i la J,- IsplM lift B 11 IrIIE VOL. XXXII. The Same... Old Sarsaparilla. Tliat' Ayer'i. The same old sarsaparilla as it was made und sold by Ur. J. C. Aycr Co v, ar, ago, In the laboratory it is different. There modern appli ances lend sjiccd to skill und eiperience. Hut the sarsapa rilla it the same old inrsnparilla that made the record - SO urnri of euret. Why don't we latter it? Well, we're much in the condition of the llishop and the raspberry : " Doubtless, " he said, "God might have made a better berry. J!ut doubtless, also, He never did. " Why don't we better the sarsaparilla? We can't. We ore using the name old vlant that run .1 n. Indians nd the Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since tee make sarsaparilla com pound out of sarsaparilla plant, we see no way of improvement. 0 course, if we were making some secret chemical noonm,.,,! we might.... Hut we're not. i e re making the same old sar Kiparllla to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it's the a.ime old tamavarilla be cause it works the im old eure. It's the sovereign blood purifier, and It Ai,t m. ANEWSPAPERPOR THE PEO 3? L E WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMHER 16. JS97,. TERMS:-H.5li I'KH annfmIn advance ... I Tie Power of The Cross. SAVED BYTATTOO OF THE SAVIOUR I'tv. Tlwjas Ncdtuni Tells How a TattiMi of 1 he Saviour on The Cross Save! His l ife I rnm Cannibals On A South Sea Islanj. The revival al ih If ,,;.! i. ' ..v imui i ii.icic, Conducted l.y liov. Thomas Ncc.lhani, continues with incr.Misin.; interest. Mr Ncodhain is a preacher 0f unusual power "'"l drive. m j,lis) ,,,,, 1.li,,i "me. Ne is not in ihe least sensational Mueli interest W;,.s i mil,,,,,,! j h Uieetiiii; last nielli. When .Mr. Needliam was drawiie. hi. rm..n m a close hist evening lie K,j, Hin diiiin,Mlie,l,y ho ...I.I a member l tliee.,ni;r.iti,in a siory n, the ,.. man rcpieslcl lii.n to t,. it in his "loll. Mr. Nee.lhaiii s.i.l ii .1.; . Many years n.iru a mere lad was placed on a ve-a-l and L,r,.;,r. shin .... ..;i But the captain took a dislike to the b..y feeause ol his religion and treated liim badly. "Finally lie had the lad tied down and tattooed upon his arm the cross with tl That Little Game. THE DRUNKARDS SERBION. SATISFYING CONSCIENCE. MSmd to Two Young Men Before a liar. Sic H'oulj Willingly Forgive Him If noun uive Some .Money To The NO. 34. (New Orleans Picayune.) It was crowing late. The tide of hu- uianiiy that earlier in the ccnintr had "John!'' bed and flowed llirou-h the streets of "Yes. dear' (lie ureal uty had swept onward, leaving "Is that you? Missionary Caus. You needu't take the strung and almost appalling sense of much liouble to come in quietly so I've Boos For Sale. HE HAD SEEN EM BEFORE. Hu a I arniiT I'mvillingly ContrituteJ Sk l or a Tramp. hours. i ft IT Wlion the ship reached I U...I 1 , . . .. . , ....... inirn. join, nro mn f. Wn wil .1 " " .". "'. ireo or si. ..i.ir, xurnp ilL'pnire pe.-ial Hta- ."KuiM-uiiiftim:, rur.nlt.rn. Iinos-rips, 1' etiiri... .no .........:... .. . ' Plrt Ins.. ever tuita.sl,.... ...... .... . t ft ftloirii... thnwlnv careers ju colors. Is ftlso 1'i.u.s tor iho a-skm. If cr t ..HllOt. T.. ... n.. - ...... I . T. '""""U W.1V Toll ..mum wv ymir ,.,. T (jo p,.. .... '-..iV i. a mn Dly ,r"m ti.e mill. Drop lino now to the JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, ma. i Plmsc mention tills pswr. I aviuur on it ."".uin Ameriea tl.e cai.tain had ih placed on a rocky Maud and loft hi,,, tnere. lie was soon captured by th, oanuibals and earn'ed into the interior The sava-es surrounded In in and prepared for a leH. The women tore his m. tnents li.nu liim and made ready to kill him, hut when the savages saw the cross upooliisaruitli.y were frightened and afior consultation ordered that he put on his clothes and remain atuonn them For eleven months he dwelt ainon); these cannibals until he succeeded in . (T'cliu an escape.. "And that lad," added Mr. S'eedhan,. is inc one who stands before you an. I if any man wants to sec the er...-s in,,.,, my arm lie can , s,i if he cad at dm room in the Yarh.iro.ojh house " The ...liT then in u I ai.p'ieali .u of iIih r.on arkahle iueidenl (.IlileL'h 1'iL'ss-Visitor.) been awake these three mortal I'o you know what lime it is?" "I should sny about a quaKer three. "A pretty time for you to bo getting lioui.. isn't ii? Where have you been?" "Over at Mr. Fraley's." ''Mr. Fraley, indeed! I suppose you menu that disrer.utahlo 'Bill' Kralev Who else was there?" "Well, my dear, since it interests you deeply, the other nienihera ..f .1,,, .. Newkirk and desolation lllal I'mmm iclw.n .' " ' ..... ii uiu uoisi n u. the town are hushed The electric lights H ired unnoted on the corners, the street ears p issed at farther intervals, now and then a ninht worker hurried by, his fool sl. i.s riiieioo out lianl ..I...,- .1.. stillness. In front of a saloon, whose lights shone out bright and ruddy acros.- the I 'ive.li. nl stoml ,1 .. i... ... ra. d, dirty, dis.'iistiu.'. He watched wild envious ryes the men who passed in il out throuiih the swin-in.' doors, and then turned Ins eyes toward two young ty were Dr. Haiton, Mr. f.io 111 evenino tiress, who Were coming Colonel Hall." down ihe sireet toward him. They had "A nice set of ruinant Ivimi Jlitikini iit'i-nlv and thov ut..tA ...... ...:... r-, - I J uv.ipjrtu jiiu HUlllt '"','"r,,1,,"sal "loor and looked curious- "Having asocial little chat. The ly at him. "By Jove," said one, "think time slinncd " ol luiviiijj a thirst like that ami not .ho "U'l,.,. i. .11.1 1 . ..... ., ulu juu ULi pii.-e of an extinguisher in your pocket I "I'art of the time we played cards." Beats old Tumulus all to pieces, ell? "I'arl of ihe ii.l 11,. ,1... r . . "j ...a. 1 .-uppose l.npi .r, li.pn.r everywhere, and not a drop you mean that there was fivo minutes to drink." lie ran his hand in his pocket when y.,u came and before you left that Hi il hri-ff'jH'tJ thu Irurnn a ilimn lint vmi u-...., i.,:.. -t I " M "v I J " ".-ru L JMMyilJ lore it could be accepted the other young Acquiescent silence from the direction ..... rposra. -.-say, lie saia, "let s ot John. d 1 the L'ood Sauialitan and ul II,. I... I ..Vl'l . , .... "i' " n"ie were you playing to a good drink " The other hilariously "Kliz.be.h, it was a game familiarly ...n..,,,, ,c .rauip sioucneu into Known as draw roker. Now .....v 1 hope that yu are satisfied? I'd like to What were .Nearly all are great. women are good but fe 1 PiDF MIUVIT. isaSl'KCI.U.tST and Al'TlKIIMTV on nil nboie Diseases .Allwhnnre snil'.rinu' with any KI.U(H) Tinrui . ii. ...... in, r., tvui.i.i ne wise 10 t ill on 01 a l.lr.vw by m til. Consult U1..11 tree ami iii.'.lleliiBS I'O'llll .an I,, .mi .. ,. .0..1 ease. nell writ. ....... ,,)........... ri)K JAS IIANVI-Y, t'-'o Lliurell St (New je 17 ly. r Xo Aorlidk. Va W, T. PARKEIi, , UKAl.Elt IX- vwmv J Farm Implements. 2- l'or.N'D SACKS OF SALT KOK i 1M l'EIl SACK. J.i.orreet prices and politenllention to ... 1 W. M. II.VHI.ISTOX l Wholesale and Hotail Dealers in cakim:ts, stovks, Utl Miittretwes.etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLI8T0N A CO.. No- J N. 8camore St., PetKhnrK Vo. ' It. PIL1 a ATTORNEYS AT LAW, "To tfl' the truth m mnther Yi. lived wiili "Hi" foot in t h e prave. writes Mr- Ruynf Siaru Zfiihtrir, of No K4 VValkci Ave., Houston, T s.is, in a ttr to Dr. H V. I'ti-rce. of Buf fain. V V. " With a mo't tllAiikful h,-.,rt 1 "sV " ' 1 1 t 1 1 yon about tlif tvrm. ilerful curf rffrcli d in hi i rasp. She ha Ih-( n a nt r. (t n,...k f... I nvt nilVK MM Pirl.11 IDflE VVATn. o WitTilw tun il.-u.-riti. d, ,t .1,- 1..... ufTcred. She could not nleep on aratunt tif r-rvnr Mini rnr irieu every doctor around here and petit hundreds of dollars w-thout Ixnefit. Alter h. remedies 1 wrote to you. My motht-r has lanen six noith-s o( the T. olden Medical smi.tiMtt.' and is now peifrctly cured. i n nt mrnr uit' ne.iuit'Nl Itianit1 illHl DlCM. siiiKs from my father and weven children for Hrtvinif the 1 i i V of dear mother. M y (;,,d mrs you ami vonr inslitutum Is t he wM THi .if fr..l..o,lJ nf r. .... . " ' "-tiM'i- "uiiini navr ioiiiui complete and peim.inent relief from obsti nate and seemingly incuraMe. dinerise hv u-intr the woiidrrinl rcmcdi,-- r..r..rr.f t BOflVP IP I'... rl.. t...l..-.l possesses tnp p,.n)nrtr nropTtv of nourish inir and vitii1irin the ...nod with the life. Rivine ren corptMi-us which hui d no inntuiv iirnii a ii (i miisrumr miirinrth In the ;!teri.it u.i-j L-n.. jo. ,1 A. .. r ... oNMiiite uiK'Hi-i, uie ravorite pre serintion " is a m-rfi-rt akA .viii.... It istheorlysri ntitic medicine prepared for ... an wiik iniv-ician ana specialist m that particular field of practice. rtir ean ann nervous women these two most marveloulvsuccesfiil course of treat mem unown to the medical omf.smn For tlrnrlv r, vf in 1w i. , i t-niet consiiitne; nhvuciHti to the Itivtlid Mote ,irnl Stin-tcil lui;i., u..it.i.. v i Ht t If hi-nrf of , n. i.l r-.tT ..t ... icai u"iveritM of Arm n -i :im-' Kunme. o"-1 I ii it) ii It W It I t! -Xf f I the saloon at (ho heels of the two gilded youths. J he hi.rkeeper set before them ulii.oes and lioiiois, nd. with a hand thai k the trani. poun d out a briuimine iloiss und raised it to his litis. "Stun." eri.d one of the y. iini men, drunltenl).; 'make us u sp reh. Il is po.ir liquor that do sn'i unloosen a man's tonnue." The iriiiii hasiily swallowed down the driuk, and as ihe li'h li. ior e .uis. d through his hlo..d he ,-traiuditened himsell and stood lnh re ih.'IH wilh a ..ran,. niJ ,!;,,. niiy that all l.i runs and dirt could not nire ' (. nlleiiien, he said, "I lo k in y..u atid at myself, and it A ii. .il llie .ie'ure . f to i Ldit in- I., me I loi my lost manhood I III-, bloated laee was onee as jioiiiil' and handsome as yours. This shanihliui; figure onee walkeil us r ..ii.lly as yours, a man in a world .1 men. I, too, one.' had home, and frieud. , and posilion. I had a wile as hemtiful a an artist's dream, ami I dropped the prie. le-s pearl of h. r honor and respect In I he wine-eup, and, Cleop itra-like it di-solve, and .piaffed it down in the hi iiuiiiino draught. I had children ns sweet and h.v.-ly as flowers of spring, and I saw them fade and die under the hliht- in' curse, fa drunkard f..ih.r. I loo home where love lit the fl on, th.. altar and ministered before it, and I put out the holy fire, and daiknessand deso lation reit'iiedinitssiead 1 hadaspiratioi.s and nmhiti .ns that soar, d as hih as the in. .mine; star, and I broke and briiis.d their I. Miiitiful winir, and at hist, siranuhd them that I mij;ht he tortured wilh their cries do more. Today I am a husband without a wife, a father without a child, a tramp wiili no home to call his uwn. a man in whom every ejood impulse is dead. i;o lo sleep." A brief period of regular breathino followed; then, in a loud whisper: 'John!" "Huh?" ' Wake up Hid you win or lose?" "Won, I guess." More silence This time John clearly U .t to sleep. A In,' at his elbow brought him to In.- -en., s. "J. din, how much did you win? ' "Hiiniio. (iiw me rest..,. i .1, ...!" r- ' ' v - 'Hut about how mueli?" ".M As nearly as I can r collivi, aboiil $f." ' .V.w, .Hen t you ashauieer! Oulra Oils! I lieV.T Weill. I lo.v.i ,1 ,Li .,,,,1. a thing in the world. Why Joho " 'What did yu waut me to d. lose?" ' I here s no need Irying to treat the matter flippantly You can just go right b.ek and rciuru every cent of that money saw lo the gentlemen vou won it from " "Hut they've gone tu bed." "Then the first tiling tomorrow morn ing." John explaiued the involved characters of the pecuniary relationships in which it was possible, he said, for every man to be a loser to every one of his opponents. A return of the spoils was out of the .piestion. The argument seemed satis lactory lor several minutes. Then the proseeiitiun reopened "I'll forgive you on one condition." "And never mention the subject again?" "Ves." 'Name the condition." "That you give me $10 of that money i-r. n n on z GORDON Baltimore Rye ANII G. P. R. W.I.T I. HASH, DANIEL, Wft-MHIK. N. C. t,rIlM. K nn. ln.h.2 "",urM0'H'l'ndNnrtliftniB .iin. .l?e?uP""n'.rt rrdmal cmiru. i;l. "niocli nm . . ., '"" "'TO rani n. I, " 'a Hftllfci, N. Copen e.ry Men. JSC . iy DB1TTIST Wldon. N. C. iTOlBoe over Emrj A Pi.-n't.tor. Maryland m Gentleman's 1 Drink." IV. W. KflY, SSole m Ao-nnf M n n n n M Ttr M m M M M n m m n n All, all swallowed up in the maelstrom of 'of or missionary society, and dunk. The Irainn ceased sneakin, i I'he glass fell from his nerveless fingers and shivered into a thousand fragments on the floor. The swinging doors pushed .pen and shut to again, and when the little group about I lie bar looked up the ramp was e-wi lt was a wise man who said it w is hard to love a woman and do anything else. 1'1H(H:H HIHIV VHIKM 'irs inslow s southing M rup has been ised for over fifty years by millions of .liolbers lor children, while teelhini;, will perfect success. Ii soothes the child olleiis the oiinis, allays all nain. cure: ind colic, and is t lie best remedy l,n Ifiarrlia'a. Il will relieve (he Door litil uflerer immediately. S Id by dniLiist in eierv i.ari ol Ihe World 2, eems a iiollle. He sure and a-k for "Mrs. Wins '..w's Soothing Syrup," and lako no oth r Kind Fine si-nse o.d exalted sense are half so useful as common sense. not Don't be persuaded into buying lini incuts with,.. il renotalion nr ,....r Chamberlain's I'aiu Halm costs no nn.r. and its metits have been proven by a test of many years Such letters as the fol lowing, from h. (i Hagley, lluenmo, Cal arc constantly being received. "The best remedy for pain" I have ever used is Chamberlain's I'ain Halm, and 1 say so after havini! used it in mv family for sev eral years " It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, J. N. Hrown, Halifax, Dr. A. 8. Harri son, Knfield. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. n.fw !.! tfutin cverv cent of the rest of it for some new clothes lor yourself. Ten minutes later: ... - . . i guess s ought to do for the mis -loiiarv society. ),,n't you thiuk. John?" Chicago Timea Herald. loiisuiiiptloii Positively Cured. .Mr. 11. B Greevo merchant, ofChil- howie, V a , cerlilies that he had cunsum ption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that n, ,,,,. ..,,l.l procure, tried alle.ou.rh remedies he could near oi, out got tin relict; spent many nights sitiing up in a chair; was induced to try Dr King's New Discovery, and was cured by use of two bottles. For past three years has been attending to nu-in.ss, ami mIvs lr. hmga New Dis cover) is the grandest remedy ever mad. is it lias done so much for him and also l'..t uihers in his community. Dr King's IM-eov.ry is guaranteed for Coughs ( olds and 1 onsn.mtMon f. .I...,' C...I l'ri. I bottles In c at W. M. Cohen's Drug .uirc. I.auithiiii! cheerfulness throws suiiliu'lil on all I lie pal lis of life. As I sat on the veranda with the fanner after supper I asked him if he was "... K.eauy Doincrcii by tramiis. and h s reply was. "Wall, a good many of 'cm cotiio along and want a bite to eat, and some of Yin are pretty sassy, but only one man of Veil ever served me a real i,.,.n L " "l.'ison your dog?" I (jueried. 'It was meaner than that. We was iiiin dinner one day in the snriiiL' when a hive of bees started to swarm. I'd been expectin' 'em and had a new hive ready. When beeH swarm they will H' id on most anything handy a limb '.bush or even ihe t.uinn. .lest s tl! I'ccs began to pour out of the hive ntid circle around, along comes a tramp up the atii to ask lur suuthin' to eat. The ipieen bee settled down on his old hat. and the hull swarm fullered her. In two minits that tramp's head and shoulders was covered by bees, and I yells lo him for heaven's sake uot to try to light 'em oil' or he'd bo slung to death.'" "He must have been lerror-stieken,'1 1 said. "Not a bit of it, sir. He was as eo.,1 as a coweuinbcr aud when I told him he'd have to stand in a smudge till the b.es was killed off he jest laughed. When tliey'd all settled down on him aud I was goin to start a smude hesi z: "'Uid man. What d'ye consider this swarm o bees wuth in cold ca.-h?" " 'About 85,' sez I. " 'Ar'yc willin' to give three?' s,z h " 'What fur?" sez I. " 'Hekase you'll cither i.av me S.'i I'll walk off with the bizness and sell out to somebody else!" And you had to buy hiui elf?" I a-ked " That's whore the meanness nun,. .-p,.eu i ne laruier. "I hem leys was my properly, and I wasii t buyin what wa my own. He offered to take SL', hut e.mldii t see how he could git away wilh "em and refused to come down. Thin he starts off reckoned the he.s Wouid gj,t aiinry and sling him to dead. I'Ut niilhin' happened, lie jest walked out into the road and down the hill, and he carried them bees seven miles and sold 'em fur a new pairo' shoes." "And he wasn't stung? ' "Not onee, sir. The bees seemed to like the smell o' him, and he naddled along the road as grand as you please. As fur tramps, I've had 'em lie and steal and set fire to st raw stacks, but I ain't leelin hard toward anjbody but lliefelhr who walked off wilh the hoes " Sfie Fas His Wife. AND A REAL BEAUTY. : Was flff'Rj lo Any flu; Wk IVmlj "alUpanJ kkslkr. A clever Hick was worked by Waltei Itoditioii.l and his wileyesterday uioruine ;it I'tiion Station, l.y which several travel ing men weie duped out of their money. Al the cud of a long seat in the waiting room was a pr. tly and modest-looking y.img woman n'lir. il in a Salvation Armv tin if. .rin She was v, rv i.,,i .,..., .. .;ipor which she was readiiiir and n.i.l lillle attention to the crowd of traveling men standing near her. Aside from the crowd n. u..,!l ,lr,.. "1 young man, who was walking back and forth by the iiew.-ian.l puffing away at a fragrant cigar. Finally a nun.ber of the travelling mm remarked upon tlio beauty of the little Salvation Army worker. All eyes were lixed on I he litlle woman, and she received many compli- inenis. I lie prosp, runs looking young man who had been walking near the group of drummers drew uear to the eriwd. lie, loo. was struck will. , I... appearance of the woman. "I'll give any one of you (ells tjlfl if you kiss that girl," said he. Those in (he crowd I ,k the dare, line spoke up, however, and said to the stranger who had offered the money. "I'll bet you 811 that you can't kiss her." I he stranger hesitated for several sec onds, and then said: "I'll just lake (,at bet." The money was put up and the stranger, Wlio had given In- name as Waller I. d m olid, walked over toward the little wo man in uniform, and after bowing pro roundly took a seal by her side At lirst tl.e worn in se ined t , ),. very indieiiaut and the the traveling man thought he had I he 'H won. A minute Int. r, however, Redmond's arm stole aioii ..1 the woin ins wai-t. The specta l"'n ''.'Han to open their eyes wide (hie of them said: Th at r,.w has a wh le lot of influence over th it girl. U in iv be that he i- a hypnoii.i." liodmund talked for probably two minutes and tli' ii kissed the WMinan '! 'loi 1 walked over to the stakcho!- I.r and itci.ii.d ihe money He th, L KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULA TOR is not on a package it is not m lltTE? Pfmill ATnn Nothing eke is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIU & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark the: red z. FURNITURE! -AT- FURNITURE! II Ij II 17 Ii u l 11 p n it ' n i i .ii i a o: fro, , M , Z ,7 ""W H'mHm' N"' n;t 01,1 Mi,rkl't W(J""re. two ' n '", "'"'.voiiraltenlion lo our .JI7 ,.ll solid oak bedroom suita, m , ?. w i! " ''-"' Are -V"" in l,,'e'1 '"' 11 wuve" " irecof Only a few ii or. I. I... We will close 111..-,., outut Hllc. each. Hanimoek chair now minced to Trn.l'.l i1' l""1'' t I'1"''' to show you thmimh our stock No 1 roul.le to slm ooils. Mail orders nroiimtlv atten.1,-,1 I.. vr l.,.r,min. .,.11 ... -ft KEEN'S,? I l o (lid Market Square, :i Drors from Main street, XOKFOI.K. VA. 8-2fi-ly CHAS. M.WALSH, STIC AM M A If lil.l'. and t; l(A SITE WOKKS l't'tershurg, Va -MONUMENTS, - Headstones, linnhs, e WX..AIso Iron l eucine;, Vases etc , lor cemetery an. I other inirposesal lowest nriees. m.n A T 1 S !' ACTION (iUAKA N T E E 0. 1 1.'. ! ESTAlil.lHIIEIi IN 180,, The truth is the foundation of our Success. We nuke Claims, our WORK fulfill them. . ItT.et us Estimate for yoa.t Dcsijrns Sent lo any address FREE. In writing give age of deceased and some lim it as to price. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATIS FACTORY. Work Delivered At Any Depot. net 1 1 ly. . c i -s- uS- fe.- . . . . 1 r tailed from the depot. The linle man (j.iick'y arose Iroin her seat and tak ng bis arm walked to Ninth and Ilroud vay, where the couple took an Kas .roadway car. ludniond is (all an. Iiandsome. His wil',. is l,l,,n,l. ..,,,1 ;. ,xce.iioiiaoy pretty. Wil ls Karly In the Fie'd, Headquarters ataa Hui llcn's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world l',,r P.t Uruises, .Sores. T ccrs. Salt liim,. ver orses. letter, t'hanned lL.n.l. ( hilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kriintion and positively cures I'iles. or no pay n . ...ren u is I'll iranteil to elve nor eel iii-faetion or m mey refinnicd. Price ..) cents per box. l-orsale at W. M. oh. n s Prug Si. ire. Tin: i. vsr sTit.vw. Mr W. M. Dixon, a well known mer haul ol I'leasanl Hidee I'oli,,,, l' l'u has a little girl who is frequently threat iie.i won croup, nut when ihe lirsi vnipioiiis appear, his wife cives her ( liamberl .in s CouuJi Kome.lv. whiel ilwavs iiff.nls pronpt relic!. The U." and fill cent sites For sale bv W. M C.l.nn tV..l.lo J N Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Ilarri n. to iiei.i They that wil be helped. not be consoled cannot An Uuoertala nimw. There it no .liseasa more uncertain In its nature than .lvsH ii. riiy.kian. my that I he ivmpUmi. of no two case, atree. 1. ii therefore in.t Hiffinilt to make a correct .liairiiiwH. No mailer how vere, or under wliai.lisKuiw.lysprpaia attack. ...i, Hrnwm' Iron llii.r, Wl cure it. Invaluable in all dn.eii.es of Hi, t,nach, hlnml ., Urowns' Iron Uittera ii aold by all dealer.. nru- lM.1. tfiwan OABTOniA. Kill ;" said Askiim, as he paused f. r a moment in his knife and fork iip-i'lim. aud glauccd around the table, "where 's StaulT.i?' "Mr Naull r's gone," explained the hndlady shortly. "What was the inattct?" inquir.d Askaiu. "Did his doctor advise him to save his digestion?" "No, he di.lu't," snapped the landlady. ....... ' ' "I did. "Whew-w-w! " whistled Askam incrcd u'ouslv. "Why?" "Well, I dunno as you gentlemen ever noticed what he ale," began the landlady a'uiost tearfully, "He did bring his appetite with him," Oonceded Askam. "An' goodness knows I like to see a man eat hearty an' enjoy his vinlcs." con tinued the landlady. "An I never on,,,. plained one word ahju' hi eoMiliu' Iwi of the steak an a o .up!0 of .pi iris of milk seven cups ol coff-o an a loaf or two of bread an four or five d x-n flannel cakes au' callia' it a 'snack;' I ocxit did. an if it hado't been I them tea biscuit I hivo for breakfast someiiiu 's we wouldn' D ver have had a word." "Why, what's the mailer wilh them io piired Askem. "I just i! mid n't and w nilda't stand it? eiplained the landlady. Why. Gentle- m.-n, ho ate them biscuits like huckleber ries; he did sol" Slli: KNEW IIIH. "Yea," sail the engaged airl. "(leoree is very methodicil. He uivca mo one kiss when ho cornea and two when he goes away." "Thal'salwava been his way," re urned her dearest friend "I've heard lots of girls comment on it." Thus it happen d thai ihov ceased to speak to each other Chicago I'ost. Nothing ia wicked in tbia world excent linn 'l o Look (.null. Uood looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy con- diliotM ah the vital or .-.ins. It the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look; if your slomaeh be disoidered, you have a dys peptic look; if your kidneys be affected, you have a pinched 1 .ok. Secure good health, and you will surely have goods looks. ' Klectiic Hitt.rs" is a good Alterative mid Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liv.r and kidneys, l'urifies (he blood, cures pimples, blotches and u'Hes a good complexion. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Sold at W. M. Cohen's Ding Store. 5n cents per botil... SOM KTIIINU WOItSK, MEYER'S, THE ENFIELD gi HUSTLER, Cotton is low but we have knocked the bottom out of trusts and combines and made prices to suit. Toys and Christmas Goods for all. Get right into the procession with both feet or you will bo run over. BflX..ll kinds of goods for all kinds of people. Everything goea here. S. MEYER, A'gt, Enfield, N. 0. Miss Fordick "Wouldn't it be dread ful to be a French girl and have to mar ry the man your parents chose?" Miss Ivcediek I can conceive of only one tiling more dreadful." "What islhal?" "To live in America and not be able to get a husband at all" Koyal make. Ihe food pure, w holesome and deliciou. &AKIIII5 POWDER Absolutely Pure .ev, n.N.sn sows. n rr. srv. Vmbk. l'....,r ,.... I .,.. .. ,.-, ..-it, .-mug aircngin and lieallliluloess. A SMIir.Wl tl.u t'.uul it.......... aluiiiaii.lalltoriiis.il' a.liilterulion com mon to the . heap brands. RIIYAI. BAKINd IMIW11KK CO., NHWVOKK HOW IT UCCl HKia). "Why don't you branch out?" asked little George of the cherry tree. ' I would leave this place," answered tl.e cherry tree, "if I had s ai,i way to move my trunk." "If that's all that detains you," aaid the embryo father of hisoountry, "I'll sec that you get a hack." And he went over lo the woodshed in search of his li'tle hatchet. 33R0CKY MOUNT, H. C.: Is Si It 'ft W. ft7-We secure the HIGHKST PRICES, for all gradea of- TOBACCO. Kvery cusiomer's wants are met, il possible, and every needed attention and courtesy rendered. Go .d prices obtained every day. Bring us your tobacco and we will send you home happy. s. p lid It. C D. COOPEH, Rocky Mount, N. (,' Jiins'tarj tal W rT I lf - OABTOniA, I.WEI, DON, N. C. I still carry a full line of flue Staple and Faue.y Uroceriee, -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES- Crock-rv, Ghws Tin, and wooilenwnre and most evervlhins that is k...t in - fl. clans gr.M-ery store I also return thanks to my Irien.ls torthflir patronage, of the past, and solicitacontinuuuce ol Ihe same with guarantee to please. And wishing them a happy and prosp roua new year That they may Long to live And well to do And al erdeath Be happy too. Reapectfu! ly, J. I. JUDEINR. dee 12 If. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Batterick's Pattern. It. & G. CORSETS, Mianei at 60c., Ladiua 75c, to 1. M.Prieea will be Hade to milt the titta. Hit. Ud hMMl. Mul. m-A A-l . huh ma order. a failure. MRi. P. A. LEWIS, Waldea, S. 0,

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