HE JOHN" W. S3L."EDO-E, I'lHiriUKTOii. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TERMS:-?1'5" 1,j':u ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXII. WKLDON, N. C, TIlUltSDAY, NOVEMI.KR 18. 1897. NO. 30. ADVKUTISKMKNTS. C7& A ' R if. w op THO 11:1 1 111 ill J MERITS AYER'S i Cherry Pectoral would include the euro of evory form of diseaso which tiffecta tho throat rind lungs. Asthmn, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough nnd othor similar complaints havo (when other medicines failud) yielded to Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. BUCHANAN'S ROMANCE. IhcTrasidyiif ll Slavic j llim Ruai to the White llnusc. on the SACRIFICE AND FAITH. Ileal I :ailh Reaches Duui lulu The I'reciuiis Thiniisiif Life And Offers All Tor (id's Service. i I 1 , I w 1 . 1 : : "Bl : i No. m. 1 tilM-iiM-tnr-wiWi il oak wriiintr (li-sk Ik pitl iHhcil llko a IIIIIO. It pimp tr'ft-M Ml ti' Hill! A (IrcpHI'HWtT In-low. Ar titiu nipotlitihliiil 111 HlHlinifAIIY. V $3.95 I our WIWM" tins tlUikk. ( '.full f'fi'rs II' Icil promptly.) W,. v i 1 in til HiuHtif, in of all ilt t .! -I'll ii - f 11 . pmt' Hpi-rm' ' malum-. (u i .it i, ig Turn nun-, Ih n vi W, t.t up. t - , CtiH'Ut'ii. MirmiH, (' , tin lit- Mi.t ir. Kfli urtMiiiurt, Hitiy i' 1 1 irf , fu. T i m tl.i' mi wt c - tin ' 1. 'It f V WIT ptlMi'lli"), and Wr mv ,mI ii-iii.t. Our lHli-i-'raphil hi ( i t ,t m iyil" I',hv1 it c iri i'M ill cnluiM. IB : i... 4 I. r iIm iKt-.intr. If c.iriHt , tp Win''"., mm I ug he. In n..iu.rt, lut'ti' I ut riH"nn whv yi u H; "it. I pv your l"frtl dt aliT 00 pr fi it', priiilt wh.'ti ymi out. buy from u, null. Ptup a liuu uuw to tho hi :it a JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Tii'ii e inenttoii this paper. A box of old documents which had remained long unclaimed in n Wabinn ton storage w irehouso. was sold Cor a IVw cents sometime ago, and the purchaser, nn looking them ovur, was delighted to find that they consisted of letters writti'ii to and hy James Buchanan. Many of tho letters had mine value as autographs, hut ono w is of especial intero.it, as il threw ui'W light on an unhappy romance iu the early il'e of liiueolu's predecessor. It has not heen known that Buchanan died a batchclor because bin engagement willi the dau 'liter of a prominent resident of Liiica-icr, l'.i , was broken by the girl': parents. Her naiuo was Annie Coleman and she died in 1811), a few nioiitls alter I lie; irouMu oceuncd, It is said, from grief over the loss of her lover. W hut excited her f.illier's hostility to young Buchanan is not definitely known, hut those most intimate with the tw heard vaguely of anonymous charge:' which Mr. Coleman would not allow his daughters suitor to answer or even ! hear. Afler .Miss Coleman's death Buchanan wrote to her father askinn pei-uiU-ion to attend the funeral. The let ter was returned unopened, and it wn among those in the box bought from the warehou-e people. In it the future president said: "You have lost a dear child. I hav. lost the only earthly object of my affec tions. My prefects arc all cut off, and I feel that my happiness will bo buried with her in the grave. It is now no time for explanation, hut the time will come when you will discover that she, as well as I. has been much abused. God for give the authors of it. .My feelings ol resentment against theiu, whoever they may be, are buried in the dust. I have one request to make, and for the love ol God and of your dear departed daughter, whom I loved infinitely more than any other hu nan being could lovo, deny uio not. Afford uie the melancholy pleasun of seeing the body bel'oiu ils iuterment ' As stated, the plea was not even read, and Bii 'hanan, timlini; the animosity ol the wealthy Coleman family loo much for a young lawyer in a small town to eon tend with, left the place and soon after waid entered upon the political career that ended in tho While House. N. Y. Thucs. TA KINO Til I". V ItOSU BOATS PRDF JAMES HARVSY. is a Nl'KCIAI.lST and AL'TMolIlTY on ull i n fill Disease All who are auffering with any HI.OO!) TltOl'III.K, wnuhl he wise to call on or iKlilriwa by mail. Consult . it ion free and iiieilieiiitM compounded to suit eacn partic ular case.. When writing to me please en close stump for reply. rilOK JAS. 1IAHVF.Y, 4'J5 Church St (New No.) je 17 ty. Norfolk, Va W. T. PARKER -UKAt.KH IN- Groceries Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Farm Implements. li l'OUND SACKS 01'' SALT FOR si.iu rat SACK. HHuCorrect prieea anil polite attention to all. ttiiKlly. W. M. I1AIIMSTUN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dwighl I, Moody, in addressing his ureal Bilde class in the Ladies' Hone Journal on ' Regeneration" illustrate his teachings with this excellent story: "A Methodist minister, on his way to n camp meeting, through Home mistake took pa-s.ige on tho wring biat. He fouud thai, instead of being, bound for a religious gathering, he was on his way to a borer.iee. His fellowpassetigers were betting and di.-cussing the events, and the whole atmosphere was foreign to his nature. He besought the captaio that he would stop his boat and let him off ai the first landing, as the surroundings were di-tasieful to him. "The story also goes on to relate how, on the same occasion, a spormm man, intending to go to the races, by some mistake fouud himself on the wr ng boat bound for the camp meeting. I lie con Terstation about hiin was no more intelli gible to him thau to the man in the first iuslauce. aud he, too, besought the cap tain to stop and let hiin nil the boat. No what was true In these two caes is prae lieallv Hue ilh t-VelV one. A trill (Hirisiian is wretched where there is m l'...,wliiii. and an linn generate man is not at ca-e where lb. re are only Chris tians. A mius luuire wi I tie according lo what he has here prepared lor. II h is unregener.ile, heaven will luvo D1 attractions loi him " 9 CAUI'KTS, 8TOVK8, and Mattresses, etc. L J IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, H ABL1HT0N A CO., No. 90 N. Sycamore Ht., Helershuig, Va. 1fl M It. These two things arc much closer con nected than is commonly supposed. Open ing the Word of (I 'd at tho beginning and going through to the end we will find them closely woven t igcther. It was when Noah stood by his altar amid the desolations of the tl lod swept world, that he saw the b iw in the clouds and back ol it heard the promise oftlod that He w.oild no more destroy the world by water. It was while Abraham watched amid the deep daikiics around bis allar that G"d sp ike to him of the future id his seed, and gave the promise of tln ir inheritance, then caused ihe fire to pass t hrough and eotisume his waiting sacrifice. And it washy the allar upon which his son lay, be beard God proclaiming him father of the faithlul. It was when .Inch had left all to cling to the promises of (lod that the ladder was seen at Bethel and ihe angels ascending and descending there in. Again, it was after he had disposed of everything he had owued so as lo meet and appease his brother, that "the Angel of God" came, wrestled with and crowned hiin ' Israel" l'rincouf God. It was not ns heir to Kgypt's throne, leader of Kgypt's armies, nor chief coun cilor ol her legislators, that Moses was commissioned to bring up God's peopl but it was long after he had given up all of these that he saw the burning bush and heard the unmistakable voice of God makinL' him the great deliverer anil law giver of his people. It was not whet Saul marshalled Israel in battle array but wheu Samuel stood by the altar upou which was offered a sucking lamb, that (lod hurled back with terror nnd dismay I-r.iel's invadiug hosts; nor was it wh Saul in his majestic biaringaud full armor led ihe host, but when faithful, fearle David took his life in his hand that Goli.it hand the I'hilistinehost were hurled down before the armies oKJod Not until i he thiee llbrew children went into the liry furnace was one like unto the Sou ..I God si eii walking with them nor m, til lluiib I went into ihe lion's den w ii kn w n that the angel of God would lock the lien's mouth that thev do him no hurt. Not until Kliiah stood fearless- and alone before Ahah and bis assem 'd army del God send down fire from aveii, and in answer to his prayer sent rain on the famished earth. It was not Solomon in ihe luxurious palace, bm to Solminni hv Ihe aitar dripping wilh iicriliees lo God that heaven' voice was Heard It wa'uol to thediselp es with uies and lucrative occupations, but to r iu alter they bad left all and followed mis that ihe Holy Ghost came and the precious go-pel of eternal salvation wa immilled lo their trust. Not to Saul, amid the surroundings of affluence, and favor, hut to l'aul who had counted all things loss for Christ that the third heav ens were opened aod words unlawful lor mini to utler were spoken. Not to John lis house at Jerusalem, but to John e exile on ratines OIU nou utnoiu inui unerriug roll of future history and glory of His kingdom. Now all iostauces are not accidents, but as sure as a man movesout and offers up self and sell's to God's service he is going to have a clearer and deeper rcali- iii ion of the co-operation of that liviug God. "Jehovah Jirab." (in tho tuouul of ihe Lord it "shall be seen") is the voice from the allar ol real sacrifice still the great law of faith. Ileal faith reaches down into the preciouslhiiigs of life and moves iieaier God lo offer them for His seivice; Maiv-like seeks and hriugs out the box . , of s ikenard for Him, aud so sure as Paul reaches this stage ol sacrifice it is going to see and grasp more ot God, for back nf ihe ens He ever waits and all who will may go up theieon and feel His lov . much aud move with I In power i n in the glory of Ilia purpose. This lilt of uust Ifi-h sacrifice lor God rises up to God in true realiiuioiis. MARRIAGE AND LONGEVITY Statistics Slwwirm That Man Lives Longer In Marriage Than In Celibac. The duration of our life may, in a gen eral way, he lengthened or diminished by ourselves, according as we contribute to its maintenances by healthful methods of living. Independently of these, however, vaiious inner and outer influences urc of great effect upon the duration ol hie, such as marriage, heredity, occupation, religion, race, and cliin ite. This is mani fest to every one in regard to certain influ ences, as, for instance, climate; but it is uot so manifest as relates to marriage. And yet the influenc) or marriage upon the dtiraii m of life is highly favorable. Il.irwin said in his "Origin of Man:" "According to au enormous mass of stai is' ics which were taken in the course of the year 18Sil, it was then ascertained that tho unmarried men in Franco be tween the uges of 2 and 'W die in much greater numbers than the married. Of the unmarried 11,!! die ycatly out of evory thousand, and of the married ouly 6-5. In Scotland this wis shown as early as 180!!. There, for in.-tancc, out of every 1 ,111111 unmarried men between I lit" ages of 2d and !! ) years 1 1 1) died yearly and married only 7 2, or less than hall." A similar condition is observed in nearly all other lands According to Hufcland in his ' Mabrobiotik," out of every 1011 persons, 11 bachelors aud 27 inaiiied men reach the age of "0 years and 21 unmarried and 2S married wo men. -According to Mr. J. L. Casper, the nu nber of persons who reach the pe ril) 1 of life between "0 and 100 years is as follows: Unmarried men, four; mar ried men, twenty; unmarried women, fifteen; married women, thirty-two. The l'reneh stall-lician Deparcieux, who has recordeil not less dS5HI deaths from the parish of St. Sulpiec, gives the fallowing as tin result of his researches: Hi app".irs that man lives longer in mirri ige than in celibacy The number o1' bachelors who die after attaining tlj age of 20 years is n -any twice us great as of married in ui and widowers Als it is found that, of those who survive the age of II ) years the proportion of married wouieii is still more striking; the numbers of those who reach the age of ill) years are as 1 12 to 1 1, respectively.' Hue. In Cure Itlliuus Colic. 1 suffered lor weeks with colic anil paius in my stomach caused by biliousness anc had to take medicine all the while until 1 used Chamberlain's (Julie, Cholera am) Ibaphooa Itemed)' which cured me. 1 have since rccoiiriifiidod it to a good manypeiple. Mrs Biller, Fairhaveii Conn. lVrsoiis who are siiljoet to bilious colic can ward iff the attack by taki this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon J. N Browu, Halifax, son, F.ntiold. Dr. A. S. Harri the PKOFESSIOXAL CARDS. JAMUll. HCLUIN. WALTia B. 0AN1SI. Jyj D L I I N 0,A M I E L. ATTORXErS AT LAW, WlLDON, N. C. trartlfst In thteonruof Hllf!i1Nor!timp I'l.udln ttleSupremvsiKl rleml conrU. Col. ."tlnni marie In allparUof Nurlh rtroltna. Branch olle at Halllkl, N.C.opeu arery Men. iliy. I.nllv Jlt. T. T. KOSS, 0 $S DENTIST1 Weldon, N. 0. MTOmo otu Emry A PUrot'litora. 10-19-17. I.ifr Is a tattle field Kvery day tilings fierce, unceasing con rlict; every night leave. tl multitudes of dead and dying. The horrors of war are no iiuu Hi. horrors of distase. If all ihm nallnn. ni Ihe CHtlh WVIC ttt ( .KU' each other there would be no such carnage wrought within the year as that which t! accomplished annually by one dread disease eonsiiiiiiuon. ....1 ... ,!,.. n,n.t fatal of all diseases not without its remedy II is nc longer the Irresistible dcstroyei that ll was considered ...1 - An rntirrlv new aspect ll put upon the possibilities of this dreadful malady by the astounding remedial acliou of I)r Pierce's l.olden Medical Iliscovery, which cures consumption by nourishing the lungs with an abundant supply of pure, highly -vitalised blood .... tuil ih. formation of tubercnloiH matter, and builds up fresh tissue, muscular fle.h and vital energy It gives digestive power to the stomach which is too weak to assimilate oily emul.ions. Miu l.uev KlorfflT Armada. Mich., write. " When I - "l.xil "" vea "f I Had la ll.mm.lloe ul thr lui....n.l lmm th.t l"'M wa. .Ick nr.rlv .11 Ihe lime and hd a doctor Jrl, .11 Ihe "me 1 w.nild lake cold . east y ll IZ I go rihl I., mv lungs At the ''"'' tr,n I vrtv had: th't' nm In hi Jig.. "khng mv thr.l and mv lhro.1 added SJSTd 'llh'one of oo'r b. TT2X2i T i oUl Ud mTmolher I no, live longer h.n Ihre. month. I keia gelling 'VV',,'! Ihou.ht there waa no se. no more help for me a. n hStle I vrmeH lo feel better My appelll. iT, Kir '.ad I kepi right on taking 11. -J-f Jw.il. nf Ihe Pellet.' once In a while, until I wll iel Mil Before taking ll. I weighed on. hn Jred".'." tea pouadafow Uklag n. one ndred (Bd tkiny. 1 haee aot had a eoaga una wiaiaf . A IIKAVV LOAD. A negro who was heii g tried on erim'nal charge caine into court without 0 lunsel. "As you have no one lo defend you said the judge. "I will appoint Brolbe Ulniik over there to take charge ol WALKED 309 MILES. nigh F.xterience of Young Walter I'linvarj. Aflenvarj aUtinet Officer. GIRL LIFE IN MEXICO. She lias CunsiJeraHc 1 reeJum, It I: I'ight KinJ. of The NKW ADVKUTISKMKNTS. When Wulter Forward then 10 was working on bis father's denting in Ohio, an odd volume of Blackstono fell in his way. lie pored over it at night, and resolved lit whatever cost to become lawyer. But bow? He was in the wilderness. He knew the name of hut one lawyer in the world, a certain Henry Baldwin, who lived ill the viilago of I'itls- burg, !!00 miles distant. He started on foot to find him with in his pocket and his volume of Black stone in a bundle hung on a Miek over lis shoulder. He had but one shirt, and ouly the clothes on his back. Oil his way he lound an old horseshoe, which he put in the bundle for guod luck. Before he reached I'iltsburg his money was gone, lie couiu not pay lor crossing tho ferry to the towu. The ferryman at last agreed to take the horseshoe as late. Forward ou reaching the village walked up the street, reading the signs. A man who was mounting a horse asked him what he was looking for. A lawyer named Henry Baldwin," he answered. I am he. What can I do for you, my lad?" Baldwin said kindly. The boy told his story. Baldwin look- d at him and then handed lion the key of bis nflice and told him to take posses sion of it until his return. He remained with Mr. Baldwin 12 years. Ba'dwin in time beeami) judge of the supreme court and Forward one ol the 'orniiosl jurists in tho country, lie was secretary of the treasury under Tyler, and later, minister to Denmark. Such stories as this illustrate the hard daily struggles of most of the men of that lime. They knew nothing of the advan tages which are now common and free as air to every American citizen. The son of the richest man then could in no way lin the training ami which are offered now in this country without cost to the poorest boy in the d. There were no public libraries. Franklin and his fellow luechancies re joiced when they ha t nought aim ticgg'U 10 volumes i aslimgion and his colleagues had no advantages of foreign travel. Almost all that they saw of the world was gained in jogging along muddy roads through uncleared forests between the lit tle towns of New York and I'hiladelphi, Yet i here were giants in the laud in those days New Your l'ress. Mexican home life is uniipie. It dif fers very essentially from the domestic life of the Anglo Saxon nice, for it is founded on respect for parents. The in fluence of the Catholic church is power ful in maintaining u high grade of family behavior. There is u sweetness and a charm about a well ordered Mexican home which is a revelation to northern people who have imbibed a false idea of mailers here. The women of tho best Mexican families are naturally of a gcii tle disposition, but they command obe dience, and rarely spoil their sons, whom they idolize. There are exceptions, but they are not enough to break down the general social discipline, As for the girls, no reputable Mexican father or mother would allow for a mo ment the t bought of permitting a girl of any age lo ho on the streets ulicrdark unless accompanied hy an older person, a trusted servant or elder brother. So, even among girls ol the humbler class, there is no street strolling iu the evening. They may, in warm weather, go to the alamcda, or pub lic paik, when there is a band concert, but always under escort. They may go to a tertulia, or evening party, but wnh some competent person. They may 1 ince, mildly flirt, on such occasions, but they are always under the watchful eye of a relative. There is plenty of proper freedom for young- girls, and a larger liberty in the cities than formerly, but they are not allowed lo run about without escort, and a very careful eye is kept upon them hy parents and relatives, even to distant male cousins. Such a thing as a young girl or young woman of any character or family being upon the street at night, alone and unattended, is unknown. Your daughter goes to visit a friend in the afternoon and stays to tea. 1 hen Ihe gentleman and lady ot 1 the knowledge hotie, the gentleman aloue or an old s i vaut briugs her home. So the streets of this big town are never the scene of foilish, flig'ity gills being followed and "picked up" by strangers. And ns for men who insult young girls and women, ihe remedy is Usually a mil deu aud fatal utio. I u milder cases ihe newspapers give uiiuute descriptions of the "satyr" who has insulted a lady, and the public is asked to take warning. One fel'ow, who, in an interior city, made an insulting remark about tl lady standing at a window, was conducted to the ilameil.i, and, in view of ihe chief put of the town's best society, was held lown ou a stone bench and caned until he yelied fur mercy, and was then ol dered out of town on the next train. He w eut. Iu auother city a male teacher, wiin was "too fresh" in his conduct to- An Koglish scholar has been collecting ward young girl pupils, was waited on by .. . . l : - ..c. I ... statistics in regard to the maimer in whlcn a uepuiauon ui gi 'uu ' -. em a KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word 1JMW'AFR is not on a PackaSe it is not mm REGULATOR. Nothing else As the same. It cannot be and never has heen put up by any one except J. H. ZEILSrJ & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark the: red z. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! E K N S! We are located now at our new .pouters, No. old Market S.iiare, two doors from Main sheet. We cull your utieiilion to our l? oil solid oak licilmnm suits, which is the vvoniler of the a'ge. .Are yon in need of a woven wire col'.' Only a lew more left We will close I hem out nt Mile, eiieli. 1 litiiiinoek chair now reduced to i o-. i :.. 4- w,. i.,L-,. nieiisiiie to show von through our stock. Mo Trouble to show goods. Mail orders promptly attended to. K E E N ' S , For bargains cull at li;lOld Market SiUai'o, 3 Doors from Main street, NOUI'OI.K. VA. H-2li ly CHAS. M.WALSH, STEAM MAUI'.l.l'.aniHlltANITK WOliKH lVtcrslmrg, Va -4 11 ( ) N U M K X T S , P- Headstones, Tombs, etc. (rtLAIso Iron Fencing, Vases etc , I'm cemetery ami other purposes at lowest prices. WLSATISFAUTIOX (iUAKANTKKD. ESTAm.ISIlF.D IN lHlio. The truth is the foundation of our Ruecess. We make Claims, our WOliK fulfils lie-in. Jsirr.et us Kstiniute for you.J9l Designs Sent to any address FREE. In writing give age ol'dceeascil and some lim it us to price. AH work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATISFACTORY. Work Delivered At Any Depot. net 11 ly. LOVE MAKING, Sumeihing Afoul The .Manner In Which Men Ani Women .Make l.uveTo cah Other, permanent KlIH OVl:ll I'-lt'TY VKAKS Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filty years by millions ol mothers lor children, while teething, win rfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. 2.") cents a bonle. Besure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no olh- kind. favor tho city by Ii ... Is 'lice, lie, too, went. The etiipiette rcgirding the protection of women Irom molestation and insult is such as prevails iu the southern states of the American 1'nion There is no fool- Arc you one of the striking miners?" asked the woman at the door, "les, u. I'm what dey call a pioneer. 1 struck thirty years ago, and I vo never give in yet." She (hesitatingly) -"Now that we are engaged, James, I I ought to tell you that my my grandfather was hanged. He ' That's all right: my grandfather bunged llim. n and women m ike love to ouch other informs the world that the number of young englishmen who emiiraeo incir sweethearts at the moment when they are inviting tllein to necouio incir wives amounts to ;iti per cent. On the otbei in loo nig on Ili9streuts, in the theaters and .u. u .u .u.v .... .- r. public places with respect able women There is something left h. re of tho old Spanish ides of the s ieredness of woman hood, and the line is sharply drawn be tween hon st women and the other kind Boston Herald CHARLES 0. ALLEY, C0HFEGT10NER, PETEESBUBG VA. Mr. W. W. Warren represents the firm and will visit Weldon audits vicinity reg ularly. oct 19 ly. WE LEAD Owns If TwM to II Follow, But 'They Never Touched Me." S. Meyer, is the Original Hustler of ENFIELD. My iiiartelie of Stores I say quartette becuusc thete are just four of them, and every one crowded with new Fall and Winter GOODS and our customers singin; their praise. Come join in the procession and triiuo with S. MEYER, A'gt, -- Enfield, N. C. toy lie will buy your cotton nnd other country produce. hand, 07 per cent of the I tln ir sweeiheait's on the lips at thecriti cd moment while 4 percent, shower kisses on their hair, and 2 per cent, cm tent themselves with kissing thcit hands At one time it was the fashion for lov intoxicated youths to fall on their knees when about to make proposals of marriage, but this fashion is evidently dying out fir we are assured that only !! per cent, ol 'The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain s Cough Hom ed)," writes W. II. Norton, of Sutter Creek, (J il. "This cold left mo wilh I cough and I was expectorating a'l the time The U. ly cured iiie.and I want all of my friends when troubled with a cough nr oold to use it. for it will do lb. ni giod " For salehvW. M. Cohen Weldon. J. N Itiown. Halifax, Dr A. S. Harri son, Kufield lance. . . 'The tooth of limn" is the one extract on credit your case. The prison r eyed tho luwyer Irom head to foot, then, turning to the judge, said: "No, suh, I reckon I won't take him! De las' time I went ter de penitentiary you 'pinted one des like h im ter talk let mo, en 1 got ten years. "I'll sorter rack erlong widout him, jedge, en del throw myself head-over-heels on de mercy er de count l'lease, suh, sentence me, en lemme go 'long." A real surprise: Kihel So he drop ped tight down on his knees and pro posed? Dear met Did you say "This is so sudden? Penelope Oh, not It was so unexpected, you know I Askins What kind of an alarm clock h.vovou? HonuvDook My wife's el bow. "Miss Grabbs declares her girl friend; . i . . i. . cant deny thai her atiaeiiineui in inai gentleman wilh a title was a case of lovi at fir.t sight." "That's very true,' replitd Miss Cayenne; she saw him first." OA.BTOTt.IA.. rutu- f - I, ry you said sold you Clisluluer You relllelwbi r me ibis coal yesterday? You would return the money if it wasn't sat isfaetory Clothing merchant But my der sir, it vos ipiito satisfactory; I ni fe had pet'er money as dot in all my lift OABTOniA. t-'ree IM Charge To siullerers. Cut this out and lake it to your dm gist and gel a sample bottle free of Dr, King's New Discovery, tor I nnsuniption those in love at present lull on one knee, I Coughs and Colds They do not ask you i ....... . ..... i'. I to buv before trying. This will show ami ouiy - vt crm. ii-mini.- ; r.l- . I 1 ...... , . , . you ihe great merits of this truly wonder- J n "' " " . . ful remcdv. and show you what can bi ous reason has been assigned lor the deea- :1,.t.Uipis,, (,y ,,c r,TUllir siz. bottle donee of this chivalrous custom, which Is iifl no experiment, and would bo disas- thal of late years the neither garments ol trous lo the propiretors, did they not ,..,.1,.- line.. b....n so constructed that it is k''W wuld invariably cure. Many ot i i . r ... n ... .1 ii.-ikj v - r I their nracttce with great results, and are Idenly on his knees to a lady 8 presence. , j ,nos( ,,,,,.,, Cilse!li tt j On the other hand wooers of to-day seem guaranteed Trial bottle free at W. M ..i.c d,.n ib. ir.lluiii I Cohen's Drug Store H igular sui .)0 i. . i ... I niii.v .... wnts audSl till ill' II Wilt" Wl"I"l CTII'l Tl'HI ... Twenty per cent, ol the hugli-li loveis Vb, n the office urns out to seek the of lo d iy are awfully nervoui when 1 ,,ina be i.n -;,-tit-r,lly wiiliin bailing di decisive liniment comes. I he behavior of the young women is similarly remark - le. When th" men invite them to ah ire their homes 81 outol every 100 fall without a word into the outspread arms of their chosen oues; lisi per cent blush Very becomingly, and, in maidenly fashion brink away as though frightened at their companions' boldness; one out ol every hundred, possibly more, possibly less, says our Knglish statistician, falls on a sola as It annul lo laun; uuu i per cent, are really astonished at receiving proposals of marriage. On llio oilier hand, eighty out of cveiy huudred know very well what the men have come for, and henci behave jut as they should on sueh a moniinloiia occasion, further more, (50 per ceut. look their wooers boldly in (he eyes. Curious facts, tbese; but the uiost curious fact of all is that one maiden out of every hundred runs aw iy before the young man has finished his pretty love tale, with the nhj ot of tel'ingthe good news to her girl friends. fkihit-Hall. ujuian. At ll Hit 3SB0CIYMQUHU C. Is 81 In The Lead. letf-U'e secure the lllfJUKSr l'BICKS, for all grades of"Wl TOBACCO. Kvery customer's wants are m't, il pos-iblc, and every needed attentin and toufte-y tendered. Co id prices obtained every day. Bring us yo ir tobacco and we will send you home happy. C. D. COOPEH, Sep :m it. 1 1 Rocky Mount, N. ('. AD Kit I'lMKM KM I S. Many young ladies havo students in stead of pupils in their eyes. Uoyal make, the lood pur., wholesom. and delicious. bAKIIll5 POWDER Absolutely Pure hoyai rakim prmnt . en , sf sua. Celebrated for its great leavening strength anil healthfulnenv Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteratiou com mon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKINO) POWDIBOO., (W YOKkV J- Ti. Juins' Grocery WELDON, N. C 1 still carry a lull line of fine Staple and Fancy (iroceries, k-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crock rv, Glass Tin, and wnndenwiire and niiwl everything that t kept in a first class grocery store I alto return thanks to my friends for tbir patronage of the past, and solicit a continuance of the same, with it larantee to please. And wishing them a happy anil prosp rons new year. That they may Long to live And well to do And at er death Be happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JUDKINS. dec 131 y. Grand Display -OF- FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Batterick's Pattern. It. & G. CORSETS, Hisses at 60c, Ladles 75c. to $1. VPrices will ha made toanit the time. Hat and bonnet marl and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A.LEWIS, V r4, N. 0. a