11 11 It lui 0 JOIIIT W. SLEDGE, PRuiTiliiTOR. vol xxxn. A. IN" E "W S P A P E B IT O IR THE FEOFLE WKLDOX, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 10. 1898. TERMSHi f1 iJ-:i: anntm in ahvam k NO. 15. Picking up Knowledge la easy enough if you look for it in tfte right pluco. This is tho right pluco to lenrn just what to do for that clobilitating condition which Sprinij always brinira. Do you want to be cured of that languid fooling, got back your nppstito, sloop soundly, and fuel like a new man ? Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do it. It has done it for thousands. It has been doing it for 60 years. Try it. Bend Iir ttie "Curt book." nc faites free. J. C. Ayer Co. Lowell. Mass. $3.95 it our Hp mi i'i ice lor (Mnilonlt'ra UlliM promi'tly.) We will mjii I anyone, tree of alt chuiKt's, mir iifiv lUjuyc Sprim; I'tna Inuui', OOlltitlHI.iK I'liniitUI't', Dial Tie, Lumps, , CmcluTV, Wlin.es, Pictures. Hi'-lilmp, lfffriiritiitr. It. thy I UtritttfU. T"i id tlit' lin nt c ni- tlpte book over Milililn'.t, atnl wo ptiy All Hi-tnKtt. Our lithnrni'lifil uiet t'u itli'trii", ahmv) hi- carH'ltt in colors, ia hIho ytiucs tor tho asking. Jf cm (t t saiiipici mo want'-1, mail im he. in mani'is. There is n reason wiiv yi u fllionM iv your local uVuler tiO mt wilt, pr-jtlt when ynu can tniy (nun tlitt mill. Drop u lino iiovt to tho money-save, a, JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Plt-nsn nitvi'ion this paper. Is a Sm iAI.Kl' ami Al'TflOlM TY on nil All whit are suilrrin wilh ii'iy IM.OOl) TKOl'HIiE, woultltu' wie t nil on or ti hires- by m;iil. Consult it toti iiva and iii.'ilu'iutfHCit'iijiitun It' l tn ah 1 1 e.ti'h parlH' ul.ir ca-iL-. WIil-ii writiiii; to tin pli ;tsf cn cl.ne stamp lor rqily. riior j as m vkvkv. 4 ." Ciiun-h St i Ni-w No. 1 je 17 lv. Ni null., Va W, T. PARKER, , I'K.Vl.KH IN . Heavy AMD Fancy Farm Implements. 1H 1'01'ND SACKS 01' SALT KOII 81.10 l'KU SACK. Correct prirai and polite ntli nlion lo U. nII I ly. W. M. H.Vltl.lSTON CO., Wholesale and UiUil Drulcni in f avails 8 1 CAUPKTS, STOVES, udMattrmif,Btc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTONACU, No. 30 K. Hcainore St., l'etirnliarii. Vi. 10 M It. MOFEbSIOXAt. C.IK 1S. JAMB M. Hl'LLIN. WALTER I. UANltL ULLIN DAMlrU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wii.don, N. C. l-rmrtlreln theoourtiof lUUraiAiHlSorthtmp o tHiid in IheHupremcanil Fi'ili-rsl ctmrU. CoU 'Uitnimble In illiMrtsof Nnrlh CArollnt. Branca uttu at Ualifaa,M.C.,upeuvvry Mnn. 4ar. )au7 1r D It. T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Waldos, N. C. "TOfflo 0Tr Emrj A Pierot'ialon, W-IMy. 5pJ tor-HiiWKl ZJ oak writing -T l-k in m tfticl lik.- a m put no. lr .ft liUH U 1' IUfh M hewled pliltf Riass Ilk ' (i 'J, U-luw, Ar- tl-tlU err1 Kronen legs :i!pu(jnMi-il in iiiatmiranj PlMESHMfflY, Groceries They Toil Not. NEITHER DO THEY SPIN. Ilul Ilk' (hir Hij llnib in I heir Anaim; nuni nl'ihi' I'icaiiiiliil Vnihm. II K i-lmii was siniiiu' x n. iv ai- "(Vniil.T I lie LillioH." Tim .tir-, cwiil Voiivur(ln'Moir.ii,i r.i' A arly ami ilis liin'ilj' in ilii! mi!o: Tlicy lul-tiii nil niif, Tin:) hnl niil, N)' ) ) llier ilu tli.-y t-piti. She imn'il an l I he lennr look up the nl rain : N'oi ec ci' tluT Jo they .,in. The )' lui ui-oi-oil nut, They toil nut, They toil mil, Nei-.'e-ee-lliiT Jo th.')' f'in. The tenor ee.iHeil, an 1 the Ii,i-ii, a sul emn, rnl liaireil yoinii man, wilh a some what ivurMly-loukino ,.y,. ami V;,i,.,. ij a r' horn, hmko in: Nay-ay ayihi r ! lin y "pin 'I hey toi-ni oi nil ii t. Tiny tt.il mil, Tiny loll not, X.i) -ay-ay iher i lin y ,in Then the Voices nf the I j , rt-i- Were lilieil up in seaii I'hi.nis: Nv-yth.r Neee-ee ee-iher N'.iy-ajay-iher ilo liny f.in. Tiiey lui .i- ii-. iil inn, They toil in i, They toil ii.it. Ny-y iher Nei I'e-ee-lh. r N'av- iy ;iy iher (hi I heV !.ili. 'Hrelliren," s.ii 1 i he ur i h.iirel. ulil I'aahi. ne.1 (iistur, when 'lie elmir Innl liiiUh. .1, "we will ii.'ojn th,. im. ri. in.' ..r. vieel.yiiioi'iLr the IVnilitr hymn. "Ami Am 1 Vol Alive?" Chieau') Triliuiie. Mrs. tiinil. n.iii" ''Now, .Johnnie, won't y..ii it ilown anil i.'l1 me wl.v 1 1 u r .a.a whii.e.l jiiu?'' .lolini.i, --"N... man; I'd rather -laml ami siv iioihin ' " The Sonri ol the Cradle. o '.SJH-rM.Ml MlptTlur to many of thrir siii. and niixtakcs. One of tin- Miir!cst ayt ii1 w- which rn-liirhh-ni il St-ft nei- has discovi-r.-d if n lu ve mot In :hot'd troin fxci-if sutlctmn tho "Favoiitt- l'i -i 1 1 t ' dt'i-nl hv It K V 1'it roc, t hit i' ci-nHtiltim; Hn-n 1 111 of the Invalids' 11. .ill md Su -.cil histittttf. of HuiTalti. X V. This Wiiutlfitnl itcriiititiii " im'mi's tho entire nvivous torn with nalui il, lualtliv i'itilv, mvi clastic vipnr t" the delu-ato mi: tni-m r- ciaHy c'iicnntd in tnoth-rh 1. ntidrrt the pros(Krtie tuothot stii.m; ,wu elu-i-tl'iil and makes the enuiitin of hahy enttrt ly fteo from d.tnt'er and almost fivo fmin iiain. The d imhtt d i ititndi !" Mt I'i nl Walton, of Ah-., Cs- Co. N h , will liml ail eellu in til heat I of evuy t pi itanl mother " I't-vini- to t'i'- t.nlh if "iy t rill-! wntt-H Iff. Wiluvi ' I h.i'l ni nittH ti'.i w i- -ii k ;il i. iv om;Kti Ii nl li.H'l.tie c-i'i..l eel r, t .it 11.1: til w.tf omijat ttlv ..tit ui ?virt ,iv I v nn- mrm el ti iw Ht I'li ur h.ivonl t're-i tlilimi mid tVfcMti t" inipiovf tii;ht au;iy I iimiI two tKlttlfS ti Hit?, nit 41 meili.inr .01 I l tt like a !HW iKT-i'ii At tin- tieu .a I'.inlitii nit in 1 w.i m UU.t hut a .ill'., tthi'' rid a. tt H to that BTr.ll iL-HR'tlv- Hi l't;m i':iwnte I'lOfVi i tlotl " Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. I GORDON I Baltimore I Rye ASM G. P. R. n. Maryland Rye 1 Gentleman's 1 Drink." n u M M ft. KAY y ft m ft ft IW.W. I Sole Agent, ft n weldon,JN.u. V .Ile'l.ii'.'i,:",,, .'..'i:',, riV' 'j: " -A ,l ,ir ,m!'' li'.'i ( ,' , T.' -"'t '. I'lli.OV ).;.! i . ' '. ll..ilil'...,l.,i.l,.lr. - . ' . A 1 .11 1 hill- .....I ,. mi; ,!mii t,,.i, t!.., .'.olii.t !., ,., , In th,. li.il.vn. l, i, davs h.it Kve -1 1 1 1 1, I it wii- ivu .", j i.n iii.i i, - i im. .ins mfry :;J "iir ton -jtffe- pirt'nts has jt if VX-m ' and in ii t r J f vl 2. V as mankind, B f Jl have K.on it I L-t' '- t'd to fl, lUillllijia jrjr. M Yon Ever ? THE GIRLS FLED. V"Biii; .Man Has I un In I ho Whi-forin; liiilkry. T T is aiiili-iii- in i,'nie familial wilh theeaj.ilnl to wateli strangers exaniine it, Kiid imwhere are these slranpTs s. amiisiiio us when they an in Salunlay hall where llli'le lire ill . II or mure "eehn" slimes, eaeh nl wliiih ereales n ililleretit snrl nl' an eelm nwin In ilie iliarities nl' ihe aeniiti.'s ereate.l liy the formal ion nf llie eeliitlL'. M'il uml women, ulil ami young. I'riiiieiilly ullnril tlienmst aiiiuiiiL.r sjieelaeles when the solemn oiii'leexliihils the wnn.lersuf ihe.-o 'cho" sluues. There are also two j.illars, one un eilher si.le uf the room, whieh are failed the Iclet.lione eoluinns.aml a person speaking in a very low tunc near may lia di'tini'tly heard l.y any one. sttindino near the . '(.i. .siie .il!ar Vester.liya meinlier'n suereiiiry was leaning against I lie pillar on the s null side nfihe hall, when he heard a v i.'e s ay: "(Hi, dear, what shall I di.V My. skirt is falling i ll, and 1 haven't got a pin!" The yi. ling lepi.w glaneed around, saw noiirie ni'ar hi n, h it n'oserved two y Ming women ne ir ihe telephone pillar opposite. Instantly grasping the (he siiulation he grntlly said in a low voice; 'Sew it un ur use a hat pin." lie heard a siight sereuiii, siw Iwo yi.ung wuiii. n look alii.ut the hall in a siaithd fashiuii. an 1 uli-ening that nu one was llt ar, ihe oil.' ill .listless e.Xelailned: "Hid you evel?" "No, 1 never." replied I he seere'ary ns grullly as In foie. "1 use tniito ns " This was tun inueli fur iheynung wo inen and they preeipiiaiely II d Wash ington Tillies. I'.ICAT III.M INTO OHACK. A (inud eauip meeting l.ri.lher wln se religious z-'al knew nu bounds, had a n t unfaii.iii.ir liai.it, when ( raying, of "heat ing the ail" Ills heaw hands liying out and e.m.iiig down in ai dir.eii.ns. hitting a levival no i ling the hmtln r sm eeed 'I ill gelling nee nf ihe lollghisl ehaiailns in l. wti in go lorwanl lot pta)er. Tin n he kn it Inside him and hegan tn pray h r liiin, and every few see aids, in the t in igv of his ell'.rl, the htniher hioiigtii his hand down nu ihe man's head all'l l.aek . The fellow siood il ealndv f.-r a while hut the lioiw.M'uiiiiniiwg to fail hoawiy, he gut lo lo.ljHlg tleon and Wni.'ili.i out nt li aeh i n I i I i.e. . Tin; un.t! wlin was doing li.e praying l.ad hist yis einsul. hut, tnis-iug hi man, he wuhl.led alii r him, and v.. minim! tu emphasi?.' l.'s p."i...K un ihe sinner's l.a.k. i iiiali), wiiniii.g tip I. is railur long pelilioli for elaee. lie aski d: "How do y il I'e, I. now, I roih. i?" "Hum kn- . k,d otu!" was the reply. "Kf you ha 1 anvil, ing agin tne, why did yuu eo.tx it. e up h. in i. r lake it i tit o' me? Why don't y n e. in,-. u:si le, like n man, all' give u I. ill sh .w? V .n've knoeked the devil . 111 n' im- .11 has! ' " I'hal.k ihe I, id !..r ll.a'! ' iXelailned the pray ii g hiulln r. "i Lai's i xaetly what I slarlel i. Ill to .h . The Lord 1.0 plan-mi!" TWO l'AI'll. IIVI'I) TIIKSI-IS. The i ri ailing Sil.tol l have e- tue to a-k yuu ..r your il.nul.iei'.- hand but iTuy ! Li I me a-Miie you dial I am u .t u I'urlune-hti'.ier. Il ymi did lit haw a penny m li e . 1 1 I I w. uM luve In r just (lies line. Old liiil).in: Vuung man, )nu are eilher a li.r ur a loo., and in ool.tr insc I W'nUon'l Want lui ti liaVe 11.) Jallgll ttT. I ret ml.! Hiirklt'liS i-itira Malve. The Host Sa.ve in ihe w. nu for ('ills Bruises 1 -. l.e.lv S.il Ki.el.lll, 1'Vver S.f. .. I 'i ... i i.iipe.i ll,.nd.s Chllblaiiis, ('. in-, .nl a!1 ." kin Klupliulis and pnsiineii ,tt.. - I'.'.- or no pi ri- Iplired. Il Is g'l .1 i l' I giw i feet salisfae'inii or iinne'V i.l'iu.e.i. 1 liee ."i e.in. p.t .v i'i-- it W. M. t'oln li s Ihag Slot. . Il.'-"lls'i,' s,y w y -he left her I l-l I'.iee','" She ' -M.y. I'm w ill ill sh" iive.l with meere I at llo wheel she nl..-" 'llie Miro I.utiiiit' I lire. There i-il i u-e of siilf-ring Iroin litis ilrea.ll'ul iuil.nl)', it nl wul only gel the right Mil '.lv. Von am having initial! thr nigh your body, your liver H mil nl order, have no appetite, n.) life or utnbi lion, hive a ha 1 e il I. in 1'iel urn emi. plelely US.'.l up Kleeiritf Hitters is the ouly re:unly tli.it will giw you prompt and turn lelhT. 'I hey net dineily un your Liver, Slum aeh and Kidneys, tntie up ihe whole sy-ieiu an I m ike jfnu f. el like a ne being Tin y a.-e guaranteed tn cure or riee refunde !. i'or Sale at W, M. Cohen 'a nrtlg, Siore, ouly fit) cents per boille. OAS roniA. Tbo lie IlKlll tlfunin, UiaASnjLtM -il R. W. BROWN. ' .... ... I 4 . t . . . . . . 4 . ,4 ": zi 'HUh of. iskd Sgife of. a of. CiCT j"sct2i'S. ,'..OJ"..'t 'WRITTEN FOR THE ROANOKE NEWS.) I have lead with vi ry great iniere.-t the sketches thai have appeared ia -I- your paper lately nf persons who have lived in this cuuniy, hut who have now pa-sed away and are now pariieipanls in llie realities uf another world. Having been intimately associated wilh each one nf litem during a large pur lieu of their lives anil km. wing that their lives ju-lili.d the kind thiugs that Were writltn about llu iu, I de.-iie In personal!)' tliank the writ. is of those arti cles for what they have written and al-o th ink ynu lor publi-hing the same. I liclieve that inueli gnnd may lie ell'i cleil by such articles, in eliiiiuhiting uiany of our young people so lo live, lli.it when they shall have pa-sed away, llu y may feel assured that they de-crvo lo Ii ive tile s.nne kindly things said and written about them. Hut I am in. I one uf those who would reserve all ( lit! kindly thoughts and words until alter ihaili. 1 like your idea of publi-hing sketches ot the desi ning living. It is ealeu.ati d tuinsjiie and eneuurage them to deed- id' usefulness, as well us stimulate oibei- tu follow their example, and as I have a friend ami neighbor who, lor several years pa-t, has been prominent in the management of our county ullaits I have concluded In scml ynu a brief sketch nf his lile. li. W. Ihi.u n was hum in Virginia, in IS!'--'. AiSn.lcd neigbboiluioil schools till lili.en year- uf age, iln n Holly ilrove A. a.l. ntv. At eighteen years nl age lie i ng igid in I. aching seho il in liinwiddie futility, Va.. whole he rein iiin d until I'-'in. W as niairicd in l-Cill lo is Josephine I'. I'onle, by whom there were throe children. Th" lii-t and see-.n.l of whom dt d iu infancy, ihe third is now Mr-. I ! dirge I'iolil, living at Wc-I Point, Vu. When onrl'ito war c uumeuci d he j lined n enmpany of cavalry, (company I ) nl the ilr.l Va. Itcgini 'iii. It wis the lir-t to leave tho county, lie served on the Petiin-iilar, near Vorktown; was wound, d on lite retreat of the army from that pi. ico to Kiehinuud, and was sent to a hospital in Itichmood, from there tu Petersburg and from there home on furlough. On his rot urn to tho army he was pronounced unlit lor field duty and detailed as assistant in the lio-pital at llanovir iluuctioti. While then, wits appointed enrolling olliccr fur liinwiddie county, Va., and served in that capacity for nearly a year. Tiring of which, he returned to hi- company, iheii in the Valley of Virginia. In the hailleol Cedar Creek lie was again seven ly wotiml 'd and this end, d his milita ry sorviiv. In lSli") he beeauie ii titiz ui ol lliis Stale, secured a school in Na-h county, whore he taught foi two years wit'i sue'e-s. When Mrs. liruwu'd health became bad he returned to Virgiuij. She died iu I SOU. llo spent the year ISliT in Virginia, fuming. In ISliS Ins brother, Mr. John N. Ilrown, of Halifax, was elected Hegister of Hjeds fur the county and wrote him to come out and take charge of the olliie, which he did, m in iging for two years. At the expiration of this term of office, at the suggestion of friend-, he anuoiitiee l luuis of an in, lop, in dent candidate for llie cilice. Ju-t before the election the Heiunerats nomi nated a ticket niel Li- name was placed on it for the olliee and lie was defeated by John Judge (as was lit.! whole ticket ) but ran four hundred votes ahem of the ticket. Judge w is the lvepublican candidate for that oll'iee. Soon ulier-waiil- he opened u drug store in W'eldon, where he made and slil! has uiany warm friends. About ibis lime ho w.iscle. t. 1 Treasurer of tho U lanoko and Tar Uiver Agiiculiiir.il Association, n pasi.iou which lie held fur about seven teen yens, being by its iii 'tiihers annually re-elected, on account of the great sati-faelion ho gave and his evident fitness for the position. To some this may npp ar to have been a place of little importance, but at that time this association was, no doubt, one of the most successful ol its kind in the South. In fact for a lung time ii was ihe niily one in North Carolina or Virginia. Some days, dining ils fairs, tin- crowd- wore estimated at seven or right thousand persons. Tho Treasiiiir had to toil yt and dish-jts.: a!! ihe money i.f'tbis association, it being then a main r of thousands of d .11 ns, an 1 lie was tlurohy brought into contact w.ih all el i-is ol people, I. mil the most reliuc.l lady exhibitor lo the lowest "lakir" ih.H ever I ri- .1 to cheat llie pul.i ; mi a lair giounj. If I were to un di ilakc I i d. sciibe the gi ' ii dinWiics. I. ell seri el- and amusing that ho had while I o'.l ng li e o-iiion, il uiighi b iut, r -ling na ling In many of your iia.l.r-, lei it won d tikesevir.il e luu n ol your pip, r, but llnougli it all, his siiict ii.tcgiti), Li- lixul. css ..f purpo-e, lo do what he believed was right, eaiisid his r. -i 1' eiioii i'i! uloryi .r, wiih no thought of . fliers or members lo oiler any oilier n.niie a- limn suii.ible in ihe position than thai of It. W. Brown. It W:l- n tn- pu-uioll thai he llSu-ll itcd and deVcl ,ped thu.-o iplalilics that cau.-i d llie bu-iiii ss tu u ut nur eo iiity to look lo him as a proper man to elect t'liaiiiuaii ol the H- n l .il ('oiiiiiii"i rs uf ihe county, that he might guard the n -nun ' i' tt. as.,i v an i have the i llices uf the cuiiuty properly man- ag.il. 1 1 e w is i I t iinns. i li i ti d ( hairtuaii f llie Hoard, having bold tho po-i ioti fiotn ihe inn ' ul hi. fust fl.vM n until the H m icrats were defeated. He is a staunch Hcii.ci.it an I v.tid for Win. Jeniiings liryau in ihe lost elec tion and In. p. s tn ii.e to vote f Inm iu the next Prc-idenlial election. Mr. Hrown was f r tight years a member of the ll.ianl i f Ivlucation, has for many ycais been a ma.i-traie, liis term having expired he was turned down by (lie Hi'i l'o, . L :i-l iture, hut a vacancy having occurred be was appointed by (loveriior Curr. lie was also appointed by (lovernor Carr a member of the Hoard nl Hirntors of the X. C. Insane Asylum, which he declined being at thai time Chairman ol'lhe Hoard of County Cntuiui.ioiicis, and bis friends being unwilling for him lo give up tho place. Having tn .ve 1 from his farm to the rapidly glowing t"Wn of Roanoke H api l-, be has, since his resilience there, been elected one of the Town Commissioners and Chairman uf the Hoard. Jn ls7;t ho nurricd Mrs. Susan K. Simmons, dauahiei -in-law uf ('apt. James Sim mons and sister of ("apt. li. K. Moselev. Two children were born lo them, ltiehaid Mosciey and Laura K. Hrowe. M rs. Hrown die) in lSili. In 1S7H he married Mrs. M. Augusta Hriekell. They imw reside at Itoanokn Uapids, where they are living happily nod eontrnlml. I I How She Saverl Him, SHE HAD BEEN HIS ANGEL. Iitny IinjAnj 'I ho Hissif.ilJ .MtiLiari. Woman's Work. T UK only person I ever met who knew Jenny Lindin her childhood was Max HroD'.'l. n, an old musician. I a-kol him In tell me of In r, and llie old man's fur rowed face became radiant wilh a smile "Hi llli lllb. her?" said I .-III! blls been the angel nf my life, the memoiy of her Voice was my salvation. She and I were once alike r r. We were young and happy. Hand in hand we used lo wand, i in the lields and un the hills of old Sweden. Years pissed, and she became llie idol of priii-'es and kings, and from afar 1 worshiped her, us I worship a star in yonder heaven. I tried to keep peace wilh her but failed. I became a victim of strong drink, and with that vilepa.-ion ambition was buried. In IS 111 1 was passing Her Majesty' Theatre in London 1 was soln r enough to recogniz; the clear ringing thrill th it thrilled tie,' in my buy hood days. I was pcnnile.-s, but dcUr liiiiiid lo enter and hear that voice once more. I watched luy chance. A crowd of ermine-el.id men and women were passing iu. I rushed into the throng, evaded tho ticket agent and gained entrance. In a shadowed rcee-s I crouched and listened. L rcia di L iiiiincr muor was the opera, and she was Lucia. I saw her appear iu the firsl scene, joyous and happy. I" very part of the character she portrayed with heart-searching truth. Then came the climax of her powers, her ultimate mildness, the crushing of tho h ait and mind which produced the death sienc iu the last net.' I'or a moment thoie was thrilling silence, then a tcuipc-t ofapplaii-c tiinlo tho li use tremble. It w.i- then 1 fnrg .1 ib.it I wa- a del.a. .1 vagabond forgot (he ihr.mg and the lights, audall, save that I -a the little barefoot girl of my boyhood's idolatry a i'icen among men. I rtt-hed forward and cried. "Jenny, my little Jenny! I told ymi so ! I said that you would one day rulet he World wilh that voice! Speak to me and tell me lint yi.u remember!" "Put him .oil' put hi ii ..in!" slnon. d theuiiilliliidc. "Hois mad uwav with him!" "A strong arm seiz-d mc. and I w nild have been hurled out inio ihe darkin. . but a sweet voice etie.l; "Spare him. and let mo hear hitn' What is it. my p -or tu in?' "I looked up. and like an angel of light she stood above tne." " 'Forgive mo madam, ' Ieri.d. 'I was pissing and heard your voice. I stole my way iu. It seemed 1 had a right to listen. Ouco the birds and I were join auditors; and yet, when I told ymi one tl.iyyuii would he great, ynu seemcdglad ut my prai.-c. though I was only Max, the blucksuiiih's sou.' "Ileudiug over mo, she cried, 'Max Br.tizl.il, my first and true-t friend! Stand, and let this' vast throng look upon you. It was he,' said .-he, 'who first created ambition im my heart to become great. My stage was a linehcti coverc.1 forest log, and he showered upon me wild flowers I prized more than 1 uow piiz ' the j. w. ls and rare gifts that are emblems of my triumph this night. Rise my friend," said she to me, ''and be worthy of the trust and conli leticc that l will ever give you in all the I'uturo years. I haw struggled and cutiipi.'rcd all difficulties. It is ii it too lute. Ho no longer a vagabond, as you say y m are, but be a man worthy ol lor friaid-hip." "I could scire, ly speak," said he aloud, "hut hoirsely I uttered, With (Jod'shclp I will!' "Flic house had been silent us death, then it su Idetily burs! into tutuultu ills applause mi l the the curtain fed. I left ibis p'.aeo a new man, with new aspira tions an I courage, and in all the years since that night, nearly half a ceiilury ago, I have been a hero and a cocipieror ol sin I have lived true to my words! Narrnll lsraie. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada V. Hail, of llmtoii, S. H. "Was taken with a bad cold which scliltd on my lungs: rough sot in and finally terminated in C.usumptiou, our Hoctors gave uie up, spying. I UiuU live but a short time 1 gave myself up lo ill y Sivior, deler unned if l could not stay wilh my friends on earth, I would meet uiy ub-ent ones above. .My h l-bui l was advis to get Pr. King's New Hi-eovery for Consump tion, Coughs un J Colds I gave it a trail, took in all eight lollies. It has J cured me, and thank li nl I am saved and am 1 weil and healthy woman." Trial bottle free at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store Regular siie 5lh!. and SI 00 (iuaianteed or price icfunded. CASTOR I A For Infant! And Children. bn nrr His Claiiipiii. HANNER WAS READY FOR THEM. Alan HaJ Au AHy nj Was N Alraij. 'rllKllB Was ii cruwd nn the depot plat--t- f irm, and iu il a little man who was tiimblitig over bim-e!f In hunt up luxes and parcels. J I ,- li uril I y ran against a man who turned .n hitn wilh: "Now, don't yuu do 1 lt.it again i.r you'll hear from me." "I ve gut to lin. I ahoitl 1 I different things," explained the little man as he luok'.d around. "Well, you'll liud my bunt if you bump ngaiust me like that again.'' "Who talks of booting ni"?'' "I do." "Hut don't allow any one lo talk to me that way!" ' Hott't give me any sass! " "I'll sass you all 1 want to." "See li re, bub," said the man who had 1j ri bumped "You closi that mouth of yours and go', aw ay from me, or I'll drop yuu olf the platform!'' 'You da.-i ut do it!" shouted tho little man. "I'll show you that I dale!" "I m no lighter, but if you want a row I II bring some one along to give it to yuu!" "Ilh, you will! Well, just trot out your champion and I'll cook his gose for hi ml While the little man skipped for the waitiug room ihe other look oil' his coal and made ready, lie was spitting on his bauds, back came tho litile man, but ac cuuipaincd by a wuiuan who seemed to be about 7 feet tall ami weigh .101) pounds. She had n hand on her as red us a lobster and as big as ham, and there was busiucs in lo t eye as she walked up to the coallcs mati and sai l. "I'm liis wife, i. ml my name's llaniur. I- ih"rc a row on hand' ' "1 I haven't li-ar 1 of any,'' hiu mered the surprised belligerent us l;c backed away. "Nor I cithei," slot continued as she pu-heil up her sleeves. " Hut if one takc place you jest count me in. I knocked a horse down last iveek, ai 1 my hands ire a hltlcsore yel, hut il' aiiy'io !y starts lo drop Ju-hii i olf lUe patturu I li.i.s his llantiereau make 'cm wish they had tiec. r h. en b u n -1 think -'u: e n.! I'lnl clow) a.ipliulcl, the man put on his coat an I walked away, and ul or a triumphant look around II. inner returned to the twin h..- waiting for her and peace was restored ail ainund. New York Sunday Joiirna'. 1 1 in ui i. it i n- i v i:ii Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over lilty years by millions of tn others lor children, while teething, wilh perfect success. Il soothes the child, softens the gums, allavs all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy Inr Piurrhcea. It will relieve tho poor little siitlerer immediately. S-Id by druggists iu every part ol the worid. cents a bottle. He sure and a-k for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no otb- r kind. i;vi:in in s. Slutterly M - M-i-ss U-a-a-tivj (1 g-g-racc, aw, I-1 -1 w-won't yuu b-io m in iny- MissHutoly (shyly) What did you s ay, Mr. Siulleily? Nuiierly W-w-w-ont y you be-ce my wu-wu wii wife, I III I , s -s-s-s s sa'id. Mi-s Pately Oh, George, this is so a idden! C;it inn iti Coinnierc'al Trib une. kn.al make, the luutl pure, wholesome and delicloa.. POWDER Absolutely Purs OMuui.sl lor us ureal leavening strength anil tleallhlolness. Assures the lootl against alum and all tonus ol tuliilierulion com mon lo Ihe itn-ap lirumls- IIIIVAI. HAKIMI lliWOKH It)., NKW VOKK ' -No good cuiucs ol blaming others lui the misfortunes wc bring on ourselves. , good guide will not bo rejected be cause he is bowlcgged. Il is, or, should be, the highest aim of every merchant lo please his customers and that the widc-awnko drug linn of Meyers ,t K-hlemau, Sterling, III , is do ing so, is proven by the following, from .Mr. I', -hlciuan: "In inv sixteen yours experience in the drug business I have never seen or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good satisfaction as Chamber lain 8 Volic tholcrn antl Iharrhiea Remedy." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Wnldorj, J, N. Hrown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, hnficld. WARNING. We wi.-h tocaulioii all u-.-ls of Situ tlious Liver Iteg'llator on a .-ul.je.-t nl the d. . pest int. .rest and imp .italic.-in their health perhaps lb, it lives, 'I'lu, soie proprietors ami niak. t- of Simmon.- Livi r llegul ltor li atll that Cll-lolllels ale olieli d-e.ivi.lbv buying and taking s. lue tiie'lieine nf a -iuii! ir app--.ir.inc.- or ta-te I.. In nig il In I..- Simmon- ,iv, , ll. -nl., lor. Wc w.iin ynu that unit the w..nl I!. -gul.it. .r i- . ii tin- pa.-k.i '.- ,-t- U.jt 1 1, -, that il 1- not Snniii n- low r li --gii l.il . .r. No oil.-, -o inik.-, ur .,r Ini- made Siinuioii- Livi r lbg.il.ir. or anything calhd Simin .ns Liver II. gill iior, Inn J. II., ilill A Co , and no tin di.-iue made by anyotn-1 1-.- is I In- -ante. We alone can put il up, and we cannot be re-poiisi-ble, if other im ilieines represented ii s the same do let help v-.u as you ale led to expect they will, li.-ar this fact well in mind, if you have been in ihe habit uf using a medicine which you siipp iscd to bo Simmons Liver Kcgtilutor, bicau.-e llie name was somewhat like il, and tho package did lint have the word Regulator on il, you have been imposed upun and have uut been taking Simmntj.s Liver Regulator at all. The Regulator has been favorably known I .r many years, and all who u-e it know how necessary it is for Fever and Ague liilious Fever, Cotislipaliuu, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorders' arising from i Diseased Liver. Wc ask you lo look li.r yourselves, and see ihal Simmon Livei Regulator, which ymi can readily di-lingiii-h by the Rod . nn wiapper, uml by our name, is the only luedieiuc called Simmons Liver liegulutor. - a. ii. zi: nax .v to. TA K K silVIVIONS I IM It Itl f.t I.AKIIt. W. W. KAY, Dealer In Liquor:. Wines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. W. K.iy, us ho is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known wbi-kies: "(Vi.'i tUcar Pipuwi' (lump's (i P. R. live. Slump Straight," "lint. ion liaiiiun.re Ryo" and ollu r brands. 1 -ell (J.iriett ,V Co 's pure Chocko yotle wines. 1 keep tin- best . y, fy thmg in uiy ine. .l'oiiieuit.-uiion toall at Kay's, west side R R. Shed, in y 'i 1 Monaments and Tombstones. IKSHiNS SKNT Fl;EK. In writ ins: i:ie oinc to price ami stale a.m. of deceuMMl. l. UU.I l Vlt( K ill t Iir South to select Initu. Wo liavt; no lirancli yanl., and parties tloitt linsitiess uiiiier a similar Hint uaiiii' have no (oiiiitvtiori willt iih in nny way whatever. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, Kslalih-heil i. I loll to Hill Hank si., Norfolk Va nov i 1 y. -OF- FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS ami XOYKLTIKS. Unttcriek's l'al terns. k. k (i. cousins, Mism at .M)c, Lailies 7.V. to$l. tl'rit'fr will he made tor-tiit the tiincH. Mais untl bounet.H made aiul tnniined to onler. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WMon. N. n ROANtiKK RAPIDS. N. C. DofTWTOfis Mo Builders. FuriMshers of SBiiifliiu Materials, & Manufacturers of Coflans & Caskets Is and dealers in IJNEAJIER SUPUEg Wo sell them from $2 to SHI. Our coflins and caskets will compare, favora bly in workmanship and finish wilh those of any factory in (he 1'niie.l States and prices guaranteed tn he llie lowest. IpVAK oflora 6tV.l at short n iiiec. Sep 9 6in. M Display Iniry . tool