XOHIN" W. SLEIDG-El, phopkiktok. VOL. XXXIII. J ZSTEWSIPIPEIIR, foe, THE IP IE O IP H, EI WKLDON. N. C THURSDAY, MAY 12. IS!)S. TERMS:-?1'111 I-KIl ANM M IN AI'VANl NO. 2. When you have l sick hoise you lio not hitch him up ( .1 Milky .uul t.ike mm to the race tnu'k for a lit Hi- healthful Min. You doe- linn. Yon cannot wmk or ii ciralr .i man 1 into kikmI health any more tli.iti vmi fan t how Bicyclim will make lii .tllliv men nunc lit-a'tliv . it will make tmlii althy tin u mote null althv Whui a tll.ltl It,!- u inn in ti i Iik .i Inn t v, U'ltetl In- ll.c Worked hiiiwlf mi?, when lu ll, is not th.it h" dor Hot sir' t ot i .it. ot tenl ncl ttie whole world look- nlooiny to linn, tt i- lime for Imu to take m diom-. Then, whi'n hi is lir.u-id n a ltt. it i tune enough for him to lake to the Im vcle, Wlii-ti a man's nerves have an nhfo on tliem, so that the least lillh' disappoint nit nt rasps on hi- temper likr a file, when his stomach mid hwr ami inrves art- de railed, and lie is continually ploomy and melancholy, In should lake Or. I'icree's iloldin Medical Discovery. It makes a man as InitiKry ;ih a fisherman ami mch to it Hi it all the vital elements of tin food art ahsoibed into the blood It braces e.p the liver and puts it to work in the rkhl way. It d'ives all bilii m- impurities from the system. It fill llt-sh, iv.ivi-. brain cell. tiini'Hs and bones w ith the life yivinir ele ments of rich. red. pure blood It makes a man healthy and then a hicyde will make him strong. Medicine dealers sell it, and have nothing "just as ;:uoi! " 1 Wi In NOT USED TO HOTEL WAYS A Yuunn WmiKin After Kistcrinu tiives ilk (Jerks a Surpiisc ' Through your ki!lfiil trent more a well tii.ui m ill 1 .;in utirr I S Arte !! !! . of C.iunly, I.oijaii Co . Nrti 1 siitl'f r ,) fur vears with (-otistm;itioii ioi I torouto i tin- liver, irnt.itum oft he pru-nie aiei tutl immaioii -f the t.la.i.l.-r t t . .k -ix 1...MV- ..t r.,, 1,1, ii Mtdk:il Distnverv i:nl ' Plcie:oit Ivlltls' and am pennaiiailly lined. Von liave Im-u the meant ot saving my lite" A man or woman who m fleets constipation sutlers from idow poisoning I r Pierce's Pleasant ft'Hets i'ti re constipation line little " Pellet " is a UclUle laxa- aud two a mild cathartic All medicine dealer sell them. No other pills are " jut as good. " in n SPECIALIST and AUTHORITY all CI All who are HiitVeriti; willi any HI.OOl) TUOl'ttl.G, would he wise to call on or tiddrms by mail. Consult itioti liee and inedu'ines comiMiiiniU'd to suit each parltc ular caw. Wlieu writing to me please en I'lose stamp for reply. 1'liOK .IAS. HAKVKY, :i." Church Ht New No.) jc 17 1y. Norfolk, Vu r iliil'ttil into an uptown Iiit 1 ly way of the women's etittaiMv Slie was plainly lull neatly cl.nl ar.-l did nu( look like n L'itl uIhi was n-nl to the sy-.tettt in oi"raliti: at a hij; liotel. She had" n liri.dii, .ret(y fare ami ln.iknl tiesli and charm in:.' The two i-h rks oil duty eyed tier curiously and exelianyt d ciimmeuts al'niii the iri. She heMCiitcil it uiimt'iit wlien hhe reached I he uhVe, h'lt after mhih! little display of embarrass ment walked up to tlic desk and pii'kt'd up a pen in a diludiiit manner. Tlie clerk wheeled the bouk around so that the place lor signatures was in the propT place and waited. She chewed nervously ut the end of the pep, then dipped it sluw!y in thu ink, and with a Liteat d'al oi pains wrote: 'MU Miry MeTUky, :T2 W..-t Ninety-third street. Thi n .he eyeil her etl. rt npproiniy and larefully laid the pen down Tlu eletk who had bteti w ili liiti the opera tion with a piod dial of euiiosiiy, said: 'llni'tn, mis?" A fblsh iiianlled her t'aiv, hilt she said sweetly, "Yes, if you pl.-a-e." 'Wo'ild you like it room with a haih?" ake t theeh rk in a puzzled tone. Aumi she seelind einh.ira-sed alid hi situlrd, hat iiaally said in a low (mm : "Ve-. if you pli'a-e. That would lie ry nice, ami I w.ntlil thank vu very much " How much do you care to pay for a hud: siiol tile t;!er as tits eve t-wept the ruck. I'.ij?" she -aid in her sheer surprise. P.i? Whv, I didn't expect to pay :iii)ihiii.. I out a i th lure (.day as a liainbctinaid and have jut cotiif lowti " New York Tribune. footed 0 The HAD PLENTY OF BAIT. Sinmi! Hail. I mi. Juliiiim I mm "1 he Siry lh; IbbiTinan l"IJ. n acob Grovcrs Selected and Private Stock Bye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable Quality. DAVENPORT M01UUS&C0., Sole agents for the Distiller, Kii'hmonJ, a. MR. W. D. SMITH, at Weldun, N. C. ia the sole liislribuiing ai;ent at tlut point, for the above old and' Celebrated Whiskey. DAVENPORT MORHIrt A CO. ' mr ;ll tlu). fori SjLe BY Swift Creek :-$Dairy and Stock Farm One tinmlml head ot gilt edtgr bred rein teredJentey ('own. Heitentiind youtij: bulla hh'OOXl hlootl ol the uoti .l Nlolte IMiiis, Kt. l.amlHrt, Coionuuwin mid nthcr MtrmtiN. Heifeni $l.(KI to .'( IMij tl.VIMI to ;l(l.(HI- Mulex kept only I'mni my het cowa. Remember the hull i hull' the herd mi huyund breed lip. I'olnnil I'hinu Hwine alwaya ou lmud. Write lor what you want. T. P. BRASWELL, je H If luttielHiro, N. 0, J. L. JUDKINS, Wholewile nnd Kelttil Pettier In Fine 1 Staple! Fancy 1 KTFRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, Crockry, Gloss Tin. and wooden aud wit low ware. Alw Pratt' liorse, Cow, .... Hon and Poultry Food, anil drove' , Tiwtelei Chill Tonic. Alexander's Liver and Kidney Touic for purifying the blood. This tonic is warranted or money refunded. J. Li JUDKINS, Mo. 21 Washington Ave.. Weldou, N. C. dee is ly. w 0.T THOSE WHO SUFFER. I he Wiinun uf iho I'.niiiilry ,luas I heir Share f "I he Hur Jen. HINKOF IT ! There isn't a weak point anywhere about the' STUFF MM 'I llcv are a lifllt rt i'aun.e ol iniillti, anil tlif .rii-i's ar iielit. r A N l A lill (iHi A s. I I M Mi lihl'AII.'IMi. l'i.Uliw hir Uttlt -Trnu In lllt CIIAS M SlllM I', !l N. Lilii'itv St., lialtimore, Vahiiinloii,5;!l Kleveiithst., N. W. Mil. Nort'.dk, Va., 4lli Main street. Charlotte, SMS. 'iryon st. oi l -M lv. I BUM Oiit ul riard for reputations otherwise spotlcsfi, no names will be mentioned in the lelliu ol' this stoty of strange adveti tnre fiuMi tit" wilds of the Jetiinulee swamp. Tanned wan the Wvv of the narrator and clear was hi-t eye. lie i not a mem ber ol the Youn Men's (.'hristi in associa tion, but tiothin wave this one exper ience could be tilled against ftiui should he apply lor tnemberfhip. u.Jolm William Hrown-.mitlij nv and myself went d.jwu to a tine tNhin place in the swamp id' which we knew," hU sad story beati, ' for a day's sport, and one ol' the must remarkable things happened 1 ever heard ol. 1 h 1 lagoon, is, exeepl in a few places, thickly fringed with small tree. We opened up the bait and started in, i xp'jrieticiuii the ii-ii.il varying luek, but on the whole duin ptile well. I had artistically baited my hook with a line, fat live cricket and made a skilful cist to an inviting looking spot under n mass of iiverhatiiiiuu boughs, .Home v' theuj not more than a couple of feet from the water. The erick' t had no sootier touched the walei than one of the tilled trout 1 ever saw tti.ide a ru-di at him. Vuu can imagine my amaZ'tneut when tlu; lish gathered in I lit; ins ct with his forward tins as ueatly at l'oiiy Hrowti oatln red in a llyball at the park lh" other day, and without stopping, landed on otic of the luwer branches nearly a yard above the itter, wtapped hi-t tail aMiiud the Htnb, a need him-elt and then took that cricket otl the hook us carefully as I had put Imn on, threw the h.mk biek into water ate I he cricket, wiped bis outh, winked at us as plainly us I could ive done it and llieti dropped back. riay! 1 wns just routed to the spot un til it wan too lateto knock the saucy tiling the head wi:h my p ic." By aud by l'ie dense silence was iketi ly i hi-faint impiir) ;: taWliat bland of bait did y(,U say -l .liii.'i;: Ami the story teller got mad and went away Macon (da.) leleorapp. knottier l airlH Itheiimatisiii ( uttd lly I iihiiiI), rlaui N Pain tlalm. My sun was uHticted with rheumaiini likh cut raced his tiht limb until he as unable to walk. After uiuj one aud half buttlesofChamberhiin's Pain Ba'm ; was able to he about again. I can heartily recommend it to persona suffering from rheumatism John Snider, Freed, Calhoun l. , W. Va. K..rsal.-I.v M Colini W. M..1I. J. X. Bniun. llulitax. Dr. A H. nrre..ii, Ktiltehl , Di uumsUt. the No. 083. Made In 54. 48. 42, 36 In.h widths. $J ::lmvn tliti Itn .a-triuitiivl V71n; r Kimmelfi IteilHtt'in). In stock In all wtilllis; leiiKtli, "5 ioetieH. It das om Inrli pillar-;, t"-incli hvm n-fi and vu i h , Til id Im 1 retails ut troiu 5 lo 6 dollirs. Miiyof the maker aud wiv tlu- tuid lleiiniit lurite proltiB. Our Ctalo),'iie on- ma; lii I for tue H8kiokf. t'oui0iio tni' ol Vu nitiirt', ( a t ia. Uraixriea, Crock-TV, I'letoren. Mirio-8, Moves, It-f iterators HaOy Cir. i i"i-s. Ijhih-s. ilfd-lni.-, etc., me conmitiiNl in theso IhhiH. Oih Lit') 'vmpiied Carfet I'lim iotiti'showmiill tt oilsin liiiinl-iiontel c -lines i8ii 'so fr o; ll'Tarner u:iiieniro wa He t mail n- e, ei tt .nil . lr. eB ii.i-.lnl a' oi't" io t o lie y-taerH ami. rii niti' r Mml w finj fri'irlit .!... !'i iniri'lm'H ol 'iiriipf. ' 4 t.rintii, "r tlcrM inifl 1!IK4 iiiiiuuillliill lo $.ou a id over. JuIlfisl!incs6Scn BAI.TIMOm:, MB. rira iiiih mil iiu, (.,i.m. uacusisiiau V. M. IIAItLIKTON & CO., Wholesale anil llt'tail Dealer in mi CAHl'KTS, 8TOVKS, and MattreHneii,etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, HABLISTON A CO., No. SO N. Sycamoreflt., Paturehnrn. Va in t It PKOFEhSIOXAI. CAKDS. WAI.TKR I. D.N1IL D A N I E U JkHWt M. HOLI.KN, U L 1. H N A M A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Wsi.don, N. C. l-wtti'ein theoourtnof tlHliriiiiiilNnrtliimli tloii. maile tn Hllpnrlat.f North 1'nniHiiR. Brauchoffli:e at Hdllfax. N. Cowii every Mnn. dy. Ian ly JJlt. T. T. HOSS, The ' priili'. . m p and i-iri-uin.-t line.' id L'lnrimii war" lilinil iniiny w"h' I" ll' MulT.-iiaatf. whieli war emails --ulh ring's wliii-li are by no means e.jiifmed t" llie soldiers in lint field. These, are obliged tn withstand many hardships and they sillier I'ruru disease as much us I'riMU btt! lets ol the enemy, but they have the ex citement of battle, the sulaee of ambitie-n to soften their lot; the silent sufferers at home, their mothers, wives and sweet hearts, have no consolation and nothing to suslaiti them but patriotic fortitude. The women of the country, though they do not share in the e.lory of the war, bear more than their share of the distress it occasions. Only when they bear it uncniiijilaiiiinjily, as a patri otic duty can the soldiers iu the field te expected to face death unflinchingly, ltrave men have brave mothers. During the laic civil war the womm of the country b. ire their share of lie burden. orlh and South there was sulfering ut home u well ia the camp on the battleli 'ld, but in the South n..vially the women were called upon to nuke "reat sacrifices for their couulry an 1 did it bravely. Though their heart were well nie,h breakini;, they forced back their tears and (tied to appear cheer f'ul as they dispatched to the field one after unother of their loved ones; they suffered privations, and humiliation eveu without a word of complaint; they nursed the wounded or buritd the dead and yet remained steadfast, sustaining to the end the proud army that drew inspiration from their heroic attitude. Hut the suf ferities of war fell upon tlieui, as it must always fall upon women who are lelt at home, tortured by anxiety for the lovid one, who, in the excitement of a military career, experiences no mental anuuisb. The war that is now upon us will not, we may hope, bring such suffering to the women uf the country as was eniailcd upon the women of ihe South, bv ill civil war. Then almost every ab!e bodied man was in the sciviet; evi ry THE MANY SIGNS. unions An J Sufasiiiiuns r.uiiiik'j With 'Hicl'nivtrsaK'iiniiiiU'iii. OLD MM AND YOUNG WIFE. Wahinniun .Mm Who Su All Sufi Weary ul lhc Jay With a liiri:. :VKKY HOY A WIUTIIKK IMCOrilKT. It is a bi tuple matter to make a cheap tut ecmeeable barometer which will foretell nearly all (lie chauircd iu the Weather. Buy one ounce each of camphor, salt peter, aud ammonia sails at some dru store and dissolve litem tn about thirteen draehuis of alcoho'. Shake the mixture , and pour it into a Iohl', slender bottle which mint then be corked tightly getting no air inside. iluiio this baioiueier ol the north side of your house, and here are the weather indications which it will tell you abou': Vi-ohite clearness ol the hiiuid denotes r We.ttlliT. II the hijuid becomes disturbed or r ily us we siiy, it i- a sin ol rain. If downy tuasse-t form in the bottom of the bottle, it will fre z or at least the hermouieter will descend; thd more, these masses rw to the lop the lu re rigorous will the cold become. Little si a is in the liipiid foretell u hard storm. I'liiead like oljcets on iho lop of i hi bottle indicate win I. I'hiistain (User ver. household had its share of sufTi i int.'; lati. ihes weie divided mining themselves; the distifH was widespread. The present war will not differ from that in kind, but in decree, and it will not be fought ujon American soil, but it will be war, nnd that will mean physical sutlctino tor seine tn -n aud mental torture for more women. It it in ibis country tha women as well as the men are br.ve. They arc ready to make the sacrifices rpiired by patriot ic duty, and it is because the. women suf fer uneoinplaiiiiooly that the men are iUi!iK"d to luht bravely. Iuritn; the civil war the sufferers were in every household, iu the approaching conflict relatively few will be actively eniird but those who ure happily spared from per sonal relations to the army or navy should remember that the sufferers I'miu war arc not only the men in the ti dd ou or the Initio ships, but their uiotlurs, wives or sweethearts at home. Salt i itobubly the only aitide of food which has been Us d by every nation and every ae since the beitmiti of civiliz i lion. Mure FuipeMitiuris are naturally cutMiceted with it than with any other article of food, says the New York World. In ancient limes, before trade was us Well orauiz -d as it is now, suit was Very scarce and costly. From thi-i gradually "Tew up the eastern custom that whoso ever should eat salt together the most precious posscssiuti must be friends for life. The belief that it is unlucky to spill salt at table is olVuniliur origin and cipi il ie.e There is an allusion to it in Ij"ou.iid da Vanci's u're;tt paitjtinra' of ''The List Supper," which represents Judis in knocking over the salt cellar while reaching out his hand. The Bom-iii.s had thi" superstition aud took extreH.i pre' i-iutiotis to avoid spiliiuj; Nail. .M my fierce battles have been waed f or the possession of ratine springs, by animals as well as men. "The liii; 1 ue lji'-'k, a Kentucky salt spnnu', was in the early days of the settlement sutroun ded by many tons of bones, some ol extinct beasts that had been killed llieic Ghthiu for a taste. Must of thise' were destroyed, but Jefferson and otheis rescued many specimens. The Indians salt Iroin the name spline and in central New York, and traded it far and wide anions dit. t ri ht s. Many nations held salt sacred. The (itriuaus lielievi d that soil made salt by saline springs was peculiarly holy. 'Ihe scriptures speak frequently of "the cove nant of salt." The M xicms had a ioddes of salt, whose more or lev musical name was Huixtoeimatl. There is an ea.-t. in tale of a man who went to, rub a hmie by niht. Stumb ling upun un object in the dark, be put hii ti-oue to it to ascertain its nutute. It was a bit of rock salt. The nun yave up the idi a of rohbiu.; a hooe whose owuci's silt he had ea'cf. T iia iloiivaiii of the Forty Thievis was more wily. He would not eat iu his iu'einied victim's house lest theiv uiiht be salt in s ine ol the di-die- Some of the "tacky whites'' ot' the sunlh put salt in (bur sh cs to keep ui witches The l'hiiic-e. in oh t-rvitiLl ihe last festival of the year, throw salt upon the freh built lire iu front of ihe aticc:- tral tablets. In many remote parts uf the world cakes or blocks of r ck salt have been used as money, and a man who wa not worth his .salt" wasapnttv pjor fellow. Tin: Moi)i;ir sampson. tin lint o all mini' 1 jay with the yt.uii wile lliake-i me uiovt tin-d. The old duffer iri s to put on a dijinitied air when m my pe tph: arc around, but wait until Impels a chance to smile at t yoiitio brid'1. It s awlu1 The smile is that of a poutu whieh has been treed and know- there U no tseapi I mean that it's sickly. II ill' ut (hem may be putting on with the innocent iil. Three days ao ia,l ,,,. f u0 old jays iu tow. What do you uppoe he said to his wife? I was taking them from ihe White Mouse to the treasury and parsed by the fuuntaiu which c it. tains s i many pretty oiillili. "(Hi, look at the beauiil'ul tliinu'- he said, with a urin at his wife. 'You are pretiii r than any fi-b in that pond.' She said, lh!' Well, I wanted tothiuw him in, but uf course I was looking nut for the eniiv 'Here comes a ni-wiy uiatiied couple. Anybody e mid tell that You .-e , h has his wile' by the arm and is lookini; down into h- r face with an air of dm ti ntinetit that is enoijoh (J make my blues leave tnelosie. I notice J that couple CMinino up lVnn-jlvatii.i avenue L'O mill utes aro. lie was h-iidino h r arm tin n lie will -tiek lu the j ib until they reach their Iwtcl (his afternoon. He is nol afraid she will cs-cipe, but he thinks that is pari of a new u room's business. You see he h- lps h-r up lh ? steps and point: out things to lo r. He ti lls her (hat h -o and s '. Nine i bances ut of d u il i: SMtncthinL' else, lie feels that he i liouml to say sonielliino 1 have seen many of these ynuiej; know nils point out the Corcoran Art odlery as the patent ollice and pass the Mate, war and n.iw building ell a-ihe resid lie- of li-tel ii Mih s or as the tn w city p totlice. Tin iniii cent bride stares in thinks it's so. She believi Henry knows all about it. ''It's very different with has hi eti married several his wife ee f..r I lo-m.-eU and lo ks at a thitii: which intere-t hi :u Slie ooes on and -t 'J s to look at soim - IhiniT which inicre-ts her. liny aie ;euerally li'l yards apart. U he ti lls In v that a buiidinu' i such and such, be disputes the p int aud thinks it s s i n -tiling el?- - Washington S;ar STORY OF A DIVIDED HOUSE. 1 1(0 J MnilllM'.J HvllllWaPMl'- hdi.i;:ijil li leel r die il ! r I' or .1 i .s. n t a d.nn lli-ll,ilatin' ili i...-, hii: .1 i wio. eir I l..t' . i'V. I)l 1 1 i 11 h -'... 11, lie- v.i-!.. u-ii.illy m il. in- lei1 dn ny -treiehe. o1 d a'id leiw'd.'l-. w I. r i.MM' I, -in III', il.j is w. r.. riliiinnj I'uli l.'i.v. itl iwne: with .hnv tl '1 w i'.t in 1 1 Iu- -vh 1 1.' ni l!,'' e. until, li ,r . .1,111 ii t i lie- l.iV aje. . i" lln- -I. 101 1 was lidm !.iuly .i'.oiu ia tl.e Sail Ih'mas ili-lriet, p!el,m' 1 1 1 ay as b, .1 1 e illel .1 1 -.ri'r Hie line . Ill S I II IT was 1!!. d a roail, wle n lill nl'l III. Ill glided It ol the iindellril-ll and sl.pp-d THE DREADED . A Si... and S-i AHIi lv no. I ' . lh.' III. at Chemist Oil-', tt ill S II I free, lo Ihe I, 1 Tl.r-e I! iMlc-i.l New-11-1- i. I'ed If 'IC'll.'S o I 'oh ( '.ill-OIII.U .II .in.l all I ( 1 1: Tlollhl.s. I and had . videlllly 'Til t r . "Illl. I"l! even id u .td. - Vlll'll l,i d. hit' d I Me was 1:1k ITl l .. 11 out during 1 lie. ilaliipll' s- of ihe v.. .ill MI'mV ihe ,-tnile Mill! a' oVi'l-pl'i il'l. ''llowdv. sir lll'' r. ' In' " tun a raiim ! "S.. I -e." I an- v, I 1. " lo have heeil mil ill il." Kvcry Lit of hit, ,-Uaiigi riiniuin' fer lour il is, an' I nuliin' all lh time. Ve on tlic ole woman thi tunc this year fi i. d -tarl' d W" .'ot ter alglll'vin' alinilt id-. J l .-. . 1 s lid Im wnz goin ler lain, an' lh ' ole w mnn ii 1 hit wu. Tt an' pnli.v s am ihi-jear nr'iity in1 not so warm lliet 1 called f t a ilivis.-lmn 1. fill'. Iintl-e. an' the ole w "Ill.in see aided lie' ni.iii .11 an' iiimi- diil. ly look the iii-idi an' ive im-iiir-i I -, an' then the fl I "1 Cl'lie all' l v,' h en l.iojhin' evi r , hit' I've V ihe J,s' 1 h;n a been a lef..te -iii.-i lo I' 1 ut in ihiim- philan o tlleallliete.l. 11 itl. M. t' . of City. Aeieil all aliso- 1(111 (I li; It I'll'' IV V I'M KM Mrs, Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filly years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. Il will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world. -.) cents a botilc. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind HuT-klcii'ii Arnica soilve. The llest Salve in ihe w..rld for Cuts Itruisc, Sores, I'leeis, S ill Kluum Kcvcr Serses, Teller, Chained Demi Chilblains, Corns, an I all M-10 Kinptions Ulld losllivelv cUhit I ilea, or no pay iiiired. It is ir.inted lo ui v.. peifeet saiislacln n or money relumlcd. rnce l!" cents iter box. Kor sale at W. M Cohen's hrug Siore. I'KM'.CICSSAUY. An old colored elliZ'U who was try inn to dissuade his son from eulisiting in army, siiiil: 1 uw, leiumetell ousnuie pin: Kf yon makes tip y.t' u.in' ler g en you uils bluwetl up by one er del Spanish torpedo don't you com" hack HOW DO YOC WALK. w.iiid. r and s her d tiling ihe llliill who ais He and :s. lie -. hit i. lran 1 up y neb r. I. shouted, X uoWIl 111 n.vi.ANci-:. Oh, Mister Sampson on de sea, Kn he aiu't iwiuc stan' no fool; He'll slay dent Spaniards fur eu free Wid de jawbone of a mulr! ey better tu n out school, Raze he won t stall' no fool; He'll slay detn Spauiards Kur en free Wid de jawbouc of a mule! Oh, Mister Simpson pot de un, Ku he shoot (en mile by rule, Hut he lau' en slay 'em ev'yotie Wid de jawbone of a mule! Hey belter tu'n out school, Kaze he wou t stan' no tool; He'll slay dein Spaniards Fur en free Wid de j iwboue of a muli ! Constitution. lie was making a holluw pretence ol bcit 1: hungry at breakfast. 'Had (oniay at ihe office to balance the bonks la-t niht, my dear,'' he ri marked. She was uo.iiiir gloomily out of the window; and upon the lawn tlurc wire divers tracks. 'I hope the hooks were better balanced than yourself when you it through," she answered, not without bitterness iKlroit I nn u.tl. Hi; APT IMIOTOGKA1MIY. "Say!" exclaimed little Willie suddenly hreakiuo a loti silence and turning to bis uutlh r, "is tture suLh a thiiu us a photographic heart '" "Why.wh.it d ) V u mean, Willie? a-ked his ni 'ther in surprise "Well, I heard that man who wash. re last nioht tell sister Sue that her t eat ores were photographed on his heart," ex plained the boy, "and judiuu' Irmn the w ay he was b ildin ha I should think they ouht to have b, ti." 1SUKAT S( in.Mi:. ' I- it a lait'jjiin:: n: ill"i' the rain fi'iir day?" "Ciob r tic circiitn-tatici Hi . Ye m e tln-t's tn ;tie Wu!, hit hidti t bin a ratlin' inoic than tiiiecri iiiitiiilts U lei'' the chick" ii-houe Went down in the ia-h, then tic barn went, an' tlo n the shack foil iwd." "With vour wif in it?" "With the ele mil; s'iai'tiiiii: hi- Ii ' wi:h j'i aiiii. r, thai' he 1,-! I I.., ki d in the din etioii lie v.i j..jit.t iiiii and theie in the middie ofiln' wash was the rcinain of the shack with the eld wvnian silling on lh" ridje poh , witdiy waviiiL' b- r -unb nu t t while around in 1 ah ut her n tniri'iit '('.line on down, -'ranker," el 1 lit. m, "1 waliti r talk t, r woman." Curious to mc the uutemie, I follovvid tlie old m in 1 wu to the luink of the wadi: -Hello, ole wmaii! ' h- yelled, when he not within shouiinj distance, "has hit bin a rainiii?' " There was no answer to this, but the old woman's actions wi-re su''esUvo. Throwing h r sunb niirt iuto the tl od -he comiiieiieed to slide down tli- riu'f. -Holy mii ik !" oip-d tl 1 1 man. he' ooin' d r swi:ii a-h r ! Stranger, we'd better ii! Wln ntheole woman is mad she's a holy terror, but when she's both wet an' mad she's a The rest I failed to catch, as tlie old man wasalreadv leircino it d iwn the road. From the Heir -it Free 1'nss. Nothing oii !il ii l itrei t lilopif up e ii ry in ire o , 1I1.111 the Oll'T ot T A. Mo m '. I'eail .-tied, New Vol t'oiili leiil that he ha- Iim lute cure i'oi consumption ami pulmonary complaint-, ami to make its ure. it. nierils known, lie will semi, free, three hnttlc-i of inedicilie, to auv leaii'-r ot' the ii'oanoke Ni ; w -ho i-otl'eriiiL' iVoiu ehe-t, hioii chial, tlno.it ainl loti trouhles ol eon S0lli,t loll. Aln-ailv this "new seii-ntitie coore ol llM'lieine" has n iniaiientlv eureil thou saliiU ol 'apiKilelil ly hopei-i". e.es. 'Iheiloeiio eonsiilers it his ieliy;ioiisilut y - .1 itill V " llieh lie Ortes to luniuui'v tl) ilonate Ins inlalllhleeiil'e OH, rt-il lieely, is emomh to eouiliieinl il, ami nioie o i Ihe p-'ilect eonlnleriee o IheH-.il ehe!tll-t lll.l k 1 IIU' I lie JIIOiosi t loi. Hi has i n i oil the itn-.eleil i iii--iiiiipl ion to in a cu..ioh- ilUca-e h voml any ilouht, TI11T" will he no iiii-lake in sending the milake will he iu overlooking tlie pellet 01 is iuvital ion, lie has on li le iu liis Anieiieaii ami Kiimpean lahoratories testi monials ol' experience in 1 iu those cured, in all pails ol the worhl. Iiou t (h-lav until it is too late Ail divss T.A Slocinn. M. C. )H Pine street. New York, ami when writing the Jioetor, ph i-e jjive express and postoiliiv address and mention nailing this aiticle iu the tioaiioke News. V. W. KAY, d Mid the Obstiua'V is indicated by the slow heavy aud tt it -tooded Mylo of walking whilo mis'rliness may ho suspected from short, nervous aud anxious foot st-'ps. Tiirmd-in tms "enerallv eharaeteii.e ihe absent-minded, and n stoop (he studl ous and deeply l'etl 'elive, whose thouuhis are an where ruber (ban with tie in selves. Sly, eutioiti'i people walk with a mu-i less, even aud stealthy Iread, resembling (hat of a eat. A proud person mm rally steps even, holds the figure upright, ami the head a little hack, and tunn the to s Well 1 Ut . A nay and vo'aiile privin Irips liuhtly au 1 tasily, in sympithy with his or hi r nature. Character is shown !')' all soils of oddities in y.ait, but for urace and elegance no civilian's walk will bear com parison with that of the man who has re ceived military irtininiz. I have been suffering from chronic diar rhoea ever since the war and have used all kinds of medieiue-i for il. At lat 1 found one remedy that has been a success as a cure, and that is Chamberlaiu's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy P. K (irisham (iaars Mills, ha. N. Un.wii It. nil u. Ir. A S Itun lien Wcldmi, ill , I'JllielO , ki.m i:miu:ki:i. One of ihe bovs at Cliiekaiiuuira re ceived tlie f'olitiwiue; noli: from home ic oently; "Denrdim We knowed you didn't have not Inn much to eat t liar, so, hem as yer uucle wuz a oin' lo Chattatiooe,.t, yer mother sends you, by him an' through him, one bilile, iwo ijuarts of buttermilk, a sack ot hoiue-m ide biscuits, a smoke house ham an' a bundle of tract , with soldiers' prayers on 'em, an' may (he h jrd have mercy on yer soul!" DBlTTIST Weldon, N. C. Offloe orar Emry A Pleroa'astort. 10-18-ly. Iieahter me don't i u sh.ov heuh no inn ! Mind thai, n ! ' fae. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Skin Diseases. For tlie speedy and permanent rnre of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, I'hnin berbtin'a Kvh ami Kkln Ointment, Sz without nn equal. It relieves the itch iiiK nnd mnartinR almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's; itch, scald head, fmre nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic onre eyes and granulated lids. Dr. CauVs Conillilon Powders for I horses are the best tonic, blood purifier navenuuuKft' 1'rice, iiacents. boiuoy Fomalcby W. M.Onh -n, WeU'.ou, J. N. llrowe, Halifax, Dr. A, H, Harrison, Kntleld, l)nim;lsts. A Wnndrrfnl Plirovrrj-. Tin last quarter of a eeiitnry reeonlg many wniidert'iil discoverien in iiniHeiii, hut nitnp that have neeomIishei more li.r humanity llnoi tliut sterling uhl liuiiM-lmld remedy, Mrowiis' Iron Hitters. It seems to com a in the ery vlemeiitM of koih health, and neither mnn, woninn or child can titko it without deriving the t; rein cut heiiefit. Urowns' Iron Ititiers in wold hy all deahrs. It is often haid to hrini: period to a full stop n irirl of the A venerable colored citizen approached his cmn'over recently follows: "Dey ain't ji-t done 'li-tiu' folks yit, i- "Not yet. Do you want to j 'in 'em.' ' 'No, sub, not cxae'ly. You see, bit's dis way: I pot seven sons all u rowed, in niv family " "Y.s" ' Yes. suh,etl I 'lowed dat i tey is idi no 'count, eti no use ler nobody, I'd di pal 'i tii iu de army." "Yes" "liive 'em ter de eiivmeiit at reduced rate, ctl poekit de pay ter de seven uf 'en " "Why, you couldn't do thai!'' "1 couldn't, sub?" 'No! ihe government wouldn't pay you ativthino! The old man looked thou"h(ful. and muttered as he moved away: "Damn dis heah red tape ruvnicnt, anyliow''1 DUriurt of Ihr Blood and Nrrrr. No one need sutler with iictirnlitin. This disease is quickly and permanently cured hy Itrowns' Imn Hittern. Kvery dieaso of Hie lilond, nerves and sioinio-h, chronic or otherwise, sniTomhs ttt HroHns' Imu Hitters. Known mid used for nearlv a quarter of a century, it Mauds to-day for, mopt amonir otir most valued renin lien. Urown-lrun Hi iters is sold.hv all dculvrt. It makes a man feci cheap when a w mum calls him dear in public. H4l muketi the food pure, wholr.ome and drtitious. POWDER Absolutely Pure CROCERIES AND CICARS. Why ml e ill .in W, V. K ay, as he is op. n h-th nijht aud day. Keep the ful lu.viu hiaiid el well kiiuwn wlii-kie-i: u;,l O-ear Pepper' Hump's li. P. 11. ltye. Stamp Straight, " "ti:iid.n lliliimiire Hye" and ..th. r hrauds. I . U liiir.tr .V Cii.'s pure Chiieko- V.ille win. I I.. . p lh. I. -t .1 evi r)' ihin ii) my iue. tt),.,P"!iie in t i n 1 1. in lu all at Kay's, We-I ,ide II, ( Shed. tn y 'J ly. Monuments M Tombstones. 1MSH-NS SK NT FliKK. In wntini: ivc some limit aft to pi ice and state a'e of deceased. , ((.T S KM k in the Mouth to -.elect from. We have no branch yard.-, and partus do mi: hiiines,'. under a similar lirm ii. one have im connect ion with us in any "'thVcouper marble works. . Ki.laldiMii',1 IMM l.'ill tn Hilt laink nt., Nurliilk Va dov 'i 1 y. Grand Display OF -SPH1XH AND SI M MKIt- MILLINERY. FANCY HOODS and NOVELTIES. lUitterick's Patterns. II. ic (J. COUSETS, Mies at oite., Ladies 7.V. to$L 1.1'iices will he made tosnit the timea. Hats and honnets made aud trimmed to order- MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N. O Olchrated lor it- ("real le.n ellinn -d I'enijlh and heal till illness. Asuri's t he Jood au'Hinst alum and all loims ol adtilteralion cotn inon lo ihe cheap In amis. HOYAI, tIAKINO COW UK It CO., S KW VoltK' False teetli are never they appear imperteel pert eel unlcf-N Im tall, r Bmritha A 1118 m I WHP BOIipi him W, T. PARKER, , HEAt.KIt IN , Heavy AMD-Fancy Farm Implements. IU P01 XI) SACKS OK SAIT FOH i.m pi-nts.u'K BrtfJuCitri'i't pnewi and jielite attentinn to all. aii 1 ly Bnri th. fiigaatar. of , 1 he Kind Ynu Ham lays Bought jPTffll ANTE D-TRUSTWOUTIIY KW an' a, ,'vt' W,'lI,b'n,,,n or liulien to " travel for responmhle, established house in North t'aroliuiv. Monthly $tir.(l(i aud expenses. rosition st mtv. Kel ence. Knelose self-addressed stamped en velope, ine lmnnnion tjompany, JVpt, U. Chicapo. V HOANUKK HAH 1S, N, C. CoflTMCToris uUlLQEffS. I'urnishern of 'Biiiiflinj Materials,. Manufiieturern of Coffins & Caskets and dealers In UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES.. Wo pell them from 82 to $10., Our Collins and CflakelH will compare favora hly in workmanship and lioiBb with trioso of any factory in the UDiled StaUn and prices (luiiranteed to be the bwost. trtfc.AH orders tilled at short ..lie., ep 9 6ro.