jjja lj JO HIT W. SLjSIDG-E, I'lioi'lUETOK. yroL XXX 1 1. -A. ITEWSBjP'EK- IE1 O IR, THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1898. TERMS:-1M anmm in advance NO. 38. Sarsaparilla Sense, Any sarsaparilla Is s.irsapa ilil.1. True. So any tea is tea. Sn any flour i a flour. I'.ut grades il;.'.r. )'.' uantthekst. It's towilh sarsapaiilla. There arc grades. You want t!ie best. If ynu understood s.irs.i.uil!a r.s will at you do tea an-1 Hour it would le easy to determine, rut you don't. How should you? When you are ni:i to buy a commodity whose value ynu don't know, you pick out an old established house to trade with, and trust their ex perience and reputation. Po so when buying sarsaparilla. Aycr's Sarsaparilla has been on the market 50 years. Your grandfather used Aycr's. It is a reputable medicine. There are many Sarsaiurilla but only one Ayer'a. It cures. tpr-MWi 1 oak writing dtk in I'ul iPlirtl Ilk- a 1'HlllO. It litis a ti-iuuh piitf k'bw hi iHntl a itrj.uwtr tx'Unv. Ar- Krench lpr; ai8tluptit-tl 111 lii:itiO(Hity, 93.95 Is our fl'rc lul I'llcc lor tli it 110 desk- ( Mail onV-ra TiWvA promptly.) Wp will mail (myotic, tree of all char no, our nc II1. muv hinriai ata loirut. oontHinl.ig Furniture, Iniunea, IriimiH, St-n-c , CiiH-ki'ry, Mirrors, Picturt'. ItoMiiifr, Hift-icrutir'. H.dy I arrlatr etc. T t Is tiio m ttt cm ptr b-mk evor i-it.ll-li'l, ami Wf (my all iHHtHKo. Our lMhoirrAih Ht i-t't Ca alutriitt, thowl m cariH't iu colorn, la also voun tor tho akinir. It cnriM't sjimpio tn wutitcl, Mtiill us He. In si Km 1. Tiir is no rmmn vrbv yu should pr your I'-cal d-alcr 00 pnr ctmt. prollt whcti you can buy (ruin tb mill. Drop a iiuo now to the moDyMveia. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. PlftB mention thl pspcr. is a KHECIAUST anil AUTHORITY on all CI I I All who are auflVriog with any KMOl) TliOl BliK, would be wi-e to c.ill ou or alttriwf by nuil, Coo-mlt itiiiQ tret) 11ml nt ilu tnei co npjuo lei to suit etch p.irtir ul.tr can-. When writiug to me plt-une en clM? Htaiujk for reply. PKOK J AS. HAliVKY. 4ij Church St (Nt-w No.) IB 17 1y. Norfolk, Yii W. T. PARKER, , DRAI.GK IN . Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Farm Implements. 224 i'OUND SACKS OK SAM FUR 1110 PER SACK. wCorrect prices and polite attention to it, aug ly W. M. HAItLlSTON & CO., Wholesale and IteUil Dealers in CAUPKTS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLIMTON A CO., No JO N. Sycamore St., Peterhura: Vt, in m 1, PSOFEkSIOSAL CAKI8. a. HTfLLBM, WALTaa a. DAHIBL JJ U L 1 DANIEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDOlf, K. C. 'ttewt In theoourtiof H.Hfki ndNnrUiimp "itudln lhHuprmf mil Fntenil eoum. Col. t 'Udiu miM.ll. A.tJnri. 'Mch onto al Halllki, H. O., open erj Mon. - " Jn i it JJK. T. T. KOSS, 5w DBNTIST Weldon, N. 0. Offloa OTer Emrj tt Pteraa'aatort. fill ri james mm. Groceries 1 "GO WORK FOR YOUR LIBIN" He IK til Tcmftd ll ani IK-din A J am a Hi to . ''My tc xt, biudercn and sislern, will he found in do lu.i' eluipler oh liinois, and dc tweiily-nelii'ii verse: 'Su de Lor' make man jiin' like llowT.' Now, tny Iruderc n, you we dut in di l 'iii riiu oh de world de bur' mak Adam. I tole ynu how he tn ik li i tit : lie mak him out oh clay, an' ho not him on b hoard, an' ho look at him, an' he ha 'Km' rate;' and when he (jci dry, In hrealhe in liim de tin IT ol lil'o. lie ul him iu tin- (!ardeu ob Kden, aud he koI him u one corner ob do lot, an' he tu't him to eat all de apples 'eeptiu' deui iu de middle oh de orchard; di iu he wauled lot wiuier upples, l!yme-hy Adam he got lonesome. So de Lor' uiak Kbe I tolejou hew he make hit. lie p Adam lodlum, till he (lit Jcmnd 'hh ep; den be (;oui;c a rib out he side and make Kbe; and he set Ebc iu de corner of de garden, an' ha tole her In eal all do apples, 'cepliu' deiu in de middle ob du orchard; dem do wiuter apphs. One day de Lir' go out a visilin', de dehil come along; he dress bifsell in de kiu ob de snake, and he find Ebe; nu' he tole her: 'Khe, why for you uo eat de apples in de middle ob de orchard ?' Ebe say, 'Deui de L'ir's winter apples.' But de debil say : 'I tolo you for to cat deui, case dry's de best apples in de or chard.' So Ebe eat de apple an' gib Adam a bite; an' de debil go away. Byuie-by de L ir' conic home, an' he ini-sed de wiuter apples; an' h'3 call : A Jam 1 you Adam I' Adam he lay luw; o de Ijor' call again: 'You Adam 1' Adam say : 'Ilea, Lor' an' de Lor' say : 'VVho stole de winter apples?' Adam tole liitn ho dun'l know Ebe hn expeo'. So de Lor' called: 'Ebe I' Ebe she lay low; den de L n-' call again: 'You Kbe!' Ehe say : 'Ilea, Lur'.' De Lor' 'Who stole do winter apples'' Kbe tole hiui she don't know Adam he rxpee'. Ni de I, ir coteb em hi ff, and he frnw m over de fence, an' ho tole 'ein, 'Go wmk tor your lihio !'' iowu Brakes, aud kcvcrscl" When atraiu ib discovered rubhirtR on to a - fiif; infill col- liMon, it is a fl77 thrilling in. brakrs ! " reverses lever. Hrakes alone are not enough i the w h o le pro pellinsr pow er of the en- irine must be made to work in the oppo- y site direc- w lion, j uni in how it is 7 ...m.lint.a There are tinu-s when the system i flvinif alon the track of dts- a-te at ua n friirhtlttl pace ihut no ordinary nethdH will prevent disaster. There are oienty of raediciiif which act merely as tjnkc to alow tip the dwase antl put ff disinter for a little while; but nut i-n t noiijh. what i needed h a medicine that will in-tuitlv reverse the entire wasting, ii-gfneratuiK process. When people are losins; flesh and stretiffth ind vitality, with the life oozuiuout of them 1aft"rrv.thevneed Ir Tierce's Oolden vffdiral Discovery, winch acts airecuyupon ;he vital forces, completely transforms the ;ntire nutritive organism and totally re- vrrses tiie wasting ueoiiiiaiinx process which i at the root of all diseases. it nihit the diaestive and blooa-maainf orsans to supplv the circulation with an abundance of pure, healthy, red blood. It stops the wast mi of tissue, builds up solid raiHcular ttvaa ana neauny nerve-ioicc. Miss Mry Whitmsn. of Hast Dickinsoa. Krstiklin Co. N V. writm "For nearly ten months I have had s hid coujrh and instead of xrttina hrtler. it urew wore. until I was rtvtsefl k . rri.n tn ir rtr Pipirr' Colilfit MrtltCll Oitcoverv. I heHHtert nt first, mr n rroni m me notliiue wmiM eivr reltel oniv .nam. w parents were anxiotts aMtit me. ami I was saio lo have rnnsitntolioii I tnr.l wn medicines and before I hn I tnken maiiv dte Ihpre waf n irreBtchinffe. When the second hmM-wsempty i nan n. eoti" "i"'" - 1 Baltimore I Rye u u G. P. It. I Maryland I Ry I I "A I Gentleman's I Drink." iv.W. KAY J Sole I Agent, I Weldon, N. 0.? P 'U' ly.tMlf'aa ."H Htant as the ii i r. A&tff'V eniriaeet H V I A ' v lit fl finmn tv. Suns I A Mother's Pliilt. A TOUCHING INCIDENT. I'aihdic Christmas Incijciil Where I'ntcrly Was King. One of the big dry goods stores in Milwaukee was thronged with buyers on Christmas evo when a forlorn looking woman win noticed in the act of conceal ing a lew cheap toys uudcr her ragged shawl. A policeman Was culled and covered with shame over her dis grace, the u ii I'm t u tin t u creature was taken to the nearest pulioi) station, Tim ser lieanl iu charge happened to have a heart iu his bosom, and doubtless iuspired by the spirit of the hour, he made some in finities bclo'o booking the arrest and sendinu the prisoner to a cheerless cell. Tim woman told her story, her voice broken by freipient sobs. She was a widow with three children and earned a mere livitig'by washing. Her earnings for the week had not been sufficient to allow her to buy any Chrbtmas tokens for the expectant little ones, and, desper ate at the thought of btoaking their little hearts by ooming home empty handed, she had gone iuto the crowded store and stolen a few little trinkets to t, ike to tin in. Of course, she was a sclf c uifesKcd thief, but the police sergeant had children of his own, and he thought a bit before pulting her name on the dis graceful recurd book Theu he told the womau to go home and sent an officer wiih her to verify her story. It was all ton true. The three little ones were found iu a bumble cittage, hovered around a little stove with tho last rem nants ol' fuel iu it, hunury and so cold that their bare ltd were cuddled in the oveu of the i-tove The facts were made known to the ui iuager of the big dry ,oods store and his heart also beat in unison with thegcncrniisChristuias spirit, which had actuated the police sergeant. Not only did he refuse to prosecute the 'hart;e but he ordered a package ol' toys. nod a bill banket of provisions sent to that humble little eotiage, and the, un fortunate mother's grief and humiliation wircehanui d in nir rbed rejoicings while three li' tie chiidn u euj jed a Christmas the like of which had u.it even entirtd their wildest dreams. Who shall say that this touching in cident is not a perfect realization of the true Christian spirit, which had its birtb in a manger iu lielb'eheui -0110 years ago l iiiin spolis Tribune DON'T. Don't imagine that ihe hotel runner runs the lintel. 'D n't argue with a wap; it always Carries Its point. Don't invest in an alligator hide pock etbook. It's a si in. Don't condemn a bridge until it has been tried by its piers. Ifon t run into ileut as long as you can find anything else to run into. Dou't believe the man who vows be likes you, m r the girl who says she doesu't. Don't imagine a hamlet is a little ham just because a streamlet is a little stream Don't give your best girl a pair of skates for Christmas if your rival skates better than you do. Dod'I forget the men wbu marry wid ows never make miss-takes. Don't judge men by their looks. Fast looking men are often slow pay. Don't meet trouble hall way. It is ca pableol making the entire journey. ! o t not tier ynurselt as to a man s m ailing wbco he tells you be has a boss wile, lion I I hiuk beciuse a eott answer turns aw ay wrath that it will torn away look peddlers. Don't iumiiue you are a veritable damson and try to accomplish too much ith a jiwboue. Don i ihink for a momeui that the of 6ee ever has to seek the inau on pay day Dou't forget thai it is always belter li swallow insult aud Initer pills without chewing. Hurttrn's Arnica naive. The Best Salve in t tin world fur Cuts HfUiisn, Son's, I'leers, Salt Kheutn Fever Sorses, Teller, I 'happed Hands Chilblains, Corus, and all Skiu Eruptions and pofinvelv curia Piles, or uo pay re quired. It Is guarallleil lo Hive perleel lalislaetion or money relunded. I rice 25 ocnts per box. For sale at W. M ijubcu'i Drug Store, Husband I've some bad news for you my dear; that old bachelor brother of mine has failed lost his entire fortune, Wife till, John, how dreadful! And, jost bb we had named the baby after him. ITOROVHH flHTV VKAKS Mra. Winstow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfeet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, oures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 oems a bottle. BcsureandaakfuT"Mrs. W tal low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Tie Tul) of Abraham NEARLY FORTY CENTURIES OLD. lie Was Huiiei Id The Cave of Mactelah ani the Mammejans Are Keeping All Heretics Out. But of far greater interest than the pool uf Hebron is an object now inclosed by the missive walls of a Moslem niosquu. The Christian traveler may survey their ilcrior at a respectful disiauce, but if he places the slightest value nu his life lie should not try to enter the iiielosuro Beneath the luosipui, which these high li ililetneiits surround, there is a cave. Il is the cavern uf Macpelah, which Abra ham, on the death of his wifo, Sarah, purchased as a family burial place, nearly 4,0IMI years ago. Here he himself was ills, i buried; and, later on, within this cave were laid to rest Isaac and Jacob, with their wives Jacob's body having, at the patriarch's request, been brought from pt to he placed there ay the side ol his wile, Leah. Moreover, since it was embalmed after the manner of the Egyp tians, his features probably remain well nigh intact today. It is humiliating to admit that neither Jew nor Christian can today stand be side the tombs in which repose the founders of the Hebrew nation. Bui such H the fact, for the Mohammedans guard with jealous reverence the touib of Abraham for whom their name is "The Friend of li jd " It is a singu lar coincidence that such a title hnuld be giveu him by Moslems, fir in the epistle of St. James we read: "Abraham believed Hod, and it was im puted unto him for righteousness and he was called the Friend of God," 01 course no Illustrations ot ine toiuu tlicuisebes cau be obtained so long as such restrictions exist; but one may view t least ihe entrance to the palriarcb's sepulchre, guarded by solid masonry and irou bars. By a speci il firman from Con siantinople in 18G2, the Piinceof Wales was admitted here, attended by Dean Stanley. In DSU'S a similar favor war accorded to the Matijuis of Bute, and ree years after lo the crown prince ol Piussia, ihe late Emperor Frederick. Out can liu mine, theret'Te, what chance is there fur ordinary tourists to enter. Aeeurdiug to the accounts of those who came here wiih these princely visi tors, the tombs of Abruham, Sarah, Ja cob and Leah are in separate apartments lined with marble and approached through silver gales. 'The place of honor, iu the eenire, is occupied by the tomb of Isaac Between the tombs uf Abraham and Isaac is a circular opening; and it appears probable that the structures which are seen are merely modern cenotanha, the actual sepulchres belog in a subterranean cavern at a a still lower depth. The floi r uf the inelousuie is covered to some depth with piices of paper, which represent the accumulation of oenturies. They aie written petitions to Abraham, which pious Moslems have dropped through an aperture above. "Is this the real cave of Macpelah?" i inquired. "Can this be the actual tomb which Abraham acquired forty centuries ago, wiih all the formality and care revealed iu the description given ol that bargain in the book of Genesis?" It seems at first incredible, but there are many aigumeots in favor of its genuine ness John L. Stoddard. The Greatest Discovery Yet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III., "Chief, says. "We won t keep bouse without Dr King's New Discovery fur Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Exper imented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr King's New Discovery. No other remedy can lake in place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for Couchs Colds, Whooping Ceu;h, etc." It is idle lo experiment wiih other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery They are not as good, because this remedy has record of cures and besides is guaranteed It never fails lo satisfy. Trial bottles Irce al . M. Coheo'a Drug Store. "Deea yout wife object to your staying out so late of nights?" "A little; bi t what really raises her wrath is for me lo Oome home so quietly that she doesn't know when I K"i in." The progressive ladies of Waalfild nd., issued a "Vvomau'a Ldition" uf ill Westtield News, bearing dale of April 3 181)6, The paper is filled with mailer nf interest to women, and we Dolioe the following from a correspondent, whi.h the editors printed, realising that it treats upon a matter of vital impoitaoue to the sex: "The best remedy for emu p, eolds and bronchitis that I have been able End is Chaniblerlain's Cough Remedy For family use it has no equal, I gladly recommend it " 25 and 50 cent bottles. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon J. N Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Ilarri son, Kuficld Am VaMrtala Msmm. Then b no diseasa mora uncertain in tti nature than dyspepsia. Phyiicians a; that Ilia symptoms of no two earn agree. It is therefora mm difficult to pake a eorrw-t diagnosis. No matter bow vare, or under what iliairuiaedTiipepsia attacks vmi llrowni' Iran Bitters will can it. Invaluable In all aiieasM ol ins stomach, blood mil nsrvrs. Urowaa' Iron ttitwis Is avid bi all dealers, Tie Death of Beethoven. I MUST HAVE HAD SOME TALENT.' Pathetic Story of The Last Time lie liver I'lajeJ. New York Mail mid Kxpress. Bcctbuvon had been deaf for twenty- five years, when, it 1827, a letter reached him at Baden from his nephew, the log aearest to In in on earth. 1 lie ynung man wrote from Vienna, whenco ho looked to his undo lo extricate him. Beethoven Bet out at once, but his funds wcro so low that ho was obliged to make the greater part uf his journey on foot. He bad gooc most of the way, and was only a few leagues from the capital, when his strength failed. He was forced to beg hospitaltyof a poor and mean-looking house one evening. The inhabitants received the ill-tempered-looking, dark, gruff-voiced slranger.with the utmost cor diality, shared their meagre supper with him, and then gave him a comfortable scat near the fire. The meal was hardly cleared away before the head of the family opened an old piano, while the sjns each brought forth some instrument the women, meantime, beginning to mend the linen. There was a general tuning up and then the music began. As it proceeded the players, Ihe women, all ike, were more and miro deeply moved. Tears stole down the old man's cheeks. His wife watched him with iui.-t eyes, and a pathetic, faraway smile on her lips. She dropped her needlework, and her managing daughter forgot to find fault. She was listening, too. The sweet sounds left only one person unmoved. The deaf guest looked ou at this scene with yearing melancholy. When the concert was over he stretched out his hands for a sheet of the music they had used. "I could not hear, friends," he exclaimed in hoarse tones of apology, "but I would like to know who wrote this piece which has so moved you II." The piano player put before him the Allegretto iu Beethoven's symphony in A Tears now stole down the visitor's cheeks. "Ah," ho exclaimed, "I wrote il; I am Beelhnven. Come and let us finish the piece." He went himself In the pi.iuo,and llieevenini; passed iu a true delirium of pleasure aod pride for the dwellers of that humble musical home- When the concerted music was over, he improvised lovely songs and sacred hymns for the delighted family, who re mained up far into the night listening to his playing. It was the last lime he ever touched an instrument. When he took possession of the humble room aud couch allotted to him he oould not sleep or rest. His pulse beat wiih fever. He cou'd not breai he. He sto'e out of doors in search of refreshment, and returned to bed in the early morning, chilled to ihe heart. His friends in Vienna were communi- oated with, and a physician summoned, but his end was at hand. Hummel stood disconsolate beside bis dyiug bed. Beethoven was, or seemed to be, uncon- ius. Just before the end, however, he raised himself and caught the watch er's hand in both of his own. "After all," Hummel, 1 1 must have had some talent," he murmured, and then he died. At no time," said the cornfed phil osopher, "is a man so willing to lake the weak shoulders of frail woman as when she is harassed with the cares of a large and paying property." A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is re dly no trick about it Aoybody can try il who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles We mean he can cure himself right away bf taking Clectno Hitters This medicine tones up the whole system, acts is a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic It euros Constipation Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system t its natural vinor Try Electric Bilteis and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed, tlnly 5lle a bottle at W. M. Cohen's Drug Sore. 'The trouble with your wife, Mr, Spudds," said the physician, "is lack of exercise." "What can I do for it?' "I would put in a telephone, aod then he wM H k"pt hn.y delivering tnetwairpa for the neighborhood." Tetter, Kiill-Itheum ami Et'teina. The Intense Itelillm and snmrtiiiir, inci dent to these diseases, islnslHiitlv allayed by anfilvinir Chamberlain ' a Eve and Skin Ointment. Many very bad caaes have been permanently rnred by It. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for eore nipples, charmed hands, chilblains, frost bitee and chronic aore eyes. 25 eta. per box Dr. Cady'i Condition renders, are jost what a horse newts when tn bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and erniiftiire. They are not food but medicine and the best In nse to put horse tn prime condition. Price 88 cents per package. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; J N. Brown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harrison Knfield OABTOniA, GOOD ADVICE TO FATHERS. No One Can Tell What Is In a Boy Never Despair. You do not know what is in hi in Bear with him; bo paticnl; wait. Feed, clolho him, love him. He is a boy, and most boys are bad. 1 ou think hnn so light hearted, and fear lie is light-headed as well. Remember, ho calls you father. When be played in vour lap you fondly hoped he Would be a great and useful man. Now that ho has grown larger, and his young blood drives him into glee ful sport, and makes him impatient ol serious things, rattling, playful, thought less, you almost despair. But dun't be snappish and snarlish, and make him feel you are disappointed in him. lie is your boy, and you are to live with hira. lie bears your name aod is to send it on down the stream of time. He iuherits your fortune aod fame, and is to trans mit them ts generations to come. It may be difficult to govern him, but bo patient. He may seem averse lo everything useful and good, but wait. No one can tell what is in a boy. lie may surprise you some day. Hope. Let him grow. While his body grows larger and stronger his mental and moral nature may extend and improve, Edueato your boy. You may think money spent in that way is money spent in vain. There is nothing in him, he has oo pride, no ambition. You don't know. No one can tell what is iu boy. BesideB, there may be an unkindled spark, and u n fa ntied flame, a smouldering lire, a latent energy, which the teacher's may stir, the association of books may arouse, develop, and direct, and thus start your b iy agoing with such energy, that no power on earth could stop him short of the topmost round in the ladder of fame. If you cannot educate him, let him ed ucate himself. That will make him slroiig, a giant with whom none dare it terfero. Such are the best men in the world. The greatest benefactors of the race have stooped their shoulders to bear burdens, have carried hands hardened wiih labor, have eudured the fatigue if ,11 any mimi are in our minds now. Labor conquers alt things. The old Roman was right. We sec it in a thou sand instances. Labor makes the man. No boy ever came to be a man, the noblest work ol God, without labor. Tb:B is God's great law; there is a divine phil osophy iu it. Let your boy work; if he will not work, make him work. There is no progress, no development, no ou'- e, no true manhood without it. We must work. Father, be kind to your boy. W e know what a mother will du. Thaik God! A mother's love, a mother's pray ers follow us still; and the memory of hir anxious tears shall never fade out durirg the succession of years. Finally, but not least, pray for your boy. God hears prayer. Do the bed you can. t- munt all you cannot do lo lod and hope. Never despair, for co one knows what is in a boy. Suuthein Farm. Royal nafcai tha lood pur. wboUMBM and dallclava. FOVDER Absolutely Pure SOVl UMINO WWOF, crv, hFW , Celebmted for its greatleaveninit strength and httiltht'ulneHa- Assuresthe roodairainst alum ami all lonns ot adulteration eom mon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKINU POWIIKR CO., NKW YOKK l'OIN I'KK 1 Vlt VtiKAItltS. No man ever respects a woman who does out respect herself. The hen is a good example of perse verance, but an example you can't always set. Id olden times people multiplied upon the faoe of the earth. Now they slates. It is said that matrimony ends a man's existence; but the man who acts as a mother for a baby carriage is still in the push. It's the custom of advertising that brings customers. The man with the most Baud is the one who gets the girl with the rocks. talk is cheap especially when you m ike us of your neighbor s telephone. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. ana 44 Ml Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not r4 V fr othing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. SlLUO Tested and 1 u. Foreign and Domestic M llllui Of Every Deseiipli in. Jamaica B?nauns, Oranges, Lemons, Malaga Grapes; also I The Early Bird Never gets Left Meyer, Tie Hustler is in the SWIM all the year round early and late. 1898 PRICES Make things hum. leit over. They early and get the S. MEYER, Ag't, of Engine is best adapted where you have but a limited space to set it. We can, however furnish you with a hori zontal - engine, plain or Auto matic - should you prefer. W rile us if you even think ynu may nee " Engine or Boiler IHE R. R. MACHINE SHOPS' K'uiuoke Kupids, N. C F, II. Trxacy, uperinli odent. This Design O00PEKS WAREHOUSE, S3HQCKYM0OHU C. Is Still In 'ft Lai. Utf-Wo securo the HIGHEST TRICES, for all grades of-t TOBACCO. Every customer's wants are met, if possible, and every needed attention and tourtesy rendered. Good prices obtained erery day. Bring us your tobaeoo and we will send you home happy. C. sep 30 4t, EYES OPEN! - .il a lUUULM I Ull. WOOD'S SEFDS are spec ally frown and selected to meet the needs and requirements of Southern Growers. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue ii most valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South. VEGETABLE and PLOWER SEEDS, Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats and all Garden and Farm Seeds. Write for Descriptive Catalogue. Mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - . RICHMOND, VA. TH: lARCCST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. Weldon, N. C. WHOLESALE DEALER IN VJ -1- JL K.J I'inc Apples, California and Ftorida I'atapsco Flour. j in 13 3m. Too many goods MUST go. Call pick. -- Enfield, N. 0. C. COOPER, TOTTTTS T ft Reeky Mount, N. j. "7, tain a ai.