ssjpi nun test if HI ill fiaraifr JOHN W. SLEIDQ-E, ritoniiKToit. VOL XXXI 1 A. 2ST IE "W S IP -A. IP 3U FOB THEE PEOPLE WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT KMIJKR (, 1897. TEBIvIS:-l & I'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 21. ADVK11TISKM KXT.-5. lira Before Retiring.... take Aycr's Pills, and you will slct p better and wake in better roiulition for the day's work. Aycr's Cathartic Tills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They rtre sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyanrcsexpericiiced in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PILL THAT WILL. tMnd n ii iniiiiii Cmpft r.i'Hin ii'', Ithinfritpln tl hi Wtl'MH, hich So PHt- iiml tlmt tlm ii t'ii'pt 1" tl"' In ik i'Srt'Hv likf tin. rti -i viTv oumr ninl every tluwer iarvjro Y.vvrv cri'lrt Indu-Vd In V W cnta- l"tf'H t'-' TO f l.(Vtt H'.j ff Illt ' t'tT 1 111 ' bo. U FUKK, ANI W'K I'W Air, hiM'AliK, If yi-u wi-ii on i" ii 1 qiiiiht v fa m b ud us he. lu tMUaJl J tur iv rMi ii ). Wi havi tw'H (lolnif bmlnpa tn Tlnltl ItiorP for trt )t ti, Btnl oii run tm rik in htivtntr fmn th- mill. Dn p H pow for our ciitiilotruc ami mi e Hie hue i.rolliH vnti ar )Mvm llu inldtllt'iiiitn. Our Furiniimi I utBtoKuu in fine. JlXir 1IIN1H& SON, IlHltuuifri', Mil. riraao mention trmpni",r m $r. n u :te n m m M n- HERE IS A SNAP. fetiTTlit'eatly 1mm! Vou know th wrt. MEYER IS Openini: a larire lot of: STItAW HATS, unit which he U nut GIVING AWAY iiimple SHOES n hut is selliiiK at hairunirt iu'11 ing piiee te 3 STRAW 5 HATS. 1V the thousand. Kvrryl1v able to have a nice vM ut .small price. A lo liut line Silks, Cheviots, Tahlr Daunsk, Curtiiins, ltilihoiis, llress Trim. mini;s, or aiiythiuiE you ask lor. Full line GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES m m m n at pritvs lower than evtT. Come iuaml examine my storV. SPRING V OPENING Special Display of- Aud llilUnery Novelties, lie aure to uttenil. 1 MRS. W. R. HART, ? oct 15 ly ltoiinoko UapicU.N. 8 P. SALE, WH. LINN, I Proprietor. Manager ! MANSION HOUSE. . BOTH OH '.mm AND EUROPEAN PLANS I yip, Aft. i ENFIELD. N. C. iTln.iii-li'i1 Uolo BtrMt, NOUFOLK, VA. QUAINT o'H ALIFAXj j Z&kosy of, $ovson$ and places C,eA O nT' of, the (WRITTEN FOR THE 4 VXC Li; HILLY COXTIXl T.S IH STOKY A'-i TO A "R.rP 2 I d( in chickens no nii;h dat iiyardin an .,, , , , , I. . ' I has h.'ell sa il hv olid ot O il t lAt I : r ..i.i i;u ,., I ' , . , r ' . ! about ' the tune when you were youiiL', , . . ' . , oil us it Is nnl mv own ezoer en e unit i s lay no claims to having acted in drama of life that I am relating, I tm-t re are some who still cherish the meiii- of otbur days and 'iinon til iU; blfnl 1 cijilc nt'ially iIiito art; llrwo wlio will Inn iiic tur iHii!-iii; awhile with thusi' i. li:iviii" M fwd lluird.iv ami Kcnera- tlMi) have lallcii aii'i'i and their plauo lilltil liy ntln-m wlui Iwvo cnnio afttir llii'in Saui' and m'liular, aildi'T and stati'iuaii, pricsl and pe'.iplt', atiltts bliMid il in mil' t"'iiiiinin and iIimil'Ii ii tble -hall ua lu irk ilicir ri'Slina pluci-, tln-y too, will come firth and take, thvii I plana in llial iiiiimuiTablc t h rolls' wliii li no man oan numtn'r and which isiiall liter frni all tlm i-iiriu'r id the earib tin' i'all id'tlii' (i rt ut Architect uf the uniV' rse. With my mind lilbd with inuiii us like then' I arnse un the lln iriiinu' alter tin interview with inv ijiMnduiu t'rietiil and pn'piMl I' t my vin t'i the old church ird and utber uuiiitu ul inti rcnt I Inn iniilhl he suited by lil-u. ltie -M.-t I tin' street w is tii irnu eiiuipareii wun the day before. The crowd hail di red to their limncs in the suiroundiiii: country. I he upturned u'oods times and lew li mes an 1 scraps ot bread, which were scattered around and Iiciiil; Uevourcu by a lazy looking pii;, were the only re mains id Ihe least that had hceu spread beneath the trees, and the little town, ai this early hour of the iiinmino tnicjit uve been taken ora"Uescrted lllai;ii. The houses, i;rey and ttabled roofed, staid tid i litfnilied in till ir settint; hack from th snoet, some ol them almost hid ,y the tall cedars and ever-nvus in front, seemed to look askance at their more modem neiehbors. For there have been some attempts at stvles of a later date. ( had beeo told by' my communicative andlord tiiat there had been a i;reat im provement in the town in the last ten years. When 1 remembered that it was said that the "Father of his Oouutry,'' in writttit; of ibis little villap', had said that it was a thrifty village, but a little on the decline, it was bard lor me to rec oncile the two statements. As I came in the vicinity of my' cottatre I saw htm iii'lu-liinilv wecilinc away amotii; some vegetables in the litt't Harden attached to his humble dwelling. now an 1 then peering earn'-lly at ihe plants as il in search of somethiif! he wa anxious to discover. "(li.od niornitiL, I'ncle Hilly," I said. "Sarvanl, sab," he replied, taking of his battered hat politely but loaiiiiii; in bis hn with his eye still oil the ground. '1 ou have a nice garden, 1 contin- d. ' Yas, sab, but dese yer cut wo'otns is j cs er ruintn my eoiiani ptanis uese cooi moruiu 8, an my sullit s alt gone to seed I wan dese collarus ter make hast an grow so ii I kin 'tin ter eat 'em.' As he said this he stooped down and ran his finger around a decapitated cab bage plant and bringing up a wriggling grub proceeded to pull him in two with hi. tin""!- wiping them on Ms anoca as he finished and looking up with the air of having met and conquered an enemy. lou haven t tune lor a walk, then: Oh, van I is, boss. I allers lakes ler 'commodate Dice gentermens," he replied, as no doubt visions of silver half dollars I flitted through his mind, lie carefully placed his hoe in the corner of the chim ney and wiping his face with a gay ool ored oolton handkerchief came through the little gate, in his shirt sleeves and with only one siring across bis shoulders in placo of suspenders, saying as he van ished in doors, " Jes' leunue git my yuther coat an' hat." l'reseotly he came out in a long cut frock ooat, that had perhaps in time been black, and a comparatively new straw hat, calling to a little cur dog lying on the porch he naid,"yon stay dar Jack 'twcll I come back." The dog looked up at him and seemed to take in what he said and then quietly shut one eye and then both, r" tiug hi, head upon bis fore paws. Turniug to mo he aaid, "data de koow eDiejt dorg you ever aeed, be wont let $f$iate. ROANOKE NEWS s s A way b? kin ketch cr cood is ersiirht. Ilow'd J . . . .r yr '' IS t l"nK Mainly inu' my willineness J lollowed hitu around ' , , , ,. a coriier (ben down a short UKtanei) pasl . . where some old steps were crumbliuir. aiound a little knoll and then down a nradtial incline to the foot of "Constitu tion Hill" In whiToii lieunlif'ol sorinc n(' J e .1... i.iii.;.i io n.m-i v.iiiit-i, uui ui iiic iiiu.-i'iu auu in .: .i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 in a lariw rock which is bo hol lowed that it lories a basin for the water Oi the side of this basiu thctc is a spout cut out of solid rock throiioh which the water is conveyed, as the sprint; is in closed by a solid lock wall of about forty feet and has an iron barred inte that is kept locked It is suiil l lie oldest inhab itant leu, iiie.i tin .ii..'. .mil iif'whun iind III .i., ,,;rn ,, i,,,:i, "lis is de .Maitazine Sprint;," Baid my ituidu with ditinity, "an'down here's whar de (jnality uset.T hev dey parties an' play kyards an' drink wine. ( Ileum tell e bow two on 'em once pit iner fuss kasc one won all de money from de yutber one an' liuht up dar is whar dey lout er juelan' bof on 'cm win killed, dars two ii tie holes up dar now whar dey stood when dev I red, an dcs tillers clean , er ,. rtraw ... ..,,.. ,w wailh H,.re ; . ,, " i... ..1 an impressive tone From the evidences around, such as rustic seats, improvised under the tree, pieces i f broken china and other rem nants of a feast, I decided the sprint; was a favorite resort of the beaux and belles of the present itencratioa. After qucncbini; our thirst, we wended our way to the old church, past an nn- c"'1" '" 'i"" school-house ot which my '. UHl " " "W ; o's icr sciiooi, an iook ut ie ot ue fc hooiiu u.-y una ue m ire un em out here ter de State farm. He I ou added, rcneelively, "yer see arter iley oils ao much laruin deys too lazy j ' F"uJ ter wotlti n ,ust, lhln8 )er kuo uey uouu sioiu wjiuuioio uu uai ueji goes lint, deu you kno, some hikes say es bow dere ain' no yuther place suim er nigger but in er eorn-fiel' an' bin' er mule, an' I spose deys in de right place nrtcr all " "Hi !" he exclaimed as a sharp tonod bell rung out on the morn ing air, "deres de hell eallin em to d cole house now an' some more un 'cm will got dar arter dis week, I reckun " 'Ibis, to my mind, was a serious rt flection on the wisdom of those patriotic men who .u framing the first constitution for the Stae embodied in its most vita principles the resolution that North Car olina should aid in the education of her people. And this was the same old hell which had rung out so exultantly on thai day when, in front of this court house, in the preseuce of a vast cmourso of peo ple annuls tube free, had been read the " I'ee aration of Independence" as it had been declared in I'liilad. Ipliia, that wa now calling a degeiierite people to don the bailee of fcloiiial serwtudu The old church had been built in Colonial days and had been used as a free chinch for any wayfaring minister of the gospel who might come that way, and iu alter years by the oolored people alone. It haa long since fallen into di use aud is fast erumbiing to decay. As I looked at its quaint construction and tottering walls, with imaginations eye, I Oould see the congregations of atatelv Colonial dames, lox huuiing niuire and prim youths and maidens, who were wont to gather here at stilted times and loyally pray for "His Majesty, the King ol Kogland." Here too, perhaps, the gifted W hit held had by bis impassioned elo quence swayed the multitude, composed ol swarthy red men, aa well aa dame with kerchief and cap and men with powdered wigs and long queues. Th yard haa been enclosed In ao eUort Ii preserve the stones which mark the graves of those departed more than a century ago, some of these are broken and defaced and some almost illegible and one, imme diately under the church, told of one long sinoo forgotten among men. "Dar'a whar Mars June 'a buried," aaid my friend, pointing to a grave at a little distance. "I loves to come here an' think er dc good times I uster hev wid dem boys. You see dere wus Jedge Daniel's aoua, do Jedge waa go de 'apreuie 7V m MM ote bench an' went ter Holly Ins an' las' kase his bu-iiiets Ink him dere so much. lint Mars Mutton an' Mister Tom liur- top, he wuz tiovner Isuitotis son, an bis niotbir wun ersaint on de yeatlh," be added, reverently "Dey wim oler 'n Mars June but when vruwux all boys be lister go wid us kasu he allers wnz er mani-li suiter boy. Want feared o' mi r Ii i it' in de wurl an' ever'hody sed arter he went tt-r Wim' l'iot be wu. jes' 17. baii'som as he cod be. De yuthers dey wuz bof sorter wile in duy y mug days jes loved ler 1 Hie last an go ler panics an d nice an hev er good lime, yer kno , but dey wilt miobty good hearted tin' uever forgot do manners, no matter who dey wuz wid Well, de Jedge uso ler live light over yonder an' arlerwaids Mars liutton lived dere too. Vou ace when Dr. Kppes would go way up in tiuckiiigham in do summer he'd jes' leave all de plantations under er oversee! an' MiMcr Liindis l'carson was gyardeen fur us, kase olo Miss lived so fur away, but when dey all come back ill de fall er d yi arsich limes tz dey would have over ter do Drove or fox huutin' an' er feastin' an' daueiu'. V'cr sue Dr. Kpps an' Mars Hulton married sisters an' dey father married Misa Sally, (Jov Burton s widdcr, who wuz 'lister Burton's mother So you see he was Ins' ole Mars Willie Jones' graii'soti an' dey wu. all jes' lak one big fambly. Hut dat fox liuntius you dio't see iiotbin' lak it dese days" I'he old man's spirits seemed to kindle 11s be talked " "I'was er common thing in item days tei hev doigs an' inns' every tientleiut'iis in de kentry had er pack er houns an' when dey all met tergethcr an' auutcd ut) on er cool frosly mornin' on er fox hunt ell you dere wuz. fun. Whoopee, seems ter me I can bear dem dorgser yelpin' yil, oh-m-iu-me.'' The old man had seated himself on oueif the sirange looking gravestones and as he liuishi d be buried bis face iu his builds us if overcome by these memo ries In a few luomenta iai-ing up he said, "well deys all gone an' I'll never bear drill doigs holler no 1110' , but 1 'spuse its all right an' 'taint no use griev ing 1 reckon we better go over yonder ter de (irovc now,dats on 'ter fide er de town, jer ktiu', " With this we left the old church yard and lurnitiL' into another street he said, "dis yer's Granville street, dey say iz how it wuz Darned arter de Yearl er Granville, whosoever he nmut be, I jes' bouu' he warn't much do, fur I uever beam or none er bit 'laiioiis no whar 'bout here," referring uo doubt to the doughty lvirl of that name. .V little further on be said, "dis jers de church whar Mister Tom Lowe use ler preach. Ne'er heerd er him, neither 1 Well, I loll ymt what, he wuz er big pnseb.r lie wuzer Mctho-di-t,yir ii", un' wi.z iin-s' de unheal preacher dere wuz any whar 'round at dal time He wuzer big mason too, an' use ter 1 reach all de big funerals. He wuz er little tall, lanky lookin', taller face man, but when lie llio'it) his ejus up like he wuz lookin' right up at de Tho'no ao' gun ter preach Ink he could, yer could mos' see de angels swoopin' d iwn ter take yer right up ter glory. Why dc folks use ter come thirty or lorty miles ter hear Ii 1 1 11 preach an' ar'er he died dey built er ubuieh out in do kenny in sake er bis mom ry, an had er big Duration boui 1 1 i 111 wheu 'twas deddycatcd." Leaving the little church and passing ou to aud across the railroad, weeDti red a wood of forest oaks through whose briiiihes (lie sunlight fell on dead leaves and broiiz 1 ill issea which spread as va nous colored carpels at our leet. "liii yer s 1 r fine p'ace ter walk, so cool and nice," said my guide taking off hii hat to let the brei play around hi; woolly brow, which be was mopping with that same kerchief. "Folks doan' think initbiu' erdis place now, do, like dey use ler, hi s er shame how evei'lliing is emuiu down Ms Aggie said izhowole M ,rs U illie Joins wouldn't er let one er dese yr trees bin cut down fur uuthiu' 'tall, loi', law me, dey don' know notion' 'bout Mist (Vrnwallis uauipin' here wid hi- who'eariiiy, he continued, api.logeti cal.y, as we went on into an avenue tiiat led up to a large antiquated and deserted I inking house. The huge stone steps were covered with moss, the windows were boarded up and a creeping vine waa holding the choline) -together. The door had talleo Iro'ii its rusiy hiueia and (here was noth ing to prevent our entering the ball, or vesiibulein whidi was a large, open 6 re pla e, hung wiih cobwebs and banked wuh soot, fallen no doubt hy the return f.r maiiv years f the swallows to their home In lis ample uuea Ihe walls have been snipped uf the papering which, with ttber p orti 'ns of the inside of the build- nie, have b eu earned oil as uiemeutoes .1 the once famous homestead, noted tor us ho-poa ity and good cheer He-id he hreplaee was a strange lo iking win ilow, apparently built in the solid wall pd opening on nothing My guul paused here and said, "No tellin' de secrete data bin hid under dis winder. Dey say tl deres er closet under dere wid er sprint! ter it, an nobody koows whar it Is. Dat a har dey use ter keep all dere secret papers, an 'lore win some poriaui spatehes 111 dere linn tien I. tireen when Coruwallis an his others wuz sctttn In dis yer room eatio' dinner" As he said this he led the way thr ugh a narrow tisssaee into a large n un with wide and de pbowwiudons, high carved mantel, above the huge, gaping tlre-plaee, and a w.uiiscoiing id oak which run around th wall und formed a base fur the numerous small paned windows on each side Agiinmy mind turned to visions of gay revels held in this room. Ul gallaot men and couriley dames seated in high hacked chairs around a table laden with 1 IJ fashioned glass and silver, with the old "side hoard" of so id wood anu the quaint decanters, the contents of which no d 'iibt had helped in the destruction which was evident all around And it was in this lordly dining room Col. Turleion, of the British army, had been si 11 ni! to the quick by tne anarp tongue of Mrs. Ashe, Mm Junes' sister, much lo the amusement uf Lis superior olficr, Lord Corn wallis As my guide led tho way from the house he said, kitchen an' yutbor houses are 000, right out here's whar dey use ter be. Dars whar me an' Joe, Mist. Tom Bur ton's man, use ter come coiirtin' dem gals, I'byllis an' Nancy. Yer see dey wuz maids here at de hou.ic an' ez purty ya ler gals ez you sue aiiywbar, an' Joe he wuz jes' ez likely ez anybody, an' dressed tine, too. Mist. Burton never sorrcld his close dc leas' bit an' allers gin uui ter Joe. But yer see when Dr. Kppes wud come dowu here, dere wuz allers er plenty er niggers here, but he'd bring dem boys, Ned aud Moses ter Irtve de kerrulges kase d'-y wuz uso ter du horses an' you know dem Fcrginny niggers wuz mighty quinuckonttal an lidn l lluuk eny yulher person bed env sense but dem, au' when dey'd go ter II V in round dem gals hit just turned dey heads so ezdey wouldn't hardly look al me an Joe. Hut den yer know de iongiV pole reindict do siuimoii an' when dey'd go back in do spring why we'd hev our time. What becatued o'dem? Why, yer see, Mist. Burton got iu er big uushun ler sell his plantation an go out ter Texas, t mos' broku his mother's an' sister's heart, but go be would, and I'liyllis uuqklu t bear ter see Joe go widout her so olo Mis. lot her go too, What madu him go away? Why dere will er oman at dc bottom er dat, too. I mi see dure wuz Miss Lizzie Armstrong, Jedge Armstrong's darter. De Jedge lived way up de kentry but Miss Lizzie use ter go ter school wid Mr. Burton s sisters, au' dat winter she name down ter Je Grove visitln'. Doyjes'tuk an' fell iu love wid each yuther. She wuz mighty purty, so white an' graceful lookin' she minded you when she walked er one 0' dese yer tall white lilies waviu' in de sunsbiue. De Jedge wuz monstrous proud er her, ao' didn't think auybody win good er Dulf fur her, but she bad allers had her way au' he finally 'greed dat dey couid be married iu de fall. Dat summer dey all went to Shucco Springs, dat wuz er big summer 'sort in detu days, au' while dey wui up dere dey met up wid Cap'o Somebody dat wuz mighty fund er her an' paid her ever sort er nice pertcntioo which Mist. Burton didn't lak, au' axed her net ter talk ter him no mo'. Dey wuz bof mighty high spirited an' she dtdu't grco ter it 'tall. Well put long arter dat, oue night he wuz walkio' ou de piazzjr waitiu' fur her ter comedown Irom her room, when, way 'roun' in er dalk comer, be come right on 'cm bof 'gaged iu er close con versation. He didn't say er woid but Went right arter Joe and told him lo pack up quick, lie looked so white an' d'edful Joe couldn't tell what was de matter but dey come home dat same night without givin her er chance ter splain, ao' den bloke up eveiythiug, au' went right oil to lied river 11 lexas Dey all had big plantations d.iwu deresi he lei' lu Mian Icrsdl dc !du' tkrc au' horses, an' sout for dc uiggers ter come out dere. 1' r aps if dey bof hadn't been to proud dey could er made up, fur she waro'ttalk 111 any harm, an' could er tole huu so, but he jes' wouldn't gin her er chance lou sec she bed er brother that would gamble au' play kyards, au' bet on hoss races au' dj Jedge lu 1 sed ef he d me it auy more, he wuz gwiue ler cut him ouieu uuy er bis property. Dero wuz gwiue ter b ; er big buss nice not fur from de springs in er day or two au she wuz er beggin' de Captain, who her brother wuz mighty fond uv, to try ter git him nut ler go nigh de races. Dat wuz all, au' she didu't care er suap er her little white finger tut del apt. any more n she could get I11111 ter trtend her brother, but Mist. Burtou didu t know dat an ao iz 1 said he weut right oil' au' I'oio long be took wid do jailer fever dey hez out dere an died lo any un em could git ter him Me an Nancy wuz married soon arter dat, an' we bed th ee cbillun lo' de s'reuderbut we don't kuow what come I'hyllia au' Joe arter he died." 1 here waa pathos in the old niaus voice as he related this episode in the lives of bis couipanioo- of the past 1'heu shading his eves with his baud pel baps lo hide ao unbidden tear, but ap parently to look at the -un, he said, "Hit's oittiu long in de day uu we aint seen Quankey yit, so we better make base, I reckon " As we came on to the fauii'y burying ground, with its vineu iveied tombstones, which is all that is lei I to tell the tale of one who ut ne lime controlled legislation aud made laws for the whole common wealth and whose desceudauts have passed away or are scattered iu other honi's, he said, "Hires Ems Aggies grave, you see el I lo'd you before she wuz de head sarveut. Dey had lots id sarvcnls, dere wui one dey called "Pastry Luce kate she never teched nuthin but de pies an' cakes, au' den dere wuz eruotlnr Luce dat cooked de groceries, sides all do maids au' waitin' boys, but dey trusted Sis Aggie wid everything, an' den dey brung her here an' buried her wid du white folks." This little village and surroundings, though UDiuvaged by the hand of mau by ao called modern improvements, has been richly blessed by nature itself. Situated as it is near the bauks of the beautiful, rushing river which at tinua b 'eomes a mighty torrent carrying fell destruction in its course towatJ the sea and which like the other streama of the State in their sudden risings was a pow erful factor io accomplishing the defeat of the army under Cornwullis, it is still so high that its people can rest secure Umm the raging 8 iod and calmly survey the destruction they are powerless to prevent, ihe adiaJcnt valleys are veiy lertile and 1 am told the agricultural portion uf the community will risk their all in cultivating these, rather than the upper lands.which are not subject to over flow, and not ao plenteous in ihe harvest The beautiful stream just south of the old town though very high on Its banks ia deep and ao narrow in some places that the laurel and ivey Irom either side al most interlace their foliage over the dark brown waier This stream, or creek which the Iudians by their keen adaption of names to subjects had given the mu siesl name ot uuankey, which in our tongue means, "long water," rippl blithely along as in the daya when the I swarthy red men trod its banks. Within "de I loss than a mile of the town it it crossed but I ino) reoroasod by two bridges, one for railroad which passes the town and which being built near the first quarter of the present century was for sometime the longest smglo line in thu world. Ul the other over which the county road passes, it is said that while Coruwallis was encamped at the Grove, one of his officers was caught ou the bridge, and finding American soldiers at each end intrepidly leaped bis gallant charger over (he railing to die depths below, u distance 01 seventy live leet, and while Iho horse wus killed, be made his escape down the winding stream, amid a shower of bullets, to the chagrin of bis would be captors. Be sides this there aru other points of interest, one beautiful part of its course having been likened to the meeting ofthe waters, in the vale of Avoca, and described in such appropriate words that I reproduce them here: "Near the fern fringed banks at this point the stream divided and met, aud divided aud met, und di vided once more making three small is lands and when it met uruuud the last receiving into its bosom another branch of itself (which after an excursion of its own through brauibly wildernesses) one oould see hurrying on a thread of silver, through a mass ol green mosses to join the parent si ream and the two currents meeting gladly made lipples and liny waves uf flaky foam and then uuiled to now peacefully Into the Hoanoke, a little Itirther down." The little islunds about which liaukey dunoed so gaily were covered id brooze mosses uod fringed with ferns here or wuter lilies there. A tall tree or two urose fioui them now and then civered with the luiuriant growth of wild scuppernoug viucs, whiuh here are on their native soilj and away up hidden in the grapevine a bird sung uui clear and sweet to be answered by some other feathered songster from some neigh boring tree. Drinking in the beauties of these scenes and a little wearied with my walk 1 had cast myself down on the shady bank aud was only aroused by my sable tricud s inquiry, "Boss, doan yer think its mos' dinner time? I'm erfeared dat dorg will leave dat gyarden an' dem chickens will scratch up my waturmilliun seeds arter all." I'pon reaching ihu hotel 1 found the mail for which I had been waiting hud arrived, so bidding adieu to my sable friend, afier thanking him in a substantial way for his kind attention, I left this little town in which my stay had h'on so pleasant And now, with 110 apology lor my simple little tale, kind reader, 1 leave you hoping that you have enjoyed it, at least, enough to go with me to THE END. 77" lYomaq tof 1te Sphinx tht mystery ofwoman- JJOOU l! 1U11 III MMII unanswerable enigmas. Whv nhoulf) women be Compelled to snnVr Rim ply because they ire wo men Whv is it that the sourer of their highest joys is at th name time the cause ot their Breaieat wreicnea aes' The very attributes which make it posihle for women to be happy wives and tnolliern aiso rentier loem nauic iu inc ui most tihvMcal misery and pain. The suffering of body and mind eaa?d hv some weak nets of the diMincUv feminine organs are ao almnut universal among wo men that the question mifrht well be asked: " Is this Nature's punishment for the crime of being a woman ? " The true answer is No! Thete snfferinjrs are neither natural nor necessary. They would not exist if the oreanmm was healthy. No woman ought to endure such troubles, There is no need of it. Dr. Pierce's Favur ite Prescription is a perfect and positive cure for feminina wcMkue and disease It a-ive health and strength to the spe cial organs and nerve-centre; heals inflam mation; stops weakening drains; promotes functional regularity, anU restores the nor raal. vigorous and painlass condition which Natnre intended. It is the onlv medicine of Its kind Irt vented by an educated and eiperieneed physician. It is the only medicine which makca baby's fjumtng kmc auu costpara- tivflv tiatnless. Anv woman who would like to know more about this medicine and about her nwn nhvtriai mAke-uo should send tl one- cent stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Huffalo, N V . to oav the cost of mailing onyon an absolutely free copv of his thousand page illustrated book. 'The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser;" or, Jl stampi fur cloth cuvereq A sure and permanent cure for constipa tion is Dr. Pierce s reuais. ime renei is a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic. TOOK NO CIIAXCKS. A Billvillo citia 'u found tho following ilieo posted on his gatepost: "You an' your'n mus' leave hero tli morion, an durned quicK loo: John," said his wife, "I wouldn't go fl wuz you, kase you hain't done nuihin' ler go for." "I know it, Molly," he replied, "but reckon I'll go! I've been keepin' till lately, an I ve come ter the p int whar I needs eiercisc, and lota of Gimme a clean shirt, and git on yer bun nei!" Iutelligeuce is not irsioed by a mere act ef will A l V K K I' 1 8 K M K N TS. POWDER Absolutely Pur Celebrated forita great leavening strength mm ill and hetiltlifulnees. Assures the food against alum and all forma of adulteration com mon to th cheap brands. SOTAl 8i(mj FOWOIK UO., KIW vog the nkw advektisemf:nts. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULA TOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIfl & CO. And it can he easily told by their Trade Mark the: red z. FURNITURE I - AT We are located now at our new ouurters. from Main street We cull your attention which is the wonder of the ago. Are you more lel't. We will close Iheiu out at Hltc. KERNS! $1 y.r, lormer price, We take pleasure to show you through our stock. No Trouble lo show goods. Mail orders promptly attended to. For burgaiua call at KEEN'S, 11.1 Old Market Square, 3 Doors from THALMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 813 E. Baltimore St., BALTIMORE, MI). Manufacturers of FINE RUBBER STAMPS, STENCILS, SEALS, Printing Presses aud Printer's Supplies. Also Artistic Job Printing, and en gravers of Wedding aud Ball Invitations. Send for our beautiful illustrated catalogue of 2o2 pages, printed in live colors. We deal in novelties, novelties. Odd and amusing. tuAgents Wanted. Hep241y. CHAS. M. WALSH, STKAM ii MAU1II.K and (1KANITE WORKS Petersburg, Va. MONUMENTS,:)!- Headstones, Tombs, etc. lOJAIsn Iron Pouring, Vases for cemetery and other puriHiata at lowest prices. i.HATISI'ACT10N (JUAUANTKED. Work Delivered oct 11 ly. CHARLES C. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER, Mr. W. W. Warren represents the firm and will visit Welilon and its vicinity rag nlarly. octlSly. ir.-.a)j- 1 THE GRANT SPECIAL nmv (dqr fA -j.stt&C'iVv,. . liuilt just the way vou want it. 1 p- to-dute, uuuranleed bii;h grade wheel. LICHT RUNNINC AND ATHINC0F BEAUTY. All Colors and all styles for men, Indies and childien. Jpl Just as iiood as a bicycle you would isy S 1 (IU for elsewhere. Sample !; 'f wheel on exhibition at .1. L Jud- f kins' Grocery. H I GRUNT, ! ! Agent. BlueRidp Cementf Lime Worls Maourmliirersontl.l'K KUSIK HYDRAULIC BOSENDftLE CEMENT (iimrsntced Htoltit-lr hydraulic. We quote line- drhvcrvit Hi any rnui hi Hie Smill.. AU (Ymcnt ti'kUsl, and NireutfLh, uniformMy In color, burn I on and KrlnduiK Kiiarniiieftl. Write fr rlcu I . 11. uui l rem nbl r. KILHi K M'rUMiK, fA. Tolegraiih Rluu Knlr.Vs sro' PKOFESStOSA I VA HI8. JAM KM M. Ml'LliEN, WA1.T 1. DANIEL M LLIN a DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WkuxN, N. C. t-ietlre lu thccourUof HalifkiandNortham on 111 id in the Supreme and PtHlunU courta. 4!oi v Liiiun iu4 tit ftiiiMtrMioi Norm Carolina. Branch office at Halifax, N. C.opeu every Mon Hay. jan7iy REAMER'S Howard House, JAM ES REAMER, Prop. Howard & Baltimore sta , Haiti more, Md TERMS $2 Per Day. aep 1(1 ly. D" T. T. HOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N.C. MfOffioe over Entry A Piem'ssiore. ? 'sfJu ? V FURNITURE! KERN'S! - No. 113 old Market Square, two doom to our $17 .10 solid oak bedroom suit, in need of a woven wire cot? Only a few each. Hammock chair now reduced to Main street, NOUFOLK, VA. 8 2C-ly ESTAI'.LISIIUll IN lH(i5. The truth is the foundation of out Success. We make Churns, our WORK fulfils tliem. leafLet us Estimate fur you.JSfl Designs Sent to auy address FREE. Iu writing give age of deceased and some lim it as to price. All work warranted STiifCTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATIS FACTORY. At Any Depot. - J- J. Jufa'kq ;WF.LIHN', N. C. I still carry a full line of Hue Staple and Fancy Groceries, trFRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES. Croekrrv, GIush Tin, and woodenware and most everything that is kept in a fimt class grocery etore. I also return thanks to my frieuds for their patronage of the punt, and solicit u coutiuuance of themrue, with guarantee to please. And wishing them a happy and prospsrous new year. That they may ljong to live And well to do And alter death He happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JUDKINS. dec 13 ly. F. II. Stainback WELDON, N.C. -Dealer In- General Merchandise Agent for the celebrated ZEIGLEU KliOH. and HAY STATE SHOES. Have also added to my stock a nice line CLOTHING. for MEN, YOUTH'S and CHILDREN. -A full line of- Always on hand. Burial robes furnished for latdiea and Gentlemen aim fluid injec tions (liven to dead bodim and. f(iinfeo tants naed when desired.. A NICE I'TKARSE ATYoIJU DISPOSAL. P. N. STAINBACK. W. J WARD.fc Silicon Dentist. ENFIELD, N, C. HOfflo over Harriaoi'a Drat; Auw loo 90 ly. i '