in the last day, and another believes that this earth, burued over and purified by fire, will be the final resting placo of those who escape the horrors of prepetual puuishiuetit in the hell that has been prepared "for those who love sin." Dr. Whiston, the friend of Sir Isaac Newton and the first of the great race of "specula live astronomers," believes that hell is located on a comet. But the most curious theory we have ever investigated was that advanced by Dr Mortimer, author of "The Spirit of (iod as Fire" Ooe of the several sub stitutes uf this remarkable book was one which gave the reader to uu lertstand that the author believed that heaven is lo cated on the inner globe of the sun. This subMitute was "The (ilube Within the Sun Our Heaven" According to Moriiim r's theory, our sun is surrounded by ati envelope or photosphere rlatnc 1011,000 miles itself. Taken all together thi idea of the photosphere is a vast nouluniinous void. Farther on is the great globe of the sun itself. Taken all together, this idea nf the sun may be aptly compared to a peach era plmu The envelope of fl uue occupies the place of the skin, the "vast noulumi n us void" the place of the meat of the fruit and the central globe (true sun) the place of the seed. On this sun globe, insihe the ureal fiery envelope, Dr. Mor tini r beli -veil heaven ti be situated The photosphere or cuvclopo of fire lie took to be hell or tlie place of future punishment for the wicked. The "non luminous void," accotding to Mortimer, is the "great gulf between," which is mentioned quite frequently in the Seriptures St. Louis Republic. X Kemarkalile Cure of Chrmilr Diar rhoea. In 180-, when I served my country as a private in Company A, ltith Penn sylvania Volunteers, I contracted chronic diarrhoea, It has given me a great deal of trouble ever siuce I have tried a doien different medicines and several prominent doctors without any permanent relief. Not long ago a friend sent tun a sample bottle of Chamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemody, and after that I bought and took a 50-cent bottle; and now I cm say that I am entirely cured. I cannot be thankful enough to you for this great IteWdv, ami recom mend it to all suff -ring Velcraus It in doubt write mo. Yours gratefully, Henry Steinberger, Allentown, l'a. tor sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Kufield. HOW TO UK IIAIM'Y. Dr. Depcw'sdirectioDs for being happy ate published for the comfort of those ho are despondent over the dullness of the wason, the loss of a series of games to the tail coders in the National League ur other great discouragement: "My rmipe for happiness is tu keep in touch with the young. Joiu in their games, be a partn.r io their dance, romp the fastest inl the quickest in the Virginia reel or the country dance, go up to the old oollege and sit down and light your pipe and sing eullege songs, take the children to the theater and howl with them at the roaring farce, and laugh with them at the comedy, and cry with them at the (rag- edy; be their lant in their luie affairs, and, if they are Dot tiptal to it, write their love li tters, and u-v(r atop writing some for yourself" ANO I'll Kit WAV. ".Mr. Davit wiuti to borrow the 'awn nj.,.r." "No, tell him we won't lend it; but it he needs exercise he ciu come over and out our prasa." TAItl.i; TALK. "Your youngest daughter seems to have an industrious appetite." "Yea, indeed; she would rather eat than cook." MOKE KXASPEKATING. Of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are, "It might have been." But none can cause one so much woe As these short words; "I told you so." The man who sits dowo to wait for a golden apportunity to come along never baa i comfortable seat. The man who "Dose it all" very often getf his knows Hashed. TRIED A NEW DRINK. I lard l-iier Won The (lame After All, AnJ The )li Man Cot The Money. "Some of us fellows that thiuk we know all about drinks are just about as liable to go against the wrong one as rank outfiders are." The man with sporty costume, after making this assertion, took a gulp of his mixed tipple and proceeded with the story. "due Sunday before there was much baseball playing on that day allowed, I pickeil iiji a club ot mixed players, not her chap did the same, and we sneaked into a back township to plav a match for $ 100 a side. The thiug was kept so quiet that there were uot more than half a dnz-n spectator-!. Among them was a big farmer-looking fellow with a fog-horn voice he called cider from the c lie. You don't know what that is, hey? Well, neither did I up to that time. But, compared to tt,brauly is as new milk. In tho winter you frerz) the cider. In the center of the barrel there is left the pure spirit which resists tho cold. This you draw off and you have core cider. "It was good and we took plenty of it. When it came time to call the game we put the money into the old mau's hands. Having (lie umpire fixed, I was feeling pretty good and made several side bets. Vly boys were first to bat and for a time, being keyed up on the cider, they batted like fimds and we had fifteen runsiu be fore the eider had begun to do its best. Then there was chaos. Players were chasing imaginary balls, three men were trying to bat at once and the umpire was singing 'Annie Rooney,' then in her infancy. The sun was never brighter ih ui at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, when the umpire called the game on account uf darkness aud thickly proclaimed that my team had won un points. We all agreed with him that it was tuo dark to play and laid clown in the broiling suu to 'rest.' When I came to, the 'farmer' was gone, so was the $200 purse, so was all the stake money aud so were eignt or ten watches. lie did with cure cider what couldn't have done with a gnu. "I'd just as soon be hit with a sand hag a-i to Irink a glass of it " A SMI LINO VAUK, Everybody welcomes a smiling face. All duor- aie open to it;-ill social circles welcome it It is an open sesame tu heart and home. Hy it burdens nro lightened, cares dispelled, sorrows banished, and hope made to reign triumphant, where f ur, doubt and despondency held high carnival. Get the glow and radiance from such oearncss to the throne as Ud permits to His own. Bring from a holy and divine coiutuuniou a face luminous with light and let it glow and shine on all around. A little child ou the street of a great city, wishing to cross at a point where the surging tliroug and the passing vehicles made the feat dangerous to the strong, and especially to tho weak, paused, hesi tated, aud then asked a sunny faced gen tleman to entry her across. It was the sunuy face that won the child s confi dence. l-'ree 1'ills. Send your address to II. K. Buuklen 4 Co , Chicago, aud get a Iron sample h n of Dr Kiog's New Life Pills. A trial will oouviiico ynu of their merits. These pills are easy iu action and are particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache, For Malaria and Liver troubles thev have been proved invalua ble. They are guaranteed to be per fectly Ir -e from every deleterious sub stance aud to be purely vegetable. Tin y do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate (lie system. Regular size 2oc per box. Sold by W M Cohen Druggist SIT KKKCT. One of the worst habits young people for.u is that of leaning forward too much while at work or study. It is much less tiresome ou I more hcallhy lo sit erect Tho round-shouldered, hollow-cheslccl, aud almost deformed persons one meets every day o mid have avoided ail the bad results from which they uow suffer had ihey always kept tile body erect, the chest full, aud the shouldets thr iwu back. A simple rule is, that il head is not throxu fur I, but U hold eic-ol ill shoulders will drop back lo their natural position, giving the lungs full play. Th injury done by carelessness iu this respect is that by ii.coines.-in.' tlie lungs and preventing their full an I natural action lung diseases ensue, usually consumption, Sit erect, boys and gills, and look (he world in the facet Ilurkleii's Arnica Naive. The Best Salve in tho World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, I'lcers, Suit Rheum Fever Norses, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptions and positively cures I ilm, or oo pay re quired. It is guarantcd to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at W. M Cohen's Drug Store. OASTOniA. TVi tu- ) lla.ll, ftfi y, h if A CHEERFUL LIFE. Ynu Can .Make Things Co Wroim Hy In The Wrung State (If IlinJ. lemu (N. Y. Herald.) And uow J exhort you to be of good eneer. Acts, xxvu., It seems to me that there arc very few things in life more desirable than good nn ture. In some persons it is the result of tem perament, but in others it is an acquired habit. One cati develop good nature, and it is a prime duty to do so. There is no quality of character which has more to do with your happiness, with the relations you bear to your fellows, or with the highest success, than this. You educate your mind by means f study and meditation The poet educates and increases his imagination by con stantly exercising it. In the same way the artist becomes facile iu the use of the brush. He keeps at work un the canvas year alter year, until the crude picture of his early life, which attracted no atten tion, gives place to the majterpiece which da mature age brings him fame and fortune Whatever you do constantly becomes easy to do in tho lung run. We ought to recognize! these facts in matters of religion The spiritual nature, like the artist's eye and the architect's hand, needs skilful training. It is a blunder to declare that, wlii e the farmer can have no crops unless he fits the soil for the seed ho proposes to plant, you can leave your soul to grow without auy cultivation. A man can make himself about what ho wishes lo be provided he is willing to bestow the necessary labor on himself. Gardens which are not carefully tilled arc tilled with weeds, which become so dominant that the flowers are choked. Souls that aie left tu themselves become filled with spiritual thistles. A gtcat life the result of skilled workmanship, and if you are ever to be a nobleman iu the sight of G d you must needs bestow a .'nod deal ol labor on yourself, lor, while he peerage uf earth is: a matter of inher itance, the nobility ot heaven is inade ui of tin u who have earned their promiuence. To I e good n.itured may seem a very tlivial thing, but it is just as important as lo have a strong foundation when you are about lo build a house. The difference between a man who has the habit ol finding fault with everything and the man who invariably makes the best of everything is almost tuu great to be measured. You cau literally make tilings go wrong by being iu the wroug state of mind, and you can ut least help them tu go right by believing that they will go right aud giving them a jog iu that direction. If yuu have a difficult task to perform you cau do it more easily by believing that you can do it, and you make it a hun dred times more difficult, by believing that ucilhcr you nor anbody else can do When a mau thinks that Providence has used him hardly be is not iu the mental attitude tu enjoy pleasant relations either with Providence or his fellows. God uml he strangers, aud prayer and love aud faith are simply impossibl . 11 is always pulliug agaiust the tidu aud always blaming the tide for not flowing the uther way He is iu his suul, and there is, therefore, no light, no beau ty, uo joy anywhere. The habit of looking for clouds even when the sun shines, of expecting ovil evcu when no evil is visible, of grumbling because you have not had (ha upportu oiiies which you think yuu ought to have will grow very rapidly, and if you indulge in that habit you will Dot merely mat yourself miseiablc, but will luse (he power to straighten out tho crooked things of life. iou are a very pittante object it yuu have reached the conclusion that you are not properly appreciated oo earth because you havo been neglected by high Heaven Ou the other hand, if jou will cease your criticism ot your environment, put aside with a strong will your antagonis: I L III toitcsi oecausH ne lias Dot utven fou what yuu boldly declare you had tlie right to expect, aud set about making the best ol what you have, yuu will discover that the weather is not so stormy ullei When you have a raiustorm io your tieatt It makes Very little difference whether (he uu shines uu( ol doors or uut, aud when you have sunshine in your heart the rain out of doors will not siri ously disturb you. It is out the weather outside, but the weather inside which determines the happiness or misery uf life. Many a man has been happy amid doleful surroundings, and many a man has been wretched in surroundings which have excited the envy of his neighbors. It is the outluok which decides these matters, aud if that is cheerful yuu will find more pleasure in a daisy than another can find in whole fields of flowers. God is Faher, and you are His Child. He has Dot tortured you or Heated yuu harshly. He has been wise in dealing With jU, though you may not be able to sec it. Believe that; then have faith (hat there is no incident or experience which you cannot use for the upbuilding ot character. From such convictions comes that good nature, that sweetness which is also strength, and that hopeful ncs which floods this life with the glories of heaven as the eaith is flooded with the showers aud sunshine, which make our fields bring forth their golden har vests, George H. Hepworth, SI KIMUSKO HIM. Of course I will bo homelier some day, dear," she whispered. ''Impossible," he replied gallantly, and he marvels that she tccut his presents back. 1 5 1 : A IT 1 1 ' I L AIM CSTMEMT. Parke I have a joint account in the bank with my wife nuw. Laue Good! You mako an even thing of it, eh? "Yes. I put the money in and t-he draws it out." The Turn KcnieUy. VV. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III , "Chief," says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Disenverv fur Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Expe rimented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr Kings New Discovery. No other remedy can lake its place iu our home, us n it we haven cernun and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, etc " It is idle to ex- riment with other remedies, even iflhey are urged un you ns just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are nut as uod because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails tu satisfy. Trial bottles free at W M Cohen's Drug Store. 'One never knows what toexpeet from a woman. Alas no! I expected a fortune when I matried " CASTORIA For Infants and Children, fi, f- llml , ' Un riry Tiipll. Htutun it "My brother died last week; he blown up." ''Ah! Wife or boiler?" I'OltOVIOK 1 ll' I V VIOAKS Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used fur over fifty years by millions of mothers tor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhtca. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 2.) cents a botlle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and lake no oth er kind, Claude Do you think your father would offer run personal violcnco if I were to ask him for you? Mabel No; but I think he will if you don't prctly soon. Tetter, Snlt-Itliriini anil Eciema. The intense itching uml smarting, inci dent to these diseases, isiiistuntly allayed by applying Chiunlierlnin'a Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have lM'on permanently cured by it. It is equally I'lticient for itching piles and n favorite remedy fur sure nipples, chapped bunds, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sure eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cadv'a Condition l'owdern. are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tunic, didou puriner nnu vermifuge. They are nut food but medicine and the best in use tu pnt a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. Fur sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; J. N. Brown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harrison, Enfield Ever try these cigars?" them guilty." 'Yes. Found The sparkle uf repeutaut tears reaches heaven. The cyclone makes dreadfully blew. the people fci The nieklc plate is the one that passis at church. OASTOniA. The key Iu a lover's heart is oltco found in a lock uf hair. The world is a stage that carries too many deadhead p1ss,irtjofa ADVERTISEMENTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its (treat Icavenina st renirth and henlthfulmm. Assures the fondnfiinst aium ana an lorms or adulteration com moo to the cheap brands. BOY At. aUKINO POWDER CO., HIW YORK jilj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if tlie word REGULA TOR is not on a package it is not diftmiONS LIVER PECULATOR. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIFJ & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark the: re:d z. 11 m llfi, mmLZL'SLLlZ:'LzZ- bicycle repair V.XX'V'V'V'.V'S-V CASpECALTy Pnmns Pinp, Pinn fflttinira W Jf ) A lJ U A I 111 UUi tttiTT S. Inji'ctoi's. liritifc on your rot ton wm for repairs before the rush. All kiuds .loli Work iu class ut; le Never Leak Tire Fluid, Cabinet Work, aud general niacliiut work. W. A.. COPELAND, rJRocky Mount Iron Works, je: , ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THALMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 2i:t E. lialtinioieSt., K.U .TIMOIiE, Ml). Manuiu tu,., sot FINE RUBBER STAMPS, STENCILS, SEALS, Priming Presses anil Printer'sHiipplies. Also Artistic Job Printing, aud en gravers of Wedding and Hull Invitations. Semi for our beautiful illustrated catalogue of 2.VJ piges, printed in live colors. Weileal in novelties, novelties. Odd mill amusing. BflJuAnents Wanted. sep 24 ly. CHAS. M. WALSH, SI'KAM MAIir.I.KancU.iaNITE WOIiKS Petersburg, Va -4 M )NUM KNTS, H ;i1sUiih'.h, Tomb, etc. tJtJjUAIso Iron IVneinu, Vn.se8 ete , (or l eini'U-iy uml oilier Ljiji pin post s at lowest puces. IWU SATIS F ACTION CUAU A N T K KD. Work Delivered At Any Depot. octll ly. "C II AH LES C. ALL HTY, CONFECTIONER r PETBBSBUEG "V"A. Mr. W. W. Warren represents the Arm and will visit Weldon and its vicinity reg ularly. octll) ly. , a a. . . . . .. a .. THE ii GRANT SPECIAL niMI V QQK 1 Villi, i vpuu 1,. -v.i9-;vA,,. :: Huilt just the way vim want it. I'p- tu-ilate, euariinleed liieh grade wheel. LIGHT RUNNINC AND ATHINCOF BEAUTY. All Colors and all styles for men, Indies and ehildten. jpd Just us l'ooiI as n bieycle you would a pay 811111 tor elsewhere, sample -wheel on exhibition at .1. L Jud- kins' Grocery. H I fiRSNT. f ' Agent. RIDGEWAY HIGH SCHOOL. Fall Session of 1W7 Ingins Al'tiUST IHith. Tuition, Hoard, Washing, Lights and Fuel $65 to $75. Musie, wilh use of instrument, $l.r. lfljU.No xtru eharge for Lit in, lireek, FtvneU or iiiNik keeping. Send for cata logue JOHN CRAHAM, auu'ilni. liiilgeway, N. C. BlieRiilieCfifflGutlLiuiB Works Vaunts, turcm of HU'K UllxiK HYDRAULIC ROSENDAIE CEMENT iiiiHPrtnttH'd HlMnliitfty hylniilc. We uiiote i,rl i' ilemvreii ut Huy point In the South. All (Vint'iit U'fU-it, aiul KliYhitlli. innfuiiQiiy hi color, biirniiiu ittut uriiiiliiitf liimrHitU'iit. Wrllc Tor pnet !'.. Mtvi HU'K HllM.K HPKIStiH, MOFESSIOSA I. CARDS. J AM KM V. MCI.I.KS, WAI.TBI B, DAN tit M ULLII D A M I I L, ATTORSKrS ATLAW, "Wkuion, N. C. In theennrtpof Halifax undNrirtham in una in inpntinrtmeiinn FeUcrRl rvmru "ti.n mune In ullntrtsof North Carolina Brain b oiBi-e at Halifax, N. every Mod. d'T- Jan 7 ly JJIt.T. noss, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. "Office over Entry & l'ieree'astora. 10-19-lj. a2A 1 .V Z 7. KSTAHUSHKIHN 18ti5. The truth is the foundation nf our Success- We make Claims, our WORK fulfils them. ftayLet us Estimate for DeM.iins Sent to any address FREE. Iu writing give age of deceased aud some lim it as to price. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS ami SATISFACTORY. -J. L. Juins' Grocery .WELDON, N. C. I I still carry a full line of fiuo Staple and Fancy Groceries, FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES, Crockery, Glass Tin, and woodenware and most everything that is kept in a first duss grocery store. I ulfo return thanks to my friends fur their patronage of the uist, and solicit a continuance of the same, with guarantee to please. And wishing them a happy and prosperous new year. That they may Long to live And well to do And at ir death Be happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JUPKINS. dec 1:1 ly. F. 11. Stainback. WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise Agent fur the celebrated ZKIGI.F.R BROS. anil hay nt A 1 K HllOEH. Have also added to my stock a nice lfue CLOTHINGI for MEN, YOUTH'S aud CHILDREN. A full line of Solid Walnut Caskets Cols, Always on hand. Burial robes furnished for Utiles and Gentlemen also fluid injec tions given txi dead bodies and disinfec tants used when desired. A NICE HEARSE AT TOUR DISPOSAL. P. N. STAINBACK. T)B , W. J. WARD,C .. Sorpoi Dentist, ENFIELD, N. a ' . K-Offiosorer Harrison's Drt lU-ms, 4a 8 ly.