111 iMlll CImes! SgSi Saw 4 2i3i JOHN W. SLEDQ-E, Hioi'iUKTOR. A. IN" ID "W S J? A. I? II IR FOR THE IF IE O IP L E WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, JS97. TERMS:-'1'50 vm ANM'M IN ADVANCE OL. XXXII. NO. 25. A D V E RT I S E M K NTS. I Do You Use It? ! It's the best thing for the hair muler all circumstances. Just as no man by taking jlioiiht can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost ihat can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by jAycr's Hair Vigor. It re joioves dandruff, cleanses the $calp, nourishes the soil in jvliieh the hair grows, and, Just as a desert will blossom Inder rain, so bald heads grow lair, when the roots are tmur Shed. But the roots must be Ihere. If you wish your hair Itt retain its normal color, or you wish to restore the lost nt of gray or faded hair use fAyer's Hair Vigor. API A hi ennffivu ftpTw, w burn rll'-'l H ("I'PUI M .! yt-i t.val'fU kK ii'li il HI co! Miilfh s no i rtt il I'll Hi ' Oiltui i i lira) n ttiH jt ( 1.. t-i it'll v iki th.' f it () " i vrv cjLir aii'l every Hawor lan-pro .1 " I. i I- v 'rrnlrt U Inclii l' In V I cntn- Im II .SlU M I Irl,.-. 1... I- ( Til I i r 1 1 ami w h rw ah. j -U' HIAi.K. U y i un t. n mi H I iHIJT Hit u (.', iiti Ui itl a.itliip Lf $ W.. Iiivm i- y nio1',(rhM1nflln fla'tl- I JH'r(t Ii.r yt rt'M BIHl yotl Mill mi nil 4i IH Mi r t rn n Om null. a pom. iiw t -r uiir cHlaltniUt' bm1 him' ttiw lug ,ri;lii vnu iiyinf th. tul-lillt'tnitii. jtxirs iuni.sk- won, tHlt iur Ifld. SPECIALIST ami AlTHOhMTY mi all T who are sunVrintf with any HLoI 01 liLK, would 1W wist to on or kesshyniail. Cimtilt ition free :iml di. .uoh compounded to Hint each pari if f imsi. When writing to me please e Sb stump for reply. $ , 1'litH-' .JAS H.VKVEY, I 4',l," Church St (New No ) Norfolk, Ya f. T. PARKEIi teavy 'ancv 1 Farm 1 Implements. f i Ol'XD SAt'KS lK SA U' run JO l'KKSACK Correct prieia anil polite fttteiitinn In I ling I Iy. IV. M. IIAItl.lSTON CO , I Wholuiule anil lietail iK'ttlers la j CAUIMCTS, 8TOVKS, j and.MatlreiwrK.ete. i 1MENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HA HMisTON A CO., Fo i N- Bycaroore St., Peterarrar, V. I in9 It, 1 ROFKMOX-'- ("Anns. a. ei.i.ts. wiut i. utKiii. DLLBN A DANIEL. I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WSLDON, N. C. Wttreln thmurtiiof HnHrax mulNfirthamn And In thf riuprtime ftinl Keiler! itmrtii. (JnU iniimane in tiiimrtmiT North oaronini. ucbolBet tt Hllfi. N. U.,nen eitry M & kit. T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. 0. Offlo otw mrj & riwn'iitora. rase Groceries JACK LOVED PENELOPE. Hut lie Hiin't Haw Courage I'iuhikIi 1" I'mpisd" her. ''l'oiiiiupe," said Jack, uii vini; urna-i-ly iu liia seat and 1IumI) i'ljr, ' 1 have some thing lii say lo yuu tonight that is vi ry, very serious." Here he nlntieil. The- liny all cs.'t't lN n to du tim-t c.l ihi! lulling. In l'.a't, hci xpeoK In her wll'. She knew what wu.ienuiiiii;.lli.iUL;h. iiml it w.ik u. I her iurnii' tn talk Veiy iiiueh nn I his neeaiiinii. " Well," .-he naiil, nilh I In; ullinsl enui- ure as ihe idly lurried civi r ihe leave-nl'"l,nvi-'s Old Sweit S.'lli;"ald ihtlllll nie'l an neea-innal li.ir, "wh.il in il?" ''Yuiimiuhl to kimw. I I have heen eiillinn ii)nn n n ureat dual nl'late, aiel I Iiml that I want in eall inure. In fuel, 1 ilnii'l Waul tn j; i away at all, and" ' I've ulien I! ilieed thai," aid l-n. huimniiii.', (he part pies, "Oil in tho dear, ileail days heymul reeall." "Nnw, don't talk like that. Yuu make nie ini.-eralile. You know what I want Ynu kin.w that the only lhin- in ihi. world (hat I want is" Thine.?" Yes no, of course lint I don'l mean lliiim I mean woman is" "Now, il'you'ic piinj; lu usk me ti 'ro('Ose lo -Nell N'leuiuri lor you, 1 II I. II you ritht In re that I'm nut pin;; to do I'm t'ttiti: tried c f making love I'm other tieuple." Hul I don't inean (hat l'en," .-aid Jaek, wiih real njony iu his voiee. "Ynu don't understand uie al all." I don't, eh? I undei.-laiid every- bodv." "Well, why don't you help me?" Here l'en wheelei ipiiekly nround on the piano stool and said, 1 bonk hire. k Harry, do Jon suppose (hat I am gum;: In prnposc lur you to tnjsill.' "No of eniirse not." "Well, then, why don't you speak mt like a man? All you've pot to sa is, '1 love ymi, IVu, with all my heart ami soul an 1 alwais will, and I'll ulwav- jusl uhal vml want me to and think mi si if mighty lueky in p'ttin' you, ami lure is (he pretliesl solitaire I could find. ow, say it." "W eil, 1 ouy it, hut I I haven't pn the solitaire yet." "Well, then, ynu take your hat and pit iiitu a haek ami pi just as 'a-l as tin poliee will let you travel (Jet (Inn lo'ilaire and he haek here lielore S o'elock fir I'm truim; to the tloaler. Now, liiirrv, iini he sure to make ar- rani iiii tils so thai 1 can cliaoue It tt I I like it. I'll tell yi il whether lii aoeepi you or tiol Wliell 1 vo seen the run;, (inodhy." liuisei Free Lanee. v c a s i : o i' i e i : i i k i s i . 'Collie lithe ao, says an liisuranee man in I lie 1 hilailepnia lteeorl, "a man uskeil nie tn aeeuiuiiany nun mniie as ho had some thini;- there to he insured When we arrived at his liniise he showed i hundred boxes nl'iiiars, whieh he wanted insureil. I lu re were lim eijar ineaehbnx. making 111, (Hill in all ami allied at 10 cents eaeh si 1 insured the .1 al 81,011(1 A lew days api lliu inau 'aihe lo me and asked ir the iiisiirauee lllnliey. ' olive li.ul nn lire al JOUl hoii-e,' I replied 'No, but I ve smoked them,' says he, 'aud, aecnrdiu 10 I lit li T, I am entitled (o the money, as 11 reads distinctly that it' (he piods are eon sinned by tire, iimney is paid nil applica tion. As lar as teehuii-aliiies Wi le eonocrn- d, he was all nidi', but 1 km eki d I im old about a minute at r by siyinina very stern maimer: 'At. ri.ln. sir; you I gel (be unmet; but, aoennliii:: In yout own confession, I will proceed a! once tn make a tliarue iipiu st jmilnr inectnli arisin ' 'Weil, 1 II be hani.eii!' was al tiolenih mh! into i mm!. rn w ittul Mr tiiat coimiTV. A lit f tmitiMT ami hinw, full llf hidden (l.inirrrs. Wln-lln r hr w h,,il hHtimlli-M in iiii-IV .1'i'l.r.w'' 1.1 .irr",v p deli i,.,n III.- health Bllll COIlditiiill of the rule awrtal olK;llllm wnicn is i"c .'".. .. Hir. f Iiit womanhood The lives of vntma; wnmrn are nftrn i a luu.am. itl a nti-ukt-n sense nf modesty, which leads ll " " n'Klt the enrlier svmioms of feminine weakness. These troubles tinle" oorierted. develop i... .uri..,.. hr,,ii- nirtienltirs which In come a draiiKiliK burden, rillimill "ife W oiioituiiilies and blmhtiim all possibility Ol happv w ifehood and motherhood Any woman sniieiinu in"" "ir.. ur.... complaints needs the health gieunr po of lir Pierce s Favorite Prescntnion. II heals and slrrnnlhens Ihe womanly onrans; J,.ln.. vitalllv to the nerve centres, and restores perfect or - ganlc soiiniluess ana ciiti'iinn " r-.. It is the only medicine devised fol this pur pose by a skilled and experienced specialist In diseases of the feminine organism. Mrs W. R. Duncan, of Arlinalmi. Mo., writes "I Imvr nsl vmir 'I'svntile rte-etiitl.m ltd am ntvrr ttreil ol sniin.hnu il. ionise W hen my Imly rrirmh complain, I sav Win .Intl'l yon take Ilr Tierce's Favorite Prescription ' ' I lold an itiloua mother, whose tlnnitliirt u years iihli hail not heen riiihl lor live mntiths. about Ihe medicine, and alter Ihe yminif lady hail lakrn Iwo-lhir.ls of a bottle of ' 1'avorile I'tesrnplion ' he was all riaht She had been Irealed hy two ol our heat doctors." Dr. Pierce's ureal Ihoiisand pare Illus trated book. "The People's Common Sense Mediel Adviser" sent paper-bound nn receipt of JI one cent lamps to pay the tost of mailinn tmlv. Or, handsome cloth bound copy for ji itarapa. Addreae, Dt. tL V, Pttrct, Buffalo, N, V. anic soundness and conMiim nnai energy. he said, and the ronin slim k alter he banued ihe ' r " ,r & vS A "yL""- I i 'i) wl" " ""nt '. .1 mil.-niK floir THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM Il Is a Small aid Inatlraaive City al lh Present lime. Il i a little city, and il does not lake many people lu crowd il; but besides he iiu; (he hirlliplaeu of Jesus, it is the birth place of Israel's pr-at warrior-king. Kavid Hi t hleln id tnilay has barely eilil thnii-and inhabitant-, and in appearance is nut ntlraelive. The streets arc (on nairnw lor vi hiiies; iu fact, (here is hul one slrei I iu the tnwn wide ciioiiIi fol cirii.ies. and il i- so very narrow thai I )' v cannot iiass eaeh other in it. The streets wile made for foot travellers, donkey and camels. lli'llil. hem is about five miles, south irf Jciii-aloni. I.eavinn the lurpT cily h) the JafTi gate, we take a carriage aud ride rapidly over I lie line road built hul a h w yuirs ago. The carriage we are iu and those we meet are wretched affairs. The hurst's are lo be pitied, first because tiny are in it well eared for, and second bicaii-e tin ir drivets arc regular Jehus won drive iluni "furiously" up hill ai.d down In less than an hour we are iu the market place o( liellilehcui, in front of the Church of the Nativity. bet us suppose we have arrived ou t'hiislinis eve, in tiuielu wainler almul and tn bee nne acquainted wilh the little city. Of course it has changed in appear ance since the time nlihc birth of Christ. It is larger and belter built. Now, ns tln n, the houses are nf stone, and, as cii it s and customs change but little in the Ivist, we may safely infer that modern lletiilehi'in houses are much like those nf niin leen hundred years api. l'erhaps soineol'ilie old bui dint's that were iu cx'stcnce sn long ago may mill be stand in;. Of course the great Church of the Nativity was not then creeled, nor were any nf I he large religious buildings we sec. These iiro the memorials of a later dale, built ill hi'iinr nf 111 iu wlli'se earth ly hie b. g.m In re. One w.iuld have lo he UMtiiuilfid id' his siiiriiiindings and very uiiiiu.iuiu.ilivc nol to winder what t'.e place w is like on that uiemorable lii. lit We k in i -v that then il was li lul wilh pi'nple who had come tugelhcr becaust-AiiL'ii-ius I ti'-ar, ihe master of the then kiiu vu wirid, had issued an imperial de cree nid. ring a neucral registration of all lis sol Joels. This was for the purpose ol ri'Vi-itit! or enmpleiiiig the lax lists. Ai'cetilnii; in the K iinan law, people were tn reitisit r in their own ciiies that is, the oiiy in which tin y lived, or lo which tln ir village nrln.ni was attached. Ac endiii; lo Ji wi-h inethiids they would r"i;i-t, r by tribes, families, and ihe hou-o of llieir f.ilhers. Joseph and Mary were Jews, ami eniilorined lo (ho Jewish cus tom. It was well kimwu that he and Mary were nf the tribe uf Juiah and l iiiiiK of ILivi I, aud that I! ihleheiii was their ancestral hoino. Accordingly they left (lie X.ii ircth home, in the territory of iiulnii, and cime tn David's "owu city," in tho territory of Jntlah. They c.iiiie down the easl bank uf the Jordan, crossed (he river al Jericho, and came up among die Jud'an hills aud val leys till they reached Bethlehem. It Was a long journey, and a wearisome one; and, on arriving, a place of rest was the first thing sought. Kvidonlly he had no friends living in the place; or, if they had, (heir places were already filled. Il was m ei ss.iry that shelter be had, aud immediately, in t lie man, or inn, mere was no mom; so there was nothing to do hut to occupy a art nf the space provided for can In. It was not au un n-ii.il lliiiig to do, and is often done todav in I hi so Ki-terii villages. Iu fact I hoy were about as comfortable tie re j' in any khan. At a khan one may pro cure a cup of coffee and a place to lie down on llnir fl.mr; but eaeh guest prn vides bis own hod mid covering. Thi was all .In- pb and Mary could have oh taitiid in the inn. lutl ihoro turn room for I llt'lll. Alii hen ill llolhleht III, ill H stable, or a cave ll-id lor slabllllg atli iiiuls, Jesu- a- I nrii, ami Mary "wiappi t llilll III sivnii in.' i n' ln alii laid llilll il m no; r." I'ldwin f. Wiina.'e in St N'lell.ib.S. i;oT tiii: wuiiMi i.i ;. Abraham Sprawls wis a v leian nl lliroe wars ani helix i lolooin Wirogra Georgia He hai lust a leg in hniile, ami walked aruuni un a wnoii n stump. One day he got in die way of the fast mail, and the engine ran over him. One of his wins and he had fiiniiH ' of filteen had wiiuesst j the aceidt in , , . "Train's cut off dad's leg, an' he'll gii damage.-!" He lifted the old nun to inspect his wounds, but suddenly let hi Jl fall say ing, iu a tone of disgust. "Durnit M! It's his wooden leg they've cut off. "Yes," groanid the old man, as liny wheeled him home, "it's j st my durnt d luck. Can'itee, tor save me, how dxy Biased the good 181" THE NEW VARIETY OF COTTON 1 he Plant lias No Limbs, an! the SeeJ Sell fur $200 Per Bushel. Tho fjuiiius Jackson limbless cotton Iiih assumed a national importance Ye-lerday (he United Stales Secretary of Agriculture telegraphed to Wealher and Cnp Official Marbiiry, at this place, logo nut to the Jackson farm and make a tin rough and exhaustive examination of the plant, and then report to the gov eitinient official a( Washington. Mr. Marbury at once wout out to the farm near the barracks, whore the won deifnl entton is growing, and through the kindness of Mr. Jackson was enabled to g i through the six acres of magnificent c ilton lie spent quite a while at the place and looktd over all the field. A I lei making bis examination he was allowed to bring some of the cotton to town with him to include with his report. Mr. Marbury was enthusiastic over I lie limbless c itton. lie said that it was the finest crop of cilton he had ever sctn. lie said that some of the cnttnn was so tall i h it it could hardly he reached with an umbrella. The plant is thickly si udded all the way up with large bolls, and the owest estimate is that the six acres will yield four hales tn the acre. Tie wealher i llicial will make a very full report on the condition aud the pros- peels ot tho cotton, and will enter into unliable commercial value He will give as lull and complete a report on the ul joct as lould be desired, and when the report is tilled the government will then bo iu a position to act as it may consider proper. That the government officials arc evincing considerable interest in the rt- markablo-cotton is not u surprise. It is an entirely new variety of cotton, and is the best species that has boon grown in this country. The government will prob ably buy up large ipiantilies of the seed and distiihulc them alio ig ihe agricu' tura! cla-sos, so as lo insure a wide dh Iribuiiiiu and a spread uf the new varieiy. I'hoy retail at Will) per bushel, and the present owners of tho six acres at J neks. ui's turn have boon efleroJ $25,0110 i lo- prodii 't nf the fi Ii The eolton does unt have a limb un (he sialk, aud has in my advantages not possessed by ollu r varieties. Mr. Marbury will file his report in a !'i w days, and tho government will prob- hly take early aetinn iu nrdor lo secure the see I thai is now being grown. At lanta ('iiiistituiiiin What It Means. When we advertise that wu "vill guar antee Pr. Kings New Discovery, hleclnc Hitters, It ii klen's Vruica Stive, or Pr King's New bile l'ills, it means that we urn authorized by the proprietors to sell these remedies on a positive guarantee thai if purchaser is not satisfied with results, we wii refund the purchase price. These me lii'ino h ive been sold on (his guarantee for many years an 1 (here could be no tn ire c inclusive evidence of their great iiieiil. Ask about them aud give them trial. Sold nl W. M. 0 ihon'a drugstore. I'SIXO M)XOWOltlS. Doctors who are in the habit of using lung words when visiting people may take irning from t lie fulluwing little story: An old woman whose husband wis not very well sent fir thedietur, whociuii and saw (he old wife: "i will send him some medicine which must he taken in a recumbent position." Aid r he had gnuo (he old woman sat down greatly puzzled. " recumbent p isition a recumbent position!" she kept repeating "I haven't gut urn. Al last she (nought, "twill go aud sec if Nurse Luwn has got one to lend uie." Accordingly she went and said to (he nur-e: "Have you recumbent position lo I 'tnl nie lo lake some medicine in?" 1 he nurse, who was equally as Ignor ant as die uld woman, replied; "I had uno, but lo loll you the truth, I have Insi ii." Haifa loaf is boiler than no vuc linn. Iliirklon'a Arnica sialve. The Host S.iive in the wurld for Cuts Hruisos, S .res, Pleven, Silt Kheuin K v -r Sors.is, Toller, I'bapp'd II; nil Chilblains, Cnrns, ani all Skin Kruplious nd positivolt cures film, or no pay re quire! It is mi trained (o L'ivn perfect siii-faolinn or money refunded. 1 not' 25 edits per box For sale at W. M Cohen's Drug Store. The leaves are blushing aud taking Iambic. A pain in ihe chest is nature's warning that i". iloi mil islhieiti'tnil I 'nil lien lieoe o) flinnel wilh t'hamlierlain'i l'ain Hilm and bin l over (he seal ol pain, an an chor on the back hi tween the shoulders and prompt relief will follow. Kor sale hy W. M. Cohen Weldon J X Itrown, Halifax, Dr A. 8. Harri son, Kiifiiid OABTOniA. fit fia Hall. Urn MfUUMi SHE HAD HUSTLED. Her life Had Heen l ull uf Action, Anj .Memory Was (iouJ. "1 want you to state to the court exactly what your occupation has been during the past uvo years, said a lawyer to a Woman ofll.'i years, who was on the wit ness stand. "Well, let me see," laid tho witness, rtfleciively with half-closed eyes. "I've hustled, I can tell you that to begin with. Five years ago 1 was running a railroad restaurant in Wyoming, hut I gavo it up 'cause the trains stopped stop ping there for meals. Then I opened up a news stand aud cigar store out in Shooting Iron, Dakota, but it didn't pay very well, so I sold out and took up a quarter section of land and thought I'd go into the sheep bizness, but that sort o'thing was (oo lonesome for one of my di-posiiion, so I giveit up and opened a hoarding house in a mining town, and that was lively enough, until the bottom dropped outo' (he camp because of (he mines petering out. Then I published and edited a newspaper for six months. nd spent the next six mouths as toy own wycr lighting the libel suits I had on aud Then 1 opened up a drcssmiikiu' tahlishtui nt, but that was too eoufiuin,' I give it up uud started out iu the Cluistian science business and done well it for awhile, but I found that I could do belter leachin' dancin,' so I wont iuto that for the winter, and the next spring opened up an employment office, but it didn't pay very well, so along iu the fall started out as a siogin' evangelist, and during the winter I married a revival" preacher, hut I left him when I fuund at he had another wife, and I opened bakeshop in a new town in Arizona but (he town didn't grow as I tlmughi would, so I sold out aud opened up a real estate office in Colorado, but hard times struck the state, so I went to New oi k In sell stock fur a coal mining com pany, but I found I could do better lobby- in Washington, and I went there, but (ho climate did not agree wilh me, so wont to Minneapolis as a bok agent, .1 on the way dure I uiariied a man in Chicago, wh i said that ho was a rich pub i-li'T, but he li-d ami I It ft him after throe mouths aud Went duwutoNow Mexico lo open a sanitarium for consump tives llien I starlod out and went into nine states as a magnetic healer and trance medium, and I made big money at that until 1 got convened at a Moody mcel- n i joined the Salvaliou army, but I-" "I guess tint wiildo," interrupted the lawyer. AM right, responded the witness. hut I ain t half through vet I tell you, but I've hustled " X. Y. World. KNEW NOT OF DOLLAR WHEAT. ennesseean Cause! Amusement ty Forfeit ing A Kansas llumesteai. A very amusing letter was received by Commissioner of the General Land Office Hermann. The writer is a resident ol Johnson City. Tcnu , who was formerly a landholder in Kansas. He had been noli- ied by tho department to show cause within thirty days why his entry to the Kansas land should not be forfeited. Judging by his letter ho has not heard of the boom which has struck Kansas since the rise iu wheat, nor of the consequent rise in the value of agricultural land The letter is as follows: "Johnson City, Tenu., September 20, 181). Register I'nited Stales Land Office, Wa Kccney, Kan.: My Dear Sir Answering your favor of Ihe 3d inst , referring lo my entry Xo. 19,005, under the homestead law, will say that I have no cause to show within the prescribed thirty days (nor thirty weeks nor months even) why my claim should not be forfei ted lo said piece of land in that arid region, where rains are as scare is the proverbial hen's, teeth and as far between as angel's visits; where water is more pn c loua than diamonds; where the lean and hungry coyote barkslo the ruajesiio silence of thclonely and unpeopled prairies; win re the festive jtek rabbit wanders unim lesleJ, lordly 'mouarch of all he surveys aud uiourua I'm hia lost oo'iiptiiioiis, th Indian, b .ffilo aud 'senior' who are not 1 voluntarily rurreudor all my right title ani luieresl in sai l land forever end irrovueati y lo the eminent domain ol mil owu 'Cucio Saiu.' liiosscd be his mag aauimous great heart for that bont fioen homestead law, that plants the settlor on his luuely claim forty wiles from n-iwln re and out of God's knowledge, lo delve a fortune from the bosom of mother earth, to the tune of blizzirds, cyclones, grass hoppers and chinch bugs, and after a f. w short and fitful years, full uf sorrow and hard work, to seek hisl ist and only res in the bosom of iu ith"r emh, hisouly c in pauiun in his isolation I congratulate his excellency, ihe prcsi lent, on this magnificent addition to the public domain. I thought it forfeited years ago. 1 am yours very truly, " The letter oreated much anusement in the land otEoe. Wuhiogton Cor. St. Liuit QUVDemocrat. HOW IT WAS MANAGED He Was I'jwillinir To Furnish Powder And Shot For the Purpose of Killing Himself. A recent newspaper article mentioned the name ol tho lata Kit Wurren, who Won fauio as a humorist iu Georgia. Sev eral interesting stories were told of him nut (ho lollowing appears in print for the first lime; When he was editing a country news paper a subsctibor whom he had offciided wilh criticism sent hi in u challenge for a fight wilh shot guns. He told the bearer tube seated, when he a-ked him the price of buckshot. "Thirty cents u pound," was the reply. "Now said Kit, "what is powder selling at?" "Sixty cents." Then he turned his pockets inside out fished up a bunch of keys aud sev eral due bills, looked diem over thought fully, then wrote this reply to his challen ger: "Dear Jim; Yours received. I would be glad to accommodate you, but your friend tells me that shot is thirty cents a pound and powder sixty. Aud I can't invest that much money in 'cm these hard times. If, however, you will lend me ninety cents I will secure you by a mortgage on the paper, and accoiuiuodale you with a few loads in any region you many suggest, I believe, however, t would take three pounds of buckshot to kill you Send uu the money and make your will. The letter was duly delivered and thai led ihe matter. "Wants me (er lend money (or kill me with!" exclaimed the challenger. "D irned ef I'll do itl" I Totler, Sult-Klipum ami Eczema. The intense itchinir and smartinir, inci- denl tolhese diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Cliniiilierlnin s Lye and Skin Ointment. Many very had cases have been permanently rured by it. It is equally emoieiit. lor itching put's anil a favorite remedy for sore nipples, dimmed hands, chilblains, frost bites anil chronic sure eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cadv's Condition Powders, are just what a home needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are nut food but medicine and the best in use to put n horse in prime, condition. Price 25 cents per package. I'orsalo bv W. M Cohen, Weldon; J. Brown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harrison, Enfield. An honorable person never started a lie nor retailed one started by sonic one Dr. King's New Discovery For Consumption, This is the best medicine in the worlp for all forms of Coughs and Colds aud for Consumption. Every bottle is guar anteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal fur Whoopiog Cough, Asthma, Hay revor, 1 neuinonia, liron- chiiis, ba Grippe, Cold in the Head and lor (. onsuiupiion. It is sale lor all, agi s, plcasent. to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always well to take Dr. King's Xew bile Pills in coneclion with Dr. King's Xew Discovery, as they reg ulate and tone ihe stomach and bowels We guarantee perfect satisfaction or return money tree trial buttles at W.M. Cohens Drug Store Kegular size oil cents ami 81 00 Ihe hypocritical Irnodlr) is more lo be shunned than a rattlesnake or a mad dog. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to he incurable should read what Mr. 1. K. (irishman, nf Guars Mills, ba , has to say on the subj'ot, viz: "I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of mid icinos for il. At last I found a remedy that effected a cure and that was Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Heiiiedy." This medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is plcasent lo lake and never tails to effect a cure 25 and 50 cent sizes. For sale by V. M. Cohen, Weldon J. X Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Knfield. Wlir.HK IT FAILED. "Didn't I see Hosslokus going into doctor's office a little while ago?" "Yes." "1 thought he was believer in Ihe faith cure " "lie is as a general thing, but the per suasion that he had a big boil on the haek of his neck was so strong upon him this lime that il wouldn't yield lo the fiiiih treatment." Chicago Tribune. ADV KKTISKM KNTS. Reynl Mfct tb food pure, wholtMM and dallclMit. FOYDER Absolutely Pur aovtL Msmo sowoea oo.. new kmk. Celebrated for ita great leavening strength andhealthfulneaa. Awwree the food a riitst alms and all forma of adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. OTaYL BAKIXO POWDIg OO KIW YOM' I NKW ADVKKTISEM ENTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not iih tUf Nothing cIm is the same, it cannot he and never has heen put up hy any one except .!. H. ZEBLHIi & CO. And it can he easily told hy their Trade Mark THE RED Z. FURNITURE I -AT- t n n t n J 11 1! We are loeatetl now at our new quarter, No. lilt old Market Square, two dtiors from Main street Wo eall your attention to our $17 oil solid oak lutl room suits, which is the wonder of the ago. Are von in need ol' u woven wirecot? Only a few inure left Wo will close llieni out at Nile. each. Hammock chair now reduced to Jl 2."i, further price, ii. We take pleasure to show you through our stock. No Trouble to show goods. .Mail orders promptly attended to. For bargains call at KEEN'S, ! 1 l.t Old Market Square, Doors from Main street, NOHFOI.K, VA. 8 2-ly CHAS. M. WALSH, STKAM MAItliI.E and OKANITE WORKS Petersburg, Va. .si, 1 OXTTTM I? iUt JiA U iM lal Headstones, Tombs, etc. fliAlso Iron KeuciiiK, Vases etc , for cemetery anil oilier purpnses al. lowest prices. SUSATISl' ACTION (iUAUANTKED. Work Delivered oct 11 ly. CHAFaLES C. ALLKY, CulFEniONEu, PETERSBURG VA. Mr. W. W. Warren represents Ihe firm aud will visit Weldon and its vicinity rtg nlarly. oetlDly. l!ut "They Never WE LEAD, S. Meyer, is the Original Hustler of EILSTIFIIELID. My quartette of Stores I say quartette because llieie are just four of them, and every one crowded with new 3Fall and Winter GOODS&& and our customers singing their praise. Come join in the procession and trade with S. MEYER, A'gt., geirlle will buy your cotton 33R0CKYMOUNU C. Is Still It 'fit Lead. TVe scturc the HIGHEST TKICES, for all grades o(m TOBACCO. Every customer's wants arc met, if pi sdble, and every needed attention and courtesy rendered. Go d prices obta n d every day, Hring us your tobacco and we will send you home happy. si p oil il. -J. L. MM Brocery WELDON, N. C i H'ill cjiny u lull line of tine Staple ami FaiM-y Groceries, -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES- Crtiek ry, Glass Tin, ami wtiodettwjire and most everything that is kept in a first rlnss (tMcery sfaire. I abn return thanks to my t'neiiils for thir pilromige of the past, and solicit a continuance nf the same, with guarantee to please. And wishing I hem a happy and prosp mus new year. That they nuiy Long to live And well todo And al'er death Be happy too. Reepectfully, J. L. JUDKINS. dec IS ly. Ell U FURNITURE! 'KERN'S! KSTABUSHKIi IN lHlio. The truth is the foundation nf our Success. We make Claims, our WORK fulfils tlicm. tasty Let us Estimate for you.lt Designs Sent to any address FltEE. In writing give iu;e of deceased and some lim it as to price. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATIS FACTORY. At Any Depot. foLLow, Touched Me." - Enfield, N. C. and other country produce. C. C. COOPER, llocky Mount, X. C. -OF- -F.Ll m WINTER (Irani Display MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bnlterick'i Patterns. K. & G. CORSETS, Hiaaea at 50c., Ladiea 75e. to 1, avPrlcea will be made to suit the times. Hate and bonnet made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Waldos, M. .