ISM inTS"". JLV s?tWHB ma nw n. i F.' b. J "WW SH H I 3 rTf 1 hVS U WflW W 1H 1 ft .k-JE H s uva yii m. I ....... JoELTST "W. SLEIDG-IE, l'HOl'JiiKTUK. A. 1TEWSPAPEB FOB THE FEOFLE WKLDOX, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1897. TEEMS:-H.5 PKli ANNUM IN ADVANCE OL. XXXII. NO. 27. ADVERTISEMENTS. Ayers Cherry Pectoral costs more than other niedi ciues. But then It euro more than other medicines. Most vi the cheap cough medicine merely palliate; they afford local and tempo rary relief. Aycr's Cherry Teetotal doe not patch up or palliate. It cures. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, and every other cough, will, when other remedies fail, yield to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral It has a record of 60 years of cures. Bend lor the "Cure-book" free. J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, If ass. At art enormM ?jvnMt we hare Imued a )iutifiil u'!tt CaialoKUP, litnugraplx l in coln. which to nat ural Unit til- oolii' I I'luea In thli bonk like t h cttrKffi vvery oolor aud every tWwor la repro duce!. KwrTcnulP U InchuM In tH cat ltrue i'iV'. t $i..Vj .-I r, mo " Iht t lm Ivv.a u Km;::, AM' wi; I'AV AI L Fi'STAiiK. If yen t-U us tn nail quality'', svbii ua tic. In mam, to I'ovt'r tttpon o. We tiavp i'tii itolnfr binMnww In Haiti' nrnre for 48 )' ami ymi run no risk In burin from the mill. lr p a ixwial now for our culrue ml wive the big Cm Or you aru pnying th DillHtuiaii. ur Furniture I'ttmUnruo 1 ) free. JVMAVH HINF.S& SON, Haltlfuore, Ndt Plraae mention thla papar. SPECIALIST ami AUTHORITY on I all who are sutTerini! with nny ItMHID lOL'lll.K, would lie wise to call ou or drms by mail. Consultation tree nod ftliciue compounded to suit each partic lr case. When writing to tne please en He stamp lor reply. l'UOK JAS. HARVEY. I 4-.T Church St (New No. I I je 17 ly. Norfolk, Va 7, T. PARKER, i -DEALER IN- leavy m fancy I Farm I Implements. 4 POUND SACKS OF SALT FOR 1-10 l'ER SACK. VCorrect prices and polite attention to W. MrilAHMSTON & CO , i I Wholesale and KeLiil Dealers in I CAKIMJTS, STOVES, 1 nd Mattresses, etc. !MENE STOCK I AND LOW PRICES. "I W. M, HABLI8TON A CO., I Js'o 3U N. Byomore St., PstenilmrK Vs. in w It. f PROFESSIONAL CARDS. jAHBH.HetLaM, f U L L II ttJUTEB I. OANIBl DANIIL I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDON, N. C. 9-iVtlce In thecourta of Hall fai and Korthairv i and In the Hupreme and Kedural (Hiiirta. Uul t(onamide In allmrti of North Carolina. raaoh office at Halifax, N. C, open every Mt y. jo7 1y P It. T. T. KOSS, niiiiie Diseases, Groceries J DENTIST ; I Wsldon, N. 0. yOSc trer Envy A Ptsros'saton. I XO-ls-ly. HAD TO TAKE A LIVE ONE. Her Old Man llai Side Whiskers and Two Front Teeth (kmc. ''I beg your pardon if I disturb you, sir?" she said to (he keeper of the morgue, "but my husband has been gono 'wn days, and I fear that he may have been killed on the street and brought here." "Husband missing, eh?'' (picricd the official. "We may havo him iu here hat furt of a limkint; man was he?" "A (.hurt, thickset man, sir, with side whiskers aud two front teeth gone." "I'm. Side whiskers, oh? Two front teeth (jone? Wus he likely to get in the way of a cable car?" "Ho wus, Mr. If be thouuht the ca bio car meant to bluff him, he'd stand on the track until he was run over." "How was he on dudinj; backs?" "He never dodged oue in his life. He used to carry a half a di zen rocks tied up in a handkerchief, and the hackman who tried to run him down got bis head knocked off." "Been gone two days, eh?" "Two days and a night, sir, nud yuu don't know how worried I am." "Yes, I suppose so," absently replied the man. "I wish I could say he was bete and thus relieve your aniiety." "Then be isn't heie?" "No ma'am; not unless he shaved ufl those side whiskers, and went to a dentist before be was brought in. I'm surry to disappoint you, but we are just out of hurt, thickset men with side whisker One may be brought in at any hour, how ever." If not here, then he is still alive? suggested the woman as the look of ani- ty left her face. "I should so infer, ma'am should so infer. In fact, ma'am, I uui quite sole your husband is alive aud well." Thanks, sir. You haven't seen him?" I have, ma'am. I. ess than half an hour ago he asked me to drink with him iu the saloon over there, anil from thi- window jou can now see him standing up to the bar, side whiskers and all " Thank heaven and I'll go over anil tike biiu by lliu neck utid and" "(ilail tube of service to you, ma'am If I bad short, tbiekset man, with si le whiskers and two front teeth out on slab inside, I would admit you with pleasure, but as I haven't you'll have to take up with the live one over there and make the best of it. tjood div. ma'am. Call again if you happen this way, and I may he in belter Iu 'k " M. (Jt All. ii i: t ic rn i: i.iviSG' We l ive fl iwers, they cast a ray ol galdns across every life. They are the emlilemsiif our immortality, and we place them uii the brow of the bride and the bier. All this is well, but upou how many a man's bier dj wj place them whose life we have never made glad by pinning a simple rose-bud upon the lappel of his co it while in life? If you love us let us kuow it while we live, and if the coffin is undecked it matters not. Many heart has ceased to throb, stifled by neglect, whoso c. fliu is garlanded with flowers, contributed by those who uever spoke a word of cheer, or made glad single hour. This is too bad; it is all wrong. If you love us let us know it while we live, and cultivate your flowers to make the living h ippy. Then will you have acivuiphshed something that will make the world better, and elicei some heart that might fall by the way if neglected. No matter how I L' de lih ! , folks won't be happy l""g "2 day dar's bii.'i;er ii-h unkoi, lied. think - In Nt-w Yort nirr--Tsss . ,hon whu. .!?. ajo a baby w i i I if! I k Imrn ill iail. Hi I ' m siintPS'niutlier was tie F 'Hl I ,lk'1. f'" L fraMtlu3 murder. Kverv Hi-. cJT'UMtwoniiOilv hearl f f -1 SEkS Rives a Ihrobol i h a?1 nit tm intiuKiii ti I JiMsWhliKlit upon the rtiHir httif iwbv'a lift. Hut h biihv nf ed not be born In jail to ht unlortii nate. AnybnttT which is tit welcomed into thin world with iovinir hrart and rt-ady hand.H jst unfortiiiiHti' AllVIIIf'Trl'TWh" la phynically weak and incapable of bcalow in a healthy coiliiulion upon her bahv may darken its imuic A protective mother ounht to insure tier baby's welfare bv ev. ry means that Nature .v -.1 ... i.....n Iih- nhv.n-nl antl science niium o ,1... v..rv liivhi-Hl Odint. u u-.u...t;nii o'ottlier miiflit to know and avail herself of the strciiiilheninir and re-enforcinu nroperties of Dr. Ierce s f a vorite Prescriplion It (tives health anrt endurance lo the delicate organs concerned in n,nih..thnod. Taken early during the period of expectnncy, it makes the coming of baby perfectly safe and eompaiatlvcW easy It makes the mother strong and cheerful. andivei health and natural yigor '"iVis the only medicine of Its kind devised frr weak and delicate women Dy an euu eifd eioerienced physician. For nearly r years I)r. I'ierce has been chief consulting pnysician Hotel and Suigical Institute, of Buffalo, N V His thousand page illustrated bona, . p.nnle's Common Sense Medical Ad riser" contains advice and suggestions which every woman ought to read A pa-Mr-bound copy will be sent absolutely free M receipt of It one cent stamps to pay cost ' . , i ... o V Hi rf of mstling only. ocitc-p ui. Buffalo, N. V. Cloth bound for ji stamps. A sure and permanent cure for twi'tll"; Hm km nr Fierce . renew. It s italic Uuutive, two nlU pstbartic F f THE SUPERSTITIOUS CLUB. When. Where And llmr Toliet Married Tbc Topic of Discussion. When the president of the Supcrsti- ous club called that body to order at its last meeting thero were four kinds of caramels, and as many different varieties of chocolate creams on the table. It was evident to the most casual observer that the season of fasting was over. It was o evident from a certain air of alertness among the members that atopic of spec- il interest was about to be discussed. "Miss President," said the secretary. on our dial of subjects the hand is tutiied the wedding day.' Is that in order? " "Very I mean quite so. I observe six or eight of the members present are aring their winter suits. It suggests e llicry that those are our May brides." Tin-re was a flutter as if somebody id been bit. Then Maude Johnsun and: "Miss President, we are April brides, e believe that Mayisau unlucky mill for marriage, aud have fortified rselves with proofs. Is it in order to present them nowr 'Perfidy so," said the president, sweetly, "we will li-ten to the argu ments " I'he Uomntis," uotitinu-d Miss John "were very superstitious about m ir- rving in May; they avoided all oelebrati -D tys, und as many of these occurred in that month they pronounced it unfavor- ile to marriages. The Hill especially ito be avoided. That day of the week upon which it happens to fall is esteemed tilueky through all the rest of the ar." "Uitls," said the presid-.'ut, passing the iratuels, "1 wish to call your attention to superstition that is not of Roman or of foreign, oiigiu. but is purely American, tberelore lo be considered. I allude to the lataltty which always atteuds a bride who makes her own wedding kc!" "Wow!" siil M able Sweet. "I helped stir nun:-. I'lini ii away then, or stay send it to irir ii- xf liincMcou ti t no account use for your wed lmir. Why cirls, I have d i ti nam s mi reirl nf unhappy ru irtl ages, and in e it'll instance, tne nnue in eh- lo r own wed-iiug cake. If you are rv anxious to have a tinker in the pie I mean .1 tiaii-I in tne cue snr n yo-i never towird you Ifut I lioul I nev r ho i-l 1 1 my wli-ilo car-'er by making the cake " " 'ly superstition runs to days," said Marion Strong. "Ae have chosen the first three days of the week Monday sd iy and Wednesday, for c'ub wed ; days." rise to a point of order," sai-1 Helen Stewart, 'suu.liy is the urst day iu the Week." The club does not sanction Sunday marriages except lor the s -c iml occasion or for solemn elderly nuptials." The better the day the better the leed," sucuestc I one of the members. "We compromise ou Tuesluy lor wealth," Liiy J-jhos ill said, blushing a becoming carmine. "I shall never uurry," said the presi dent, laying her sleek head back, aud closiug her eyes, "but if I do," coming to life again, "I shall choose Wednesday, best day of all." "What are we to do ah.ut receiving sharp objects such as knives aud forks f-r wedding presents, they arc suro to cut friendship." "I should draw the line at steel," said the prt'si lent. "I am sure that solid silver knives ire lucky gills because you ciu't cut iinwIniiL' not even a potato with a silver knife. The same with minieure sets. I kn iw a Southern girl who weed ed out the steel im j-l-'inents aud sen! thetu bai-k. You will have doZ -ns of m inieuro sets, and you can send tln-ni out for presents again. There are others." Mi"S Fiuiterb-nUet, the girl who made a sensaii in l.i-t winter by asking leave o' t te club to w r thirteen engagement r ngs, rose to siy mit-h- wisone ol the April In id' s, no I what should she do iu Oiseol receiving a ulll ol p aris. "Wear ibeiu," sail the pre-ideu' sharply, "a uul with your w uiderful luck cun uc,.. pi ai,ul.i:;g. True, p'.ir!-mem tears, but 1 doubt if yo-i will shed any You are on -i of our -freaks.' " "Thanks, awfully, ' little Fliitterbiidg-i Uiuimiircd sarcastically, and was sharpy rapped to order. "The names of six new girli are ui fur approval," uunouueed the secietarv. and after the usual I'oini iliiies they wer entered as members They lake i It place of the six retiritig to be married. After singing "Parting is Such Pain the club adjourned to attend a tree cocoa demonstration. Chicago Times Herald. MO KB SCIENCE. "Do you know the scientific reasons why leaves turn these gorgeous colors in autumn?" "Yes; women have to have them to make their parlors lok pretty." HE TURNED KICKER. Not So Amiatle Now as lie Was, hi Better Treated. He is a m in with a perpetual scowl, lie looks cross, and wheu he opens his mouth it is usually merely to growl "Yet I was not always thus," he ex plained one day. "When I moved into this neighborhood, I was iuelined to be g-iod natured. I wanted to be on good terms with every one, and for quite awhile I think I was." "Then why didn't you keep it up?" "Ii didn't pay. People liked mo be-eau-e they e -uld walk all over me. They blip sed upon me becaus-j I was good natmcd, und while they were imposing upon me they were quite ready to say nie-' things abnut in". I acquired nn enviable reputation, but I had to work oveitiiue to d i it. II there was any thing to bj d nie that no one wanted to do, it was customary for some to suggest: Oh. let Mr He'd just us soon, lie's always so obliging.' Hut if thero was anything I wanted done it was a very different matter. My wishes didn't c Mint any more than the wishes of the yellow dog in iho alley. They would overrun my bouse without waiting for iuviiation. If some neighbor hood meeting was to be held lhat no one else wanted around on account of the annoyance and trouble, they merely notilk"! me that they had called it for such and su 'h an evening in my paibt. If the ueighb irbood children started a g line on any of the other lawns for two bl icks in citliet direction, they would be promptly driven uway and told to go over on Mr llmwn's lawn. 'lie's so good allured that ho d icsn't care.' Why, even the con-lu 'tors on the suburban trains that I patronized b -gan to impose up m me. 'It's only Brown,' they'd say. 'lie never kicks.' And then I'd get the worst 0f it." "Uui, ye-es; I don't know but that it does work that way sometimes." "Oon't kn iw! Well, I know all about it. I g"t tired of it finally and lauded a goo 1 sTuig kick. Ibegan with the rail road people, and inside of a week there wi-u't an emjil iy.;,? ou the trains I pai-ron-z - l who wo iMo'i run fron the ci. gioe in the l.t-t cm see if h.i c mi l be ol service to me, and two weeks later, il they saw tne coming down the street th ) M hold liie train for me, saiuetbiiig that lie-y wouldn't d i fir m-'ru than l.uir people on the whole Hue. I'llen I begun work on my tn-ighb irs. The next time they imII,., a iii-etiug for my house I notified tlif chairman I was not keepini; tl pub ic b ill. and ho bad lo get out und ch isc round the neighborhood to notify tl t hers that tho worm h id turned The next diy I drove all the children on the lawn in front of my house, put up a 'No Trespassing' sign and bought u dog. Thereafter I proceeded to kick systemat ically and vigorously at everything that did out please mo'. I informed every body that I came in conlait with that 1 was meaner' n a balky horse and endeav ored to live up to that idea. They don't talk so much about what a nice fellow 1 aiu, but I am treated with the m ist di--titi'gui-he-l c ui-id-r.ition. If they want me lo do anything now, they say, 'Please mister.' and l hey cousull uie iu regard lo everything per'aining to the utighbor hood and give close attention to all my siiggesiions. I am actually beginning to have a very pleasant and comfortable time of it, and I don't care what kind of a repuiaiiou I am acquiring " Chicago Post. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable -b -uld read what Mr. P. Cii'ishm iu, of O iars Mills, l,a , has to say on the subj ct, viz: "I have been a sutf irer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of med icine for it. At last I found a remedy that elf -ctcd ii cure and that was Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Oiarrhoca Remedy " This medicine can always be i"ii !i'lei upou lor colic, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhoea. It Is plcasonl lo take aod never I'dls to elleet a cure. o," .hi I ."ill d-iil sizes. F ir sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon .1. N llrown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, F.'ith'ld Hoax "Whit arc you carrying that ladder for?" Joix "I'm just takiu steps to get up iu the world." i I'llH OVI-'.M Kim tt-.tltl Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been u-od fur over tit I v Years by millions mothers lor children, while teething, wilh li.'I'lect success. It soothes tllO chilli -oHcns the gums, allays all pain, cure wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Ihanhn'i. Il will relieve the poor lilll siill'-rer i lediaioly. S ld by druggists in every pirt ol the world, 'la cents hotile. Be sure aud ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Southing Syrup," and take no oth er kind Mike Pat phat's the m.iniu' av adja cent?" Pat " 'Adiaeeiit? Shore, that manes forninst.' " A pain iu the chest is nature's warning that lieunionia is threatened, l'ampen piece ol fl mnel with Chamberlain's Pain Babn and bind over the s-at of pain, anil another on the back between the shoulders and prompt relief will follow. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, J. N Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Enfield. POLLY'S DANDER UP. Inflamed ,l Sight of An Offensive Bird A Visitor Wore on Her Hat. A bridal couple who put in several days recently taking iu the sights of the capi tal enjoyed themselves immensely until tho day preceding their departure. It then occurred to the bride that she had not called upon "deal Fanny," who had been her chum during her days at the seminary. Now, Fanny was still enjoy itig single blessedness, and this may have had something to do with the anxiety of the bride to call npon her tnaidcu chum, lieorge demurred feebly, but at last con sented to pay a formal call. The bride dressed hctsell iu u fetching gown and placed upon her saucy heard a Parisian dream in I ho way of a hat. The hat was one of thoso indescribable creations of the milliner's art, a mass of flowers wilh a bird or two partially concealed in tbc foli age, so to speak. The pair went gagly forth aud in a hotel coupe were soon at the door of Fanny's residence. Their cards were taken and they were ushered into the drawing room. While awaiting the com ing of her ft ienti the bride's attention was attracted to a large cage containing a splendid parrot. She chirruped cooingly to the imprisoned bird and wi-hed she might take him out of bis cage and ciress mm, deurgo remarked that he 1 inked tame enough and suggested the opening of the door of the sage. Suiting the action to the word, he opened the door and the released bird calmly walked forth and strutled ab"Ut, blinking bis beady eyes knowingly. The bride, with usual c ills of "Pull, pretty Poll!" coaxed the bird toward her, and poll proceeded to iuib up the rounds of the chair upon which the lady was silting and perched er-elf upon the arm of the chair. The irrot uttered guttural cries of "Polly, 'oily," this word seemingly comprising r entire vocabulary. The bird accepted tho caresses, and apparently a t was serene, but without an instant s warning she uttered a scream of rage aud Hew at the lady's headgear, ighting fairly thereon, and then for a minutes the mr was ul!ed wall uyu g athers and bits of fl iwers, while tl e iiiii-p!ere was Iralur-u by scroti!!. s from the bti le and diseonlant cries fn in the patrol, lieorge attempted to come the rescue and had his face badly serai, li.-'l l- r Ins pains I he lady dually onk the bird Iiiomi the fl wi-r gar n she was wearing upon her hat and in nie one wil l da-li I "r tlielr-'til door, .owed closely by the bridegiooiu. Once on the pavement, they became somewhat Minposed and determined to return to their hotel to repair damages. They did not tarry long enough tosee"deat Fanny." The sudden wrath of the bird w evidently caused, (leorgc thought upon fjeciiiiu during calmer moments, by the fact that amid the flowers in his wife's hat there nestled a stuffed Carolina par ked, which the parrot took to be a real live rival and proceeded forthwith to tnolish. The biide is now a thorough convert to the teachings ol the Audubon society. Washington Post, IliirklenS Arnica sialve. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Uruism, Sores, fleers, Salt lllieum Fever Sorses, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin l'lruptious nd positively cuns Piles, or no pay re piired. It is guarantcd to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price cents per box For sale at W. M colo n s 1'rng fore. (JIIOST AT MOI NT VKKNON. Itwa-ibc custom iu the family of lieorge ashingtoii to shut up uniise f u two yeaisa room iu which death had oeourred. So, after the death of the lirsl president in the stately chamber with the great four poster bed which is still shown to visitors, Martha Washington, with her lonely heart, nightly climbed tho attic stairs to lie in a low ceiled, sloping-roolcu room with one wiud iw a room intol a'oy hot iu summer, with utile or no means of securing a drau;ht except by a triangular opening where the lower Cor ner of the d mr ha I been cul off to make ro nn for the passigc. of the cat. Martha Washington du d before- the two-year p lied bail ended . II she had occupied the death Cham bet would .-lo: have .-c.-n the ghost of h dead hu-hind.' They say that the ghost ol the stalwart stately figure of the brave general stalks through the passage villi martial trend and cank of astral sword iu spectral scabbard. It is a good ghost. No one fears it. Perhaps there are many who really be lieve iu its existeuee, but of the few are those who know most about the old house Again and again it has happened that people detained at Mt. Vernon on the bu i nessoftho Mt. Vermin association have declared, ou "walking from a sleepless night," that they had heard the ghost's sword aud stride and had seen its tall, com manding figure, dressed in the old uni form lhat in life it wore. No lights are permitted in the old house, for fear of tire, except during the meetings of the regents, and then only candles. Ghost are said tolove dark, or ill-lighted houses Atlanta Journal. HOW IT IS DONE. r.verylhing Seemed Lovely And They Had Kissed And Made I'j. Charles Joyce and his wife had just returned from the honeymoon when they had llieir first uiisundeistauding, and they had kissed and made up, and everything was perfectly lovely, and even more than that, says TidBits. "And we'll never quarrel again, will we, love? No darling, never," and he kissed her eighteen times. "It was silly of us tu quarrel when we did, wasn't it?" Yes, it was, and I never would have quarielled if it hadn't been for yuu. "Why, dear, I didn't doit." "No, of course, you didu't but if it hadn't been for you il never would have happened." "I don't think I was to blame." "I'm sure I wasn't." "But, you kuow, dear, I couldn't have one it all by myself. Somebody must ave been to blame." "Well, I wasn't the one, I'm sure." "And I'm ju-t as sure I wasn't," "Thai's a matter of opinion." "Of course, and my opinion is my own. "Well, who said is wasn't?" "There you are again. You can't talk two minutes without letting your temper get away with you." "My tcuin.-r isn't any worse than yours. Who Haiti it was? I wasn't saying anything about my temper, was I?" " But you were about mine, and I don't propose to listen to it. II 1 can t live in peace here, 1 can go to a hotel and be uiet, anyhow." "Well, go to the hotel. It's a more Btting place for you than a decent home." This is a fiue home, isn't it? Good night. I'm off: "You are a tyrant; that's what you are. "Well, you need thai sort." "Boo-hoo! boo-hoo I'm going homo lo ither" And then they made it up again. Diseases of the Blood anil Neryvs. No one need stiller wilh neuraliria. Thla disease is quickly and permanently cured tiy llrowns' iron Hitters. Lvrry uisrass of the hlooil. nerves and stomsrh. chronic nr otherwise, succumbs to frowns' Iron hitters. Known and used for nearlv a quarter of a century, it stands to-lav fore. must tunotiLr our most valued renipiljea. llrownsglrou Hitters is sold.hv all dealers. A health resort the doctor's office. TIIKY SAY. That opportunities may be found, but the best oues arc made. That there never was a woman who could talk fast gracefully. That it seems strange that when money is close It seems farthest away. That one way to sharpen the appetite it to take a turn at the grindstone. That some men are never disappointed in love until llicy get mann-u. That when a fellow dresses up to kill the girls are just dying to meet him. That so many people love authority that it is always easy to find an uuipiio at a ball gatuc. That between bicycles and trolley curs it's no wonder that the pedestrain should feel run down. That the most difficult ups and downs of this life arc keeping expenses down and appearances up. That when we read we fancy wo could be martyrs; when we come to act wo find wo cannot bear a provoking word. That when bread is the staff of life it is no rcasou that a man should turn his whole cxisteiu-c into a long loaf. That since the prevalence of the wheel lalmr circles are agitated over the probable late id t lie walking delegate. That "sclf-pre-ervation is the first law of nature. Us belter to break an gagenient with n girl than to have the engagement break you. That if the angels iu heaven look any thing like tlmsc in church memorial win dows we will not know the difference be tween heaven and a nightmare. (Balti more Telegram ) AUVKK ITS KM EN is. Royal its lowl pur. whoUJomt and UIIcImis. POWDER Absolutely Pure sov.i sakino mw. nn., srw tons. Celebrated tor its great Inaveuing strength and healthtolness. Assures the food aainst alum and all forms of adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. BOYAL BAKINQ FOWDKR 00., NIW YOKE OASTOniA, &AkiiiI NEW ADV KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not armw $ sura Kmiii atad Vii Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. zeilitj a CO. And it can he easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. FURNITURE I - lil! We are located now at mir new fjiurtcrH, No. 11. 'J old Market Square, two doors from Main street We call your attention to our $17 ."iO solid oak liedroom suita, whirl, in the wonder of the ae. Are you iu need of a woven win; cot? Only a few more left. We will close them nut at lh:. each. Hammock chair now reduced to $12"), former price, We take pleasure to show you through our stock. No Trouble to show goods. Mail orders promptly attended to. For hargains call at r ? D W iv lii v ll.'IOhl Market Square, 3 Doors from CHAS. M.WALSH, NTEAM MAlilil.K aniKiliANITE WOHKS Petersburg, Va -MONUMENTS,- Ht'iuMmicH, TouiIm, etc. Wi,Also Iron Fcncinu, Vjwes etc , tor cemetery and other purposes at lowest prices. .SATISFACTION GUAKANTEED. Work Delivered oct 11 ly. CHARLES C. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER, PETBESBUBG YA. Mr. W. W. Warren represents the firm and will visit Weldon and its vicinity reg ulurly. oetlDly. WE LEAD Owns H TiyU to H Follow, But "They Never Touched Me." S. Meyer, is the Original Hustler of ENFIELD. My quartette of Stores I say quartette because there are just four of them, and every one crowded with new 3:3 Fall and Winter GOODS and our customers singing their praise. Come join in the procession and trade with S. MEYER, A'gt., teTlIe will buy your cotton 33R0CKYMQUNU C.S Is Still Ii T Lead. Hctf-We s, cure the HIGH EST PRICES, for all grades of" TOBACCO. Every customer's w.mis are met, if possible, and every needed attention and ooiirtesy renileicl. Hoed prices obtain 'd every day. Bring us your tobacco and we will send you home happy. 0. C. w-p Mil -It. -J". L. WActif WELDON, N. C 1 still cariyti lull line of line HUvple and Fancy Groceries, wrFRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crock ry, Glass Tin, slid wnodenware and most, everything that is kept in a first clow gns'cry staire I also return thanks to my friends for tli"ir patronage of the past, and solicit a coutinuauce of thesame, with guarantee to please. And wishing them a happy and prosp rous new year. That they may Long to live And well to do And at'er dejith Be happy too. Respectfully, J.L.JUDKINS. dec 1.1 ly- KllTISEM F.NTS. - B. iiE.UUi.HIUI.. FURNITUREI AT - AT'C o , Main street, NORFOLK, VA. 8-26-ly ESTABLISHED IN 1H5. The truth is the foundation of our Success. We make Claims, our WORK fulllls them. Joy Let us Estimate for you. JCH Designs Sent to any address FREE. In writing give age of deceased aud some lim it as to price. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATIS FACTORY. At Any Depot. Enfield, N. 0. and other country produce. COQPEH, I i Rocky Mount, N. C. OF- -FM.UNQ WINTER Grand Display MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Butterick's Patterns. It. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 50c., Ladles 75, to $1. ts,Prices will be mads to salt ths tiros. Hats and bonnets mads and trinsssd Mr order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, , Wsldon, If. C.

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