n l I in! croHnsr w. sledge, propriktor. VOL. XXXII. .A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. CM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, J897. TEEMS:-"'511 I'M anm;m in advance NO. 26. ADV4,RTISKMKNTS. JOHNNY REBS REUNITED. METEORIC SHOWER. SYMPATHY PAID HIS WAY. YELLOW JACKETS. N KW A D V KRTISKM KNTS. 1 f i .1 "1 f rp' J 1 " vV"Trrr--vr',Trn v fifty Years Ago. 'f hit Is I lie way it was bound to look Whfii grnnilfitther had hit "pi, tt r look. Thec were the shadows c.ist lufute The coming ol Conjurer iMnm-rtc And his art ; like a gifl in a pinafore pome day to bloom to a koiMcmi fair. Mm ccrtniiily were not an liluek, we know At they pictured them, 50 year ajfo, Ayer's 5arsaparilla began to make new men, just (is the new pictures of men began to be mude. Thousands of people fronted the camera with skins made clean from blotch and blemish, because they had punned the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is as powerful now as then. Its record proves it. Others imitate the remedy ; they can't imitate the record : SO Years of Cures. At an norm nin eTp'-nflp. hnve ftutd liiMiiiidtl cptt rtal"Kii, litiummplu d in i-ol"" im-h a bo nat ural llmr lit) cl'.i 1 pliictt in thin bonk lo k cmott lit tin- r.tip! cvprv otilur and fvery tlowcr laivpro du-i'l. Kvory (rrarto n Inchi'M In tH-ienta-lnirne . fl.ftt -i 1 im1 tnr t Im bo l KUKK, AMI Wh lAV A i L POSl'AtiK. If jvu whIi ita to mail quality sump .., tKud us tv. lufltauii'i lu covr cH-ii .p. Wt havtt 1 ... dol'tffhnalnw tn Haiti more for 4 yia-a ami yon run uo nok In tnivlmr froio ttaointll. Drop a iostal now for our rntaloKiif at cave tlm bin profit a you aru jiiiyintt th-t nilillfiiinu. Our Furnllunt t'HUilowuo la hUo froe, JCLU'H HON, HnlMiiiori-, 91 d. PlMS mention thu impor. ia aSPKCIAI.IST and Al'THOIilTY nil Owe Diseases, All who are sufl'ering with any BLOOD i TROlHLE, would he w ise to fall oil ol I address hy muil. Consultation free anil medicines compounded tu suit each i:irtu' iilar ease. Wlieu writing to me please en close stamp for reply. I PROF JAS. HARVEY. I 4'Jo Church St l Sew No ) je 17 1y, Norfolk, u W. T. PARKER, -DEAI.KR IN- i. Heavy AND 1 Fancy 6i Groceries I Farm t Implements. 224 POUND SACKS OK SALT FOU 81.10 PKR8ACK i Nt-Correct Driees and nolite attention to A all. an I ly- I W. JI. HAHUSTON & CO., Wholesale anil Retail Dealers in J CAUPKTS, STOVI and Mattreaaea,etc. JtlMMCNSE STOCK AND LOW PriiCta. W. M, HAI1USTONACO., J 'Ho. 80 N. Sycamore St., Ptrehtiri. V J in Id It. -- I l-RUFESMOSAL CAKIIH. JAHIelf. HOLLIM, WALTU a. DASI1L M 1I1HIIL ATTORSEYS AT LAW, WlLIMIM, N. C. -V.-metieeln thpeourtsof Hullfti inilNnrthmp - on Mud in the Hupihmih' and Reilmul court. Ool- Mionim.ilA In RlltiArtiof North t'aroliiia. f tub office at Ualirax, N.U.,openeTr; Mnr T. T. UOHS, DENTIST ' Weldon, N. 0. JtfOfflo. over Entry & Pleret'aaton. THE PREACHER S PLIGHT. Why Aunt Sally DiJo't Marry lie Last His lirwchi's. It's old, but it's good, so, wo give it : "Now, Aunt Sallie, do please toll us wby you never gut niiirrieil. You re member you said onco when you wura a ijirl you wore I'nL'aed to a tuiuisttT anl MimscU us you would toll us aliout it som. tittie. ow, uuut, iili'ui tell uh "Willi, you sou wlmu I was about 17 mm old I was living in Uiiin, in tbo Stale of N'ew York, Tbough I fay it myself I was (juiie a piod looking pir lieu and bad several beaux. The one that took my I'aney was u young minis ter, very I'Mmii-iiig young man, and be was very pious und Meaily. lie lliotigbl good deal of on' and I kiud ul' took fant'V to bi'P. and tilings went on until we were cugaged. One evening be came to me, put bis arms around uie and kind of hugged me, when I got excited and somewhat flustrated. It was a long time ;o, und I don't know but what I might have bugged buck a little. I was like any other girl, und prelty soon protended to be very mad about it, und pushed him away, though I wasn't mail a hit. You must know that the houso where I lived was on one of the back streets of the town. I hero were glass doors in I he parlor which opened .over the streei. These doors were drawn to. I Mopped back a little from biui and when became se I pushed him back again. I puhed harder than I intended to; and don't yiu think, girls, I ho poor follow lost his bui ance and fell through one of the doors iuto the street " "Oh, Aunt)! Was he killed?" "No; he fell head first, and as he was going I caught him hy the legs oi ln trousers. I held on lor a minute and tried to pull li i in back, but hissuspcutler gave way, and the poor young fclkw fell clear out of bis pantaloons into a par cel ol'ladies and geuilctuen pasting alot.g the Mrcet." "Oh, Aunty! Aunty! Lord)!" "There, that's right; sipiall uud gi.'gle as uiiich as you want to. (lirls that can't heir a little thing like that nilhout test ing utound the room and he-he ing ii leh a "v, don't kuow euough to ootm 1 when ti rajns. A nice time the man that man ies ui of ymi will have, woo l he? Caleb mo telling you anything aV:U" '' Hut, Aunt Sally, wb.it becalm) ol in? Did ) mi ever see hitu ajaiu" "No; the moment be louehed the gr'iinil lie got up ami loll the place III u Titbits hurry. I tell you it was a sigh to be reme'iiliered. Ilowthat man die run! lie went out west, und 1 believi e is preaching out in Illinois. Hut In ver m irried. He was very modesi and 1 suppose Ins was so badly frightened that time that he dared never trust him self ucar a womau ugiin. That, girls, is the reason I never married. I fell very sad about it for a long lime for he was a real good man, und I ol'ton thought to myself that wo should have been Very happy if bis suspenders hadu't given away." IT WAS NO .JOKK, A woman in Scott couuty, Ark., when told her husband bad hanged himself, said: "Look, hero, man, don't como trying to play none o' your jokes on uie " It's a fact," her informer solemnly declared. "Not dying to play a prauk?" I. v ii ".No. ' Well, that's all right, then. I il halo for a persoii to sk)l.nk with un when I'm busy. 1 winder whar Al" got Iho rope." "The Mother's Pay Day. What pv due a hanl-working mother ol I family receive for her lalior at the en 1 of i wet-A ! 1 lie inisoanu nm, htiiur home his rea-tila-waiies. home of the child . ren niav he ole ' enough to earn tli' us. lint thr niollier. what e- hot liav for hei ilivsot toil ano ofli n nights of fltuielvf Well she is eithet paid tn love or she isn't paid at sll. The majority of mother are 1V DetfiellT satis (VV t with Ihe lmnl reenmnereie of lovlnc appreciation If any mother doesn't receive that much, It', .i, .wlttl nitv. It't a sad lliing when the mother comei down sick with overworn or worry, or ne rAU.e Borne little weakness or disease ha V. - nmleeted until It lets to he alarininit It should never lie allowed to get to thu point She ought to he looked after right r. she needs the heln of common aense medical treatment. Of course tin one niedi cine will cure everything-. A medicine must be pcciallvadayitcd toils particular purpose. If the digestive organs or the liver are out i iir Pierre. (Inlilen Medical Dtft- DI uruci , I envery i perfect and acienlihc remedy. I Hi. "FavoriU Prescription " In apecially I eviied for weaknesses and d. easea ot tne womanly organs; and It I. the most potent remedy for these trouble which na ever Where'both these conditions exist these two medicine, taken alternately constitute thoroughly .cicntific course of treatment, which has been marvelouslv successful w ith thousand of dyspeptic, debilitated and nervou women 2JH.nd Pellets.' write. Mm. Jed U rence. South Hem, llrand Isle Co., Vt. " Hy trouble wA fettiAle wenanem, ein,Y "'7"-;' nrm, wi. - - . - hook eurm Miiel nia- enptton . . .. Tnt covery. ..... :. . ,M . I could not aleep nrthiiie before 1 K .Cidlv I '.'iirVe-red'evervlhifg brfore tolaE'Or .' T medicine.; WJen arturh ll pou.d. luu now tto.U woca- try 1 hc 1 ouni Hath Other At a Recent Reunion of I'.nnfeJcrale Veterans. A very pathetic incidcut that occurred during the recent reunion of Confodorate veterans held iu this cily was related yes terday afternoon by a proiuiucnt state of ficial. One night at a late hour the manager of one of tho leading hotels ill this cily walked into the rotunda of bis hostelry and observed an old confederal!), who ap peared to be sleeping iu a chair, lie noticed that he Was assigned tu thai hold by a certain badge he wore, and being himself an ex-Johnny It' li, he decided lo render Iho veteran a service by waking him and taking him tu bis room. As he touched the veteran he observed that he had spent some lime in worship at the shine of liacchus, und at that time was just recovering vigoious mentality. While this scene was being enacted an olher veteran, who happened lo bo pass ing, stopped close by, as did the geutle i i who told the slory. "Hello, Johnny Hob; have you secured a room?'' asked the hotel manager. "Yes," replied the awakened man, with apparent surprise. " What is your name?" ".My name is Joe ." "What regiment woto you with?" "I was with Regiment and fought with tho Army of Virginia " At thisjuneturo the veteran who was standing by approached the two and asked iho man: "What did you say your name i?" "My name is Joe ," again replied the man. 'Where did you enter (ho army from? 1 "I enlisted at ,in ," replied Iho now astonished man. As he replied lo the last question the other man fell into his arms, weeping, and said: "Joe, d 'n't you know me?" The veteran pushed him off, presuming that he, too, w is in a iurbulcnt stale of miii I, caused by imbibing drinks other than water. The man would not be pushed off, and in bis subs, said:. "Joe, dou't you know me? This is J. din." "You are not John, for he was killed at . Manassas," said tho now throughly awakened and much astonished man. ' Jo ', I am your brother John. I was nut killiil at the ballle of Manassas, and ever since ihe war I have looked ull our the 1'iii ed Stales lor you." ('"mm ed at las!, the loiiL'-lost broth els, locked iu ouch other's embrace, stood mid Wopt like children. They went to r ii hi I he hotel and doubtless talked all ninhl. All noil day they were seen walking unu in arm, with glowing faces. ad relating lii everyone I he story of their lining together a I lei such a long separa tion. Nashville Haulier. MtlSIl VISIONS. It was the experience of a Nonluro inner. The road was long and lonely thai led lo the market town, and he had to bo up beiiiues lo caleh iho early mar ket. Willi stout thoru slick in his hand ho set out in the darkness from his home. He knew his road, bul as he passed ou he was aware ol compaoy,of hurrying words, and they did not seem lo lessen but ruth er increase, till suddenly he found bimsell entering a village street where village there never had been any. The crowds seetuid unwilling of his presence, and all pursued their business with the grealesl activity. Hut as be passed along the sireet his slick was quickly snatched fr un him, and in a moment ihe vision w is gone, "as the baseless fabric of a e;inj." Hi' looked on every side, but nothing 00 i d lie sec. I lie darkness ouiy tlilek eU' d as the uiist hung close upon the d S 'lule wayside. What could it all mean? And as he thought of a strange o.Tunouco he rcuiemiiered now ue nan o il a branch the day before from the old thurii'iree iu spiie of an old man's warn ing that be should not meddle Willi a fairy llo rn So ihe little people hail cluiiuid and lukeii luck I loir own again Such was (he slory as my father told il tu me long ago iu the black Nnrill. And still when I go along iho old familial roads! see In re and tin re, growing per haps ill lilt' luidsl of si'llle culllvaletl lii Id, old, wcalher-worii, norm beaten il urn trees, ami if a peas ml is asked, "Wlj U that old useltss tree hit there?" will answer, "Thai is a fair) llirorn," and he thinks iho answer sufficient. Corres pondence Loudon Special or. THI Ki: IS A tKOWl). Pauline Could you hold two gir's in your lap at the same lime? Jack Dashing Y'ea I could, bul I wouldn't. QUIT MISSIONARY WOKR Literary Critic (laying down a new book) I wish every maid, wife, anil mother in the ooumry cold read that book. Able Editor Well, run in i lino to the effect that that book ia ona which no woman should be allowed to sea. The Coming Shower of Stars And Rain of Tire. 1 ho astronomer!! look tor the Dost great meteoric shower on Iho morning of Noveiiibet 1"), 1H1I1). They calculate that ihe earth will then pass again through tho centre of an immense swariu of uioieoroids, as they arc called before combustion. Those great "Loonido Star Showers," us they uro called, occur at in tervals of every XI years and one day. The great shower of 17IIII occurred ou November 12, that ol' 1S3.1 ou Novctn h"r i:S; that of lSlill un November It, an I ciiusi'iueiilly, a ropetiiion of tho noxl wonderful phenomena is expected on ihe morning ol November l.", 1S!)'.I In I ho meanwhile, however, us the aggregation of ineleoroids is of immense length, one end of it will encounter tho earth in 1H!M und tho other iu 18911, making, as l'rof. L 'wii Swift, the distin guished aslrouar, of Rochester, N. Y'., sa)s, considerable showers iu those years also. Not only this, but it is stated on tho sumo auth irity that many forcruunors of the great shower may be expected to coinewilhiu the earth's utiuospherc on November 1 1, 181)7, because m.iny ol the uioieoroids ars always cousidoiably in advance of tho main clustr. 1'rufen sor Swift says "the thickness of the ujelooroidal stream is 100,0111) miles, and the duration of the shower is equal to the linn' of the diagonal passage of the r;i M Ii through ii, usually from mid night to dawn " Ho adds: "As there is a light shower of Leonidos every Nov oiub. r, we know that there is a vast ring formed by thu comet's tail, and that the minion. e shoal iu one portion is the pro duct of iho exploded comet itself, through which wc puss iinoo every thirtylhrco years and a day." The itp teoroids arc dark bodies, and il it is only when they pass into the earth's atmosphere that they uro ignited by friction and become visible lor a few seconds. Tho stream makes a revolution around iho sun in about .'loi years, and hy consequence iho earth' passes through il in a new place each year. Tho length of the swarm is so econnous that al though in perilie'ion it in ivesat tho rale of nearly 2." miles a second, yet it takes it two years to pass the earth, so thai when its hinder part is slill with us its advancing side will have reached tin orbits of Jupiter und Saiiirn. Notwiih- standiug ihiscxleiil, it is but a Iraction Ihe entire orbit, l'n.fessi r Swifi as: I Ins great cluster win reacn tno arid s orhil about June 1, 181)1), but lilt anli will mil have arrived there then. but will be tine nearly six months later, when oiirp'anet will plunge intheswurm lug mass, und I T al least live Hours wi II experience a literal rain ol lire.' Teller, Sult-Hlieiim mill Ecienin. Tbo intense itching and smarting, int'i- lent to I hese diseases, is instantly allayed mm viiur t hatulierlain a Lve and skin Ointment. Many very hud cusp have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for lti-miifc jnlert and favorite remedy tor Bore nippies, b.'iimed hands, chilblains, frost lutes and rhi'iinic sore eyes. 85 cts. per box. lie Tailv'a Condition Ponders, are just what a horse needs when iu bad condition. Tunic, uiooit partner ann lnifnge. Thev are nut fooil but medicine and the best in use to put a borsB in prime condition. Price 25 eats per package. For sale hy V. M.Cohen, Weldon; J M. Krown, t lain us; Dr. A. o. Harrison, Kutield Kvery man is valued in this world as shows by his conduct that bo wishes to be valued. Mlaiids At The Head. Aug. J Bogel, the leading druggist ol Shreveport, La , says: "Dr. King's NiW Discovery is the only thing that curt my cough, and it is tne best seller have." J K. Campbell, merchant ol Safford, Ariz , writes: "Dr King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; il ver lulls, and is a sure cure lor Ion suinpiioii, Coughs aim t uhls. I eannol sav enough for il merits'" Dr. King e New Discovery for Consiiinpl ion, Coughs mil Colds is not an experiment. It bat licen tried lor quarter of a cetilury, and I. -d av slarids at ihe head It never )ia p.iinis, Krtse trial bullies at V M. Cohen's Drug Store. A noble hearl, like iho sun, shuwelh lis greatest countenance in Its lowest laic. l.U.ln, UilUt- Kleetrio Hitlers is a medicine suiud for unv si sui, bul p-rhaps inore generally needed when the languid, t xhaiisti d f'ee'iog prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish uud the need of a tonic aid alterative is Mi. A prompt use of ibis medicine has often averted long and perhaps final bilious fevers No medicine will ael more surely in coiinleraelin'; and Creeling ihe sylem from ihe ma' did poi son Headache, lieligeslion, Co "l a'ion Dizain' s-yield to Hleciric Hitlers. 5l)o. and I! I OK pel bottle at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. Kvery action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. At (ka il ail SlfUUM f km mat Ilushnj Ani Wife Travel loJer Widely Differing Conditions. "A conductor has no business with a heart," said an employee of a C, Ii. and Q. traio to a reporter. "We encounter many queer schemes to boat the com pany, often there are cases we would be lad to overlook, if it wouldn't bo as much as our own job is worth. "Do you remember Iho year of the strikes and bank failures? One night as I passed through the train on my first col lecting trip I noticed a prclly little pale woman with a baby a year or so old in her hip. She was crying and seemed anxious and worried, but as she bud a through ticket to Sioux City, and tcurs being uboul as common as tickets with traveling women, I thought no more about it. "When we got out about 150 or 41) miles, we broke a draw bar and wore compelled tu chain the cars together iu order lo proceed. When wcslopped, wo also discovered a trump on the trucks of I lie mail cur. Ho was so still' und nearly frozen thai ho tumbled in aheap when id out He began telling a hard luck laic which I hadn't time to listen to. However, as we none of us coveted the job, I told him to climb under and fasten tho chains, and I would give him a ride anyway. It was a bitter cold night and one that would have kept a profes sional tramp under cover somewhere but he jumped at tho offer aud worked hard and willingly. When we wore ready I told him tu get on with the rest. When in the coach, wo found his its were nearly frozen and that he was thinly though neatly clad and was a refined looking fellow. He told mo his story. Ho was a elork and prosperous once. Then the firm failed, and he found li im sol I out of work and with no money. Then a letter from a friend tho Sioux Cily offered him a good place if he would come at oih.e and lake it. The sale of 'o.v traps which remained brought just the price of the ticket, but thero were his wife and baby to starve if he left them without hjmo nr money. So he put bis wife on board with the lickel, while he risked his life ou (he trucks, iuleudiug lo ride until discovered and then, 'flip' the next train. Well, I told him to go back and tell his wile he was silo, and would put linn oil later. I did al the end of my run. I don't know bow he managed after that, but I rather think he reached Sioux Cily somehow, and the lililo woiu in did not again feel that his dead body might be lying miles lind on that trip." Chicago Tribune Kt)K OVIIR VlVtX VKAHM Mrs Witislow's Southing Syrup has been used for over filly years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 2." cents a hot lie. He sure and ask lor ".Mrs. W ins low's Sooihing Syrup," and take no otb er kind WANTIOO A NAMH. Her Doctor-Sick, ch? Herself Y'ea. Her Doctor What's the mutter? Herself Oh, I don't know. What is fashionable now. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P. K (irishman, of Oaars Mills, La , has to say on Ihe sulj ct, viz: "I have boon a sufferer Iroin ehr mic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of med icines for it. At lust I found a remedy that effected a cure and that was Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." This medicine can always be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It is pleascnl lo take and never fails to effect a cure. 2") und "ill cent sizes. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, J. N Hrown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Knfield. 8ATISFIKI). The Female Reporter I am just dy ing lo be original send me somewhere that no lady reporter has ever gone. The Kdiior (musingly) Well, ' u might go lo heaven. so Mien nil': iti;rn:K. She 1 should like so much to go with you, but really I positively bae nothing lo wear. He Oh, do go; I am sure you will look enchanting! THU KKAL OCICSTION. Percy Will you lake me lor a bus band? Belle Yes. Percy And what is more important will you keep me? SAT UPON. Myrtilla When ho proposed did he go down on his knees? Ilyrell No I did. A graceful and honorable old ago is the childhood of immortality. Kept lluiet I'ntil The I'rofessur Let l'c Th Soft I'eJal, Then Ruse If. The piano was an old Stcinway grand It had not bceu used for months. The company had arrived iu town but a short lime before the performance begun, hence there bad no lime to test the instrument. Nevertheless, the professor boldly opened wide the lids of the long unused graud, and then sat down to the keys. Tho first touch convinced hitu the notes were slill clear and slroug. and that what ever defects ill tunc there might be would bo very slight, so he began the soul-inspiring select inn. Now it happened that in all tho monlhs in which the piano had remained unused a colony of yellow jacket wasps had industriously built themselves a home iu the shape of a nest as large as a good si.od saucer. The soft pianissimo prelude to the selcciion gcully woke tho wasps I'roui their sweet dreams Hut when the soft pedal was released aud the notes grow vigorous, and the piano began to reverberate to the heavier passages, iho disturbed wasps suspected danger. They curled lie ir backs and stretched aud shook their gauzy wings viciously, liut the professor, unheedful of the fact that tho music, far from soothing iho savage breast of the vicious wasps ambushtd wilin that piano, was rousing their ire, played on. From pianissimo to piano with one bound to fortissimo the composi tion ran. All t lie while the wasps flul tured their wings wickedly, viciously, and all I bo while the professor played. Now came the climax; now be was throwing together vast handfuls of notes in ihe bas-o profundi) region of the instrument, Just as the Sleinway grand was belching lorih from its innermost soul I he musical thunder of that great Wagnerian opera. the vengeance huutiug army of yellow icket wasps swept out of the instrument, with a buzzing war song, down ihe ball- way and upon (ho audience, Suddenly ul-rending shrieks resounded through the ball. Men and women were striking ml their heads Hunches were upset, 1 a general stampede for windows and us ensued. Over the terrible uproar brill, piping voice could be board hiieking: "Sbarlic, come mil! Ach! Sharlic, conie ii!" Long before the outraged burghers of ertville were up a lit lie bun J ul men with iggage galore wended their way out of e town and sat down on the railroad track. They were the steroopiieo-musi- al aggregation of San Antonio, and their joes, us they recounted the horrors through which I hey had passed, were the image of that of Napoleon on I lie lit of Waterloo. They flagged the southbound passenger train and took assage for San Antonio. Their wisdom in slipping out ul lown uudcr cover oi ght has never been questioned. San Antonio Kxpress. ItiicMfiiN Arnica sialvc. The Host Salvo iu the world for Cuts Hruises Sores, l lcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sorses, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptious and positively cures Piles, or no pay re- mired It Is guaranled lo give perloot satisfaction or money refunded. 1'iice 2.) cents per box. rorsaie at W, M. Cohen's Drug Store. No man can be provident of bis time, who is not prudent in the choice of his company. A pain in the chest is nature's warniug that peumonia is threatened. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Halm aud bind over the seat ot pain, and auoilier on the Mack between the shoulders and prompt relief will follow. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, N. Hrown, Halifax, Dr A. S. Harri son, hoheld. . Doing is the great thing. For if, reso lutely, people do what is right, in time i boy come to like doing it. A STITCH! N TIME. llrown-.Iones What do you do to keep your wife from going through your poekels while you arc asleep? Joues Hrown Spend It belorc 1 get home. Ability is a poor man's wealth. ., I'V KKTISK.M KNTS. Royal make th lood pure, whoUsoBM and delicto POWDER Absolutely Pur ikivm ukiim mwot. CO.. new raw. CelebraUsd lor its great leavening strength and heulthfulnftsa. Amurethefooda4iinat alnm and all forms of adulteration oow tuon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAE.INU POWDKB 00., NIW YORK' KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN I Surely if the word RllGULA TOR is not on a package it is not Simmon St Nothing else is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up hy any one except J. H. ZEILfiH & CO. And it can be easily told hy their Trauu Mark the: red z. FURNITURE! t n n at v j 11 11 KERNS! We are located now at our new quarters, No. IIS old Market Square, two doore from Slain street We call your (mention to our $17 oil solid oak bedroom suits, which is the wonder of the age. Are you in need of a woven wirecot? Only a few more left. We will close them out at Mile. each. Hammock chair now reduced to $I.'J.", lormer price, We take pleasure to show you through our sUiek. No Trouble to show goods. Mail orders promptly attended to. For bargains call at ! KEEN'S, f 11.1 Old Market Square. IS Doors from Main street. NORFOLK. VA. 8 26-1 y CHAS. M.WALSH, STKAM MAItni.E aniHlltANITE WORKS Fetersliurg, Va. -4 M ( )N U M KN TS, K Headstones, Tombs, etc. tWJuAlso Iron Fencing, Vases ete , for cemetery and other purposes at lowest prices. SATISFACTION CL AKANTFFD. Work Delivered At Any Depot. oct 11 ly. CHARLES C. ALLEY, CQIFECTIONER, Mr. W. W. Warren represents the firm aud w ill visit Weldon and its vicinity reg ularly. octl91y. WE LEAD, OthehsU TwUtoB Follow, Hut "They Nevir Touched Me." S. Meyer, is the Original Hustler of ENFIELD. My quartette of Stores 1 say quartette because there are just four of tbem, and every one crowded with new i-BFall and Winter GOODS-;-: and our customers singing their praise. Come join in the procession and trade with S. MEYER, A'gt., Enfield, N. O. MT'lle will buy your cotton an 1 other country produce. HOOPER'S WAREHOUSE, 33B0CKYM0UHU C.Sf: Is Si I Tit Lead. SrWe secure the 1II0HKST PRICKS, for all grades oHfet TOBACCO, Every customer's wants are met, if possible, and every needed attention and courtesy rendered. I lo id prices obtained every day. Hring us your tobacco and wo will send you home happy. C. C. Sep lid 11, MWrwy WELDON, N. C. A 1 h' ill cany a full line of fine Staple and Faucy Groceries, fts-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crock rv, Glass Tin, and wnodenware and must everything that is kept in a first class grocery store. I also return thanks to my friends for thir patronage of the past, and solicit a continuance of the same, with guarantee to please. And wishing them a happy and prosp-rous new year. That they may Long to live And well to do And al'er death Be happy too. Bospectfully, J. L. JUDKIN8. dee 13 ly. IS LIVEIi REGULATOR. FURNITUREI AT- ESTAHI.WIIKli IN 1H5. The truth is the foundation of our Success. We make Claims, our WORK fulfils them. JeTI.ct us Estimate for you.jSf Designs Sent to any address FREE. In writing give age of deceased and some lim it as to price. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS aud SATIS FACTORY. &iut&afru'&au'!friu'&Quisa''d!ai COOPER, Rocky Mount, N. C. M IisPkJ OF FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Kulterick's Patterns. K. & G. CORSETS. Misses at 60c. , Ladies 75a. to 91. M.Prices will be made to salt th. time. Hats and bonnets mad. and triaaawd to order. MRS. P.A.LEWIS. Weldon., If, C.