iL!J nr XOIilST' W. SLUjIDG-E, I'Roi'RIKtoii. VOL. XXXII. A. IN" IB W SPAPER F O LR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH n. 18.98. TER3yLS:-i 'r'l I'l't anm .m in aiiVanck NO. 47. -J 1 The Hit of the Season... is in a do by Aver's .S'lrsu purilla. Just at (his season when spring anil its ilrliili t a t i ii g ilovs lire Willi us, till IT IS, lllilll- iiijrlikr'j Snrsupurilla, to put new life into the sluggish s. tt'in. It sweeps, Bwaj 'tire dull, loss, lack uf appetite, Ian. giiiiliifss, and pain, a a illlllllll SWCI'pU a w a y i' ii 1) . vtolis. It lines lint brace up. It I'llilils 11)1. llS benefit is la. I'm;:. lo you feel run down? Take AYER'S Sarsaparilla mm ftcod (or "Curebook." itopigu, tree. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mm. ( Mail onlflri tilled promptly.) Wo will mail Hiivdiii. In of til Ch:irifc, our MfHf ll.'iuitte iSiwiiiH ma l"Kin', Furniture, lr;iiwrit'ii, r!nH, ftov- , t'tuekiTV. Mlrrorn, I'n'iuri'H. HtNiii)(r, llcfntfiutorn, H.ihy ( arriatr-'B. etc. Tnh la the hh at uin T'lftc book ever i-uhlHtind, nnd w pnv nil piHtuire- Our MihoirraidiM ('iiipot (it Ml"irin'. nhowl'iy: eurpi'tH in colors, la Hlau vnum for the ti.ikin,'. I( curprt imnples ii ro wanted, nmil lis No. In lumps. Tiierc m no reason whv you iiunlJ pay ymir l-n'al di-uler U) per cent, profit wheo yu can buy fim thw mill. T)n a Jiuu now to toe nioutty-aaveta. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Pl.'aso nvnfion thin rstor. in a Kl'F.CIAUST and AUTHORITY all AU who are millcrin with any ltl,0(l TKOl'BLK, would lie wine to (-.ill mi or ali treat hy m iil. Consult it inn tree uml ii(''ili(iineM conthiuult'il to mt it e;M'h panic uhir ca-w. When writing to me jilcae en cI.m stamp for reply. PKOK J AS. UAKV I" V, 4i." Church St iNi-w No.) je 17 1y, Ncilnlk, Vji W. T. PARKER, , HKAI.EK IN Heavy AND Fancy Farm Implements. 2-.'- roCNI) SACKS (K SALT l'OU 11.10 l'KKSAC'K "Correct prire ami noliti'altt'iilnm lo II. aiiji I ly. W. M. IIAIU.IS ION .V CO., Wholesale anil ItcUil Dralera in CAKl'KTS, HTOVKS, ud Mattremea.etc. IMMENSE 8TOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLIhTONACO., No. 20 N. fljcumor Ht , PelcreliaiK 10M It. V. PROFESSION At. ('AKl)S. JAHKfl M. lirLLKH, WiLTKi I. ULLRM DAN1CU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, , WlLDOH, N. C. r.wicsln Ibacaurtiof lIlirinilNrllitnp l mtnitn tbe4upremti1 Kedfial (diirii. CoU 0 'MimiUlftilM in lIlMriiAf Hmlh '.ntlti.a Drtncli olc, at Hallbx, N. Copes. every Mod. J)K. T. T. KOSS, ii ( .ill stiff TTrw Mil. LV1. . !. ' Htw- t 'W in ti mxl .. l''l""J'r U'iS'r 1S1I-' French li-gii - 'I 'ft f ffl I In iiiiiliowiiiy. R i unr Bix'f- In! lor tlmtWdesk. FIB JAMES H4BVBY, mm Dim, Groceries DENTIST Weldon, N. C. rOfflot orr Emry A Piara'iator. 10-l-ly. A Tonchinfj InciflBnt. REMEMBERED OLD MASTER 'Hut Hue In Christ ani line In Heart. We I'art In .Meet A win." Tin' relationship (il'i'onfhli'iiw ami uf f'clion wliich vxi-U-d in Virginia brtwirn hi" while ina-li r and his culurrd smiinln i lln-y were never called slaves nr "nij.. Ki'rn" exeepl by irailen" mid llieir i'la) lias lie. ii liuili unkiinwn In and ineuiupr. . herwble by llluse wl0 never b id ibe privilege ul'mriim it ibeniselve m learn-i"-' il tir.i bands limn tin; ''beaii denies" uf lb os. HUiilit day. A liiiiehin illuslralinn nl' ibo reeling wbieb wan then eiillivated and louk mieb ileep rmil ibal the lnirrieane id war and nl' rec .n.irueii n c mid nut d. stiuy ii, was.slu.vvn m il. 0eral id' ( Talial'errn, in liimuvM.r (Miinly, last Wedu. slay. When ilni (ieneral'x dealb was aniuiiineed mnnu of llie rciin-st: til ti- tive nern.B of the i-oiniuiinily rupiesled ins lainily as : uk (.jr V. and veneration l'..r him. his t.Mrn friend- he peiuiiiud to lake om pirt in ibe cerein-inies al ibe maw. Thu r.niiesi i was granted, and around the crave ihuv (.'at here I a area!' !' while ani hlaek m niniers. At an nppmpiiiie and appoint!' I time the ueuroes saiy the fa milial liyiiiu ' lilesl be the lie lint lun, I. Our hearls in (Jhiistian love," u til, verse by verse, they rendered the whole. To li ose who remembered the obi uia-ii rs an I mi-tress, s b id d iue lo Christianize the nero il seemed hut a fruition of lliul luvinu labor to see Ibe childri'U and trandehildteti of those same aervautH. sobbing over the crave of ili. ir aiu't-fcto's' master. To ibo-e who did not the know f ist as it had leiu it was a tnysterv. They sans; mi in the plaintive key s i well known, working their bodies baek and tori Ii, au I lb re were few dry ee.s when ibo--' hiiuible who hail loved ibe H'llel.lled dead eolleluded ' lint one in ( hrisl and one iu heart We pari In met I aL'ain." liiebmond Timt s. Hi li w ho have t.. sl t:nl on tlu ir Ii A nioHt of the time wotk ;is hiitd hi ;iti v tl;ty-l.ilorci y i t tin y do nut at t is itjihtly ct.nfin Mm in.l.n.r m cupatii.n i(ivi tin vxliiht itititi . to tht' he! von- y Ht e ni ti o r active circnla lion to th- l'lond wears, tens and li. woman'a hk au,ti Tln-M whole nhvsicnl n v t c in ili Crown lunni'-h and torpid ljy under it i No wondt r mi in, my salt s Rills iitid r.u tniy ijiiis and htnisevvlvea suf fei fitiin intliKif-tiun mul cuiistipatinn and hilions truiihlts. No tttmdiT thev are Mill Jcct to the dibcaneh nf the delicate sircial organism of their sea. The wt.u.h i is rather that they can taiid it as well as they dt. But "a pour weak woman," as she is termed, will eiidun- brave lv and palu idly aH'iiii-s which a stroin min would nive wav under The fact is women ate mote patient than they ought to he under Mull truntilcs livety woman otiirht to know that blie may obtain the mM enniieiit medical ad vice pee of t haK'' ""J ' tibu'lut ,onii rft'Mir and privacy hy writing to hr. K V. fierce, chief consulting phy-uian of the Invalids' HoUl and SimkichI Institute, of Hurlaln, N V (h'cupvtntt tin po-ttion for thirty years he has a wider inctica experience in the tniitinent of women's diseases than any other physician in this country. His medicines are uoild famous for their astonishing t ftVaev The most pet tret Ii niedv ever devised lo; weak and delicate women is Ir Pierce's Favorite Piescnption His "tJoltlen Med ical Discovery " is the only pel uianeiit th festive and nutrient tonic The two med leines taken alternately, form the most perfect and successful coinsc of treat ment ever prescribed for ieiuale troubles complie.ited with a sltnrui-di, oveiuionht, (lervous. diseas d coii-lilniioii In -i vt re constii),ttiun Dr. Pierce's Phas.uit Pellets ihould be occ.isioiiallv taken with the thera. Thev never ripe. Z, UllllllliV U.Ullllll vv u I GORDON g Baltimore iRye ash I a P' R" Maryland "A Gentleman's M W: n n n I I Drink." S IV.W. KAY;1 1 Sole S t Agent, Weldon, N. C.g SS iter I m W .iv.V,' A Of HlhV Dear Old John. A WORD WITH HUSBANDS, luve levels All lltstacles, an! Overcomes All Difficulties. If husbands only knew, or if knowing only eared, how very uiueli their words and manners alleet ibe temperature ol ibe home, they weiild never hy Word or deed, leave it enshrouded in nloom. To tniist wives the husband is the sun alumni whieh every lli-mht revolve.-. There is seareely an instint in wbieb Ills pre-euee i not felt as site pies ahoiil In r work, or even when at rest. If she is preparing the tueals, ibo way J uhn likes this or that, or some remark he has made about some artiele of food is re cilled to mind; if she looks about In r she sees his hats and eoats hanein on the books, and the hats invariably wear the same expression John's faee Wore when be left iu the. innniiue; a jolly uniitl humored look, if he went away pleasanl; if anry. a j-rutr, atlend to-your-business air lakes the place of the s i laleiy senile pliable shapes in felt, and fairly bristle with wrath over sitne. trifle, bin Mill I'lnnicb (o obscure thu run in the liitle World for many a weary day, perchance, ere it is seemiui:ly lorpiltcn. Tin-re is no true woman hut will re pay berhushind over and over aain lor kind thoughtful treatment, lie is ready lo call her childish, and she may seem to him, but one thine, is sure, u woman nev er lor;cts'. All deeds ol love or thought, fulness shown by his haud yield u certain and abundant harvest. She may love her home belter than any other spot on earth, yet she soiueliines ets so weary of the daily routiue of never-eudiu du ties that fall to her lot that she eauuot help an occassional feelinj; of envy lor those who have more lime for reerealion for noinn abroad, for I lie little things dear lo the heart of every woman, hut which the stern hand ol duly most effec tually debars her from enjoying. Still for all that, she would not for the whole world exchange places, eveu if she could, with any other woman, leaving homo and John dear old John as the price of her freedom from eaie. If your wife has been a faithful anil true wife to you, tell her so. Do not think it lowers your inanlimw any to lei her know that she lias a place in your af I'elions. She has toiled early and late for you and your children, Ihrouiih sick ness and health, and self - de nial has o,iuwu lo he tier luotte. It taLes but little from her loved ones to make her happy, su do uot huj;ruJj! her a word ol praise now and then as her just reward, and of far more value to her starvinj. heart lhau (.-old. Theie arc some things which money can never buy and wounds which eaunot heal; hut love levels all ob-lae'es, overcomes all difficul ties, and immeasurably sweetens life. Woman's Home Couipaniou. HOW THKV DISH IT OUT. ' The president has ordered a box of Cuban cigars. This is au important step toward reeouniiioii." ''A Spanish i, hi:h in the esteem ul his eouuiiyuien, wiuki d ill a soda- Walir cieik last Sunday. I really believe there was something in it," An athlcclio government officer turned a iu the war depart ment WiJuesdii. This shows consid erible ueiivily " "I haw it I'totn a eabiuet member that Spanish o ives di I not put iu an ap pearance at the di himatic dimii r Tues day evening. Tl.i.s i.s a signilie.ini boy coil " ' Ins inten tions were, the president smiled over his left shoulder. This shows that I am right in iny surmises." ( lever I'liek. Il certainly looks like il. but there is really no nick ab ut il. Anybody call Iry il who lias Lime liaek and Weak Kidneys, M ol.u 1.1 or ticmius troubles We iiu au he eau iur.' him-"-!!' right away Ii) taking Kleiine lliltir-. Tills lnedl liue toues up the wt.o'cHjst m, acts as a sliuiulanl In l.inr and kisliicis, is a blood puiilii r mo! ni rve Ionic 1 1 cures, Constipation, Headache, l'ainling Spells Sleeplessness and Melancholy it is purely vegetable, a mild laxaiive, and p'torcs the system lo its inittital ligor. Try Kleeilie lliiti rs and he eoiivincid thai they are a mil aele worker. Kverv buttle guaranteed. (Inly DUc. aholtlc ut W. iM. Coheu'a Prug Storo. GOOD N ATI' K I I (i I K I, . "So you refused him?" " Vcs; 1 lold him it was better to muke a great many men happy by being en gaged to them iban lo make oue miserable by marrying him " I'uu Itiirb U'Ii'h Arnica tfalve. The Hesl Sa'vc in the World for Cuts Uruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Hheuiii, Fever Sorscs, Teller, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin ICruptions and positively curi a I'ilea, or no pay re quired Il is guar. intcd to give perfect saiisfaclion or money refunded, l'rice 25 cents per box. Korsale at W. M. Cohen's Drug Store. FACE TO FACE. .Iii)s uf Heaven Are I'ast .Man's I'nJersiani inn. We ore lold ibal heaven is il place of happiness, hut what do we know about happiness? Happiness iu this world is only a hall fledged thing, a Howry path wilh a serpent hissing across it, a broken pitcher from whieh the water has dropped beloru we could driuk il, a thrill of ex hilaration, followed hy disastrous reae lions. To help us understand the joy of heaven the llible takes us to a river. We stand on tbo grassy bank. Wo sec the waters flow on the with ceaseless wave. Hut the lilt 1 1 of the cities is emplicd into il, and the banks are torn, and unhealthy exhalations spring up from il, and we fail to get au idea of the river of life in heaven. Wc get very impel feet ideas of the reunions of heaven. We think of some festal day on earth when father and mother were yet living and the children came home. A good time thai! But it bad this drawback all were, not there. That brother went off to sea and never was heard from That sister did we nut lay her away in the freshness of her young life, never more in this world lo look upon her? All, there was a skeleton at the feast, and tears mingled with our laughter on that Christmas day. Not so with heaven's reunions. It will he an un- iuteiruptcd gladness. Many a Christiau parent will look around and find all bis children there. "Ah," ho says' "can it be possible that we are all here life's perils over? The Jordan passed and uot one wanting? Why, even the prodigal is here. 1 almost gave him up. Ilow loug he despised my counsels! Hut grace hath triumphed. All here, all here! Tell the mighty joy through the city. Let the bells ring and the angels mention it in their song. Wave il from the top of the walls. All here!" No more breaking of heartstrings, but face to face. The orphans that wele left poornnd in a merciless world, kicked and cuffed of many haidships, shall join their parents over whose graves they so wept, and gazj into their glorified countenances forever, face to face. We may come up from different parts ol the world, one from the land and another from the depths of the sen, from lives til lent and prosperous, it from scenes ol ragged il Utters, hut we shall all meet in rapture and jubilee, lace lo faee. Many of our friends hove entered upon that joy. A few days ago they sat with us studying gospel themes, but I hey only saw through a glass, darkly. Now revelation bath come. Your lime will also come, (iod will not leave you fl modeling iu the darkness. You stand wotider struck and uinatt'd. You feel as if all tho loveliness of lifu were dashed ou1. You staud gazing into llie open chasm of I he grave. Wait a little. In the presence of your departed and of Him who carries them in his bosom you shall soon stand faeu to face. Ob, that our last hour may kindle up with this prom ised joy! M iy we be able to say, like llie ChiUian not long ago departiug, ' Though a pilgrim, walking through the valley, the mountain tops are gleaming from peak to peak," or, liko my dear friend and broiler, Alfred Cookiuau, who took his fli'Jit to ibe throne of (iod, saying in bis last moment that which has already gene into Christian classics, "I am sweeping through ibe pearly gales washed in tbeblondof the Lamb." Pr. T.ilmage. Million (i!fii tni), It is certainly gratifying to the public lo know ol'ioie eoneeru iu the land who am not afraid lo be generous lo the needy ani suH'crin'.'. The iToiiietors of lr. Kind's New Discovery of Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given aw iy over ten million irial bottles of this great medieiue; and have the satisfaction of knowing it Ins absolutely cured ibuii sands ol I opele-s casts, .sthuni, Bron chitis, Hoarseness nod ad disease of the Throat, Chest and Lulu's aresurely cured by i'. ('al! on. W. M. Cohen, Druggist, and get a bo'tle free, il.-eul ir size fill.', and SI Kiel) bolllt guarantied, or price refunded. .H'HTONi: MTTM DAY. 'Il.i today's d'H); li hi today's temp tation; and do n. t wciiLii hiiiI distract )i.uisi If by 'nol.ii g I'oi van! lo things you e.mii'.t hp mid eoii'd uoi understand if ynti saw item " tied gives us nights to ihut liewn the i t dalkliess on out little days. We caimot see beyond Short In riMiiS make life easier and gives us one of the hle-s d secrets of brave, true and holy living. - I'll II (IVI'.lt I'lKI'V Y ICAIIS Mrs Winslow's Sooibing Syrup has been used for over filly years hy miliums of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lur Diarrbiva, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggista in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. May Be Trie. WAS A BIDDING WOMAN She Will l earn Snmelhini! The Next lime She AllenJs An Auction. There's iiolhing like a Woman at auction, I'lei pling another woman. This was most strikiugly veiilied a day or two ago. The auctioneer put up a silver plated baking dish. . "Now, look al that, ladies. Just scan it carefully. There isn't a jeweler in this town that ever sold a duplicate of it for less (ban $12, and if you wire to buy them by the gross from iho manu facturer they would cost fcS each; bid spry, now." "Two dollars," said a meek woman, who was new in the business. You could tell that by her timidity. 'Two dollars. Two I'm bid. Who sivsahall? Thank you. Do I hear three? There it is " It was the timid woman who bid the three. ' Three I'm hid," said the auctioneer. "Icau't let it go at that. Make it three and a half." "And the timid woman said, in lur subdued way, "Three and a half." "Three and a half. It's a shame lo stand here asking for bids on a piece of ware like this, (live a bid of ?-l. I can't sleep tonight if 1 sell this lessen The timid woman felt in deep sympa thy for the poor auclioticr; and she show el it in a practical way by bidding SI. "Four dollars I hear. Four dollars for this magnificent silver baker. If you don't want it you can ieavc it. It's worth a SHI bill anywhere. Font dollars. Make it $1.50." This remark was made iu u pleading way to the timid Woman ami she kindly bid 81.511. "Four-and-a-half. If I get another bid I'll sell (be article. Make il $5 and wo re d iue. Do I hear 85?" He did and ibe bid was from the timid woman, who was generously bidding against herself all the time. "Sold," sai l the jiuclioneer, "lo the woman uear me for S5 " She had run the baker up on herself hut he will know m ire the next time she goes. Philadelphia Times. THOl (illi'S. The great thing which a young uiau needs in a crisis of temptation is to de clare for the right ipin-kly. Leave no time for tetoptaiioti to accumulate. If often reipiires a greal deal id character to do that; not only a religious priuciple, but a strong character back of thai. Who is my neighbor? It is he who shows mercy upon mc? Then the Lord is our neighbor above and lieyotid all other beings in the universe. Mercy is the highest loiui of love. Love for those who have fallen among thieves, those who are naked, who are wounded hysin and are dying by the wayside. Ifyou tell your troubles lo (iod and will put ihetn into the grave; they will never rise again wheu you have committed tin ill to Iliui. If you roll your burden any where else it will toll hack again like tie stone of Sisyphus. Fvery Christian is sent of (iod, and it is his duly to go about that on which he has been sent. A proftssing Chris tian who does uot feel sent of (iod, and is n il busy on His mission, is misnamed. And if we arc truly moving with this eon victiun, nut Li tig can stop us. Today'ssl length need only be sullieieii for today's burdcii. We are not to wor ry about tomorrow's needs or supply. It may he that tomorrow's burden will be lighter, or thai tomoirow's strength will be greater. Not even in our prayers arc we lo give any anxious thought on to morrow. Because Thy love bath sought me, All mine is Thine and Thine is mine; Because Thy blood bath bought me, I will not he mine nun, bill Thine. I lilt my henri lo Thy heart Thy heart, sole resting place for mine Shall lint Thy heart crave for mv heart. And shall not mine crsve baek for Thine? MOODY DIH'I.INKD. Mr. Moody was reeenlly challenged by an infidel clu'i lo a discns-ioii of the meiits of Christiauiiy. Tins lie positively and promptly leftist tl, saying "I eanuot accept your invitation to debate with lead ing seculaiists. 1 would as soon discuss the merits of lying or adultery as infidelity Nobody who studies history need hesitate in answering the question. I know what Jesus Christ has dune fir me during the last forty years since I have trusted bun II you had a remedy never failed Iu cure disease for forty years, you would not stop to compare its nierils with another remedy. The limes call lor action, not discussion." Tbo Church and Christian people need to lake this position unquali fiedly. A Chtislsan can no more afford lo have disscussion with iufidelily as to character of Christ than he would wilh (he same persona us lo character of a venerated and saintly mother. Won The Case. DIPLOMA WAS NOTHING. 1 1 i I'erkins Tells An Amu-inn Snutlkm Slury. "Old l'ett r licunell, of (ieorgia,"-saitl I'erkins at a Beta Theta I'i dinner at Dennison university, "was the lirst farmer whir ever heat the lawyers nml doctors in diplomacy and law. So don't think young men that because you arc lo be lawyers and doelnrs that you may le t fall inlii the clutches of some old fanner with a more massive intellect I ban yours, and "Ilow about I'etcr?" yelled the Betas. "Well old I'etcr Bennett, of (jeurgia, was a plain old farmer, but he was a good talker. It seems that old man's wife had a sore limb, and be employed Dr. Mason to cure il, but never paid linn for disservices, Now, Dr. Mason, not with landing be was a Beta, was a very inittd and very loam, d man; ami to add to this be employed 1! I. Toombs lo prosecute llie case. It was a glial case in (jeur gia, "(lid I'etcr Bennett vs. Dr. Mason," and the lepulaliuti of Toombs brought out a court I so full of people. ' Well, Tenuis made a strong spc.'ch. lie didn't leave a ghost of a chance for old I'eter. However, just before the decision was to be made, old I'eter arose and said: " 'Jtdge, tonight I say mthin' iu ibis ease: "'Certainly,' said the judge. " 'Wall, gen'lonicn of the jury,' began old I'eter, depositing a ehew of tobacco in the corner. 'I uiu't no lawyer and no doctor, and you ain't niilher; and if we farmers don't slick together, these here lawyers and doelnrs will get the advan tage of us. I ain't no objection to law yers and doctors in their place, and some is clever men, but they ain't farmers gen tlemen of the jury. Nuw this Dr. Mason was a new doctor, and 1 sent for him lo come and doctor my wife's sore leg. And he did come, and put up some salve iruek on it, and some rags, but it never done a bit of good, geii'Iemon oftbejury. I don't believe hi? is no doctor, no way. Tin-re's doctois I know as is deelois, sure enough; but this ain't no d. cti.r at all.' ''Old I'eter was making headway wilh the jury, when Dr. Mason said, 'Here is my diploma.' " 'His diploma,' said Bennett, wilh r. al contempt, 'that ain't null. in', for no piece of paper ever made a duett r yel.' "'Ask my patients,' yelled (he new thoroughly enraged physician " 'Ask your patients,' slowly repeated Bennett; and then, deliberating, 'Ask your patients! Why, they are all dead. Ask your patients! Why, I should have lo bunt them in thu lonely graveyard, and rap ou the silent tomb to get answers from the dead' You know they can't say anything in this case, Cor you've killed 'em ull.' "Loud was the applause, and old Ti ter Hcnm-lt won his case." vi:i;iii.i i m: li utv. The story is of n young devoted father. The baby was his lirst ami he wanted lo weigh it. 'It's a bumper!" he exclaimed. "Win re are the scales?" The tlnuiistic hunted up an old fash ioned pair, ami ibe proud young father assumed charge el the operation. "I ll try it at eight pounds," he said, sliding the weight along the beam ut that figure. 'It won't do. She weighs so much more lhau tint " He slid the weight along several notches farther. "By (ienigc!" be said. "She weighs more than 111 pounds 1 1 12 Hi ll! He set the baby ami Ibe scales down and rested himself n moment. "Biggest hihv 1 ever saw," ho panted, resuming the weighing process. ''Fifteen an la half III! This thing won't weigh her. See, sixteen is the lusi iioleh, ami abe jerks il up liken feather! (io and giit a big pair of scab's at some neighbor's. I'll ht't :i tenner that she weighs over twenty pounds. "Millie," ho shouted, ru'hitig into the n"x! r'in, h"' the biggest baby in Ibis country weighs over sixteen pounds!" 'What did you weigh her on?" inquir ed the young mother. "On the old scales in the kitchen." "The figures on those arc only ouuees," she replied quietly. " Bring me the baby, John." IVarstiu's Weekly. A man must plow with such oxen as ho hath. A moneyless man goes fast through the market. CASTORIA For Infanti and Children, Yfcafu- j The Lost Rioo REVIVED MEMORY. When We limit (Hi, We I'mill 'I he Ihinc III Lime Ann. About 75 years ago, upon a rainy day, a small boy who had readied the mature age of li was si'ling with his mamma ami beamoaiiing the slate of the wcallur nml lu'companying absence ol novel eiitertait. inetil. Mamma wore on her linger a beaulilu! ling that was a family Im ii loom, and as she sewed patiently the j wel glittered on her little white hand. The small boy regarded the bright bauble for some lime in silence and then sweetly re qucsliil mamma Intake it oil' anil let play with it. It was a weak thing to do, pel haps, bill she e.iliiplit d. I dare say there are mothers at llie present day who can sympathy.' with lor, for human nature i.s the same, though fashions change, and when I he "dear child" looked up in her face pleadingly he looked with papa's eyes, and p ipa was death So be got the ring ami lost it, as might have been expected. He always insisted that he hud "put it away to keep," he could never rcmi mher where. The years went on. The gentle young mother went nut into the gieat unknown to find llie light of her life that shone in "papa's eyes," and Ibe century and the boy having been young together grew old ill company loo. Finally age began to tellonlhetii. The century got troubled with a complaint designated "liu de siecle," and the hoy h st his memory for lite things of today, hot became abnor mally reminiscent, in reganl to the past. His thoughts often turned back to the ytiiing mother, long dead, and in the de cline of life be hail us clear a mental picture of her as his boyish eyes had ever seen. One evening, having pushed his spt'tacles on top ol his head and hunted everywhere for them vainly, he sat mus ing before the lire, when suddculy a flood of light illuminated that tlaik corner of memory where hung the picture of that small edition of hiuisell losing or "puttiug away" the ring He sprang to his feet with an excited cry: "The ring! The ring! I slipped it down the crack in the window casing the oue that looks out on the orchard!" I'pon invesiigalioti ll.e ling was brought from its long hiding place, w hi'jh was llie' exact spot ibe old man had de scribed. Bull ilo Fixpress. koyal makes the tuotl pure, holcsome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure t'elelirateil lor its Kreal Icavcnine. streniitll ami healtliliilucss. Assures the I'imh) against ilium unit all tortus ot adulteration com mon to the cheap hrantls. UIIYAI. IIAKINU I'OWmUt 1 11., NUW YllltK ".(Ml DIAMOND If At K. "genuine diamond hack terrapin," as it is termed, is displayed in the how window of A. Walleiihorsl.jewelli r, on South (lay street. The terrapin is small in size, hut disports on ils back thirteen large diamond-, valued at $2.5n0 The largest iliamond.a -1 1 karat stone, is iu tlie centre of tbebaek ami from it radiate four rows of diamonds, three diamonds being in each row. A silver bowl iu which the terrapin is placed prevents it wandering away. Mr. Walb iihoist says jewels tints set are worn hy the women in 1'aris From llie Baltimore Sun. It is, or, should be, ibe highest aim id every merchant lo please his customers; nml that the wide awake drug linn of Meyers Sterling, III , is do ing s, is proven by llie following, from Mr, I'.shleiiiaii: "Iu my sixteen years experience in llie dlug business I have never seen nr sold or tried a medicine that gave us good satisfaction as Chamber Iiiiii'h Colic Cliutfiit mid Diiiiilut'a Remedy." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. ILirri son, Kutield. A nod from a lord is i brock fast for a fool. A m on'a lust fortune, or bis worst is a wife. OASTOniA. Wi f- ll mil. tl 91 IT.-T ilgunm. mwa. A man may provoke bis own dog to hue It mi . A mouthful of meat may be a lownful of shame. A man can never thrive who haa a wasteful wifo. A ready way to lose your friend is to lend him money. Rim feOYj WAKlH-3 WARNING. We wi-h to laiiiii.n all ust is of Sim-mm.;- Lit. r liegulat. r mi a sul j Tl ol the b . 1 1 .-! int. I. si and importance to I heir b alib pi limps b, It lues. '1 be sole proprietors and innki i- el Simmons Liver liegolatur It am dial customers are often deceived by buying ami taking medicine of a similar appearance nr taste, believing it to be Siniuit ns Liver Regula tor. We warn jou Ibal utiles the word ll.gul.ilor is on tlte package or bottle, iluit it ii not Sioiiui.iis Liver "oitl:,ior. No one else III llies. or ever has mailt) Simmons Liver Itegular. or anything called Simm. us Liver Regulator, hut J. II. Z iliu Co , ami no luedieini made by anyone else is the same. We alone can put it up, and we cannot be responsi ble, if other imdieiues represented ns the same do not help you as you are led to expect llley will. Bear this fact well in initiil, ifyou have heeii in the habit of Using a medicine which you supposed to be Simmons Liver ll"gulalnr, because the name was somewhat like il, and the package djii not have the word Regulator on it.ynu have been imposed upon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator ill all. Tin' Regulator has been I' known for many years, and all who use it know how netvssnry it i- for Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, (Vnsiipati in, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorders ari-ing limn a Diseased Liver. We ask you lo look for yourselves, and see that Simmons Liver Regulator, which you can readily distinguish hy (he Hed ' i n wiappi t, ami by our name, is the only medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. .1. II. .1 11. IN ,V CO. T. li K summon i.ii'mi !:. 1. 1 loit. W. W. KAY, -Dealer In Lips, Wines, CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay, as he is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: "Old Oscar 1'epper," (lump's (j. 1'. R. Itye. Stamp Straight," "(iuition Baltimore Hye" and oilier brands. I sell (iarrett Si Co.'s pure Chocko yotle w im s. I keep the best of every thing in my inc. IMU.l'oliteattentiontoall at Kay's, west side R R Shed, my Sly. Mooiinents and Tombstones. " DKSUiNS KKNT FI.'KE. In nhtint! nive simic limit im to price and state at: of deccaned. UU.HMT TO('K lllllic South to select from. Wc have no liruicli yard., and parties douitf I hi mess under n simitiir firm name have no connection with us in any " THE CQUPER MARS IE WORKS, i KslaMislutl lHlst. ) 150 to 111:! Hank St., Norfolk Va tov li 1 V. -OF- FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY (.OOPS and N'OVKIriKS. Htittcrick's TattcrnH. R. & (5. CORSETS, Mi.hsch al fOi, Ladies 7.rc. to $1. MLlVireHwill he made tomtit the times. I lain and honnets made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N. rt HOANOKK HAI'IDS, N. 0. CofirCfons Dial nrnc Furnishers of Biiiiim Materials, Manufacturers of Coffins & Caskets and dealers in UNDERTAKER S SUPPLIEQ Wo sell them from $2 to S HI. Our ooffins and caskets will compare favora bly in workmanship and finish wilh thoso of any factory in the United States and prices guaranteed to be the lowest. .A1I orders filled at short notita. op 9 (ii. Sranl Display

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