m Fm urn mm JOH1T W. SLB3DC3-E, I'Koi'KIEtor. .A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1S9S. TERMS:-?1'"1" it.u anm m in aiyamk VOL. XXXIII. NO. rn Your Measure. (Put Seal sKUSbl uimi nc IT I The Proiipl Sod. WAIT TILL I GET THE ALBUM. Read This, Mother. THE DREADED I Ul III There isn't a weak point anywhere about the Tlify ure 11 perfect example of Piano ImildiiiK, nitii the price lire rifiht. HTANDAUIMlKiiANS, ITS I Nil AND KKI'AIKINH. Pianos fur Kent -Terms to Suit. L'HAS M STIKFK, I) N. Liberty st., Ilullinitm-, WiwhiiiKl.m.MI KU vi'iilli N. W. Mil. Norfolk, Va , till Mum street. Churlutte, S'SN. Tryon st i '-1 ly. Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable quality. DAYKNToKT .MOIIKIS A CO, Solo agents for the Hisliller, , Richmond. Va. MR. W.I). SMITH, at Wel.U, X. C is the suit' liistrihuiini- ai:etit at that point, fur the above old arid Ct'kbratid Whiskey. DAVENPORT MllHItIS k Cil. mar 31 i',iu. Swift Creek .Dairy and Stock Farm One tanndml brail ol Kilt edite bred regia tered Jersey Cows, Hellers anil ynlluiOinllB blemled blooil of the noted Stoke l'oit.s, Bt. Lambert, Coiumassie anil other strain. Heifers t'JO.OII to t'M IHI; Hulls tIS.IKl to S:K).OU Males kept only from my best com. Heoiember the hull is hulf the herd so buy anil breed up Poland China swine always on hand. Write lor what you want. T. P. BRASWELL, je 24 ly Hattletiorn, N. C. A. Is the result of ever; PIANO Prof. W. II. Robinson, of EnfiolJ, N. C, puts in order. Sepadring ani Tuning a Specialty. t prices to suit the times Will visit any house upon re quest. EflfSWnCSS The business men of Enfield; H. S. Harrison, Mr doc: C. A. Williams Brink leyville. Watchmaking and Eepalring ia y local oocupa'ioD. Correspondence solicited. W- H EOBINSON. Jawsler. 3 17 tiin Enlicld, N. C. J. L. JUDKINS, Wholesale nod lie tail Itailcr In Fine ' Staple I Fancy www iww mtFRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden and wih low ware. Also I'ratt's Horse, Cow, Hog and Poultry Food, and Orove'a Sft Tasteless Chill Tonic. Alexander's Liver aud Kidney Tonic for lmrilyiiur the bluoxl. This tonic is warranted or money refunded- J. L. JUDKINS, No. 21 WashiiiKtou Ave., Weldon, N. C dee IH It. ANTE D-TKUSTvVOKTH Y V and active gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house In North Carolina .Monthly f US 00 and expenses. Position st-ady. Refer ence. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velope. The Dominion Company, Dept. B. Chicago. llil Jacob drovers Musical Wonder .tnt'.i f " UK Till V t wonim ;isk- tin- (in. sti,,ri' j,,w much tllMUKiil iillil sluilv ihv.-te hi )' Ii 11 natural A Wiiiii.iit h.u-. think t ti.it -he ih KtowiliM tU bv d-iv li-s mat'iuiiK atiil attractive vcitltllf.il in hi t hii-baml'i eye- Mian i'i the (I iv-. dt tHiuttohip w. mi m m iv .ilw.iv l. t.iiu hd chirm ami the viv n-itv iinl rrt".luies "f vuth if HlV Will t-lke the piuper Cillf ol tin In lllll. A tremendous piTCcitUne of illlh.ihh in worn n is due to weakness ,md clwase ,( Uu' distinctly fcininitic ojniism Ii; ricrtv's 1'. iv. nit - I'H'sotiptiuti ;iii itnf.ul itiit - 'I f ir all .liirdcis of t!ii n.itiiic. It all .us intl imtii.iti.m. hi ;ils ulccriitinn, stops dchiluatiinf ilt;iin-i iititl si ...tin-; ami torit-i tti- ihtvch. t preserve ill ;i wiMii:in all til-.- charm of hc.ilthv yiMith. Tlnm. hAuU of woiiK-u have testified to its mar velous merits. Favorite I'ri'ficiiption " is soM lv all re speciahli' dealt rs in mcdicim-!. Deal only where ynu are honestlv treated. Any ore keeper who tries to K'ivf you a siiotitute for what von ilcfti.iinl is not tir itin vnt hoiiestlv and m should take vuiir trade elsewhere " Vtf nine v(..,r j tuvf MitV.Ted with fnltitii; of inteni il oil;. his, 1 wiiles Mr- Marv Williams, ol li.ilciLili, W.iWc i.'o. N f. i Ilnv .i ' I was lnm!ile:l with lieailm; ilown pains I tin '1 itnli-Hi'-lmn aii'l d-m.ile Avcikiicss and uei vonsiiess. 1 conlil mt ik-i-p ul night l wrk 0)iiMi.:tl-il ami li;cl iiriii.il tron'ulp Tli doctor here uniil lint iin melu-mr u.niltt K,li ui (!i-r.ise Mr. Pierce h.ivttriu- l,i.-ri'ii.ii T.ol-icti Mrili r.d Ili-k-.ivrry ' find ' Plea-iatit Trllrt' have ci i mi mi' " An every day necessity in the home. A (jood hnine medical work Send 21 one cent stamps, to cover niailinir only, to the World's Dispensary Midica! Association, HufTalo. M V . fut a paper covered copy nf Or I'lftcr's Cotnnmn Sn-.e Medical Ad viser 'loth biudifitf it stamt J 'M. 083. Made In 64. 48. 42, 36 inch width. ."."iliuv.t thl Mra-(-triinmi'd Wh-ti Fnainelvd l;ils;e.id. In tock in all wt ltii.t; leiis'ih. T' inched. It ha on.' hii Ii pillars, l " .(-pu ll bnri va-is and cups. I'liis -A retail:! lit trotu 5 lo ti lol M. liny of the maker mid hiivc the ntld ilk'inu iN hiry jirotltH. Our Cat nl'f ufs an nin:led for tlio nHklmr. 'niinleto hnet o t'u i lilt ii re, fill pett. )ruirrlerl, Crock-ry, t'lcliii'i, Mirrttis. Movn, It f urerHtor4, ll.ilty " il l i niy, 1 -I tups, lici ti, etc., nri ci'tHiiliM'd in tlii'Bo l-Mits. Our I.itlioirrHi-hed ('iii it ('mil lofu 'howui r till tr 'IiIniii luion-puinted C'-iir;! Hii'sn f rep ; It'l'ai j't Samiilesiiro w:i it 0 1 in lil os in f nini f. I imp a po.ml at iinet' In thi tiioiiej-sJineia linl ri-iti'iiiinf ! It i l y a'rriichl ii.i,.: rth : nr4'liitM it! urp". ' ('orinliiH, lor tier. mtl If'J'.H itntuuiiIinK to (j.Ul) Allli OVl-r. Julius Ilines St Son BALTniORi:, HID. Pleuso menllon tlili Taper. isaSl'KCIAI.IHT ami all AUTHORITY on All who are sillferiu with any lll.(H)i) TKOl'HI.K, would be wiie to e.ill on or address by mail. Consultation tree and ineilieineji eo'iijioiiuiled tosiuteaeh partic ular ease When writing to me please en elose stamp for reply. riitiK JAN. it.vm i-.i . 4'.'." Clmrell St (New No. I je 17 'y. Nmfiilk.Va W. T. PARKER, t OKA I. EH IN v Heavy AND Fancy Farm Implements. H I'OI'SIt SACKS Ol'' SALT FOR 81.1(1 l'KRSACK tW.Correet priens anil polite attention all. anu I 'y- W. M. 1I.VIU.ISTON : CO., Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in CAUI'ETS, 8TOVKS, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, 1IABLI8TON A CO., No. 20 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va 10 "Ml 1. PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. JAMS H. MULLEN, WALTRS B. DJtHIBL M IILUK 4 DANIEL. ATTORNEYS AT LA W, WII.DON, N. C. Hractlcelntheommiof HllfiiulNorthmp on sun In me supreme ana rwuenti u.irw. vui ,.ti,.,,.mftln li, illiurtinr North Carolina. ranch offloe at Halifax, N. l).,opeu every Moo- da. 'n ' " T. T. UOSS, DBUTIST Weldon, N. C. Office over Erary A Pierce'astorf. 10-19-lT. Chronic Diseases, groceries MEN AND WOMEN. The (lurrcct weight AnJ rrufnrlinns Mcasurd ly Artistic StanJar Js. It would seem an cay matter lo pive these, hut it is not i, as'llaro are mi many things to lie taken into considi ra tion. The iiiiii.-iireiiienis ililTer with the different races ami tlie iliU'ercut classes us will. The nnislie sliitiilarils are ):iven. The head i tuken us the stumlutl of ini aniiren i tit The height should be eight times the length ol the head, the lenglh of llie head taken lo mean the distance from the lop of it to the lowest point ol the chin. The trunk should lie four heads in length the distance from the trunk lo the knees two heads and from the knees to the feet two heads. The arms should be a head and a half from the shoulder to the elbow and the same from the elbow to the hand The lenglh of the face tdiould be the same as the lengt h of the hand from the lip of t he middle linger lo ihc wrist. These arc the proportions lor the adult. They difiVr according to the years of growth with children and are different also between girls and boys and men and women. The trunk of women is said to bj longer in iirotioriion than that of men. l'r. Sargent of Harvard prepared for the Chicago World's fair two clay models founded on the measurements of sevcrul thousand students. The average height of the young meu was 5 feet 8 inches; the average net weight, K1S pouuds; chest mcasuremcD ts, U 1 to 1 inches iutl ited. It is said that in h 'ight, weight and strength this far esee-ds the average of uny other nut ion, even KfV.:!atil. The average for the young women was height 5 fed il inches, t li s weight 111 pounds and the chest measurements but !10 inches The measurements were not us good for the women us for the men and do not represent us well the development of the American women. While girls are pretty and round, with the roundness of youth at 10, they nevertheless do not show perfect a development of form us when 21 or more. Women have a tendency to put on too much flesh and should beware of it, as it estroysthe proportions and the looks as II as thepleasuro of moving about. A short woniitncmoot weigh much ovi r 1 UU pounds and preserve the proper proper tioti while the woman who measures 5 feet IV inches or more looks well when sh weighs 1")(). Harper's Uazir. KIH(lVi;tt VW YKAKM Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers tor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens ihc gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor liltlc sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists id cury part ol the world, in cents bottle. Re sure ind ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Southing Syrup," and take do oth- kind NOT MICH OV A CLUK. 'Sav, Sergeant," exclaimed a woman as she came intu the D.-nver police si a tion half out of tireath. Then she hesi tated. ' What is it, iii I'm!" 'I don't like to tell you." "l'roceeu. Have y.iu been burglarised.' "No, but s tine one stole a lot of clothes from off my hue last night." "Just uive the detectives a list of the stuff stolen." 'I couldn't d ithi', lor ih-y tnk tw iirs of- " , 1 (lo ahei'l " "Oh, n-; couldn't do that, but, M 'oliceinau, if you see anybody wturio them, arrest ihcm." With this brief explanation she depal ted. and the po'iee have no clue from The Denver Times. Skin Diseases For the speedy and permanent cure nt tetter, suit i Ileum unit ecteniu, mum berluin's Lye and Skin Ointment i without an eiiual. It relieves the iteh ing and smarting almost instantly mid its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures Itch, burlier's tti seald head, sore nipples, itching li 1 chapped hands, chronic sure ryes und gninulnted lids. Dr. fadr'i fomllllon Pof(ler for horses are (he best tonic, blood purifier nil vermifuge, l'rlce. JSeents. stouiuy K.ir ml--l-y W. M. t'-.lien, W- li" J N. lire Halirai, Dr. A. S. ll.irris.ni. Kolleltl. Iiniioiisti. liii: Belter lo weave in the web of life Bright and golden filling, TodoUod's will with a ready heart And hands that are swift and williug, Than lo snap ihc slimier, ilclicale thread Of our curious life asunder. And then blame heaven for the tangled ends, And sit and grieve and wonder. Boston Budget. Bun tie f 11m Hind You Hm Almrs Bought I Bigattan of flay Siik Day Run Across William Whu l.i'fl Without Saw ing 1 he WnnJ. Ouce," remarked the hobo who saved the biewer's lile and has siucciuit Irump- '1 struck a house down in Ohio wot looked like a good graft; big an' roomy an' no dorg. I put on me mournful look an' screwed mo freight around to the real gave do prodigal son knock on de kit chin door. hind's sake!" cried llie ole woman wot opened do door, 'land's sake!" an' she leaned kinder faint like agin the door, 'you you look liko William!' Me name's William, mum,' said I, but folks call me Bill! It can't be!' sho gasped, 'it can't be! William has been gone for twenty years. " 'Twenty years ago, mum,' Baid I. 'I left me home an' mo good ole uiudder." Wait!' she gasped agio, 'wait 'till 1 get the album!' "Aw, say, I thot dut I wuz in clover, an' wuz wonderin' whedder tcr strike de ;al fer pie 01 chicken fcr supper wheu she arrived on the scene again au 1 found tueself lookin' iu ter de barrel of a big musket. 'And your name is William?' sho asked kinder dove like. Yes, mum,' said I, but me heart wu.n t in it. "'And you left home twenty years ;o?" " 'Yes, uiuui,' said I, a wonderin' what she wuz goin' tcr do next. 'And you have come back, William? she cooed. 'Yes, ilium,' said 1 cause de wuzo't anything else ter say. 'William,' said she, we will adjourn to the wood pile and you may finish up the job that you were told to do twenty years ago. Aw. say, de olo gal marched lis c around to de wood pile an' made mc saw wood fer tree blessed hours while she stood watch over me with de ole musket. An' den she told me ter git au I got". Rut say, you never caught mo piny i u' le prodigal sod racket agin! An' I ain't got hut one hope in dis life, and' dat is dat some time I may run across William who left home twenty years ago without suwiu' dut wood." From The Detroit ree Fress. DON'T. Don't expect to succeed iu life from seedless oranges. Don't think every solid ru in you meet is a hard character. Don't let your neighbor know tin full extent of your ignorance Don't think that ghosts make the most desirable window shades. Don't think bcciuse agirl chews gum that she is a wax figure. Don t expect to see many women elected to office when women vote. Don't waste any lime with n bulldog if you are looking for a soft suup. Dju't worry about what others think of you; it's what they say that counts. Don t think because a streamlet is a little stream lhat a hamlet is a littl ham. Don't forget that when you coufido iu a married woman you are probably cotili l ing in her husbaud also. I HON IC VI. IPS. If manners makcthe mau that explains some meu's undoue conditi in If a mau is ruled by his Icclings he ap: to (ravel in a zigzig course. If riches didn't have wings there would be fewers flyers in the stuck market. If a man could only see himself as others see him ho wouldn't say a word about il. If a mau thinks lifs isn't worth living he can veiy easily find a way to give it up. If the saloons mere open on election day it li ight be possible lo poll a full vole. If Eve hadn't been forbidden lo eat that apple the eh nice, arc thai il wouldn't have hippemd. I have been sulb-ring fro n chronic di.ir rhoea ever sini-e the w ir and have used all kinds of lucdieiuo. for il. At lu-t I found one remedy thai has been a success as a cure, on I that ii Chainherhiin's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1'. E (irisliaiu ti nrs Mills, Li. Formic liy W M nihen Wi'Mnn, ,1. N. Ilrown. lliililis. lir. A.S Harrison, KollcM. llruaKisls. Pick "Yt!!, )iu I'm in ooiMi'l nf' a til I would tii'ViT luve rofm.i-l it' I'd (mil (lie leflst idea flint nhe would acoopl un but shi did." Juk "Well, iirupoHt! ur;iin, atj it' yuu had foruttt'D. That u;lit to iiinkc her ungty emmli lo rufuse ymi." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Brguaturo of A SENATOR'S LAST WORDS Uu VouSlanj Will Vrnir liny As Ihc I'm todimcnt f a I.ivini; llinur? The New York Evangelist tells a story of the lute Senator Pratt, of Indiana, which has a meaning both for hoys and for mothers. One summer morning, ten yours ago, lie sal on the porch of his house over looking the Ohio river, dictating the history of his early life to his dinichtrr. One reminiscence moved the old inuti greatly. It was the account of a journey which he hud made on horseback, when very youog mau, from Indianapolis to Cincinnati. Some business men asked him to carry large amount of money in bank notes and deposit it for them in Cincinnati. He gave no security, so absolute was their faith in his honesty. When he reached the bluff overlook ing the Ohio, a largo steamboat, bound for New Orleans, suddenly came rouuJ the bcud. The thought rushed into his mind, "Why not board that boat? It would be yeurs before he could euro a sum such as that which he carried. He could change his name and be lost in the South." Success fortune waited for him. But, with the thought, a sudden scene flashed before his mind. An old gray farm house in New England, and his white haired mother sitting on the porch reading her Bible. Something rose in his throat choking inn. tic turned his horse away limn the river. The old man suddenly paused here. and after a moment said to his daughter: I will finish this story another time." She sat in silence watching beside him. Ilis head dropped on his breast, and she waited long for him to awaken, but when she spoke to him he did uot an swer. He never wakened from that sleep. The list words of the old Senator, who.e wisdom and in tegrity were known to the whole nation. were the story of the li ree tempt ilion ol his youth Irom winch the mere ineiuioy of his mother hail saved him. We copy the st'irv lhat we tnuv a-k the young mother who reads i': Do you stand with your boy as the embodim- i.t of a living Honor aud Truth und Good ness, so the mere remembrance ol your face would drive him luck from sin and ruin? .You cm do it if you wi I. The House hold. Another Case of Itlieiiniatlsni filled Ity I'haiul) -rlaluS I'alu Halm. My son wasulllieted with rheumatism which contrae'ed his tight limb until he was uuable to walk. After using one an a half botllesof Chamberlain's I'uin Iiultti he was able to be about again. I cuu heartily recommend it to ersons suffering from rheumatism .John Snider, Freed, Calhoun Co , W Va. Kor sale by W. M folieu Wetiloii, J, N llroivn, llsllfnx.llr. A, a. llirrison, KnllcM, DruuHisls. wh at Till': soi'Tii oin SLAVERY. .-'OR The Kev. Elw ird L. 1 VII, of this city (boru iu North Carolina) is collecting material for a history of the efforts made by the south for the moral clevatiou of llie negro before the war. The tacts of such a history, while not easily available, are more ubundaiit than is generally sup posed. Not only did the churches of the south spend large sums ol money in mi-sionary work among the blacks, but it was not uncommon lor persons who owned a body of slaves to have a plaic of worship for them, and to have u preacher employed for their special mill istry. Moreover, every white church had its contingent of colored members, who had a voicj iu the management of church affairs, and so sucred was this lie that many of the colored people con tinued their membership iu the white churehas even alter tbey were ciuauci p.tttd. The i ffotts of individual laymen as, for example, Stonewall ,) ieks n. Sunday school tor slaves came into their possession. I lis. I ad of the many public charities in which ihey are enjaed lo d.iy, th.y devoted III 'ir lime to the struetion of the s'uves and ihc ain li,ia lion of their condition. Seek ativ negro and a.k imu wiurc he cot Ins religious instruction, and he will almost invaiiahly tcliyoii that he owes it to "Ole Miss," who had him at llie "gro t house" on Sunday morniug. read to hiiu and his compau ions select ions fro:u ill'-Script uri s, and expounded their Meaning. Hich uiotid News. lliirkleii'n Arnica alvc. The Best Salve in the world lor Cuts Bruise, Sores, IMeers, Salt ltheuti), Fever Sorses. IVlmr, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, ami nil Skiu Kruplions and posiiivcly eurt s Piles, or no pay re quired It is uu.ir itiied to uive perfect iMlisfaetion . r money refunded. Price 2.") emits per box. Tor nale at M. .'ohen's Hrnii Stnm. Betntli Bigofttnn of HEHKHEFTA-TriE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN IN THE WORLD- is Mummy I'nunJ la A Ccnu'tcry Near I Ik Idly id I.I Kat. "Ilk'SwiSinild I pun llim." liul lie Hid I iL'llthor Trials Will' Ani Sun In "I nmt With llim. The Adonis of Egypt fi.1'10 years ago is uginii among men. .Not us he was when women bowed before him and his every gesture was looked upon aim ist as if it were that of a goil, but swailnd in the habiliments of the regulation unitiiiiiv utiirii's before imperial I'le-nr died and turned today this man ruled the dwellers nu2."ill,0(lll acres with u rod of iioii. The women adored him for his beauty. The men feared and respected him for his wisdom. Near the city of El Kab, which is situated 75 miles north of the present site of Cairo, there lies uu ancient cemetery so old lhat even the meu to whom the papyrus scrolls are as luiuiliar as the waters of the Nile are unable losay when it was first devoted to the purpose of hoiisino the mortal tenements of the old Egyptians. Tiic aieliu-iligi-t bus long found it a fruitful field for research, and many a mummy that today is gu. -d on in the museums with round eyed wonder was undisturbed hero for thousands of years. Il si happened that a short time uno persons prospecting for new fields in a hill in the cemetery dcsciibcd discovered a little pit which apparently hud never been made the subject of investigation. Ex cavation brought to liht the laet that it was not only some! hing new, but from the urchie ilist's standpoint one if the most importnnt finds iu a vry long lime The lit was the entr iiieo lo u solid chain her of rock containing a number of stone Coffins or saieophaij. Besides tlo se there lay up ul the fl or of the chamber n num ber of stutu-'s. Ex iminuiion of the v.i rious contents sho.ved tint one of the sarcophagi eouluincd the mummy of Neoklielia, aud llie nil of papyrus and the inscriptions on the sure iphiizus b,th gave the iuforin iriou til it these were the mortal remains of "the m ist beautiful nun iu E.'ypt mi l probably llie world.'' When the wrappings ol the mummy ol this ancient Ad Ills K 're uulolded. til -le was nothing lo indicate that the reiuiins were thus" of a man of any beauty what soever. The gtimiiug skeleton looked ex icily like those of today. The only o ld fuel was tint the shape of the skull, the bun Is and the Icet were, while uu misiakubly Egyptian, of more elas-ie mold than those of most mummies The formation of the skull also indicated that its owner when alive possessed great mental development, thus justifying the pleasant things which were said about hi.u in the perfectly preserved roll of ancient manuscript which recited his his tory. Some of the iireloc ilogists here were at the first incline 1 to doubt the accuracy of the claims made regarding this find, but investigati in showed that there w.is j cause for doubt whatever. It would ive beeu impossible to perpetuate a fraud of this sort. The papyrus roll, which told the history of Ncukhelta, set forth that his domiuiuu extended over t'2 miles of the banks of the Nile. His idctice was termed Nishwaka, which is supposed to lii 'au lhat the village where lived bore lhat lillc. "tireat were his II icks, oh, ruler of rulers," says the in tnuscript. "None was so wise None was so beloved. The sun smiled on him when he journeyed abroad, and whii he lo iked with disnleas ire a s irroiv as ,1 dcith c.ime tipou liiiu who had caused it He, was Id his people whit the waters ot the Nile arc t.i lvypt. (it-eat is his nuue. No in in who live w.i- s i bt-auti ful. Tnere n to take his p'ac'.'." AltOL'T WOMEN'. Love is a bird that sios iu the heart of a wo iuii Alphousu Karr. What woman de-ires is wt it tell in II 'iven. Mirh.1 'I Ane de la 1'h.ius HOC . Mi (i.l Wtu!d b ' siiul m (hey ioc if they loved women Saiut Thollias. A ti'' of 111 accepts hiVe, a Wolll II) of L'll uieiles it Ant.'ine Kieatd A wild' h like n 1'iiite of which the first eiptaiu lias been shipwrecked Alphon-e Karr l;rien Miij ili.it tKyiu between a man and a wounn will ao:i cIliuo its nam-' -Anonymous. Woman is the highest, holicH, uiom preciotH i ft to man. Her n i-simi ami thioiie is the fatniiy. John Tmld. No man knows what the wile of his bosom is n mm knows what a minis tering anel slie is until he has pine with her through the fiery trials of this world. Washington Irviui:. "Mr. l'cnn," asked ihe iuauaoinj editor, "do you Ibink you could do uli toiial w.'ik? ' ''Ah 1 don't kniiiv." nr. svi ied the p cl and essayist ' I) you thiuk, foreiami le, tint you aie sufficient ly misinformed to wriie uu able article on the euir.i.cy ipiestioti'" Two Diverse Opinions. A MATRIMONIAL SNAG. lhat uy I Hi. ii Urines Irmii IL.-tani AnJ Witc. lie M 1 ell it a in 1 1 1 i ui -ill li sioig becail-i the mulrimom i! b at k is ul .a g"ino to pieces on il. It do. - Ihl- hi f lo olio r things, inteif-1 s niih the s'u -olh col r- nt of intiumi ruble fii"iiiMii;,s and uiat.- iii.my a cIum- intiiiucy, I tut il i.- irk in which ;i man uinl In- wi! hi-i'ii launch, i i..-. tin r ih it ii d i lo the have ' the i-Mt ah-t h n tti. Now tin sinu' in i;-''i! i- u l si inu d.ihlt' afl'iir. li i- in i(li' up riini.y ol'twi diwr-e tii'ini 'N.-, ;ih m! r-itniL'. rt n jiiL'cd I'ci'l' i.- in ii- d.mj' -ill-, si 1 m I d ad I ihiw who f.iuii -I Niii or it iiiut iut'W tahly b.j wrt'i'kfd i n it. A uiitti, I-.i' iii.-uiKT, lias worked all day out of dmjrs itj lln; ii 'Ills maybe has had th.' air ami the Mi'i and C"ii-wrr-u with tiu n of hU kitiJ, IU tini: !u him iiii'ati? c Jiiiiiiu' h'cii'1, m retching nut his limbs and hr-vi'liiu in d -noetic pliilCl.. The worn in, hoAvwi'. Im been in ail d.ty, without il.e an ,.nd without the SUIl dustily, .S'.Vet pil', e inking', s 'wity. di.iL'iptiuin chiMie i, svv'ui no one, talk ing lo nu one, meet ity no one with whom si n ide;i ould be inlereh.med or from wliotu u new direction f..r In r tliouhis (.ould be i-.iined. Whui tii-lit eom.-s, her i:reatL't rest w mid s--".u t li-; in a ehuiye of seene, tlie hriniiy in (f uiit sidc interest.' or u m n'e sy nipiilhetie and ciili veniiy intere.air'e with lor bus band. He, howevir, emu t uudertutid tliis. "Vmi are resfh .s-," lie sa to In r "JUt'on- t uled Hut you i-annol find unytliiiy belter than this, wherever sou o,(, 'fake my word fur it. I hao seen ibeiu all." And he f'ud hi haii'l and pull at his pipe and li-k- in ihe ijni.-t ronteut uicnt of a soul that ha-- b-n sati?-lie J, It is the same thiiy when a man iiurs down town all d'iy and leave- tlie woin.iii at li'iiuo. His idi'i of r -titi i a eheei ftil liieM'.le at t.ii.'hi. ;i wile a- bright, as liav uti i resit ui-ivv as wie i) he pveived in In r iiinlliei's hi'lh.' and ali eaiv wa ! spare'l her. 4 Tin so tin d I Would like j to j;u to leep with tlie ehulreu at li o'clock!'' ujji.y u wile ?j,hs. -But ii is just tin; time my lmh ind like me to he at my best. It bothers him to have me lireii, and he hasiieh ditbreut ideas i f n tin;' from mini' " Putie-.un the nihil hind, may liave eilltd the wntit iii nut of doors all d.iy, and dutie may have kept the iii.ui in an ulliee. Then it may re-t hiiu to o out at nilit. He may crave aiuiisetiieut and divcriiti, some t nt' ttaintneiit for (be mind. Tbe-e di'lr.u t his tboulits and rest his brain and make him Iroher f.-r the morrow's work. Hut the thousand demands of the day, the ohli.'iti jus and rt'piiremetits uf ome Midlion she niu-t li:l, have used tin' woitMii up. The iheiiht ul' new cxeite ilieins and diverMnis only wearies In r. The i ll'orts tlie makes to respond to her husband's wihi sei m i-pint'ec.-, and no plea-ure is uiven or felt. He t'atiiiot understand why it all is. She ea.itmt understand why he does not see. lie rows discontented, slie dissatisfied. The need of another kind of sympathy is u jested. lutere-ts he-jn to tlivtte. and two paths are madi1. i"witt.r every day wid'rapirt Harp r Bazir. An Otil Idea. Every dny strcnptheiis iiv belief ni' rmi nent I'hrBieiaiiB that impure blood h tlie eaiifle of the majority of our diseases. Twenty-live years hco this theory wa used m a l'!ifis for the formula nt ttneiins' Iron Kit tern. Tin- many rntutrk able cures i-tleeteil by I lot famous old li.iiis.'h.li reim .ly are miffieient to prove that tin- theory iM'urrect. liruwns' irwii Hitters id Hold b all UcaluJ-M. The neck alwiyeomes under the head d meat. Uoyal makes the torn! pure, whulcAomc and tlcllciou. envynrn Absolutely Pure Celebrated lor ils urea t leavening strength and hcalthhilness. Assures the loodaunst alum ami nil tonus ol adulteration com mon lo the cheap brands. ROY AT. HAKINU POWDKRCO.. NKW YORK I IIOM. (.liti s. Minnie You don't really mean for me to believe that he kissed you unci peel idly? Mamie ludeed I do I was not looking for nnyihinf; of the kind for half an hour yet Krom The Indianapolis Journal. Bnri tha Bifrnatnrt ot trie vm m Haw nwaivBoupt I u , Ii A Sl.ieum. l (' . ill" ir--.it (' hernia and Seienti;. Will Send Kn-r. lo the .Mil;. -ted, Ti I'.e li .'lie- -I N'.-w-ly lii-i-ivi red li-m.-di. to ( 'ti!'-' ' 'o;i-uiii'! i in and all lin Troubles. Ntil hint! eoulil he I iirei linirc iihi'an t liiopte or e II I V in ire .jov to the :illlielt-ii, than tlie oil. r ol I'- A. SU-uin. M C, of 1-:; IN atl M reel , N ",v York City, t'tmiiileiil I liat lie ha- disr monl an abso 1'ilecHie mi ciniiuu je ion ami po I ino'iaiy eoniiihiiiits, a'lil to tiiaki- ils reat. merits known, h" will semi, lice, three bottles ol' , i ,t... i. i... Nr'ds who i Mill'- iini; liitin e!.et, ioon cliiiil, throat ami Itin tiouliles oi eoii-hiiiii)!iun- Already this ' new seietitilie couie ot nieiiieini''' has iierinaneiitly euretl thou sands ol'appai'eiilly Imoeless eases. 'l lie doctor eon-ider it his n-liioiisduty ii tint v which ii.- owis to litim;ini'v to donate In-, inlallilileeure. j Ulleied treely, is i lloilL'h toeonimeild it, ami nioiesoi tin- p'-rlfrt eonlideoee il theyreat cheiiii-l making the proposition. lie has pr ived (lie dreaded consumption to hi- a eut-ilile disease beyond any doubt. Tilt I" Will be ijo nii-l.lUe Ml sending the iiiiiiike will be in oerhiokinj; the eiscimis m it it ion. Me Ilis uu lile in Ins Atiiciican ami Kiiropean labor.itories testi monials ul epci leiiei- Ineii thosu cured, iu all parts ot t be wot hi, lion't delay until it is too late Ad dress T.A. Sloetim, M. C, IH I'ine street, New York, ami when wriliiiL' Ihe Hot-tor, pie ise tiive expre- and posttitVici' iuhlress and mention reading this article in the lloanoke New. W. W. KAY, CROCERIES AND Whymt call on W. W, CICARS. Kay. as he is open h uh nii-ht and -lav. K"e ihe foi lowing hraiols of well known whi.-kies: Old Oscar IVpp liompsli. 1! live. Strai.-ht." i -i. .Ti lialiiiuore live" rlalii "li Mid "thi r brands. 1 m-II I i it nt t & Co.'s pure Chucko yotte win- s. 1 keep the In st of eVl Ty thilli.' in my inc. BM I '-.lit-- ail- iitie-ii to all at Kay 's, West side K li. Shed, my '2 ly. Monuments aid Tomhstones. IMisluSSSKST l'l.KI'. Wlltlll ; ,iii. i stal sjivc some liiuit as to e ae ot lit ccasetl. TO K Millie .iiilli elect trolli. luaiich ards and We have ti. partus domi: buine-. under a similar tinu iiiime have no eoiine. -lion v itli uu in any WHY whatever- THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. ! Kslabhsheil si, , l.W to Hill llauk St., Norlolk V DOV 2 1 V. OK SHUNT. AND SIM M KU MILLINERY. FANCY ;OlK and NoVKI THIS. Hutleriek's rattorns. li. k (!. CORSETS, Mi.sseH ill ."ii'c, Ladies " lo $1. KPrict-s w ill be made tosu-t the times. Hals aud bonnets made and trimmed to order- MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Walton V O KOANOKK KAl'lIiS, X. C. 4fiD Builders. Furnishers of Bnil(iiEj Materials,: Munufacliirers of Coffins & Caskets and dealers in UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES, We sell them from ti to Jill. Oit eolTins and caskets will compare favora bly iu workmanship nml finish with there of any (actory in the Cuited States aid prices i-uaranteed to be the lowest. )!i.All orders tilled at short nxi".. Mft H ft' urand Display limy i Dnsco I, . iTrr'?5StPirwLH'i':