Ml IF5 Inll i-x JOHN" W. SLEIDG-Ei, I'Kui'isiwoit. VOL XXXII. A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, EKKIiUAliY 21. 1S98. TEE,MS:-tii" i-kk a..t.m in advance NO. 43. 0, Fifty Year Ago, r.rnrtfnlticr' hutf An.! within it yrnfe, I'.iiiiHirmhrr'x favorite enujiti rrnic-ly. Whrtrirr 'twas AMlnmi, lit .m hit i or 1 1 uuji, Of I'ul-v at aiyht wnVt .1 (tic ln.u-,t- with With Avr' Chert jr Pci-trr... C.-ainher w u mi i e hi cold of cough woul I cYr f.iil of In lnls tnt- Ktvles chnutre. hut the records will htlOW Cousin are cured i. lU y wi n 30 j rirsuip, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral has no emial ns a remedy for coughs, colds, and lung dis eases. Where other soothing elixirs padliute, Ayur's Cherry Pectoral heahi. It is not a cheap couyh syrup, which but does not strength en; it is a physician's couyh remedy,-and it cures. It is put up in larpe bottles, only, for household use. It was awarded the, modal at the World's Fair of ninety -throe. It has a reword of 50 Years of Cures. ii mav' i oak writ Ipfr llr-lt in P'l-Ik'm- I IlK-' a fM'irio. If Iiiis :i '. inch ti.Htd pi tc trtBRfl in ti p rti-ti a tx-dnv. Ar ts tics French )frj lil-.tlt.Mi. d lit tUitllOpttl V. $3.95 is our H'. tul p. tec f. t (Mailorders tilted promptly.) We will inml imyoue, trie (if nH chiirtri"i, our iit'ir ll-'piur Hiriai ma- ctiniMiti.i)f Fiirmture, iHH' t-i lAmM, ti . .vi , ("iiH'krr. Mirn r, Picture", Itflilinir, lti'triitiiitri. llily ariiitii-a. etc., T . i tin- nf I c ui 1lif ImniIi uvtT pullitt)tt, ami we piiv all pHtiiirLv Our litii)irrnplitl imjrt I'S ah'K'IH, ff'towlOT I'trivtH 111 o miH, Ih uImo yuuii lor the uki-in. It e.unt Bit rap lei Hi'O WltlUeil, tKHll U4 He. In jraiups. There in n reii-nn whv y n HkiI tmv 1 1 r l ml l'al'r tit) p-r will, pmiit wiieii y-iu uii'i buy (mm Kit mill. Oip a Jiuo uuw to Uiu uiuntafi'i. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Pl'iti niftitinn thin pntxr. m j SI'KCIAI.IST iiml Al'TIIOKlT Y nil I lllIUllll IiWUl0lk hV-ilf'i'lcijfilf'il'iiW.ViVfj'IfiV'.'li .Ic.'i'i'r'itiiiii'iV Allwhtiiro MtitlVrini; with -iv lil.'MH) THOI BI.K, wouM Iw mw to rill :i oi :i Mrt'-ti hy 1. ('on-mlt itntti )r,j iiml in '.Itriiuv en up iH'iilt 1 t(iiiit I'.n'h p.irtu' cist Wli 'ii w'itin to inc plt-.ic en t'l-nj sLiiiijt lor reply. I'UOK ,1 S II AKVK Y. t'J" I'iumh St (Ntw No ) je 17 1y. NottolV. Vu W, T. PARKER Farm Implements. '4-'t l'Ul'NP tiAl'KS 01' SALT I'Dli 81 in l'KUSAl'K. l.C'iirrit pri.-.m anil polite attention to all. wiK I i.V. W. M. IIAHMSTON & O , Wholesale and KrUil Iifalrn. in CAKIMCTS. STOVKS, ft ml Mattrtwit'rj.fto. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. No. 20 N. Hjraraore 8t , I'etereluim Vi. PROFtibSWSAL I'AHttS. JAHHIH.Ifl'LL.IN, WA1.TKB B. MAN1E ULLIN fe DANIEL. ATTORNEYS AT LA Wt Wki-pon, N. C. t-i-trtlceln theoourtnof Hull fat indNorthtmp i -tiitl In the Huprvmf and KiMleral court. CoU 'tlont miiie In North Carolina. Braacb office at Halifax, N. C.opea every Mod 47' Jan 7 1) JJU. T. T. UOS8, E1TTIST .-f-;?u w7;a apt m iw mm. WaWon, N. 0. "Oflo orar Emi7 A Piaroo'aitora, 10-18-1. a MOTHER GIVES GOOD ADVICE. 1'un.nuy MAx Arc Si'linm )hi In A ii, .i li.r wlmm! djiiiiliii'M aro u I li:if ( ity 111:111 it ii , n Icrririu: tn llie Milijwi til rii'i'i nii'tiiii itn nil in irriiii y uniiiiir limiiil liy tin-'n iMri'iiin, ri-cinlly I mii.l: I (Link tin' Irnul'li' in mii'li inut tiri ii Inr'ilv iimiii tiiiliti in i-i ;i k ti tn-iiiiMiii wl.i.h ili,. (;iii(.,i,.r r.wi.. I''"" ' Ihtm ui' llii'it I'.iiiiily circli' 'I'ln ir l.r..i li.-r-, if lir itli.-r I In-y ,.n. an- iml iiii In in .i k . miii'li ui ih, in ;ii. tin' f .1 li. r iiti.! in iiIht :itv mi t.ilii n u Willi tin' i aivs ui i xisiiiiiTO thai he iinwK i inl y Tail in I,, ilm u( ti.p.-ar-ini; imlilV rnii In t'i,. hu ,li i j. ihcii ilaii-liins Kivry wniuan'a In an Iiii- l..r luvo. t',iiii, mid viiil.'iir iiiu wurU aii' as siinsliinu o a rrviti. plain, nuil il' ilicm is ii hii'k uf ih.e ai lininvis il any ,mi,1,t dial wlun a yuni; mail . .. mi's ;il nji ami Irlls a yuun pti that she is the i elcst iliinj; on I'arili. 'ic (Wis li,' lias liirn nil iipprccialc:! I'n yvars, i,ii,I ituajiiniw that to dwell I' Willi an inilivi.lii il wh., ii.,,t,., ,,T wll0 rivi.unii! s In r rli.irius, will w the auiu,i ,,l human happiness? "I niaile up my ininil when my i rls Wire that they shmiltl nevit li?e lu Im. k l'ir uJmiruti'iu away I'rniii liuiuu. Il was ihiTiili-in ,iur h iiSL'h jl,l to p tht iii every pleanire within our p,,wt r, tn tell Ihem when they ln,ike,l Well, and tn h" us eniiiplimenlary ami uraeiuuH as lluuiljli they were the yuuni; hnlien of a neihimr's h ,u-li,ili. Ami sj ihey were mil ii -i t hy the first chance Words of iitlmiiatieii trom ti siraner, atiii havini.' been always ".ivcu In uiiilerstiind that what ci m Id he iilf ,r,l, il was theirs, limy were n,, ,roii,,ie,l ti. run ,,tl" l butter their eoiiiliiioii liiniaway niatehis arc seldom inaile in heaven, hut are brought aboui, as I said in the hi ejiinini:, llirmiu'li a natural luiiuiiij. for iill'ecilnu that has been wantitiir in places whcie it hhoulii be expected In c mi.' from first " ( tur i;reat liusiness uml -ubiedly is, n' t 1 1 see It it lies diiuly at a di-luticc, but to do what lies clfirlv at hand r" i"w Balltnf. Almut one r wititiL' uoniAti V l I" t- tl miwa v- 'lays would ii. tic in uni inn It in- hi ailed Ijt(l mid frolic - aim ni'w o;iu ill niiihvtnter. They ll.nt to li- mufflcil up i;kf lut lioilM Hi twt-rs hffore tin y ilarc ven ture out itl ie vere weather, and even then would vhudder at the thoiurtit of lollicltitiK in the snow as . their Kl a n d -iti'tther-i did. The tmuhlf lies in the tVt that too few Women enjoy perfect limit It and sUieiifflli of the special womanly oiu.tnUm. A wom an who ift not wet and -Uttmif locally can not enjoy K"i"m1 neneial tit-all ii. !n Pierce's Favorite l'r.!criptitm cures all weaknos and disease of the delieatt- ami impoitnt pTiratiH concerned in wilt hood nd nioiher hood. Il is the most pet U ct a tul scientific remedy ever devised for the peculiar ail tnents of women It restores womanly power. strenith and virility It tones and nuild up the nerve which have h- eu shat tertd hy -ttifetunj and di-e.i-e. It corrects all irn pul.iTities and di i ancenu nts and mops exhausting drains. It n weak, nervous ima'ids to perfect health. It is intended for tins one ela-s of di-onh rs and is nood for no other." It i-- the discovery of I)r K V. 1'ieice. for thirtv years chief con ultiiig phv-i' iaii to tin- Im alids' Hotel and Runical Institute, at Hutt.tlo, N. Y. No other known nudieine e.m take its place. "! ha vr ti troiittliit with t'rit:f,le weakne-s tlut IIIV plusu-lilTI e.tlli .1 .'.I'.trtli ot the womb," wtttes Mi-,-. rt :in Com m 1. uf Citli-it Chirimi Co . pa "1 l.vt..i.-d f.n it an I 'lid K" ''Her At last I coiiom ni v'l taking lr 1'ieree's I'livonte l'rt k nptt in I t-'t bf tier ni;lit at 'ii; hikI when I hr.1 tikfii four b .ttle- wa eiir-il 1 reciHil ineiiilt it tti- I j'.orue I'n .. tiptn.u " to a trirnil of ninie he lias ln-en icuin tl anJ flunks it U WnlldlTMll " C-mtipatinn i a little ill new tint if nriflecltd hmlds a Iuk ont- Ir I'nrce's pleasant I'ellfts cure constipation. One little " I'ellet" tb iJ' title J-lKixC 'tul two a mild cathartie. fucy never uripe. i. uunip o n n n n m m u n n u GORDON Baltimore Rye G. P. R. I Maryland n "A Gentleman's Drink." n W. W. KAY; Sole I Agent, vfif n Weldon, N. CM fcS dee I am W (fen i 4 1 w. ' :n 1 'yn .-v v p n I (IDS North Carolina. ITS CHIEF CHARACTERISTICS. What lis Wulih f Natural Resources AnJ InJuMrii's C,iiDsii of I'nints f Interest In Hume I iilks As Well as I hose at A Dis tance -A limiJIy State In Live In. Number of counties, Sit State area, frJ.L'Hj Miiari) miles. Kx'r Ifiijrlli is till.'! miles. Kstreuie lueadih is ISTj miles. Number of electoral votes, I i . Iieiiih of eoa-t line i :!U miles, Area of llj-mal Swamp, l'lll.OIHI Its. Number of miles of railroad 3,570. Ii,liitni steamboat navigation, ill k II mile: Total io,ul.itioh(,v,iMn 1 800.) l,t!17.- 017. H'hi'e poptilati'in (census l-i'.lil.) 1, Olli H). Coloreil pi.nilalii.i) (census 1S!)0.) "ili7.170. Indian p .pulaiion (census 1SII0.) 1,- (171. I'.ital waler power, :!,,"Hlil,0IMI horse pew.-r. Average mean annual rainfall, Wi inches Western h.iundtiry-loiititutle 18 lerecs, 12,'JO. Average winter teroperiuuie, -111 di- L'rees, I'arenlieit. The highest point is Milcllell's Peak, feet. Nuiiiher of hales of ci.ton unnsuui. d 7,liSI, Assessed value of railway properly, ?JS,;;iLMii7, Ileal lis by coDsuiniiii,n, 1.115 per 1,0110 of Slate l'iipiilaiitin. NuuibtT ol boats cnj;aeed in general fisheries, about ll.OOII Limit to State and c unity taxi's tlliij cenis Limit to pull lax, ii. Area of largest couoly ( Kobi'soli ), is l,,ri.ill Mjuare miles. Area of smallest county (New llano- vet) is 80 si'iate miles. ,'l,e highest town in the Slate is II,. .me, ill WalllvM l- iuuty, '! -50 leet. Mean temier.iiure ar Halt ieb, 50 decrees; l'',nn nee, Italy, 5!) d.'tirecs Ili. best " Hit of Smoky Mounlaio rane 1.- elniiiiuau ll.imc, ti.titiil. Value of leal and peisoual property, ink sitiek and railroads is f Jli2.b''Jli,. .15. Lethal lateof interest per cent: usury f ufeits interest. .Menu i.iinual winltr It mp. ralure el Kaleih.41 il.i!in; Florence, Italy, 41 lercss. Slate, Cotiiiies-ional and l'lesidential elections Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The highest point of Ulue HiJge .Mountains in the Stale is (iriimlfathti Mountaiu, 5I8'J7 feel. The average dale of the first killing frost is (hiob r loth, and the last is in Aril. I'ublic school system adopted 1840, At r resent theic are 4,1(18 while and 1,1 1' cohiled sehool houses. School ae, li to 21 years. The census of the children of ane is, whiles, HSIi. 550, colored, L'l l.filhi, total, 6'.lS,i5t!. Kurtillinent, while, 215, tilli.eoloretl, 11,111. Theriinl total receipts for pub'ie schools for the ye 11 ending June ,'ltt, 1 Sit-- is S7t!0.0'.ll.0l The death penahv is only inflicted for murder, ars..n, and rape, the (ji' Assembly havine power In a' 0 i-h it in all eases if deemed advisa ble. M .it 1 1 . .1 w men ri lain all their real and person il pr p 1 1 y from the debts of their liu-han Is l.ii-ns ot Mechanics and lab rer- lor their w..rk are reij tired. I, 'eil tture. hieniii il in etld numhcreij years, nieeliui; Wednesday after the first iii indiy in .lain niry. Limit of sesshui u'O lavs T. rws of Senators and Hepre.-eii la'ivi s two yeats each. I'ay SI pel day. lIome.stialr :iro allowYi to tiic amntitu -i '91,0(1(1 value iitnl leisonal property d llp titiiiiunl of S'tlhl, 'I hp lionie.slcail i tP't iitily t Xi-mpt tlurinj l In lile of owin'i hut after il'iiih ilurini; I lie minority i hi4 chiMreti, an 1 a I -if lurin (ho wiJiw hiual uf It in wilo Salisbury MeraM. llousrtiiilit ti'itils The ancient (ireeks believed that die l'enales were the gods who attended to the welfare and prospciily of the family. They were worshipped as household gods in every home The h 111-eh ..Id god of to day is Dr. Kiiin's New Discovery K..r eonsuinpton, Coutihs, colds and f..r all alleelinns of Throat, Chest and Lung it is invaluable. It has been tried for 11 quarter ot n century and is guaranteed to cure, or in .", y r. turned. No houshehold sh mid he unit, it this good angel. It is pi, is mt to t ike and a sale and sure rem edy lor old and young. Free trial bottles at V M. Cohen s Drug Store. Regular Size 50c. mid 81.00 kn OM ItlMU Evpry day sirciiiTtheii (lie belief of emi. in1!!! I'tivsi. iana tliat Impure liliasl it the eanse of the majority of our diseases. 1 w. nt.t -rive lean aeo tliia theory was unci as a liiisis tor the formula of llrowns' Iron Itinera. 'I'lie many remarknlile cures ptrectisl liy tliiii old hnUHcholil reineily are ntnVittit to prove that (he theory iaeorm't. li.owiu' livo Bitun U aold by all dMlera. M R .. S;., l"lcnoiiinql Sticcess of q "':11 lpio'q risiqus8 ( ; 1 1 1 of l'nf ic.lcl--'of Succeeds Itilto Sqcccss. B3f.'-. ' ' ami: T3f.'. ,1! 'WRITTEN FOR THE ROANOKE NEWS-l ON V. of the most cnlei,iisiiii; anil tueces-ful business men of Halifax county is S. Meyer, known far and wide as tin; Kufield hustler. It alf.irils Ui pleasure to present, herewith a splendid picture of this whole-souled, iifuial d of (l id's chosen people. In lS7il Mr Meyer left I i.Tiu inv, tli .'ii in his 10th year, and lauded in New York on the 2 lilt of N iveinh-'r of that year, a siran r in a stratye land and with only en. mull money in his p icket to pay two w rks board. After resting a few days he went to work in a laro eiar factory whero he saved enough money to come down South the laud of Dowers, bright skies and fair women. Histir-t stop was on the soil of old historical Halifax, and he soon obtained em ployment as clerk iu the General store of J Cohen. Leaving Ha'ifax he went to Whitakers where he clerkel fur Charles Newman, and when Mr. Newman opened a branch store in Littleton s uueliiue alter, Mr Meyer was sent there as manager. In 18811 ho bought out the linn uf Charles Kini;, who was doin;; business in Whitakers, and moved back lo that place S .on after this he had the misfortune to oet burned out atid u it having a d dlar of i-i-urancc, he lost nearly everything he had Hut with the indomitable energy and push, chancterisiic of ihe man, he was soon on bis feel aain, and b ing liked by the p '.ijile generally he soon bad a pom) run of rs. In lKtlc in.ive l to Ivili 'Id an 1 iu 1881 It ,,u'it out the linn of ('. Hani. Si C). Since that lime he bis b'en mikiug rapid strides onward and upward, and probably today n i more striking example can bj fuuti.1 of what can be ac complished hy tieri;y, iul 'grity ami w. II directed elT.rts, than is so strikingly illus tra'ed in the suceesslul cireer ol'ihis iu iu II: his bought out about ten different firms since he lunved to Kuliilil and now his immense stuck is embraced iu four laree stores, covering an area of ItOO.tlOO npiare feet. lie is now the sec md oldest in 'rch in' in K ili -Id lie is a hustler from the word go and adverti.-iiig is bis hoUiy. lie says ihat is what brought him up lo success. Meyer is now iu his l.'lih yearns commissioner of Kulield, is chief of the fire company, a director of the Kufield Tobacco liaim oi r.i.ll 'i.l, recently openeu, is ..lav fuhj n'ive to everything that concern- th h. .. I lien help is reipiired to push any n Democratic Kxecutive committee for his nominated for Sheriff anil V. V. l'arkcr He has done some goud work for the Ih after the hu-iucss of his several stores an salesmen. lie is to be congratulated upon his achievements. He has been in business for 1 he past sixlc 'ii years, and his success mil only r. fl vis credit upon him, but speaks volumes lor Kofi 'Id as a bii-iiu ss lown. KON'T SNl lt A HOY. Don't snub a boy because he shibhy clothes. When K-lison, the inventor of the telephone, lir-t enter cl lioston he worn a pair of yellow linen breeches in the depth of winter. D .n't snub a hoy because his home is plain and iinpieteuding Line iln's early home was a log cabin. Don't siiuh a boy because of the ignor ance of his parents. Shako-pearo, the worM's poet, was the s in of a man who was unable lo write his own name. Don't snub a hoy because he chooses at.'. Thcauihor of "I'iltriiuV I'rogress" was a tinker Don'l snub a boy becniso of his physi cal disabi iiy. piilloii was blind. Don't -nub a boy because ot his dull ness in lessons. Hogalh, the celebrated painter and engraver, was a stupid boy at his ho iks. D in'l snub any one; not alone becacst some day liny may out-snip you in lh taee of life, bill because il is mil her kind. n.. right, li .r Christian. -(ileal Thoughts Nuiiit'tlilug 1'u Know. Il may he wonh something lo know 1 lint 1 lie verv best medicine for restoring tlieliredout nervous sysnlioa licahh) vijor is Kieciric Hitters. This medicim is purely vegetable, aeis by uiviug lone lu the n. rve ceutres in the stomach, gen ily simulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing 1 If impur iiies in the blood. Kieciric Killers nil proves the appetite aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as 1 he very be-l blood purili-r and nerve Ionic fry it. Sold for 50c or 81.00 per bottle at W. M Cohen's Drug Siore. em ply wli.n it if full of borrowed money. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Il 01 itiry it f, tW(A M E YER . Warehouse Company, a director of (he r pro uni. ami a magistrate, lie 19 welfare of his town aud is always at the "W cuterpiise. lie is now chairman of township, and was when S. J. Clark was for Treasurer uiocralic parly. Mr. Meyer looks closely 1 he has a reliable and efficient corps of SLIGHTLY mii:d. "When Adam," said the political orator 'was driven from the girden of Kden lo-" "Where was Adam driven to?" he asked in a whisper to one of his platform supporters. "Dam'lino!" was the reply. 'When Adam was driven to Dam'fnio' finished the speaker, "what did he do then'.'" ' Dam'tiu..!" shouted a uiau in the crowd, "or you cither!" Sf And now Spain has to stop whipping Cuba long enough to upologiz! (0 the Culled Males. Kdlt (IVUK eil'TV VIMIISI Mrs Winslow's Soothing Svrup has been u.-ed for over titty years by millious of mothers lor children, while teething, with peiieci success. ii sonnies lllo Cltnu, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is (he best remedy lor Ihairhica It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold lv druggists 111 every part oil he world. 25 cents a lioille. He sure aud ask for ".Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take do oth er kind, Oi hers have as uood a ritrht lo their opinion as we have (0 ours. Tetter, Siili-lthruiii mitt KcKfiun. Tin1 intense Itching ami smarting, inci dent tn I hese diseases, is instantly allayed liv iniiilvmg C'liainlierlaiu'a I've and Skin ointment. Many very bad eases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a fuvoiite remedy for wire niutilea. chapped bunds, ehiltilHliiH, frost bites unit chrome sore eyes. l!o cts. per tiox. Dr. Tally's ('oiiilltlon rnwilem, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine nnd the best in use. to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. For sale hy W. M Cohen, Weldon; J. N. Hrown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harrison, Kntield OASTOniA. Tiie tie- j llM ?iry mum. A North Carolina Game. I'lUPIiW FOR A KISS. She Was Ihe lielle (if Ihe Hall After Ihat. Hack in the North Carolina M01111 tains the student of cu-lt.uis may sli;l llnd material for research The most remarkable the kissing games, wlii-h still cling lu the soil A lot of I L limbed, powerful youog men and apple cheeked, biiXo 111 girls gather mid t-ck tt one of their number in uiasler ef ccte lln.nies. lie lakes his station iu (he centre ul the ro 1111, while ihe r. st pair "If und j.'r.i lu around hiui. Suddenly one young woman will throw up .", t hands mid say: "1 am a -piuin' ." The master uf ccrciu.uihs takes it up ami the following dialogue an 1 interlocu tion takes place. "Misi Arabella Jane Apthorp says she's a-pinin.' What is Misa Arabella Jane Apthorp a-piniu' I'm? ' "I'm a-pinin' furn sweet kiss." "Miss Arabella Jane Apthorp says she' a-,iuiii' fur a sweet kiss. Who is Miss Arab'lla Jane A jit horn a-pinin' fur a sweet kiss from?" "I'm a piuin' fur a sweet kiss from Mr Hugh VI addle, ( li!ii-he-; convulsive giggles and contusion on the part of mis- A rubella Jane Apthorp at this forced con fession ) Mr. Hugh Waddle walks up manfully and rc'ieves the fair Arabella's 'pinin' " hy a smack which sounds like a three year old steer drawing his hoof out of the mud. Then a young man will he taken wiih a su.lden ami unaccountable "pinui, which, after the usual exchange of iUe.--lions and volunteered inforniati on, revea's the name of (he maiden who causes the "gnawiu' " and "pinin'." She coyly re treats out doors, only to be chased, over taken, capture ! ami foreihly compelled to relieve her captor's distress. At one ot these entertainments, which it was ihe narrator's fortune to attend, there was a remarkably beautiful youtiL' woman who had been married about a month. Her liu-baud was present, a huge, beetle-browed, blaekeyed young moun taineer, wilh a list like a ham. Tie hoys fi.ught shy of lit bride for fear of incurring theanger of her hulking spoutc. The game went on for some time, when symptomatic irritation developed in the giant. Striding lo the the middle of the room, he s iid: "My wife ez p loly. 'n ez nice 'n sweet ez any gyurl hyar. You una has known her all her life. This game he, been a- goin ou half an hour an1 nubohy has pined for her oncel. I'.f sonic one doesn't pine fur her pooty soon thar will be trouble." She was the hellcof the ball after that. Everybody pined for her Anna Lee Thatcher in I'enny Magazine Iturkleii'tf Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sorscs, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptions and positively cures 1'iles, or no pay re quired. Il is giiar.inted to oive perfect satisfaction or money refunded, l'riee 25 cents per box. For sale at V. M. Cohen's Drug Store. In character, in manners, in style, is all things, the. supreme excellence is sira plicity. kuysl ntkrs the t.Hi.1 pure, holcsumc and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure t'elcliraleil tor its great leavening si renct h and hi'iltllllullM'SH Assures the tiMslaaalllst alum and all lorms ol' adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. UIIYAI, HAKIStl 1'IIWIIKII I'll., N KW YOKK I' V si ksiiii:i. The Son I'a, how do ihey catch fools? The Father, (glancing significantly at his better half ) A'iih hows and ribbons and hats aud dresses, mv sou. The Mother 1 pensively) Yes, I never knew a woman to catch a husband yet without using those accessories. N. Y. World. COOP LOOKS. Lover You aro getting prettier every day. Sweet Girl Just now I am living on brown bread and water lo improve my complexion. "How long can you keep that up?" "O, indefinitely." "Then let's got married "Odds and Ktnk Pi "AkiK5 KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word jVLA TOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same, it cannot he and never has been put up hy any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can he easily told hy their Traiji- Mark the: red z. Tested 5 S AND TRIJF ml Meier, lie Hustler, n Va the year round Make things hum. leit over. They early and get the S. MEYER, Ag't, This Design of Engine is best adapted where you have but a limited space to set it. We can, however furnish you with a hori zontal - engine, im PRICES plain or Auto- fm matic - shouldsX j W you prefer. 1 riti' u n ou t'vrii in in k vim niny iit'cil mi KiiL'ine ur It.-ilor THE R. R. NliCHINE SHOPS- Uoniioku K;iil(l-, N V. II. Tio'.acv, upciiiiti riilcrit. !1 0 It mmr .it llv'l IjIIII V? 0 t UOANOKK H.U'IDS, N. C. C0fijrCJ0FS Builders. Kurnishers ol Bttilflinj Materials,: Manufacturers of Coffins & Caskets -and dcaiers iu NOERTAKERS SUPPLIER We sell ihetu tr.uu SL' to it). Our coffins and caskets will com pare favora bly in workmanship and finish wilh those of any factory in the United Stales and prices guaranteed to bo the lowest. WAII orders filled at short n jlicc. sep 9 'on. r liihwi WOOD'S SCI l)S a-e spee dy grown and selected to meet the need and requirements of Southern Growers. Wood'a Descriptive Catalogue is most valu able and helpful in giving cultural directions and valuable inforrnatifn about ail seeds fpecially adapted to the South. VEGETABLE and FLOWLR SF.EDS, (ira;is nnd Clover Scyils, Socd Potatoes. Seed Oi.U; and all Garden and Farm Seeds. Write for Descriptive Catalogue. P.ltiicd fr. T. VV. WOOD & SONS. SKHDSMKN, - - RICHMOND, VA. LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN TIIZ SD'.'TI! ii. ; w 0' 0m 0 0W ' 0 0w 0m 0 0w 0 0w 0 arly Bird Never gets Left ; V.n aUTTTVT oil early and late. Too many goods MUST go. Call pick. Enfield, N. C. I Monnments aii Tomlistoies. DKSKiSS SLNT FiiEE. In writing nive some limit as to price umi state hc ol' deceased. I vm.ivi sum K hi the South to .select from. Wo have do branch yard.1, end i parties tluitiK husiness under u niniilar firm I name have mt connection wilh tis in uuy WAV whatever. : THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. K-laWisli,., l-i. , l.Vl to li,:t Hank st., Norlolk Vn nov 2 lv. trail n in sum. VMM -01'- -FALlftND WINTER if j 111 S? 1 1 I I Baft A AI III ill MILLINERY. FANCY OOOD.S and NOVELTIES. Kutterick's Patterns. K. & G. CORSETS, Mitweu At 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. tuPricea will be made to snit the times, lliti.s and bonneto matle aud trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. O.