JO-EEIST W. SLUDO-E, rnoi'uiKTOH. vol xxxii. A. NEWSPAPER 1? QRj THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1898. TESMS:-!1.5 l'KH ANN I'M IN ADVANCE NO. 37. Before Retiring:.... t ike Ayor's Tills, ami you will sleep belter and wake in better condition for the day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constip.-.tinn, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are utigar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the aiinoyaneesexpcriciiced in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your dniKKist for Ayer's Cathartic I'ills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PILL THAT WILL. T.'i. aw. 'I h (inar-trr-tmwt d oiik lvntiiiff t-k h rul-e-lir.i hi."- a nun), ir. tiiiH n u-inch I r . U .1 l'itt ir!ns III t '(Mhi A il fpi iaiT In-low. Ar ii tic . 'relit h loifu; in timtmgiuiy $3.95 is our pifrr lor tlii" Ii0ikk. (MnlloroVrs li!l-.t proini'tly.) Wo will until hiuoih-, in-- nf nil chuuM'Suiir rit- v II: pu-., fi(n i'ai Tina-li-tfijt'.nniTHitii i(r l'lirnltiire, lr irei-uu, I.IIIHIM, Ht .v , Wkrv. Mirmni, I'liMiin-d, lit' t.iintr, Mi'lnp-uit'T. Hil.y i rri:iir . io. T l f-t ti.e tti to c m I'lfiH LmkiIc tver iiNkIi...i, hm1 wt- .ny nil (nut Hire. Our III Ii-hm upht-l Cmi't't Cil ttliHT'Hv shnwl m ctri N'(ft hi minis, is nUu ituiN lor lhe iisKitr. if c.irHt ti.iniit wuntcl. mill us Jc. In f utiii9. Tnero it ni nHn wtiv y.ii sitouhl piv yiir ! .'nl tinitr tW per tent. pr.iht wIm-h ym uhh buy (mm tli m.ll. Drip a ima uow to the moDey-ftavois. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimoro, Md. T't ase mention thin nnner. aHl'KCIAI.IST ami all ACTIIOUI I V All wlin are snlt'cring with any lll.ouli TU'M HLIC, would he wise to call un nr aHiv.ii by m.iit Coisultition tree ami in '.licines co op mo let to anil each panic,' When writing tt mi ptcase in t'l Me stamp fur reply. I'KOK JAS HAUVKY, 4A" Church St (New No. 1 if 1" '.v. Norfolk. V W.T. PARKER. , URAl.EK IN- $Wy Groceries Farm Implements. 2- I'OCNI) SACKS OF SALT FOB l lu l'KUSAClv. -Corrt'Ot pricwanil politi-attention to anx I ly. W. M. II.VISI.ISTON & t , Wholesale anil KeUil Dnilrniiu C.YIUMCTS, 8TOYKS, nd MnttrnwFii.etCi IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABU.lTONACO., No 80 N. 8ycmor St., Petrhnnt V. ini iT- PHOFl&sSWNA I. CA KltH. " wun, B I h I D t WAI.TKB I. niNIII DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WHLDOH, N. C. J'rtlielntheoonrtnof HlllinilNor,Juili n-lln' "fi"iremenl Feilfinl nniru. Oof. lichoOco i H.Ufki, N. avory Molk JNtl 7 If DE3NTIST Weldoo, N. C. 0M oyot Emrj A Picrp'itoM. n - m How To Be Erect. HOW TO WALK AND STAND A I'reily Hack Moans a i'rdiy Car li i :iu I'imvcm uj:h nmUcr fur a wottmn to luncti slr.ii-ht, hmi if only Mi will lake h hide navMvtrv trouble. Willi cMrnsio nil die YhxU p.tvto in th wurui win ii,.Vl!r pvu it w mnn an uir ul 'li.-tinciiun ur grace. To atluiu diii (tiroiiil ln-auiy n wnimin mut nuiko it -hi: in ihti uic nai'K m n,t nirk close in (lie h.n-k ul' tho cifllur it. ,m .i i. .-i iii i 11,111 i"i-' anuuiuiTft uHi'Kwaru juiu down w 1 I. I ry to Mni , . tho sliouldcr MaJys to- p'llior niiiny liintsa tjjiy. Miimt cr.-ct nt lmrt inicrviiln during the ihty with liodd up, uhiu iu, chest uui mm .HliouliltTH buck. vaik or htund with hands cl .'lllKpl h'liiti 1 the h.'uil. clhowM nut v uiit or I'vui run upMiairn with f'rum t n to loriy pounds no the head. Try to louk ut the tup uf yuur high c u vest or urckiiti. I'rui'lict' the arm movi'ineuts of brea.i' simke while Htamlinir nr wall in Hold the arms behind the back. Curry a eatie i.r umbrella behind th. small of the back or behind the neck. Cut the bauds on tl.e hips, with elbow- b.iek and fingers forward. U lien walking owing the arms ami 'hnuldi-rs strongly backward, fct.iud now ane tlivu during tho day azaiut a wall, with your heels, hould.r and head tntieliiiiait. i'.iSM Ogrr "Is tliUan accommodation itin?'' lmduclor "No sir; it 'a the limited," raiuMMiirer Well the coinpiny ought to Ml' the limit." New Clerk "Have you ever rend T'ie Lisl itf I' liiineii? Mrs. Neurich ''No; what did he die New Clrrk- 'Some kind uf nu eru ti n. I believe.' In the Yow tiiile Vallr t wl:ilt afco, a outiK ftrlUi tnt Mil on tlie tdjfe ot i pL. Ivit v I'Ti I'iince two (hoi. 'and U v hiyh, aul balanc( t lilin !f mi his heail. A li: tl Mipoi little puff of wine wunUI lunc suit liim t eternity. Not utie man in (. million would he that kim: or a foul. Hut nitif men ir ti n air ill tt , time Ukir; liK'li-h cliiine !. Thi re ifc no deadly pen1 nhout a little fit uf itiihges timioi biliuuMit Kh. and vii if a man allow tht st tumh leu to pit u hold utl linn ho taking wrious ri'-kf. Dyspepsia alone seldori kin anybody ; tlial is. it only kill von by inches, ami takes a n,M,il many yrnr dninjr it. I) tit it weakens and i nder-mini-s the rcnititn Mil I!i tion so that it is all ready to receive and feitiii?e the daneer ntm diseases whirli do kill you outrieht. I i sc a se -(f e r ui s j won i prow in S healthv blood anv Rrow on a rock. A man who keep hi dinrsiion pet feet and his blond pute may eat and drtnk and I b r e a t h e il i s f a s e- iierms. hut thev gum no foothold. They are cast out of the sv-tem. But a man with a dypepia weakened ronsimi tion breathra in typhoid or diplKhertli( jrvniiH and down he rocs. The best health insut-niee a man can have Is Dr. Pierce's (ioldeii Medical Dicover' It acts diiicllv on the stomach and liver It Rives the blood nuking- oreans power tt make healthy blood. It clatitii s the blooc fium all inipniilifi, and build4 up tht healthv flesh, tnu -cut ar power and nervi eneiRy, which i'o'tihes ynv :ijao;-t t'ist a-e His life -lonir success in fu treatment o' chronic dioeaes has eivm It Pierce' medicines a w-oildwide rt pmttirm. H; "rieaTMt IVlVts" c-.irr c-Msf, m u m m m n n GORDON Baltimore Rye ft $ n u ft ft ft ft ft ft n ft ft ft ft ft I G. P. R. m Maryland I Rye m ft "A Gentleman's Drink." u m ft W. W. KAY, m ft ft ft Sole I Agent, m 1 Weldon, N. 0. Piimit It V ii nil Colli Of Tie MilMsii the good time that is coimng. l aUsl I'n.pha'y 'imf." Anton, of Hi lluli boss Hani," of Lyme, Com. (From the Now YurkThnim.) "I'rof." Aml.Ts in, ul' ,ymi' liim iin "lln iiK'M HiihI," is nut, with H.'rii. uf ' ri'.l iot i. .tin uf wlut into hnipon whi'n the uri'Ui itlunu ul t lie world cniief .wo yi-iim licuui). "Sinca ilm liiuon ll.iliftl," wriit'n i he prol'i'iinr, "m the I'mir Ue.niilu Kinpirei, uui) mi Noveinlier 1.1th, 18l)!l, at evmiiiiK ((imbilily), J,ru-ali'in lime, ami the tilth kiiiiluiu, (lint nl l-rnel, lii-piis, lei in consider some of the ehnraelerialiea uf that kingdom, and we pIiiiII imleeil ee (hat the pruclaiualion lhat lieralj.d the nil'i In the earth .1.... I . . .i . . . . . .. una Mi.qoin whs, more. I, "ijnnil luiinoi. nf joy wlii.:hhall bj lo all people." " I he farst clianieloristie ul' this kinj: uoin win ue llie rum and exaet titiui nli winch the law will be administered All nppresMon ot the poor will oease, and any allempled oppresi-i in will be cheeked iu (he beicuinu. Secnnd ll khall be a kinp;dira uf Peace 1 here ( bo no war iu all die tanh for a thousaud years, and llien but me (,'real revolt, fol owed by an eternity ol pi iieo. 'ThirdThere hhall be an abundance ol'1'o..d. No more liun.'cr. no in want nf any kind, livery dc-irc of man'n heart lhat is not wron kliall be abun dantly atiliod. In onl. r that there may this abundance the c ituato will lie linked, uud, as a result, there will be SUill ertiiity as the world has not yet 8 'I'll. The aiiiin.ils will beconn peaceful ind wil: ea'. fniss aaiu. The deserts will be fertile, an I from Jerusalem a nvi-r will II .w into Ihe Mead Sei, Iresh- cnum Ha waters, and then on into the lu.liau Ojean. All that laud will be a very Harden. "Auother point is mentioned by Micah, and that is them will be no more houc rent to pay. They shall sit every man under his own vine and under bit tig tree. Tin re will be no more ureal tene ment lions, s, no in. re slums, filled wiih CUT) kind ol evil, loll every man shad own his own house and open yard. Think of bow many there are who antler for air and see the great blessing that this litile thino will Injun! Again, there will be a h.'iliii fir all diene. Tin u shall the eyes of the blind I e ipeind and .lie ears of the deal' shall be unstopped I'tien shall the lame man p as a h irt and .he tonsiue ul the dumb hail sing I imse pireuis who have laid away tin ir little i.ties shall kuow that uever again shall that sirrow come lo the childn u of men, for 'There shall be no more thence an infant of days ' 1 hink of all the romatieesand schemes of a golden aue from I'luto and Thomas Moore to llowelisaud Itellaiuy, aud ihiD tbink thai die blessed reality exceeds those books a hundredfold. And (Inn louk at the Impel. s outlook before us under the operation of (he present harsh law o die survival uf (he how Spencer sees nothing before uk but a crushing social tyranny, and how llui ley seen lhat the necessary cotiscipicnee of present arraugcuicuU is to press the great pait of men down into constant life of starvation, and then say if these thiugs that I am telling this people are noi the best of good news." KXTKICMK OKiaCACY, The nun who always looks good na turd was iu a p.trtieulaily glowing mood is he rt uiaikctl. 'l einsed a Hist rale deal yesterday, so ! i pi ee of pi-.perly at a big advaue. in th" origin il price I n jver should hav. noojit ii in the first place it it had not teen f..r the fancy mv wife to.k (o it 1 'ell you it's always a good idea to g"( our wile's advice ab .ut any business y.m u ly have on hand." 'yes replied Mr. leekl"ll "I hue ilways ihoiihl il w is a gnud i i.a wlieie 'I is priciicalilc " "Oh, I see! V 01 ate fiicliolls. You mean that a man may be unmarried.',' 1 No. 1 w is thinking .if my own ease " "Itoti'i y mi ask jnur wif 's advie. ?" "I ufil 10. Hill I ooii'l any iiiMru." "Didn't il turn out well?" "Oh, yes Hut circumstances have changed." "You don't in. -an In say that you and she had a diff renn ?" . "No, indeed I shouldn't think of a dif ference. Hot I shouldn't ask her advice about any business for fear of having m motives iniseons.ruttd Vou see, Henri etta has been studying law. and if I were to ask her advice she might think 1 was trying to take advantage of our relation ship luget something for nothing." Washington star. Burkleu's Arnica Waive. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Klieum. Fever Sorses, Tetter, Chapped llands Chilblains, Corns, and all .Skiu Kruptions mi positively cun nics, or on psy re quired It is guaraoled to give perfect satisfaction or money refueled. Price 25 oents nor but. For sola at W. M Oohen'i Drug Store. The Mine Man. THE AVERAGE ADULT FACE IS SAD. May (iuj Moss I he Sunshine Man Ani His Kin. "Why do you hurry so to catch the 8 .'ill train, when you kuow there's another dial leaves at 8: 15, which would get us into town in plenty of lime? " iiske I one youn.' lady uf another, as tl.e Iwo hasten ed Inward a subiiiban railroad station Because," replied the latter, with a little npoligeiic laugh, "I always like In go in on the sunshine man's train." "I'ray, who is (he sunshine mail?" in- ti iiicd tier c jui 1 1 1 in hi . "I he cun duct.u?'' "Utl, my, tie! was tho laughing res ponse, "lies tlie crossi'Ht bear that ever was. Hut. there's the dearest little old gentleman who goes into town every morning on the 8:3(1 train. I dou't know his name and yet it does seem as if 1 knew him better than anybody else tnwo. lie just radiates cheerfulness far as you can see hiio. There is alway a smile oil Ins lace aud I never beard him open his mouth except to say some kind or courteous ur good naturcd tl itjvuryuouy bows to mm, even strangers, and he bows to everybody, yet never with the slightest hint uf presumption or fa iniliarity. It just warms the cockles of of one's he.irt to see his shining fa. the twinkle uf his eye and the bright little fliower be always wears in his but iiinliole If the weather is fine, his joby eoiiipliiii 'iiis make it seem liner; and if il is raining, the merry way in which h speaks ol it is as good as a rainbow Kvciyhody who goes iu regularly on lb H .ill train knows th" sunshine man. It' his train. J here s nothing else todi&tiu uish it from the 8:15, or any other lou jn.-t hurry up a little and 111 shuw yoi the sunshine man this in, .ruin It's loggy and cold, but if ..tie look at bin. doj.-o't cheer vou tin so that you'll wai t to whistle, di m 1 m u. jud.'O of bum nature," ll was u sweet and genuine tribute aiau sympathy which (his young lady piid to (he ovi.iflowiug kindliness ol "a iiishin.' man " I here arc a f. w such iU"ii and women, i wo iu every con, muiii'y; and (ind seems lo have set diem there lu keep the rest uf the people ftotii getting loo sour and despondent aud self-absorbed and unneigbborly. They a c the divinely appointed promoters il o.i'iniisiii, these sunshine bilks Must p 'opic have a tendency to grow souilne as th"y grow older especially when they are among strangers. Oue glance at the lace- uf people ill any slreel car will uruve this. The average adult human faci when at rest, is sad; its lines all have the downward cuivis Hill, nuw and then dure comes along one ofthose iiihcrcuilj aud c lustituti inally cheerful pers.u.' whose every face is a benediction and whose smile is like a sudden burst of God's owo suniihiue over a clouded landscape One such will illuminate the spiritual at uiu.pheiu ol a whole earful ur ruuuilui of people and p 'rhaps a whole townful, if you uive them long enough to get ac i liinte.l wilh thciu. Fur nuthiug is so inlectiuus is genuiue optimism; and it is one of the most beneficent provisions ol (3 id that a man, in order to be a mission ary of happiness, has only to be running over with happiness himself. May tied hless the sunshine man and all hi kin! We need a reinforcement ol his class more sorely than we Deed new po, Is scholars or money princes. Ex. KIIKIIYKH Plh'I V IICAIII Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup lias been used for over fitly years by millions ot mothers lor children, while teething, will perfect success. It soothes tho child, -oftens the gums, allays ali pain, cun .vind colic, and is the best remedy tin Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor litih sufferer immediately. Sold by druggist! in every p in ol ihe world. 25 cents n bott l. He sure aud ask fur "Mrs. Wins low's Soothiug Syrup," and take no uth t kind Ki In "Are you g .ing lo hear Dr Wis. lecture, on 'The young Woman of To .!,'." Ilaliie "No, iinl.t' 1! I am going lo entertain a young man to night. " HoiiNeliitlit The ancient Urivks believed that the IVnjtcs w. rn the g"'ls who ni'en'M m the welfare and prosperity of the fatiiil . They "''re Worshipped as household cuds in ev ry homo i'lin h nioOiohi god ul to-day is Dr. Kinc's ,New Discovery For ciiisuiuptoii, Coujhs, c and fir all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs it is invaluable, ll has been tried lorn quarter ot a century ami is guaranteed to cure, or in mi y returned. No houshch .hi should be without this good angel. It is pleasint to take and a sale and sure rem edy for old and young bottles ai W M. Cohen's Drug Store. Hegnlar Site. 10c. and S 1.(1(1 There is room f r in this big w ill ); but we cau'l all have front rooms. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Til fu ll mill ' km rW tfutalf. Gen. R. E. Lee. A GRAND TRIBUTE. Ily I'rcsiJenl Anircws. nf llrmvn's I'niversily, khole Islanj. "lie had (be faith of the crusader, his letters would make a guide lo holiness, lie was always a soldier never impure iu thought or act never profane or ob scene, lie did not touch the cup, us did (irant, Hooker, or I'hil Khcriilan, and wheD he lost a fijht it was never said him that the defeat was due to a habit which makes men's beads into mu He was never outgeneraled by U rant in all the campaign from ihe K innalninnock to James river, never trapped and never caught napping. I fail mfind in books any such masterful generalship as this hero showed, holding that slim gray hue, hall starved, with no prospects ..1 l:.: i o i .- . uuuiii .us, aim nztiting when Ins army was too huiigiy to stand nod the rill creuiiy useiui as cluus. His courage was sublime. He was as great as Gus- tavus Adolphus or Napoleon, or Wcllin; ion, or I on .Unlike. Ills cause was not Ihe lost cause 8 i much as is supposed. All (bat was good in his cause hai be. i:r.ii led iuio our laws and our c iustitiu tion. octrine of State's rights, as now interpreted by die Supreme Court, is in xacl accordance with his clains on the point, Gen hoc lost at Gettysburg b. cause the Federal trn ips had received new minor oi iremenuous sireni:iii, whose power no one knew Gen. Hancock, lie ills i lost bee iusc Meade's m-n were light ing on I'uion suil almost within hear ing distniicc of their wives aud children for victory. They were at their hearlb stones. Men are tigers when wives ns.l families are the inspiration in war. u was not until the federal army stood almost at the very doors of Kiel. tuoiiil that Gen. Lee was scut to the front. Heretofore he had been but half kindly regarded, but when be look con. maud . f that ill-disciplined, ill-armed ai d rageed army ho was hailed a savior. lit ill wilful MeClcllati, whipped two urmiw i. u. h bug- r th in lis own, stopped tic on 1 1 1. li in. .ii. j . drove back the I oi'.iiaitiiy, saved Kiehmend and was famous iu a day. The world had never n such generalship, ami the world wis astounded at il." 'Ltw successively defeated, outgeneraled and muled the best generals that Wash ington could send ugiinst him, and It was not until the immortal Grant, Willi the finest army of Veterans that the rid has ever seen, look the field agaiust him that Lee's marvellous accomplish meiits r ceived a cheek, hven against Grant L"e fought as probably no other general ever fouuhl, aud against odds that would have driven Napoleon to des- piir. "Itwasagreit death struggle when Grant faced Lei', and then Lee knew that his was a hopeless struggle. He kept thai thin gray line i f ranged, hungry men gr iwiug thinner and hunuorcr each day. together. His courage, his wonderful pr-senee aud strong personality kept lliht little baud of tattered and emaciated nun in battle array, and fought to the last dilch, surrendcicd only when he realized llit.t it would be murder to keep up tli atruiiglo. "Gen. Lee's cause is not lost. All that is good of it remains; all that was bad has been wiped out Our country is better an I urander today because the relations !' several Slates in die Uui in have been intelligently di fined, and perhaps we owe at least thai much to Gen Hobcrt K ie and the ciuse he fought for. The progressive ladies of Weslliltl, ml , issued a "Woman's Edition" of the Wesifiold News, bearing date of April 8 LS'.lfi. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a correspondent, whi.-li the editors printed, realising that it treats upon a matter uf vital iuipoiiance to the ex: " I lie beat remedy for ciuup, colds and tironehitis lhat 1 have been able tu find is Chambli rlaiu's Cough ltettiedv or family use il has no ciiual. I gladly eon. lie nd it " L'.'l and 5(1 cent bottles. For sal,' by W. M Cohen Weldon, N Hn.wn, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Ilarri- aoli, LOU. .U. - . - - When a in in I. ir. is over a new leaf lie never saii-lied oiitil lie gets it blotted up worse than the old one. Chicago News. Something To Know. It may be word) something to know that die very best medicine f..r restoring the tired out nervous system lo a healthy vigor is Kleeirio Hitlers. This medicine purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve oentres in the stomach, gen tly stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impur ities in the blood. Kleeirio Bitters im proves the appetite aids digestion, anil is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve mm I rv it. S old for Bllo or 81.011 r bottle at W. M Cohen's Drug Store. OASTOniA. Thru- I mill jw li vrame. I I Two Mothers. WHERE IS BABY? WHERE IS BABY? ll Is No Slight lo Re Ihe fluiher An Innocent ChilJ. I noticed her when she entered the car there was something strangely attractive about her, though she must have been sixly, and bet face was so care worn, nd ihe saddest I ever saw, In spile uf my great trouble, I found myself wondering about her, and sonic limes for a nionient would almost for get my grief. Only Corn i lent, though. Then the recollection that my baby toy little, tender biby, used only to the loving clasp of a mother's arms was in the jolting baggage car, would come to me in all its terrible reality, and I Would forget everything and everybody, aud letucuiber ouly my great sorrow. I wanted my baby; nb, how I wanted him! My heart was aching so for the sound of his little lisping voice, and the touch of baby fingers. For weeks I had beeo so happy plan ning a visit to my (l J homa wilh biby. 1 had told huu so much ol the grand mamma be had never seen; I bad looked forward so hungrily to the day when she would take him in her loving anus and cuddle him as ouly she knew how. And now I was taking him to her; tn.t the warm, laughing, dimpled baby she lad longed to sec. The lillic still, wliite :lad lieiire in the casket seemed auoth. r bild And the cruel cars joslled noisily in, and seemed to say over and over, till could scarcely keep from screaming, "Where's baby? Where's baby?" Suddenly the train stopp 'd, and uiy husband went out to ascertain (ho cause It was a broken rail, and we would be detained about half an hour. t was then that she enue and sat d iwn beside in 'the woman with the t, sad lace, and almost without kuow- ing it I found myself pouting out iny grief to lur 1 1 was such u comfort to me (miue s sc'li-h gri T, I only thought of myself,) and she seemed to understand. She didn't talk much, bit her very pres ence soul In d me. I reuie.ubcr otic thing she said I can I icar her low sweet voice uow: "My ear, it is no slight honor to be the m idler of an innocent child. I change cirsat the next station, and it may help you a little in beating your burden if I 11 you something about myself. "I am in my way to H , to see my only son. utuorrow be goes to die State prison to serve a lite sentence. 1 would bo the happiest mother on God's earth today if were iu your place," The train stopped, and she pressed my hand and was gone. I watched her as well as I could through my blinding tears till she was lost iu the crowd. But those tears were not for baby. New York Observer. Koyal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure B"Svai fl.msn isswrws rn rW v I'elehnitcit for its creat leaveniniz strencth mil henlthliilness- Assures Ihe lixnlaiminst ulilin unit all furms of nil u l term ion com mon to the cheap In-amls. UOVAI. HA K I Nil PIIWllKK CO., NKW YORK How the weeds would laugh il the ariui-rs were to strike for eight hours a y I here is no duty on the wool die candidate pulls over the eyes of ihe voters, The man who make the best of every - iiogisalwaissure of a market for Iris products. Teller, K.ill-ltlieiiiii anil Ki lenm. The inteiisr itching nnilsiimrting.lnci- 'lir IKIIieseillsi'ilM'S, Islnstniltlvnllliveil !' rtppl.-jsie; 'h.n),erlnlti n Wis smt tin Ointment. .Mini v very bail eases have been permanently Hired by it. It is equally elllelellt lur lti'llllllt piles anil a fovoiito reiiieilv for sure ninnlcR. rhiiitiK-rl hands, chilblains, fnvat Wen and chronic sure eyes. cts. per box. Dr. Catlv'a ( onilitinn I'oivilera. arp just what a lmrse needs -A-hon in bad condition. Tonic, blond purifier and TniifniH. Thev are nut food tint medicine and the lsest In nse to nnt hoine in prime condition. Price 25 cent per package. For sale by W. M.Cohen, Weldon; J N. Brown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harrison, Knficld. Whn a man says he is a moderate drinker it is about as d.fiuito assaying anything is thesiw of adng. niaoam of tht Blood anil N.rrra. No om need suffer with neuralgia. Thta disease is quickly and permanently cured Z. ISr' ,ron Bi"""- l:y the Wood, nervn and stomach, clo-nnio or otherwise, aucenraha to llrowa,' Iron miters. Known and used for nearlv a quarter of a oentury, it stands iwtay .'ore. is -'"""S ".i vaitio: remedies. Brown4Irou Bitten la ail dtalera. toVtM PIJ KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word MIGULA TOR is not on a package it is not of i N v ah M Nothing vise is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up hy any one except J. H. ZEILIFJ & CO. And it can he easily told hy their Trade Mark the: red z. Tested P I i Jlill u. Foreign and Domestic Of Ivery lK'.H-riiiioii. Oriiiii;i'j, li'iii-.n?!, Mi,li: a Grapes; alo 5'- ' V--'-S' Meyer, the MlvM is the year round i The Larv E 1898 PRICES Make things hum. Too many goods leit over. They MUST go. Call early and get the pick. S. MEYER, Ag't, Enfield, N. C. This Desi gn of Engine is best adapted where you have but a limited space to set it. We can, however furnish you with a hori zontal - engine, plain or Auto matic - should you prefer. Write ii if yon even yu mny need an Knpiieor Ituiltr THE R. R. MACHINE SHOPS' 1! aii. ke Kapids, X. ( F. II. Trkai'V, 'Nipetititcndoht. Cil'S WARHIOUSB SaROCIYIOOHTJ. C.:: Is 8i Ii 'ft Lead. Wr We secure the HIGH F.ST PRICES, for all grades of- TOBACCO. Kvery customer', wants are met, if possible, and every needed attention and touriesy rendered. Good prices obtained every day. Bring us your tobaoeo and we will send you home happy. C. C. Sep 3 h; IH lata B-.t m BE laW M mm WOOD'S SIZFDS are specially erown and elected to meet the needs and requirements of Southern Growers. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue is most valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds tpeciilly adapted to the South. VEGETABLE and rtOWER SEEDS, ( and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes. Seed Oata and all Garden and Farm Seeds. Write for Descript ive Catalogue. Mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, snrosv.nN, - - t:i: t a::i:t c::r. nrj:: n t:i: :obtii. Weldon, N. 0. mtmnftftftftftm w WHOLESALE DEALER IN Apples, California and Florida I'ainpsco Flour j m 13 3m. - , - ' - 'v' - 'v''',., ird Never gets Left in the SWIM all early and late. I COOPEQ, FKurrs i Bi'lianas. I'iui -if :1