! JOHH W. SLEDGE, PROPKlKTOR. f - - ----- i VOL. XXXII. A. NEWSPAPER EOK- THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1897. TEBMSH1.S" l'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 28. I ADVERTISEMENTS. Sarsaparilla Sense. Any sarsaparilla is sarsapa rilla. True. So any tea is tea. So any flour Is Hour. Hut grade differ. You want tin hut. It's to with sarsaparilla. There are grades. You want the best. If you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it would lie easy to determine. But you don't. How should you? When you are going to buy a commodity whose value you don't know, you pick out an old established house to trade with, and trust their ex perience and reputation. Do so when buying sarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been on the market 50 years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is a reputable medicine. There are many Sarsuparlllaa bat only one Ayer's. It cures. At t WWIflnnf GTpritM, Wfi lWTO tucd a iHtAiiUfnl f'miwt raialoKoe, lituographi d la col"', lrlitfh n o nat ural that til ool.tr- I jIhm In thll book lo-k eiRPtlv like tlio i-arxi-r everr oolur aud ever flower Uropro- Jtvury rovS 1 incimlnd Jn tMtoata tntrge (-. to ll.5) mul n-iu'iitwr thi l.. li KUKK, A NO WK I A Y ALL Quality iwaitii1', aud u c. iuiimmpa to rovr eiwii , W have tnm (tonft business ta Rait. mor for ytirs ami i'uu run do nik Jn burin from the mill. Drop a petal now for our mta-inrue and save the bi Srufltn ytm aro paying tlitt niitMleman. ur Furnliure Catalogue la alo free. JUL I IS MINKS & SON, Haltltnore. Nd. Ptoaae mai'tioa tbn imir ? fe arECIAUST and f all AUTHORITY n illwhore snnYrinu with any BLOOD tlJOL'ltl.K, would be visa to call on or ridreasa by mail. Consultation free ami fecdiuiuv compounded to suit each panic- Ur cas. U'lji'D writing to me please en I. He mniup foi reply. 1 I'lioy JAS. HARVEY, j Hi Church Ht (New So.) je 17 ly. .Norlolk, W. T. PARKER 4 -ntALr.ii in- Heavy AND Fancy J Farm 1 Implements. 124 TODSD SACKS OK SALT FOR l 10 PKRBACK. . .Correct price and polite attention to ill. 'K 1 '? r I W. M. HAUMSTON it CO., I Wboleaal uui Hti Dealer in CARPETS, STOVES, ndaUUraaa,atc. MMENSE STOCK 1 AND LOW PRICES. I W. M, HABLI8T0N4C0., t I -Wo. 10 N.fiycMMN St., Petereboru. Va. t- - I fBOFMSIUXAL CA HUH. t jan . en.. wii.ru a. disi I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDOK, N. C. l-icttceln IhecourUof HallraiftndNonham n ftnd in the Supreme and Pixlem court. Ool '-llm made In ellnruof North Oarollna. rnoh oce at Halltaz, M. Copen every Hon. a7. )n ' u 0K. T. T. KOSS, I m I DENTIST I Weldon, N. C. jWOflloa ovw Zmrj A Pierot'astor, niriic Diseases, Groceries 10-ll-lj. Halifax County Finances. For the first Time Since Radical Pule Coun ty driers Sell at a Discount. (Xewa and Observer.) Several weeks ago this paper published some statements relating to the condition of affairs in Halifax county, showing the character of the negro and fusion gov ernment that la uisgusttog the good peo ple of that counly. A letter from one of the lusiun commissioners was received making some denials and explanations. fins letter was laid aside until I he matter could be investigated, for wo have learned from sad experience out to accept I lie statements of Radical officials except with many grains ot salt. rending the inves tigation. Thus. N. Harrison, one of the commissioners, who had written (his paper. furnished a statement to an afternoon paper in Raleigh in whiyh he wrote: 1 here appeared an editorial statcmeot in the News and Observer several days ago reflecting upou the management ol the present Hoard ol touuty Commis sioners of Halifax county, whereupon 1 made a short statement of facts request ing the publication of the same by that paper that the truth might be known; but fur some reason, unknown to me, it has failed to appear in the columns of that paper It should be the desire of a news paper to do justice, not to pervert fact, aud smother truth. I now seoj you a copy of the statement, and asks its publi cation, as follows: "The News and Observer's statement that the county script was at a discount on the streets was true, but a moments reflection would have convinced you that uulorlunatc circumstances could in no wise be charged to the mismanagement ol the present Board, who came into office in December last. As chairman of the Board it will only be necessary for me to submit the following report ol a commit tee appointed to ascertain the Btatooftht1 county's finances, which report was made nut at our January meeting. The books are still open for the iospeci ion of the public and your informant. I trust that you will do me the favor to publish th same: Outstanding claims aggregaling f 10,910 07. A very small percentage of old taxes due I he county have been pid to and imbuisetl by the piesent Board, and portion of the receipts have been paid to cancel the unlisted indebtedness ol Ihe county not embraced in the above state ment. It is the aim and hope ol the present M ird by economy and good man agement, to adjust and hiiuidjte the dele ol the county which they found to eiisi when they came into power, and foi which they should not be held accounta ble. I will now state further that under th. present management the county has been saved the payment ol Si-JUDO, I on no open on the bonks which had beeu pn and vouchers) c incelled Also collected Irotu ex lie"lier ol Heeds 8 IN 4 duo on mairiae iieotm-s Very truiy y urs, Thomas N. IIahhimun. MH. IIAIIKISON ANSWEHRt) The wisdom of ihe News and Obser- ver in waiting for facts before priuliiie. Mr. Harrison's card is fully established by the following eorrespondenec: Halifax, N. C, Oct. 5, 1SH7. Kditor News & Obs'wr: Recently Mr. T. N. Harrison, chair mau of the present board of commission ers of Halifax county, published a state ment in the News-Reporter puiporling to ietind the management ot the "lusion board of commissioner of this county and explain why Halifax county scrip1 was at a discount. Mr llarri-ou take- the Nes aud Observer to task for re- fusinir to publish his statements and oharc.es it with pcrvertiug the facts and smothering the truth about the matter A knowledge of the whole truth will show Mr. Harrison himself to be guilty of that lault,and the failure of the News andOscrver to publish his siatement was very probably on ace iuut ot its un- illingnesa lo puhli.-h pervtrted tacts. Mr. Harrison tells the truth alter a fashion, but he does n it tell ihe whole truth. In fact, he tells a very small fragment of it, and that is s i cunniugly chosen and staled that it makes an en tirely false impression. He states that when the I'eu ocratK "The enemy It cominr: To the fort for your lives!" When a wtt man re reive a plain warning 0t danaer, ne noes not m att lo tel it overtake rraiwnahle mcaai tc haht it off Dlwax would almost ae t aet tht beat nf the averen man if be was prepared iq ral nrecautlont aiciaicu oy n"iiw When a man's stomach and liver fct up Ht and fail lo do their repilar work, he can certain that sonielhinn worse la bound tc. ffnltow tl He ooesn i iw . - Heada'chea, Indifr.tion. biliou.ne- and COTrtipatio" are umVf Nature s warninr. ThVanemy ef "rious dlaeaae I. corumf ""C'Jen'.'iWe thin, to do Is to lm.di atelv fortify the .view. wh Df. P.ero.'. K Jen Meil.e.inivery It vltalUej and tavw' ratw the entire constitution It help. I" SHerout all b.liou. Imporitie. power il eatract nea.rl.bnient from tta food Kdturn it Into rich. led. he. thy hlrx . ' ealM appelit'. dujealio a4 aoltd, "lYu'X'or to the mere temporary coTnv" r oil emulMon. beranat II a-oni lated by the weakest stomach. m . .1 . -.rile. Mr lah Mo "ri. ry poor hlih. Had 1 PPrt w. d.,.h aiHt o lifele Meined Irapof""' . 10 do Tthim tkat requires firm "'"'" Keery fall Zni iu ihi III keallh eemetl lo enrcr I in ...-.-.. - .rr' ctme par A h Walth. and make a new ' of me. V. m ia trr Ihe mediHat. I i.hrd al the lime inooi "5 iaVedmll. le tha' Ume my weilht I mrd.aas-rral b-.le and .P q-- A nre and erm.nent rare for ftv; tlooia Pr. Pierce's Pelleta. One Pe let ? fMtta UaaUvt, twoaauW ctkaruc r& mm board went out last December it lift the county indebted IO,C10. Now that is partly true, llicy did eavc outstanding bonds, uninatured, to the amount of 87,847.20 only, but noth ing else. Why did he not state the whole truth, give the nature and correct amount of I he indebtedness, ami that not one cent of it was then due? That It was divided into ten payments running over a period of five years, and that the first ol these payments did not become due until nearly twelvemonths thereafter? II he did not wish to pervert tacts why did he so state this itidedtedness as to make the impression (hut it was past due, and the Democratic board had tailed to meet it, when in fact the Democratic board paid up every single cent of coun ty indebtedness of every description that was due up to and including the last ot its service, and in addition paid over to the fusion' administration $700 in cash? He still further perverts this much strained fact when he offers it ps an cx-eu-o for Ihe failure of the present board lo meet Ihe current expenses ol the coun ty in such a manner as to convey the false impression that they had to pay it, or at le ist a portion of it He well knows thai this indebtedness, even if past due, could not impair their ability to meet current expenses, unless I hey had paid something on il. Thev have not paid a ceot of it Therefore it has drawn nothing from the fund with which they should have met current expenses, and has no bearing up on the faet that the county script is at a discount, The truth is that llicy have not paid any of the indebtedness nor met current expenses either. People holding jury tickets and county orders for witness es lee and other county expenses, have been goiug about ihe streols bunting some one to discount their aiript at from 10 to l'i per cent., and much of the time even the keepers of tho county home and jail have had in get private persons to cash or discount their county orders that the in mates of those institutions might be pro vided for something that has not been known in this oounty since the Republi cans were in power in the 70's. Mr. Harrisun elilius lo have had to pay a portion of revenue on the ' unlisted indebtedness" of (he counly. We do not understand the phruse un'ess it lueaus current expenses, but ihey have not had to pay, nor havo they paid one cent upon any obligation or liability made or incurred by the Democratic board. The much talked ol indebtedness of the counly above mentioned arosi as lollows: In lSDfithe Democratic board contracted for the buiidiog of thoroughly fire prool ollie. s for the clerk and register of deeds, lilted up with the most modern steel roller ah. lives and tilesj and a fireproof jail, titled 'Mill I be b.'tl l'l.1 eel i; and ihe m l improved smitary arrangements, of which ihe county stood iu great need. These buildings are second to none iu N'orih Carolina, and area great credit to ihe county. Their cost was about ."II0, which was divided into twelve installments, two of which Were paublc iii Ihe fall of Irtllti, and of the rem lining ten (wo were lo be paid each fall lor five y .ars The Deuioeratic b ard piid the tir-t two iusialluiems (theuuly ones pa) able duriuir their adiulul-tratloli) in the lall ol ISIMj, leaviug Do other payments due on said eoutiaoi until the fall of IS',17, nearly twelve months afier the fui,.n board took control of the county In these ten deferred payments alone consists the entire indebtedness so much flaunted by Mr Harrison. They amoun ted to S7.H17 20 and no more, including all interest that will accrue up to maturity of each payment .less th iu $1,000 per year lor the five years. Outside of these bonds die Democratic board did not leave one cent outstanding against the county ill other words, upon retiring, I h-y pud up every single claim of any kind that was due, aud turned over to (lie ' fusion" board $700 in cash. For several years prior to 1890 the Democratic board had reduced the taxes for oounty purpose 3 1-3 cents on prop erty aud 10 cents on the p ill below the nuouut they were authorijed to levy, be cause the oounty expenses did not re- mire the lull levy. With this reduced levy they paid every claim and all expenses aitainst the county as soon as presented No man ever waned a minute nr was put off for tho payment of any oounty order during the Deuocrmo administration Ihey were accepted as cash at lace value anywhere. In 18IMi the full levy was restored in order to meet the cost ol said buildings. The experience of th Democratic board in th - se years, and in 189B, demonstrated that the auth oriied regular levy was aufticicnl to meet the current expenses of the oounty aud ah make the payments on said buildings a they became due. Yet iu less than twi months aftei the county was put in charge ol Ihe lusion board with ciOO lo slari on, all ex i cne and all matured indebted nets paid, and no indchtislnoa lo bccoinc due in neatly twelve moo' lis, ttie n Ooaid bad procured the Legislature to pass a bill author aing th'-'n to levy snecial lax and counly orders wore at discount on the streets. Mr, Harrison lays claim to a great achievement in "avinj the oounty $"l'.l open on the booka tor which ihe count) held "cancel id youchers." These wer. merely accounts allowed to various purih by the board lo whom the clerk of th board had issued county orders, but inadvertently omitted the mark "iwued against the amounta oa the uiinuios of the board. There waa no probability ol these parties making any attempt to have these orders issued again, and even if they had, the oounty was ocrtaiuly welt fortified, against the danger with the cancelled Touchers iu l)ud It woul I have been a very iueompetent treasurer that would have paid a duplicate order with the original in his hands caocellel He also mentions collecting $(84 Irom the ei-regialer of deeda on marriage li. cense. As matter of Course, it being the end of hi term, the register bad to make settlement of all public moneys re ceived during his term, as any other offi cer. There was nothing to do but count the license issued and credit him with the amounts he bad paid and thua ascer tain the balance due by bin). This waa lone and that balance paid in five minutes after the amount was stated and ap proved by the Hoard of Commissioners Kill 1 do not sec that lie so two last items bear upon the question of the county script being at u discount, except lo show that the new board should have been $1,200 more able to pay county or- ers Yours truly, . It W. liitowN, Kx-Chm. Co Coiu'rs. I li Tuavis, former Co. Aitor. There Is N'utbing Ho C.ood. There is nothing just as good as Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand It aud do not neriuit the denier to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit he in ly claim something else !.' just us good, ion want Dr King' New Discovery because you know it to be safe mid reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded ror Coimhs, Colds, Consumption and fiT all alfeeiions of Throat, CheBt and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. I rail bottle Irec til W M Cohen's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00 OPKX TO IXSlMltTIOX. I'eople who live in glass hi shouldn't throw stones." Whj?" "Because ovurybu ly can them do it. Did Von i:ier. Try Klectrie Hitters us a remedy for your troubles? If not get a bottle now and get relief This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adaled to the relief and euro of all Female Complaints, ex erting a wonderful direct influence in itiving strength and tone to the organs If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spe'ls, orate Nervous, Sleepless, Kxcltable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Klcetnc Hitters Is the medicine you need. Health ami Strength aro guaranteed by Us use. I'llty cents and ?I 00 at W 51 Cohen's Drug Store. V t'KIYKItS.YL. WKAKSKSS. "I never censure lay peoplo'" "Why not?" "The Inzicst man on earth isn't half os lazy us I would be if I couM afford it." llurkleu's Arnica Malve. Best Salve in the world for Cuts , Sores, IMeers, Salt Rheum, S i.rsi-s, I'ctier, I 'hupp -d Hands Th. llruiM i.'iiilb.aios, Corns, an I allSkiu hruptioi. :md positively cures Piles, or no pay re piired It is itu ir intcil to uive perfect sni-faction or money refunded l'riee 2.') cents per box For sale at W. M. oh. n's Drug Snire. TOO OKi:.T A ItlSK. t wouldn't wear my hair d owu ov. r my ears for anything " "Don't yiu admire the fashiou?" "Ye; but suppose some man shuu'd p'op sc and I didn't hear him " Plllt (H I. II I II I V YKAKM Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filty years by millions ol mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success.. It soothes the child, sollcns Ihe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 2.'i cents a but lie. He sure and ask lor "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth r kind I'ATHNT i:XTIN(it'ISlli;it. "Your wife seems to have a very Bi.n guine disposition'" Sanguine? Well, ir, she is the kind of woman who would expect to put a fire out by throwing watermelons at it." Ti tier, Siill-Ittieuni and Eczema. Tin. intense iti binu andsinartini.lnci .i..,it t,, iliMeitiKciiKeH isinstuntlv allaved by applying CbHinlHThiiii B kye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have lieen permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for aore nipples. ehnmieil bands, chilblains, frost bite and chronic mire eyes. 25 cts. per box. Pr. Cndy'd Condition rotrdern, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vi.nniftiL'e. Thev are not food but iiiMlii-tnp and the best In use to put borne in urime condition. Price 23 cent per package. For sale by W. M Cohen, We'donjJ X Brown. Ha ilax: Dr. A. S. Harrison Knfidd A lutvri: ok misii vis. ' Have any aoci.W. jju were hunting Chump'ey.'" "Well, I ahml I say so. Accidentally sh il a du -k anJUockcl over a bear by the accidental di-eharte of my .u." CASTORIA For Infanta and Children, b tsjrt at yj, 'wwts IIIIMNU HKIiSKCJilKT. lie 'Why docs Mamie insist upon ridding behind when she's on a tandem?' She "Don't aar word, but her baek hr is n it original." OASTOniA. lia YOUR PARENTS. Boys AnJ Girls Should Learn To Affrcciatc Ihi'ir Parents While At Home Willi 1 hem. There are a great many children who know the Ten Commandments and who have often reparted, "Honor thy Father and thy mother," whoso every day life would not lead us to suppose that they really nppreciato their parents os they should, Wp onco heard an old man say that when he was a boy, ub nit ton years old, he knew nearly as much as his lather) when he was twenty bethought he knew more than his father; when ho was thirty c decided that his father was a good, intelligent man and knew as much us he lid when be was forty he concluded tat his father was one of the wisest men he had ever known and that bo would be happy if he could ever be as good und great us his falher. It is to be taken for granted that a per in has more sens! at forty than he had ten. The little incident related shows iu! the wiser a man grows the more he rs and appreciates his parcuts. We :ive never yet known the man who did not regret snii..! cureless act o childhood towards his parents. Wo have beard wicked men, who behaved as though they thought the whole world baj, when ked if they had never known a really id person, declare, "Yes; mother was perfect. ' II iys and girls learn to appreciate your parents while you are at home Willi them. emember, to.) that long life is promised those that honor their parents. It is unnecessary to tell children who are old enough to belong to a Sunday sehool class why they should honor their parents. They already know it. They cannot recall the first time God put it into their hearts. Children, read what sonje great men have to say about their mothers: Raphael's Madonnas wero pictures of his mother. Abraham Lincoln said: "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother." Benjamin West said: "A kiss from my it her made me a painter." Auitusliue was convene 1 from heathen ism by the p. ristent efl iris aud prayers of hisuioiher. The last words of Henry Clay were: mother! mother! mother!" John Adams said: "l never bear of a ;r at m in that I do not enquire about lis mother." Children, phase show your love for your ircnts by trvins; to make tliem bappy. A' hen moiher is tired or sick tell her to sit iown and rest, and let you do the work. If you want her In live a long time, save r every step ynu can. Don't let her kill herself working for you. Think of iw sad it makes father when he comes home from his work at night lo bear that you have been naughty during the day. Inuiehow we feel like Bome boys and iris who read thware going to do belter S. 8 Visitor. Valnabla Co Woman. K.wieeiallv valuable to women is Drowns1 Iron Hitlers. Backache vanishes, headaclu lisaptn-art. strength takes the nlace ol weakness, anil the cjow of health reaillly riuiiea to the pallid cheek when this won. derful remedy is taken. For sickly ehiliiren or over worked men it has noeuual. Noboine alioultl Iw without this famous remislT, Urowua'lrou Hitlers ia sold by all dealers. t'l'UK KOlt LOt.lv.IAW. A correspondent of the Atlanta Jour nal sends that paper what is said lo be a cure lor lockj iw : I have noticed several deaths fiom lockjaw" caused by a nail stuck in the fW. I haie often thuuttht I would till the public of a seemingly strange reme dy. Seven! years ago I had in my mr v.ce a girl who stuck a uail in ber foot It was very much swollen and I knew milling to do. Someone told her to uoke the wound with yarn. I had no fiith whatever. My father being D ivsieiao 1 had been taught to look on a ich a thing as ridiculous. Simply t. ase her I got the yarn and after burn ; it blew out the bl..i and smoked the wound. Well, while I held the imoVe she would s.iy she fi It it draw in:. I a my surprise the swelling was gone next morning and there was no more tro ibl. 1 iiH. d it ou auothci ouvaii and Ihe w iuud khvc n i trouble In th oasithey also complained of ihe, "draw ini! sensation." I think the press would do a kindness to copy this remedy exteo lively. Il may be the means ol relieving some sufferi g mortal I ask every one who may have occasion not lo fail to use this reiuisly. It will be Impossible find one with less faith than my self before I used it. A LOVKIfS ADM1KVTION. "Those are bride and groom over on that uther car seal.'' "You needn't think so just beca .se they both havo on new clothe." "No; but I heard him tell her she looked pretty enough to be put under a glass abide " He dreamed of "glory in the Geld" In ecstacy complete, And then ho went forth Valiantly And harvested more wheat. FEAR AND FAITH. Do Nut WoniUr If The Two Things Your Heart Together. It is when we are "afraid" that we trust 0od; not in easy times, when things are going smoothly with us. Not when the sun shines, but when the tempest blows and the wind howls about bis cats a man gathers his cloak round him and cleaves fust to his supporter. Tho mid night seu lies all black; but when it is cut into by the oar, or divided and ohurned by the paddle, it fl ashes up Into phos. phoresueniie. And so it is from the tumults and agitations of man's spirit that there is struck out the light of man's failh. There is the bit of "inl and the steel that comes hammering uguiust it; aud it is the contact of these two thut brings out the spark. . . . Fear, then, is the occasion of faith und faiih is fear transformed by tho act of our own will, calling lo mini) the strength of God und aud betaking ourselves iherto. There fore, do nut Wonder if the two things, lie in your heart together, and do not say, "I have no failh because I have Some fear," hut rather feel that if there bo the least spark of the former it will turn all the rest into its own briiiht substance Here is tho stifling smoke, ootuing up from snmu newly lighted fire of greeen wood, black and choking and solid in its coils, hut as the fire burns up all the ssuokc-wreuths will be turned into one fl lin ing spire, full of lioht and warmth. Do you turn your smoke iuto fire, your fear into failh. Do not be down-hearted if it takes a while to convert the whole of the lower and baser into the nobler und higher, Failh and fear do bleud, thank Ood! They are us oil and water in a man's suul, aud the oil will fl at above audipiiet the waves. "What time I am afraid" there speaks the better man within, lifting himself above nature and oircumstunoes, and casting himself into the extended arms of God, who catches and keeps him safe Alexauder Maclaren D. D. Iluw To Cure lllliuua folic. I suffered f l weeks with colic and paius in my stomach caused by biliousness and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di.inlioea Heinedy which cured m i. 1 have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs. Butler, Fairhaven, Conn, l'ersotis who aro subject to bilious Colic cau ward oft' (he attack by taki"g this remedy us soon as ihe first symptoms appear. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N Brown, Halifax, Dr. . S Harri son, r.nnelJ. XI OGKTS OK GOLD. Jealousy is an inveterate foe lo hap piness, It is not the largest coin that is alwayi most valuable. One never knows Christ till ha lose! stht ol se'.f. Some men will exchange character if they have il for gold. Humility is the most lieaunlul cr own ever worn by any king. lie who lives nearest the cross will use the fewest hard sayings ah ml his neigh bor. I'ure religion is ofien the pirent of load shouting; but loud shouting is never the parent of pure religion. A little worldly honor is much more desirable with some than all the riches of heaven. The infidel may be sincere in his be lief; but be had a hard struggle to become sincere. Cumberland Presbyterian. OASTOniA. Urn vnxfst. Bruno,,' yfVWT , I'p-Ti)-1ATE lovers give their swi et hearts mgagement bicycles instead of rings. Prosperity Kluded Him "l thought you said you saw prosperous times ahead " "Well, I tli.ol..lt I ilnl hut tlid heiress I had my rye on wouldn't have mr." Mi. Ciimso Your husband dresses ver) iiiiit!y Mrs Cswker Does he? You ought to hear him hen he tan't flu ! his collars, or his ruff lull tuns b Ootue mislaid ADVi;iin.si;.v,i;Ni':;. Uayal aaaiiM th fooS para. whalaMBM aai daliclowt. FOYDER Absolutely Pure ftOVM MKHM POMM CO MTW VOW. Veltihrated lor it great ieavveuiug strength and hmlthfulneaa. Assure the fowl ajHiut alum and all forma of adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. royal aatiau rowoiB co., aiw you afniM v.: a NKW ADVKKTLSKMEXTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not SlMK! ONS LIVER REGULATOR. Nothing else is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up by any one except j. h. zEiLin a co. And it can be easily told by their Trade, Mark the: red z. FURNITURE I - IN We are located now lit our new quarters, No. 1 HI old Market Kqoare, two doora from Main street We cull your attention our $17 oil solid oak bednsim suits, which is the wonder of the itjie. Are you in need of a woven wire cot? Only a few more left We will close them out at Hlle. each. Hammock chair now redoeed to $1 -o, former price, We lake pleasure to show you through our stock. No Trouble lo show nood. Mail orders promptly attended to. For bargains call at 1 KEEN'S, i li:i Old Market Square, :i floors from Main street, NOUFOLK, VA. H-20-It CHAS. M. WALSH, STKAM MA lilil.K and ti UAN1TE WOKKS Petersburg, Va - ; monuments, a- Heailstouua, 'i'omtis, etc. B,AlaQ Iron Fencing, Vases etc , lor cemetery unit oilier purposes lU lowest prices. SATISFACTION GUAItANTKF.D. Work Delivered At Any Depot. octll ly. CHARLES C. ALLEY, " CONFECTIONER , Mr. W. W. Warren represents the firm and will visit Weldon and its vicinity reg nlarly. oetl91y. WE LEAD, Owns ft iVft to $1 Follow, Hut "They Never Touched Me." S. Meyer, is the Original Hustler of ZEHSTFIELZD My quartette f Stores I say nuartette and every one : Fall and Winter GOODSfeJ and our customers singing their praise. Come join in the procession and trade with S. MEYER, A'gt., Enfield, N. C. tvtrlle will buy your cotton and other country produce. C11S WMIISE, 33B0CKYIODST.H. C. Is Si li 'J Li. US-We secure the I1IGI1KST PRICES, for all grades of"Wl TOBACCO. Kvery customer's wants are met, if possible, and every neeled attention i ti courtesy tendered, (ioid prio t ebt:i ni I every day. Bring us your, n to and we will send you home happy. Sep 111! It, MMnctry WELDON, N. C. I still cirry a full line of tine Ktnple and Fancy Grocer-es, r FRUITS- CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, tilasa Tin, anil wnndcuware and mi at everythiUK that ia kept in a tirnt el:-m gr.tcery store. I also return thanks to my friends for th"ir patronage of the pa!, and solicit ni-oiiliumiiice ol thesame, with guarantee to please. And wishing 1 hem a happy and pimp -mus new year. That they may Long to live And well to do And at death Be happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JUDKINS. dec 13 ly. FURNITURE! 'KERN'S! AT - ESTAHI.ISIIKHIN Wi5. The trnlh is the foundation of our Success, We make Claims, our WORK fulfils them. J03I,et us Estimate for you. 0 Dcsiuus Sent to any address FREE. In writing give age of deceased and some lim it us to price All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS nd SATIS FACTORY. because there are just four of them, crowded with new D. C. COOPER, Rocky Mount, N. 1'. M OF -FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVF.LTIEfl. Bottrrick'a Patterns. l. & G. CORSETS, Miaaea at 60e., Ladlea 76c. to II. aVPrioea will h mad to suit the time. Hat and bonnet mad and trimmed t order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS. Watdno, If. J. I