I 1 I 4 feu; ft-Si" $ r 1 ... . 1 1 . THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 181)7. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY JOHN W. SLEE32, Editor and Proprietor. P. E. SIAINBACK, Associate Editor jLMereuar lust umcr hi iiidioi ks Smiml (I'm M'lllir. baths of HCHscmrnuN in aiivanck. Oue Year (by Mail), runtime Paid $l...ll. Bix Months 75 A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, eilucatioiiiil, political and agricultural intereHtH ol llahtax and aur- rounding counties. t& Advertising rates reiiwonuMe und furnished on application. Tm South Carolina dispensary system teems to be on the verge of total collapse A German editor got Vix months lor making fun of Eiupcr .r William's trou lers. Molill.tand lialvcstuu have ipuran lined against New Orleans Florida has quarantined uguinat all points west of Mobile, as far as New Orleans. The liltflloi' of Havana having "criti oised Weyler for permitting his officers to sell captive Cuban girl into liven of ihaine, the Captain-General ucatly ns ponds by changing the name of the bjsiest street in the city from liishop to Weyler street. Weyler hasa pretty wit. As if to keep in hartnouy with wheat, cotton corn, rye and potates, and even the oyster crop is extraordinarily large and line Prosperity has been booming things not only in the earth but beneath the waters thereof, says a contemporary, but it does not credit it to the Dingley tariff. What's the matter? Some idea of the size of Alaska may be formed when it is known that it con tains an area of 577,oM square uiiles.This is more thju twice the area of Texas Twelve States of the size of Pennsylvania could be carved out of the territory of Alaska, with enough left over to make a state like South Carolina. Mr. Piatt and Mr. Dana want to con duet the New York municipal campaign on national issues Mr. I.ow doesn't want to talk about the Raines law, and Tam many is talking about the Strong misman agetuetnent of local atliirs to beat the baud. Tammany is not Joiug the dodging this trip, says the Washington Post. .Ml'RliKKKU Perry, who was hanged in (ieoreia selected his own coffin, paid all his di-bts, kissed his licarthrokeu wife and four children, declared that he did not regict his crime and weut to his death. Governor Atkinson did not agree with the theory of a Kentucky Judge who recently proclaimed the right of husbands to kill libertines oil' hand. GttANll Ma.SI'EU .MiMlKK, of the Graud L idgo of Masons of North Cim liua, has received an invitation trim Grand Master Sloan, of Tennessee, iuvil ing the grand and past graud officers an I all masons in this State to take part in ail ceremonies and entertainments on "Li ft nic ami Knight Templars' Day at the Teuncssee Ccutcuiil. The Moutgimery Advertiser states that Alabama is now produciog 1,000,11110 bales of cotton, 50,000,000 bushels of corn, 1,000,000 tons of pig iron and 6,000,000 tons of coal, and that the State can easily increase these productions to L',000,000 bales of cotton, 100,000,000 bushels of corn, 5,000,000 toos of pig iron and -5,000,000 tons ol coal, aud maintain this rate of production lor an indefinite period. William H. Walker, of Henderson, clerk of the internal revenue office at Raleigh received Ir om Spiin a letter say ing a lady left $1 50,000; that this would he given to him it he would cate for a young girl, Emily Walker, an orphan. Her photograph wis sent Ac irrespondence followed and a c py of the will, with many seals and affi lavits, was also sent Then Mr Walker was noiiticd lo send J Kill in order that Emily might he brought to this country by a priest who was in charge of her Now it is aecr tained that a gang in ."pain worked, or Hied to work this "racket." At least several persons in the State have received similar letters. Thk criticism jf Mrs Jefferson Djvia aud her daughter, which appeared a few days since inthe Birmingham Age Herald has provoked no little comment in all sections of the country, aud neither the one or the other is calculated to do any good. While the Southern people would of course, prefer that these ladies should make their home in the South, yet, Mine they have elected otherwise, it is a matter about which the Southern people should not concern themselves. Mrs. Davis and her daughter should be allowed the same priiilegn we accord those of humbler walks in lile, and if they find it more convenient aud plcasauier to live in the north, they have a perfect right to do so and no one should be mean enough to criticise them for it. It Staves The Crimpy Children. Seaview, Va. We have a splendid aale on Chamberlain's Cough Re'retly tnd our customers coming from far and neaispok fl'lt An .the highest terms. Many have said that their children would have died of croup if Chwmherlain'a Cough Remedy had not been piveo Kellain & Q'irrcn. The 25 and 5U cent For aale by W. M Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A.S. Harri Suo, Enfield. ko-to-bm tor rift? cnit Guaranteed tobftoco habit cure, make weak men atroug, bluosl pun. Mo. It. All druvuibi MORTH STATE CULLINGS. News Notes as Cullei from Our State Fx clu lines. Charlotte's old court house properly was sold for $15,L'00. An analyis of (i ,dsh,,iii's water suj -ply is said to show that it is pure. The Winston Aldermen appropriated ?! 1,000 to the graded schools of that city. The Stale Saturday received $5,173 taxes I rein lie Cape Fear aud Yadkin Valley Hail way. Vance county's new hoard of commis siouct.t have decided to graut licenses for the sale of liitior. There are seventy-seven convicts iu the woik hniw and lil'iy lour inmates iu the poor him-e in Wake. M. I Stewart, of Stewart liros , late public printers, lias presented bills against the State for 80,711. The Wiusion-S.ilcm divi-ion of theN. and W. railroad will be merged into the Shenandoah division. It ii given nut that Dr J M Meltray er will he recommended lor the post uiaMcrship of Shelby. Manyrtitudents for the State I'liivot- sity are atriring, and the prospect is (hut erc will he a large attendance. J. T. Westmoreland, janitor of the Supreme Court building, has resigned as a trustee of the A. & M. College. Public Printer Stewart, of Winston, claims that under the .statute he is still entitled to the work ol the State. Among those who have been admitted to the Naval Academy at Annapolis is O. V. Cooper, of North Carolina. There are fully 10 ludiaiis from the Cherokee reservation in this Stale, at the government school at Carlisle, Pa. Mt. Airy expects to ship 4,00,000 pounds of tan bark this season. The price paid is $1 50 a cord, weighing .'1.000 pounds. The sheriff of Watauga county is sum moned to appear Wore the state board of ax equalization for his carelessness in failing to make returns. The Chatham K 'cord has entered on its twentieth volume. Its editor Mr 11. A. London, who is an able man, has been continuously iu the business for nineteen ars. The Roaring tiip Hotel has been sold for?.'). ooo. Itcost 811,000. Thepur- has'Tsutell. G. Chatham, of Elkiu, and W. C. l'ieldsanJ R. II. Hackler ( f puna. E. Ii. Cutl hert !i Co , a N-w Yolk bucket shop" c incern, who operated at Wilson, I ioldsboro and other places iu this Stale, failed l ist wo fur half a mil lion dollars Greensboro hisrecutly hid two excit ing trials of ncg Tiies. with convictions in both; one for placing a bomb under a dwelling, the other, of two men, for burn ing a store. There is inn -Ii exeiieini'iit ;,t Salis bury by reason ofihe pro, ucc of mad dogs Tn peroiis have been billeti. O ie will he sent to the IVt.iir hospital at Haiti more. The Eiorinburg Exchange says ihat Mr. John II Parish killed a rattlisuakc, which, sfier having bad tiftocu inches cut oil of both head aud tail, it took a peck ol hruii to stuff. Mr . W. Whiieheil, lately retired trom a po-ition iu the Government Print ing office at Washington. D. C., will shortly go lo Wilmington lo publish the Southern Lumber Journal. Two prisom n broke out of Warnn county's jail by te.iriug a ticl bed-tea l to pieces and u-ing one of the long para of the frame as a lever. It is considered the strongest j 01 in the State. The Southern Railway has given no tice of an advance in freight rates on c itlon at points a'ong the Western North I'arohiia rai'mad. The advance is about an average of 5 cents per bale. There is now talk of a railway from h"lhy to Eliiahctlitown, Tennessee, Ma Caldwell, liurke and Watauga counties pa-sing by Wowing Rock. Twelve miles of the hue, near Shelby, are graded. At the Slate Fair to be held in October Mr. J. T Wyattof Faith, N. C. will exhibit a cabinet of minerals aud curious that will h well worth seeing. Any one having anything in that line lo exhibit should send it to him with their name attached and it will he exhibited. Miss Katie Waite, secretary of the Cumnock Coal Mining Company, who was charged by S. P. Langdon with being a niairied woman, has offieia ly filed her denial and says he only made the charge Iu wound and annoy her She has placed Luni'ilon in a very awkwan) position. A correspondent of ihe Biblical Re corder from the eastern part of the Stale says: At a conference meeting of Brul all Baptist church, Sampson county, in July, fellowship was withdrawn from teu mem bers. The main charge perferred agaiust them and sustained was: "Believing in 'second "blessing, sinless perfection,' i r so-called 'ho'iness doctrine' ." It was also shown to be true that most !' them believed in what is known as open com munion; that th y believed that women ought to preach; and that they believed in faith cure. KvervlMMljr naya bo. Cii'-riiivLs .i'lv Cullmrtlr, tin moat won der! .1 tii.t!if,il I'l-v of the afte, p eas ili't, mil l erri-slnn v to tlw Uwle, art ireiitly '""I positively on kl.lii'. Ilvrr and liowvls, cli'Uiiaiiiu llio entire avnli'in, dlaiwl cnlda, oiiio lioaihiohii, over, lnihitii.il l onatlpation and biiiniiHimHR. Pleaau buy und try a box o'U O. t!, to-dav; III, , Werniia. Holdnud guaranteed to cure by all druggtaU. A l.r "i Ki ll Kti l'lincc Bi-inarek doesti t think much of the Franco Russian al liance as he knows too much about "obscure expressions" of diplomacy. A New Jersey court has decide I the right of a passenger to a seat iu a Pull man car without extra ihargc until pro vided with a seat in some other cur. M AssAriirsKii-. convicts are gelling fastidious. Not cont-'iu with B 'stou baked beans for breakfast every day they have just sent iu a petition fur custard pic every Sunday. CtlH'Aiio charges Divine II enter Schlatter having hicu a Western rough and patent medicine fakir. Chicago has no right whatever to throw stones at any man who lives in a fakir's glass house. Til E Emperor of Germany says he is responsible to no one but God for the ad ministration of his trust. For one of his large opinion of himself it is somewhat of a condescension lo admit even this account ability. It is understood in Washington that ex Congressman Aldrich, of Illinois, has been selected as Couul General Lee's successor, and he may be commissioned and scut to Havana !.('. i the inert it g of Congress. A iiumtur ol Kussiaiis, sent out by the Government, arc travelling the Western Stales studying our agricultural machinery and methods. They have come to tic conclusion that we are several times ahead of their country in both, TlIE New Orleans Picayune very proj -erly says now that the war is over, and ail thccitiz'ns of all the Stales arc tellow citizens of the republic, there ought to I c no sectional histories, and the trmh ought to bo told impartially. Til K ! 'harlcst n Ne ts and Curb r re jiicesth.it the return of McLanrin lo the I'niied States Senate has dnui n stra'ed that liereattor no man can win political honors iu the Slate of South Calo'ina i v arraiog class agiinst class At a trial of a pirty of gamblers in Greenshoiooneol ol them sw ire positively that lie w.n uot giuihling. but that he went there to try I p'Tsinic the others to go lo church, .lodge Adams sent him to th chain gmg for six month for perjury. TllKRK has b' 'li a go. d d al of talk of speculation as to Gr iver t'leve'and's fortune, sonic putting it at mtlii ,ns Ai cording to his I ix returns in Princeton he is worth about Sl.iO.oilil, gjnnnii in real estate and about 8 l.'lit.oini estimated i value of slocks TlIE New York Sun savs: ' It is im-i possible to wriggle away from the Chi cago platform. A man is eiiher 'or or against it. If be is against it he il not vote tor candidates who rcj resent ami stand for it, snd all II.Mii 'eratioeindid t. s Jo represent and -land for it. r tl f j would not b- I teiiioer its " ItiK Augusta i nronieie sty- p . uieioiis journalism. "A great eiie- v to the S iii h t i- I iv i- I lie son sat i oi il n c. paper -orrt spoieleni. wh i writes fir si mil hp. rc'liimo, and in ord r to till much snae - wiiies c oisei.oieelos- exag gerat ions ofcVi ry h irr .om brawl an I sirei t tight so as to link" the storv nec-p ih e to hi-Northern newspaper an 1 i's rim ers." M-;v AI'VF.KI'ISKMK.Vrs " Merit talks" the MB B Intrinsif vniue of m k I 1X5 1 JIood'riSarMaparillH. B U9 ! Merit in metlicine menus the power ti ' cure. Hood'H Sursa par ilia pjseHe! actual ! and nnequalUfi curative power am! there- torn it hdg true merit. When you buy : Hood's Sarsapar ilia, and take it accord nig to directionn, to purify your blood, or cure any of tbe many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive bene tit. The power to cure in there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thui drive out tbe germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build upthe whole aystem. Hood's Sarsaparilla U the best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier, j I'teiurfdnnly hy ('. I. IIimmI &Co., Lowell, Mans. Hood's Pills A,raX2: iiiirj' KOANOKK UAPIDS, N. C. Builders. Furnishiirs of iSBoiliiDK Materials, Manufacturoru of Conlns & Caskets adl dealers la- UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. We sell them from 82 to J 10. Oi r o ffins and caskets trill compare favora bly in workmanship and finish with those of any factory in the United Stiitm and prices guaranteed to be the lowest t'ijAll orders filled at short n lice sep 9 lim. mm ONE OF TWO WAYS, The lihulilcJ w.tHm-iV,! lor one ptirpoH', namely, :i rrctt;itU' f'r llic iiniic, .iml i such il in mil lulilr tu ;iuy lonu ol' disc-c liv on; ol' i m v ;.y. 'I !'' t'i'si i iVuni inmci Itvt ;u'U.n nl'tlir kiilmvv 1" I it- t unit ' .iv i- th-ni iurclt's tocil tttunn'iit ol' other itiM-.is,. i lui.r ( Vi m;. iilu.iltliy in iMc hum uiilu.ihhy KM-ncy-i i.s Hi,' t'liwl i.ut.-eot lil.hlilci tti.uMis. So tile i mil i, like the hl.uhle--, u.i ett.ilnl for one jtiirjuwo, aiul il' ii-t doetoml too much is not liul'le to vu-iiknes-s or iUm 'h', excejit in ratv rwx It is Mtu.iUil la k ol ii"il very close (o the hliidilei, IheieHue uiiy jiuiii, disease or iat oiiveiiicnee iiiani feMtetl in the kiilneys, hack, hhuliler or urinary I'luvsiie is ol'ten, hy nii.Hlake, lit trihuletl to trin.ile weakiiesff or womh trouhlf of si tine soit. The error is easily uiiitlpiind may hc;us easily avouU-d. Totind out correctly, eet your unue ;iide for twenty lour hourv; ;i sttlinu nt or setlliitu indicates kidney or Madder trouldc The mild Jind the exliaordiiiuiy elici t of Ilr. Kilmer' Swamp KiMt, the j.'1'cat kidney, and hladiler remedy is soon rerilied. If you need a medicine you .should Imvo the IieKt. At druistK It fly rents and one dol lar. Yon may have ii sample ttoltle und pamphlet, both sent free hy mail. Men tion the Koanoke News and semi your ad dress to lr. Ki'iniTtS: Co , Ihi han.ton, N. V. Tlie proprietor of this paH-r (tuar antw the iieiiintieiiesn of this oiler. - . - Then- u.-e 'Jlil Hfinhuls enrilhd at Wuke V nM I'nliene- and fully till tunrp are cJt peeled htni't ilm''u Sn him) snuikc litur I He Ann), To iii.t tuhmvu iiiM ly itml rorevrr. le iimv lit tu-. : m ;l h .f j,f,. ii.'i-vi-airi ii.-i,r, tuiie Nu 'hi U:w. Hiu vv-.ii.I.t w-irkiT, tmil U-nki s nvnli m H struin. ,,! tlru.'trists. :-V or ft. Cure cuiirnii t"fil U V,vi ;iriil s;fi,ilp trvv AiitlrcKit Merlins UiMiH-.ly Co , ihieKo uf New York A wise unit) named John Mt ziugo was run ovi r by a train and kilhd ucar (iolds boro. NKW A1VKKTISKMKNTS THE DANGER to which tfle Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of N.iuse.i, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of " Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know r.ni lady, the mothiTof three rliil lr.'ti. ho aurti'red greatly in the lnrth of eai'h, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth fonfinement, ami was relieved iiiii kl anil easily. All agree that their labor whs shorter and less painful." John O. I'm mi. i., Macon, (Ja. $1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Dm Storea. or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS "nt:,nn- inTalnahln infnrti(attcn of Inierewt to all wnnen, will ! fwnt to rntfe iny atMresa uxn aj''hction, bj The BRADriCLO REGULATOR CO. .ATLAMTA.Gk. A A 3 Arriving !-; Agoing atS CUT THROAT j prices. From cost down to half cost. ; Such m sacrifices necessary to Close I out. Good for bott ! of us now. i Carpet Samples rand Rugs.fe representing m a million dollar slock of ManfactDrer. Enfield, N. C. ; W Li! I I A II siiiiimr M J.J.W1M NKW AitVKHTiSKMKNTS. A V) 10XKJ lfiLUX- C. To jtjE FAWEnh GlTiM'' The season of '97-'98 opened up last week under most favorable auspices. Our large floor room, just increased by the addition of 50 feet in length. Our first class Nat Smith, of Nashville, N. C, our polite and efficient corps of help, and the same experience, pluck and vim in the management of our house, leave nothing for our patrons to wish for to secure them the best attention and best prices. We are determined to maintain our Lead for High Prices and Big Sales, if close personal attention will count. We have no high price drummers on the road, and still relying on our farmer friends "to BLOW our horn" are determined to give them Ill 1 xK'ti'ttWult'it Gil the benefit of our drummer's sala ries. Thankful for past liberal patron age, we urge you TO COME again and find the same courteous treat ment and diligent and earnest ser vice in YOUR BEHALF which we have HERETOFORE SHOWN. Yours very truly, BOYD & YOUNG. W, T. PARKER -URAl.KK IN Heavy ANDZ Fancy Farm Implements. :H I'ttl'NIi Al'KS OK SALT KOU l.lti run SACK BflJulWreet priei unit (Milite attention to all. a"K I ly. V. M. IIAItl,IST()X .V CO., Wholesale :iud lietail f leulern in CAKl'KTS, STOVKS, andMattretuies.etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLIfiTONACO., No. 3U N Sycamore fit . Pdten-l.nm, Va ino It. Foi SjLe BY Swift Creek Dairy and Stock Farm One hundred lieud ol tfill tniue hwA reia t-erwi JerHey (.'owp, 1 lei (era and ymun bulla IdemM hlood ol the noied Sli.ke IViym, St. IanttHTt, ('oinniiuKii and other HtiHitm. Heil'erK $0 IHl to Mi (HI; ItulU lo f Hi (Ml M;iUh kept only from my IteHt tiwH. KenieiiitHr the hull in hull' I lie herd so hiivuud ttretMl up. Poland Chin nwin alwavM ou hand. Write for what you want. T. B. BRASWELL, je21 ly llftttlelKn, N- C. laaSPECUUST ami AUTIIOKITY on all a Allwhoare anll'erinn Kith any BUtOD TKOl'HI.K, woulil he wine to eil on or mlilniw by mail. Consultation free and ineilieinea compounded to suit each partic ular new. When writing to me pleiwe en clone stamp for reply. PROF. JA8. HARVEY, VJ5 Church 8t (New No.) je " ly, Norfolk, Va. Groceries' felUA Diseases rv new auctioneer, ) I ),,; '1 HDVEa TASTELESS CHILL IS JUST A3 COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. . iITIA,lt.I3..N0T.W,1893. ?rl MMirltie To., hi. Uiuu, U. (it'lUictm-n -Wo frilrt liuil jour, fCO brHtlM of TlKiVK M TATK18 CMIIL 1HJNIC and hT iitihl ilir tiniM alroadr this jrnt. In nil umr ihti'ih'8 uf II yea, in tbe drug biinlneM, bv orror Id ma rtit'l thiunv wh naif nwl tmtim jwUub m four Tuialc. Vuura tmj, AHNBr.CABA CO Fur Sale ud Warranted b)" Dr. A. S.Harrison, Knfield, N. C. fib IK ly I ike to have Nice Visitinji Cards - A HaT T1IEPLACE TOCiETTHEM IN THE LATEST STYLE 18 AT TlIE OFFICE of Tiig WELDON, IM. C. Letter Heads, Packet Hendf, Hill HcimIk, Euvelcpw, Mjiteinenta, Hand Hilla, Proimininiea, Ticketa, Shipping Tags, llauill.illa. NKW ADVKHTISKMKNT8. 1 t n IN HI ii mm Irflf 1$ 4 I liave a hatiilnouii r, cheaper and letter line than ever of (iKNKIiAL MKR. CIIANDISK. Come and e the NKW Till NliS we are offerini.' in Dresa Onodn and IKum'slioB. ks For ill! The cell braii J KAtil.K SIIOK, uouo vliip mil coin et sln'i'i. THE STANDARD lias the riolit name becauKe it is the aClothing! Full line Kiiiiles from llie wi II ln wn Kiabii'liinci.t nf Wanaiuukcr !i Hmwn clotliing to order cheaper ll.an jou gvt ready made mils. Fita puarautei d or no vale, ''all and examine full line lull miuipli s now ou xhi-bitioD. A. L. W. I). SMITH, Weldon, N. C. -Denier s Confectioneries, Tobaocoa, 0it;ar8 nil h been reoentlj Blted up with elepanl fumilure and ia supplied with thV OLDKST, BKST and MOST CIlOICK I'fflSKiES, BODIES 7lfiES. Among my stock uf liquors I have on hand the celebrated I V Harper Davenport & Morris' "Old llroTet," and IvT "Moniuiello." ' I have alao opened up a barrel of sii year old AITLE BRANDY PURE AND m.for Medicinal I'urpoacn.TtaJ Also have on hand foil aupply of imported and domestic winea. Anmiig the latter will be found the of Garrett & Co.'i winery at Choekayotte. 1 have some of the OLDKST AND BKST North Carolina Corn Whiskey, made by Harrison & Co., the best corn whiskey makers we have in our Territory. I have on hand all kinds of pure whiskies and no prepared to give my fricodw Entire Satisfaction - throu(,'hout Halifax and adjoining oounlief. Thanking the public for past liberal patronage, I ill my win n you tisit Weldun don't fail to call to see the OLD ORIGINAL DAVE SMITH, 0T 5 !7 eo Wwhingtoi Auaa. A A T better. lieM material, bist workuian- SEWING MACHINE standard of tbe world. I sell them. Clothing.&& STAINBAGK, Weldon, N. 0. In- (II and Farm Supplies gi'icnlly. t MELLOW V 1 v ' -unfciiH-.i j-'-'-Jr