ijpt 1lJP iil Bpa SHIM BSBSBDBfiia re A l WW an I hk JOHN W. SLEDGE, pkopkiktor. A. NEWSPAPER EOIR, THE PEOPLE TERMS:-"'"1 1'Kit anntm in ahvanck. VOL. XXXIII. WELDON. N. C, THURSDAY, MAY ID. 1S9S. NO. 3. There is si) much trouble counni. into the world." said Holim-bruke, and si i much mori in ? K"'K "t of it, WOttll v Ink lo In- Inn- .u all." It a and a J- I 1 -! li - r 'Xt'' (Miii c 1 u s i ii n, g, Wliii. P'UM He- I lie -fciU ti.ittiiii! I'liiicluioii W OUll IMltl. . in l'iiin(- Itig their babe inin tlv Philosophy nf (hi- Vied tn-til iinn gross itfiiir. nice " i 1 1 l.ul i tit it I It t- i no nrcrv-tty fr llt- -i v te ,iip.t- tmdi r (tone 1v the average wont in. II .i mini, in iy- sttoinr and In illliv tti a wiii.tnly iv. iv, Illotllt'tllood means t III I li!l lilllc l! f i t-r- ititr. The double lie. in the f.i. t tli.it the majority i if wntni'it 'ini' i luen winkinsH ami discasr nf tin- ili-:iiutlv ti Mt.ittit- or ir.mism and an nti.tPd i"i :'.m';c: In .od. This VMi always Ii - t. 'ii. i!u d lt I'ki.c's l-",ivut itc Ptt-scttptioO 1" a 'ict -pe- 1 y :itld permanent cure im all ili-n.lits nf tliis tlfsi'Tipttnll. It at 1- din il I y nil the 1 -1 i - itt aud important iii'g.-.ni ci nicerm d. ttuk-.titf thrrti healthy, !io!'.k. vicoioiis. inli and elastic. Ii hani-lns tin- iudispot jijuits nf the period of expectance ami cii'm baby's advent t-tisy ami almost paitih :s, II quick ens ami vitalizes 1 1 1 - -1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 my ,ti, ami insures a healthy mid robust li.iliy Tln.it sands of women li.i-. c '. -tnbd to it-; mar velous merits. Hone : di iiuui-a. - do not offer substitutes, ami iii;;e Until upon you as "just a Rood." " 1 MiflVvil l inrlrcii , -us." v, rite . Mrs Mnrv I. Stewart, i l H i y . S;n.ni.-.: S.uita Cl.ira Co . Cil . uilh l. i- .il, ii riiii- ics- ami Kfiii'rat iU1i!il I triiil i-vi-'Mliiny to mi nvail. Dr. l'i;M- intr I'ii m i i:ition iitul ' ilolilfil MfilK-.'.l lis.Mvc:y' rt-il im-." Thr nami'. aildti-rnul nliotniri-iphsnf hundreds of Wtnilrn -u: 1 t-v 1 1: TiiMi-r's medicines ;ir- ptiMeil liy pi-niu-sinti in the " I'eop'.i 's CutnutMii SrilM- 1 dlu-.ll Adviser." It's free, l-'nr a t iprr-enver. d copy send 2i i.iif cent -t.ini: :.i:n mmi irn,' only 1 it iti h y tli live -t.uttps. Address Hr It V 1'i.t.y, 15.ifi.di.. N Y I-'very Wntiiait m etis a iite;i' ni-iltc il tinok. Itr. I'ierce's L'otlKiloii Sui-v- Medical Ad viser fills this want II cmtt'iitts over luuO pages and tuaily Ski illn-halii.iis. i a Sl'KCIAI.IST :m,l Al'TIIOIMTV nil C! souses All who lire snlVeriti with miy liL(KH) TKOI HLK, would he wise to call on or address hy mail. Consiiltitimi free and medicine con)Muuided to suit each partic ular case. When writing to me please en i lnse stamp for reply. I'lior .1 AS. IIAKVKY. r,'; Chuieh Kt (New No. je 17 1y. Norfolk V a Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable Quality. DAYKNTOUT MOKKISS CO., Sole amenta for the Distiller, Hiohiuood, Va. Mil. V. D. SMITH, al WclJon, N. C. is the sole uidtributinj; aent at that poiot, for ihe ahove tM anil Ccli'brattd Whiskey. DAVKNPOKT MORRIS k CO. mar :ll r.in. -by- Swift Creek rDairy and Stock Farm Ou huudrtsl head ol iiiH tHlitehretl reifis lrisl Jt-rsfy Cows. Ileilers and vouuk hullR hlcuded UliMMl ol Ihe itntc I Moke I ois, Kt. Lamlwrt, t'omrnassie and oilier stratus. ! lei I en J'l llll to Ml IHI; Itnlls M '" to - Malcn kept only liom my mt ittwA. HemeniHer the hull is half the herd n huyand lrnd up I d and (.'lima swine Alwnyn on hand Wnic for w hat you wMi T. P. BRASWELL, J1 1y Hnttlfhora, N. C. J. L. JUDKINS, Wbolenalf tun) Retail Hauler In Fine Staple Fancy 0-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES' Crockry, Ola Tin, and wootlen and wil low ware. Also 1'ratt's Horse, Cow, ai Mof( and Poultry Food, and Grove'. 3QC T.wUdeH4 Chill Tonic. Alexander Lirer and Kidney Tonic for parilyiua the blowl This tonic is warranted or mouer refuuded. J. L. JUDKINS. No. 31 Wanhingtoa Are., WolJon, N. 0. MTV HAS Groceries The Bible. ENSHRINE IT IN POWER. I'ri'diiu.sMiniiirii'Siil'lliinii'WhiTi' k Ilitlt Wis A l'oviTi'iiu'3 AnJ Stuikj limik. Hive lie IliUc the pLu-i' it iiiil'IiI t" reupy in y.nir Ii. mi . Kiihriin. it in nWiT. I,"t not ill.' il.uly l. wp:lt. r, ! Ihe i i.lll:ir tn 1: wine, ll.ir the llli.sl 111 1 fa .fit staiel.ir.l atiih r eume hi tv-eii V"l nil I the ,.y IcM.llll ill Ii id h wnlil. S .ine nf you, I il'iubt mil, have ireeiuiis in 'tli, ri.'s ol' huiii.' where Ihe llih'.e was a revrrelieeil atnl Hlililieii hii.tlt. V,nl em ar the tunes of the 1'aihr'r'n voiee as he re-iil in 1 lie 111 riiiij', anj reeall the awlu; ness with wliieh the uhl proiheiie peiinils re elolh.-il, or the ileliht willi whieh the jireeious proinises fell upon your ear. oil e.111 see u beloved nnilher ("anu-iinj; Ireiinili ,ind courage ami eotisolalion day liy d-iy Ironi the l',a!iin auJ beatitudes You kuow llie words wbieli were taui;lii on tin 11 h ive cluiii; lo ymir nieiiiory, and will be part and pate -I of you through all eternity. Now, by nil that is snored ill these reeolleetinns, bv all lha love von :iear your liltle ones, by all the (errors "1 the judgment b.-l'ore wliieh we iniM all appear and meet the lee ird of our lives, h -se ,-eh you to he faiihful in ymir own loiurs, laitlilul lo l!. d an I to those whom il lias eo'iiuiiited lo y.nir e.ire. Ii ill ion lie to i I ite. When these ebildr. u avo it iwn up an I none into their life wori. lei it n it be theirs to si i : "I lit lia.e heen in nf. fimiliiir with I he Hlhle and il. hlessi. I teiehin's and lliroueh lb ' iull 1'iie of truths ibus irili d llliullt pel haps have been led into an assure I hip- uf et rn il life in Christ; hut nit nirenis were not fiiihl'ul. ind the lion', divine had in hollered place in my eariy hoiue." You may not he able lo nive your ehil dren wealth or the inheritane of a (inat name, or euiiiieni soeiil alvaiilavs; but you can leave iliein ihe resuhs of lide!iiy and precious memories of devoti.ui to ihe holy task of tryiiiL' to make them know what lio l says lo us iu the Old iind N- w tam-'lits, an-l what he wants us to be e audio di aiel to be I'rederiek N' ible, !., in "The divine L ie ,.f M in " An I'liccrtatn lllMaM, There i nodi-tea.se inure uncertain In In nature than dypi-pja. I'liyHiciuint nav Ihut the nvmiitotuN of no two onaui ' i. .-. therefore most dtllieult lo 111:1k n iMrri liairmwis. No mutter hoa spv..i-.. r 1... wtittldisetiiiedvspt.psiuatla. ks..1i, (..uns, Iron lliti. r will curt it. Invu'l..u).u ;.. ..11 di-teasei of the munittch. Mood nml ....r.-a. liruwus' Iron liiikrt. in m-l-J ,y ull deHleri. vun.w nc it i mnrv ui 1 1 : There isn't a weak jmint anywhere about I lie - 'rilev are a itei leet exaiilltle of riauo- liuihlitiiC, ami ill,- prie,, are riuht. Sl'ASllAKlHIItdASS, Tl'NIMI ASH UKI'AIUISII. l'iaiios for Kent Terms lo Suit HIIAS. M. Ni'lKKI-', 9 S- l.iherlv St., Haltiuiore, Washiiintoii, Ml l-lleveulh si., N. W. Mil. Norlolk, a., 110 .Mam street. I'llarlotte, 2' UN- I rvon St. oct 31 Iv. ( From FACTORY to CONSUMER. ) SI.39 lnijflthis,exact) Kutlioi novker III Inntcst 6174- t-er iiimli' dncll, I4.50. Uur n Iiuue CHlH eiiiiiHUiinK f or- inline, .irape- nes, ( loeki-iy. A IlllhV t HIlilllft'M. Vs Hi'fiiKenttoiB. Stoe-. Ittnps, Vw 1'letuies Mir- in jours for the gj ankintr. Shh'IhI stipplenient Joct ( wy dUCti n mi no tree, ntm' in on; CAIil'KT rATAl-i(U'i; m til ho- ' m-anliisl isilori II also mailed i Write for it. If tou wif.li wimples. ' mmiiI He. ttlxnm. Msttuiif uoni-lt-s also mnilnl for Me. All rM l- i-wel A IV fwAA llat mniilh uuil Ipfiai lit WJ q piil on 90 iturrhtum huiI ovr. $7.45 (A ItuyN made to yoor-mtiu-T un AU-Wo.il riteviot Hull, 01 eiiin'mMHQ niepiiiii to your (A hifiiie nml MiiniU-. Addnisi 1 W ll-llli-tl. BA iM'lllW). II I IIfH IllNFNftHON ( Dept. 909. BALTIMORE, MD. 9) ' eiiOFKltSlOSM. CARDS. jam as n.nci.i.aN, WALTaa a. danibl DANIEL. M uum a ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wki.do!?, N. C. Kmoticeln Lliecotirtiof If alirftiAtidXorthtmti onHiid tn the Supreme ind federal court. CoU e 'Uoininade In ullparUof North (-anilink. BrauchutQce at lUltlai, N.U., open every Mom day. jtn 7 ly D It. T. T. KOSS, DENTIST WelJon, N. C. VOtBooonrEuirjr & Piaroa'aatorr. 10-lllj. STUFF Vw rori. Iksldinir. etc 1 n A Slinlit Mistake. SHE MISSED IT. lUvauc What the lunurcss man SaiJ Hii Nut Apply lo Her. 'I kn v what I ntn talking aliout," ii'imirkctl it nii'tiilh-r of c nmrcss, "when I :iy that ii coiiressman lias Irotilih-n ol' liis own. It's ii line tliino (,, - u Males tn tn ami slmw up in lln haliuiial parade of uri'.itih'ss at llic capital, litil llieie's a ihiA U:.-il iimrn to it than thai. And one ul' Mil1 things t h it is hanlcst to bear is what they ay ahuut tif. Why, u lady can't como up h'To nml uA to hco a tnt'inher that tlicre aren't a hull' duz-D people to wink ami shake the: head mid a lot tuort! id" t hu sitne to make hiiu wish ull the wiMiKiii were in hade. Of course ilk'te is HuiiH! ground nm ui;; U4 for ro marks, ju-it as thcru in aiunti preacluds and doctors and ho I carrier;) aud ever)1-, b idy el-c lintiiati, and I know a wuimio ur iwo who Iind their chief delight io iryiu to invulvc congress id en and other officials in uny kind id' :i flirtation that Ctitne) handy. They arc pretty and p Tsuiisive, and before a man knnwswhnt he is ab nil lie is down iu (he H-ualc res taurant piin tor a luucli and listening to some kind of a talc id' Win1. ' Hut they miss it now and then, and I am "Jud (o note an instance. A mem ber from a uoriheru Mate had been in vited to call at the lady's li-Hel ihe nest day, and she had asked him to let her know if he c mid come. Me wrote, Hay ing union-; other things, 'Tomorrow, in a-l.n i), I hope to see the, lovelist woman in the whole world.' Naturally rdie wnfl pleased and told all the people around (he h Mel about it. The next day he did n it uppear, and the m xt she saw him ut the eapitnl and ask'-d him what he meant by treating her so. "What )il I do?' lie aked innoeetit- h'- ' VotJ sai l ynn were coming to see ui he said, blusliiu' at the reiiiem liMtii'e of Ins wmds. "'I think not. " -Indeed you did,' t-he iusi.-ted. 'You sii I you would sc. the I fvlicit w itii m in the w i d. an-l she tiln-he-l ai;ain. '(ht I lc; your pard hi,' he mid. smiling. "I meant my wife. She just arrived yesterday." Washington Star. HISTORY SOMKTIMKHKNTIi Teacher of History Willie, what was (he tuaiu ihui; which hastened the Spar. ish-Ameriean n? Willie The deMrtKtioii of the Maine, mainly. 'What happened then?'' "A battle on tlia umiii." "The iSpanisih main?'' "No." ''The American Maine? ' "No; just outside Maiu-ila." "Did the Americans tiht well?" 'With miht and main." "What remained?" "Not much of Spain " "What caused the war?'' "Spani-h do main." "Ou the tnaiu-laud?" "No on the i-ilaud of Culm." ' Very yood, Willie; always remember the Maiue." From the IJ.istoo Times. l ull IIV i;H l-IKI V l.Wl Mrs. Winslow's Sootbio Syrup hasboeD used lor over oft y vears by uiillions ol niothers l,,r eluhlreu, while tccthim;, with perfect success. It soothe lllti child, soflctis the guilts, allays all paiu, cures wind enlic, and is the besl remedy lor Diiirrlioea li will relieve the poor little sufferer iinoi. diaicly. Sold hy dru'uists io eti-ry I' ,n ul the world 2.) cents a boltle. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wios low's Sooibiu Syrup." aDd take no oth er kind mi: e.u our on. Mali, ! lieoree, 1 wish you would en list. lidlue Why. dear I thought jou Coofesscl lluil nll I, v. ,1 in, r Mabel 1 d'.l say mi. butilyi u were loo luio the aiinv p.-rh ,ps ynu itiihi learn what anus sie ho. After that she ha I li i raise to c uu plain Skin Diseases. For the- tpwdy and pfrinaneiit cure of iM-rlait.'n Hye nnd Skin Ointment i without an enual. H relieves the itch in it and timartinir almost iiiHtHiitly hiuI its continued ti.-e ftTects a pern mi lent cure. It also cures itch, .mi ner n tlcli scald head, oore nlpplen, itchinc piles chapped hands, chronic Bore eyes and granulated nils. Pr. TiiIt's ronilltlon PowuYro for horses Rre the best tonic, blo.nl purifier and venniftijre. Prici'. 25 cents. tSoldby Knruleliy W. M.roliell. Wi-lil.m, J. N. llmwn, lliillfni, llr. A. s llsrrlsen. Kiulel,! Hni((l,a. on Tin: way. "War is lull " Wc know ritfhl well. An' not a bit of funin ; An' the Spanish fleet Is bard lo beat Hunnin', ruunin', runniii'! Bean the BlutBit tf f llvfl Kind You Hart km Bought 0c They All Flei. "HELL AIN'T FAR OFF. lliillsiiT Imircssion lliirealis- nf Aumra A veteran (raveling limn was sitting in llie lobby of one nl'ihe Louisville I Ky.l ntels listening to the eotiversatieti about llie recent si, ntn. Numerous sluries had been told of how persons had been almost frightened out of their wits by the roar- winds that shook the buildine lo to their foundations. Like all ;ood story tellers, who invaria bly wait uutil every one else in the crowd' has dtained himself of yarns, authcutic and otherwise, the old traveler waited in patience until "it was up to hiiu." He moved a cigar from his lips, flipped the ashes with his lilllc finger, placed the heels of his shoes upon the table, and tipped his chair back to ao angle ol forty five degress. Finally the old man was settled to his satisfaction, and, giving a chuckle, said: Your stories remind me of a little incident that I happened to witness a few years ago in one of the iuland coun ties in Indiana. It was one winter oven- in a liltle town iu the backwoods, bout forty miles from a railroad. The people living in the vicinity were, for the most part, uneducated, aud, of course, did not understand the phenomena of the elemeuts. Shortly ufter sundown, of the ay oil whieh I am speaking, a brilliant gbt appeared in the northeast. At first was not very noticeable, but in a few minutes the rays of light shot up in long lines until the entire heavens in thai direeliou seemed ablaze. The inhabitants were thunderstruck and many thought that the day of judgment was at hand "I had become interested in the study of reflected lights, and afiei lookiug at the magnificent di-play I concluded at once that il was the aurora borcalis. I ad explained the theory to a lame number of penplo who had galhertd around me and had about allayed their fears when a long, lean, lantern jawed hoosier rushed up und veiled in an exeittd uiannir: What in thuuder is that?' I turned lo htm, and iu my most suave nianner ret'lii o: 'mat, sir, l.s I i.e aurora boreali.' '"ltoauey borey ihuiidei!' the stranger yclcil, as he si'il ineup with c inteuipt Hell ain't four miles trom here right now, pardni-r, and I am going to cleat out ol tins part ol the country. ''Ilis explanation outweighed mint1 1 iu less lime thin it takes to tell al of the inhabitants of the village were tak to the hills. I was vindicated the next d iv, for the city paper came out telling of the aurora bireilk" IS THIS A NKW l'KOCKSSION She w.n a very pretty prl, but her .ice was rather clouded when she stepped Imard a Ncff York car the other day and hercv-s w T e writhiy w sue 'aeu I iwn upon it liM-if tw i yards ul amputa- 1 ruffl whieh fl ipped aluut ihe bottom ul her pretty skirt. Jn-tloik there!" tdie exclaimed to her companion with a funny minlin of r nod tears in her voice, "my br.iud-new skirt that I've ouly worn outc before!. Isn't it a .-ha me? It w.is a'l that stupid e inductor's fault, and I'm so mad! I d fjive anybody a (purler to swear for me!" There w.h a strange commotion behind a far-mread piper uppjiie aud then a masculine voice sounded across lh ; ear in leep, determined "damn!" The liirl jumped and jot slid reddci an 1 her companion uilcd. Then sud de:i!v droppini: (he unlucky rutH : she r.ibbed fur her pur.-e, opem-d it, fished out a quarter and gravely Lauded it across to her unknown champion, who as gravely h"Wcd, stuck it iuto his vest pocket and then went on reidiu. A'td I wondered as 1 watched iheiu if a 1 l ol professi mil swords will bj our uex' innovation. What a (M iifort th -y wou;d be in ministers and women. Aimther Case Ol ItlieiiuialUiti ( uleil ll IimiiiIi-'I lain' laln llulm. My fun w is ulliutel with ihcutmti-m whith coiiirac'id hi" ii:h( lntb unfit he Was liualilc Io ttMik. .Alier lllll' one anil a half b itle-tif riiuinln rhiiuV I'aiti Ua'in he was uhle to lie about uuill. 1 c.ill heartily recomin-ud il lo persons sufTcrin from rheuitiaii-'iu. John Snider, Freed, Calhoun Co, W. Va. F.r sule lv W . M r..l.-n W.-ld.m. J S Brown. lUhl'nx. Dr. A 8 IUn ini. Kntli lil. hrnityivL-. SVMI" VTIIKTIC "Kxcuse me, sir," mi id the beiiar, "butlmu-it have help. 1 cauuot keep body and soul together," "1W fellow," aaid the nympithetiv; pedestrian. "Here is a bottle of mucil age. Take a sp mnful three times a day, and you'll not b ; likely to come apart." Harpcr't, Miif. Boan the Bignitnrt r f Ihe Kind You Haw Hlways Bought Farmer John. HE IS MOT DEAD. Ik' Was a i arnkT 'urtli 1 he Nam.'. There's farmers and farmers," m'u the dear old wife of one of them, as t-he ! sit on the veranda of the -main', old ; farm house one Milliliter eVeiiinu. The red old lit'lit ol the setting un si reamed overtl-. Tall hollyhocks nodded tons from the hih side fence. Sweet, old fushioued pinks wafted their fragrance to us. There were cabbage roses besides the steps, aud over on the western slope a mass of tangled shrubbery. Overall was the red old glimmer, lin:inn the lace of nature und making it "Jow with beauty. "Now there was Farmer John lie I was u farmer worth tho name." "Is he dead?" "Dead!" naid she, "why no, such a man as Farmer John couldn't die. 'lie slciis iu Je-us.' That's what it nays on his tombstone, and that's what Farmer John is duin' sleeping in Jesus; He sleeps -that is well, he needs the rest, but one day he'll awakeu and then-" "And then?" "Well well I hardly know how to put it, but that day you know, when lie makes up His jewels, why Farunr John 'II be there. I'm sure of il; 1 wish I was us sure of my bein' there." She sighed, thinking of herself, then she smiled, thinking of Farmer John. llVou see it wasn't 'cause he was any richer than the other farmers 'round hure; he wasn't, but it Was because he could see better, that he managed to lift so many burdens for folks that weren't able to bear Vtn." "See?" "Why, I don't mean just seein' with the eyes. You miht know there's niber ways of seeiu' 'cordin' to my thinkin', Mcbbe ils seein' with the soul. I dunno anyway ils seein'. Noivllt'rt- was AI miry Crane. Some folks thought '(was all char sailin' with Ainiiry. fer she h;ol that pride she wouldn't let on leu 'twas. Now I don't mean that A I miry was up pMi, 'cause she never way. The pride s'te had wn the kind thai keeps 'u!k' athirs to th irlu's. Almiry kept her poverty lo herself. Most folks knew or thought they knew that she was as well off as sheM ever heeti an' she let I hem think so, but Fanner John knew heller She'd hail some mom-y in the hank, but it had dwindled away, ami Almiry u-id to lie awake nights, wondirin' hit W uM become rl" her. Mcbbe JelWi thinkin' (hat Almiry was doleful loukih'. but 'twant so. She was us cheerful atnl chipper apparently as anyone. Hut there was one person who read between the lines, as it were, lie saw the lines decpenum around the thin lip4, and he knew what it m -ant. This was Farmer John. Almiry had a little gar Jen. She had sowed and planted and eared for it herself, nolwitlittamling her weakness aud lameness and the burden of her sixty live years. She raised hubs, too, peppermint, catnip, tansy ami ihor oughworl. (hie day toward eveniu', Almiry put Up her kniltiu' an' fell uputi her knees. She didn't pray her u-ua! prayer, she couldn't, hut she wailed forlh: 'I don't know what I'm goin' to do, Oh, Lord; I don't know." "The sun peered into ihe western win dow to say goodnight, touching ihe thin, white hair uf the bowed Almiry tender ly; then it vanished and the shadows deepeued around lur. She was still on her kuecs, bin her prayer wis now voice less. The light died out. The darkness wrapped her iu a winding ch ak. She trie i iu her grateful way ti thank the Lrd for her little home, her dear uhl home with its previous ujeiiMrics, and the'thinjs,' hut she was faint from hun ger. Sheeoullu't eat the house, you know, ni the 'things,' und she had no work or money. The vegetables were all go oo long ago. As for moat she had uiit forgotten the taste ol if. "A.-ain ca nc llie word", "I don't kimw what I iu goiu' ler d", Oh, I, ml, I d m I know,' uu' there fell a perfect tnrm ot wue.iiu'. Iu the midst of it feme horses dri w up to the d wr, an' then came a rap. The Mji w.t repeated I to or three time bel'T-! ihe d.T op, tied, for Almiry IrviP wi-1! h-r T-!r!':i! !V: fir.-1 .iiid suiutn n a .-mile l i h t h ue lip-. She III (he lamp, lo -;then vc opened ill ' door. There stood Fanner John with hi sunshiny lace and cheery greeting He sho k hands in his warm hearled way, but he dcclim-J Alinity's invitation to 'come in. " 'I cid'i,' he said, 'the Inrs-M are out here, an' it's g 'tting late. 1 just slopped to leave this basket. We've been kiliin' up looir none an i ve brought you a tate. AuJ no Almiry juld you give rue a little catnip? Our folks didn't gather any aod there's that baby.' "Ha was pretending you see lhat he wanted tint eituip as a favor. And then when he canie I that big basket in, he iu tnag (l to get a lo k into Ahniiv's fa.'fl That was eu MU'h lie knew the Lird hid let him t'lere tlmt night, i After he'd gone Almiry linked iuto the basket, then she set down and cried, hut this time 'twas for j y. What was in the ba-ket, you say? Why, there was sisago, an' tenderloin, an' spare rib, an' a ham. A n't he very next day there come it bag of flour from Farmer John's mill at the 'Coiners.' ll,t want you to try it, Almiry,' was Farmer John's excti-e fur serdin' it. 'I want to get your opinion.' An' so it wen'. soinfiiui's it w.h chickens, s,nn,.. tiui' s cl:i" or potatoes or apples, an' tr always u, nth soiiieibiu' iu payment, peppermint or thorotighwort or some car away seeds, a pretendm, you know, so's not to hurt her feelings. "Hut my, Almiry wa-n't the only one Fanner John helped in his lovim.',' hearty way, ju-t goin' round ijuietly, not lettin' hi" left hand know what his right hand was doiu'. Now when poor Hetty Snow's baby died, an' there wasn't a cent to buy a cnflin fer the dead or bread JV-r the liviu', Farmer John knew he was wanted, an' there he was. Atnl then that night when 'lruuken Joe' died, there was poor little Sue, white and scared and miserable uulil Farmer Jehn cotnc along. Ho lifted her up and car ried her off to his homo, where she slill is. Then Iher's Hurt Havens, hi- father was in piisuti.aii' because of that people gave the cold shoulder to the poor boy. " 'Tisii't right,' said Farmer John. 'What's the u.-e of blamm' ihe poor boy for what he can't help?' an' then he took him in, an' if I do say it, (here ain't a belter buy than Hurt Havens, It's all because of Fanner John,'' "When did you say he din.'.' ' Thc'old lady smiled. "He i-ti't duid, you know, I lull you, he's asleep in Jesus. He will be awake in that day wlten'-He maketh up His jewels"' Frnest (iiluioie, in New Yolk Observer, ( I III: roit NKl'lt.YMMA. long drawn arpeggio chords on ihe pianolnrte have been found efficacious a a pauactu for neuralgia iu the case ol William F. (iiadstonc .Music alone relieves him, it is said, uf the intense agonies he suffers, and in order to afTird him relief a young lady, who is slaying with Lady S.uih Spencer, comes in daily and produces weird chords that prove completely consolatory lo the grand old man. In sonic cases, it is lo he feared the discourse of long drawn erpeggio; would prove a Worse remedy than the disease, hut, atter all, the music cun no new thing, and any ui'tliodhy wliieh the wonderl ii old stalesm in can iM lief niu-l h-' eagerly welcuned by fin-nd- l,i- TIM: WOKM I I L ATI', A father was lecturing his son on the evil of staying cut late at night and ii: late in the morning. "Yoti will never socced." be said ' I'lilcss you m, ml you way1. Kt mem ber, the eariy bird catches the worm." "And what about the worm, falhci? satd the young man Mieenngly. "Wasn t he rather fooli-b in gelling up cailv?" "My son," said the old mtn. "that Wenn liadn t t-cen to Ind at all. Me was only getting home." The young man coughed. l'at.-burg Chronicle. ovi:in:ri.ii v .irn;i-:. A judge, the tit her day, awoke in the night to ii (hi his room in the posses-ion f two armed burglars. Covered by thi pistol of one of ihe marauder, thejudg' witched the proceedings with his twin judicial calm. One of the depredators f und a watch. "Huu't lake lltat," said the judge, "it has little value, and i keepsake." "The moiiou is overruled,' replied the burglar. "I appeal,"' rejoined the judge. The two burglars consulted and the spokesman then replied: "The appeal is allowed. 1 he case coming ou before a full tribunal of the Miprem court, I hat tmlv is ol the uuauuuous opinion that the decree ot the lower court -hould bes'i-tuined. and il is, a.vorihngly so ordered." Pocketing ihe watch, etrfir' atlj mined. Hou-ehold ords. I have been suffering chronic from diar rhoeaever since the war und have used all kinds of ui-diciues for it. At last 1 found one remedy that has been a .-nvess a- a cure, und that is Chatnberlaiu's Colic i Choli r.i und lh.irrhoca Hcinedv V. K I (in-ham (i.tars Mills, La. ,.ri,li l.v W M.oiU. Ur A s M l'.,l. llniri-..ii tti-l.li.iv .1. X. llnm-ii , l.nlii lil. trnui;il,. Tin: i.ittm; iiov-mno. The little biy kin- was ,..pj: Tell ine a sti.ry." he sai I. And his mot her boLMtl. "Once there was a luwn called Manila 'way nB in the Philippine islands-" 'Oli, rais!" cried the Utile hoy kinc ' I've heard ciiininh o' that! Tell me Siimelhiin; about Cuba, nod Porto llieo." ' Wc haven't heard from Sampson yet,' ' r.-plie 1 his mother sadlv. CASTOR I A For Infant) and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of (jjff&tdUt v kkii;i: to ;o i:knmi:nt An old colored ciiiz u, who had been i!d that the government was conscript g men lor the war, kept his Jonr tublc tiarred and locked al night, and Mom veiiluie l out in the da)(ime. One f his colored neighbor-) played a ;ood kenll him t'ei'eUtl: lie Weill to Ihe old 111. Ill s door l.ilo at ' -.-hi, ;illd l-M him. ihl.ni.'li the ehiiik". I ll ' de Coll-elipl i, llie, 1 Wll ; Wailiu ip-ide." Uiley only one of him'.'" asked the 'Id man. " es, di s one, "Link heali, Ahraiii will you do me favor?" ' Kl I kin." 'Well, I lM de box heal ilhir tr mis-ioiiaiv ni n y i. wid iu it. nine Yuu i'ah me?" "Yen." "Well, I gwine ter pas- it thoo de wii. T h r you. tii' him debox, en (ell him ike it, en go 'lotii: eii celebrate hisse'l. Huv him off, t f bought he kin be, fr 1 sake!" HIS KM'KltlKM K IN VAIC At one of the recruiting biotbs in Fitt.-burg rectitly Catitain Miller, of the gular army, i-tiestiout'd a Stin of Ireland: "Yotl want to chli-l ?'' 'Ui do, s.r." ' Have you ever smelt powder?" " Yis, sor." "What side were yttu on?" 'Well, io wii, in ihe arsenal whin she blew up. Oi wint up tm the front side, 1 cum down on the other sold, and Oi was full uf powder on the insjid." The powder -taint d veteran was ae plid New York Sun. Bun llin 9 'nl MM m m mm Now that the Sj iii-h ships are out d can afford to send e way, perhaj box f crackers and a kit of mackerel starving Cubans. to the The Work of unking plowshares nf gun metal has been temporarily su-peli- 1. k'uvul inukcH tlie imid pure, w hole some anJ dt-lkiuus. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening st reiigth and healthtulness. Assures the loiMlagainst ilum and all tonus of adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. KMYAI. HAKlSti FtiWDKU TO., NKW YOKK ' i ni:iioisi:iiori hosn. Let's sec, you mairied Harlingtim's widow, didn't you?" Yep." "Hut you always said you'd never marry a ready made wife." Well, I found out afterward that this one was made lo urd r. I IcVeland Plain lValer. w. .u. iiAi;Lisrt) v co.. Wholesale and Kct.iil Oealerein c.ykim:ts, stovi:s, and MattreHees.etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, IIAULISTONA CO., No. 211 N. Sycamore St., reterehnrn, V in M 1. W, T, PARCn I i nintkii) Heavy ANDrz Fancy rocenes Farm Implements. 221 POl'ND SACKS 01' SALT FOR SI. HI PKItSA(-K tVH.Com'ct priits ami polite attention to all. aim 1 Iv ANTE D-TK1.1STWOHTHY miu active tenl leiiitn or IhiIkhi in w travel for resnonnihhv ist:il.lwl.i.d house in North Carolina Monthly $(!5.00 and exjHMises. Position si udy." Hefer enco. Endow self-addressed stii mjH'A en velope. The Domintou Company. Iiept. K. Chicago. hum THE DREADED T. A. Slocum, M C , the tireat Chemist and Seienii-;, Will Send Free, lo the Altll. leil.Ttiree H .tlr-ot N- U Iv Ih-coV' ri 'l lierie dies to CiM'e Coll-lllllplloti and all Lung Troubles.' Nothing eon hi lie t.iirrr, more phi Ian tlnojiii-or eany inore jov to the alllicteil, than iheoiVei ol T. A.' Sloemn, M. t, of 1K1 I Vail tshiTi, New York City, t'oiilidenl lltat he ha" thscoeieil an abso lute cure ior consumption and pttlmouary coiuilaiuts, and to make its yieat nn-rits known, lie w ill send. Iree. tlnee liotlles of medicine, to any reader of the lioaiioke News wlio is siilfering from chest, hron iliial, throat and lung troubles oi con suiopl ion. Already this "new seientilie course of medicine" has permanently cured thou sands of apparently hopeless eases. The doctor eou-tders it Ins religion-duty --a duty which he owe-to humanity to iloliale his infallible cute. offered freely, is enough loconimeiid il, and more so is the perfect coniideuec ol thegrcal chemist making the proposition- He has pioed the dreaded consumption lo be a curable disease beyond any doubt. There will be no mistake in sending the mistake w ill be in overlooking the gcm-ioiis in it ,i i ion. lie has on tile iu his American and European laboratories testi monials nf c perielice liom those cured, iu all parts ol 1 he world. Iioii't delay until it is too late Ad dress T.A. Slocum. M. C, ,H Pine street, New Ytirk, ami when writing the l)octor, ple:ise uive ex press and poslollicc address und no ni mil reading this iitlicle iu the Koanoke News. W. W. KAY, Ilealer In Liquors, Vines, CROCERIES AND CIGARS. Why not call on W. V. Kay, as he is open both niht and day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: "Old Osear Pepper," (lump's ti. P. K. live. Stamp Straight," 'lloidoti llaltiinore Hye" and other brands. I sell (I irr.tt .V Co.'s pure ehocko yoite wiiii-s. I keep t he best of every tiling in my jine. Dfl)t,.Poli!o:ittontiontoall at Kay's, west side li. K. Shed. my 2 ly. flonuments and ToiuMoies. iH'suiNs si:nt fkkk. In untiug give smne limit a to juice and slate age of deceased. I.lt(.lT Slot K In the snilttl to select from. We have no branch yard., and parties doing business under a similar linn am have no cou nee Hon with us iu any iv whatever- THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. i tsialdisheil Iwps. ( l.VJ to lt;t Bank St., Norfolk Va nov '2 1 y. -OF- -SPIUN'U ANOSI MMKIl- MILLINERY. FANCY HOODS and X0VF.LT1ES. l.utteiuk's Patterns. n. k a. cousETs, Misses at -ne., Ladies 7,V. to $1. Mu Prices will le made to suit the times. Hats and Inuinets made and trimmed to order MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WMon. N. fi KUANOKKltAPIOS, N.C. CofTMCTOfis SuiLDEqs. Furnishers of .Biiiflim Maierials, Manufacturers of Coffins & Caskets -Ssk rir"jr-n,i. -"y M Display Eimy t Droll and dealers io UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. Wc sell them from $2 lo f ill. Our coffins and caskets will compare , favora bly in workmanship and finish wilfi those of any factory in the doited State air prices guaranteed to he the loweat. Ka All orders filled at ibert iMige.' - -. V !Sh

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