ft" THE JOHN" W. SLEDG-iE, pp.opiultoh. VOL XXXII. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, KEIMtUARY 10. 1898. TEI2MS: J'KH ANM'.M IN Al'VANCK NO. 41. rifly Year Ago. Kothrotyof germs to hilt Attertion'i luMlilnig l.lWsm; When ai.lrnl iinriK ti-uk their fill, N. nm-rohra on (hen k intr-.. Ili.w li;iipv they wcif nut to knot The grrmfail-30 -ran ajo, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is the standard fumily remedy uf the world for colds, coughs nnd lung diseases. It is not a pullintivo, and is not therefore put up in email cheap bottles. It is put up in large bottles for the household. They cost more but cure more. Fads come and go but no thoory or fad can overthrow the fact, that the greatest cure for all colds, coughs and throat nnd lung diseases, ia Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. 50 Years of Cures. No. avi. I oitk writing d.-k In .. Islied Ilk- a piano. It hits H 1" Inch l.eiilc.1 plutfl p'BM ill top noil a . (-iuaiver Ik'Iow. Ar te tic French legs; alim finished inlllllllOSHIiy. $3.95 is our np(M ml p. ice lop ( Mill! or b r flllnt roni,.tly.) Wp wlii ttiHil imvom-, lm- of all ctmwiM. (mi-(mmv M .'i.ue i-p'Tiii' i hh UHW, i'.oiiiatni.iK Furiittiitv, lH;n frU-n, I.uniw, iS t v . t'i'n-kr. Mirror, I'n'tiin'H. Ho Minir, KnfripM-ttiort. Uy i Kniiijv eta T t" is t lie ni' l C"tu I lrt Ihntk t'vt'r puhh'-hct, ami wi pay all iK)-tu-! Our hlhouniplie-l h i ) t '.t al(iKin, rthnvvi ij fiiri'i-tB in colon., la bIhn umm t r ilio ii-kl itf. If t'lirpi't SHtnpiH H-(. WiMltcl. Iitft.il lift Ku. In BirtnipH. TinTf H tm nut-ion whv yu shmiKl pnv your l-'tal thaler titl jut umii. prmit wlitri ynii can huy fimu tit- mill, Prop a huo uuw to tho iuout'yea?(hB. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Plena." mention ihln paipr. is i( SPECIALIST nml all At'Tf lOt.Tl Y ou AM wlm r Hnli'.Titii; with tiny l!l,ool TKOl'ltl.K, would he wise tu c.ill o.i oi h) hvss hy in til dm-mlt ttutu True utui in 'liritit'H en up ;i 1 t'''l lt suit eah juirt ic l ti t'.tse Wli n witi;) tt me ple.ise i n i'I.h st. imp tor reply. iMiOK .IAS HAKVKY, 1!" t'liureli St i New No i . 17 'v. NutlolV. V; W. T. PARKER Heavy AND Fancy Groceries Farm Implements. 2.H '(OH S ACKS dl' SALT VOW ll.lu l'KKSAl'K. ('orreet prices anil isilite nllention hi II. uug I ly W. M. II.VIU.1STON & eo , Wholesale anil UeUil Oealere in CAUPKTS, STOVKS, nd,Mattrraes,ot. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, HABLISTONACO , "u. 30 K. njomora tit., Pit!riiliuiK.V. PROFKbSIOSAL CAM'S. a. iii'lliii, U L UK WALTKB OAMIIi D A 8 I r. u ATTORXE1S AT LAW, WlLtlOK, N. C. tnctireltitheeourtt of Halifinsii'lNortnami " 'vi'iiti tne. Supreme and Federal nmrui. 'lllllli Tna.l.. I .lln....IU,..k I'. Branch ami. at Halidi. N. CiiDelimert SI on. )an 7 Is T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldoii, N. C. "Offlotow Emry A PUret'iatorr. IS FfiOF JLMBS HARVfiY. LEftRH TO BE HONEST AND UPRIGHT Al,r iako the Ititlc fur Vrnir (iaiJ; an j Vmi Will Nacr lie Astray. 1 'y. K'i I" Kcliuil an Inns,' in ym rm, ) .ni'l riMni'iiituT tli.il ovrry hJnr v,i'iii in slu-ly in y.niili will . wr! Ml,,ni.y t I'l in illllT lll'tl. Iti'wl eihul li inki. M nk it yiiurn'lf . iiinti'.l wiili Iiiiiory. Stmly tlm .r i "I o itioiiH uml tin' niii'i'H of men ' limv iii.iiln tialimin (jri'iil. l.i n.ii V"r linio n u'liim ir;iliy li.iuU. rn In In' irullilul. Tiii'Ii, my i"). i llh; nnly fininil.ilinn up in wl.u-li mlimul i'iiii bi ImwiI, M i In' un.jil ii!.ii of jniir linn1, ami inn 11 ii'iiliinu lnr to-m irrnw lluii oul'Iii i i llnll,' luiliiy. WIlllli'ViT ynll iln, tin willi a will, as iinylliitig llml is wnnli iii4 at all is north d..inn wi'll. Kivp smiil Ctiiii:itiv or iiune. Lmiri) rrail wi'il ilnl all lli! noml lijuks lint limoviill ti.-riuit. TliLie is sumi'iliim; valine in jjiio 1 books. L-aiii to he huiii't, upiilit and strailitloiw inl ill nil lliinj;s. !!rM I is llut walkoth uprihlly, for lie walkctli Mako yoiirs,.-ll' uwl'ul in whaU'ver sit iialion you may be placeil, IIjvo a will uml di'lrriniualioD of yum own. IK' lust, uenerom ami nern'Vi'Miiir. mil neV'T uivc up inylliinsr unlit vou ive lliur'iulily tried it. Keep ymir ijnnseienco clran, and be assured tliat a clean conseieneo and a I name will be worth more lo you an all the riehes of tilt) world tiiand upon the edi;n ol lliis world uly to lake wion and fly to that beau tiful and happy home beyond the river. t all of yo'ir uetions be based upon ' (treat principle of liulit, and never nture iulo any action unless you have 1 wiili you Always take the Hible lor your guide, d you are sure not to go astray. Ir. iiehaniti says I tint he who puts ilie Hible into llie band of n child L'ives him ire than a kingdom, for ii gives him u V tolhe Km.' Iomi of Heaven 14 H I, V It isn't miK-li ttmihle for a really health v man to he K,"i htltllDreil follitv and rxliulMTaiit he.tlth are a pio- rhial eomhiiMtion The heart v man who tit alwavs lauiilniiK dnesn't havi ativ trouhlc until his iliifetion It has been sitd that uichuiB makes urmde hea 1th v. The truth in that health makes people IhukIi It is I'litHiHsihle to estimaie the tre- mcniliniH uiBiiencf of health upon human tharartet. A man with a headache will tint be 111 a h.ippv, cmiteiUtti fume of tuiin! A man who MitTer from a weak tnmai'h and an impaited digestion will sit and ftmmhle thronih the l)rit meal ever ttepari'tl A odious man who is not a ore. i deservmir. of a place in a museum oih man who is not pctulcnt ami fault finding is a curiosity. AH lli'e con- ill ah lead to irtiive uisfa-.es, when the victim heeomes nut only di-a(r.eeaMe, hut fttftidt-nt as well A wise wile will teal- ire that while the old -ayinK that a " nun's heart i iu his stomach." is not literally true, it is a fact that hi stomach sweetens or sour his character iiecrdiiiK a- it in hilthy ni tiuhe.illhy. lir Pietee's (, olden Mftlica! Ihsroverv is the he-t ot nn (liciues for the conditions described It makes the weak Ntomach air our. the imp.tireil difreMitm tterfect, in vitf orates the liver, puiwies and enrichrs the lilnoil ana tones the nerve It team down half d ad, inert ues and replace them with the fit in muscular tissues of health It builds new and healthv nerve fitnes and tuaiu cells, It dissipate nervousness ;,nd tuelancholy and impart mental elasticity a-id rout age. It i the best ot all known nuaiciiies tor iTvon disorder "Thri?h vimit kulfttl treatment I nm onre rc a well ra.in." wntf J N Attiol.t h.-.. ol Omlv i.ttRHii Co Nrbr "1 Mtfhifil lor veara tut cou'ni not nnd relief until I conintf no-d tnkiiiK v"iir ' t.ol 1 n Mniual I)i-Hi-ct t ' 1 s'lf-ft-reil With rotislirwlinn ,iml loipntitv of liver whu-h rtultfd mi initatum of the pi i rile and intl immalion ot th. I.l.i.l.ler 1 h.i l only taken titt!t when T Iminil ij;erit relict I lie tlinil- Cine Hasi etft-clwt a p. rmaneiit cure ' 7Y-' , n n Willi 111 S .iiiiin At 1, A 11 111 II vV U n m iff. n GORDON Baltimore Rye AM' G. P. R. & Maryland " I RyeS M XI 1 Drink." m, W. KAY; I Sole I Agent, ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 8 Weldon, N. C mi V Ilk' A Pathetic Story. THE LITTLE DRUMMER'S LAST CALl Uniisi'j the NntliM l'clinR in the iiKlncWIiiiWjsllisr.ai'niy. lean pnlheiie stoiy of the civil war was I relaltd by the corp iral ol an I inois regiment who was captured by the ('on led, rates at iho battle of Wilson's Creek, and is repealed iu "Women ol'ihe War " The day before ibis reiui"iit was or dered by (lencrnl Lyons lo march toward Spii'iilield, the ili'iuimet nf the eoinpany fell ill, Tliere weie no one lo lake his place, uml while the eiptaiu wondering how he should supply the lack u pale, sorrow -mri'-ki'D woman iippi-nrnl nt Ins lent d nit, begging nn inleiview. She brought willi tier a litile boy of twelve or thirteen years, whom she wished Iu p'Hoe iu the resilient as druuimer boy. "Captain," slie said, nl'ler tlie boy liud accepted, ' ho won't i in much danger, wilt In?" "No, I think not," replied (ho officer. 'We shall be disbanded in a few weeks, I am eonli lent." The new drummer soon hco:iiue a fn voiiie, and there was never a feast of fruit or other hardly procured dainlies that ''Ivl lie" did tint get his share lirst I'he siildiers wop' stirred by the child's eutliii-iastie devotion, and declared that his drumming was different lioin that of all tlie oilier diumiuers in the army! Alicr the engagement at Wilson's Cre-'k, where the Federals were defeated Corporal H , who had been thrown limn his to re, found himself lying con cealed fioin view near a clump of trees. As he lav there willi bis car lo the itr-und, In' heard the sound of a drum, lisiinct but rather faint. In a moment he recognized iho stroke of Keldie, the boy drummer, and hastened toward the pot whence the s and proceeded. Iu a clump i t toi-lns, proppeil against n Iree he f und the boy. His drum whs hang ing from a sliru'i williiu reach, and his lace was dead y a'c. "(Mi, e up -ral," said tie. "I am so olad y"ii eiiio ! Wnh'i yeii give me a di ink of w iter. pVast !" The cap. Tat ran to a li lle slreiitn cluse by, am bum -.In llie cbi d a dinugtit tut at this moiiieut tliere came an order for llie rj'iieai, and llie corporal turned tu go. "Hon'l leave nie," said the little di utu lit, "I caul walk. Seel" and he pointed t bis 1'ccl. The c .rperal saw with hoiror that both feet bad been shot i tl' by a cunmm ball. "He said i lie ih cti'ia could cure lliem," continued ihc boy, peiniing lo the dead body of a ( onled rale soldier who lay beside "lie was sli.il all III pieces, bui he crawled oer nnd ti. d my legs up so i hey would wouldn't blci d s .!' And I'', Idle closed bis eyes wearily Tl.c c-Tporal's eyes were blinded by a mist of tears as he looked down. The Confederate soldier, shot lo death, am! in llie agonies of the hist struggle, hail umnaL't'd lo lake ..ff his sii.p.i inlets and biud lite boy's les ab .ve tlie knees! A the corporal bent dow u Iu laise llie child, a body of Confedera le Iroops came up and be w i a prisoner. With a sob in his v. .ice, he lol I iheslory, and the Southern soldier tenderly lifted the woun leil ui'iiimner on lo Ins owo norst , winging lb i drum before hiiu. When the litile cavaleido re iche l camp Kddie wan dead, bill (h. i little drummer's last call bad ai nis.'d the tl .blest I'eeliug in the heart of one wh i was his fie, one whose last act wis an elf irt to save- am) in t' rt the boy enemy who wis fiillif'ul to Ins it It V lliililieil I lie (;rate. ii.iilii.c ini ident of which Mr. John A Dover i.f Pl.iia.l. lpbi.i was the subject. nWs: "I wns ill .s narrated oy him us toll. 1 1 1 dreadful c..hdiii..u, My skin was iliuosl yell, w, eyes sunken, tongue coated iiiiin eotitiuiiHlly iu back mid sides, n ipp. iite tradualiy gri.wmg weaker day y day. Three physi i ins had given me ip, r-'ortiinaiely, a tiii-nd adiisi d trying Kicctric Hiiier-, and lo my treat joy and -nirpiisc llie, llie tirst li-itile made decided iiuproVemei.i. I eoii'iiiu.d tlieirusefor 'bree weeks, and am n..w a well man 1 know ibey sand my life, uml ribbed the jriiveof anoili.T victim " No one should tall lo try ibein O ilv .r"l ei'lits per holtli at V. M". Colien's ri! St. .re. tiii: mij'.yi' TON.ii i:. Mary had a tittle tongue That never spoke a world. And as Mnry was quite lalkalive This statement seems nbsurd To school one day she look it, Within a saudwliich while; And all the children diil exclaim: "Oh, say, give us bile! " I'ok ovi'.K HM'V 1 i:ah Mrs. Winslow'a Soolhing Syrup has been used for over filty years by millions ul mothers tor children, while teething, with perfect success. Il soothes the child, solU'OS the cuius, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and i.The best remedy tor Diarrhoea. Il will relieve the poor httl. sufferer immediately. S Id by drugcists in every part ol the world 25 cents a botllo. lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. He Got Tlie Mill KINDNESS OF A GREAT MAN. A Sim y Shn inn I he Simraihy AnJ Sim flicily of I'rifonr Chill. rnenty years ago llie writer, willi her L young child, was on her way lo Wash loeliiii in miihviiiler. In-. end of reach ing lb it bomi'iiul eily early iu the muni in;;, as was expected, llie traiu was stall ed in llie night by a lerrible bli..irl After the height of llie storm wasover it look hours lo dig away (be heavy snow lhai buried, not only llie rails, but llie whole world npparetilly. Slowly and liboiioiisly the locomotive crept on, mid we were slill ill) miles from Washington when i lie church clock struck 8 iu a village where we balled. Men jumped up lo see if tliere were liuie tu get a cup of ci fl' e; nervous and anxious women clamored for lea, und I cried willi tlie rest, "Oh, if only I could get a glass ol' milk for Iny liltlu girl!" "Impossible," said llie brakeman, who was passing through the ear; "we shan't bo here but a minute." Paying no heed to his words, a gentle men of striking ap earnnce, whose fine face and head I had been silently study ing, hurriedly left the car and disappeared upon llie snowy pln'lurui. "He'll get hit," sneered llie brakeman. The I ruin moved on leoling its way through the huge while banks on bulb sides. The gentleman bad evidently been traveling alone, for no one seemed nuxioxs because he did not come back. Tlie ears were baldly in lull swiug, hnw evi r, when be jumped aboard a litile out of breath, diislid with snow, but self possessed and calm, holding can fully a lull glass jf milk, which lie gave to llie wee girl beside me. My stammered thanks for such uiiexp'cted kindness f'r. m tin unknown traveler he brushed nuay willi a wave of Lis hand. "Hut (be glass?" I insisted, knowing it could not be returned, as we were n .w thundering onward. "Is yours, nndatn," he replied, settling himself iulo his sent, paying no in tc nlleiili.nl lo us. Bui later in the eouisc of the dreary forenoon be million ed to the lillle lass lo come lo him, whirl) she willingly did. Iln lilted her to his sHc, and with Ins nriu round her she cuddled up against him, and for two hums ho whispered stories iulo her ear, so low I bat no one else could hear, but the delight of which was reflected in lnr daueiiiu eves and smiling lips. At Itiliimore ihe stranger disappeared, and a gentle un i across the passage f'tom ii leaned over nnd said, "Do you knew who has been ntcrijiiiing your child so cli.nii.ing'y, ns indeed only he outtld?" "1 haven't llie faintest idea" "I'rolessot I'' mi c J Child " So many yearn have tl iwu since then thai the lilt e I iss herself writes atones now perhaps faraway echoes uf those she heard that wintry day when Professor Child ninde summer in her heart but the tall, thick depot tumbler still stands on the high shell of llie cupboard, touBaered f. I any use, save as a memento of the kin Hy chivalry uf a great man Iu a lil lle child A l.uiiie's C.iiitribulors' Club The lllsriivery ol'llie luy. Aug. J I! icet, the lending druggist ol Shrevep.Tl, La , sns: "lr. King's New liiscovery is tlie only itiing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller 1 have." J V. Campbell, merchant of Sall'oril, Ar i.wtites: " Dr King's New Discovery is all thai is claimed for it; il never fulls, and is a sure euro for Con sumption. Coughs nnd Colds. I ennnol say enough for its inetits'" lr. Kiint's New l)ie.ivery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is uoi an experiment. It has been tried for a (purler of a century, nnd 1,1.1V slants nl llie head It never disappoints. Kree trial buttles, at W. M. Cohen's llrutz Store. Tit AY Kit. Prayer is a kef to open tho gale ol heaven, and let gnci out, and prayer is a lock to fasten out hearts, and keep uraee in. IViyer is a messenger to felch that holy seed out of lie; garner above: and prayer is tlie ior.ii 'r ami latter rain to make it grow bene it 11 Prayer w iO'S it to corn", an I prayer wins it to tary layer H the invitation of that noble uuesi to our h 'Use, mid prayer privities I'.T tin i entorluiuuit'iu uf it. Prayer or -leur.'s il a bemn in us and prayer sup plies il nidi a blcs-iim. There ore pray continually, if thou w. midst grow cumin, ually Adans 'I'eiit'e, Soll-ltlii'iiin nml Ki'irmn. The inli'iiM- ili liing and sinnrtinit.lncC drill to lliesc discuses, Isiiistiintly allayed hy iipplyiin; Clininlierbiiii s Kye and si;in Oiii'tnii'tit. Sliiny very bad rases iinve 1 n pertiiiiiiently rured by it. It is equally Wlicient lor itching, piles and a fnvnrit'e riiiieilv for sure nipples, . Ii'ipis'il bunds, eiiillilnlns, frost bites nnd cbriiiiic sure eyes. 25 ets. per box. Dr. Oaih'tt Cmidillon rnwilein, are just whnt il linine needs when ill bad e uiiMtiiin. Tonic, Wood purifier and veniiitiiKe. They are not fixal lint medicine and the best in use tu put n horse ill prime condition. Price 34 cents per package. for sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; J. N. Ilrown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harr'sun, Kutield OABTOniA. fllfW Mailt it A Motlier-Mafle Mai, A SUNDAY SCHOOL TALK. ;Mnlher llrniwhl Out III! linul Was In llim 1 hat A wealthy business mau nut long ngn paid a visit to his native town, a thriving place, and while then! wasaskcil to Hildress u Sunday School on the gencr al subject of success in life. " Hut I don't know that I have any ibing to say except that iudu-lry and honesty win the race," he unswcreil. "Your very example Would be inspir ing if you would lell the story of your life," said llie Superintendent. "Are you not sell-maiie man. "I don't know about that." "Wliy, I've beard all about your early snuggles. You went into Mr. Wilson's office when you wee only ten" 'So I did, so I did. Hut my uiulhcr got me the place. While I was (hero she did all my washing and mending, saw that I had siituelhing to cut, and, when I gut discouraged told mo to cheer up and remember I bat tears were for babies." "While you were there you educated yourself" "Oh, no, not all! My mother heard my lessons every night, nnd made uie spell long words while she did her work. I remember one night I got so discour aged I dashed uiy writing book, ugly willi pot-books and hangers, into the fire and she burnt her hands in pulling il out." "Well, it was certainly true, wasn't il, thai, us soul) us you saved a little money, you bought some fruit und began lo sell it at the railwuy station?" The lich man's eyes twinkled and then grew moist over the fun und puthos uf some old recollections. "Yes," he said, "and I should like to till you a sloty connected wit li lhai time Perhaps (bat might do the Sundayschool itood. The second lot of apples 1 bought lor sale were specked and wormy. I had b en cliculed by the man nf whom I bought ibein, nnd 1 could not afford the Ions. That uighl, nlt'T I discovered ihey were unlit lo en', 1 crept down to the eel lnr und ti.lcd my basket us in-mil. "They look well on the Hillside,' 1 thought, 'und perhaps none of the people who buy them will ever come this way again, I'll sell them; und us soon us I hey nre gone I II get some sound oues.' ".Mother was singing about (he kitchen us 1 came up Ihe cellar stairs. 1 hoped to get out ol (he house without discussing llie subject of unsound Iruil, but in the twinkling of un eye she hud seen und was upon me. " 'Ned,' she snid, in her clear Voice, what are you g'.ing to do with those peek led apples?' " 'Sell them, 1 stammered I, ashamed to advance. "Th. n you'll be a cheat and I shall be ashamed to call y. u my son,' she cried pro'iiptly. 'Oli, to think that you could dream of such a sneaking thing as lhat!" Then she cried; and I've never been temp led tu cheat since No. sir, I havvn'l anything to say in public about my early struggles, but I wish you would remind your boys and girls every Sunday that their mothers cine more for ihetu than they dn for themselves. Tell lliem, too, to pray that their mothers may live long euoiigh to enjoy some of (he prosperity (hat (hey have won for their children; lor uiiuo didn't." Kuiaeupal Recorder Hurkleii'ii Arnica sialic. The Best Salve in ihe world for Cuts Bruise-, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum l'Vver Sorses, Tetter, Chapped Handi Chilblains, Corns, an fall Skin F.ruption: und positively cures Piles, or no pay re Hinted. It la guaranted lo give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at W. M. Oohen'a I'rug Store. DON'T UK. "James," said the milkman to his new boy, "d'ye "co what I'm a-doin' ol?" "Yes, sir," replied James, "you're a puurin' water iutu the milk." "pio i in not. James, tin a pounn milk iulo the water. So if anybody asks you if I put water into the milk you eun tell 'em no. A Hers stick to thi truth, James. Chealin' is bad 'noui;ll but lyin' i wus,." Pick Me up. Mr Want L. Smith, of Kredericslnwn Mo , was troubled with chronical diurrho'a for over thirty years. He had become fully satisfied that it was only a question ol (short time until he would have to ttive up He had been treated by some of the best physicians iu Kurupo and America but got no permanent relief. One day he picked up a newspaper and chaueed to read an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Hiar rh.el Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the first dose helped him and its Oontinued Use culed him. For sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, J. N. Itrown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Knfi'ld OABTOniA. TV fit- jf 'ry1 fct Tie Little Ones, DON'T REPROVE AT BED TIME. Sen! Them In Hel Wilh a On 'I heir Lips. Sweet Kiss fVi send the children hippy tu bed .1. should ihould tic one of tlie mother's most onliuury luski. No little one should dreud the bed lime hour, nor fear llie dark, nor be allowed to go to rest under a sense of disgrace or alienation from household love Whatever llie child's day liuietinughlini ss may have been, ul lliht he should g . to test with mother's kiss ou his lips, und ln r tender voice iu bis cars. Ilurdly anything can lw worse for a young child than lo be scolded or punish ed ut bedtime. The mother does well to be a little biiud ut some things, re uictnbering that a good deal of childish culpability is superficial only, und wuslus oil almost us eusily as docs llie dirt which (tic evening ball) removes from theskin. Tlie main thing will) children is to have tbeiu well stalled with good principles, which they will carry through life. Obe dience, truth, unselfishness, purity, are csseutials, und these can be luvingly cut tivaled, and will flourish in the right home atmosphere. When the nursery brood is undressed and in tied, the lights turned low, tlie room quiet fur ihe mother, or nurse, or ihe kind mimic, who is still found in some fortutiulu houses, should have a little fund i f stories on which to drnw for the small listeners' pleasure before they eu. tiaik on the ttiiin for dreamland, Imagination is very nclive in little children, und occasionally one meets a mother who do. s not understand the child's world, having 1'nrgotlcii her own early days und their illusions, or whu is afraid I tint fancies ami imagciics will lead ln r child iulo deceit. While the most exact and ligid Irulliliilness should be piaelised in our dealings with children, and they themselves should he taught tu slum upiivocation nnd every form cf lying, still we need not fount) let imagi ii.iii..u give I hem pleasure. Tiny early learn lo discriminate le Iweeit ihe l'al-e nnd llie true or perhaps it would be belter to say liny learn lo limit he truth wrapped in the husk of (he s'ory. The same stories with varinlions, hive iu all ages and climes, been taught to children, und they have their origin in the needs and heart oflliD race. Children thrive ou stories, and are llie better able to grasp ul her literal lire if early fed on these. Philadelphia Times. Huyal tnskri the liHid pure, wholesome and itellcioue. POWDER Absolutely Pura Ct'ltrhhiit'ti lur itMniit'iivvnuiK utruuKth nml liriilthrulncHM. Ahhutw the t'(MH.i.iikiuMt n hi in ami all form of mlultentlion com mon to the iltwip bran tin. HOYAIj HAKINU l'llWDKK I'll., NKW YUKK ' os ii is km :i;s. A member of the house tells a story on Senator Mason concerning a lady who keeps a local boarding house. The sena tor boarded there for a wtiile, as did the representative. The lady belongs to one ot the well knowu churches here and is very punctual in her attendance ou mom iug services. For this reason she insists that her boarders must be d iwn early for breakfast Sunday morning. The senator wus not aware uf this regulation, and on his first Sunday in the housi came down rather late. "lou are not on time this morning, senator," said the lady gently, but ratbei reprovingly. "No, madam. I spent a half hour on my knees this morning." "That was very praiseworthy of you, spoke up the boarding mistress. "Hunting for collar button that rolled upun the It or and under the bu reau," declared the aeuator, concluding his sentence Washington Post, The horseless eariiage is a novelty but the cnwlet milk wagon is a chest nut The hotel clerk wli puts on a brilliant front is not the only pebble, A great many newspaper men use paste too. Chicago News. The man who goes to church because he has nothing else to do is an idle wor ahiper The w un in who runs after a husband until she gets one seldom brags of her catch. U is useless tor i s;ll mala mm to waste m iney in taking out a patent on bit creadon, Pill, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Suj-ely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up hy any one except J. H.ZEILIN & CO. And it can he easily told hy their Trade Mark the: red z. SlUJO Tested and TRUE. 1 J. Foreign and Domestic OI'Ki'cry llesciiplion. Jamaica Henanas, Pine Apples, California and Florida Oriitiues, Leinuiis, Malae.il drapes; also Patapseo Flour. jm lit 3m. j -"5 35 15 5 "75 S -15 -"5 Th8 Early Bird Never gets Left IejW.lcM.r is in the SWIM all the year round Make things hum. leit over. They early and get the S. MEYER, Ag't., of Engine is best adapted where you have but a limited space to set it. We can, however furnish you with a hori zontal - engine, plain or Auto matic - should you prefer. Write us il you even think you may need an F.ngiueor Boiler THER. R. MACHINE SHOPS. R.iaui.ke liaplds, N C. , II. Trkacv, Siperiiitmdent. -OK- Fill AND WINTER MILLINERY. FAVCY GOODS mid MIVEI.TIKS. 181)8 PRICES This Design Grand Display Bntterii k's Patterna. II. k G. COUSKTS, Misses at 0c., Ladies I.V. to $1. 1.1'rirt will he tuaile to suit th times, hats and bonnets made and trimmed order MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Waldo-. " " WOOD'S SHPDSare specially grown and selected to nwet the needs and requirements of Southern Growers. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue is most valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable information about all seeds specially adapted to the South. VEGETAHLE nml r LOWER SEEDS, (irass nnd Clover Sectls, Seed Potatoes Seed Oats and all Garden and Farm Seeds. Write for Descriptive Catalogue, Mailed free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - - RICHMOND, VA. THE LARGEST SEED H0U3I Ifl THE COUTH. Weldon, N. C. ' ' ft WHOLESALE DEALER INI early and late. Too many goods MUST go. Call pick. -- Enfield, N. C. 1 K..iJ.Vls, Fori SjLe -HY- FRUITS! i. III! ii hp i U Swift Creek Dairy and Stock Farm One bnndred head of jrift eriuebred regis tered Jersey Cows. Heifers anil young hulls' blended blood nf the noted Stoke I'oftis, St. Lambert.. Commaaaie anil other strains. Heifers Ji'.'ll ,11 to f 00; Bulls $15.00 to J:iO.(KI Wales kept only from my beat sw. Kememher the bull is half the herd aobuvand breed np Poland China swine alwavs ou baud. Write for whAt Tola want. T. P. BRASWELL, je 24 ly Hattleboro, N. C to

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