JOHN W. SLEDGE, imiohuktou. A. UEWSPAPEB FOR THE PEOPLE WKLDON, N. C THURSDAY, MAY 2(5. 1898. TERMS:--''1! I'kk anm'ji in advamt. VOL. XXXIII. NO. 4. 3 J unit nr t 111111 Ul IIS There isn't a weak Kiitt anywhere , aliout I Ik1 Tlii-v are a neiTect emnnlile of liiiililiiitf, mi'l till' prices ill'.' nuhl. SI'ANDAUDOUIIANM, TINIMI IIKI'AIKINIi. I'iuuiM l'ir Kent Term. In Suit. Oil AS. M STIKIT II N. I.ilicrty -I., HulliliHuc, Washington, ft-JI Klcvcntli t., N. V AM) Md. POAfJoI 11:1110 J Nurlolk, V., 4111 Main strecl. Charlotte, 2M N- Tryoli at oi l 21 ly. is u SsTKCIAUKT ami AU'l'IIOKITY on all CI I I. 1 k'Vk'i Sit Hit i j iftiil 'if All who are sntfering with any ItLoOl) TliOUBLK, would he wne to call on or address by mail. Consultation fred and medicines compounded to Hint each urtic tilar ciiHe. When writing to me please en- lose stamp for reply. VUOV .1 AS. HAKVKV. 4-Jo Church St (New No.) je 17 ly. Norfolk. Va IJ! t'ADCi ilUUIJ UllMl'IO Selected and Private Stock Rye Whiskey, of the Purest Distillation, and is Recommended to all who use or Require a Stimulant of Reliable pality. 11AVKNTORT .MORRIS &CO, Suit! acuts tor tin. llislillcr, Richmond, Vu. MK. W. I). SMITH, at Weld,, N. C. 18 the suln u'Dtriliuiinj; i:i'nl ut tint point, for the above old and Celebrated Whiskey. . DAVENi'llllT MilKKIS It CO. mar HI t.iii . Foi $JLe HY Swift Creek rDairy and f Stock Farm Oae hum) red head of gilt erigehred reitin Tend Jersey Cows, Heifer and young hulls ' ileadel bioou ol the noted Stoke 1 ogis, t. Humbert. ComtniMsie and other strains. lffilr-n f tt) to f MumI; ItnlU (15.IHI to lo tto Males kept only from my best h own. Keuiriuber the hull w halt' the herd ifso buy and hnel up Poland China swine talwaya ou hum', y, rite tor what you wan T. Pi BRASWELL, je M ly Battleboro, N. C J. L. JUDKINS, ) Wholesale mid Keliiil ') Denier In Fine ' Staple .and Fncy FRUITS. CONFECTIMERtESi Crokry, Ula&s Tin, and wimmIii and wil Uowware. AIno Pratt lion, low mi and Poultry rml, ami drove n 'aHttdetM Chill Tonic. Alexaudui'i Iver auu Kidney Tonic for punlviiiu tlie lilootl. Thin tonic ii war ran led or nioner refunded. J. L. JUDKINS, No.2( Washington Ave., Wehlon, N. C ROFEbSIOXAL CAHDS. J&MMW.HITUBN, V1LTIR I. DAHIIL D t L I M A DANIEL, L i TTORNEYS AT LAW, Wbldoh, N. C, K-acticeln thecourtiof HtllfkmndNorthftmp iuu mi me .-iiprvmnuu reaerai couru. uol - iiuni mi In allprtiof North rrollu. Brm n oaw fti UUf, N. every Mo jn i it T. T, ROSS, DENTIST Welilon, N. 0. MTOfflw OTtr Emrj A Pltrot'Htort. 10 t ikivu inni linn tens So Glad You Came. WHAT THEY BOTH SAID. Wh.n .Mm liilltiiy I'alU At Mrs. Itirki bee's. Mis llillbiy unliill'a call al Mrs Turki'mui..', and tin cinvi-rsiii.'ii was as l'.,ll..iv.: 'i-ii k iinw in xl dour in Ldibur, Mis t ri i. k iii mi " I'li-lmb." "H ulks wiili a crutch" "l h lull.." ' ISnt f.ti. J.'H il irai'rhillv, oiii-idcr-inn--" "Yes." "Slii! had In u'n d wn lnwii y-lcnlay iiiurnin, n- " "t'h lmli." ".''he wi'lit out I In i'rulil way " '." "Anil dnwn lln- fruit slips " "I'll hub." ''W-ry i'ari'1'iilly " "tlhliuh." "And hIio pit In ilit! Imlloin id' ihi sli'fpH all liht " ' rii-liuli." "Hut llie walk was very slippi'iy " "I knnw." 'And jn-t as she started In walk " "I'll huh." "Hho slijtjit'd and " ' l'i. lmli I knnw it. 1 loll .1 im. s jllsl h. l'ur-.. I starlrii HVT In Vnlir lilillsl' il was awfully slippi'ry " "I'h-liuli." "And he'll belli r h.' " ' I'li-huh " ! 'ery e.iriiii! ' llh-liuli." "Itnl he Wiiuldii't " ' I'll huh " " liisleu to in " 'Uh-huh." "And just as hi''" "I'li-huh." "Went mil " "t:h huh." "He slipped and " "rii-huh. I haven't u ilnuht id' il. uu reineiiiber that winter when ' "I'h huh." "I'li-huh Well I must he unin now II, limine I lu have I'.iuiid ymi i t lunne mini iiiteni.n'ii "I'li-huh." "(Inod afleriioon. Sn l-IihI you eauie! ome aiiu n mil, won I ini'.' ' "I'hhuh." I'roiii The Chiea.'.i Trileiu.' No ir r I eau Mii'iesl'ul v In-w peanut ills ippoiuted lilillli and nurse u ease i. love at llie same lime. Death'd b-'trothul. A few years .1 SYw Vmlt newprppf conducifd an "pt-n di-cussum upun the topic: "1-4 M.nri.i'je n Failure.'" The answer ieasy ami uputi tin- surface. Whrte there is mutual Iovj and respect, if there is also health, m.itrnvre is a succe-.. Wltctl health is Ml out, even the mutt .mletlt love dives not count, aud manure in invaiiably a faihtre. Moileru scieitee has cried the warnint; i often that ill -.hould tcilie the danaeis of wvtiliH-k t'i peopl" in ill - IhmI tli. In a case of this kind de ith links on every Hide in the kiM of and the caress ot the honi'viiinuii. The man wan is ouffcrinff finm ill Ivalth is a nhv-ic.d haukriipt. and has no rural to condemn a wt-in in to be bin nursr fir life ant) the mother of babes that inherit his nhysie d weakii' M. I'r Pierce' (Voldfil Medical Discovery ae's directly m the digestive orfrauisiu. It makes it stnmi and its action perfect. When n man' tlf (Testion is all right ht blnnd will le pure; wlleli His OliHUi is pure ins neivous system will be itrouK and liis health vik'TiHIH. A woman who suiters from weakness and disease of the delicate organism nf her ex is certain to suiTcr fnuu irrin riil ill health. anl to be an utibappy. helpl' m invalid and a disappointment as a wile. Her children will be weak, punv am I peevish. npp? home is an imisibi!iiy fnt Iter utilil her health is restored. Ir. Pietce's Favorite PrcsomiU'iit eures nil troubles of the dis tinctly feiililiine orjaill-m It cures them speedily, co-nplttely and prmam ntly It his foi .,tthii.i(l ami inotiu rltnoil tluto mt'diciuttt are soli I bv all gnod deaU-ia. ( From FACTORY U CONSUMER. ) tivmhiii,iHct) HutUii Itovkrr a tin larm-st lin- WJ t-er made ; w rt..?,en, vw Our li e w 118 ptitf' CHlil.tirue ' ooiititlnlnir t-ur-imiite, ,)ihi V Ties. Croekeiy. a litiljy t'milumi, y HefilnciHtor. A t' ' rieiuiei, mir- mi rors, lliltntt, etc.. i "Ui for the 9 aikihif. 8H-eial upilenn-ms )oi i sued an- also I ret. Write lo day. fA CAIiTKl' t A l Al,(il K hi llllio eranliiKl colom Is also mulled fiee. gk Wrlio for It. 11 yai wish sum I'll. (A WJ ttnd He. htamp. MHttmir s.uni l.-s ulso Vr (A mihIIimI forSe. All trtrMm.l A lrff llil month Mii-i lr-lulK 0 Itikld ou v imrriiHMva auu otr. $7.45 (M buys made-to yotir-moai ure AII-Wol Cheviot 8u(t, m exprtiHiiaffB pen pa Id to your T-' ititlon- Write ror fnw oM ttt l(ftu and aamplfn. Addrta (eiactly a twlow), 9) rw tflra uiivi70 jfe anw ( Dint. 80S. IALTIMORE. MD. I1 Is t Tie Four B's. BACLEY S PRESENTIMENT. IUIjJ l'iitMniii"H h.inucr lljuiuJ The iIimiIi id' Knsiii I! ili y n ealls a slnry wtiili-n alier an inteivirw wilh him mi April 'Jllili, whieh was suppress d by (lie eeiisnr, who Iraied lhat it uiiht eallse llai:le)'s Irielnls untieeessary alarm fruiii the Herald's dispaleh boat, Al'iert I1'. ll.'Wey, i bail boarded llie Winslnw In lake papers and news bulle tins In Lieutenant lii-rii'irdmi. Alter talking I'nr some minutes wilh him I turned to Kusin H.iley with some remark about the troubles which had helalleti his fellow executive officers u! 1 lie torpedo boat ll.-et. His rejnindir was: "Yes, I hear that It, yd i nf the lurpedo boat (.'usliini:) is in Iruiible tbrou;h no fault of his uwii. That puis it riht up lo me. I'm s ury about lioyd, I'm I am sure that the aeeidetit to the I'ushin); was no! due to his eaielessiiess. Now, I suppose ynu will say that I am supersti tious, but 1 must admit that the fatalities which have pursued us have ejven uies.imc innincnis of sombre ihouhl. "There was poor liicekiuride, my clissmale,execulivc i IVi!ir uf'ibe L'ustiing, who wnsswept oveilmaid between Key We.-t and Havana an I drowned. Then ItMwick, execu'ive ulli 'el of llie Kriessnn, who was knocked overboard in a colli. ion niib a schooner, bad his chest caved ill and was all but drowned, lie is now slowly recovciine; llaldwin. execu tive officer ol' the Cushiiij;, sucees-or of HreekinriJiie and predecessor nf Itojd, took his lurn ncxi. lie was knocked down an open halchw.iy and bad his ribs broken. He will not lu nut ol the hospital until (he war is over. " There ihey are, llie four 'I1Y Hreekinriilue, licstwick, llaldwin mid lln)d. I am the lilill and last ilifiley. I have never been -uperstili'ius, but lor a week 1 have had mysterious inluitiniis t'l it 1 am in. I lo f.-c ipo will in il e list cii)i lcie ul' (hat I uin ct'iiaiu mil)' lide iliat my troiiltl- will not he linns en hl-'i to take it)'1 mil ul' the tiil.-.' ntOYKItltS. 1. ' I liave tern yunj; ami now I urn uMyet liavo 1 never M't'ii"' u lazy lariin t prosier nor u careless fanner urmv rich. "All tlic wi)sol'a muti art' rilti in his tiwu eyes," hut llie I.nrJ ivctl. the crop to him who workcili it well. It MiL'tler is a dinner of herbs," (mru thine offu nnlcu than muclt rich ro vctiilcr botidii on crclit. t. "In all luhur there is (irolit," hut cotton jruws not npmi carclcsH weejs imr potatot-H upon burr jjrass. 5. Improved iuiplcincuts arc u hlcssini; to the wise farmer, but the fool houstih thcin in bis tVoc cnniiT. tl. The niMi iikiu planet h an on-haid ami (enceih it si cnrely and in llie .season thenid' he sal et h fruit to tli utmost uf his desire, hut (be foot lunii lh bis calves therein und buyctb innrc Hcch the next y -nr. 7. Blessed is he who sowel h what hie h msebold can eat, and alter that a m iucy crop. Hut he who faruieth tor inoniy atotit sliiiilbe liiifijry ut barve.-t time A WSAIMOISTi:i I'ATKIOT, The cro s roads inhabitant didn't knn tint war w. .nin i "O the lirsi time iu fie ): irs, aec unp u.icd by hi wile, be h id dnvi ii lo in llo; x e.ii(,aiit was "dom' nun tradiu " in n village store when a rvini'Qt of soldi rs tiled past. "Hello!" be 4i nilrd, "what's up?" "We're lijhtin' Sprn now," vxplaiucd the sti.rekeeptr. "Fihttu' Spain?" "Thal'd wbal!" IK' ru-lit'd to the, door and, craiiin bis neck far out, cried, ex itcdl): "Ibjimd 1 1 liny ain't ti 'iu' it r 6hi Kuiiirbt'd)! Vndn's Mait Wilkins, uu Joe N iiiyjis, un -l.'id bless in. ; i (bur uni t 'Vnr' Williaiis, that I lit with in Virinii)! (iimuie my u ' lie reaebed lor bi r lb in the t entt j;ttVt' an old li'iie lebel yell, in two mill ulon' lime he had eaiubt up with the rear ranks and w is in irehiu nlnn! Tbe oapi.iiu obj cttd and tried to push him aside, but it Was useless. The whole Hpi d was ilieu baited und churned bayonets on In in until be was forced back into the store. "Durn ibis here Dew order o' thinus! ' he growled as he joined bis wile. "They wut olad enough to it inn when Iee wui in the field, but n old vcterm doo t stand no chance now! 1 Iturklcii'H rnlra Halve. Tbo Best Salve in the World for Cuts, Hruises, Si'ren, l loers, Salt Hheiim, Vever Sores, Tetter, chipped H inds, (o.ilblaios, Conn, nod all Skin Kitip ims, mil p. itively cures IVemir no pay re- did Ii 18 guaranteed to give p-'rfeot Mpid'ieu n or money refunded. Price cent per In i For Sale hy W. M. C.b-u. As Unto The Lord. LITTLE TOMMY GREEN. Stic Was l'linnins; llmv I u Smimlh Out Ik Kinjh I'l.kis In Iter NiichNrs' l.ius. She was only a po..r, plain, Creek led woman, whoseelolbes w. re of the fashion her mother inibt have worn, yd 'lay by day, as she busily plied her iron, many a a humble iieihhor would stop by hei door lo listen to the .plaint old hyms she mug so vigorously. "My good woman," said Mrs. 1 1 whu had called lo cni;ae her servieis "how can you stand all day in (his hot room, always ironing, und yet singinp', so cheerily?" "Ah, my dear lady," she replied, '(lie fiord lias giveu mu this work to do; so when I am tired uud out of sorts, I say to myself that Verse about iloing tilings heartily, as unto (he Lord, and try lo tli i uk how I'd feel il I could see him iandiu; by my side and Ho knew I had an unwillino heart Cor his tasks. Then I fine; my brightest hymns, and while my iron smoothes uut the wriukes in the clothes, I'm planning how to smooth out the rough places in my neighbors' lives. "Little Tummy llreen, ill (ho room above me, has a weakness iu his back, and lies ou llie cot from murning till night, Ilia mother works in a Cactory and doesn't come (ill dark. Whcu lie's lonely and siek with (he pain, he pounds on (he flour wilh a stick, and I siog the hymns he likes best, and he lies (tiiet and hums them over to himself (ill befalls asleep Then ouce in a while I slipup wilh a cup of water and bits of picture papers (hat come wrapped around (he clothes, and give him a pleasant Word. Ah, ma'am, the Loid' good (o me, I must try (u help (hem that have so few blessings!" Aud this thankful woman lived in a lil lie hot room, spending her whole lile ironing and smoothing out wrinkles for others. The Hun's Horn. Skin Diseases. Fur the speedy and permanent en re ot letter, salt rheum ami eczema, Chain beibiin's Kye and .Skin Ointment i without nn equal. It relieves the iteh inn; und smarting almost instantly und its continued use effects u permanent cure. It also cures itch, Imrber'K iteli, 81'itld head, sore ninnies, itchinir rules. cliiipped bunds, chronic sore eyes nnU ruiiuinreu mis. Dr. CaiU's Cnmllflnn I'lunlnra fur horses nre the best tonic, Mi mil purifier andverimfuKe. Price, i!5 cents. Sold by 1'i.r-ulel.y V. M I nlien. W, li!.,u..l X. Ilmwn. HsllfaK. I if. A S. Ihirri..,n. Klilielit. iriliultts. aovk i: I KOM homi:. One of the b iv in camp recently rect ived the following advice in a letter from tb liNine folks: "K-ad your Idble three hours every lay, and be sure to h ive singing and family prayer belVrc retiring at night, "i arrya .V'W lestam nt with ymi m battle, and read marked passages when there is a lull in the liriu'. When ynu have shot a Spmiar: ha-den to Ins -i and sc if b h thor gbly ejuvert-d. If he is not give hiui tract. "Say grace before each uiea', uud il there ure do meals, siy it anyhow br fear you will gel o'lt ol practice 'Kemember always, that in the midst of life we are in death, and be cheerful and good nalurcd." Another ( use Of Itheumatlsm Culed Itj t liainl-.Tlulii's I'ain Halm. Mv son wis aOli.'ted with rheumatism wliith cuiirackd his lijbt lin.b until he Vfas uuable to walk. At'ier uin: one and a half b d lies of I'hainberlaiti'i P.iin Ha'ui he w is able to tie ahjitl again. I can heartily reeommeiid it to persons Hufleriug from rheuuia'isiu. John Snider, Freed Calhoun Co , Va. For -rile by W M Cnlieti Wei. Inn, J, S Hnm n Itdlllltx, IT. A P. lUirisoil, MllielU, IHUKI'W- THKY St KATt lllCn HIM Oi l A rural citiz'n who hidevidi Qtly nd some expeiien v in tbo civil war, was very anxious to enlist in the present eiu: paign. While l.v was waiting bin turn however it w,n notieed that he eoutdu' keep still bis hunds nnd should- r twite! iug nervously all the lime. 'Wliai'i the nutter with you?' u-Le an pfliHul. Y u're a I in a liJiOl!" "Cap'u," sn l tli wmld b) loldi "don't turn me down. Thar ain't a thin in the rouu' Wori' tin matter with iiutsido o' tli s 'veil year m'tch. Kfyu list me, ea.i n I i tu iruutec to hht Ilk II -r an' I won't slop to scratch till I gits a liirUmuhl KDKtlVI.M HI TV VI'.AR Mrs. Winslow'n Soothing Syrup has been used lor over til t y years by uiillioun ut mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect sueeeru. It soot lies the child. softens the gums, allays, nil pain, curea wind colic, und is the best remedy Diarrhwa. It will relieve the poor littl sutVerer immediately. S- ld by druguisls in v ry ptn '! ih wml I. u. reins a boiile. lie Mire mid ak tor ".Mrs. Wins low's Su'iihiiiu Syrup," und take no oth er kind W 'X- ... A .A. BeintU Ihe M You Ham Always Bought A Word To Tie Wise. RECKONING WITH RUM' imiHj"JohlIai!o'"l aiKi In Ku His hunik-s thickset, li;!)' looking fellow was ale'! on a Ik neb in llie pulilie park and Hied to In1 reading sume writing uu a ''t uf paper which he held in bis ham, Vuusceinto be much interested in your wrilmj;, I naid. "Ves, I've been fiurinii my accounts with old alcohol, to see huw we stand." "And be comes out ahead, I suppose?" "Kvery lime." "iiow did yuu eonie to have dealings with him in the first place?" That's what I've been wriliu. You see, he promised to make a man of uic, but be wade me a beast. Then be said would brace tne up, but he made ine go staerni around, and then threw me iutothe ditch. lie said I must drink to be social. Then he made me (juurrel with my befct friends and be the laughing stock of iny cue in les, lie me a black eye and a brokcu tiese. Then I drank for my health, He ruineJtlie little I bad, uud ft tue 'sick as a dn; ' " "Of cuursc." "He said he would warm me up, and I was Boon nearly Irnzeo to death. Ik said he would steady my nerves, but in stead he gave me delirium tremens. He said he would give mo a great strength, nd he made uio helpless." "To be sure." "Ho promised tue courage." "Then what followed?" "Then he made me a coward, for I at my sick wile and kicked uiy little sick eliild. He said he would brighten my wits, but instead he made me act like fool and talk like an idiot. He prom ised to make a gentleman uf tue, but he made me a tramp." WAR TIM I' PHILOSOPHY. It's tuighly sir.iiiLie, but d1; man what holler di leud-fl ler war is de hard one ler tie war ler locate. It's all riht lerciirry a lhble wid ynu iu de wai, but i.ii ain't tfnl lime I famlily piayets when de' bi-uibidu-lls Hviii'. I ley aiu t much tie in sepdiu trtiets rdcM-p r-, kaz Win u de tire git loo hot ler 'cm dey'II make Hacks I ii'iuh. It.! llihle say )oti muH love yo' i cuiles hut el oil Uoiie 111 lline war whar would you lie. t y got guns now dat'll shoot twenty mite, i'ii de best er it is dey don't muk no fuss 'lull twell dey gits dur, I have been suffering chronic from diar rboea ever since the war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I loiind one remedy that has been a success us a cure, und that is I liatoPerlniu s V oil Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1 K (iiishaiu (iaars Mill.", ha. I'.irsKle t.v W M C.ilieu Wehlon. .1. N ir.. u ;ilili , lr. A S MoilM.ll, l.Mli.ld. Ptih-l-t-, a patimo im: PKTITION. Al a rural eampmeeting, recently, the preacher win was leading the nerviees touched on tbo war with Spain, and stop ping Mtddculy in bis sermon, called to an old cilored brother in the congie lion; Hr'er Williams, I'm gwiue ter ax you tergit tight down on u' knees en pray ter de success i r de Ametiean urm-!M lir'er Wi!li:itus "got down" iumndi ately and, in the course of bis petition, b said: Oil, Lawd, hep' de American a rim an' liiwd, whilst you lookiu' utter d anus, take keer t r de legs too! Ibm'l fergil de tes, yood Liwd, kazo we gwine need 'em ter run wid! Take de arms. you must, but pare de leu, Lawd pare de h g! ' Till-: SMALL PI PILON WAR, "My p4 hasgouelo tight the Spaniard: aud they uin I been no row at our buu since ho hit. M i nays Peace was de elared whi n he went. Au I'a hu wrote home an N:iid he thanks God for war, as now he'll have a hnlid t; an he said ho pei the war II la-l ten years, an the end si lur Imiii h mie that he can t gel back; an when Ma rva I lhat she said 'Auteh!' They goes on ihes that way But I gicss if Pa was killed she'd put on mouruiii for him, nn make out like wan sorry. Men is curious, but wome is curi"UHcr, au neither one knows more they orter know." Pood is gelling scarce again iu llie Philippines. They oau'l except one Spanish admiral to ihe unlives a week. The ice cream season was invented for spoopy Invert. CASTOR I A For Infant, and Children. ! The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 ' Bears the STj Resources Of dik HER PROSPECTS FOR PROSPERITY WHEN A LASTING PEACE COMES. I he Ihniu'st lands In lalilurnia ( annul Affmath Ifu'Sniil ul Ciila iiilatiliiy -I he .Mineral Wealth ol llie M.uiJ It K An AnrLultural ParaJin1. Now that Cuba is assured ul'licr free lorn, it may be interesting to impiire into tbo resources of the country, and ask what may be her prospects for pros- terity when she is no lunger restrained and overtaxed by the greedy government uf Spain. The areuuf Cuba is about d, IMKIsipiaro miles. Iu greatest length is (JO miles, und its breadth ranges from JO to n.1 iiules. l'erhaps there is no pace of earth the eipial in size to Cuba tat cun begin lo compare with her in the pruduetiuu of those things that arc useful to man. Autou'iury .Morales, a noted authority, has prepared a table huwing the variety and fjuantifie of the staples can be rained on a tract uf thiriy-three acres in Cuba, A farm uf that sizj io one. yeat produces thous- unds uf puuiid.sof sugar, eofTee, tobacco, laeao (ebocolale), cotton, indigo, lice, nge, bananas and vueca. The choicest nds in California uoted for llie variety uud (piautity of their products cannot iippronch the soil uf Cuba in this respect. With its mild climate, it exuberant vege tation and the eagerness of the earth lo pond to the slightest efforts in the wtiy of culture; Cuba offers an ideal home for the man in love with the agricultural The commerce of Cuba, even undtr the blighting rule iff the Spauiaid, bus been great, lu I Stt.'I, before the curse of war fell on the island, Cuba exported 18,2114 tons of Migar, and produced S15,8!l tuns. Its exports uf to the Cuited States alone in that year were 7u")d hogsheads. Of rum the ex ports were iSOli pipes, lu ISDI! the Cuban exports of leaf tobacco were L'-7,-S(J") bales, Oi manufactured cigars 1 17,- 105,000 were exported, and of cigarettes ;l!l,.")81,diW packages. These are only the main exports. They show what may be dmie with the exhaustbss soil 1 climate ul the island, wheU its puiple were in a eondiiioii of virtual slavery, at a time when chattel slavery bad been li-lied only seven years. It is au axii tu nf economic science lhat free labor is iiidetinitely more poduelive thau slave labor, and the iiidilsltial growth of the Xpailsioll id industry when eiitcrptie is unhampered by the curse of slavery, aud by foreign poliiiciil interference. Cuba's chief industries were growing ill spite ol the drain upon htr before the present war began, for in 1SIH her total produc tion id' sugar was 1,001-14 tons, an in crease i.f I'llS.o'JO tons over the preceding year. The natural resources of Cuba are infi nite, one may say, in variety. Ol her area oiilv 10 per cent. U uuder cultivation per cent, is tint reclaimed, and I per cent is under forests, (treat tracts ot the Mauds are practically unexplored. She had iu 1S1U a population of a little tij. re llian 1,000,000. Of these nearly one-third have been starved to death during the present war. Cuba could suppurt in plenty a population uflO.OOO,- 000. Her forests arc stocked with the finest woud in the world wood, several pecies of which are as hard as iron. turning the edge of the axe, and remain ing imperishable under water. There are found woods invaluable for (he dye industry, ebony, cedar, fustic, iaucewood, ahogany, rosewoud, jocuma, aeana and many others. There are fll'ty vaiieties of palm. Her fruits are valuable and little cultivated. The climate is admirably uiled for the olive; and the orange, the lemon, the pineapple and the banana are indigenous. The mineral resources of the island are great, yet the mineral industries are in ihtir inlaucy. Almost all the metals are found iu Cuba There aie gold, filver mercury, copper, lead, and all the forms of aspbaltum; antimony, magnesia, cop p'Tas, gypsum, red lead ochre, salt arsenic, lulc and many others. Copper is abundant iu all the me(amrphic rocks of Cuba. It is due lhat coal is yet un discovered, but under a free republic cupiial wouid liow tuio die island, and there is no doubt that true coal would soon be found lo replace the bitumen that is now used, and which is found in springs and mines in great pi.tnlilies. Cuba is rich in marble, uwaitiug the speculator. (I real deposits of this rock are found, and iu the Isle of Pities iherc is nisrble of a quality as Que as the best ! uf lhat material used bv tbo Heulptor. Beautifully colored marble and jasper are common. On the coasts are immense deposits uf rock salt, and there are ntso unlimited tiuantities of (he purest white sand, capable of being converted into fine eurtdieuware. Kven the illustrious Humboldt was umuZ'd at (Im richness' and variety of the uiiueral wealth uf Cuba. Hnw much of (his wealth has been utilised may be gilbered fr.-m (he fact (bat at the end of 1SJH the total number of mining lilies issued in Sauti- apo district was 290. Of these 1IW were iron, 88 manganese and fill copper. As a pastoral eotintiy ('uba w:is mure produerive u cmlury ago ihan she i- now, but her pasl tires are broad and rich, and the possihilitii's are nnlimiied. Cuba with her grand ualiltal pastures, whs ju-t bi'LiiiiniiH'; to raise fine I'tiiham and I'evoii-hire stock when llie ten year war desolated the country, und put a slop to ilit; industry. The millions of acres ul free land iu Cuba an- ready for the agriculturist, the raltl"', he p and hog raiser, the cotton and f ruit glower, the miner aud the reducing plant, and even for the Mlk grower and manul'aeturei. The mulberry tree or,(ws io perfection in the island Silkworms', according to Dr. Auber, are more prolific and produc tive in Cuba, than iu any oilier country on the face of lh.; globe, litre is a land prepared to yield up utilities that will add immeasurably to the btippintss uf the world; waiting to blossom into a garden, and to swarm with population; to develop almost every art uf peace; to be converted into an industrial micrucosin in the macrocosm uf (he world at large. Cuba is waiting the hour when the capitalist, assured of peace and uninter rupted growth, may safely cuter and reap the harvest which nature has prepared for man in the mUruh-d, throttled ami neglected Peail of the Antilles Chicigo Times-Herald. ICXPLAMATOKY. The following letter was sent lo military headquarters recently: "To the War Department: Don't give John his salary. He don't know the value of moucy. Send it lo mo every month. I will need it. Two of the chil dren have croup at this writing and Mary-Jane's eyes arc Hill sore, (iud help us all. Toll John what I say." Before the age of !0 a man wonders how snun he will marry; after that he begins to wonder huw lum; ho can keep from it. koyul nmkeo the loud pure, u liole.siimt: and ddkluus. AKlK" POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated lor its ureal leavening strength and heal thl ii Inesjt. Asun-s the rooduuiuust alum and all lonus of adulteration com mon to the cheap luauds. KOVAI. UAKINtl PIIWHUH CO.. NKW VUUK" ih:si:um:o no sympathy. l wants you'," said a rural darky so ither, "ter put n' mine ler dis port i- lion. 'What fer" 'One er our race is i-wine up ler hog stealin." "IleMolede hog, did he?" "Oat's what." "Ku he let Vm ketch him? ' "Ye." "Well, let him go 'hm ter de chain ang. A man what ain't got eddication enough to kivver up his tracks no better dan dat is better out de way dim in il!" Atlanta Constitution. V. M. II Alll.lSTON V CO., Wholesale and KeUil Healeniin CAKPKTS, STOYKS, aud MattreaHt'R,etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABI.IHTON A CO., No. HI N. Hycmore St., 1'elen.hnrx, V. 1(1 'IB It. W. T. PARKER. Heavy AND Fancy- Farm Implements. 'ili 1'OtlND SACKS OK SALT FOR l.ll) l'KHSAl'K. MuCorreet prices anil polite attentinii lo .11. aug 1 ly ANTE D-TRUHTWOUTHY and active fienllenien or latlieH to travel lur nisponailile, eHtuhlished house in North Uaroliua. Monthly $115.11.1 mui exiieusea. I'lisiuon Riniy. Kcier enre. KneltiMe nelf-aililreflHe.1 aUuipeil eiv velope-. The Dominion C'umriauy. Depl U. Chicago. M Groceries THE DREADED P ONSUMPTION u t It T. A Sloeiim. M P. the tin-at Chemist aiid-Seiititisi. Will Send the Alllicl.-l, Three IV.IlIesol New ly DUeuVercd lleinedjes to Cun Coii-iiitipiion ami all liUie,' Troubles, Not hi in', could be i,i i re r, more pliilau ibn.pie or eany mine jov to theulllicted, than llie ullei ot T- A. Sloeiim, M. t, of l-:t I'earl street, New York City. Conlidetit that lie has diseoveied un abso lute cure tor consumption and pulmonary complaints, and to make its meat merits known, he will send, free, three bottles of medicine, to any reader of the Koauoke. News who is suiVeriii" from chest, bron chial, throat ami lung troubles or con sumption. Already this "new scientific course ul medicine" has permanently en red thou sands of apparently hopeless cases. The doctor considers it his reliniousduly n duty Inch he owes to Immunity -to donate his infallible cure. Otlcred freely, is unonh to commend it, ami more so is the perfect coniideoce ol the great chemist making the proiMisitinn- He has proved the dreaded consumption to he a curable disease beyond any doubt. There, will be no mistake iu sending the mistake will be in overlooking the tfenctoimmitatinu. He lias on tile in his American and Kunipcaii labontoiies testi monials of experience Irnin those cured, in all parts ot itic world. Don't delay until it is too' late. Ad dress T.A. Slocuin, M. C, IM Pine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, phvisegive express and postolliee address and mention reading this article iu the Koauoke News. W. W. KAY, Dealer In Liquors, fc, CROCERIESAND CICARS. Why not call on V, V, Kay, an he is open both niht aod day. Keep the fol lowing brands of well known whiskies: "01.1 Oscar Pepper," Hump's (1. 1'. 11. Kye. Stamp Straight," "(iorduD Baltimore Rye" and oilier brands. I sell (Lirretl ,V Co.'s pure Cbocku yoilc wines. I keep llie best uf every tiling in uiy inc. (M)il'iilili. altcntiun to all at Kay's, west side 11. 11 Shed, my 2 ly. Monuments an! Tomhstones. DKsitiss si;n r fukk. In writing give some limit as to price and state age of deceased, IM.ITKT(H k hi the smith to select from. We have no branch yards, and parties doing business under a similurtmu name have no connection with us iu any THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. i K-siabhshed M. ) l.V( lo Ii;:t I'.ank st., Norfolk Va DOV '2 1 v. OK SriUXii AXDSl'MMEH- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS aud NOVF.LT1KS. Hutterick'sPatterua. It. k G. CORSETS, Misses at otic, Indies Vic. to $1. IUl'hceflwiU be made to suit the times. Hata ami ttouuets made aud trimmed to order. . MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wtldoo. N. fi ROAXOKK UAI'IIIS, N. C. CofTMCTorts Builders. 1 Furnishers of :-$BDildiDi Material: Manufacturer, of Coffins & Caskets tgfaiiff'-rii;tijirTiSa and dealers in- UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. Grand Display Emiy & DriscI lit'; a). '?;Jaf ' -ft'i.JUrt w c sell (hem Irora 2 to ,40. Our coltins and caskets will compare favora. ui iu mir.uiaiiMiiu anu Dlllsll WllA of any factory in the Uoi(orl Stat. .Dc) ' prices guaranrccd to be the lowest. , laAII orders filled at short notaW. Mp 8 m. "tr

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