V V mm mmmmm wmmm& JO HIT "W. SLEnDO-E, proprietor. VOL. XXXII. J NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TEPylIS: l-00 PER ASM'M IN ADVANCE 1 WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1897. NO. 35. vi r M Fifty Years Ago. Prnmtfnther'i hot! And wllhln It ynttwc, I'.rmuKAthcr'i favorite cough remedy. Whether 'twit Anthm, Broucliiiii or Croup, Or tnl'V at night wikt-i the house with a whoop, With Ayrr'a Cherry Tectoral Oran'ther was sine flint no cold or cough woulJ e'er fall of a I'HIC. )n hit the style change, but the records wilt aliow Coughs arc cured as they were 30 yean ago. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral has no equal as a remedy for coughs, colds, and lung dis eases. Where other soothing elixirs palliate, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral heals. It is not a cheap cough syrup, which Boothes but does not strength en ; it is a physician's .cough remedy, nnd it cures. It is put up in large bottles, only, for household use. It was awarded the medal at the World's Fair of ninoty -throe. It has a rocord of 50 Years of Cures. No. 03. Tht quarter-sawed oak writing desk Is pol ifhed like a f'iatio. It is a Much leveled plate glass In top anil a deep drawer tmlow. Ar tisllo French legs; ftlKlfillUtUM iu msliogauy. $3.95 ta our apeo IhI price for thidflO detik. ( Mall orders fill d promptly.) We will mail til. oue, free of til charfrra. our now in iwtro 8cial liifru.tNOoniaini.it Furniture, l)r.irl., I Jim pa. Stove-, Crockery. Mirrors, Pictures, ttoldlug, Kefrliwratnnt, Ilabf larrlafrra, etc. Tnls la the moat ontn pletrbouk ever putillshtvl, and wn par all pMtatre. Our Uttottraphod Carpet Ca akirtie. howl -in: cif-peta in colon, la alao yuuia fur the atklnjr. If carpet aampiea are wanted, mail ui Ho. In i am pa. There la no reason why you bould pay your i.U dealer 00 per cent, profit when yon oau buy from tbw mill. Drop $ line duw to the mooeyareia. JULIUS HINE3&S0N, Baltimore, Md. Please mention trls paper. is a SPECIALIST ami AUTIIOKITV all CI awe All who are suffering n th any BLOOD TltOl'ltLE, would be wi ie to call on ot a tilress by mail. CoimkM tjiou tree ami hi-dicines compounded - suit each partic ular case. When writing to me please eu rlo stump for reply. PROF JAi. HARVEY. 4-'.i ChurcaSt (New No ) je 17 1y. Norfolk, Va W. T. PARKE!! -UIAI.K I IN- Heavy AND Fancy Farm Implements. 2-'l POUND SACKS OK SALT FOR $1.1(1 PER SACK. nuCorract nricea and oolite attention to all. ang I ly W. M. HAHLISTON & CO., Wholesale and ReUil Dealers in CAltPETS, 8TOVK8, ndMattniea,tto, IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, HABLI8T0N A CO., No 30 N. Byoamora St., Patershnr Va, 10 M It. PROFESSIONAL CARPS. 'iaaaai. uluss, f 0 L L I M waltss a. IUN1SI D.H1CU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wlt.DON, N. C. laettee In theeonruof Rslihi andNortham s isndlntheHupremeand Federal oouru. Col Stlons mttd. In . Iln.pt. nl North tlsmllns. Bmueh onto at Usilssi, M, C.open every Mod. JJlt. T. T. UOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. tsiroffle ovar Einry A Pleroa'iator. 10-18-ly. UISW Groceries David's Power As A Poet. CENTURIES AGO HIS GRANITE CramtlcJ. Bu! His Sweet Songs Do Still AtiJe. TT'.IT HEN the peerage book of earlh's Y Y kinns in finally luailc up the pages will include tlio name of this minstrel shepherd boy, who passed quick ly from the sheep' coto to the kinjiV palace and took bin place among the im mortals. The slmn.rely checkered career of ibis cliivulrniiit youth reminds us of Scotland's hero, Robert Ilruco, and also of Hubert Burns, the people's poet Gifted with a strangely rich and lovable nature, thin youth moved among men with that irresistible fascination that only the greatest possess. He enters the scene the child of innocence an all sweet song. Soon, aided by bis flute, he sang his way into the kind's heart, arid like u sunbeam passed into the gloomy palace. When a few months bad gone by the boy was the champion of tbe army, the idol of tbe people, the dearest friend of Jon athan, and then, with a single leap, bounded into tbe throne itself. By rea son of bis self-reliance and prudence, Lis boldness iu attack and courage in defense David has been called the greatest of the Jewish kings. Hut now that long time hath passtd, we all do see that he has his fume, not because h; was a king and born leader of men, but because he was a poet and sang of human life with all lis pal lius and mystery Centuries ago Ins granite crumbled, Ins works becu mi dlist, but his sweet psalms and songs do still abide. Immeasurable the debt that civilization owes to this youth, whose sougs have eiiusoled man's sorrows, refined his griefV and exalted all human life, tie the reu sotis wliHt they may, the influence ol ueuerals, statesmen atid inventors is le dirp and abidlug than the influence il thoe poets who have sung of love anil grief, of war and of the shepherd tare ot God. The generations go forward, fol lowing I Iiu leadership of those who siii- of libeity and love, of joy andgriif anc death. Happy thosu to whom it ir given to wine, the annex with which thi moilier soothes her child, with which tin hero inspires bis hosts. Newel Dwigbi llillk mm When a woman tain overboard she some time drowns when there is a life buoy jut within s few strokes of her all because she doesn't happen to see it. Sick people often perish in the same way. Help is within reach, out tney aon i know just where ' rj IB. IUI, .I" !pftnif diAroaraflrcd and distasted with takini med icines and give ud in despair. Mrs. Marv I. Stewart, of Crntnff. Santa ClSTH Co.. rl in a letter to Dr. R V. Pieror. chief consulting- physician of the invalids nmi-i u .-.uiki-. falo. N. Y.. aavs: "I suffered for fourteen years with female weakness, nervousness and general debility, trying everything 1 could tinil to neip me an 10 no vw. m though I was thoroughly discouraged and it.ccwt,-.! with tak intf medicine when I heard of Dr. Pu ree's medicines, I thought I would try once more to find relief. I took the Golden Medical imcovery u l Preseriiition.'andtoogreat P' usecannoi oe .1 h t. !. rnt.iil relief tllCV bTSVe Iflt. am now free from the former troubles, and may Cod bless l)r Fierce in an nis snore .nb;. n ,,r- .iifferinff humanity." Thousands who had reacnea mis ratio and hopeless ctmdition of body and mind have found new hope and rescue in the us of these marvelous remeaies. Dr. Pierce's great thousand page dooi, Th. Peonlr's Common Sense Medical Ad one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only; iur" -nt free in oaoer cover iui i or e oth - hound tor II stamps, nuu., TW B V Pierre Ruffalo. N. V. Rev I K. Thompson, ol Kl taiais, "uninj " I am charmed Willi me siv.r ..." l-i m.nrr nf Hie entire work 1 consider it valuable addition tomy earetnlly selected Wmrr . I .m .Ix nlnsel with the rclined md ......i ... nun, tinv?ictii v is. imi'ii Ihe'ssme lime fearless wnv in v. Inch you hsertl. those drliraie snlnecls nertsinim-1" Inologv. inn uskiiiK Ihc woik silrorviii-: ' r 6. n 0 r rTTrwt Baltimore iRye r AM) n G. P. R. 3Sf I Maryland n n n I "A I Gentleman's 1 Drink." IW.VV. KAY I Sole n n n n 1 Agent, m n Weldon, N. C.ff 3 diT I am yrf ynf1 -" s Ik mm Gamp Pt Innn i WWW THE DIVINE TEACHER lias Shown the Way-It Is Not Enongli IhatWeSboulj l inj Work. (N. Y. Heruld.) TH IAT80BVER thy hand ttud- i eih to do, du it with thy might. Keeles. iz , 10. Solomon in this text gives us one very essential plunk in the platlnrm of success It is not enough that we should Hud work, but to this must be added tbe ptaliiy of intense enthusiasm in its per formance Enthusiasm is at once tbe proof ol ncerity and the advance guard of victory There are two ways of working as a ireling and as on enthusiast. The hire ling gets throuuh with his work and is the is done. So is his employer. Tbe busiust does his work, finds happiness nd profiis and further and more reum- rutivc employment. I sat at my win- w watching a boy shovelling coal into he cellar. His steps were toilsome and ow, his countenance dejected in tbe xtreiue, he appeared to be almost sick. I left the window to escape a painful sight. An hour later I crossed a nearby vacant lot and luuod the street gamin Ltaged in a game of baseball. "Jones the ball" shouted the "umpire." Jones itb lordly mien and seized the bat, eager for the fray. How he did bang the ball How he did run the barest I was quite astounded to discover in Jones, the hero the ball field, my erstwhile martyr of the coal pile! At putting away ooal be was a dismal failure; at playing baseball e was first eh doe on a scrub nine. At ie one be was the hireling, at the other e enthusiast The conqueror, the dis- overer, the luventor, the great leader ol en have all been enthusiasts. They e bh id the pathway of triumph along he march of ases and mediocrity has leaned after them. Kiiibusinsm is not permitted to work isolation, but begets enthusiasm, corn Is a beating, secures a constituency. A canned newsboy iu Rallimore is an ihusiastic paper seller. He has the is) n. "n n' edliion and the last evening xira " Workmen hurrying to their irk buy papers as they return his htery, husimsslike creeling, while the red merchant on his homeward way ai evening is a Billing investor in the wares it this enthusiastic little rews agent. The pint of that boy is the pledge of his luiure success. Men do nut need opportunity so much as opportunity needs men. An entbusi- ic quest will discover countless oppor tune:. 1 Ins Continent watted through nknown centuries for Columbus. A material world with resources little more than dreamed of awaits the coming of countless enthusiastic searchers, who will pre-empt their rich claims. The spiritual world awaits tbe coming of the enthusi astio church. The Divine teacher hut hown the way. A life ff righteousness, faith and sacrifice will wio victories and receive crown. There is one point at which we must walcli. Enthusiasm must not be eon founded with the mere effervescence td spirit aroused by a passing novelty. Some really brilliant men waste all their ener gies in running after some new thing only to lose iuterest when the newness in gone. True enthusiasm is a great purpose persistently, earnestly and intelligently adhered to, and as such has been nd will continue to be a conquering force in what over field lisaetivtues may bo employed U llllulll (1. I asard, ( haplato U. O Navy, rortress Monroe, Va. POR OVKK flfTY VKAHSt Mm VVinslow's Soothing Syrup has been lsed tor over filty years by millions ol uothers tor children, while teething, will, wrfeut success. It soothes the child solteus the gums, allays all pain, euros find colic, and is the best remedy lot Dinrrhiea. It will relieve the poor lilt mfloror immediately. Sold by druggists o every part ut thu world. J.) cents lottle. He sum and ask for "Mrs. ins ow's Soothing Syrup," and take no otb 'I kiud, Falao does not send fotth his emissaiict with healing gilts, The Discovery ol the Day. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist ol Shrevi port, La , says: "Dr. King a New Dtseoverv is the only thing mat cure my cough, and it is the best seller 1 have." J. V. Campbell, merchant ol Safford, Aril , writes: "Dr King's New Discovery is all that is claimed lor it; never fails, and is sure cure for Con aumnlion. Couuhs and Colds. 1 cannot say enough for its merits'" Dr. King New Discovery for Consumption, Couuhi and ('olds is not an experiment. It has been tried for quarter of a century, and to-day stands it the head' It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at W. M. Cjheo's Drug Store. Angels only know how to employ leisure. Vsdnabls to Women. FsriecisJIy valuable, to women is Drowns1 Iron Hitlers. Backache vanishes, beadach, disappears, strength takes the place, ol weakness, anu trie glow ol neaitn reaony comes to the pallid cheek when this won derful remedy is taken. For sick ly children or overworked men it has no equal. No horns should 1 without this famous remedy. Uranus' Iron Uittera is sold by ail dealers, at THEIR JOY AND MIRTH Should Be Unrestrained On This Day of Hajs. TPT I j rir'" A I'll! r THKRB is one day in the year which lit ly belongs to the young it is hristm is Day, writes Edward W. Iluk iu the Christmas Ladies Home ournal. "It should be given over to hem, therefore, without stint or reserva- on. And I think sometimes that par- tils do not always understand Ibis. It is right and all-essential that restrictions pon the amusements of the young should prevail in every home. Hut Christinas Day is the one day when these barriers ought to be liftod, and the young given frei play. No wholesome liberty nor ndulgeoce should be withheld from a boy or girl on that day. What of it, my dear friend, if such liberties do mean tear here, or a broken chair there? Suppose the boy is particularly noisy on Christmas What of it? Tell me, if you can, n better sign of strong, young health than the noise from a boy's lungs! upposo ho does throw himself, or even uuip or stand, on your best lounge, and soil or rumple your pet tidyl Pass over , don't notice it, but let the boy have his Christmas Day And if the little girl docs iusist upon putting her sticky candy fingers on your dress what of ii? Lei her romp and tear all over the houso. Give her the joy of feeling that for one ay the house in hers in every nook and corner of it. Let her put her suiutchy little hands on tbo white paint of door or wall I know a home, my dear woman, here the marks of four little smulchy ngers may be seen any day on the white paiutof a door, and they are treasured bine the costliest ornament in that house. N in li in ' could indue-' 1 lie mother of that nine lo wipe i ff those finger-marks, and uyly wouM her heart sing if the little ngers that put theiu there could make tilers ull over the doors and windows ol 'iat h use Let each one ot us, who can, give freedom and lest to the ear s! treasures of the Chnsimasitdi: ie young barbarians of our homes. God bless them, I say. .May each child to his land of ours havo a Christmas Day bis year fashioned alter its own heart." ONH OP TH K FAITHFUL. Dej tulkiu' oil de Scripteraen B-chaogin' em ab iui, Eu tulkin' all de sweetness of the ol'-tiiue Bible out; Dey preachiu' eu dey teacbin in de stranges sotter way, Hut I raise up in de Hible en I holdiu' dar today I I heahs 'em in de pulpits des a-niixio' up de lex A-tellin' folks 'bout di.s worl' en de doin's id de mx'; Dev don I believe in Jonah, en Joshua s laid away: But de Bible interduoced em, en I holdiu dar today I I turns de ol'-time pages, en evcrywhar I see De promises like rainbows in de slorm dat s over me; pass through fiery trials en cross d rivers wide, En reach de pleasant pastur's on d sliiniu' other side. Iu de valley o' de shadder it's tweet cz sweet kin be A rod en staff to comfort en t lamp dat shines ler me ; A fr'en' dat's still unfailin' do trues' en de bes' A light dat's in de winder when we goin' home to res , Dat's why I hold in' to it: I lead its uicauiu plain: t sends me all my sunshine en do Lawd is in de rain: Dcy's teaehin' en dey's preachin' in every sorter way. But I raise up in de Bible en I boldio dar todayl Frank L. Stanton Don't be persuaded into buying lini ments without reputation or merit Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more md its merits have been proven by I test d' mtny years. Such letters as the lot- lowiiiL'. from L 0 llaglcy, Hueome, Cal lie constantly being received. "Tbo best remedy lor pain I have ever used Chamberlain' Pain Balm, and I say so after hiving used it in my family for sov eral years " It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, J. X Browu. Il.ilf.x, Dr. A. 3. Ihrri son, Enfield. Nature takes her hand: dues with i stern Totter. 8iilt-lHienm nnd Ecienm. Ti, infpnse Iti-binir andainartlnor. incl di nt to these diseases, is instant ly allayed by upplving Chamberlain's Eye and Sltin Ointment. Many very bad caaes have been permanently enred by It. It ta unn nllv efficient for ftchinir piles Bnd a favorite remedy for sore nipples, clir.pped hnnda, chilblains, frost bitee ami chronic sore eyes, so in. per usi Dr. Cntly's Condition Pnwilera, are just what a horse needs when in bad m.mlitiiin. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifnire. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to pnt a horse In prime condition. Price 83 cent per package. For sale by V. M . Cohen, Weldon; J N Brown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harrison, Enfield. OABTOniA. Tst fio- A Il tvtrf SI e-wsws, Christmas Tide. BLESSINGS OF CHRISTMAS. Why II Is The Day of All Days In Christain Calendar. The p; RECtsEi.Y nineteen centuries have passed since there fell upon the ears JL of a very youthful Jewish mother the most gladsome sound that ever comes to mortal the first wail of her firstborn child. She was scarcely more than a child herself, being but about 10 years of age; but Irndilion attaches to her most excellent judgmcut, and a maternal in stinct incalulably Blrong. Besides did she not koow her boy bad been foretold by tho angel? "Thou shalt call His name Jesus, because he shall save His people from their sins." She might not love Him the mote because of His illustrious destiny, but her heart could not be but lifted up in commendable pride at this reflection, as she gazed for the first time into His dear, sweet face and IIU tiny blue eyes looked wonderingly into hers. Then tbe news quickly went abroad, angels from Heaven bearing about the tidings of the birth of their King. They told the shepherds upon the plains of Salem and tbe wise men of the east and all of them entered tbe little cararansary of the vil lage of Bethlehem, and saw the babe and its mother lying down in the same room where were the camels and horses and oxen of strangers, who had come up to Jerusalem to be taxed. Angels sang the praises of tbe newly born and a new star appeared in the sky. The wise man brought gifts and laid them at the feet of tho mother. This wastbe first Christmas and Mary I was tne first person in all the world to re ceive a Christmas gift, and hers was in finitely greater id value than all combined that have been since received by all the leopie who have lived or died. Her gift, I tli ie Christchild. she honored above all the women who have lived or died, in being made the motberof Him who should "be called Jesus, because He shall save His people from their sins." ' The aogcl song to the shepherds had for its burden 'peaoo to men of good will.' Oue could scarcely think of a Christmas that is other than gladsome and joyous. Tbe cloud: may bu thick overhead, while in north countries the earth may have a sheet of snow, and in the southlands there may be thunder aud rain. Hut there arc warmth, sunlight and gladness iu tbe heart Iho best place in all the world for them In tbe heart birds sing carol songs of ny; in the heart flowers bloom, leaves are out upon the trees and velvety grass covers the hills, 0, the Christmas tide Christ's birth day, day of all days in the calendar. How hearts glow on this day and warm each to the other. How strifes and bitternesses end and all cares, from without and from wuu.n.iaseouqu.c wings anu uy ,ur :.v: , . i- "i- i n r 1 away. How sell is swallowed in love tor these about one, and all become, like the Magi who visited Jesus, bearers of gifts gladbeart gifts that made radiant tbe ehceks of donors as fell as recipients, 0, the Christ day. Would that ti e cheer of the family board the joyous borne biinging aud the gladness of tbe heait might be iu every day of the year. That, indeed, would be a bringing down of tbe New JerusaUm from Heaven to earth; for then there would bo no more sorrow oi tears, and wickedness and sin would end in the land. EMPTY STOCKINGS. Oh, mothers in homes that are happy here Christmas eomos laden with cheer, Where the ohildrcn are dreaming already Of tbe merriest day in the year. As you gather your darlings around you And tell them the "story ot old, Remember the homes that are dteary t Keuieiuber the hearts that are cold I And thanking the love that has dowered you With all that is deatest and best, Give freely, that from your abundance Some bare In tie lile may be blessed I Oh, go where the stockings hang empty, W here Christmas is naught but a name, I And give for tbo love of tbo Christ- child I 'Twaa to seek such as these that lie came. Ladies' Homo Journal. Hobbed The (irave. A startling incident of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject. la uarrated by him as follows: "1 was 10 a most dreadful condition. My Bkin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tonguoooated pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. 1 hree physicians had given Die ur. Fortunately, a fiiend advised Irvine 'Electric Hitters,' and to my great joy and surprise tho, the first bottle made decided improvement. I continued their use for uircu nuess, sou aiu uun wiiii uihii , ., 1 , i.,, know thnv suved mv lie. and rnhhoii gravool another victim. No one should fail to try I hem. Only 50 cents per bottle at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. Happiness is not got by running after Osev9roxix Tie Demon Lipor. WHAT HENRY GRADY SAYS. Any Thing is Bad That Strikes A Crust From The Lips of A Starving Child. To N I o ll home to l T it enters an humble strike the roses from -ui. woman s chock, and tomorrow it challenges this republic in tho halls of Congress. Tonight it strikes a crust from the lips of a starving child, and tomorrow levies tributes from tho Government itself. It defies tho law when it cannot oocrcc suffrage. It is flexible to cajole, but merciless in victory. It comes to ruin, and it profits mainly by the ruin of your son and mine. It comes to change tho wife's love iuto despair and her pride into shame. It comes to still the laughter on lips of little children. It comes to still the musio of tbe home and fill it with silence aud desola tion. It comes to ruin your body and mine to wreck your home, and it knows it must measure its prosperity by the swiftness and certainty with which it wrecks this world. It is the moral enemy of peace and order, the despuilcr of men aud torror of women, tbe cloud that shadows the face of children, the demon that has dug ore graves aud sent more souls un- shriven to judgment than all tbe pesli since God lences that have wasted lile sent the plagues to Egypt, and all the wars since Joshua stood beyond Jericho Huckleu's Arnica Salve. Too lUl .,K- in iho ttorl.l for Pills Brui SuKS Tjtccr8 Sat Rhcum, Mi.Ver Sows, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Eruptious aDu positively cures files, or no pay re- : l i. . .1 i .. :.. r... satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at W. M Oohcn's Drug Siore. THE IJKOKKN TOY. A broken toy what memories cling Around this hall lurgotlcn thing I What baby laughter seems to rise, Like old, delightful melodies I What shouts of worldless, tuneful joy At sight of this pour broken toy I (), il)V ftl(!t ,,at woul j not re9t Oh, dear bead pillowed on our breast, What would we give to hold again Tbe form we lost mid tears and pain I Ah, child, the empty cot is ours, But thine tbe sunshine and the flowers I What could we give tbee shouldst thou come To smile again upon thy home? Such little pleasures as we koow In this our twilight lile below, Some fragments of earth's paltry toys, A handful of its broken toys How calm thy lot, forever blest iow elquisite thy happy rest How changeless, j yful and serene, Compared with what thy lot had been With us, whose fleeting, clouded joys Are at their best but broken toys I Royal makes the load pure, wholesome and delicious. FOVDER Absolute) Pure ovt sUKiNa kwct co. . ntw vok. Celebrated forits great leavening strength and healthfitlness. Assure the food against I alum and all forms ot adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING) POWDKB CO., NIW YOBK' TIIK MEltltY OA VS. Hang the holly betrics Let the red flames glow; Cheeks as red is cherries 'Neath the mistletoe! Outside voices on the air: "Christmas comes but one a yearl' Steeple bells a ringing Over merry throngs, And the fiddle singing All the old-time songs! And outside voices on the air: "Christmas comes but once yearl" A GRUATOPPORUNITY. "I wonderful who invented kissing?" he said, after they had had one. oh B00J() M 8ne r(,pli(,,i. i I .... . .m, . . ,i "How can you say that? he askod. Ihel J ' I " Because, if he had not been a fool I would have patented the process.' Then they had another. Town Topics. Children areqoiok interpreters. OABTOIUA. tke Us ual is ha KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not Simmon Nothing else is the same, it cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark the: red z. FURNITURE! KERN'S! We are located now ut our new quarters, No. 1 1:1 old Market Square, two doors from Main street We cull your attention to our $17 ."ill solid ouk bedroom Baits, which is the wonder of the ago. Are you in need ol'n woven wireeot? Only a few more left. We will close them out at Hllc. each. Hammock chair now reduced to il .25, former price, i. We take pleasure to show you through our stock. No Trouble to show goods. Mail orders promptly attended to. For bargains call at KEEN'S, 113 Old Market Square, 3 Doors from CHAS. M.WALSH, STEAM MARBLE and GKANITK WORKS Petersburg, Va -;M()NUMENTS,:fc- Headstones, Tombs, etc. ISJUAIbo Iron Fencing, Vases etc , tor cemetery and ot Her purposes at lowest prices. SATISFACTION' (1UARAN TKF.D. Work Delivered oct Illy. ;V . . I Sill A 01 Is Early In the Fie'd, Headquarters atTa MEYER S Cotton is low but we have knocked the bottom out of trusts and combines and made prices to suit. Toys and Christmas Goods for all. Get right into tbe procession with both feet or you will be run over. 10. A II kinds of goods for all kinds of people. Everything goes here. S. MEYER, Ag't., HOOPER'S 33R0CIYIOUHT,H. C. Is SHI In -We secure the HIGHEST PRICES, for all grades ot-m TOBACCO. Every customer's wants are met, if possible, and every needed attention and courtesy rendered. Good prices obtained every day, Briug us your tobacco and we will send you home happy. 0. sep 30 4t. -J. Hi. Judkins' Grocery HWELDON, N. C I still carry a full line of fine Staple and Fancy (iroceriea, w-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES' Crockery, Glass Tin, and woodenware and moat everything that is kept in a first class urorerr st4ire. I aln return thanks he to my friends for their putronage of pant, and solicit a continuance of the same. with guarantee to pleaee. And wishing them a happy and prosp -rons new year. That tney may Long to live And well to do And at er death Be happy too. Respectfully, J. I. JUDKINS. dec II If. s Liver Regulator. FURNITUREI KERN'S! AT- Main street, NORFOLK, VA. 8-28-ly ESTABLISHED IN 18(15. The truth is the foundation nf our Success. We make Claims, our WORK fulfils them. Joirr.et us Estimate for you. tt Designs Sent to any address FREE. In writing give age of deceased and some lim it as to price. AH work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATIS FACTORY. At Any Depot. 5THE ENFIELD HUSTLER, - Enfield, N. 0. T. Tjtf. C. COOPEH, Rooky Mount, N. I!. OF- FALL AND WINTER WAREHOUSE, ' sstnfr.VskAsVsVksVssVito mi Display MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick'a Patterns. R. &G. CORSETS, Misses atoOc, Ladies 75c to 1. l,Prions will be made tosait the times. Hats and bonnet made and trimmed to order. 4 MRS. Pa A. LEWIS, WMm,H.O, the n

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