JOHN W. SLEDGE, I'lini'iiiKTou. VOL XXXII. .A NEWSrFEI IF O IR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 31. 1898. TEHlvd:S:-?l 'r'(l I'H ANM'M IX ADVANCE NO. 48. ,,.'W s'( If I'l.'ty .:.:.: Ago. rt.iiiy vcru .- cr C t .: to pi .- .1 th .illi'.ii' v.iio jwpr- jt I. id i- "it; ". :-:y v ; lio.;i - hitch, c-1 is 1 . l'.I in irl:-.-,i hi vi Modal nnh: thtwo nil! j r.t tbo direr.. No '1 ti.i()'ir- ti l MlWi i Ki ll It)!' d.-k is i 1- llin. i;i,o a t'Ullii. I.' Lis ii ! iiich w (r'.w In i i iiixl r. .!- . j... nt v.,t Ii. low. Alt-lie i rcm-li l-U'S HMotini-ht (1 1 : i i Vi'M t f jn iiiiitnu'Htij-. V $3.95 . ul ti.r 1 prniiii'tlv ) ,ih- f nil ( Mail ord-m !. ch.irt", our ic-v 1 1 : t it i aiu- Ixtdii'. t'OiHam. iK l'liriiittiie, ;mi it Lllllp-, Mi . , til ft'hfl , .Mil ( f - t M, I'ictiir'-!, lie r k 1 1 1 1 r. It.-ft ii"Miit-T. Il tt-y I tirilniT' S. etc. T in t'i..' iii' or i m- I'lfte book t'VtT I'llMl lu'il. ftll'l H'' HV all Mtiuri'. Our thoiMi.ln-l .it -ct Ci Hliyin1. phwi i:( vii i in "l"i . irt hUi ituim fur tint list-mi:. 1( e.ti't iii!i:e. n to wiitiici, until ii i iv. iii eininjwi. Tiifrc h tit riM-.m whv '"U Gimiiht pi your !()) I il-'iilfp t;u i-r ct'tit. pmlit wli.-ti y. ;i tmy In m tiic null. Dr"p u to Itio Uiuucy-Buvcit. JULIUS KIKES & SON, Baltimoro, MA. UViifilfU iu u i tu ti if t. in if II who art aitl'.'nun wtlii snv DI.'MiD TliOl'ltLK, 1m- wii t i .'ill i i Llrin hy in ul ('. nu't iti m ilf ;i nu in -.ticinei t-o -up mil Id to Hint r,i li jui tir llhtr IMH.' Wll 'H Writing t : plfii-if i 11 r! iir st mi,) t'or ivjity I'UOK .1 AS H KVI-: V. 4!' Chur.'h St i Nt-w So.) ii' 17 'v V: W.T. PARKER, IlKALKH IS 1 : Broceries Farm Implements l'OI'XP SAt'KS (! SALT l nl! il.ln I'KK SACK . .itit -11 r -in uim I ly. WL-t'orrwl prii-t'.. and olit til. V. M. HAHMSTON V t., Wholesale ami Kalirn iu CAKl'HTS, MTOVKS, ami MnttrwMti,tc IMMENST STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, HABLIRTOSA CO , N'o 20 N. Syinmore Ht , I'eii r.lnm; V W1H It. I'ROFF.S10XA I. CAlt !S. im. ii', IUUK WALTER I. DASH DANIEL ATTORXEl'S AT LAW. WKI.DON, N. C. nMloeln theponrUof HiiUfaian1Norlhtm " 1 111 thennpreintnd Kt'diTrtl court. 'ti-Hii int.ltt In kllnartaor .irld I'nrttlliitt flftrith office 41 Halifax, N, C., open every MD. pi m iisfiY, i-. ii si'in.u.isT .m.i v rimi: i i v n fjlt. T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C, OUIoi our Emry A Pieret'aitorr. 101-ly. A New York Girl's Way. THE DIARY ACT. Ik Kik li-L.lj Ik! .Mjmmj. I i;yi:vis as uh'iuiiikh h v 111:11. Surnl iv Tln'l t tr --j ,im- Ii k lili- l. illW I- h.-t,- h,t I , M,.lt . n v.-r 1. 1 wit. awliill)-'.l. Tui-il iy H l.lll.-ijll Was In r- ' I""! lli-'l'1 I W.ill. li-r ,y ,! HT i.-l ill p.-iM-i-iilin;; urn iih I.h mil 11 Hull". Hi-'.. ilivu-H'iilly riu,i) in,. I ,is n'i.r n. 11 i'liiir.-li iiMih... iiianiniii mh. Tli nr-.l 1 v- I u-U Ha.liliUi f-.ili,-,l. ami (li. null I ili.ln't -am 1. him the l. :il hil, 1 w.-hl il inn. H.' an, mi. inl In uiaki' I. .v.- in tin- an-1 1 .at ..11 u.l ami hanl. A. if 1 W..11M ill liiui! Whv. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 siivs I'm .in-,, t-, lliaki-ahriliiaiit lliali-h. iin.l if Hii-k tl.ii.k p-ii aw. In.w .ui 1 1 In- i! Sun-lav - I i.-k lii.-.l 1.1 ki-. ttic lasi :hl. an. I 1 ilin-ali in .1 in 1 1 I iiiaiiinia il l-M T all. I,,-,l , .,1L1 (hilij; I In v, r Ha. ... l:ilunaM in my lil''. I i-..i.l.l l.-xi.l In. ,.. I vi r I'.V ll,:- I'l" hi. illlj'll'I' 111' ju-t l.aii- him. ami 1 wi.-li I w.niiil m v.i liini I'L'ain I'M- s lay li,-k .ruKi..-il In 1111- ll In ami I r.j rinl him unli M-nti'. 1 lii'.l lii'ii ill it ih ar ni iniina wmild m-vi-r. ' c in. rlil to 1 ur iliairiai:!', am thai iiiijk.ij I il.l.-li-il l.i-ii ami wini .1 mil inniy I mi if In- war iln- la-t man . 11 ml'- IL- .! I .. i-ll,-l iin.l wa. I.i:a Iii-1 . hi, an.l I -ni l I ,li.!i,'i ; 1I11I ii -i- a Hhy -ii..iiiu,ti..i 1 11 1'iui ',1 il ii.k l .r . in- mit'iiv thai 1 l'" '1 c-ii I', r ! mi h.-i. 1111,11111,-1 .,1 i,rt,,l .1 l-i 111 I i',i-l hi 11 1.1 m 1, r .1 ,f" in k I, 11,1' , ;,--;iil . ll l WAS I1KI I V 1 -- a!! '. Man. 11 11.! 11 ) y a. iimi.iI, nj y 1. 111 1I1. Vi 11 , r,.,l, l.l I , . I , 1 m 11 li y - in 1, 1 in ar 1 ...1 1 11 y ur A. u'.'I t. y 11! Am! i-0'1 iha ' - N. v .1 'iii.; ll.M'l'KMMI a's ll Mail ::l.,l I.. W w l!i.,f. , M I,,. 1 11 y nr ;a 1.1,, 1111' am (Hi, ni.k,.,.i t lli.HV M-ll. II. III 1 I 1. Ii ' 'ln-i.i:.--i him-. If ma Ii-- i.l-1 al HO ,.r , iiiil' al S;l Tin- iml,,-,-ililv of -OM1-- men i m itilH' t!i-.-"I .l,-,illi : ah', iv. f-tll'.r.iri' 11 i. 111.' il. 1 1 - lit , JC1 im-ll t,i !),,,i ivlnt 'luin-h 1,-v." t'-,,--.- Jar-, k ! l.-ll Ii ,,-.'.- Ih- put i.ilitr 1 1 ru ;y nm mmiih! iiioc t.i NIV Sill ll 4 : l-i.. t tli.u tl avi Ms"' 111 hi t Itl-t ill ;t k-ll.l of a lungful, t'.u fit'iil ll" Ins h, ,:il at'lu-.. ii : r. t u.i:i!i : ;v:r. ;n:v a!t u'.:-.1 if ll-' iVrlstluil iMo'.Y-v lillilllir t'.u- tl.iv. it 1-11 t worth M".ii!-i t i'ii -it'-iii!' ; if U. ti.'Ult'.: tl w Kll -"l-'i i' ,,t ll'X"'. lit" !"' liitr."t 11 wit'i .,t.-.. W in n iu- Miiii is tti'iu ui-ivoii-nt he Wiilk- into the tif.ucst tltir-f -.t -m- .:t:.l m-fli-l- piiw.'l'ul it'ulivii;; that rvt ;i .1 '.: - I01.UI '!t -ciH'.- tti'ili Ii,' .1 y kiioumi; tIl w. l'i:t without knowmy it. hir.'.iiui -i (U'.itli I hen' .1 .'.i-hii r- ful rv-tni.itivi' tuiiH- ami h; ii'th ImiKlt't that will kci ji tin- h,iuU-t woikitiij man iu ti"("I WDiktnn -li.tju , it i lr rii r-i's Colilcii Mt tlK-al IlK.ivi'iy. It is iii.itlc tt jmtf native roots .tu I h.ukx It cotitaiui no mint'taK no nan i'-tit'- ami no opiatt s. It Minply auU lialuit' m llif natuial pro- ri'SSt's ol st,ert,tiMii an il i-scTi'tioii It toiifH up the stoina. li ami l.iriht.itt s tin- iI.hv of iillrt'Mlvt iiiit'i s 11 ni.tcv s a man nunry an a horst' " anil tin n mt to it that tlic htV tiviiiK cli'iticntH of tli'.' foinl he takes a-iniilatt il into tin- lilon.l It 111 vift ;itfH llv li v. r It iliivcs out :ul itnpnntH"- and dtsca-f lfcntu tn mi th-' v-ti;n ll the pri at hlood tn.ikt r and fV-U hnittli-r. It is llu- best ot all nw.f t.-nu It r inert bruiifhial. tiiroat ami lniiki aifeetioiis ;ih mil 1 had uxAiiii ti-"i ni-1 t turpi-! liver." write Mrs I ( ''- K i--. '.U ,t li,-.ii I'-'imtv, Pi I'" -.i-t t. Mt.lK.ll Uln,ot;i curtil IIU' At If ceii-Mi-iiion is ,d-o ! esiiit, Dr. Pieire's l'h.i-.iut l't llet- should lie taken. Tluv iuei iaii, tie iu- it iliu. gifts sell both medieiiifs Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable Quality DAVKN'l'OUT MOUUIS.UO., Sulu nj-' Din for the Di.tilliT, Kii-liuninJ, Va. Mil V. 1). SMITH, at Weldun, N. C u the Kolu ui.ltihuling agent at llut j.oiot, fur lliu ihovo old ami t'tlibralcd Whiskey. DAVKNPOItT MOB1I18 CO. Br 31 Dm. iii'o 1 finivm A Rifliciliiis Scene. YANKEES AND PICK4NNIES. AmihinR Ikiji-nt In licntral Wm. 11. Iiiliali'iro's Career. While ii-ii'liiii; llu- very inleresliiif; ski tell nf 1 he life ef lhat ilisiin-:iii..hnl s-ililiiT, slate. mall, anil jilli.t , (JelkTiil Wihiini P. Talial'rrni, in ihe, Di.iateh la.-l wi'.'k, the writer Wa. relliillih il ul'lill ainii-iii-ami eliaiaeii li.lie ini iileiit ei,i iH-i'leil wiih his e:iniiain in lln-Shei - ilnah iilli-y in the winhr ul' ISl'il 'It', wliiih was ii lali'il iu 1110 hy my hiulhi r, Clia !ain I1 ('. Mi rimi, linn w-illi the Tin'iiiy-lhinl Vit(:iiiia llt'i:iiiit-iit, whieli Taliali rrn eiiiiiniamli il ul thai time. hile hi. C'linniaiiil was in llu- luwrr valley, 1 nileavi tiun to ,riilirl I hut M'clii.n it wa. ii-iiiited lhal a ih'laehmeiit ul ihe eiu-iny hail made a raid upon Hume of the lale 'lnlilaliuli and ealliid ell' a iiiaiiiny (-f .leek, ipiiie a nuuiher ul infill w.iinin, and ehildreD, the men having jiiuhably ht-i-ii run out of ihe way into a plaee i.f .alily, as it was not Ih "imht likely the enemy would mulct I he w .inu-n and children blaves. Cnl. iu, 1 T.ilial'eirodeeideil at once to reea.(iite tins valuable (irnperly, and with a di taehuieiit i f his Hoops pursued (lie ii-lri aiiu immy, who were endeavor ing to i'm ape with their booty to their line., ami oviriakinj them, after iiiite a little fii:br, recaptured the stock and nirms, with u number of ihe Yankee fine. . A. the main body of the enemy was nut many mile, distant, he feared that 11. .nun a. hi. movements became kiiuun a cawiley I'orci; would be sent after him ami iiiiain endanger the safety of hi. eiiiivoy llu tlii-refnre hurried ihe .luck on alu-ail up the pike, and placing a lu-avy i:uai.l in cliariie of his capture, Willi ihreeliiiii. to llu-i-llicer in e.uniuand tu pruc, i .1 up ihe Yal!,-y in ra,i.lly a. pii-.ih'i', he r.'.le l ack with a force to pruie.-i hi. 11 ar. It was n,,t Imiu bel'uie ('ul, iu! 'r.,lialino ili.covirnl that hi. eliaiui' w i. inuMiu very slowly, and be 1 -11, i?-- impatient and aj prelu-nsive, he Gallup. 1 lul waul and ileilianded uf th -ollii t r ihe i-iui.e ft' Lis lardy progress. Said In : "t'uliiiiel, llie.e wuinen can't uet I ut.iii aiiv (a.ti r on account of ll.eir hahiis. The little ninsirs can't walk, and tlie wuinen are lind out lutini: them." The Cu'uni 1 was puzz'ed a moment, ihen l-i. laee hiitcniri!:, he said, iiuick- 1: '-March iht-.e wuuiin whn have hihie. tu ( ho friiiit make lliein stand in line faciiii: 10 the centre of the road, with ilnir b illies in their arm., and count then'." This movement was rapidly exe cuted, and the i llieer reported "forty women willi babies. " "Xuw," said Colo nel Taliali ir. i, '-inarch up folly of ihuse Yankees ami place lliein opposite the iierin This was also done, every one wuiideriiid what the Colonel was "up to." "Now," said the Colonel, "you prisoner, lake 11 hahy. every one of you, and carry i(." My iul. rinaiit relates lhal a peal of Liu lit i-r hum the Conti derate and ihe ni'Liro wi'ineii greeted ihis order, but the Yankees kicked and bcuao to swear lliey-'werc soldiers, out nicr nurses, and did mil intend In h.uch the d n hatii,-..'' Ciiluiiel Taliaferro said quietly that he w.iiil.l "see ahoiit thai," and or deml a Colifederale lo lake his puMtioii with fixed hayoiiet In hind each Yankee. Then, repiMtiiii; the order for them to take the bahies, and lluy relu.iDi;, he cum manded ihe f.'iiat'!s tu uiek the Y'aukees with I lit ir hayoni'ts till they uheyed hi nub r. The s" f.illuwcd was extremely ludierou. One job with the point of ihe hayuiiet wa...iilli.ieni lur thi-tuo.t oh..ii-t-p-cious Yankees, and the others followed their example in iiuiek ordir suziiij- ihe I, aim. with ouih., while they yelled wiih fear of iheir new an I inexperienced nurses The Colunel s.ii-1 to tlie woiueii: 'Now you iitiniies waich these Yunkees. ami il they inch ur ill Heat yuur babies, r purl iIii-iii in the L'uaril, uiiil you izuard. .in k em ll il:ev il.'. ..,w, all ol von forward! M irel,!" Tint whole cavalcade in in .ve.l rapiillyup the road, Talialer ru and his stiill, in frutit, and a funnier pcclaele. it i. said, was never seen oil I lie lid I iki . The (Villi derates were roal- I-. 1; Uil'i .ni:1.!, r, llie Wuinen lUU'Hlf;. he bal.ii sciyiii:, and ihe la- Let-sswcar-111! and howling with impotent rae. itliile the iiiilhur of the luiiiiless and happy expedient rode ipiielly iu advance. oneratulatiii liiin.cll on tlie pn-U lime his force was now makimr. and which he finally .u 'eeeded in htiiif.'iiii! ulf in (ieneral T,ib.ih tin, in r- lin ifiir ihe in-i-idcnt afn-rward., said he was much amused hy ihec -intiiei.t.. ol an old neio hodv-servaiit nl Ihe Twenty ihiid, who as pluihiiiic; llluiitt the road when the 1111U-11.1I eavali-itde up r, Hi-hcd. lie knew old "llieliin.iiid's" dislike of "di in Yankees," and drew u his h-ir-e Iu heir what he would say. Presently the old dirky's car caiihl the 111. 11.11 il s uni'ls, mid .tuppiu, he linn ed 'round lose.- what it was. "Hi,' l he, ' whit surt 'o cmipiny i' d i' I'omiu' up de r Hid'.' I nehher see any ihili)! like dat bcl'u' Yankees cussln,' luhi s erin.' wiinen lullin,' and our lulk. 11 shumin ' I j!ine see what ii-." So he .lipped iiilu ill.1 I'eiieo collier and wailn'. A. ihey pi..ed him, he "caught nn," an.l leaning aitainsi I he- fence nil Iu eriel "III! )' Yankees," he said, "v'a'l e.iiue fur 11 niw'i; you j!t ninm r. I hi'i.e y. u i.leascJ. "line it In tin iu old man," .ml ihe Ciilunel, "tbev deserve it; !ivtt il to thciii. and he i ine I in l!ie m 'rri-n nt ihe uld daily's hu cot amii.e I. ami ih- n m le on T. C. M. Iliebinoiid lli.pale'-. ltui-klc-li'a Arnica Salve. The llest Salve in I be world fur Cuts llruise.. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheuiii Fever Horses, Teller, Cb.ipped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin l'lruptiona and positively cures Tiles, or do pay re quired. It is guaranted tu uivo perfeet satisfaction or money refunded l'rioe 2.1 ocnta per box. For sale at W. M, Cohen'" wug Store. MR, V, T, W'Siri'l'IKU), Ijoiak of. a u$y and zcf.ul if.o and 0awc3 a en tyisturo of. the ld Jomostead, WRITTEN FOR THE A writer in a recent i-.sue of promi in-ill Stale papci has said lhal, "our lure fatli.'is were more concerned about mak ing than writing hi.toiy and in cousc (uence iheir de.-cenilants have sulf. rid iu public e.tiinaliiin, bulb at hunie and abrnad. This is 'nut as it should he. The cause ul right, Iruth and humaniiy wuuld be better served if (hey had their righiliil place iu history. However, it is a fact that a different spirit lias come ovi r tlx- piesent generation. We are gelling anxious to knew what our fatlnrs di 1 iii.d to have ihe World know ii, and. above all, to have jusliee dune to thuFc whilst- virtues were hemic and whose lives were a beni diction to (heir race. To thi. ctid histcricitl soiieties arc being organized in all parts ol the S"iuli and many well upiippcd men are devoting much time iu search ol facts hiiheiloun- uhlishci1." lSciiig anxiuus to a..-ist, though iu a small degree, in this good wuik, is the only api'lugy 1 have fur agaiu seeking a place iu your columns iu whic'i lo give a few fads iu connection with the birth place and life uf one of our best kiiowu ciliaen.. It was my purpose, at lir.l, lo give iu ibis eoiiiiceiluU an extensive ue.eiipllon of the uld huiiHsiead which was thi. biilhplace und around which cluster iiieni nies dear, ihiiugh sad lo recall. I'eihaps, however, it is best not to at- Iciiipl llii-. While, no doubt, liianv a eheid. lung mIi nt, would vibrate with 1 lie echoes of other davsand other hearts miglii sih fur the childhood's home, u. iw, alas! no inure, slill, perhaps, it is lust nut lo dwell in this theme. Though 1 see again the old house at the end of a h.i g lane, shut in by the grove of silvery a. pens and gi int elms, with its high gjhhd roof and low porch opening iulo a yani uf surpassing beauty in its green velvety smoothness, with kitchen and woik-roum ul a short di. lance, reached by white walks or paths, intersecting this Verdant lawn, and rcim ruber lbs garden wi h ils hi autil'ul ulil ra.liiuned floweis, ydluw j.isuiine und fragrant lilac, sweet het.ys and many colured bully hock. , great In ds uf sunny pink, aud tall damask In-is, while at the iiileiscetiuii of llu w ills a Linden lice grew in which the tniieliiig bud. buill their nests and I'mui them sang I In tr swei-t suns. Theu, loo, the Hell, larue opi-ll-tu lUliled and blulli - cuihcil, with I lie water tiiclling frniii the inns-y sides In llie gravelly bullom lo he hrunelil up in llie bucket altached In a lull sweep and conveyed Iu ihe trough at which si I the mild eyed cattle drink- iii!! in n.i e lultm; frcshue.s, wilh iheir cloie-.ei ntid breath, at the close of s iiiiin.r's dav, while in the distance might be heard the cry of ihe whippo.T will and the lurllc duve s call. Mow lliey wini J revel iu ibis luxurious cooluess, till al a forwntd luuveiuent from "old piieon," llie bell cow and leader, off they would go lo the barnvard lo civo down their creamy milk, be fed and quartcrc for (be ulght. Or perhaps there comes an echo fruiu the Voices of happy school boys as I hey met and cheered each other on (heir way to the neighboring schools, or mingled their sliouls wilb the cries of the dogs, "Brutus" and "Cyrus," as they scented ROANOKE NEWS. I the track of the luckless hare in the dawn ol a winter's day, when on llie way to the lal.bii gum, set at "a gnaw iu llie fence," on the edge of llie mad, or chased each other through the orchard to where the luiig-.ti'inin- d '.-treakni" Juue apples began to blush in llie early summer sun shine, f..r ihe fruit which might be wiihin ineir reacn. I see again I In- lovetl ones who galhered'ttthe old home tree as loni; as "grandmother" lived to receive anew her loving greeting and mingle iu the glad reunions In Id beneath ils kindly roof. Hut, years have pa.sul. Of those loved outs i lily a few ii'tnair-. My ihniight." turn Iu a sunny slope, within a sloiie throw ul the old house, all over grown with cedars, n here the wild-rose viue hold. 1 li x ii i i i n l sway, li rhere sleeps many who were once familiar fijures iu tho.e sccuis. Many bu.v hand, have u folded lo n..t, many loving hearts are Mill. The house has been changed, uie fciicniu nas tal i n lo rum, the eiant iiiissiiii sprcau ineir iialy .liaile over the green lulled yard and the well by means ol a "pump' gives up the clear, cold water, but the once beautiful g irdcD can i nly he traced hy the topliug sum uier house uud the borders of box-wood rowu loan abnormal size, for "liuj c iiton reigns wticre onco tlie rosis bloomed. One by odc the chords have been severed making weaker the tics whieli bind us to this life, hut as I hoy are gathered by the eye i f faith and ceo lered in a Father's love, they form i cable which hinds us lo our houie above Slill, ibeie are some connecting links and in wiiiiug this sketch of a sod of (his old home, it is but meet lhal it should have a ,a...iiig notice. 1 nave utiore me, at Hits writing, some papers, old, yellowed, and bearing date of a period long before Weldon was town, ur railroads Had run their mazy lengths over our fair land, in fact, before Slate or Nation was formed uliI when Xorih Carolina was a province uf Great Htilitii-. Of these, wilh many capitals, strangely italicistd and printed wilh f for s, in many jiLces, one reads as follow. : "Know ye lhal we for and ill cousid ciation uf llie Mini of fniir pounds for every hundred iictes granted payed inlo our irea ury by Maruiaduke Kiiubro, have given und granled unto the said M.iiinadiike Kitnbio u tract of land lying and hiing iu die province nf Nnrih Car olina, bounded, Ate., pr.iiided ihe said Maruiaduke Kiiubro shall within the space nf three years settle same with one white person and likewise clear und culti vate aceuidiiig lo the pmpnrition of three acres for eviry hundred acres herein granted. In testimony whereof we have caused ihe great sea! of said province to be affixed. Witness our truly and well beloved Gabriel .lohii.tun,, our Cap tain General and Governor-in-chicf at Newborn, this sizlh day of May, iu (he fifteenth yeur of our reign, Anno Dnuii ni, one thousand, seven hundred and forty-two." Another dated 17112, show ing thai Joshua Joues having come in possession of this tract of land is granted another piece of one hundred and thirty nine acres and signed by Alex Martin as Governor of the then Sluto of North Carolina, St ill another dated 1 80I being the last will and teslaiucul of Wm. Whit- lield,Sr., beginning wilh the salutation : "Hy the grace of God, Amen," iu which after declining himself to be, though in- di-pused of b, dy, of suund nind and memory and cumuicndiiii; Ins soul to the Gud w ho gave it him and his i. ,ily to Cliristiiiu buiial, be proceeds to dispose nl his worldly snods by directing that lir.t of all, his honest dibts shall he paid. Then each of his daughter, shall have five shillings to lliein and their In ir. forever. Then directing lhal his dale, consisting of negroes, land, stuck, grow ing crop., anil persunal pmperty shall be liviiled between his two suns, John and Win. Whitfield, Jr., which division In be made by bis (wo liienib', Win. Gary and Daniel Weldon. These lauds were lescribed as lying north of Little tiiaiilu-y creek and South of Holland's branch and adjoining thc-lauds of Joshua Jones, lhini-d Weldon, aud Iwo other men named, respectively, Day and Knight. The Daniel Weldon mentioned was llie owner at lhat lime of the site of the town of Weldon, which as luauy know was for a long lime called "Weldon's orchard." May 25th, 18(11), Win. Whiilield mar ried Teuipe, daughter of Joshua .lulu., thus uuiling these two tracts of land, a part of which remains iu possession nf Iheir descendants without deed or transfer except from parent to child until the present day. These two who heguu their lnariied life at the old home, situated on the piece of land g'uiited to Joshua Jones bi luiiged to u class which prefers death to dishonor, and lived ut a lime when honest toil was nut con.rdired ignoble. So here they lived for thirty-seven years, tearing God and loving (heir neighbors, making fur themselves characters which have not been assailed by the hand of time. During all their long married life never chaugitig their place of residence or suf fering any serious affliction. After in stilling into the miuds of their childr, n piinciples which filted them for lilling. as they have done successfully, pjsiiiuns of hollar aud trust, they died within a few years of each other at a ripe old age, leuviug to these children that greatest heiitagc of all, an untarnished name. ( M' these children, ibere were six, uf whom one daughter died in infancy, Iwo grew to maturity, married and spent their lives at and near the old hnuie. The three sons giew up, received u good practical education at schools (aught in llie neigh borhood, first by a man named Stephen liuiruughs and Intel by Thomas Marshal. The eldest son, Travis, ill IS!!.), l-.'I'i llie Slate, going lirst (o Tenucssco, afterwards to Illinois, where he died soon after (he war. The youngest sou, Mr. J.iines Whiilield, is uow living iu Mniirue, X. C. In a private letter he says of those sehnuls. lhat of perhaps fifty boys who were sciiooimatcs tti.-re, nmy lie anu In. ir,.iiier Thomas are living. Di. A. II. l'iiiceand Mr. James L. Bass, who recently died here, were tit' these buys. The seeuud son, Mr. Wiliiam Whiilield, was born April 2b'ii, IS1D. At the age of fourteen be left ihe old home, came to the (ben Dew towu i f Weldon and began life in the slore ol T. T. Wyatl it Co. There Wile few houses here theD. The HoiiDule Xavi galion Company had just opened their canal to Weldon. A brick warehouse, a few stores, and, perhaps, a building used as a hotel had been erected. Mr. Whit field spent several years iu the store of Mr. Wyatt, which win the buildiog un 0 irner of 1st and Sycamore streets, not lung since removed. From 181!'.) to 181.") he was engaged in the office ofthe l'urts uiouih and Seaboard railroad, ul this place. Then for three years he lan us conductor on the W. & W. railroad. Iu December, 1817, be began Iu keep a bolel in a building which stood just where the A. C. L. hotel now stands. This house was burnt, as was the first railroad shed, a narrow structure, just wide enough for two (racks, about Ihe year lSjl. Iu 1SS2 Mr. WliitUcU buill (he hou.e now owned hy Major T. L. Kiury and Dr. A. II. , illicoITi r, which be occupied as a hotel uinil 1S,"7. Not muling a success as a hotcli.l in Weidnn, though his buusu was nnlnl lur and wide f.-t its good cheer und kind hospitality, iu June of that year he re ived to lieuufort, N. C. where be ru- giigeu in the sumo business, iciiuuiiiiig ibere until December, IS.'iS. lie then tt'tiirncd lo Weldun und with the cxeep- liouuflhcse lew monihs, has been rcsideut of ibis place fur sixty years. Just prior lo und during llie war he was employed in the oihecs uf the W. W. railroad, Adams aud Southern Kx press Companies lu 18(15 he Was appointed agcut fur this latter company which cilice he has filled without any iutcrutis siou, successfully and satisfactorily ever since. Through many clmngis of utli cials und subordinates, he has stood tit his post of duly, evi-r ready Iu sacrifice personal comfurt or conveniences lhat he might further I lie interest of those hy whom he is employed, uud filling so well this responsible position that he com mands ihe respect of all. Mr. Whitfield was first married in 1841 and again in 188:1 Ilia first wife, Mrs. Mary Squiggioa, was a widow with several children, but lady of most ex cellent character. Kncrgctic, hospitable, kind and loving in In r mil urn she did much to make his !u,mc attractive and help him in hi., financial cuterprisis while he proved a father lo her cbildicD. mukiug tluiu us his own, of whieli three were hern to l!ieu. Tlnse ale Mr-. J. I!. Tiuiberlake, of lialeigh, X. ('., Mi-. T. F. And'isnn, of Weldon, and Mr. ('. T. Whiilield, of Iticlimoiid, Va. This Mrs. Whiilield was one of seven persons who organiz'd the lirst church ( M"thudi.t) ever funm d in Weldon, and the only one here 'till alier the war. Hi. second wife we all know, and recogniz : lu r many virtues, nut the least of which i. the lender solicitude with which she regards her ih-voled husband, bischildren, giunilcliililrei) und great grandchildren Mr. Whitfield's is a Clni-liaii home. His lamily, must of ihem, have beeu .Melhuili.tsol the slraightcst sic'. He was cunvertcd at a camp meeting held al I'iercc's camp grouud, by iicv. Johu X. Andrew., Ii. 0. Kurton and others, in September lS."ti. Through his wile's ii. llucnee li had jniucd with his sister iu creeling a large wooden tent, uiic t-f many built fur (he accommodation of (he ciowds which flocked lo the.c uieetings ut which there were over one hundred conver.iuiis, amiiiig thein many uf the most prominent people in the surround ing country. He immediately connected himself with the church here, which was pari nf Hnaiiuke circuit, of which Hevs. John X. Audrews and M. J. Hunt, were pa.tuiw, and has beeu un honored member ever since. He bus held llie office of steward and I lieu I rustic fur many years and when it is possible fur him to be ut ihe service of the church, bis pew is never vacant. For fifty years his house bus been the preacher's home and many itinerants oilier (ban tbuse of his own church have shared his genial hospitality. M r. Whiili-.-ld was bull) un the day und year that the order nf I 0. O. l', was established iu the l uitid Slates, was a charter member of the first Lodge established in Xurth Caruliua, that heiDg No. 1 Lodge, i-.tablisbi d iu Weldon April ISIii. In 1844, this Lodge sur rendering its charter, he received mem- In r.hip wilh O.d D 'minion Lodge Nn. 5. LO. 0. 1'., and has been aud is now a member of lhat Lodge. He has for years been a unison of high standing, be ing, much beloved aud honored by the members of the order of this plaee. That this is true was evidenced when only n few months ago they preseiitcd to the lodge a handsome picture, beautifully framed, nf this good man. Mr. Whitfield's life has not been with out shadow and the si orin cloud, have iiticn darkened his pathway, but his sweet, placid, genial mil un-, combined wilh a childlike Iru-t in a Father's love, hu. calmly borne him over ibe.e rough places and helped In hind him to the hearts of many whn will enjoy reading thi-rceoid of his long and useful life. Though haviug nearly reached the age fourscore years, he is still active, atlcud ing regularly In hi. ifliee work. Long may he live lo cheer us by his happy suiiie, his cordial grasp of the hand and the example be sets u. of a eouteutcd, Christian life. I'eihaps 1 might add many incidents of interest but I have already made this paper too long. Though in laying Ihis tribule at his feet, while living, I havo turned a leaf from the past uud tried to show that both bo und bis forefathers havo filled no mean place iu Halifax as a county and Welih'i) us a town. KOHOVKH I'lt-TV VKAK Mrs. Win.lnw's Soothing Syrup hasbeoo used for over filly years by million, of lnolhcis lur children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ull pain, cures wind colic, and is ihe he.t remedy lor Diarrhoea. Il will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggisis in every part ol the world. 2.) cents bollle. Be sure and a.k for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind Xo gentleman will cither use filihy language, or, if he can help it, li.ten lo it when used by another. Koy.l make, the loud pur., n-holeMim. and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure m-.i Mm.n pniin i- . sr vo... Celebrated fur its ureal leuvemna; strength and ueultlit'ulneas. Assures the fund itttiuat nium and all liirms ol adulteration cnui- mon to the cheap brands. KIIVAl. UAK1NU IDWIIKB CO., NKW YOIIK WHICUU THEY llll'lTllt. 'People who aro married get to look alike, (hoy say." "Yes; bul the queer tiling is they nev er get to think alike," I &ARitll3 WARNING. We wi-b Iu cauiiuii all u-ers uf Sim Hi,, i,- Liii r I! "gulat. r on u suij.-ct nl the di . pe-i int. i, M ami imp -rtancc to their health di. ,s il,. ir live-. The sole pr-ipiiel'ir. and maki r. ul Simmons Liver lieglll.tli'l- I, al 11 that ell-t-OKI'S are nfli'D dieiividhy buying and hiking nine medicine of a similar appearance er taste, believing it tu be Siuiniuns Liver Kegula tnr. We warn you that unless the wold llegiilalnr is i-u the package ur bottle, lhal it i. mil Siiniii'iiH r It -giil-itur. No niie else mikes, or ever ha. made Simmon. Liver ltigiilar, or anything culled Simmons Liver l!"giilalor, but J. If. 'iliu (!u , and no iiieilieine made by anyone else is the sunn'. We iilotm can put il up, and wecannul be responsi ble, if oilier in dieiii. s icpresetiud us the same d,i nut help you as you are led to cx I they will. Hear ibis fuel well in mind, if yuu have been iu (he habit of u-ing a medicine which yuu supposed to he Simmuns Liver It -gulalor, because the name was sumewhat like il, and the package did let have ihe wold Uegulutor on it, you have been upon und huve not been taking iiumous Liver llegiilalnr at all. The llcgulutur has been favorably kiiuwn fur many years, und all who u.c it know how necessary it i. fur Fever and Agu.', Bilious Fever, Con. lipali in, Headache, Dyspcp-ia, aDd nil lii.urdcr. from a Diseased Liver. We ask yuu to lu.,k f,,r yuursclvis, mid sec mat Siinmniis Liver liegulalor.wliicli you can readily di.iingui-h by the Bed un wrapper, and by our name, is the only medicine called Simmous Liver Uegulutor. .i. ii. ziaiax & co. T A li K snmoMs l.ivi.ii itr.t.i i, a ion. W. W. KAY, Dealer In Lips, fine., CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why not call on W. W. Kay, as ho is open both night and day. Keep the fol lowing brauds of well known whiskies: "Old Oscar l'cpper," Gump's G. 1'. 11. Bye. Slatup Straight," "Guidon Baltimore Rye" and other brands. I sell Garrett & Co.'s pure Chocko yolte wines. I keep the best of every thing in my inc. wajul'iilite attention to all at Kay's, west side B B. Shed, my 2 ly. Monuments ni Tombstones. ltKSHiSS HICNT FUKE. In writing give some limit as to ju ice and slate ;ige til' deceased. tIM.IXTtfTOfk in the South to select from. Wo have uo liranch yard., and parties doing business under a similar firm name have no connection with us in any way whatever. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. , Kstablchi'il IMlH. ) 151) to l(i:i Hank st., Norfolk Va sov 2 Iv. -01'- FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. FANCY COOPS and NOVELTIES. Butteriek's Patterns. n. & (1. CORSETS, Misses at "0e.( Eadies 7."ie. to$l. tNfUrricesuriil1 he made to suit the times. Haa aud bonnets made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WeMiuv N. rt nw iv UIIII. vv KOANOKK UAl'IDS, X, C. CofTMCTOfis Alio Builders. Furnishers of BniijiiiT Materials, & Manufacturers nf Coffins & Caskets and dealers in UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIEg We soli (hem from 82 to 140. Our ooffios and caskets will compare favora bly in workmanship and fiuisb with those of any factory in the United States and prices guaranteed to bo the lowest. tflk.AH orders filled at short notioa. to. 1 -1 I Grand Display 0 ft : VI 101 V